pendekatan spasial guna lahan dalam perencanaan wilayah

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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By Belinda Ulfa Aulia, MSc

Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan

Land suitability analysis is the process of determining the fitness of a given tract of land for a defined use [56, 57].

In the other words, suitability analysis is the process to determine whether the land resource is suitable for some specific uses and to determine its suitability level.

Its development and capability to overlay digital maps have made suitability mapping easier and quicker.

Since suitability analysis deals with the analysis of several data sets, GIS can effectively be used in looking at the characteristics of land from a number of layers for each location to solve problems.

Metode Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan

1. Perumusan Permasalahan2. Penetapan Kriteria3. Pengklasifikasian Kriteria4. Pemberian Bobot Kriteria5. Proses Overlay Peta

The growth of motor cycle is up to 12% per year. The total number of car and motor cycle is up to 1.6 million (S.Surabaya, 2009).


Water & Soil Pollution

Already-Existing PFS Distributions in Surabaya

Fire & Explosion

Traffic Congestion


More specific research objectives of this study are:

1. To investigate the contributing factors for suitability analysis of PFS based on hazards and site requirements of PFS.

2. To assess the suitability of PFS sites using spatial multicriteria decision analysis (GIS and AHP combination).

3. To validate the criteria ranking of suitable PFS areas using spatial sensitivity analysis.

4. To assess the factual condition of PFS distribution based on suitability analysis result.

to assist the proper siting of PFSs by developing an approach of GIS-based suitability analysis to identify suitable sites for PFSs

Research Objective

Problem Statement

The improper placement of PFS in Surabaya City could lead to disastrous consequences, since environmental safety not used as considered factors.


Water System Protection

• Distance to groundwater• Distance to salt water• Distance to rivers• Distance to private wells

Vicinity Area Protection• Distance to residential• Distance to hospital and school• Distance to electro static environment

Road Safety•Distance to intersection•Distance to road•Distance to grade crossing

Emergency Response Services

• Distance from fire station• Distance from hospital

Key Points

• Land availability• Acceptable slope for construction• Land use

Proper Land Selection


Objective Criteria Indicator

Water system protection from USTs leakages

Groundwater At least 300 ft from groundwater

Seawater At least 3.250 ft from saline water

Rivers At least 500 ft from rivers and lakes

Private wells At least 250 ft from artesis well

Vicinity area protection from PFS's fire and explosion hazards

Impact on the residential properties

At least 100 ft from residential properties

Impact on nearby hospitals and schools

A least 500 ft from hospitals and schools

Presence of electro static environment

At least 150 ft from High Voltage Areas

Proper land selection

Land availability vacant land

Proper HSE practises during UST construction

Less than 35% steep

Land use Located in commercial/industrial zone

Road safety due to in-out activity

Distance to Intersection

At least 250 ft from intersection

Distance to road At least 40 ft. from road property boundaries

Distance to grade crossing

At least 820 ft from grade crossing

Emergency response services

Distance from Fire Station

Within 8 min. driving time

Distance from Hospital

Within 8 min. driving time

Source: NEPA 1999, NFPA, BADA 2003, Maine 2002, New Hampshire 2007, PERTAMINA, Wu et al. 1993



Classification of CriteriaLow Suitability Medium Suitability High Suitability

1 2 3Distance to Coastal Line < 3.250 ft - > 3.250 ft

Distance to River < 500 ft - > 500 ft

Distance to Residential Properties

< 500 ft - > 500 ft

Distance to Hospital and School

< 100 ft - > 100 ft

Distance to High Voltage Area

< 150 ft - > 150 ft

Distance to Intersection < 250 ft - > 250 ft

Distance to Road Property Boundaries

< 40 ft - > 40 ft

Distance to Grade Crossing

< 820 ft - > 820 ft

Slope 1-40% 1-15% 1- 10%

Land Use Fish pondGreen open space



Land availability Non vacant land - Vacant land

Distance to Fire Station Within 4 min. driving time

Within 6 min. driving time

Within 8 min. driving time

Distance to Hospital Within 4 min. driving time

Within 6 min. driving time

Within 8 min. driving time

Viva Voce Presentation – MSc Program


Raster Data Set

Euclidean Distance


Grade crossing, road, and intersections data map layers

Residential, hospitals, and High voltage area data map layers

Coastal line and river data map layers


Raster Data Set

Euclidean Distance


Slope data map layers

Land use map layers

Vacant area map layers


Raster Data Set

Euclidean Distance


Fire Department map layers

Hospital map layers



Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Method

AHP HierarchyPair wise Comparison

R i = Σk wk rik

The pairwise comparison method employs an underlying scale with values from 1 to 9 to rate the relative preferences for two criteria.

Priority Rating

Consistency Ratio (CR)If CR ≤ 0.10, the ratio indicates a reasonable level of consistency in the pair-wise comparisons.

The final step is to aggregate the relative weights of the levels obtained in the second step to produce composite weights.


Analytic Hierarchy Process Result

This level of importance for each criteria will be assigned to each data map layers in spatial analysis so that one single map ranking based on decision support system can be created.






Priorities Preferences of PFS Placement Criteria based on Overall Stakeholder Perspective.

The pairwise comparison method employs an underlying scale with values from 1 to 9 to rate the relative preferences for two criteria.

Consistency Ratio (CR)If CR ≤ 0.10, the ratio indicates a reasonable level of consistency in the pair-wise comparisons.


Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis



Evaluation for Factual Condition


Pictures of Factual Condition

PFS adjacent with residential

PFS adjacent with school

PFS in Commercial Zone

PFS near with electrical receptacles

PFS adjacent with point of intersection




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