pentecost worship service and covered-dish sunday,...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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Lytle United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 608

Lytle, Texas 78052-0608

(830) 772-3345

Contemporary Worship Service

Every Saturday Night at 6 PM

MAY 2018

Prayer Garden Lights

Let your light shine before

others, that they may see your

good deeds and glorify your

Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

Our new prayer garden lights

are dedicated to Ann Williams and John McGinnis, and

the dedication stone includes this verse. It is a simple

command to understand, but tough to follow. Part 1:

Let your light shine by doing good deeds. Part 2: Let it

shine in such a way that it brings glory to God, not to

ourselves. Our prayer garden lights call us to action

and humility, in His name.

Grace and Peace,


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Mother’s Day Celebration

Mother’s Day is right around the corner. During the

worship service on this important occasion a slide show

will be presented of mothers of our church family and

we need your pictures! Just place your photographs on

the pastor’s desk, or email them to If you previously sent in pictures, no

need to send them again. We will also be handing out carnations and chocolates

to all the women of the church.


SUNDAY, May 20

PENTECOST WORSHIP SERVICE - God’s sanctuary will become a flame of red

as we remember and re-experience the power of God’s Holy Spirit, come upon His people.

We will have lots of surprises and specials during this dynamic worship service on May 20.

Come experience the joy of the Lord!

SPRING COVERED-DISH - Don’t miss our fellowship brunch following worship

on May 20 (starting around 10:15 AM). The meal will be a covered-dish, so you

know it will be good. Come and get to know other church members a little better.

CHURCH CHILD PROTECTION POLICY PRESENTED After the covered-dish brunch we invite you to stick around for 20 minutes

as we present our new church child/youth protection policy and procedures.

We want our church to always be a sanctuary for our children and youth

and it’s up to all of us to make that happen. God is counting on you.

Pray for Our Nation! National Day of Prayer – Thursday, May 3

The theme for this year’s National Day of Prayer, May 3, 2018, is

Pray for America - UNITY, based upon Ephesians 4:3 which challenges us to

mobilize unified public prayer for America, "Making every effort to keep the unity of

the Spirit through the bond of peace. As the 2018 National Day of Prayer on May

3rd approaches, thousands of individuals, churches, and communities will be working

to rally millions of Christian’s to once again heed this call!

National Day of Prayer will be remembered in Lytle as people from all the churches

gather at the City Hall parking lot at noon for a time of prayer. Please join us as we pray for our

community and our country.

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Church Schedule May 3, Thursday - National Day of Prayer.

May 3 through 6 – Men’s Walk to Emmaus #4 at Mt. Wesley.

May 6, Saturday - 5k run/walk in memory of William Cogburn. - Christian Motorcyclists Associations’ “Run for the Son.”

May 7, Monday - Food Pantry Day, 6 to 7 PM. Volunteers needed.

May 11, Friday - Koinonia Emmaus gathering at New Fountain UMC near Hondo. Music starts at 7:30 PM.

May 12, Saturday - Church Workday. Everyone is needed!

May 13 - Mother’s Day.

May 14, Monday - The United Methodist Women will meet at 2:30 PM at the home of Catherine Carroll.

May 19, Saturday - Highway trash pickup. Meet at the church at 7:30 PM.

May 20 - Pentecost Celebration and Covered-dish Brunch (around 10:15 AM).

May 21, Monday - Food Pantry Day, 6 to 7 PM. Volunteers needed.

May 28, Monday - Memorial Day.

June 18-22 - MAD Camp (Music, Art and Drama), 9 AM to noon.

July 16-20 - Vacation Bible School in the evening.

August 4 & 5 - Dinner Theater to raise funds for Military Ministry.

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Youth Schedule

May 2018

May 5: 5K run/walk

for August Heart in

memory of William

Cogburn. Volunteers need

to be at Lytle High School

by 7:15 am.

June 24 – 30, 2018:

Mission Trip to San

Augustine County, TX.

June 18-22: MAD Camp -

The youth are needed to

help with this. 9:00 am –

noon plus there will be a

performance on Friday

Evening at 7:00 pm

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





5 5K race/walk

in Memory of

William Cogburn

6 No U.M.Y.F.







13 No U.M.Y.F.

Mother’s Day







20 U.M.Y.F.

At The Church

4 pm – 6 pm







27 No U.M.Y.F.

Memorial Day






July 16-20: VBS – Help is needed with this as well.

August 4 – 5: The next Dinner Theater. If you would like to be in the play, rehearsals will start in June

on Sundays at 2:00 pm

Thanks Be to the Lord Sound System Capital Campaign Completed Successfully!

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Youth Summer Mission Trip to San Augustine County, Texas

Our annual youth mission trip will take place June 24-30. The youth will be working with the same

mission ministry as last year, Next Step Ministries, and they will again be doing home repairs to homes in

a poverty stricken area of our state: San Augustine County. To raise money for this trip, the youth have

already participated in several fund raising efforts including a yard sale, chicken plate sales, and Breakfast

Taco sales. To help raise the rest of the money needed for this mission project,

the youth have set up a “Wall of stock.”

“Wall of Stock” Youth Mission Trip Fund-raiser

Through the month of May we will be having a fund-raiser for the Youth Summer Mission Trip. There

will be a cork board with stock envelopes pinned to the board. Each envelope will have a stock (donation)

amount printed on it. Amounts will range from $1.00 to $150.00. Stock holders can simply take an

envelope or envelopes and put that dollar amount into the envelope. Place the envelope into the collection

plate or give it to Diana Jackson or Scott Martin. If cash is used, please write your name on the back of

the envelope so that your contribution can be credited to you. Be a “stockholder” in our youth.

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Free M.A.D. Camp, June 18-22 Our M.A.D. summer children's program (Music, Art and Drama) will take

place June 18-22, Monday through Friday, from 9 AM until noon. The focus

will be the preparation of a wonderful musical called "Star Quest: Search for

the Stolen Scriptures,” which will be performed Friday night at 7 PM. In a

galaxy far away, and in a future not too distant, the crew of spaceship J-316 is

on a mission: trekking through the galaxy, bringing the Word of God to people

everywhere! But there is a radical plot underway by a power-hungry ruler to

erase scriptures from the galactic database. The crew of J-316 has just landed

on a planet whose inhabitants still employ the age-old practice of Bible

memorization. With the Word of God hidden in their hearts, they foil the evil

rulers plot. Nothing in this world or beyond could be more important than

making sure God’s Word remains available to people throughout the galaxy!

Call (830) 772-3345 today to sign up your children.

Prayer Concerns

• Ruble Farmer—serious health problems. He is at home.

• Orlando, Jr.—for his broken wrist to heal quickly.• Wyatt Lafond—sick from bad water.

• Debbie Pruett’s Aunt Lena—dementia, family trying to make decisions • Ralph Weaver—recovering at home from breathing difficulties • Sherry Morrow—fell an injured her head • Rose Lynn—in rehab for her Parkinsons

• Karen Vance—waiting for diagnosis of illness • Penny (Suzie Sollock’s aunt)—in hospice care • Anna Honn (Becky Escalante’s sister-in-law)—hospitalized, had kidney transplant 10 years ago

• Bobby and Pamela Frick—upcoming surgery, recent car accident, financial concerns

• Maria Rae’s grandmother—hospitalized with multiple leg fractures • Gene Gunn—diagnosed with cancer • Gay Lynn Muzny (Bethel Kay Bateman’s friend)—stroke • Rose Marie Smith (Connie Norton’s mother)—cancer, moved to San Antonio • Helen Tietzman (Connie Scott’s mother)—health, and prayers for Connie and her family • Felix Escalante • Molly Melton (Malcolm Brown’s daughter)— brain tumor, on hospice • Annie Rhoades—had toes on one foot amputated • Stewart Allen--health • Kevin Warren—had a seizure, medical bills • Lisa Wells—on chemo again, good scan results again • Bobby McConathy (coach in Lytle)---esophageal cancer • Joseph—13-year-old with brain tumor • Austin Zavala (LB and Scott Scantlin nephew)—motorcycle accident, multiple injuries

• Dorothy Granberg (Karla Dominguez’ mother)—recovering from lower leg amputation • Nancy Burns—health, surgery rescheduled • Terry Gray Chandler—brain tumor • Wayne Morgan (Escalante brother-in-law)—finished chemo • Roger Lockhart—on hospice • Marsha Boener (Michelle Keith’s aunt)—breast cancer • Marta Becerra (Lollie’s sister)—cancer • Felix Alvarez (Gloria Johnson’s brother)—released from halfway house, prayers for success • Gwen Dominguez (Jim and Karla Dominguez’ niece)—stage 4 brain cancer • Jay Bateman (Jack’s son)—mouth cancer • Jean Rouse—breast cancer, hip surgery • Our missionaries around the world and for the persecuted church

• For the church staff and their families • For our president and leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4) • For our military and our veterans • For our nation and for the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ Our Church Family Soldiers and Civilians Working with the Military • Ian Simons—Air Force • Brandon Hunt—joining Army Reserves • Ross Moffitt (Chris and Fred Brauchle grandson)—Air Force • William Reichel—Army, in Germany • Forrest Keith—Kevin Keith’s son, Navy • Kyle Pringle—Army • Josh Orbinati—Michele Brown’s nephew, Coast Guard • Craig Wolf—Air Force • Jonathan Heiman—Navy • Jon and Brianna Hartwig—Army, Jill Daggs’ daughter and son-in-law • Joyce Biggs (George Bahlmann’s great-niece)

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Miscellaneous News!

Run for the Son – On April 29 a special offering was taken up to support four global evangelistic

ministries through “Run for the Son,” and $820 was collected. This offering will help reach people with

the Good News through Missionary Ventures, Open Doors, the Jesus Film Project and the Christian

Motorcyclist Association. Robert Hunt is our representative to CMA and Run for the Son.

Father’s Day: June 17 - We will be celebrating Father’s Day with “Good Dad” chocolate bars and a slide

show of fathers of our church family. We need your pictures! Place your pictures on the pastor’s desk, or

send them to

Annual Conference - Annual Conference, a meeting of representatives from every church in our

conference area (the Rio Texas Conference) will take place in Corpus Christi, June 6-9. Please keep our

delegates in your prayers: Michelle and Kevin Keith and Rev. Scott Martin.

Lydia Patterson – Our annual conference, Rio Texas, is in the midst of a capital campaign with other

Texas conferences to raise major building rehab funds for the Lydia Patterson Institute, a conference

sponsored school for the needy in El Paso. As part of that campaign, our church donated $400.

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Church Work Day, Saturday, May 12

Show you care, by helping to keep God’s church looking good! Our spring workday is

scheduled this year for Saturday, May 12. We will gather at 9 AM to begin work, (or

when you can come) and take a break at lunch for a meal provided by the church.

This will be a very satisfying day and joyful day as we all work together.

Adopt a Highway Pick-Up Day, Saturday, May 19 at 7 AM

As part of the “Don’t Mess with Texas Trash Off,” our church will be doing our once a quarter trash pick-

up along highway 463, starting from the Lytle water tower and heading out beyond Lake Shore Estates.

We will meet at the church at 7:30 AM for breakfast taco provided by the church. We will then head out

to clean up as a service to our community. We will be done before 10 AM.

Emmaus News

Men’s walk to Emmaus #4 will take place May 3 – 6 and will be the

best walk ever. The welcome home for all the pilgrims will take place at

our next community gathering, May 11, at New Fountain UMC near

Hondo. Singing starts at 7:30 PM.

Preparations for the fall Women’s Walk to Emmaus, led by our own

Michelle Keith, are underway. Many of our folks will be on the team for

this walk, which takes place October 18-21 at Mt. Wesley. This is going to be a great experience for all,

and we hope to have many pilgrims from our church on the walk. Perhaps God is calling you to be a

pilgrim! Applications and more information on the Walk to Emmaus, a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual

renewal weekend, can be found in the information rack in the church entrance hallway.

VBS 2018, July 16-20

It’s time to gear up

for Vacation Bible

School 2018. VBS

had been set for July

16-20, Monday

through Friday. This year it will again be in the

evenings, from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. It will include

a snack meal, so food preparers are needed as

well as the usual small crew leaders and station

leaders. We need lots of volunteers, so please

mark these dates now that you might be able to

help. Keep this ministry in your prayers.

Interactive Dinner Theater

To raise funds for Military Ministry, Saturday &

Sunday, August 4 & 5

As a follow up to last years “The Good, the Bad, and

the Holy” the church will again be putting together a

dinner theater to help our returning troops through Cru

Military Ministry. Rehearsals on the play, called

“Shoestring Theatre” will take place Sundays at 2 PM

in June and July. If you are interested in being part of

the cast or backstage crew, sign-up on the sheet on the

church bulletin board. We would love to see lots of

new faces for this new interactive dinner theater.

Methodist Food Pantry Fundraiser

The dinner theater” Love Thy Neighbor,” which took place April

7 and 8 was a great success. Approximately three thousand

dollars was raised for the food pantry ministry. We would like to

thank all those who attended this event, and all who worked to

make it happen. From our actors, cooks, silent auction providers,

to all those who worked behind the scenes, thank you. Not only

did we raise funds, we had a great time, met a lot of people from

the community, and witnessed to the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Church Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is open on

the 1st and 3rd Mondays of

each month, from 6 to 7 PM,

and volunteers are always

needed at 2:30 PM and 5:30

PM. Thank you for your

Sunday offering, part of

which funds this ministry

United Methodist Women

The UMW’s purpose is to serve the Lord

through missions, service, study and worship.

All the women of the church are invited to the

May 14th meeting, which will take place at

2:30 PM at the home of Catherine Carroll.

Come join this wonderful fellowship of

committed Christian women. Call Linda

Bahlmann at (210) 837-0650 for more details.

Backpack Ministry

This ministry has been a

great addition to our

church’s outreach efforts,

and we thank all those who

have participated. May 18th

will be the last day for the

2017/2018 school year. We

look forward to next year.

Easter Lily Dedications From Kitty and Jim Alexander

in memory of

Bob and Dolly Alexander and

Larry and Ann Jackson

From Linda Bahlmann in

memory of her mother, Iva


From Linda Bahlmann in

memory of George Bahlmann

From Linda Bahlmann in

honor of her bothers Lee, Ray

and Donald Craig

From Linda Bahlmann in honor of her sisters

Judy Jenkins, Jeannie Taylor and Marsha Moore

From Brad, Nan and Kasen Boyd in memory of

Francine Boyd, and in honor of Bryan Boyd

and Leon and Rose Thumann

From Catherine Carroll in memory of Alfred Carroll

From Catherine Carroll

in honor of her kids and grandkids

From Pete and Gerry Carrington

in honor of Ann VanWinkle

From Ricardo Castillo in memory of

Encarnacion and Francisca Castillo and Nikki Holley

From Jim and Karla Dominguez in memory of

Chris Dominguez and Karl Granberg

From Scott and Linda Martin

in honor of their church family

From Scott and Linda Martin in honor of

Vera Martin, and John and Rachel Martin

From Connie and Glenn Norton

in memory of Charlie Smith

and in honor of Rose Marie Smith

From the Ralph family

in memory of Dr. and Mrs. S.S. Peters,

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner Sr. and Robert Ralph

From Linda and Billy Stewart

in memory of J. D. and Frenchy Grant,

and in honor of their children,

grandchildren and great grandchildren

From Ann Vanwinkle

in memory of Howard VanWinkle

and in honor of their two kids, Linda and Don

From Frank & Pam Wanjura in memory of

Franklin Wanjura, Sr. and John E. McCall

From Lisa and Mike Wells in memory of

Don and Barbara Smith

From Lisa and Mike Wells

in memory of Reid and Pat Wells * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A Memorial to Ruby Reichel

Ruby was a blessing to all of us, and we miss her. To commemorate her sweet

spirit and loving heart the church has planted a red oak by the entrance to the

church. The tree was and the marker

beneath the tree were dedicated on Sunday,

April 22. Whenever we enter the parking

lot, may this tree remind us to strive to have

the same spirit and faith as Ruby.

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