powerpoint presentation and all the characters are all ... unassuming squirrel. together flora and...

Post on 08-Mar-2018






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Each year, brave Wildcats gather in the library to become experts on selected novels. Then they work as teams to answer trivia questions about each of the 10 books.

The questions are always “In which book?” A Wildcat doesn’t have to read all 10 books, just be an expert for 3 or 4 of the books and work with other Wildcats.

While having fun reading and learning about the books, each student hopes to win a place on the Wildcat Team to go to the District Championship April 29. Let’s bring a 4th

trophy home to Wester this year!

Check out this year’s titles!

This based on a true story and all the characters are all real. Read about the killer of Lincoln, the people involved, and the chase leading up to the capture of his assassins.

Nate has always wanted to be in a Broadway play. He’d settle actually seeing one. So he and his friends plan escape to New York City and have an amazing adventure.

Even in the future, the story begins with “Once upon a time.“ There is something unusual about Cinder. Something others would kill for.

She is a natural-born cynic . He is an unassuming squirrel. Together Flora and Ulysses will conquer villains, defend the defenseless, and protect the weak.

Like other slaves after the Civil War, Pascal and his older brother have been promised land and a mule to work their new land But the night riders have plans to take it away, threatening to also take away their freedom that they are enjoying for the first time in their lives.

Brendan is a scientist. He sets out to find the reason behind his grandfather’s absence, but what he discovers can’t be explained by science. Now Brendan wishes he had never found his grandfather at all.

Henry Lambert would rather play video games than go outside to explore the great outdoors. In desperation, his parents enrolled him in an intensive survival camp that taught him and his new friends new skills. Henry survives exercise, sleeping outside, romance, & mobsters

Wilderness Survival Tip: If you are relying on this book for actual survival tips, you’re dead already.

An orphaned boy is living on the streets of Warsaw, Poland during World War II. He doesn’t know if he is a Jew or a gypsy. He thinks it would be better to be a Nazi, then decides it’s safer to be nobody at all.

After Nazi Germany occupies Norway, Espen and his friends join the Resistance. He starts delivering illegal newspapers and moves up to becoming a spy.

When Temple Grandin was born, her parents knew she was different. Temple had autism, a brain disorder that makes communication difficult. She proved through her love of science and cattle that people with autism can lead successful lives.

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