perfect fit: 5 tips to avoid sponsor mismatch

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Perfect Fit: 5 Tips to Avoid A

Sponsorship Mismatch

Sponsors can be CRUCIAL to an events

bottom line.

But sometimes, a certain sponsor might not be the best fit for your event

Here are some tips on avoiding sponsor mismatches…

Missing the Mission

Does the sponsor conflict with the mission of your event or organization?

(i.e. Mothers Against Drunk Driving would probably not have Coors Light sponsor their event.)


No News is Good News (is not always true)Has your potential sponsor been in the news lately?

Why were they in the news?


Based on that, does it feel okay to have them as a sponsor? Good News: Great

Negative News: Probably not…

Don’t be afraid to pull out of a sponsorship deal if it means

saving the image of the event.

How will your attendees feel?

Uber should probably not be your transportation sponsor if you’re event is for cab drivers….

Make sure that you consider the beliefs and views of your guests. Will they be impacted by your sponsors?


Clash of the SponsorsWouldn’t it be weird to have T-Mobile be the presenting sponsor of your music festival, but also have the AT&T

Main Stage?



Don’t Dilute Your Value

Sometimes, the perfect fit for your event might not have the $$$ to afford the sponsorship.

See if they can kick in some in kind donations to meet the value.

If they can’t, don’t decrease the value of the sponsorship, lower the sponsorship level to what they

can afford.


Sponsors Mean Innovation

Sponsor dollars and participation can give you the tools you need to create something new and spectacular.

If done successfully, sponsor partnerships will reap huge rewards for all parties.

What are some of the best sponsorship matches you’ve seen at an event? The worst?

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