pearl of wisdom

Post on 13-Oct-2015






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motivasi powerpoint


  • LeadershipA leader has a sense of humilityA leader has a sense of historyA leader has a sense of humor

  • Leaders solve todays problems while looking to tomorrows opportunitiesLeaders see more in others than others see in themselves

  • Remember that silent and listen contain the same letters.Remember that teacher and cheater contain the same letters.

  • CAREPeople dont care how much you know until they know how much you careI care about you! Say it, mean it and live it.

  • A leader balances logic and emotion

    Inside every person are seeds of greatness. Your task is to cultivate them.Never put yourself into a place too small to growGive others the freedom to make mistakes, and be willing to forgive them.Listen with compassion.Accept blame as well as fame.Mistakes are a necessary part of the success process

  • MotivationSuccessful people do what unsuccessful people wont.Seek advise from successful people.Develop a sense of urgency to the task at hand, and pay attention to the details.Expect excellence from yourself and others.Think of setbacks as new opportunities to excel

  • Window of OpportunitiesThe winds of change will blow you away or take you to new HEIGHTS.Today is the first day of the rest of your life.Positive thoughts are fertilizer for the mind.We rise to greatness by lifting others.

  • Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mysteryToday is a gift.Thats why its called the present!

  • PerformanceMove fastGet up early and work late!Dont just talk about it. Do it.There is no replacement for effort.Develop a sense of urgency to the task at hand, and pay attention to the details.What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular.Choose to follow those you know are on the right path.Passion , Courage, Commitment-This is life!

  • The Future is in your handsGreat achievers are ordinary people with extraordinary ambition.

  • A bad attitude cancels all other positive skills.

  • Instruction is what we say.Influence is what we do.Image is who we are.

  • TRUTH and TRUSTWe must have the courage to speak and hear the truthChoose the purity of truth over popularity.Follow the trust, not the opinions of others.It is much easier to live with the truth than to suffer with a lie.Communication is the lifeblood of trustTrust is the absolute standard of life.

  • EducationIf you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.Chinese Proverb

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