pdf intelligence operations 1

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 PDF Intelligence Operations 1


    Counter-Intelligence:How To Keep Out Of TroubleBy Franke ScheinJune 2010

    The people that make up the patriot and militia movements are probably some of the most security conscious folks in the worldand

    rightly so when one considers the recent arrest of the Hutaree Mili tia a few months ago.

    Hutaree got themselves taken down because they didnt subscribe to a few fundamental security rules.

    #1 Never discuss anything sensitive or critical without knowing exactly who you are talking to. If you are part of a patriot group, then youmust always assume that everything that you say, and everything that you dois being recorded or watched by somebody else. Even if

    that person is your very best friend inside of the group, you never really know their true feelings, or if they are really a member of your

    group or working for somebody else. It would be foolish to think otherwise.

    #2 Suspect anyone that offers you something that nobody else has access to. Some of the more typical traps might be an offer to provideyou with the components to build a silencer, or a drop-in full auto sear for your rifle. Either of these should send immediate alarms bells,

    and make you suspicious of the offer, and the person offering it to you. Ask yourself how this person acquired the component, and whythey are offering it to you.

    #3 Remember that if you are part of a Patriot or Militia group, your personal information has already been disclosed and investigated byvarious investigative agencies. Make no mistake about that. They already know who you are, where you live, and everything else that

    you feel is sacred about your lifehas been scrutinized by somebody, somewhere. Its a fact of life, and most government documents

    will tell you just what their plans are, and how (to a point) that they gather intelligence information.

    #4 Anyone that approaches you and starts asking your opinion on race relations, how you feel about immigration, if you think that gaysshould be allowed in the militarythose are also indicators that somebody is trying to gauge your inner-sentiments. They are attempting

    to see if you have the ability to play the race card. If you do, it will be used against you at some later time. Keep your personal feel ings to

    yourselfat all times!

    #5 Your E-mails and telephone calls have been watched the moment that you surfaced inside one of the patriot groups. If you cruise allthe patriot sites, if you have ever posted any videos, or posted at any of the Patriot forumsthen rest assured that you are no longer un-

    der the radar. That is a proven fact. The DHS has implemented a devious plan to locate and identify every patriot in the U.S. utilizing the various FUSION CENTERS as one of the intelligence gather-

    ing apparatus.

    So, with all of the information that is floating around out there, what can you really do about it?

    NothingAbsolutely Nothing. If wouldnt matter if you ever said anything that contradicts the socialists in office. It wouldntmatter to them if you owned a firearm, or not. What matters is the simple

    fact that DHS, NSA, FBI, CTTF, and other agencies have presidential authority to do whatever they want, spy on anyone that they want to, and gather personal information on everybody in the United

    States. It has been going on since 1983 (TIA) Total Information Awareness program that was the brainchild of Admiral Poindexter. You remember himThe Rear Admiral that was involved with

    Oliver North and the Iran-Contra incidents. This is the guy that proposed the electronic system that we call Big Brotherand it has been actively spying on every person in the country for over

    twenty years. Theres nothing that you can do about it. (Period)

    What you can do is keep everything above board.

    Dont put yourself in the position of having to worry about what you say to somebody else. That doesnt mean that you should fear anyone asking you personal questions, or that you should refrain

    from providing honest straight forward answers. It does means that you should never discuss plots and schemes that might come back to haunt [ Continued Next Page ]

  • 8/9/2019 PDF Intelligence Operations 1


    [ Continued ]haunt you later. These are the things that got Hutaree in trouble. They trusted an outsider, they plotted and schemed, (allegedly), and they allowed the infiltrator to get close to theirinner sanctum.

    Many of the people that I know inside of the movement are nearly paranoid about their privacy. Paranoid that somehow the Feds will find out who they are, and come swooping down with their black

    helicopters in the middle of the night. Thats a real possibility, perhaps one day it might even play out like that. But the truth is that you FIRST have to do something wrong to warrant that kind of per-

    sonal attention. SECONDLY you have to do something so terrible, or potentially terriblethat the Feds are afraid that you will actually carry out what you are planning..

    Its difficult to imagine the full weight of the judicial system on your shoulder, until youve experienced that just once. T he system as a whole has many different tentacles, and they each perform a

    certain function. When the full weight of the system is brought to bear against you, it can be an overwhelming situation.

    Al Capone got taken down for cheating on his Taxes. The Dapper Don John Gottiwas charged with 13 counts of murder (including those of Paul Castellano and Thomas Bilotti), conspiracy to com-mit murder, loansharking, racketeering, obstruction of justice, illegal gambling, and tax evasion. In both of these cases, as well as several other high profile cases, the people involved were taken

    down because they didn't pay attention to the little things that were eventually used against them.

    If a writer sells Mil itia books, and doesnt pay his taxes from the income derived from those booksthen that will be used against him. I f a Militia commander uses unit funds for personal reasons

    then it will likely be used against him at some later point. If a person convicted of firearms charges shows up fully armed at a unit meetingthen expect that to be used against him later.

    Essentially; its necessary to keep everything that you do on a level that precludes your providing them with tangible evidence against you. Dont do anything that gives them and edge against you,

    even a little edge.

    In todays Patriot Act World we are witnessing a rise in electronic eavesdropping on an unprecedented scale. Our government is pulling out all the stops in compiling massive amounts of informa-

    tion on every American citizen and foreign national in the country. So much information is being fed into their massive computers, that they are months behind in classifying all of i t, unless some-

    thing stands out of the ordinary.

    For Patriot and Militia members, these news laws are nothing new. Whereas they previously required a

    federal wiretapping warrant, these days they can just hook up and tune in without so much as a Hell

    Yeah, and get away with it.

    They have already infiltrated every militia group. It wouldnt surprise me none to learn that one or more ofthese militia groups are actually being operated by the Feds as a sting operation. They did that to The Hell

    Angels and several other biker clubs in an effort to get closer to their leadership, and get the dirt on them.

    I wouldnt put it past them to be operating websites and militia groups under the same pretenses. It only

    makes sense.

    Keep your head up, your eyes peeled, and your mouth shut. Thats the best way to protect yourself these

    days. If you are rally bold like me, your will stop being afraid of the consequences of being a Patriot. I

    stopped hiding under the radar, and made a conscious decision that I would not run and hide anymore. I

    use my real name in all correspondences, and dont hide anything that I do. Consequently; I dont do any-

    thing that would even remotely be considered illegal or subversive. The fact is that IF they really wanted

    to lock my up, they would do so without much fanfare, and regardless if I am guilty or innocent. I have

    come to accept that as my lot in life for going public and coming our of the political closet.

    For THAT my friend is the real battle that we are fighting these days. Its a battle that is fought inside ofour minds, across the dinner tables, and among the voting constituents that make up each voting pre-


    It is my fondest hope that in 2012 America sees a change in management at all levels. I hope that this

    Americans will no longer have to fear their own government, but that that fear us for the power and sway

    that we represent against them.


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