philosophy, religion, art. buddhism begins literally, the term "buddha" means...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Buddhism Philosophy, Religion, Art

Buddhism BeginsLiterally, the term "Buddha" means "enlightened

one." According to Buddhist beliefs, however, there have been innumerable Buddhas over the eons. This section will look primarily at Sakyamuni, the historical founder of Buddhism. Sakyamuni (Siddhartha Guatama) was born around 500 BC in north India. As a young man, unsatisfied with his life of comfort and troubled by the suffering he saw around him, he left home to pursue spiritual goals. After trying a life of extreme asceticism, he found enlightenment while meditating under a tree. For the next forty-five years, he traveled through north India, preaching, attracting followers, and refuting adversaries. 

Core Beliefs Desire is the root of all sufferingTo eliminate suffering, one must eliminate

desireEightfold path- the way to let go of suffering

and reach Nirvana- a state of enlightenment and non-being

Buddhism Spreads

Major Schools of Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism is considered to be one of the two major schools of Buddhism. Also known as the Greater Vehicle, it first surfaced in the first century CE. Literally, Mahayana means Greater Ox-Cart and it serves as a more moderate and comprehensible interpretation of Buddhism. Not only the monks and ascetics, but also the common people may follow the path of Mahayana. Today, the sect is predominant in North Asia and the Far East, including China, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Mongolia.

Tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana Buddhism)Tantric Buddhism is quite different form a number of other Buddhist forms. Also known as Vajrayana, it is considered as one of the three major 'vehicles' (Yanas) of Buddhism, along with Theravada and Mahayana. Vajrayana Buddhism is based, to a certain extent, on the tantras, tantric techniques written in Indian scriptures. It prescribes the technique of 'use the result as the Path'. It means that a person should try to identify with the enlightened body, speech and mind of a Buddha.

Theravada BuddhismTheravada literally means 'The Way of the Elders'. This term embodies the entire sect in itself, as Theravada Buddhism is based on the original beliefs and practices of the Buddha and the early monastic Elders. Also known as Hinayana Buddhism, it is mainly predominant in southern Asia, especially in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

Tibetan BuddhismTibetan Buddhism is the body of the Buddhist doctrine and institutions found in Tibet, the Himalayan region, Mongolia, Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia (Russia) and northeastern China. It is also known by the name of Vajrayana. In this article, we will provide you with a brief introduction to Tibetan Buddhism.

Western BuddhismThe western counties saw the emergence of Buddhism somewhere around the 19th and the 20th century. The scholars as well as the colonists of that time are credited with the origin of Buddhism in the West. One of the major incidents in the journey of Buddhism in the West was the establishment of the Pali Text Society. This nineteenth century society was the result of the efforts of T.W. Rhys Davies. Another name worth mentioning in this context is that of Edward Arnold.

Zen BuddhismThe Mahayana sutras that were written in India and China form the basis of Zen Buddhism. Of these, the most prominent ones are the Lankavatara Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Samantamukha Parivarta, the Heart Sutra, a chapter of the Lotus Sutra and the Platform Sutra of Huineng. The fundamental elements of Buddhist philosophy consist of the basics of Zen Buddhism also.

Buddhist Art- ChinaBy the time Buddhism reached China,

images of the Buddha played a major role in devotional practices. As you will see, the Buddha is usually depicted as austere in stature, pose, and dress. Otherworldly features are highlighted while human characteristics are de-emphasized.

Early examples of Buddhist sculpture in China showed a greater Central Asian influence. 

The seated Buddha to the left was carved from a stone cliff during the Northern Wei period.

Clay Bodhisattva from Maijishan, 5th c

relief of Bodhisattva from Yungang, 5th c.   

Stone relief of Bodhisattva from Maijishan, 5th c.                  

Painted clay Bodhisattva from Dunhuang, ca. 700           

painted room in Dunhuang

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