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March 2007 + A Plus [ 37 ]

Personal growth supplementPost graduate dipolmas


Planning an event 39

Conferences 41

Social skills 42

Interview 44

Education 46

Getting the job 49

IT gadgets 50

Your image 54

It might be an office party, or a cocktail session for clients, but you could be accountable for putting together an event. Here’s how to do it

By Stephen Reels

Some people are born organizers. These folk can be seen at any event, setting the scene, directing the

players, bustling about and generally being important. Others recoil in fright at the idea of conducting any sort of show, be it a party, media circus or peer conference. But whatever your personal take on wielding the conductor’s baton, it is almost inevitable that at some stage of your career you will have to put on a show – or at least be part of the orchestra.

Events are diverse beasts and the type you may find yourself involved in will depend on your (or your client’s) business. Daunting? Yes. Impossible? No. You just need a plan.

At the outset you should identify the goals of your event and whether staging an event is the best way to achieve the results you want. Announcing a cure for the flu, for example, would merit a media briefing to capture publicity. The introduction of an haute joaillerie collection would clearly benefit from gathering select (and wealthy) socialites in an exclusive location.

Once you’ve identified your goals, you need a comprehensive plan. Most of the job will be accomplished by meticulous planning, leaving the event to run itself – or so we hope. In her book, the Asian PR Handbook, Mary Devereux gives an extensive checklist for each step of the planning process.

Pre-eventGET A TEAM TOGETHER: Assign clear responsibilities and make sure you have enough hands for the task – but don’t let your executive committee become too unwieldy. A three- or four-person committee keeps things streamlined and allows you flexibility when the inevitable snags crop up.

BUDGET: As with any sound business practice, draw up a realistic budget and stick to it. Fund-raisers should investigate sponsorship and set a ceiling on expenditure as a percentage of expected income.

VENUE: Make sure your event venue is appropriate to the ethos of your company

Events by numbers

March 2007 + A Plus [ 39 ]

Personal growth supplementPlanning an event

and has the right capacity (neither too small nor cavernous) and appropriate facilities. If the event is outdoors, ensure plans are in place for inclement weather.

DATE: If public participation is expected (particularly important for fund raisers), make sure the date doesn’t clash with major public events such as the World Cup Final.

PERMISSIONS: Research whatever permissions and licences are required for the event. Comply with health and safety legislation and obtain licences for lucky draws and outdoor activities in plenty of time.

INSURANCE: Investigate appropriate insurance such as public liability insurance.

PRESENTATION: Whether you’re running a conference or a private party, make sure that briefings, scripts and event schedules are given to and understood by all participants. Check all presentation equipment – there’s nothing worse than a malfunctioning mike or a petulant projector. Have a rehearsal.

SIGNAGE: Display, directional and backdrop signage should be made up before the event and used in the rehearsal to pinpoint any deficiencies.

GUESTS: Draw up an invitation list and make sure invitations go out at the appropriate time and are followed up. Then draw up an attendance list.

MEDIA: This may be one of the most important aspects of your event. Prepare and distribute a media kit with plenty of data about your event, product or conference. Prepare a media release, avoiding the temptation to overload it with self-glorifying adjectives – this does not impress journalists – and follow up by telephone.

MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES: Appoint event staff as necessary (these may include MC, receptionists, liaison officers, security personnel, interpreter, official photographer or filmmaker). Arrange transportation, ensure adequate parking, book any accommodation required.

“A three- or four-person committee keeps things streamlined and allows you flexibility”

[ 40 ] A Plus + March 2007

Personal growth supplementPlanning an event

Event dayHave your team make an early start. Tick off your checklist essentials well before guests start arriving, so that:

• Reception, seating, tables, flowers, beverages, food, décor and signage are correct and in place.

• Podium lighting, sound and AV systems are working.

• Journalists, photographers and TV crews are catered to with adequate set-up space.

• Transportation and parking are organized.

• Presenters are cued up and ready to start.

The hard work has been done, in theory at least. But a good event planner must be prepared to cope with whatever vagaries fate deems fit to throw. In practice, the event that runs without a hitch is as rare as a raindrop in the Atacama Desert. Think on your feet and be prepared for unexpected last-minute emergencies.

Post-eventIf the event was a success, prepare a media release (again, without aggrandizement). It’s also good to follow up any networking contacts you may have made. Have a review meeting with the relevant parties or persons to evaluate the event and plan future event strategies. Take your committee out to lunch.

Now you’ve had a taste of event organization, you can pour yourself a glass of wine, flop down on the sofa and proclaim: “Never again!”

It’s conference time, a chance to kick back, chill out and have a chat, or to make like a magpie, picking up nuggets of news, information,

contacts – or maybe it’s a bit of both. However you approach the event, there are strategies for making the most of it.

Planning is paramount. “Attending a conference is an investment in time and resources,” says Gary Ades, a high-profile ecologist who has attended dozens of conferences, both academic and professional. “You have to prepare rigorously, identify strategies and goals,” he advises.

Whether your objective is networking or knowledge-gathering, identify in advance people you’d like to meet and events you’d like to attend. Prepare a thumbnail speech about yourself and your company and rehearse a few ice-breaking questions, which can be thrown at strangers in queues and at meals: “Seen anything new?” “Been to any useful sessions?” Banter like this can promote unexpected and rewarding responses. Beijing-based socialite Winnie Shi suggests a simple “So, what do you do?” People are always eager to elaborate on subjects about which they have knowledge (such as themselves), and asking questions about the other person is a good way to keep a conversation going and learn more.

Treat yourself well – conferences can be exhausting. Wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll be spending a lot of time on your feet. Dress in layers to accommodate the differences in temperature and humidity of large conference centres. But comfort is only one aspect, Shi says: “In a room in which nobody knows you, what you wear is one of the first things people will notice. Whether you are a man or a woman, it doesn’t hurt to wear something that stands out and could act as a conversation piece.” (Just remember – Donald Tsang’s already got claims to the bow-tie look.)

In between your chosen conference sessions you’ll probably be networking like crazy. “Most people see that as one of the most valuable aspects of a conference,” says Ades. “You can meet total strangers and strike up hugely productive relationships.” Make it easy for others to meet you: Wear your identity badge in a prominent position and don’t be stingy with your business cards – they’re only of use when given away. Accept dinner invitations, or actively create a dinner group, perhaps by inviting people to meet at such-and-such a time in the lobby – shared meals offer some of the best networking opportunities.

Stephen Reels speaks to two seasoned operators about how to get the most out of a conference

Extracting value from a conference is not just about networking. “You have to make sure it’s

not a holiday,” says Ades. He says it should be incumbent on those who attend to follow up on what was learned when they get back, so that it is not forgotten. “Is there an expectation to spread that information, to multiply that knowledge among your own people?

“You can bring back a myriad of things – or nothing,” he says.

March 2007 + A Plus [ 41 ]

Personal growth supplementConferences

Conference call

[ 42 ] A Plus + March 2007

Meet and greet!

Personal growth supplementSocial skills

Christine Choi reviews 10 self-help books that will improve your networking skills

1. Breakthrough Networking Author: Lillian D. Bjorseth Publisher: Duoforce Enterprises ISBN: 0-9648839-3-7Bjorseth helps you identify your personal networking style. Learn specific and practical tips, like how to develop a verbal business card and target your market.

2. Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty Author: Harvey Mackay Publisher: Doubleday ISBN: 0-385-48546-8 The author breaks down networking into practical, digestible tips – from setting up a network and keeping track of favours to deciding who when it’s time to downsize.

4. How to Talk to Anyone Author: Leil Lowndes Publisher: McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0-07141858-XThe pocket-size guide contains 92 techniques that are fun to read about and easy to remember, with catchy names like “play the tombstone game” and “come hither hands.”

6. How to Win Friends & Influence People Author: Dale Carnegie Publisher: Vermilion ISBN: 0-091-90681-8 Published in 1936, this bestseller has been updated to help readers increase their popularity, become better speakers and win people over to their way of thinking. A new edition will be on sale in April.

8. Never Eat Alone Author: Keith Ferrazzi Publisher: Doubleday ISBN: 0-385-51205-8Ferrazzi’s system of networking is based on generosity and he offers steps on developing the mind-set to leverage your relationships. He illustrates points with examples from Bill Clinton to the Dalai Lama.

9. The Power of Nice Authors: Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval Publisher: Random House ISBN: 0-385-51892-7This isn’t your typical business book, but neither is its message. Thaler and Koval demonstrate how good deeds can counter cut-throat competition. The foreword is by talk-show host Jay Leno.

10. How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less Author: Nicholas Boothman Publisher: Workman Publishing Co. ISBN: 0-7611-2779-8 First impressions count and Boothman is the master of instant relationships. With a system based on neurolinguistic programming, he teaches how to use your body and voice to build rapport.

3. Little Black Book of Connections Author: Jeffrey Gitomer Publisher: Bard Press ISBN: 1-885167-66-8Sales guru and columnist Gitomer offers tips on networking in a compact book with colourful graphics and witty copy.

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Author: Stephen R. Covey Publisher: Simon & Schuster ISBN: 0-684-85839-8Covey combines abstract concepts with concrete examples from family and business situations to help you tackle problems.

7. Make Your Contacts Count Authors: Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon Publisher: American Management Association ISBN: 0-8144-7402-0Referred to as a “cookbook” of networking, the step-by-step guide has quizzes, checklists and case studies, as well as networking turnoffs. A new edition was released in February.

Is a Master of Finance for you? A Plus spoke to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Dr. Wilson Tong to find out more about the programme.

An M.B.A. is the obvious choice if you want to improve your management skills, but for those

who seek their fortunes in the world of finance, the Master of Finance programme offers a good entry.

Of course, there is also the Chartered Financial Analyst qualification. With its emphasis on quantitative analysis, it is a suitable finance-related progression for the young accountant. But the three tiers of exams can prove intimidating, especially as knowledge of accounting doesn’t even factor into the third level of the test. The investment management stream of the Master of Finance programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was created specifically to cater to students who would like to learn more about financial analysis before they sit for the CFA.

“We began the Master of Finance programme at PolyU two years ago, as a result of popular demand from those who didn’t want to take the Master of Corporate Finance course, because it didn’t prepare them for the CFA exams,” explains Dr. Wilson Tong, the programme director for both curricula. “Typically, the corporate finance student has a few more years of experience than the investment management student, who probably has only two to three years’ working experience.”

Students take the programme on a part-time basis. The course structure is set up so that students complete one subject at a time over a seven-week period.

It’s not all book learning either. Staff follow PolyU’s mantra, “Qualified for the real world,” by combining textbook knowledge with practical application. Two groups of professors liaise with students – regular academic staff and a rotation of visiting instructors who are hands-on in the financial industry. The school also runs a series of professional development lectures, in which practising finance professionals discuss their areas of expertise, from IPOs to foreign exchange trading.

Banks and other financial institutions are the destination of choice for most graduates, but whether they plan to stay within the field or not, students are proven to benefit.

“I had one graduate who was up for a promotion against 10 others in his department,” Dr. Tong says. “He was told after being chosen what set him apart from the others: He was the only one with a Master of Finance degree.”

It may be a daunting task to return to the classroom, but the payoff will come.

Master plan

[ 44 ] A Plus + March 2007

Personal growth supplementInterview

For further information on PolyU’s Master of Finance programme, please contact Lucia Leung at 3400-3229 or Wai Chen at 2766-7042, or email application:

Dr. Wilson Tong follows PolyU’s mantra “Qualified for the real world”– combining textbook knowledge with practical applications in developing the Master of Finance Programme.


[ 46 ] A Plus + March 2007

Advance standing: Master’s Programmes

University/Institute and programme name Overview of programme/duration Exemption*/

credit transfer Those eligible


Specifically designed for practising managers. The Graduate Diploma in Management (G.D.M.) can be completed in one to five years, and students who achieve a weighted average mark (W.A.M.) of 65 percent across all G.D.M. courses may progress to the M.B.A. stage. 1.5-3 years (maximum 7 years)

Three subjects credit transfer out of 16 • Accounting and Financial Management • Corporate Finance • one unspecified elective course

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


The M.B.A. curriculum consists of core and elective courses. Under the new curriculum, students may choose to take a concentration in one of three areas: China Business, Finance or Marketing.Full-time: 12-16 months; part-time: 24 months

Two three-unit courses out of 48 (part-time)/54 (full-time)• Corporate Financial Reporting • Contemporary Management Accounting

Institute members


With strong elements of China business, leadership and service management, the E.M.B.A. aims to help senior business executives excel in their specific business areas. Part-time: 2 years

One subject exemption* and one subject credit transfer out of 17 • Corporate Finance (exemption) • Financial Reporting and Analysis for Decision Making (credit transfer)

Institute members


Provides managers with strategies to handle the transformations that are affecting today’s marketplace and helps them strengthen and enrich core concepts. Full-time: 1 year; part-time: 2 years

One subject exemption* and one credit transfer out of 12 • Financial Management (exemption) • Financial Accounting (credit transfer)

Institute members


Aims to equip executives with various theoretical tools and skills in corporate governance and directorship, with an integrated perspective to strengthen their leadership, and broaden their career development. Full-time: 1 year; part-time: 1.5 years

One subject credit transfer out of 10 • Corporate Reporting, Disclosure and Transparency

Institute members


Provides intensive education in accounting and accounting-related knowledge and skills. The year one curriculum has been accredited by the Institute as equivalent to a conversion programme under its Qualification Programme. The year two curriculum aims to broaden knowledge in accounting or related disciplines in a business environment. For direct-entry year 2 - 26004: 1-2 years; 26801: maximum 8 years

One subject exemption* and six subjects credit transfer out of 12 • Accounting for Strategic Management • Auditing Framework • Accounting for Corporations • Financial Reporting Environment • Management Accounting• Managerial Finance • Hong Kong Tax Framework

Institute members


The Master of Corporate Finance aims to enhance capacity in corporate finance, banking, corporate risk management and related areas. The Master of Finance provides professionals in investment management and wealth management with solid finance knowledge and the latest technical skills to attain professional qualifications. 2-4 years

Two subjects credit transfer out of 12 • Accounting for Business Analysis • Principles of Corporate Finance

Institute members

Personal growth supplementEducation

*Applicants may be required to take a replacement subject in lieu of the exempted subject at the discretion of the university.(The above information was updated in January 2007.)

March 2007 + A Plus [ 47 ]

University/Institute and programme name Overview of programme/duration Exemption*/

credit transfer Those eligible


An integrated curriculum equipping students with knowledge in corporate governance, as well as the skills to effectively participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of corporate financial policies and strategies. 2 years

One subject credit transfer out of 10• Corporate Financial Accounting

Institute members


A flexible programme providing a progressive and in-depth understanding of major accounting issues for accounting practitioners and executives. The focus is on relevant and contemporary academic studies and practical applications. 2-2.5 years

One subject credit transfer out of 10 • Financial Management

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


Builds on the general management knowledge and technical expertise of financial services specialists to provide managers and professionals in financial services with the skills and knowledge needed to face and manage challenges in the industry. 2-4 years

One subject credit transfer out of 13 • Accounting for Executives

Institute members


Offers special insight into Asia and China business. Internationally diverse faculty, a first-rate student body and a superior curriculum help prepare participants for operating and managing effectively in today’s globalized work environment. Full-time: 16/12 months; part-time: 2 years

Part-time M.B.A.: Credit exemption for up to two subjects (four credits). Full-time M.B.A.: Course substitution for up to two subjects (four credits)• Financial Accounting Foundations • Managerial Accounting Foundations

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


Students undertake five foundation courses in the first year to earn their Postgraduate Diploma and complete their M.B.A. by taking an extra eight courses. Incorporates teaching materials with particular relevance to the insurance, financial services and telecom industries. 18 months

Two subjects credit transfer out of 13 • Accounting for Business Decision Making • Contemporary Finance for Executives

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


HKU’s M.B.A. programme is a contributor to the business culture of Greater China, providing relevant education to managers in the region. With the programme’s international corporate relations, students have access to cutting-edge knowledge and networking opportunities. Full-time: 1-2 years; part-time: 2-4 years

One subject credit transfer out of 18 • Accounting and Business Decisions

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


Offers knowledge in all areas of modern finance. Includes four basic courses in Financial Analysis. After completion, students will continue their studies in either the Risk Management Stream or the Financial Engineering Stream. Full-time: 1-2 years; part-time: 2-4 years

One subject credit transfer out of 12 • Financial Statement Analysis & Business Ethical Standards

Institute members who have completed the qualification programme


會計學院是東北財大的重要組成部份,其會計專業是教育部認定的國家級會計學五個重點專業之一。課程畢業生能夠在財會、審計領域勝任專業工作的綜會型高級管理人才。1.5-2 years

Three subjects credit transfer out of 13 • 企業戰略管理 • 證券投資理論與實務 • 會計電算化

Institute members


*Applicants may be required to take a replacement subject in lieu of the exempted subject at the discretion of the university.(The above information was updated in January 2007.)

Step 1: Be targeted in your job searchAvoid the temptation of applying for numerous roles through multiple recruitment firms or Internet job boards. The “spray gun” approach not only prevents you from tailoring your resumé to specific positions for which you are genuinely qualified, but also reduces your ability to track and manage your applications.

Be particularly careful about sending applications to accounting or commercial firms that you believe can help develop your career. This will typically be a small group of leading employers and multiple applications that are refused may hurt your chances of employment in the future. Limit yourself to realistic opportunities and follow up on your applications to check on progress.

Step 2: Select your recruitment firm carefullyThere are a lot of recruitment firms out there. Take your time to research the market and identify the top two or three that specialize in your industry. Review the job listings on their websites to determine their relevance to your career, then register in

person – no recruitment firm can properly represent you without meeting you in person and determining how you will come across in interviews.

Once registered, agree on timescales for regular contact. Think of your relationship as a business partnership in which the recruitment firm will represent you and develop your career over the next 25 years.

Step 3: Prepare for every interviewResearch the company through its website, rehearse your answers to likely questions and prepare questions of your own.

As an accountant you will be competing against other finance professionals with similar technical qualifications and backgrounds. To stand out in the interview you need to demonstrate your leadership skills. Employers will be taking careful note of your presentation ability, communication skills and enthusiasm. Even if it doesn’t come naturally, do your best to be as outgoing and engaging as possible in the interview. It is often the candidate that has shown the most interest that is successful.

Step 4: Follow up Your job search may take some time and there are inevitably setbacks. It is important to remain positive, continually improve your interview techniques and follow up on opportunities to demonstrate your enthusiasm. There’s no purpose in performing well in the interview, then failing to follow through.

Step 5: Resigning from your current jobResigning can be stressful and difficult. The most important thing to remember is that you should be as professional as possible; avoid criticizing the organization and burning bridges. You may require referees from the company, or you may end up working with them again in another firm – the world of finance can be a small one.

To keep the relationship positive, ensure your resignation letter is dated and contains an unambiguous statement of resignation, while expressing thanks for the professional association you have enjoyed. Have the courtesy to resign in person to your direct line manager.

Regardless of the reaction, your plan is to remain calm and professional. Simply say that you have been presented with an opportunity you cannot turn down. Express your willingness to help during the transition until your last day of work.

You should be prepared for a counteroffer if your employer has been happy with your work; it’s best to avoid a counteroffer in the first place. You can discourage this through a straightforward resignation letter and meeting. If it sounds like your boss may be leaning towards a counteroffer, make it clear you do not want to force anyone into a bidding war and you have simply been offered a position you cannot refuse. Never hand in your notice as a negotiating ploy. It is cynical, risky (they just might accept it!) and rarely improves your position in an organization.

March 2007 + A Plus [ 49 ]

Personal growth supplementGetting the job

Jason Hemens presents five steps to landing that dream job

The perfect pitch

Jason Hemens is from recruitment firm Michael Page International.

Christina Ko surveys some IT gadgets that allow you to exploit the latest technology

Wireless technology is exploding and whether you curse the constant connectivity or bless

the heavens for Bluetooth, there’s no denying that wireless is the way forward.

The days of slow-loading attachments, tiny keypads and wonky connections are almost behind us and there are new, cool ways to carry your desk with you. Hint: It’s not a clunky laptop.

Doc on callNot all email-connected phones come with the ability to access email attachments, so DataViz came up with Documents To Go, a programme that lets you see Microsoft Office and PDF documents on your PDA or smartphone. For details, visit

The survival kitEverything an accountant needs to fend for himself or herself in the wilderness – scissors, knife, file, flashlight... and a USB memory stick. Here’s tacit proof from the makers of the Swiss army knife that technology is a necessary evil. For details, visit

Personal growth supplementIT gadgets

Conventional coolFor those who shun trends and opt for more traditional portable devices, the Sony Vaio G series, released this month, and the Motorola MOTOROKR E6 make for a slick duo. The laptop’s carbon case ensures your data are protected, while the PDA phone combines style, ease of use and functionality into one package. For details, visit and

[ 50 ] A Plus + March 2007

Calm, cool and connected

Clone your computerIt happens every time. You take all your documents with you and realize the one file you need is still on your computer. GoToMyPC is a software service that allows you to access your entire computer from any other computer. For details, visit

Discard those cardsIn addition to superior functions (super fast Internet connectivity) and aesthetics (it comes in five flashy colours), Dopod’s 818Pro PDA phone is bundled with PenPower technology. Use the camera to photograph business cards you’ve received and the phone will recognize the text and transfer it into your address book. For details, visit

Lord of the keyboardsIf you don’t have the thumb prowess to type quickly on a handheld device, here’s a convenient and cool way to carry a compact keyboard. Simply “beam” the Bluetooth Laser Virtual keyboard onto any flat surface (such as an in-flight tray table) and tap away like you normally would – minus the clicking noises. For details, visit

March 2007 + A Plus [ 51 ]

[ 54 ] A Plus + March 2007

Personal growth supplementYour image


How you look is the first thing people notice, so why not invest some time in making a good impression?

It’s an image-conscious world we live in, where looking good isn’t so much an option as a necessity. The polo T-shirt and khaki trousers may suffice in Silicon Valley,

but in the world of Hong Kong accounting, a much more sophisticated look is necessary to impress clients and colleagues alike.

Nobody knows this better than Desmond Chan, CPA turned “corporate imageologist.” Though he has practised and taught accounting in the past, Chan now chooses to focus his energy on holistic image architecture – that is, grooming corporate professionals, from the inside out, assessing everything from the shirts off their backs to the way they shake your hand.

“Years ago, mastering public speaking was the trend,” he says. “Then came IT skills. Image is the next big soft skill.”


March 2007 + A Plus [ 55 ]

It is often believed that a modicum of “untrendiness” is necessary to evoke a sense of professionalism, springing no doubt from the idea that “if I’m working hard, I shouldn’t have time to shop.”

No more excuses. For some time now, the major luxury department stores in town have offered free personal shopping services (as long as you buy something, you’re cleared), and the audience is no longer just tai tais waiting for the latest cocktail frock. Lane Crawford last month ran a special showcase of professional attire and its personal shoppers are always on hand to address dress-code queries, such as the correct definition of business-casual, or whether your new promotion requires you have a new look.

Harvey Nichols runs a similar service: Simply call ahead with your sizes and

favourite colours and a personal shopper will assemble a number of ensembles for you to try. Vicky Lowe, one of these assistants, is an expert at helping people inject chic into their workwear. A fitted suit, she says, is the most important staple of office dress, and you can incorporate seasonal trends to update it. This season, volume and bright colours are in vogue. Gentlemen can adopt brighter colours for their shirts, ties and cufflinks. Ladies can try balloon skirts, or for the more conservative, use splashes of bright colour under the suit jacket. Extra-large bags are also very fashionable and are perfect for carrying document binders as well.

Call 3695-3288 to make an appointment with Harvey Nichols personal shopping services, or 2118-7777 to make an appointment with Lane Crawford.

Shop till you’re top

The multinationals that come to Chan at Image de Monde consider him a branding weapon, helping them to express their corporate identity more clearly, addressing issues from macro (corporate identity, office interior design) to micro (employee haircuts).

For individuals, Chan suggests a three-pronged approach to the image makeover. The first and most obvious, is by altering the outer appearance. The second step helps increase what he calls a person’s “likeability factor” and the third concerns inner self-development through behaviour analysis.

For those without the resources to consider a full image revamp, Chan suggests three simple areas they can target.

1. Get to know your body type and face shape. Work with stylists, “personal shoppers” or tailors to find clothing that fits you well and suits your personal style.

2. Understand your skin undertones. There are 12 families of skin undertones, each complemented by a range of 60 suitable colour matches. “Don’t underestimate the power of colour. You could look 20 years older or younger, depending on the colours you wear,” Chan advises.

3. Be aware of your real self, versus your adapted self. Figure out your role in every professional situation and adapt yourself accordingly. For example, if you

are by nature very authoritative, this may come in handy when running your own team, but you should keep this in check when dealing with your boss.And though it may sound cheesy, the

best way to increase your likeability is simply by smiling more.

“People in Hong Kong don’t smile enough,” says Chan, smiling. “But studies have shown that it increases your likeability and even your life span. More importantly, it helps others – such as your clients – feel comfortable in your presence.”

Interested? Then call 2481-9118 or visit to make an appointment for an image consultation with Desmond Chan.

“Years ago, mastering public speaking was the trend,” he says. “Then came IT skills. Image is the next big soft skill.”

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