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Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Empowermentorshipby Dale Thomas Vaughn

Empowering Men Through Mentorship

+150 Men’s Hikes

This program is my reboot. I come back from every get-together with a

reinvigorated sense of purpose, each

time more ready to show the world what I've

got in store.

The shared wisdom

of these men, from all walks

of life, guides me

toward small, incremental improvements in my own day-to-day, everything from managing little distractions at work to making sure I get enough sleep at night.

I could not ask for a better group of men to be associated with.

I've picked up all kinds of encouragement toward making long-term

enhancements, uncovering my potential as a better husband, son, friend and citizen of the world.

This year, with the openness and support of the other guys, I've earned a new professional certification, found "flow" in everyday tasks where I used to find drudgery, and even jumped off a 20-platform onto a trapeze. 

This program has given me a broader perspective, some of the best friends I've

ever had, peace with myself and who I am.

I have a more positive outlook, more comfortable with myself and expressing my ideas and opinions.

Better self accountability.

These guys are THE BEST!! 


a Weekend Workshop



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Empowermentorshipby Dale Thomas Vaughn

Empowering Men Through Mentorship

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