photo evaluatuion

Post on 12-Dec-2014






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The first shot is a long shot of Kasey. This shot will be a

quick shot. This shot allows the audience

to identify the journey of the


This close up of her shoes show that she could be a villain in the story, but the story will unfold.

Medium shot as she enters in to the library. The audience will be aware that she's in college.

This medium long shot allows the audience to see the expression of the character and their surroundings.

This is the first look of the villain. This is a close up of Fiona, she has a stern look on her face.

This is medium shot of Kasey as she looks at her phone. The audience may assume that there is a relationship between her and Fiona.

Long shot as she leaves her seat.

Close up.

Medium shot as Kasey leaves the college.

Another close up of Fiona. She has a sinister look on her face, indicating that something wrong may happen.

This is a long shot, as we see the two characters. It is clear that they do not know each other. Fiona looks straight down at Kasey as she continues to walk home.

This is a P.O.V shot as Fiona stalks her victim.

Close up of Kasey's shoes as she makes her way home.

Close up of Fiona feet as she follows her home.

Long shot.

Medium shot of Fiona. This shot shows she has successfully entered the flat where Kasey lives.

Medium shot. We can see that she is trying to hide herself from being caught.

Medium shot of Kasey entering her house.

Medium shot.

Medium shot as Fiona looks over. This shot shows that Fiona has made it into Kasey's house. home.

P.O.V shot as Fiona watches Kasey's movement.

Medium shot.

This close up shows carlen entering the kitchen.

Medium shot. Kasey is unaware that Fiona is in her house.

Medium shot. Fiona attacks Kasey.

This close up introduces the audience to another part of Fiona persona.

This close up shows her running her fingers through the pages. This suggests abnormal activity.

This is a close up of the bible verse which says “ you shall not kill”. The audience will develop an idea of what fiona has done.

This close up shows Fiona moving her hands around the Bible.

This is the last shot before the title appears.It is a close up of her eyes, her eyes present her as evil.

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