
Post on 21-Apr-2015






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PeroduaThe strategies, Mission And Objectives

Presentation’s Outline

•Company profile•Mission and Vision•Marketing Strategy•Implementation Strategy•Conclusion

Company Profile

Perodua’s Mission And Vision

Equity Shareholder

Equity Structure• (post restructuring – Dec. 2011)

Sales And Services Network

Overview of Malaysia Auto Industry

Product and Sales Trend


Market strategy • It is imperative that PERODUA keeps its focus firmly on

the road ahead. The Group must not only be flexible and adapt to the constantly changing environment, but must also be committed to carry out long-range initiatives aimed at further strengthening its engineering and manufacturing foundations. With its expanded product range, improved quality and value for money product positioning, the PERODUA brand will become increasingly attractive. This is what will drive sustainable growth for PERODUA and positive returns for its shareholders. Most certainly the road ahead will be paved with challenges, but PERODUA now has the benefit of experience and is rapidly strengthening the foundation for its future growth.

Market strategy (cont)• PERODUA cannot depend solely on the domestic market to

grow. As indicated in the previous year's report, to prosper and thrive, PERODUA has to expand its export potential further. Tangible and sustainable growth in the international market will be the mainstay for PERODUA as it aims to expand its market share and sales volume in the export markets. Whilst PERODUA has already gained a foothold in some markets, there is a need to explore new emerging markets to tap into. In line with PERODUA 's 10-year roadmap, the Group is committed towards expanding its regional presence in terms of sales and distribution, particularly in ASEAN, China, India, and the Middle East. Already, its strategies to grow the brand beyond Malaysian shores are beginning to show progress in terms of sales growth. It must now also source components and identify manufacturing facilities that will optimise costs and efficiency.

Market strategy (cont)• For the Malaysian vendor community, this will also

represent significant additional volume for their manufactured components. PERODUA is also expanding its non-manufacturing business by optimising revenue that can be obtained from its Group intellectual property. An example of this strategy can already be seen in the business arrangement entered into between PERODUA and Mitsui. PERODUA is also mindful of the need to improve operational efficiency, particularly with regard to improved capacity utilisation. Towards this end, PERODUA has identified contract manufacturing for other OEMs interested to enter this region as a possible means to supplement its own manufacturing volumes.

Implementation Strategy

•Quality Control Campaign• 'Zero-Defect' Campaign•Cost-Cutting Keywords: Simple, Slim,

Compact And Procurement Reform•Capital Expenditure (Capex)•Making Differences

▫Fuel Efficiency ▫Driving comfort ▫The Integration of Style

and Practicality


• leverage our accumulated expertise to introduce into the market compact cars that are fuel efficient, affordable and conserve resources.

• We also will work to strenghten our corporate structure and complete a production system that puts SSC concpets into pracrtice.

• we will complete the construction of a unique business model that will enhance mini vehicle profitability, paving the way for our success over the next decade and into the next century.

• We will maintain this solid sense of commitment as we carry out reform and strive to boost profitability.

• we would like to express our gratitude to shareholders and other stakeholders for their understanding and support.

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