close reading: analyzing poetry and passages of … reading: analyzing poetry and passages of...

Post on 07-Mar-2018






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Close Reading: Analyzing Poetry

and Passages of Fiction

What Is Close Reading?

lose reading, sometimes called explication of text, means developing an

understanding of a text that is based on its small details and the larger ideas those

details evoke or suggest. Although you might worry that taking a work apart

somehow lessens its power or the pleasure of reading it, the opposite is usually true. By

looking at the various parts of a poem or passage of fiction, you come to appreciate

the writer's artistry and understand how a writer uses various techniques to make a

statement, suggest an emotion, or convey an idea. John Ciardi's classic book on analyzing

poetry is entitled How Does a Poem Mean?—and that's the purpose of close reading: to

analyze not just what a piece of literature means but how that meaning comes about.

When you write a close analysis essay, you start with the larger ideas you've discovered

and use the small details—the words themselves and how they're arranged—to support

your interpretation of the meaning of the piece.

The key to close reading is, of course, observation—taking note of what you

read and what you think about it, and asking questions. The good news is that the

texts you are asked to read closely are usually not that long, which means you can

read them several times. Each time you read a text, you will notice more and more.

Later in the chapter we'll suggest specific strategies—such as annotating and using a

graphic organizer—that will help you organize what you notice, pose questions

about your observations, and even answer the questions you've posed. Let's start with

what you notice when you first read a poem or passage of fiction.

First-Impression Questions

Take a look at this excerpt from My Antonia by Willa Gather, a novel about early

settlers in the American West, narrated by a young boy who moves from Virginia to

Nebraska to be brought up by his grandparents. As you read, jot down some ques-

tions that arise from your first impressions.

I sat down in the middle of the garden, where snakes could scarcely approach unseen,

and leaned my back against a warm yellow pumpkin. There were some



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