petrov charity match programme

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Petrov charity match programme, Petrov XI v Aston Villa Lions and Legends



Charity Football Match in aid of Leukaemia & Lymphoma ResearchSTILIYAN

Sunday 18th November 2012Kick off: 1.30pm

Venue: Halesowen Town FC

Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 3

PETROV FRIENDS AND FANS UNITEIN CHARITY GAME IN HIS HONOURStan Petrov Select XI vows to raise fundsfor cancer charity to boost the Pedal forPetrov Appeal

Friends of Aston Villa skipper Stiliyan Petrovare hosting a huge charity match in his ho-nour n with every penny raised going tothe Pedal for Petrov appeal on behalf ofLeukaemia and Lymphoma Research(LLR).

The pals bought the match in a charity auc-tion back in September at Villa Park at adinner organised by Aston Villa for thePedal appeal. The event saw the club’stwo masseurs Alex Butler and Andy Smithcycle more than 400 miles to raise fundsfor LLR.

They took to the saddle after learning thatVilla skipper Petrov – affectionately knownas Stan – had been diagnosed withleukaemia and needed urgent treatment.

The auction prize, which went for £1,000,entitled the successful bidder to field a sideagainst the Aston Villa Lions and LegendsAssociation which features players fromamongst others, the 1982 European Cupwinning side.

Villa fan Dean Dodds, who is now organ-ising today’s match as the Stan Petrov Se-lect XI , said support had come from a hostof sources including former Villa and Eng-land midfielder Gareth Barry now withManchester City, who will cheer on theteam and former Villa star Lee Hendriewho has vowed to pull on his boots for thecause.

Hendrie will line up for the Petrov XI eventhough it will mean playing against the leg-ends whom he usually represents on aSunday! Even Hendrie’s former Villa bossBig Ron Atkinson has provided a fewcoaching tips ahead of the big game.

Halesowen have donated the use of theground for free and the day is aimed atfootball fans and families and will feature apig roast and bar.

Barry, who is still in regular contact withPetrov, said: “We are all good friends ofStan’s and what the lads are doing is greatas it boosts the Pedal for Petrov andLeukaemia and Lymphoma Research ap-peal.

“I am looking forward to watching thegame and cheering on the lads at whatshould be a great day out not just for Villafans but football fans in general.”

The Petrov X1 are being sponsored forthe match by security company ProtectionServices International who are providingthem with kit while Harborne-based de-signer menswear store Resonate are spon-soring the match balls.

Cathy Gilman, Chief Executive atLeukaemia & Lymphoma Research, said:“We are so grateful that the boys are sup-porting our life-saving work.

“The valuable funds they are raising willhelp us find better treatments and curesfor patients with blood cancers includingleukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma”

“I am lookingforward towatching thegame and cheer-ing on the lads atwhat should bea great day outnot just for Villafans but footballfans in general.”

Contents4 A Interview With stiliyan 7 About The Charity8 People Involved10 Poster 13 Lions & Legends16 Petrov XI19 Messages From The Fans


A Message FromStiliyan Petrov

Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 5

Villa skipper and Bulgariainternational, StiliyanPetrov said: "I am im-mensely proud of the wayAston Villa players, pastand present, together withsupporters and those ofother teams have pulledtogether to make whatpromises to be a great afternoon of football for acharity which is very closeto my heart."

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Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 7

About The Charity

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research is the only UK charity solely dedicatedto research into blood cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma andmyeloma.

Their life-saving research is focused on finding causes, improving diagnosisand treatments, and running ground-breaking clinical trials for all blood can-cer patients.

Blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma affect peopleof all ages from babies to grandparents. They need to be sure that theyreach all those touched by leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma and givethem the best possible chance of survival.

Following over 50 years of investment, we are now leading in the field ofblood cancer research.

The expertise and focus allows us to invest in only the best UK researchthat is delivering better treatments and cures for leukaemia, lymphoma andmyeloma.

The charity needs to raise £100million over the next five years to continueour life-saving research into better diagnosis, treatments and cures for allthose with blood cancers.

Around 30,000 people of all ages are diagnosed in the UK with blood can-cers every year.

We are rightly proud of the progress we have made with childhoodleukaemia. When our charity started in 1960 children with leukaemia hadvirtually no chance of survival. Now thanks to our research nine out of tensurvive the most common form of childhood leukaemia.

They want to ensure people of all ages are given the best possible chanceof survival and of living a normal healthy life after treatment for blood can-cer.

Patients today are benefiting from our ground-breaking research over thepast 50 years.

Their achievements are all the more remarkable given that we rely entirelyon voluntary support and receive no government funding.

However, there is still much to do. We know research takes time but weare determined to beat blood cancers, however long it takes.

What They Do

Organise your own eventFundraising is much easier if you focus onsomething you’re interested in – and if you getyour family and friends to help you!

Our fundraisers organise all kinds of wonderfulevents - your imagination is the only limit. Hereare a few simple ideas to get you started:

Themed pub eveningWhy not turn your regular Friday evening post-work drink into a fundraising event? You couldproduce some quiz questions and chargeeveryone £1 to enter. Or you could havesome special drinking rules.... for one hour,everyone has to drink from their left hand, any-one caught drinking from the right is fined £1!

Come dine with meEveryone loves a good dinner party, so whynot turn your next one into a fundraiser forLeukaemia & Lymphoma Research. It's easy todo - just ask your guests to make a donation fortheir meal. You could even charge a smallamount for every glass of wine! Or, if you'refeeling a bit braver, take inspiration from theCome Dine With Me TV show.

Take on a challengeIf you're looking for adventure, why not thinkabout taking on a physical challenge. Peoplejump out of planes, climb mountains or take ontreks to raise money for us every year. If you'dlike to take on a challenge like this, get in touchand we will support you every step of the way.

For more information email us on

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Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 13

Lions & Legends

association which is formed by former professional footballers ofAston Villa Football Club and their business friends and associates.

Although led by members of the 1982 European Cup winningteam, the association is there to serve all former Aston Villa foot-ballers who have been presented by the club with a professionalcontract. For these players we aim to help provide an incomestream that in turn helps to create fundraising opportunities for char-ities and other worthwhile causes.

We know the good that we can do and hope we can count on thesupport of you, the best supporters in the world, as we embarkupon our new and exciting venture. We are footballers and by defi-nition understand the part that team work plays in success andtherefore hope to establish a bond between the former players andits supporters never seen before. We will all give it our best shot.

Thank you for taking the time to read this statement and we lookforward to both your support and to seeing you soon.

Best Wishes fromThe Lions And Legends Association

Lions & LegendsSquad Roll

Meet The Team

Mark played for Liver-pool, Rangers and AstonVilla, and later went on toplay for Stoke City,Wolverhampton Wan-derers, Southampton,Swindon Town and Bris-tol Rovers. He wascapped once by England.

Mark Wal ters

Ken played for Aston Villafrom 1977–1983 andwas part of their Cham-pionship winning side of1981, European Cup vic-tory in 1982 and wonthe European Super Cupin 1983 againstBarcelona.

Ken McNaught

Colin started his career atAston Villa in 1978 andmade around 200 ap-pearances for the club inseven years, as well aswinning the league titleand two European tro-phies.

Co l in Gibson

Tony played for PrestonNorth End, Burnley,Aston Villa, WestBromwich Albion andBirmingham City, as wellas playing for other teamsabroad. He also won sixcaps for England.

Tony Mor ley

Sid started his career atAston Villa as an apprenticein 1974, and signed as aprofessional in 1976. Dur-ing his time at Aston Villa,he won the League Cup,the League Championship,the European Cup and theEuropean Super Cup.

Gordon Cowans

played for Aston Villa inthe early 1980s. Hisgoals helped Aston Villawin the Echampionshipin 1980–81 and the Eu-ropean Cup In 1981 hewas voted PFA YoungPlayer of the Year.

Gary Shaw


NOTE On occasions theAston Villa Old Stars

14 Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends

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16 Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends

Today's match would not be possible were it not for an incredible bunch of people- all with one aim to show support for our skipper Stan Petrov and raise awarenessand desperately needed funds for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.

From Dean Dodds and Justin Barnes and all this at the Pedal for Petrov dinner whowere inspired to take up the generous donation of the chance to play against theVilla Lions and Legends.

From Alex Butler and Andy Smudge Smith who inspired the whole concept of PedalFor Petrov.

A big thank you should go to Halesowen Town for donating the ground and beingso supportive in promoting the game, to our stewards from Stourbridge Fc, AstonVilla and you the fans who answered a Twitter appeal and are here today.

I have been lucky enough to work with Stiliyan as a reporter in a former life buthave also long admired him as a fan.

That incredible goal at Derby cemented his place in my heart and I know you allfeel the same and wish him well in a speedy and full recovery.

Thank you all for coming today to the media, our programme sellers, the fanzinesAvfc and The Villa Times for this programme.

Enjoy the day and let's raise lots of money for a great causeLisa Smith

PS Don't forget the applause in the 19th minute!

Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 17

Petrovs XI

Squad Roll

Meet The Team

Birmingham born mid-fielder played over 275games for Crewe, Derbyand Leeds and beingcaped for England in2000.

Seth Johnson

The majority of his ca-reer was spent with Pre-mier League club AstonVilla, where he spentfourteen years. He alsoplayed for the EnglandU21s and earned one fullcap for England in 1998

Lee Hendrie

Michael started his foot-balling career withBrighton & Hove Albionas a trainee, before hewas snapped up by Villawhere he was a part ofthe youth team systemwith the likes of DariusVassell and Gareth Barry.

Michael Standing

Edward HarrisGreg BennettDean Dodd - CaptainJustin BarnesChris JonesLeon WoodleyLee HendrieMichael StandingStuart HendrieMatthew HawkerSeth JohnsonTony FayRichard AlanGavin CapperAdam BradshawGamel SalehJohn Paul McGuirkLeon Mooney

Coach: Joe ClarkePhysio: John PaulMcGuirk

A Message f rom Dean Dodd Capta in

It’s a great pleasure to be a part of this charity football match today raising moneyfor Leukaemia. It is an honour to be taking part and being team Captain for the day.Hopefully today will raise awareness and assist with funding in contributing to findinga cure. We are a very close bunch of friends from around the city. As the footballworld knows one of our own. Club Captain Stilyan Petrov was diagnosed withLeukaemia earlier this year. “STAN” as the villa fans know him, a gentleman, a topplayer always gives 100%.

I was invited to a Dinner Ball at Aston Villa in September, went along with my friendsto support Alex Butler and Smudge. They both cycled from Celtic Park to Villa Parkwith guidance of former footballer Geoff Thomas. This is a unbelievable achieve-ment in itself. My friends and I paid in one of the many Auction's that night to playagainst the Lions and Legends. To me they will always be legends. To play heretoday. Against the likes of Gordon Cowans, Tony Morley, Ken McNaught and the

rest of the Lions and Legends is a great honour. Coming from a family of Villa fans, and to line-up in the same team asmy best friend former Villa starLee Hendrie and leeds and Derby star Seth Johnson is another personal honour. Theteam will give a 100% and would like to thank the family, friends, fans and players for turning out in support of our Mateand Club Captain Stan and to raise has much as we can for the charity and the hope of finding a cure.

Thanks Again, Petrov X1 Captain Dean Dodd

Petrovs XI Vs Aston Villa Lions & Legends 19

Message Of Support

Ken McNaught, Manager of Villa Lionsand Legends, as well as a 1982 EuropeanCup winner, said: "We are thrilled to bea part of this game today and wanted toget involved by donating our services assoon as we heard of the plight of the cur-rent Villa skipper Stan Petrov - a memberof our Aston Villa family.

"This will be the Lions and Legends sec-ond game and having previously turnedout against St Mary's Hospice in a matchwhich raised £6500, we hope today toraise another fantastic amount and thankall those players, past and present, as wellas you the supporters for your turn outtoday."

I think Gareth Barry and Stiliyan are stillpretty close, aren’t they? I think it’s a greatcause.

I spoke to Stiliyan when he came in theother day. You tend to forget aboutwhat’s happened to him. I think seeinghim puts everything into perspective.That’s a guy I played football with forabout eight or nine years or so. I haveseen him grow up as a young guy. Thefirst day I ever saw him train at Celtic, Ithought Jesus Christ what have wesigned. He was hitting shots from about80 yards. He looked like the Nutty Pro-fessor, so he did, he was huge. He lostabout nine stone and became a foot-baller. Then he became brilliant forCeltic. What a player to play with he was.He was fantastic. Every time I see himwhen I look at him now it brings a tear toyour eye. Because that’s a guy that I wasreally, really close with and thank god thathe’s nearly there. It’s a great cause.

Talking about fitness for a footballer, he’sone of the fittest I’ve ever seen. He usedto train before he actually trained with us.He’s just a brilliant guy and hopefully if itraises money then that will be great. It’sa great thing if Gareth Barry and JamesMilner come back. That just speaks vol-umes for it and I think it’s great.

Gareth Barry, Manchester City andEngland midfielder, said: "I think Ispeak for all of the players, both inthe current game and beyond,when I say we could not miss thisopportunity to show our supportfor Stan and raise desperatelyneeded funds for a charity thatworks tirelessly to help those withLeukaemia and associated condi-tions."

From a friendGareth Barry

A messagefrom PaulLambert

A message from Ken McNaught


The Teams

Dale BelfordKenny SwainGary WilliamsSteve StauntonKen McNaught

Dennis Mortimer (c)Des Bremner

Gary ShawMark Walters

Mark CarruthersGordon Cowans

Tony MorleyNigel Spink

Colin GibsonAndy BlairPat Heard

David GeddisMark Burke

Edward HarrisGreg BennettDean Dodd - CaptainJustin BarnesChris JonesLeon WoodleyLee HendrieMichael StandingStuart HendrieMatthew HawkerSeth JohnsonTony FayRichard AlanGavin CapperAdam BradshawGamel SalehJohn Paul McGuirkLeon Mooney


Match OfficialsReferee: Paul Wilson

Assistants: Herville Hector Liam Teraud

Special Thanks To

Aston Villa FcHalesowen Town Fc

The Villa TimesHeroes & VillansLegends & LionsPrepared PRP C L DigitalFootie Bugs

Summit SportsPSI

Martin WarrillowWest Midland Party Tents

Porky’s Pig RoastBalti Towers RestaurantResonate Mens Wear

BodyshockerThe Grapevine, BromsgroveThe Hungry Horse - Court Leet

Lisa SmithGareth Barry Dean Dodd

Petrov XI TeamPaul LambertKen McNaughtJustin Barnes

CharityMatch Day RaffleDraw will take

place at Half Time

Great Prizes ToBe Won

Your Number Is:

please note: team may changefrom the above

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