perfect images of generalized ordered...

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  • Perfect Images of Generalized Ordered Spaces

    Gary GruenhageDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics

    Auburn UniversityAuburn, AL 36849


    David J. LutzerDepartment of MathematicsCollege of William and Mary

    Williamsburg, VA 23187USA


    Jan. 10, 2017


    We study the class of perfect images of generalized ordered (GO)spaces, which we denote by PIGO. Mary Ellen Rudin’s celebrated re-sult characterizing compact monotonically normal spaces as the con-tinuous images of compact linearly ordered spaces implies that everyspace with a monotonically normal compactification is in PIGO. ButPIGO is wider: every metrizable space is in the class, but not everymetrizable space has a monotonically normal compactification. Onthe other hand, a locally compact space is in PIGO if and only if ithas a monotonically normal compactification. We answer a questionof Bennett and Lutzer that asked whether a (semi)stratifiable space

    2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 54D15; Secondary 54D35, 54C10,54E20, 54E35, 54F05.

    Key words and phrases: monotonically normal, monotonically normal compactifica-tion, PIGO, perfect image of GO-space, cardinal invariants, character, pseudo-character,metrizability, dense metrizable subspace, weaker metric topology, paracompact, D-space,semistratifiable space, β − space, Gδ-diagonal, perfect space, σ-discrete dense subset,Fpp-space, product spaces, PILOTS, perfect image of LOTS, Lindelöf at infinity.


  • 2 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    with a monotonically normal compactification must be metrizable byshowing that any semi-stratifiable member of PIGO is metrizable.This also shows that there are monotonically normal spaces whichare not in PIGO. We investigate cardinal functions in PIGO, and inparticular show that if K is a compact subset of a space X in PIGO,then the character of K in X equals the pseudo-character of K inX. We show that the product of two non-discrete spaces in PIGOis not in PIGO unless both are metrizable or neither one containsa countable set with a limit point. Finally, we look at the narrowerclass of perfect images of linearly ordered spaces, which we denote byPILOTS. Every metrizable space is in PILOTS, and if a space in PI-LOTS has a Gδ-diagonal, then it must be metrizable. Thus familiarGO-spaces such as the Sorgenfrey line and Michael line are in PIGObut not in PILOTS.

    1 Introduction

    Mary Ellen Rudin proved in [33] that every compact monotonically normal

    space is a continuous image of some compact linearly ordered topologi-

    cal space. An easy consequence of her theorem is that any space with a

    monotonically normal compactification is the perfect image of a generalized

    ordered (GO) space, and this began to be used as a tool by several re-

    searchers (see [10],[15],and [27]) to investigate the class MNC of spaces that

    have monotonically normal compactifications. This suggests that it might

    be useful to study the wider class of perfect images of GO-spaces, which we

    denote by PIGO, for its own sake. PIGO is a strictly larger class of spaces

    than MNC; for example, PIGO contains the class of metrizable spaces, while

    MNC does not. On the other hand, we will also see that PIGO is a much

    narrower class than the class of monotonically normal spaces in general.

    One of the main results of this paper answers the main question left

    open in Bennett and Lutzer’s study [10] of semi-stratifiable spaces with

    monotonically normal compactifications. They had asked whether every

    (semi)stratifiable space with a monotonically normal compactification must

    be metrizable. We give a positive answer to this question by showing that

    every semi-stratifiable space in PIGO is metrizable. Note that this shows

    that any nonmetrizable stratifiable space is an example of a monotonically

    normal space which is not in PIGO.

    Our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains definitions and

    background results. In Section 3 we show how the class PIGO is related to

    other familiar classes. In Section 4 we study various cardinal functions in

    the class PIGO; for example, we show that character and pseudocharacter

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 3

    agree for spaces in PIGO (but not more generally for all monotonically nor-

    mal spaces). Section 5 studies paracompactness and metrization of spaces in

    PIGO; in particular we prove there the aforementioned result about semi-

    stratifiable spaces. In Section 6 we show that the product of two nondis-

    crete spaces in PIGO is not in PIGO unless both are metrizable or neither

    contains a countable set with a limit point. Section 7 introduces a special

    subclass of PIGO that we call PILOTS, namely spaces that are perfect im-

    ages of linearly ordered topological spaces. It follows from classical results

    of Herrlich and Morita that every metrizable space is in PILOTS. We show

    that if a space in PILOTS has a Gδ-diagonal, then it must be metrizable.

    It follows that familiar GO-spaces like the Sorgenfrey line and the Michael

    line are examples of spaces that are in PIGO but not in PILOTS. We also

    prove that any locally compact space in PIGO (equivalently, every locally

    compact space with a monotonically normal compactification) must be in

    PILOTS. Section 8 of our paper lists some open questions.

    2 Definitions and background results

    A generalized ordered space (GO-space) is a triple (X, σ,≤), where ≤ is alinear order on X and σ is a Hausdorff topology on X having a base of

    order-convex sets. If σ coincides with the open-interval topology induced by

    ≤, then X is a linearly ordered topological space (LOTS).A space X is monotonically normal if for each pair (H,K) of disjoint

    closed sets, one can assign an open set U(H,K) satisfying:

    (a) H ⊂ U(H,K) ⊂ U(H,K) ⊂ X \K;

    (b) If H ⊂ H ′ and K ⊃ K ′, then U(H,K) ⊂ U(H ′, K ′).

    Metrizable spaces, and more generally stratifiable spaces, are mono-

    tonically normal, as are GO-spaces. Monotone normality is a hereditary

    property which is preserved under closed continuous images, and it implies

    collectionwise-normality [23].

    The following is an equivalent condition for monotone normality of a

    space X:

    (c) For each pair (p, U) where p ∈ U ⊂ X and U is open, one can assignan open set V (p, U) such that p ∈ V (p, U) ⊂ U , V (p, U ′) ⊂ V (p, U)whenever U ′ ⊂ U , and V (p,X − {q}) ∩ V (q,X − {p}) = ∅ if p 6= q.

  • 4 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    The space X is said to be acyclically monotonically normal if it satisfies

    (c) above with the added condition that whenever x0, x1, ..., xn is a finite

    sequence of distinct points with n ≥ 2, then⋂ni=0 V (xi, X − {xi+1}) = ∅

    (taking xn+1 = x0). Moody and Roscoe [32] showed that the familiar ex-

    amples of monotonically normal spaces (stratifiable spaces, elastic spaces,

    GO-spaces) are all acyclically monotonically normal, as is any closed contin-

    uous image of an acyclically monotonically normal space. They also showed

    that any acyclic monotonically normal space has the Kuratowski property

    that van Douwen called K0.

    A space X is utterly normal [16] if it has a magnetic base system, i.e., a

    family of neighborhood bases B(x) for each x ∈ X such that, if Bx ∈ B(x),By ∈ B(y), and Bx∩By 6= ∅, then either x ∈ By or y ∈ Bx. (Members of B(x)might not be open, but must have x in their interiors.) A space X is UNO

    (Utterly Normal with respect to Open sets) if X has a magnetic base system

    consisting of open sets. Every utterly normal space is monotonically normal,

    but it is not known if the converse is true. It is shown in [15] that every

    space which has a monotonically normal compactification (which includes

    all GO-spaces) is UNO.

    A space X is said to have a Gδ-diagonal if the diagonal {(x, x) : x ∈X} is a Gδ-set in X2. We often make use the following well-known char-acterization: X has a Gδ-diagonal iff there is a sequence (called a Gδ-

    diagonal sequence) G0,G1, . . . of open covers of X such that for each x ∈ X,⋂n∈ω st(x,Gn) = {x} (where st(x,U) =

    ⋃{U ∈ U : x ∈ U}). We will also

    use the higher cardinal version: if µ is an infinite cardinal, then X has a

    Gµ-diagonal iff there are open covers Gα, α < µ, of X such that for eachx ∈ X,


  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 5

    A surjective map f : X → Y is perfect if it is continuous, closed, and hascompact fibers, and f is irreducible if there is no closed subset H of X such

    that the restricted map f � H is onto. It is well-known that every perfect

    map has an irreducible restriction to some closed subset of the domain. We

    will make frequent use of the fact that if f : X → Y is irreducible andclosed, then for each nonempty open U ⊆ X, the set U∗ =

    ⋃{f−1[y] : y ∈

    Y andf−1[y] ⊂ U} is a nonempty dense open subset of U and f [U∗] is anonempty open subset of Y .

    The key tool in our study is a lemma from [10] which shows that for a

    space X in PIGO, we may assume more about the witnessing perfect map:

    Lemma 2.1. If X is a perfect image of a GO-space then there is a GO-space

    L and a perfect irreducible mapping f : L → X with the property that ifa < b in L and f(a) = f(b), then there is some c ∈ (a, b) with f(c) 6= f(a).

    The latter property is equivalent to: no fiber of f contains a convex

    subset of L with more than one point. The following result, which was

    proven in [10] for the case µ = ω (i.e., for Gδ-diagonal) but with superfluous

    assumptions of irreducibility and closedness of the mapping, illustrates the

    usefulness of this condition.

    Lemma 2.2. Suppose f : L→ X is a continuous mapping of the GO-spaceL onto X such that no fiber of f contains a nondegenerate convex set. If X

    has a Gµ-diagonal, so does L.

    Proof. Let Gα, α < µ, be a Gµ-diagonal sequence of open covers of X. Foreach α, let

    Uα = {C ⊂ L : C is a convex component of f−1[G] for some G ∈ Gα}.

    We claim that Uα, α < µ, is a Gµ-diagonal sequence for L.Let a ∈ L and suppose b 6= a. Without loss of generality, a < b. If f(a) 6=

    f(b), there is some α < µ with f(b) 6∈ st(f(a),Gα). It is straightforwardto check that b 6∈ st(a,Uα). On the other hand, if f(a) = f(b), then bythe fiber condition there is some c with a < c < b such that f(c) 6= f(a).Then choose α such that f(c) 6∈ st(f(a),Gα). Suppose b ∈ st(a,Uα). Thenthere is a convex component C of f−1[G] for some G ∈ Gα that containsboth a and b. Then c ∈ C, whence {f(a), f(c)} ⊆ G ∈ Gα, contradictingf(c) 6∈ st(f(a),Gα).

    The next lemma will be used several times; it illustrates the usefulness

    of the closedness and irreducibility of the mapping. Recall that a collection

  • 6 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    F of nonempty subsets of X is a π-net for X if every nonempty open subsetof X contains some F ∈ F .

    Lemma 2.3. Suppose the map f : Z → X is closed and irreducible, and letF be a π-net for X. For each F ∈ F , choose a point zF ∈ f−1(F ). ThenD = {zF : F ∈ F} is dense in Z. Furthermore, if F is σ-closed-discrete inX, then D is σ-closed-discrete in Z.

    In particular, if F is the collection of singletons of a dense subset E ofX, then Z has a dense subset of the same cardinality which is also σ-closed

    discrete whenever E is.

    Proof. Let U be a nonempty open subset of Z. As noted above, since f is

    closed and irreducible, the set U∗ =⋃{f−1[x] : x ∈ X andf−1[x] ⊂ U} is

    a nonempty dense open subset of U and f [U∗] is a nonempty open subset

    of X. Pick F ∈ F with F ⊂ f [U∗]. Then zF ∈ U∗ ⊆ U , so D is dense inZ. Since f is continuous, the preimage of a closed discete collection in X is

    closed discrete in Z; thus F σ-closed-discrete implies the same for D.

    3 Relation of PIGO to other classes

    We begin by listing some easily proved properties of the class PIGO:

    a) Because perfect mappings preserve both monotone normal-

    ity [23] and weak orthocompactness [15], and any GO-space is

    both monotonically normal [23] and weakly ortho-compact [35],

    we see that every space in PIGO is monotonically normal and

    weakly ortho-compact.

    b) If X is a space with a monotonically normal compactification,

    then X is in PIGO as explained in the Introduction.

    c) Any space in PIGO is a K0-space in the sense of van Douwen,

    is acyclically monotonically normal, and is in the class UNO

    [15] because each GO-space has these properties and these three

    properties are preserved by perfect irreducible mappings.

    As we explain below, the converses of statements a), b), and c) are false.

    For statement a), recall that there are non-metrizable stratifiable spaces

    and every stratifiable space is monotonically normal, so that a metrization

    theorem to be proved in Section 4 (Theorem 5.5) shows that there are

    monotonically normal spaces that are not in PIGO. To see that the converse

    of b) is false, we use the next two results.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 7

    Proposition 3.1. Every metrizable space belongs to PIGO.

    Proof. Morita has proved that if X is a metric space then there are a discrete

    space D and a subspace S ⊆ Dω and a perfect mapping g : S → X (see [18]Exercise 4.4.J).

    We claim that the product topology of the space Dω is the open interval

    topology of some linear ordering (we believe this is a folklore result). Let κ =

    |D| and consider any linear ordering < of the set D with the property thateach d ∈ D has both an immediate successor and an immediate predecessor.(One example of such an ordering is the lexicographic ordering of [0, κ)×Zwhere Z is the usual ordered set of integers.) Now let ≺ be the lexicographicordering of Dω induced by

  • 8 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    that is a continuous image of the space of countable ordinals will have a

    monotonically normal compactification. More generally we have

    Proposition 3.4. A locally compact space X is a member of PIGO if and

    only if X has a monotonically normal compactification.

    Proof. For the non-trivial half of the theorem, suppose X is a locally com-

    pact member of PIGO, and let f : L→ X be a perfect mapping where L is aGO-space. Then X is monotonically normal. If X is compact, there is noth-

    ing to prove, so assume X is not compact. There is a compact LOTS M such

    that L densely embeds in M . Let α(X) be the one-point-compactification of

    X. Then the mapping f extends in a natural way (sending all points ofM−Lto the single point in α(X)−X) giving a continuous map F : M → α(X).But then F is a perfect mapping so that, because M is monotonically nor-

    mal, so is α(X).

    Remark 3.5. In [34], Mary Ellen Rudin gave a locally compact monotoni-

    cally normal space that has no monotonically normal compactification. This

    is another monotonically normal space that is not in PIGO.

    4 Cardinal functions in PIGO

    A great deal is known about cardinal functions for monotonically normal

    spaces. A good reference for these results is [21] which summarizes results

    by Gartside, Ostaszewski, Moody, Williams, and Zhou. For example, using

    notation as in [18], for any monotonically normal space X we have

    τ(X) ≤ c(X) = hc(X) = hL(X) ≤ d(X) = hd(X) ≤ c(X)+.

    Because every space in PIGO is monotonically normal, the above cardinal

    relations automatically hold for PIGO spaces. However, it is often possible

    to give very easy proofs of cardinal function theorems for PIGO spaces by

    using well-known properties of GO-spaces and perfect irreducible maps. Our

    next result is an example.

    Proposition 4.1. For any X in PIGO, we have

    (∗) hL(X) = c(X) ≤ d(X) = hd(X).

    Proof. For the first equality, because c(X) ≤ hL(X) holds for any space, itis enough to show that hL(X) ≤ c(X) as follows. Because X is in PIGO,we have a GO-space L and a perfect irreducible mapping f : L → X with

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 9

    the extra properties given in Lemma 2.1. Suppose c(X) = κ. Let U be anypairwise disjoint collection of nonempty open subsets of the GO-space L,

    and for each U ∈ U let U∗ =⋃{f−1[x] : f−1[x] ⊆ U}. Then {f [U∗] : U ∈ U}

    is a pairwise disjoint collection of nonempty open sets in X, and therefore

    the collection U must have cardinality ≤ κ. Therefore, c(L) ≤ κ so that inthe GO-space L we have hL(L) ≤ κ. But then hL(X) ≤ κ.

    Next we prove that hd(X) ≤ d(X) for X in PIGO. Suppose d(X) = κand let D ⊆ X be a dense set with cardinality κ. By Lemma 2.3, L hasa dense subset of cardinality κ. Therefore hd(L) = d(L) ≤ κ. Thereforehd(X) ≤ κ.

    Example 4.2. There is a non-separable space X in PIGO having countable

    cellularity if and only if there is a Souslin space, i.e., a GO-space that is not

    separable and yet has countable cellularity.

    Proof. If there is a Souslin space, then it is in PIGO. Conversely, if there

    is a member of PIGO that has countable cellularity but is not separable,

    then we use a theorem of Williams and Zhou [37] asserting that there is a

    non-separable monotonically normal space with countable cellularity if and

    only if there is a Souslin space.

    Our next result (Proposition 4.5) shows that if X is in PIGO and x ∈ X,then the pseudo-character of x in X is equal to the character of x in X.

    (For example, if X is in PIGO and the point of x ∈ X is a Gδ-set in X,then X is first-countable at x.) We note that this assertion is not true for

    monotonically normal spaces in general, as our next example shows.

    Example 4.3. For each cardinal κ, there is a stratifiable (and hence mono-

    tonically normal) space Y in which every point has countable pseudo-

    character, and yet there is a point of Y having character at least κ.

    Proof. Let D1, D2, · · · be a sequence of pairwise-disjoint sets, each with car-

    dinality κ, and let p be any point not in any Dn. Let Y = {p} ∪(⋃{Dn :

    n ≥ 1})

    . Make all points of Y − {p} isolated, and let a set V be a neigh-

    borhood of p if p ∈ V and for some N the set Dn − V is finite for eachn ≥ N . We define a stratification for Y as follows: For any n ≥ 1 andopen set W ⊆ Y , if p ∈ W then let Sn(W ) = W , and if p 6∈ W then letSn(W ) =

    ⋃{Dk ∩W : k ≤ n}.

  • 10 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    Clearly {p} =⋂{Wn : n ≥ 1} where Wn = {p} ∪

    (⋃{Dk : k ≥ n}

    )so that each point of Y has countable pseudo-character, and it is clear that

    the character of Y at p is at least κ.

    Before proving that character = pseudo-character for members of PIGO,

    we need a lemma about compact sets in GO-spaces. We will apply the lemma

    to the fibers of the mapping f in Lemma 2.1.

    Lemma 4.4. Suppose L is a GO-space and C is a compact subset of L

    with the property that if a < b are points of C, then some x ∈ L − C hasa < x < b. If C is the intersection of µ-many open subsets of L, then the

    weight of the subspace C is ≤ µ and there is a collection B of open subsetsof L having |B| ≤ µ and having the property that if U is open in L andC ⊆ U , then some B ∈ B has C ⊆ B ⊆ U , so that C has an outer base ofcardinality ≤ µ.

    Proof. Write C =⋂{U(α) : α < µ} where each U(α) is an open subset

    of L. Let U(α) be the collection of all convex components of the set U(α).Each U(α) is an open cover of C. Suppose a 6= b are points of C. We mayassume a < b. Then some x ∈ L has x ∈ (a, b)− C so there is some α < µwith x 6∈ U(α). Then for every member V ∈ U(α) that contains a, we musthave b 6∈ V , for otherwise x ∈ [a, b] ⊆ V ⊆ U(α). Therefore the collection{U(α) : α < µ} of open covers of C shows that the diagonal degree of thesubspace C is ≤ µ. Now apply Corollary 7.6 of [25] to conclude that theweight of C is at most µ.

    The sets (←,min(C)] and [max(C),→) are called the end jumps of C.By an internal jump in C we mean a pair of points a < b of C such that

    [a, b] ∩ C = {a, b}. Consider the set of all right-hand points of all possibleinternal jumps of C. That subspace of C must have weight ≤ µ and thereforethe set J consisting of all points in internal jumps of C and the two end

    jumps has cardinality at most µ.

    Next we will identify a subset E ⊂ L that will be used in constructing anouter base for C. Let x ∈ J . We claim that either (←, x] is open, or there isa subset Rx of (x,→) of cardinality at most µ with x ∈ Rx. Suppose (←, x]is not open. For each α < µ, pick a point xα ∈ (x,→)∩U(α)x, where U(α)xis the convex component of U(α) containing x, and let Rx = {xα : α < µ}.Then since C =

    ⋂{U(α) : α < µ}, it follows from the hypothesized property

    of C (call it (∗)) that x ∈ Rx. Similarly, either [x,→) is open, or there is asubset Lx of (←, x) of cardinality at most µ with x ∈ Lx.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 11

    Now we let E =⋃{Lx ∪Rx ∪ {x} : x ∈ J}.

    Let B′ be the collection of all intervals with endpoints in E that are openin L (e.g, include [x, y), (y, x], and {x} if these are open in L). It followsfrom the construction that B′ contains a local base in L at every point of J .If x ∈ C − J , then by compactness x is a limit point of C from both sides,and then by (∗) is a limit point of J , hence of E, from both sides. Thus theset of all open intervals with endpoints in E is a local base in L at x.

    Finally, we let B be the collection of all finite unions of members of B′.Since E has cardinality at most µ, the same is true of B′ and thus B. SinceB′ contains a base in L at every point of C, it follows by compactness thatif C ⊂ U where U is open, there is some B ∈ B with C ⊂ B ⊂ U . So B isan outer base for C of cardinality ≤ µ.

    Proposition 4.5. Suppose X ∈ PIGO and x ∈ X. Then the character ofx in X equals the pseudo-character of x in X.

    Proof. Suppose f : L→ X is a perfect mapping as described in Lemma 2.1and let x ∈ X. If the pseudo-character of x in X is ≤ µ, the compact set C =f−1[x] ⊆ L is the intersection of at most µ-many open sets. Then Lemma4.4 shows that C has an outer base consisting of at most µ-many open sets.

    Because f is a closed mapping, the point x ∈ X has a neighborhood basewith at most µ-many members, as required.

    Corollary 4.6. Suppose X ∈ PIGO and suppose K is a compact subset ofX. If K is the intersection of µ-many open sets in X, then K has an outer

    base with cardinality ≤ µ.

    Proof. The quotient space Y = X/K in which K is identified to a point is

    also in PIGO. Now apply Proposition 4.5.

    Example 4.7. The McAuley’s bow-tie space [31] is a stratifiable (and hence

    monotonically normal) first-countable space X containing a compact set K

    that is a Gδ-set in X and yet K does not have an outer base of cardinality

    ω (e.g., one may take K to be the unit interval on the x-axis). Therefore

    there are first-countable monotonically normal spaces which do not have

    the property of Corollary 4.6, and this property is strictly stronger than the

    character=pseudo-character property.

    Corollary 4.8. If X is in PIGO and has countable cellularity, then X is

    first countable.

  • 12 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    Proof. Proposition 4.1 shows that X is hereditarily Lindelöf so that each

    point of X is a Gδ-set. Then Proposition 4.5 shows that X is first-countable.

    A space X is Lindelöf at infinity if there is some compactification c(X)

    with the property that c(X)−X is a Lindelöf subspace of c(X). Henriksenand Isbell [26] proved that a space is Lindelöf at infinity if and only if for

    each compact set K ⊆ X there is a compact set L with K ⊆ L ⊆ X whereL has a countable outer base for its neighborhoods, and they deduced that

    any metric space is Lindelöf at infinity. We can extend their result as follows:

    Corollary 4.9. If X is perfect and a member of PIGO, then X is Lindelöf

    at infinity.

    Proof. If K is any compact subset of X, then K is a Gδ-set because X

    is perfect, so that K has a countable outer base for its neighborhoods by

    Corollary 3.6 (with µ = ω). It now follows from the characterization given

    by Henriksen and Isbell that X is Lindelöf at infinity.

    We thank Santi Spadaro for suggesting to us the next result and its

    corollary, which are included here with his permission. Recall that a collec-

    tion P of nonempty open sets such that every nonempty open subset of Xcontains a member of P is called a π-base for X, and the π-weight, πw(X),of a space X is the least cardinal of a π-base.

    Proposition 4.10. If X ∈ PIGO, then πw(X) = d(X).

    Proof. d(X) ≤ πw(X) holds for all X, so it remains to prove πw(X) ≤ d(X)for X ∈ PIGO. Let κ = d(X). Then c(X) ≤ κ, so by Proposition 4.1,hL(X) ≤ κ. Then each point of X is a Gκ-point, so Proposition 4.5 impliesthat χ(X) ≤ κ. Thus πw(X) ≤ d(X) · χ(X) = κ = d(X).

    Corollary 4.11. If a space X in PIGO has a σ-discrete dense set, then X

    has a σ-disjoint π-base.

    Proof. This was proven for X in the class MNC by Bella, Matveev, and

    Spadaro [2, Theorem 28]. However, besides monotone normality the only

    property of spaces in MNC used in that proof was πw(X) = d(X) = hd(X)

    (which was proven for X ∈MNC by Gartside [21]). We now know by Propo-sitions 4.1 and 4.10 that these equalities hold in PIGO too.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 13

    5 Paracompactness, metrization and dense

    metrizable subspaces in PIGO

    Because every space in PIGO is monotonically normal, the Balogh-Rudin

    theorem [1] decides most questions about paracompactness in members of

    PIGO. That theorem asserts:

    Theorem 5.1. A monotonically normal space X is paracompact if and only

    if X does not contain a closed subspace homeomorphic to a stationary subset

    of a regular uncountable cardinal, and is hereditarily paracompact if it does

    not contain any subspace homeomorphic to a stationary set in a regular

    uncountable cardinal.

    Corollary 5.2. The following properties of a monotonically normal space

    X are equivalent:

    a) X has a σ-disjoint base;

    b) X has a σ-point-finite base;

    c) X is quasi-developable.

    Proof. We know that a) ⇒ b) ⇒ c) for any space [3], [4]. To show thatc) ⇒ a), recall that no stationary set in a regular uncountable cardinalcan be quasi-developable, so it follows from Theorem 5.1 that any quasi-

    developable monotonically normal space is hereditarily paracompact. But

    any hereditarily paracompact quasi-developable space has a σ-disjoint base.

    Another consequence of Theorem 5.1 is that many weak covering prop-

    erties imply paracompactness in any monotonically normal space and hence

    in any member of PIGO, e.g., weak-θ-refinability, subparacompactness, be-

    ing a perfect space (meaning that closed subsets are Gδ-sets), having a

    Gδ-diagonal, etc. See [30] for a lengthy list.

    The D-space covering property was studied in [14]. A space X is a D-

    space if given any collection {N(x) : x ∈ X} of open subsets of X withx ∈ N(x) for every x ∈ X, there is a closed discrete subspace D ⊆ X withthe property that

    ⋃{N(x) : x ∈ D} = X. The D-space property is known

    to be equivalent to paracompactness in GO-spaces [17] but whether the D-

    space property is equivalent to paracompactness in arbitrary monotonically

    normal spaces is not known. However, for spaces in PIGO, we have:

    Proposition 5.3. Suppose X is in PIGO. Then X is paracompact if and

    only if X is a D-space.

  • 14 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    Proof. First supposeX is a D-space. Because the D-space property is closed-

    hereditary and no stationary set in a regular uncountable cardinal can be

    a D-space, the Balogh-Rudin theorem (Theorem 4.1 above) shows that X

    must be paracompact.

    Next, suppose X is paracompact. Because X is in PIGO, we have a GO-

    space L and a perfect irreducible mapping f : L → X as in Lemma 2.1.Being the perfect preimage of a paracompact space, L must be paracompact.

    Therefore L is a D-space by [17]. So X is the closed continuous image of a

    D-space and hence is a D-space [14].

    It is known that if L is a GO-space with a σ-closed-discrete dense set,

    then L is perfect (and hence paracompact). Whether every perfect GO-space

    has a σ-closed-discrete dense set is axiom-sensitive and is undecidable, at

    least for spaces of small cardinality [12]. In the larger class PIGO, we have

    Proposition 5.4. Suppose X is in PIGO and has a σ-closed-discrete dense

    set. Then X is perfect and paracompact.

    Proof. As in Lemma 2.1 we have a GO-space L and a perfect irreducible

    mapping f : L→ X. By Lemma 2.3, L has a σ-closed discrete dense subset,so that L is perfect and paracompact. Therefore so is the space X because

    X is a closed continuous image of L.

    We next consider metrization of spaces in PIGO. In [10] the authors

    asked whether a semi-stratifiable space X must be metrizable if X has a

    monotonically normal compactification. Because every space with a mono-

    tonically normal compactification is in PIGO, our next result answers that

    question affirmatively.

    Theorem 5.5. Suppose X is in PIGO. If X is semi-stratifiable, then X is


    Proof. Because X ∈ PIGO, we have a GO-space L and a perfect irreduciblemapping g : L → X whose fibers have the special property mentionedin Lemma 2.1. Because X is semi-stratifiable, X has a Gδ-diagonal. By

    Lemma 2.2, L also has a Gδ-diagonal, so every fiber of the mapping g,

    being compact with a Gδ-diagonal, must be metrizable. It follows that each

    point of L is Gδ, so L is first-countable.

    Let R = {a ∈ L : a 6= min(L) and [a,→) is open in L}. We will showthat R is σ-closed discrete in L. Similarly, the set {a ∈ L : a 6= max(L) and(←, a] is open in L} will be σ-closed discrete. Then it will follow from resultsof Faber (see Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 of [19]) that the space L is metrizable.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 15

    Because X ∈ PIGO, X is monotonically normal. Being monotonicallynormal and semi-stratifiable, X is stratifiable. Now a theorem of Heath

    [24] shows that X has a σ-discrete network F =⋃{F(n) : n < ω} whose

    members are closed sets. For each F ∈ F choose a point y(F ) ∈ g−1[F ]. ByLemma 2.3, M = {y(F ) : F ∈ F} is dense and σ-closed discrete in L, sayM =

    ⋃n∈ωM(n), where each M(n) is closed discrete.

    For each p ∈ R, let C(p) = g−1[g(p)]. Then C(p) is compact. Becausep ∈ R, the set [p,→) is open so that the set C(p)− [p,→) = (←, p) ∩ C(p)is also compact. Let p− = sup(C(p) ∩ (←, p)) if that set is nonempty (andthen note that p− ∈ C(p)), and otherwise we let p− be ←. We claim thatthe interval (p−, p) is not empty. If the set C(p) − [p,→) = (←, p) ∩ C(p)is nonempty, then p− ∈ C(p). If the interval (p−, p) = ∅ then the specialproperty of fibers of g is violated, so we conclude (p−, p) 6= ∅ in this case. Ifthe set C(p) − [p,→) = (←, p) ∩ C(p) is empty, then because p is not theleft endpoint of L, we know that (p−, p) 6= ∅.

    Because M is dense in L, we may choose a point y(p) ∈ (p−, p) ∩M .Then [y(p), p) is closed because p ∈ R, so that g([y(p), p)) is closed in X,and g(p) 6∈ g([y(p), p)). Because F is a network for X, there is some Fp ∈ Fwith g(p) ∈ Fp and Fp ∩ g([y(p), p)) = ∅.

    For i, j < ω, let R(i, j) be the set of all points p ∈ R with y(p) ∈ M(i)and Fp ∈ F(j). We will complete the proof by showing that each R(i, j)is closed and discrete. For contradiction suppose some R(i, j) is not closed

    and discrete. Then there are points pn ∈ R(i, j) and some point y ∈ L withpn → y. Infinitely many points pn lie on the same side of y. Let us assumethat pn < y for all n and that the sequence pn is strictly increasing; the case

    where pn > y is handled similarly.

    Because g(pn) ∈ Fpn we have pn ∈ g−1[Fpn ] and because pn ∈ R(i, j) weknow that the sets Fpn all belong to the discrete collection F(j). It followsthat for some F0 ∈ F(j) we have Fpn = F0 for all sufficiently large n, sayfor n ≥ N .

    For n ≥ N we claim that y(pn+1) cannot be less than or equal to pn. Forif y(pn+1) ≤ pn then we would have pn ∈ [y(pn+1), pn+1) and then g(pn) ∈g([y(pn+1), pn+1)) ∩ F0 = g([y(pn+1), pn+1)) ∩ Fpn+1 , so g([y(pn+1), pn+1)) ∩Fpn+1 6= ∅, contradicting the choice of Fpn+1 .

    Therefore pn < y(pn+1) < pn+1 showing that ypn → y. But that isimpossible because the points ypn all belong to the closed discrete set M(i).

    Therefore, as claimed, the set R(i, j) must be closed and discrete.

    Proposition 5.6. Suppose X ∈ PIGO has a σ-closed-discrete dense set

  • 16 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    and a point-countable base. Then X is metrizable.

    Proof. Let f : L → X be as in Lemma 2.1. By Lemma 2.3, L has a σ-closed-discrete dense set because X does.

    Let B be a point-countable base for X. Let

    C = {C ⊂ L : C is a convex component of f−1(B) for some B ∈ B}.

    We claim that C is a point-countable base for L. Clearly C is point-countablebecause B is. It remains to prove C is a base for L.

    Let x ∈ L. If x is isolated, then by irreducibility, {x} = f−1(f(x))and so f(x) is isolated in X. Thus {f(x)} = B for some B ∈ B andf−1(B) = {x} ∈ C. So C contains a base at x.

    Now suppose x has a local base of open intervals (a, b), where a < x < b.

    Fix such an interval (a, b). Since no fiber of f contains a nondegenerate

    convex set, there are points a′ and b′ in L − f−1(f(x)) such that a ≤ a′ <x < b′ ≤ b. Choose B ∈ B such that f(x) ∈ B and B ∩ {f(a′), f(b′)} = ∅.Let C be the convex component of f−1(B) containing x. Then C cannot

    contain a′ or b′; it follows that x ∈ C ⊂ (a, b).Suppose {[x, y) : y > x} is a base at x. If x is the least point of X,

    then C contains a base at x in an argument similar that of the previousparagraph. So assume x is not the least point of X, and let K = f−1(f(x)).

    We claim that there is a point lx < x such that the interval [lx, x)∩K = ∅.If K ∩ (←, x) = ∅ this is obvious. If K ∩ (←, x) 6= ∅, then since (←, x)is closed, K ∩ (←, x) is compact and p = sup(K ∩ (←, x)) is strictly lessthan x. Then any point lx in the interval (p, x) is as desired. Choose y

    ′ ∈(x, y] − K. Then [lx, x) ∪ {y′} is closed and misses K, so f([lx, x) ∪ {y′})is closed in X and misses f(x), so we can choose B ∈ B with f(x) ∈ Band B ∩ (f([lx, x) ∪ {y′})) = ∅. Let C be the convex component of f−1(B)containing x. Since C ∩ [lx, x) = ∅, it follows that x is the least point of C,and then since y′ 6∈ C, we have x ∈ C ⊂ [x, y). Thus C contains a base at x.

    If {(y, x] : y < x} is a base at x, then a similar argument shows thatC contains a base at x. Thus C is a point-countable base for L. Now L ismetrizable by Theorem 3.1 of [7], so X is too.

    Recall that a space X is a β-space if for each x ∈ X and n ∈ ω, onecan assign an open set g(n, x) containing x such that x ∈ g(n, x) and ifp ∈ g(n, xn) for each n, then {xn : n ∈ ω} has a limit point.

    Proposition 5.7. Suppose X is in PIGO and is a β-space with a Gδ-

    diagonal. Then X is metrizable.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 17

    Proof. Start with a GO-space L and a perfect irreducible mapping g : L→X as in Lemma 2.1. If the open sets {B(n, x) : x ∈ X,n < ω} witnessthe β-space property of X, then define C(a, n) = g−1[B(g(a), n)]. It is easy

    to check that the collection {C(a, n) : a ∈ L, n < ω} witnesses the β-spaceproperty of L. By Lemma 2.2, we know that L has a Gδ-diagonal because X

    does. Consequently, the GO-space L is metrizable [6]. Because g is perfect,

    so is X.

    Proposition 5.8. Suppose (X, τ) is in PIGO and has a Gδ-diagonal. Then

    there is a topology σ on X with σ ⊆ τ and such that (X, σ) is metrizable.

    Proof. Because (X, τ) has a Gδ-diagonal, the Balogh-Rudin [1] theorem

    (Theorem 5.1) shows that (X, τ) is paracompact. But any paracompact

    space with a Gδ-diagonal has a weaker metric topology.

    Proposition 5.9. Suppose X is a member of PIGO. Then X has a dense

    metrizable subspace if and only if X has a dense subspace with a Gδ-diagonal.

    Proof. Because every subspace of a member of PIGO is also a member of

    PIGO, to prove the non-trivial half of the proposition it will be enough to

    show that every member of PIGO with a Gδ-diagonal has a dense metrizable

    subspace. Suppose X is such a space. Then there is a GO-space L and a

    perfect irreducible mapping g : L→ X with the properties listed in Lemma2.1. By Lemma 2.2, we know that L has a Gδ-diagonal because X does.

    But then, from Proposition 3.4 of [8], L has a dense metrizable subspace.

    A theorem of H.E. White [36] shows that a regular first-countable space

    has a dense metrizable subspace if and only if it has a σ-disjoint π-base,

    so we know that there is a σ-disjoint collection P =⋃{P(n) : n < ω}

    that is a π-base for L. For each P ∈ P let P ∗ =⋃{g−1[x] : g−1[x] ⊆ P}.

    Because g is irreducible each P ∗ 6= ∅ and because g is a closed mapping,each set g[P ∗] is a nonempty open subset of X. In addition, the collection

    {g[P ∗] : P ∈ P(n)} is a pairwise disjoint collection.Now suppose U is a non-empty open set in X. Then g−1[U ], being a

    nonempty open set in L, must contain some set P ∈ P and then P ∗ ⊆P ⊆ g−1[U ] so that g[P ∗] ⊆ U . Therefore the space X has a σ-disjoint π-base, so that if we apply White’s theorem again, we see that X has a dense

    metrizable subspace.

    The authors of [5] noted that a GO-space is metrizable if and only if it

    is an Fpp-space, (i.e., each of its subspaces is a paracompact p-space in the

    sense of Arhangelskii), and asked whether the same is true for spaces with

  • 18 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    monotonically normal compactifications. We answer that question nega-

    tively by giving a compact monotonically normal space that is non-metrizable

    and is an Fpp-space.

    Example 5.10. There is a compact monotonically normal space that is

    non-metrizable and is an Fpp-space.

    Proof. Let L = [0, ω1] and let C be the set of all limit ordinals in L. Then

    the quotient space X = L/C obtained by collapsing all of C to a single

    point is in PIGO and therefore is monotonically normal. The space X is the

    one-point compactification of a discrete space of cardinality ω1. Consider

    any subspace Y ⊆ X. If the unique limit point of X is not in Y , then Y is adiscrete metric space, and if the unique limit point of X belongs to Y , then

    Y is compact. Hence X is an Fpp-space, and X is certainly not metrizable

    – it is not even first-countable.

    6 Products of PIGOs

    While the class PIGO is well-behaved in some ways – it is a hereditary

    class and is preserved by perfect mappings, for example – it is badly behaved

    under products.

    Proposition 6.1. Suppose X and Y are in PIGO. If X × Y is in PIGO,then one of the following holds:

    a) at least one of X and Y is discrete;

    b) neither X nor Y contains a countable set with a limit point;

    c) both X and Y are metrizable.

    Proof. Suppose X × Y is in PIGO. Suppose neither X nor Y is discreteand one space, say X, contains a countable set C with a limit point p. Let

    D = C ∪ {p}. Then D × Y , being a subspace of X × Y , is also in PIGOand therefore is monotonically normal. Now apply Theorem 4.1 from [23] to

    show that the space Y must be stratifiable. Apply Theorem 5.5 to conclude

    that Y is metrizable. Because Y is not discrete, Y contains a countable set

    E that contains a limit point of itself. Then X × E, being a subspace ofX × Y is also monotonically normal, so applying Theorem 4.1 of [23] againshows that X must be stratifiable, and then applying Theorem 5.5 again

    shows that X must be metrizable.

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 19

    If X and Y are in PIGO and either a) or c) of the above theorem are

    satisfied, then X × Y is also in PIGO. But not so for b): if X is the spaceobtained from the ordinal space [0, ω2] by isolating all points of countable

    cofinality, then X is a GO-space but X2 is not hereditarily normal so not

    in PIGO. On the other hand, our next example shows that option b) is a

    real possibility.

    Example 6.2. There is a non-metrizable space X in PIGO with the prop-

    erty that X ×X is also in PIGO.

    Proof. Let X be the set [0, ω1] with all countable ordinals made discrete.

    Then X is a GO-space, so X is in PIGO. Consider the product space Y =

    X2. We split X2 along the diagonal as follows. Let U = {(α, β) ∈ Y : α ≤β ≤ ω1} and V = {(γ, δ) ∈ Y : δ < γ ≤ ω1}. Then U and V are subsets ofY with only the point (ω1, ω1) in common. The set U is a GO-space under

    the lexicographic ordering with (ω1, ω1) as its top point and an analogous

    statement applies to V , which is a GO-space with (ω1, ω1) as its bottom

    point. Joining U and V together at the point (ω1, ω1) shows that X2 is a

    GO-space and is therefore in PIGO.

    7 PILOTS vs. PIGO

    In previous sections of our paper, we have studied spaces that are per-

    fect images of generalized ordered spaces. Why did we focus on GO-spaces,

    rather than linearly ordered spaces? Suppose we are looking at a space X

    that has a monotonically normal compactification c(X). According to Mary

    Ellen Rudin’s solution of Nykiel’s problem [33], there is a compact LOTS

    M and a continuous mapping g : M → c(X). If we restrict g to the sub-space g−1[X], we obtain a perfect mapping. Then, as a step toward proving

    Lemma 2.1 we further restrict our mapping to give a perfect mapping that

    is irreducible. Notice that even though we start with a compact LOTS, this

    process of restricting to subspaces means that our domain will probably not

    be a LOTS, but it will be a GO-space.

    But what if we could get a LOTS L and a perfect mapping from L onto

    our space X? Is that possible for every X in PIGO? For which spaces can

    we find a LOTS domain for our perfect mapping? Are there members of

    PIGO that are not perfect images of some LOTS?

    If the space X is a perfect image of some LOTS, we will say that X be-

    longs to the class PILOTS (= Perfect Image of Linearly Ordered Topological


  • 20 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    Proposition 7.1. Any metric space belongs to the class PILOTS.

    Proof. Morita proved that any metric space X is the perfect image of some

    subspace of the metric space Dω where D is a discrete space of suitable

    cardinality (see Problem 4.4.J of [18]). Herrlich proved that for any strongly

    zero dimensional metric space Y there is a linear order < of Y whose open

    interval topology coincides with the given topology of Y (see Problem 6.3.2.f

    of [18]). Hence our result follows if we show that every subspace of Dω is

    strongly 0-dimensional.

    It is probably folklore that Dω is hereditarily ultraparacompact (= every

    open cover has a pairwise-disjoint open refinement) and thus hereditarily

    strongly 0-dimensional. For the benefit of the reader, we outline a quick

    argument. For any finite sequence σ = 〈d0, d1, ..., dn〉 of elements of D, let[σ] = {x ∈ Dω : x extends σ}. Then B = {[σ] : σ ∈ D

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 21

    Proof. Claim 1. B = {[a, b] : a, b ∈ X, [a, b] compact open} is a basis for X.Let p ∈ x. If p is isolated, then [p, p] ∈ B. Now suppose p has a local base ofthe form {[p, y) : y > p}. Fix y > p. By local compactness, we may assume[p, y] is compact. A compact LOTS with a dense linear order is connected,

    so by 0-dimensionality, there is a point z with p < z < y such that z has

    an immediate successor. Then [p, z] is a compact open neighborhood of p

    contained in [p, y). The case where p has a base of left half-open intervals

    can clearly be taken care of by an analogous argument, and if p has a base

    of open intervals simply apply the argument in both directions. This proves

    Claim 1.

    For p, q ∈ X, define p ∼ q iff p and q are contained in a compact openinterval. Clearly ∼ is an equivalence relation, and each equivalence class isconvex. Let J be the set of equivalence classes.

    Claim 2. Each J ∈ J is a clopen subset of X which is a LOTS withrespect to the restricted GO order. It follows from Claim 1 that each J ∈ Jis open, hence also closed. Recall that any compact GO space is a LOTS

    with respect to the restricted GO order. Let p ∈ J . Then p is containedin some compact open interval I ⊆ J . If p is not an endpoint of I, or if itis an endpoint of J , then p has a base of open intervals with endpoints in

    I, hence in J (counting intervals with one “endpoint” equal to → or ←).Suppose p is an endpoint of I, e.g., suppose it’s the right endpoint I, but

    not of J . Let q ∈ J with q > p. Then [p, q] is compact and p is relativelyisolated in [p, q] (since [p, q] ∩ I = {p}), so p has an immediate successor p′

    in J . Then open intervals with p′ as the right endpoint contain a base at p.

    This proves Claim 2.

    Now we need to line up the members of J so that the induced order gen-erates the topology σ on X. Call a LOTS J “open” if J has no least or great-

    est element, “closed” if it has both, and “right half-open” (respectively, “left

    half-open”) if J has a least element but not a greatest element (respectively,

    a greatest element but not a least). In lining them up, we need to avoid,

    for example, placing an open J immediately above a closed or left half-open

    J ′. To accomplish this, we may need to perform some “surgery” on the J ’s.

    Note that if J ∈ J is open, then by local compactness and 0-dimensionality,there is a compact open interval [a, b] such that J = (lJ , a

    ′]∪ [a, b]∪ [b′, rJ),where a, b ∈ J , and a′ is the immediate predecessor of a and b′ the immedi-ate successor of b. Also, if J ∈ J is right half-open, then there is b > lJ suchthat [lJ , b] is compact open and J = [lJ , b]∪ [b′, rJ); an analogous statementholds if J is left half-open. Finally, we can “turn J around” via the order

  • 22 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    x � y iff y ≤ x. Note that (a, b)≤ = (b, a)�, [a, b)≤ = (b, a]�, etc., where thesubscript indicates the ordering being considered; hence the corresponding

    GO topologies are homeomorphic.

    Claim 3. If J is finite, then there is a linear order on X which inducesthe topology σ. The proof is by induction on |J |. The key case is |J | = 2.Let J = {J1, J2}. Suppose J1 is open. If J2 is also open, or is left half-open,put J2 above J1. If J2 is right half-open, put J2 below J1. If J2 is closed, find

    a compact open interval [a, b] in J1 such that J1 = (lJ1 , a′] ∪ [a, b] ∪ [b′, rJ1),

    and stick J2 between a′ and a (or b and b′).

    The remaining cases are J1 and J2 both half-open, both closed, or one of

    each. If one of each, do a similar trick as for the case with J1 open and J2

    closed. If both closed, put any one above the other. Finally, if both are half-

    open, we can by turning one around if necessary assume J1 is left half-open

    and J2 right half-open; then put J2 above J1. In all of these cases, it is easy

    to see that the indicated ordering is a linear order inducing the topology σ.

    Now suppose Claim 3 holds with |J | = n ≥ 2, and let J = {J1, J2, ..., Jn+1}.By the induction hypothesis, J1, J2, ..., Jn can be combined to form a LOTS

    generating σ, and then by the case n = 2,⋃ni=1 Ji and Jn+1 can be so

    combined as well. This proves Claim 3.

    The next claim will finish the proof of the lemma.

    Claim 4. If J is infinite, then there is a linear order ≺ on X whichinduces the topology σ. Let |J | = κ. By performing surgeries as discussedprior to Claim 3, and by turning some around if necessary, we may assume

    every member of J is either closed or left half-open, and furthermore thatκ-many members are closed. Let λ be the number of left half-open members.

    For each α < κ, we will define a LOTS Lα consisting of copies of

    countably many members of J , and then put the lexicographic order onL =


  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 23

    compactification of X. Let M be the “double-arrow version” of L∗, i.e.,

    M = L∗ × {0, 1} with the lexicographic order. Then M is a 0-dimensionalLOTS, and the obvious map g : M 7→ L∗ is perfect. Let h = F ◦g : M → X∗.Then h is perfect map of M onto X∗. Let Y = h−1(X), and let k be h

    restricted to Y . Now X is open in X∗ so Y is open in M . Thus Y is locally

    compact GO and 0-dimensional, and k is a perfect map of Y onto X. By

    the previous lemma, there is a linear order on Y making it a LOTS; thus

    X is in PILOTS.

    The following corollary is immediate from the above proposition and

    Proposition 3.4.

    Corollary 7.4. The following are equivalent for a locally compact space X:

    (i) X is in PIGO;

    (ii) X is in PILOTS;

    (iii) X has a monotonically normal compactification.

    To see that there are spaces in PIGO that are not in PILOTS, we use

    the following metrization theorem.

    Theorem 7.5. Suppose X ∈ PILOTS. Then X is metrizable if and onlyif X has a Gδ-diagonal.

    Proof. To prove the non-trivial half of this proposition, suppose X is a

    space with a Gδ-diagonal and suppose we can show that there is a LOTS

    L and a perfect mapping f : L → X with the property that if a < b in Lhave f(a) = f(b), then there is some c ∈ (a, b) with f(c) 6= f(a). Then byLemma 2.2, L has a Gδ-diagonal. Because L is a LOTS, we know that L is

    metrizable, and then so is its perfect image X.

    Therefore, to complete the proof of Theorem 7.5 we must show that for

    each X ∈ PILOTS, we can find a LOTS and a perfect mapping with theproperties described in the first paragraph of this proof. We do that in the

    next lemma.

    Lemma 7.6. Suppose M is a LOTS and suppose there is a perfect mapping

    g : M → X. Then there is a LOTS L and a perfect mapping f : L → Xwith the property that if a < b in L and f(a) = f(b), then for some c ∈ (a, b)we have f(c) 6= f(a).

  • 24 G. Gruenhage and D. J. Lutzer

    Proof. For each fiber g−1[x] of the mapping g, let Cx be the collection ofall the maximal (with respect to ⊆) elements of the family of all compact,convex subsets of M that are subsets of g−1[x]. Some members of Cx mightbe singleton sets. Let C =

    ⋃{Cx : x ∈ X}. Then C is a pairwise disjoint

    collection of compact, convex subsets of M and C covers M . Let M be thequotient space obtained by identifying each J ∈ C to a single point, and letq : M → L be the quotient mapping. If < is the given linear order of M ,define a linear order on C by the rule that for J1, J2 ∈ C we have J1 ≺ J2 ifand only if for every xi ∈ Ji we have x1 < x2. Then ≺ is a linear orderingof the set C, and van Wouwe (Proposition 1.2.4 of [38]) has shown thatthe open interval topology of ≺ coincides with the quotient topology on L.Therefore L with its quotient topology and the order ≺ is a LOTS.

    Define f : L → X by the rule that if J ∈ C then f(J) = g(x) for anyx ∈ J . Then f ◦ q = g, making it easy to check that f is a continuousclosed mapping with compact fibers, i.e., f is a perfect map. To complete

    the proof, suppose Ja, Jb ∈ C with Ja ≺ Jb and f(Ja) = f(Jb). If for everyJ ∈ C with Ja ≺ J ≺ Jc has f(J) = f(Ja), then the entire segment ofM from the least point of the compact set Ja to the greatest point of the

    compact set Jb is contained in a single fiber of g, showing that neither Ja

    nor Jb were maximal. Therefore, there must exist some Jc ∈ (Ja, Jb) withf(Jc) 6= f(Ja), as required.

    Corollary 7.7. Suppose X is an non-metrizable space with a Gδ-diagonal.

    Then X is not in PILOTS. In particular, neither the Sorgenfrey line nor

    the Michael line are in PILOTS, even though, being GO-spaces, they are

    certainly in PIGO.

    8 Questions

    Most of the following questions ask whether a result known for GO-spaces

    can be proved for members of PIGO or for monotonically normal spaces in

    general. The references mentioned in several of the questions refer to the

    paper in which the corresponding result for GO-spaces can be found.

    Q1) Proposition 5.4 above shows that any member of PIGO hav-

    ing a σ-closed-discrete dense set must be perfect. The converse

    is false if there is a Souslin space (= a non-separable GO-space

    having countable cellularity), the existence of which is indepen-

    dent of ZFC. Assuming there is no Souslin space, is it true that

  • Perfect images of GO-spaces 25

    every perfect member of PIGO has a σ-closed-discrete dense


    Q2) Can 5.4 be generalized to say that every monotonically nor-

    mal space with a σ-closed-discrete dense subset must be perfect?

    Q3) Suppose X is in PIGO and has a σ-minimal base1. Is X

    paracompact? [11]

    Q4) Suppose X ∈ PIGO has an OIF (= open-in-finite) base. IsX metrizable? [13]

    Q5) Suppose X ∈ PIGO is perfect. Is there a perfect GO-spaceM and a perfect mapping g : M → X?

    Q6) Suppose X is in PIGO and is separable. Is X monotonically

    Lindelöf? [9].

    Q7) Which members of PIGO have monotonically normal com-


    Q8) Is every member of PIGO orthocompact? [30]


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