
Post on 13-Aug-2015






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History of Computers

by Aaron Goldwasser

• ENIAC (electrical numerical integrator and calculator).

• used from 1946 to 1955

• used vacuum tubes

First Computer

Progression of Hardware

•1950s: Vacuum tubes

•1955-1965: Transistors

•1965-1975: Integrated circuits

•1967- 1970: Circuit boards

•1970-now: Silicon computer

Vacuum Tubes

•Invented in 1906 by Lee de Forest

•Big as a fist

•The tubes heat up and release electrons in to the tubes

•Acts as switch or an amplifier


•invented in 1958 by Jack C. Kilby

•Solved a lot of problems that vacuum tubes had

•Had problems of its own

•Likelihood of faulty wiring increased the more complex the circuits became

Circuit Boards

•made by Paul Eisler in 1967

•thousands of bits on the size of a hand

First PC

• made by Philip Don Estridge

• made in 1980

• named IBM PC

Internet Begins

•In 1990 Tim Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN propose a 'hypertext' system, which is the first start of the Internet as we know it today.

First Major Apple OS

•Apple introduces System 7 OS May 13, 1991.

First Notebook

•IBM introduces ThinkPad, the industry's first notebook, in

First Government Webpage

•President Bill Clinton puts the United States White House online on 26th Jun, 1993.

Internet Explorer is made

•Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 1.0 on August 16, 1995

Google lives!

•Google is first developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

Facebook goes online

•The domain comes online March 28, 1997

Sony makes the memory stick

•Sony introduces the Sony Memory Stick.

First iMac

•Apple introduces the iMac, the iMac helps bring Apple back on the computer maps as a very easy and friendly computer

Microsoft bails out Apple

•Microsoft saves Apple with a $150 million investment August 6, 1997

Windows XP is released

•Microsoft Windows XP home and professional editions are released October 25, 2001.

Windows 2000

•Windows XP is released.

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