phillip adams - exit international

Post on 27-Mar-2022






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Phillip AdamsPhillip Adams – is a broadcaster, filmmaker, author, archaeologist, controversialist, social commentator and satirist and one of Australia’s 100 National Living Treasures.

Phillip is the author of over 20 books that have sold over a million copies, and is well known as one of the founders of the Australian film industry.

As a broadcaster, Adams is best known for his radio program, ‘Late Night Live’ that is broadcast twice a day over the 250-station network of ABC’s Radio National and around the world on Radio Australia and the internet.

Late Night Live is Australia’s most successful ‘podcast’ program, both in Australia and around the world with 13 million downloads in 2013.

Phillip Adams is the recipient of two Orders of Australia, a Senior ANZAC Fellowship, Australian Humanist of the Year, Republican of the Year 2005, Golden Lion at Cannes, a Longford Award (the highest award of the Australian film industry), a Walkley award, a UN Media prize. He has also been awarded four Honorary Doctorates.

In 2006 Phillip received the Human Rights Medal from the Australian Government’s Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission.

In 2008 he was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.

Phillip continues to write weekly for The Australian newspaper.


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Dennis AltmanDennis Altman, a Professorial Fellow in Human Security at LaTrobe University, is the author of thirteen books, including Homosexual: Oppression & Liberation which was first published in 1972.

In 2006, The Bulletin listed Dennis Altman as one of the 100 most influential Australians ever. He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2008.

Dennis has also been President of the AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific [2001-5], and a member of the Governing Council of the International AIDS Society [2004-12] and the Board of Oxfam Australia [2006-10].

Professor Altman’s most recent books are The End of the Homosexual? [2013] and (with Jon Symons) Queer Wars [2016].

He is the co-editor (with Sean Scalmer), How to Vote Progressive in Australia which was published in 2016.


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Deb CampbellBorn and educated in Melbourne, Deb Campbell spent 25 years working operationally and as a research and policy analyst in intelligence, industrial relations and indigenous affairs in the private and public sectors, and in universities, in Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory. She holds a PhD in industrial relations history.

Deb sea-changed to Lorne (before Sea Change) and established Sam’s Place: Homestay for Dogs ( – now in Deans Marsh, Victoria – where she is active in community affairs.

Deb has written business book reviews for the mainstream press, contributed to local newspapers and self-published a history of a local community enterprise.


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Bill CrewsRev. William David Crews is the CEO and founder of the Exodus Foundation.

A Brit by birth, Bill arrived in Australia from the UK as a young child. He would go on to study electrical engineering on a scholarship at the University of NSW. As part of this work Bill built the first machine to grow ultra-pure single-crystal silicon in Australia.

However, it was not until1969 that Bill found his true calling when he first visited the Wayside Chapel in Sydney’s red-light district. In 1971 he began work full time at the Chapel, becoming its director within a year. This led to Bill establishing the team that created Australia’s first 24-hour crisis centre.

Bill left the Wayside Chapel in 1983 to study philosophy at the Uniting Church’s United Theological College, before graduating in 1986 and being ordained as minister of Ashfield Uniting Church in Sydney’s Inner West the same year.

Today Exodus is one of Sydney’s largest frontline charities, running the Loaves and Fishes Free Restaurant which serves over 1000 meals to the needy every day. Exodus also operates a free medical and dental clinic, and offers help and support services such as social workers, counselling, and emergency food parcel assistance.

In 1998, Bill was named one of the National Trust’s 100 “National Living Treasures” and in 1999, he was awarded an Order of Australia (AM) for his services to the disadvantaged and his work with homeless youth.

Bill is a patron of Australians for Just Refugee Programmes, and chairs Fair Go Australia – an anti-racism project sponsored by the NSW government.

Since 2002, Bill has broadcast a weekly radio program on Sydney’s 2GB-873AM. Sunday Night Crews, remains one of Australia’s highest-rating Sunday night radio shows, averaging 122,000 listeners a week.


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Sean Davison (Sth Africa)

Professor of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape, Sean Davison came to public prominence when he found himself convicted of the attempted murder of his mother (a former doctor) in New Zealand in 2011.

The book that led to his arrest and subsequent conviction, The Last Waltz: Love, Death & Betrayal, described the three months he spent with his mother Patricia before she died.

Since his release, Sean has become a prominent global activist in the area of end of life choices, founding Dignity South Africa the same year.

In May 2016 Professor Davison was elected President of the World Federation of right-to-die Societies at their biennial conference in Amsterdam.


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Judy DentMarried to Bob Dent for 20 years, Judy Dent continues to campaign for the Voluntary Euthanasia Movement and is a believer in it being a part of an advanced care plan for the terminally ill.

Brian MartinBrian Martin is a social scientist at the Faculty of Arts School of Humanities and Social Inquiry at the University of Wollongong where he was appointed Professor in 2007.

Martin’s original academic field was stratospheric modelling and numerical methods. He has published extensively about the social dynamics and politicisation of controversial scientific topics with topics including the globalization of polarised science such as the origin of HIV/AIDS, fluoridation and nuclear power.

Professor Martin has long argued that there are situations in which scientific research that threatens vested interests can be suppressed and identifies a number of direct and indirect mechanisms through which this can occur, ranging from the denial of funds and the denial of promotion and tenure, through to the creation of a “general climate of fear”.

From 1996-99 Professor Martin was President of Whistleblowers Australia and he is now Vice President. Brian is a former member of the anti-vaccine Australian Vaccination Network and the pro-vaccine Skeptics Society.

Professor Martin is the author of 15 books and hundreds of articles on dissent, nonviolent action, scientific controversies, tactics against injustice, democracy, education and other topics. He currently hosts a large website on suppression of dissent.

His articles on the euthanasia debate are available at:


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Philip NitschkeFor more than two decades, Dr Philip Nitschke has been the face of the voluntary euthanasia debate in Australia and around the world.

In 1996, Dr Nitschke became the first physician in the world to administer a legal lethal voluntary injection to four terminally ill patients in 1996 under the Australia’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act.

As Founder and Director of Exit International – a leading end of life rights advocacy and information non-profit - Dr Nitschke has written extensively in the area of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide including two books, Killing Me Softly: Voluntary Euthanasia and the Road to the Peaceful Pill published by Penguin and The Peaceful Pill eHandbook published by Exit International USA. His autobiography Damned if I Do with Peter Corris was published by Melbourne University Press in 2013.

Dr Nitschke holds a PhD in applied physics from Flinders University and is a graduate of Sydney Medical School. He is an eight-time nominee for Australian of the Year and is the recipient of many awards including the Rainer Humanitarian Award (WA) and Australian Humanist of the Year.


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Malcolm ParkerMalcolm Parker is Emeritus Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Queensland, with qualifications in medicine, philosophy and health law. He was in general medical practice for over thirty years.

As Professor, Malcolm was the inaugural Head of the Discipline of Medical Ethics, Law and Professional Practice in the School of Medicine, where he coordinated the development and teaching of the School’s courses in ethics, law & professional practice for the MBBS/MD program from 1994 to 2015.

Professor Parker has served on committees of the Medical Board of Queensland and the Medical Board of Australia, and was a long-serving director of the Postgraduate Medical Council of Queensland. He is the immediate past President of the Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law.

Malcolm has published nationally and internationally in philosophy of medicine, bioethics, medical ethics, health law, and medical education, including a wide range of publications concerning the end of life and assisted dying.


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Catherine RingwoodCatherine RINGWOOD is a Division 1 nurse with a career spanning 25 years many of these in palliative care. A shift to Social Work saw Cath in the public Health system for a further 20 years.

Cath was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in 1999 and then Breast Cancer in 2005. Since joining Exit at its inception she has become one of the public faces of the organisation speaking frequently in the media and at public events.

Susan Stefan (USA)

Susan Stefan is a disability rights advocate whose most recent book focuses on the rights of those who are suicidal or perceived as being suicidal, and who consequently are threatened with deprivation of liberty, loss of custody of their children, infringement of the right to make medical decisions, and intrusions on their bodily autonomy.

A graduate of Stanford Law School, Professor Stefan received a Master’s Degree from Cambridge University in England, and graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University. Professor Stefan is the author of four books, numerous textbook and treatise chapters, and articles on the rights of people with psychiatric disabilities.

Professor Stefan has worked as an expert consultant for Amnesty International in Ireland, the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, the Institute of

Medicine of the National Academies of Science, and the Substances and Mental Health Services Administration.

Until her retirement in 2015, Susan Stefan was a law professor at the University Of Miami School Of Law, where she taught among key subject areas, mental health law.

Professor Stefan’s new book was published by Oxford University Press in March 2016 and is titled: Rational Suicide: Irrational Laws: Examining Current Approaches to Suicide in Policy and Law.


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Anne SummersDr Anne Summers AO is a best-selling author, journalist and thought-leader with a long career in politics, the media, business and the non-government sector in Australia, Europe and the United States. Anne is the author of eight books, including the classic Damned Whores and God’s Police, first published in 1975. Anne’s previous books include: The Misogyny Factor (2013), The Lost Mother: A Story of Art and Love (2009, 2010) and On Luck (2009), The End of Equality (2003), Ducks on the Pond (1999), Gamble for Power (1983) and Her-Story: Australian Women in Print (with Margaret Bettison - 1980). In the early 1970s Anne was instrumental in helping start Elsie, Australia’s first women’s refuge and Refractory Girl, a women’s studies journal. In 1975 she became a journalist, first on The National Times, then in 1979 was appointed Canberra bureau chief for the Australian Financial Review and then the paper’s North American editor. Anne ran the federal Office of the Status of Women (now Office for Women) from 1983 to 1986 under Bob Hawke and was an advisor, on women’s issues among other things, to Prime Minister Paul Keating for a year prior to the 1993 federal election. In 1987 in New York Anne was editor-in-chief of Ms. – America’s landmark feminist magazine – and the following year, with business partner Sandra Yates bought Ms. and Sassy magazines in the second only women-led management buyout in US corporate history. In September 2013 she launched her series of Anne Summers Conversations events with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard in front of a packed Sydney Opera House. Anne has been chair of the board of Greenpeace International (2000-2006) and Deputy President of Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum (1999-2008). In 1989 Anne was made an Officer in the Order of Australia for her services to journalism and to women. In 2011, along with three other women, Anne was honoured as an Australian Legend with her image placed on a postage stamp. Anne was a leader of the generation and the movement that changed Australia for women. Her involvement in the women’s movement has earned her community respect. Anne lives in Sydney with Chip Rolley, her partner of 27 years who is the editor of The Drum, the ABC’s opinion website and continues to write a regular opinion column for the Sydney Morning Herald.


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Lieve Thienpont (Belgium) Dr Lieve Thienpont is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist working in the area of end of life choices with the non-terminally ill elderly as well as with the psychiatrically impaired.

A graduate of the University of Ghent, since 2011 when she was a co-founding member of the Life Ending Information Forum at the Free University of Brussels Dr Thienpont has focused her work on researching and publishing in the area of euthanasia decisions for those with psychic (existential) suffering.

With Wim Distelmans, Lieve is co-author of A Good Death (published in Dutch, 2012). Her new book Libera Me was published in Dutch in 2015 and in English and French in 2016.

Dr Thienpont came to prominence in the English speaking world after her 2015 retrospective and descriptive study of 100 euthanasia requests by the mentally ill as performed under Belgium’s euthanasia law. This controversial paper was recently published in the British Medical Journal.

At the Melbourne Conference, Dr Thienpont will be discussing how the psychiatrically ill, minors and the non terminally ill elderly, including those who are tired of life, are accommodated under Belgium’s euthanasia laws.


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Tony Van Loon (Belgium) A family and criminal lawyer, Professor Tony Van Loon was awarded a doctorate in moral sciences examining relationships between those who seek and receive help in 1993. Tony’s first book ‘A True Lie. Steps into a theory for helping people, was published the same year by VUB Press.

In addition to his teaching appointment in the Faculty for Comparative Religions and Humanism in Antwerp, Tony has also been an Administrative Judge in the Court of Appeal in Antwerp. This court’s jurisdiction concerns requests for parole from long term prisoners. This work led to his becoming a member of the Supervisory Committee for Prisons in Bruges.

Following from this work, Tony has been a professional mediator for local government in the areas of poverty and financial debt.

Since his retirement Professor Van Loon has been a Jurist and Ethicist in the consultation and assessment teams at ULTEAM-Brussels, VONKEL-Ghent and LIFEHOUSE in Bruges around end-of-life decision-making.


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