peace begins with me

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Article by Ted Kuntz: I believe we are guided by an essence with a higher wisdom. Iʼm uncertain whether this essence is my own higher consciousness, or that of another being that is benevolent and committed to my success. The distinction may be irrelevant. What is relevant is my ability and willingness to listen to the messages provided by this higher consciousness. These messages are often subtle and require a certain level of stillness in order to hear what is being offered. Iʼve received messages of a higher consciousness on two occasions. On both occasions I was in a state of angst and despair and found the offered wisdom life changing. Iʼd like to share with you one of those occasions in the hope this may enable you to hear the gifts of wisdom that are being sent your way. “What Would Do the Most Good?” As seen in Science to Sage Magazine Nov. Issue. Also see "Peace Begins with Me" by Ted Kuntz


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Science to Sage Radio @ Awakening Zone.comLive 12pm CentralNovember 19, 2013Guest: Ted Kuntz

Host: Karen Elkins

S u b t l e W i s d o m The gift of higher consciousness came to me

at a very difficult time in my life.

By Ted Kuntz M.Ed

believe we are guided by an essence with a higher wisdom. Iʼm uncertain whether

this essence is my own higher consciousness, or that of another being that is

benevolent and committed to my success. The distinction may be irrelevant. What is relevant is my ability and willingness to listen to the messages provided by this higher

consciousness. These messages are often subtle and require a certain level of stillness in order to hear what is being offered.

Iʼve received messages of a higher consciousness on two occasions. On both

occasions I was in a state of angst and despair and found the offered wisdom life changing. Iʼd like to share with you one of those occasions in the hope this may

enable you to hear the gifts of wisdom that are being sent your way.


“ W h a t W o u l d D o t h e M o s t G o o d ? ”

Suddenly, without any

conscious intention on my part, a voice entered

my consciousness. I confess that it was not

me who was responsible for this voice. It was too

foreign and unfamiliar.

The gift of higher consciousness came to me at a very difficult time in my life. My daughter Lani was moving into her adolescent power. On this particular evening, Lani decided to exercise this power by ignoring her curfew.

At the time my life was full of stress and tension as a consequence of having a young son with severe medical challenges. Josh had been neurologically damaged by a routine vaccine shot and developed an uncontrolled seizure disorder. As a result, his mother and I had to deal with his seizures many times per day. The decision of my fourteen year old to disregard her curfew was more than I could manage that evening.

I sat in the darkened living room of our home waiting for her return. As the minutes turned into hours I became increasingly anxious, angry and resentful.

“What is she thinking?” I ranted in my mind. “How could she do this to her mother and me? “Doesnʼt she know we have enough on our plates with her brother being sick?” “Doesnʼt she care?”

I vacillated between confusion and anger, and from concern to fear. I conjured up all kinds of stories and images to feed my negativity. With each dark thought, I could feel the rage growing inside me.

I imagined all the things I would say and do when my daughter arrived home. Most of the thoughts and actions were painful expressions of my anger, resentment, disappointment and hurt.

Suddenly, without any conscious intention on my part, a voice entered my consciousness. I confess that it was not me who was responsible for this voice. It was too foreign and unfamiliar. It was too unlike me. The message stood in stark contrast to the uncontrolled venting I was undertaking at the time. With absolute clarity, I heard the following question in my mind:

“Ted, of all the things you could

do when your daughter comes

home, what would do the most


I must admit I was caught completely off-guard by

the question. In fact, I had never even considered this kind of question before. Until that moment, I

had lived my life as if I had no choice in the kind of ac t ion I m igh t take in h igh ly charged

circumstances such as this. Somehow it was as if my emotions justified whatever actions followed.

As I sat there in that darkened room I began to

consider the question that had been asked of me by some unknown agent. I reviewed the range of

actions I might take when my daughter eventually arrived home. And as I considered each action, I

held it up to the criteria I had been invited to consider: “Would this action do the most good?”

As I ran through the options in my head, and

considered the likely consequences of each, it became apparent to me that most of the actions I

had spent the evening ruminating on were unacceptable.

I began to consider other options. I thought of actions based in forgiveness and love. I pondered the possibility of expressing gratitude that my daughter was home safe. I weighed the possibility of acceptance, rather than resentment.

I began to feel my heart opening to the love I felt for my daughter. As I connected with these subtle sensations in my body, I knew my heart was affirming that these more sensible actions would do the most good.

Within minutes of my declared intention to express gratitude, acceptance and love my daughter came through the door. With hindsight, I laugh thinking that this same essence must have been coaching my daughter too and had finally whispered to her: “Itʼs time to go home. Your dad is finally ready.”

When Lani came into the house, I wrapped my arms around her small adolescent body and hugged her tightly. With warmth and sincerity, I said – “Lani, Iʼm glad youʼre safe and Iʼm glad your home. I love you.”

This one experience with my daughter taught me something that will be with me forever. What transpired that evening was an awakening inside me that reinforced my capacity to choose – in each and every moment. Until then, I allowed whatever emotion was the most intense to determine my response.

Once I received this gift from this unknown essence, I made a silent vow to live my life in a completely different way – to live with choice; to live as a creative being; to take responsibility for my actions and my thoughts

I realize now that whenever I am confronted with the challenges that life can present, I can choose to pause and consider the thought, “What action of mine would do the most good?”

Imagine how our world would be transformed if we all lived this way. What if each one of us took the time to pause - especially in times of difficulty - and ask the question, “What action of mine would do the most good?” I feel certain that this thought and the other messages of wisdom offered to us have the potential to change us and our world._____________________________________Ted Kuntz is a gifted psychotherapist and the author of the best-selling book, Peace Begins With Me. Ted has a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and more than 25 years experience as a clinician and a consultant.

Much of the wisdom that Ted shares in his counseling, workshops, and consultations didn't come from his formal training. Rather, it came from his personal journey as the father of a child with severe disabilities. Ted's journey with his son Joshua taught Ted how to make peace with life and to take full advantage of the gifts and opportunities life offers.

Ted's internationally acclaimed book, 'Peace Begins With Me', is a summary of the wisdom he acquired on this journey. This deeply personal story is an inspiration to those of us who are challenged by life and wish to move beyond pain and anger and experience more peace and joy.

As Seen In Science to Sage Magazine, November Issue

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