pdhpe game sense approach

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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PDHPE GAME SENSE APPROACHWhy should we use it?

Gina Nguy 17714714

WHAT IS THE GAME SENSE APPROACH?The ‘game sense’ approach is a modified take on traditional playing styles and engages with the students in modified game strategies (Sporting Schools, 2016).

It incorporates variations and adjustments to the game to facilitate easier or harder challenges, thereby accommodating all varying ability and skill levels (Sporting Schools, 2016).

This approach encourages critical thinking, decision-making, collaboration and teamwork given that the constant altered playing conditions promote new challenges and restrictions for the student to reach the game’s objective.


• The game sense approach is student-centred facilitated due its emphasis on allowing the students to play before intervening with instructions and advice (Sporting Schools, 2016). As the students play, the teacher observes and initiates discussion and provided assistance between the games.

• Pill (2016) explains that it promotes “dialogue between players and between players and the teacher…in contrast to the monologue of directive teaching ascribed to a common directive PE method (p. 283).

• It has been shown through research that adopting this approach correctly has the potential to develop both cognitive and physical abilities through movement (Light & Fawn, 2003).

• To learn more about the game sense approach, you can find some useful links below:


http://www.healthpromotion.com.au/HPS/Game_Sense.htm http://



As explained below, there are strong links between the benefits of game sense approach and the objectives of the HPE syllabus rationale:

1. Encourages an understanding and valuing of the self and others

• “Students who understand and value themselves as individuals and as members of groups, exercise more control over their own lives. When students understand and value others, they work more cooperatively in teams and enjoy more stable and satisfying interpersonal relationships.”

The game sense approach encourages students to test their own movement and skills and work collaboratively with other students. When students understand their own mind and body connections and improve their co-ordination, they can work better as individual and team members.


2. Promotes physical activity

“Adolescence is a time when the trend to inactivity is a concern. Efforts to encourage young children to be more active (one hour per day) provides optimum health” (Board of Studies, 2007, p. 6).

The game sense approach encourages physical fitness from low-impact to high-intensity level given its nature of accommodating to all skill levels. Primary school marks the beginning stages of the children's’ rapid mental and physical growth and you will notice how they seem to have an endless source of energy. Encouraging them to engage in sports, games and physical activities will be essential to their health and wellbeing especially during this important transition.


3. Emphasises informed decision making leading to effective and responsible action

• “Students are more likely to use strategies developed and learned in the classroom in their own lives if they have been developed and rehearsed over a period of time in simulated situations” (Board of Studies, 2007, p. 7).

The game sense approach allows students to use various strategies during game play that will allow them to practice skills that will be useful later on in life. The concept of modified games encourages students to work together and effectively communicate with others. They will also need to make joint decisions and utilize their critical thinking abilities. Practicing these skills within a productive learning environment with teacher assistance will enhance student’s learning within and outside the classroom.


• Board of Studies, NSW. (2007). Personal development, health and physical education K-6: Syllabus. Sydney, Australia: Author.

• Game Sense Approach. (n.d.). Retrived October 4, 2016, from https://www.sportingschools.gov.au/resources-and-pd/schools/playing-for-life-resources/game-sense-approach

• Light, R., & Fawns, R. (2003). Knowing the Game: Integrating Speech and Action in Games Teaching Through TGfU. Quest, 55(2), 161-176. doi:10.1080/00336297.2003. 10491797

• Pill, S. (2016). An appreciative inquiry exploring game sense teaching in physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 21(2), 279-297. doi:10.1080/13573322. 2014.912624

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