,i.archives.uindy.edu/digitized_docs/reflector/1930s/1933-05-26.pdf.'for the picasure of sop,,-...

Post on 08-Mar-2018






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-..Commencement ' ' . .June 8 I . . .

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. . > . . . . .Bl-\VEERLY PUBLI I

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VOL. XI . ,. INDIANAPOLIS;, IND.; .MAY'. 26,'. 193 3 .: . .

1 . Davis, electrician;. Ernest .roe; ticket, class reunions until , the ljtemry. so- sales chairman,, and .,Ruth:'.Griffith, ciety teas in the.aftemoon;..The h i - Russel :Abdon, ' Virginia -Trehearne nessqneeting'of the entire atumni is and Arville .?.wan, ysistant$ ... by h picnic sup;

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. an-

". FEATURE FOR'JUNE: to all, members in I , .. good standing. .. - . . . . . [These ballots Will used in the dec- Eaton' and Wec~nber&..\Vill Be in tion of the tu.0 nlumni trustees of the .t CharEe of General Arranremrnta !coilere. The oresent trustees are Rev.

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death d t BIG. iv. R. Funk,'\vile of Dr. J~ . .R. ~ ~ ~ k , piesident of the boaid of inistees of .the Dr.Yand ~~~k and +. young of he IIome were in anauto- .:The' Of. the Rest

pageant.,bekins with the "senior pn mobile ,crash'Nondny,' May 22. Mrs. 'cession, including,, the queen, Irelc Ftink .lived abut .twelSe hours biter the.

Schmidt, and her attendants, Evely a Ci&nnati hospital..&,. young

R'olff, : Virginia' Trehearne, ' Rut Cherry,' Opal Burch. ' ' ' ' ' ' .' feredh biokeu \mist mhile iIr.,Young

escaped ,vith, onli , minor bruises. .... . . . . , . . . . . . . After, the processional . 'the blitk ' Funeral' services for . Mrs. .Funk Rose Ramseft*

where, her .majesty, the ,9ueen ~

Roses, ivili,..hoId court June 16 a t .. 110me. o'clock in ttie gymnasium. ' .


and D?. Funk is' now. ip Bell, .Nary ..E. IIuddleson, Carolin


. . . . . . .+ . . . . . . 9 Iawyer. is. play* b y ,Dayid.C:ameq. ..... ....... :..-..; ......... IIarold Emig has,the pnrt 9f !'Jsryis,'l

,. Scene in I '

--Photo by Yooorhls. 1 .

. . . .*.. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. Frdnt row; reading, left . to right-Inez, Evans, Lowell Lee, Ruth.Griffith,:Forrest 'Gdntz, Edith.IIagelskam on Frbnce, -Florence Featherstone, Russell.:!Villsey, 3Iarietta Leland, Daniel Niccodemus,. Ellzabcth. Breedlo? A&ille 'Swann. ' ': ' ;- ' '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . 1 .

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." the butler; and Esther.:Petw is , ' the maid; ' ,

. . ~ . Petty, Dbight Thomj

... ... . . . . . . . . .

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and Edgar ,Gault:.: ::.: ' ~ ' . , ,. .Lois Holiman,' illartha Roney; Frances lVallac,e, ',JIaurice. Shadle,

, . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Gettinger and Lloyd.Polen.. . . the produetion'Other members an the ' staff are ..... Forrest Gantr, stqge m a n - ! A L u R I N I : D A Y : P ~ A N S .(::,::,! n'?s* '"a' ". FUNIC IffLLED'". OLD ENGLISH FOREST:-: ager; Junior Wilson, Russell Willsey , . i IN AUTO ACCIDENT . . .

.. ,!IS,SCENE FOR REVE and Robert Enyart,.assistnnts; hIaryl. .~ INCLUDE'DI"ER,,TEAS . ~. . .:'" .' - ' .-,

of the yesr,nrill be held Riday night. They.were elected for .a ,thFe-year Ohio,'with Dr. Fred .L. Dennis, in June 2. in ' the ' gymnasium. , The period and ' their .term expires thl? charget.. ',. , '

* ' : Spring Festival will be sponsored.by,Jear. The officers for the alumni as- ': '

the Y. 51.' C. A. and Y. w. c. A:=' sociation uill be elected'for.the, new ; Dr. Funk'i:nS,formerly$he publish- the second entertainment which the year.~,The-.offic~n.for the, past year in6 agent for the .United, Brethren *q-"'a~aMintionq ,+,,inn +h. v.llr' : . (Continned On Page 3) . . . . Publishing'.IIouse, Dayfon. . . ., , ,

1 . . , , . . . . < I (. . , ,

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. . . . . . Elizabeth IIuddlestan, property ch'3ir-1, .: :: , ' : i . ' . President Board of Trustees oC.Otter- . .I - : ' ~ t , : ' . - -. bein"]Iome Injured ',.. ' , ' Pageant Is .Under the- Di,rection I

Miss Irene Doup ahd Lola Ilansen man; Opal Durch;Irene IIiatt, Leon \Vi11 E lk t .b f f i ce r s and'Two Aiumai

. . . .. . . Maneval and.Alva.Jyard, nssistants;!:. .Trustees 'of the College :., : Mae Rife. Dublicitv. chairmhn:. Carl1 . ' . .: . .< - . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . - . .

Combs, LeOnn Gray, Evelyn SIocket Nildred nIcKay and nIary Lou Frencl The,'brightly colored, morning gloric gayly. appear, .'IIelen'. White, Rot Potts, milma Kreamer.. Kathryn Koy

. . . . (Continued On Page'3)." ...

I ,in charge of plans for the occasion.

entirely of .campds musicians; will. Shadley's orchestra which is composed:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . -Witty.:Womeri Win:~\Vith:-\Yillful . . . . .Wild ,War r io r s :. ' ; . . . . . . . . . '

. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 , . . . . . . ' 'By. Julia, Ann Sprague, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -: . . . . . . . .

. I . , . . . ... 'furnish the music: . , ', . . : : ', ', . .

', .Ea& class hil l . patticipate in the' Once upon a time+& w i i it a b u t \\.ere '&:that, moment'cbeing. hoisted entedainment.. . E ~ & , is expected ,ti a .a-eek dgY?---nt.the hour.of 2 a:'m. opt of the dofinitory .wfndOws. All have an elaborate .stunt in.readjness All, wns;.quiet .and p?hocl,: (y+, not one could.hear, Wane were,listening,

kriew the i n seniors were vas' the disappenring splashes-in the bmores, seniors, juniors and freshmen skipping.,,The biggest men'of. the in- muddy waters behind 'thb , dormitory.

bne .afidther to see L,whb stitution . were,. appointed ,.second On, into the .,valley of mud .rode,the

'The also aid . in &e deeo- of ~ ~ a m a . ' o f . t h e Chase, "Whitcomb!' .:Then all was.darkness,.save a.fOneb rating scheme. , , ~ o l f e . The bnttalion', chiefs sur- lnoon;.:The,rf 'behind a .gMrled oak

. : The suggestion has irom tho&.munded N~~ II&l in )op$l!x?t'they (or maybe It w e ' a n "e~dni") crouched in charge'of arrangements. that the might capinre, a s6a lp~or .n pound of the senioi ladies shivering at !he.cnt:

',girIs wear light.informa1 dresses and ,coffee or even , a bottle .of ,catsup; talls'of suckinhuman and .bUtal,men the men wear light.t;ouners and dark ~ l n s , unbeknowd , t o the,*ieftains as Bearl. Smjth and otkrs..,On they

I of the lower class& the senior girls came;: appronehing'.on,:broomsti~ks, rontr.

.'for the picasure of the sop,,- quite

vi., 'can .ptoduee (he best, entertainment.. zqooeytenants*l by ,the Grand .nIa?ter brave yomen. . : . '.; . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . :. . I


thade.'seCond. "looeytenants." : Th women ,shuddered' for surely thi meant w.m;. The lustiest of braves,ha been chosen for this expedition, namt ly, "Gallant,' Fox" Spurgeon, "Nr pokon Bonapnrte" Eller' and , Ne130 "IIa~nibal" . . , Eaton. When these'.bm men sdw'the,:women assembled .the halted hnd went into a huddle.befor .. ,

fnch: the ' fear fu t foe.:'"' '

.:'Suddenlj Cnroiyd IVolff: &glec The biggest brave said, ;Oh,'theyl Only; girls$,'Ne'.can approach' now. ,. .

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~ (Continued On Pa& 2) .' :. ,- 1,' ..... "U. *... I _ . . r l " " ) -,,:

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RE,,, .) .;; G,'

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Rev.. .C. >V. . Uonebrbke.. IllinOis: Conference Superintendent; . ;;

to Preach Uaccalaureate.. i i -sermon ,: ,' ,, :. .. ' , . . . . . . . . . . .. A . . . . . . - , < > , 1'. ,:."'. ':. '; . . ,,

Reverend"John 'Gi Bensdn,"superiu-! tendent, of the Methodist hosDital of Indianapolis; will deliver 'the Lddress. a t th'e twenty-eighth., annual corn::! nencement. at Indiana: Central' Coli: ege., ' The service' will 'be'held i t 14:: )'clock, Thursday morning, 'June 8, in; the college gymnasium. ,. .' ' . ' ' .

'At that time i n e hundred twelot$ ;enion and normal students will bd'; :radunted' frum'the institution.' Of!' the regulnr.four-yenr students .forty<: line will receive diplomds,"su'other~., iv,ill 'receive special 'recognition .no?: ind will :be ,awnrded"diplomas upo$ :ompleting'their work this summer. ;' ; 'As',:n'. part .of"the: commencement" activities President and'. Nrs: I,'..l.' Sood will ;entertain ,the' senior class a t their home tonight. '1 ': ' " ' 4

Reverend.G.'W.. Bonebrake, j super- intendent of Illinais conference ' and pastor. o f ' the Decatur First United, Brethren church will prebch the h e - :alaureate semion ht, 'the College' :horch Sunday morning, June\k This' service dill be held a t 10:30, p'cbck.;

' Candle' Lighting Senice: '". s service will be followed by thes

annmal candle-lighting 'service in hon: or of the graduating class a t 7:30' Sunday .evening. The 'program will bo in charge of ' the' seniors and 'will. follow the traditional 'order. ' 1 . .': :I

. ,I,n,.the two-ye+ normal. boup. thirty-seven mill .be ,awarded 'cedi& cates for teachers licenses. In addition to,,this.-number tu.enty ' more who' started their work in the mid-spring teK-wiI1-5e presented .\vith certifi- cates at the end of their summer york this ye&. -

I .

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I . .- . . . . . Iuperintendent 'of . Xlaiion. County

Schools Was Sptaker On M a y 22 .. :Supt. Fred T. Gladden of the Marion. :ohnty schools, pave the main address it the recowition services for thq yradnnting 'two-year. Normal. school ;tudents;in the college auditorium. cn

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i l ay22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

,exhers. and 1,700 children. IIe also iupervises all the practice teachers of :his township. '. ' . .Following the' processional 'o f . the

gormal students Resident Good in,n irief recornition address spoke to the. :lass in hehalf of.the faculty and stu-. lent body: ' ""

Everett . Swank,:as "repre;eriktivo bf the tso-year Normal students, re;. :ponded to the President's' speech. :

Other numbers on the program were . , 'urnished by the, Greyhound :quartet, md the girls' quartet'. and Shadley's . ' irchestm. .: : . . . . . . . . , .

The membera of the class .who vil l ,eceivo . tie-year diplomas from ..Yn- liana. Central College a t commence-.. nent ,in June are: Imogene Arford,, ?elen : porket, ' Rachel i .Breedlove, :ladys Brooks, Mildred Brown, .Glen-, Ips nu@her, Agnes : Chambers, Nellie :ornbs;'ElizAbeth Connett. Susle CUn. lingham, Nola Davidson;.pul Dnvls,' . . .

;. .(Continued On Page 3).,: :. ,

.Mr. Gladden is.,in charge of- .400.


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. . . . were finishid'in li$ht blue and silrer.. , . -. ,. .. ' . '

. ~h~ India,+, Centra1.Trio gave tko I i;mgr& .&; the plum _, Creek and . , , ' ,REVEL :OF TIIE'ROSES 1 ' \ \ ~ I L a l i ~ . I ~ R E ~ ~ R l E R ' .' ' "" ' .

Tuesday evening, Nay 1G. ' I:'

'. . GIVES VOICE.'.RECITAL' Rnleigh Christinn'churchcs, last Sun: . :" ' - : . end of bIay 13 at, the' Chi -Omega . . . . dny,'nIay 21." This Sunday, llay.28; (Continued from'.Page .l)' house, Bloomington, Ind., .'It, + +\~ENTY-TIIREE 1 GIRLS , the, %io-;ill givi {thiee e programs, pein,,Pauline ,. . Wood and.Nelbn'Shull; \Villiamson IIarden Assists; Prosram': Alumnae' Week for the.sorority; Nlth : GIVEN I~oNon A,vARDS ?+, nt'G;&castle'ii the mornink and

the villagers awake nnd appear in the . , ' , Giwn . . nIay 31 a t 8 . . O'Clock . ihe national president a<. guest of , . ., , . at Dc'cat"r,'Illinois; in the aftkrnooi! . . early- morn;.Zoa Cunninghnm,-Betty

; . . ..:I. T" .. . . . , , : , , , . . . . .'. and evening. ., The,:fo~~owing Black\+ood, II+en Alverson;. Rachel :Jane Johnson nurrbughs , presents T U . 0 . Formal Studenh R w i w All the ~~i~ ?ill go to the. craw .N. E. Barrow;. Belle IInhey;, Ferne. Gibbs, Wilma Kreamer. soprano;: and..Wil-.'.

honor. '

'. The 1.: W: C. A.'. cabinet and . the . , Four Letters.and Triangle .' . church in Indianapolis.:. mis d l 1 Theodosin Driirer and Lois Shute. . ' Iiamson'IIarden, baritone, in voicere;. koncludc the progrnms"given by the 'Biholdl .The'bold Robin Hood np- Ci&d 1Vednesday;:Nay 31, at.8 p. m. bi sisters of all,nem.NorniaI.school : ' ' : .-

girls nre entertaining their little pis- ; ' ' ' Blue felt. y. . ~ y i 'e. A. j&<ers' Trio this'school yexr.' IIowever, n tour pears'in the person of blargaret Ram- in'the &hart Nemorial Auditorium..

ters nt an outdoor breakfagti.Sunday in chapel Wednesday .is is .being arranged 'for this summer, sey :and his .men: .IIelen. Lammers, iWSS K+amer'and AIL'IIarden ail1 be

mornins at Nrs. Gilliatt'? home. ~ . h&o;.;;dards to, the, kirls mho ~ t a r t i n g , nt..'LaGrange, nnd .Forking Alice .~ance,.Fem.Cnrrithers; and in as?isted>pr.the $rinF!trip:,,The mem-: .' Committee chnirmen for this ,event fulfilled th$'<ecessary require^^^^. south through Indiana., . . pursuit, Earl.of. Sherwood,'Bess os- bers of the trio are 1rma.Chambers.

. . : . good, :,and hi; &lit&y'.men: N~~ violinist; Naiy Bmnnenmiller, cellist, nre: food, Kathryn ,Brown;: utensils and cooking, Im0S-e p K m n n ; €!en- I i o r d e r to Gin n "Y;.each girl must " .: ",: hike'one hundred eighty miles inthree FOSTER $ A ~ ~ + I N G :',.. Vnnaidal, son, Bertha Lois Smith,'Georgin BFOOks, Foughty, Robert- ginia Bachtel and ' Niss Elizabeth'

and Dnrlirie Clements,.!Pitinist. ' Vir-

,months; for .the."W" she 'must-take .I' .era1 arrangements, , . Ruth Pfeifer. .<

Volunteers held. a .weiner :roast: at bobk supplied by the'Y, m: c. ,A. and

The committee in charge. of arrange-

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Niss'Betty.Foster spent the

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SHOWN' AT EsP'?s!TI?N nonnie. stisis, ~~~~~i jvarner; ,R"& Ride'r'.will accompany . . . . . - . . . :. -. - I. ' ' . I . 6.. sinty,'showers , in three months; for ;:' : ~'

. O f ' Progress .kin ~Chieaso'. :: '. . . Slick, Nargnret,Sherrill, Ina Pfleiger, hers. . '. ". ' . '.

Nildred Walker, Dorothy Niller, Trevn . . " d ~ . . . . . . - . th.e *.'c'! 'she must read n 'religious pjei&e to ii on 'Exhibit :it Century . . Nembers and friends of the

. . : . . . . s !:.:'. I ,

., , . :. Lick Creek Thursday night, bInY 21. ... .. . . BIiser,'' Ruth weidlei, Rella ,\VcYpltr,

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Miss Conrick Presents Pictures Show-

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major subject is botany:. . . :, Esther Petty, and Flo stone. ' ' . . SENIORS' AND.NORJIAL ... . . CLASS "SIC

. : is n member of the class of 130. .: . . . Johnson Burroughs. . ,:' . : .. . . . . . .

secrrtly lenve the sc nual "skip" day. .Las class of 1033 left th in the momkg for.

ates'also had their, "skip'! d day. Their'secret wns no s

top related