photo album israel

Post on 10-May-2015






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Our home in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem of gold.

The Goldbergs in Jerusalem.

Windows of Jerusalem

A door in the Old City.

A rabbi we met on a walk in the Old City.

Children playing in the streets of Jerusalem.

Playing cards in the shuk.

The Huvra Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem as it stood before


Destroyed 1948

Rebuilt 2010

At the Kotel.

The Kotel.

There is more to do at the Kotel than just praying.

Menachem Begin, Ari and Harvey.

The Field School at Har Meron, 34 years after our first visit.

The Winnipeg connection.

Netanya pedestrian mall

Pesah food is different in Israel.

The Mehane Yehuda shuk in Jerusalem.

By the sea in Netanya on our way North.

Walking around Mount Meron on the third day of Pesah.

Tzfat the mystical city.

Visiting the Terry Schwartzfeld Day Care Cenre in Acco.

We brought hand-made quilts for the children.

Our cousing Israel Kahane.

Family reunion I.

Maya Kahane and her husband to be.

Family reunion II. The Goldstein family in Kiryat Haim near Haifa.

After Pesah at the Caplan’s.

We went out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary at the Tico House.

The National Yom Hashoah ceremony at Yad Vashem.

Yom Hazikaron at the Kotel.

The Military Cemetery on Mount Herzl.

The Memorial to the Vctims of Terrorism.

Finding Herzl on Mount Herzl.

The Dakar moument to the lost sailors of an Israel submarine.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut.

Flora and fauna of Israel.

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