
Post on 26-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 PE_yellow.pdf


    Ball Crunches

    Target Muscle: Rectus Abdominis (Waist/Belly,

    Abdominal, Abs)



    Sit on exercise ball. Walk forward on ball and

    lie back on ball with shoulders and head hanging off

    and knees and hips bent. Gently hyperextend back oncontour of ball. Place hands behind neck or beside



    Flex waist to raise upper torso. Return to

    original position. Repeat.

    Stability-Ball Push-Up

    Target Muscles: chest muscles along with the

    abdominal muscles and butt

    How to do it?

    1. Lie with your belly on the ball and walk your

    hands forward until the ball rests under your


    Make sure that your hands are directly below

    your shoulders on the floor.


    Inhale as you lower toward the floor with the

    upper body, bending your elbows out to the


    Remember to keep your abdominal muscles

    tight to help you maintain your balance.

    3. Inhale as you lower toward the floor with the

    upper body, bending your elbows out to the


    Remember to keep your abdominal muscles

    tight to help you maintain your balance.

    Leg Lifts

    Target Muscles: Rectus Abdominis and obliques.

    Emphasize the Hip Flexors.In general, leg lifts target

    your core, focusing mainly on your abs and hips.

    How to do it?

    Lie faceup on the floor, and raise your upper legs until

    they're perpendicular to the floor. Bend your knees

    slightly. Without changing the arch in your lower backor the angle of your knees, brace your core and try to

    take 3 to 5 seconds to lower your feet as close to the

    floor as you can. One trick: Press your lower back

    toward the floor as you perform the movement. Once

    your feet touch the floor, raise them back to the

    starting position and repeat.

    Kneeling Pushups

    Target Muscle: Various muscles in the upper body

    (Pectoralis major, Deltoids, Triceps brachii

    Serratus anterior, Abdominal muscles,



    1. Kneel on the floor and place your hands on

    the floor about as wide as your shoulders with

    your fingers pointing forward. Your knees and

    feet can be together or slightly apart. Maintain

    a neutral spine position, and take a few deep

    breaths from your belly before you start.


    Inhale as you lower your body toward the

    floor until your chest and abs almost touch

    the floor. Keep your elbows close to your ribs

    or point them out to your sides. Do not extend

    your neck forward or hunch your shoulders.

    3. Exhale as you push your body up until your

    arms are fully extended. Work toward two or

    three sets of five to 10 reps.

    Modified V-Up ( V-Crunches)

    Target Muscles: Rectus Abdominis, Transversus

    Abdominis, Obliques


    Lie faceup on the floor with your legs straight and

    your arms at your sides (A). In one movement, quickly

    lift your torso into an upright position as you pull your

    knees to your chest (B). Lower your body back to the

    starting position. That's one rep.

    Back Extension

    Target Muscles: Erector spinae muscles and the

    Multifidus muscles

    Step 1:

    Position yourself face down on the back extension


    Step 2:

    Starting position should be with the hips straight.

    Step 3:

    Bend at the hips and slowly lower the upper body

    towards the floor.

    Step 4:

    Your back should be neutral with the movement

    coming from the hips.

    Step 5:

    Return to the start position by straightening the hips.

  • 7/25/2019 PE_yellow.pdf


    Mountain Climber with an Exercise Ball

    Target Muscles: Abdominal, Gluteus and leg muscles

    How to do it:Assume a pushup position with your

    arms completely straight, but place your hands on a

    Swiss ball instead of the floor. Your body should form

    a straight line from your head to your ankles. Tighten

    your core and hold it that way for the duration of theexercise. Lift one foot off the floor and slowly raise

    your knee as close to your chest as you can without

    changing your lower-back posture. Then repeat with

    your other leg. Alternate back and forth for 30

    seconds. If that's too hard, place your hands on the

    floor or a bench.


    Target Muscles: Burpees are known as a compound

    exercise which means you train multiple muscle

    groups in your body at the same time. Its a really

    demanding bodyweight movement. Most of all you use

    your legs containing hamstrings, glutes and calfs. But

    when you do a proper burpee (including the push up)

    you also need your core, chest, triceps and shoulders.

    No muscles are left behind!

    Steps: First of all burpees are a great exercise when

    you dont have and/or want to use any equipment but

    you do want an intense workout. Burpees get your

    heart rate up in no-time and can give you some serious

    muscle soreness for sure. A burpee isnt that hard, you

    just have to follow some steps. Six to be precise:

    1. You start by standing up straight with your arms

    next to your body. Now bend over, squat down and

    place your hands on the floor in front of you

    2. Kick your feet back so that youll end up in a plank


    3. Exactly, now we drop to a push up. Remember to

    keep your core tight!

    4. Push yourself up back into the plank position

    5. When you did your pushup kick your feet back in

    towards your hands

    6. Explosively jump up in the air, arms reaching

    straight overhead

    Tricep Dip Exercise

    The tricep dip is excellent for strengthening the upper

    body and giving you defined muscle tone of the triceps

    It can be performed simply at home of a bench, chair

    or step and can also be performed on specialist

    equipment in a gym.

    Target Muscles: Tricep brachii, deltoids, pectoralis


    How to do a Tricep dip

    1. Hoist yourself up onto a bench, chair or step

    as long as it is stable and secure to take your

    body weight.

    2. Hands should be shoulder width apart fingers

    facing forward and elbows pointing

    backwards with a slight bend in the elbows.


    Legs extended out in front of you with a slight

    bend in the knee.

    4. Slowly lower your body until your shoulder

    joints are below your elbows.


    Push back up until your elbows are nearly

    straight but do not lock them out.

    Medicine Ball Sit-up Throw (with partner)

    Target Muscles:While sit-ups with a medicine ball

    work primarily your rectus abdominis, incorporate all

    of your ab muscles to work together instead. It will

    help you burn more calories in less time while

    improving full-body strength and power, balance and




    Facing partner, sit on floor with knees bent.

    Feet can be secured under weighted or anchored

    structure. First individual holds medicine ball with

    both hands.


    First individual lies back with ball over head

    and taps ball to floor. Individual immediately throws

    ball to partner from over head while sitting up.

    Partner catches ball slightly above and in front of head

    and repeats steps. Continue to volley ball back and


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