photo: rob shaer · photo: rob shaer . name: perspective: how can we best collaborate together? how...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Photo: Rob Shaer

Name: Perspective:

How can we best collaborate together? How has COVID-19 taken us out of our silos and into collaboration to make change quickly? Is there a way to sustain this?

Use this Participant Workbook throughout the Summit to collect thoughts and even do some personal reflection. There are no requirements to share, but you are welcome to send your workbook in after the Summit if you think your ideas were not captured in other ways.


Appreciative Dialogue Summit Questions


1. What key things are currently working in regards to access to care, quality and efficiency?

2. What are the factors involved in what is working? Summarize top two things you would communicate to other groups.


Community Group:

1. What would an ideal model of rural health and wellness (access, quality and efficiency) looklike?

a. What would be included?b. How would services and supports be delivered?c. Who could be involved in this model?

Thoughtexchange - to be completed as a group after your community discussion

“What is a key component needed to make your ideal model of rural health and wellness successful?” or code 450-879-410

Peer Group:

2. Questions as above (ideal model of health and wellness) but also reflect on the followingcomponents:

a. What are the impacts/outcomes one would expect? (peer group)b. What would success look like? (peer group)

Thoughtexchange - to be completed individually after your peer discussion

“Considering today's dialogue about new possibilities, what are you motivated to expand, start, or change?” or code 846-507-039


1. Working together, what actions are needed to address access to care, quality and efficiency?(Try and word actions as strategic action statements)

2. Using Thoughtexhange, what are the priorities you want to communicate as a group?

Thoughtexchange - to be completed as a group after your community discussion

"What is a key priority that you would like to see actioned in the next year?" or code 281-845-545

Delivery (Peer Groups)

1. What are we trying to achieve together (peer group's contribution)?

2. What do you need to do to deliver your contributions and when can this happen (timelines)?

Other Notes:

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