paws patter › pp_65.pdf · 2018-05-30 · paws patter newsletter of the paws dog shelter, paphos...

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Paws Patter


Cyprus Association for the Protection and Care of Animals (CAPCA)




ROO 4/5













COVER GIRL - ROO See Page 4 & 5



Cyprus Association for the Protection & Care of Animals

Charitable Association Registration No. 1721

Postal Address: P.O. Box 61349, Kato Paphos 8133.

Telephone: 99683775



Facebook - Paws Dog Shelter


Executive Officers

President: Giorgos Dimitriou

Secretary: Cymanco Services Ltd.

Administrative Secretary: Sue Dorrington

Treasurer: KPMG/Shirley Badger

Executive Members:

Kennel Consultant: Fran Dean

Kennel Consultant: : Matthew Harris

Shop Consultant: Pam Taylor

Maintenance Consultant:

Yvonne Dixon Kirsty Fitzsimmons David Tomlinson


Webmaster: David Dorrington

Editor Paws Patter: Susan Neal



With the safety, welfare and health of dogs in the shelter being paramount, it is our policy to house new dogs in an individual pen for approximately 10 to 14 days. This allows our Kennel Consultants to ensure that the dog is not suffering from any contagious disease and to assess their general well-being and temperament before moving them to a section containing other dogs.

If you find a stray or abandoned dog, or if you have problems with a dog you have rehomed , please telephone 99683775

BEFORE bringing the dog to the shelter.

This will allow us to check if we have a suitable single pen available to take the dog on that day and it may save you a wasted journey. In the event that the shelter is full, we will ask you to keep the dog and phone us back in a couple of days time when we may be in a better position to accommodate the dog.

It is unfortunate that the number of abandoned and stray dogs continues to be on the increase in the Paphos area and there are times when, regrettably, the PAWS Dog Shelter is filled to capacity.

The shelter is open to the public between 0900 and 1100 daily.


ROO by Susan Neal

It was approximately 6 years ago, early in the morning when the previous Paws kennel consultants arrived at the shelter to find what they thought was an abandoned rabbit! As they looked closer, the rabbit turned out to be little Roo, a Miniature Pinscher X. As she hopped around and they looked closer, they could see that her front legs were not functioning properly. It was later established that she was disabled, probably from birth. The front legs were locked at the knee preventing her from full movement and she was walking on her elbows. The volunteers settled her into kennel life, and she was seen by various vets who said that her operation would only be able to be done in USA at a huge cost, so she settled & made herself comfortable in her own pen. The volunteers tried to place her with other dogs, as they felt the company would be good for her, but time and time she was too aggressive to be housed with kennel mates so she became the `Queen` of her own pen. After some time she was rehomed, but sadly she was returned to the kennels a few days later, although I am not sure of the reason. Many times over the years, I had discussions with the previous consultants and voiced that I would be interested to take her, but was informed that she would never be rehomed. I was sad to hear this, but I had to listen to them as they knew her well. I always hoped one day they would change their mind. When I heard the previous managers had retired, I thought I would ask again if it would be possible to give her a home, and Fran kindly agreed to speak again to the Committee and ask if I could take her home. To my delight they agreed and Roo became little sister to my Saluki boy Barney. He adored her and she loved to cuddle up to him on his blanket. Roo also took a special liking to Toffee a Cavalier King Charles that I looked after sometimes, as Toffee loved her and used to wash her face every morning. Roo loved to bury herself under blankets and would pop her little head out when called, only to go straight back in if there was nothing terribly interesting to see. As the weather warmed up she loved to sit in the back garden with Barney, and bathe in the sunshine. She also became a regular at Marios in Tala Square and loved all the ` ooing` and `ahhing` over her, especially if she could sit in the men`s arms, she had a look on her face that said `Heaven`! Despite her disability she loved a walk, and it amazed me that she kept up with the others. Her hind leg muscles developed and she would hop along with delight at an amazing speed ! At the beginning of June when it was starting to become hot, they all went off their food slightly and became lethargic. Roo no longer wanted to


sunbathe and lie with Barney, but I put this down to the heat as Barney was the same.

That evening I had cooked some chicken breast to see if I could tempt her and called her to get out of bed, but no little head appeared. This was unusual as her head would always appear when called, even if it was just to look at me with annoyance and disappear back under the blanket. I sensed something was not right. I looked in the bed and saw that she had died peacefully in her sleep. I was devastated.

I immediately phoned my vet and asked what I could do but there was nothing as she had passed. Dr Inna of Peyia Veterinary Clinic on the main Coral Bay Agios Georgios road suggested we could do an autopsy to establish the cause of death. This I agreed to as I needed to know what had happened . The following day Dr Inna called me to say little Roo’s heart was very enlarged which she probably had from birth, and she could have died at any time. The only consolation was that she died peacefully having had a loving `Forever Home` with lots of friends and cuddles for several months.

I live in a rented house and didn’t like the thought of her being buried there alone so Dr Inna kindly agreed to cremate her free of charge at her animal crematorium in Peyia. Her ashes have now been returned to Paws Sanctuary where I believe Fran will sprinkle her on the Remembrance garden, and we will put a plaque so she will never be forgotten.

I am so happy that I took Roo to my home—she gave so many people so much joy in her short time with me, numerous new human & doggie friends, and the many volunteers at the shelter. She was a true inspiration with her boundless energy and personality despite her disability.

She will be missed for a very long time by myself & Barney and the many people who knew her . Rest in peace little Roo.

The children of Class 1R at the International School in Paphos and their teacher Kathy have raised some funds which

have paid for Roo`s plaque in the `Garden of Remembrance` at Paws Shelter and also given a lot of dogs some extra special goodies. Thank you all so much


CAPCA are very grateful for donations paid directly into our bank accounts. For those wishing to donate to the CAPCA charity, please find below the details you will require of either the Eurobank or the Bank of Cyprus.

Eurobank EFG Cyprus Ltd

Account No: 3001 0000 9752

Account Name: The Cyprus Association for the Protection and Care of Animals (CAPCA ) Paphos.

For payments from overseas or bank transfers, the following is required:

IBAN: CY31 0180 0007 0000 3001 0000 9752 SWIFT CODE: EFGBCY2N

Bank of Cyprus

Account No: 0662-01-007543-00

Account Name: CAPCA Paphos.

For payments from overseas or bank transfers, the following is required:

IBAN: CY48 0020 0662 0000 0001 0075 4300



Our website, has recently been updated with some new and expanded pages. Our current webmaster, David Dorrington would be delighted if you pay a visit to the site next time you log on to your computer.

For admin matters please email

Capca email—

Join us on our Facebook page to find the latest news and pictures


In order to offset some of the printing costs associated with our free newsletter, PAWS PATTER, business advertisements are charged at the following rates:

Half internal page - €40 Full internal page - €80 Full back page - €90

If you would like to place an advertisement, please contact Susan on 99181502



Kirsty Fitzsimmons who used to be one of the Kennel Consultant at Paws has been hiding one of her talents from us all !!! Kirsty said….. “I have always loved painting and drawing from an early age. I have no formal qualifications as it was always just a hobby. I love doing fine and technical work and have used various mediums in the past including acrylic/pencil/charcoal and watercolour. A few years ago I began to practise the fine watercolour technique. I use very fine brushes to get the detailed work and patience to get the correct tone and shading etc. I was able to paint my own dogs and practise on some of my friends dogs before coming to Cyprus. Since being here I have been able to expand my portfolio with a little help from pet owners at PAWS!!!! I love doing the paintings and get a lot of pleasure when people see my paintings and say that’s just like the real thing. Every painting I complete I make a donation to PAWS. “

I have seen some of her drawings and I must say they are fabulous. If you would like a portrait of your precious pet please call Kirsty on 97712002 or email her on —you wont be disappointed!!!

and Paws benefits too!



Animals have a natural instinct to mate. At certain times of the year dogs and cats come into season and their aim is to make babies. Many people believe that their dog or cat will not get pregnant as they never go out, but believe me when your female is ready to mate she will find a way to escape. Also if your male smells a female on heat in the neighbourhood they will swim rivers, scale walls, and if necessary climb up steep mountains for 5 minutes of mating. Neutering is the surgical removal of the reproductive organs of a pet. This includes the ovaries and uterus in the female (spaying), or the testicles in the male (castration, neutering). Veterinarians send most pets home from the hospital the same day after surgery. Pets resume normal activity within a day or two. What are the advantages? Prevents messy spotting of blood in females [bitches] and urine spraying in female cats during heat periods. Prevents bitches from attracting groups of male strays while in heat. Decreases the male's urge to spray urine to mark territory and to fight over bitches in heat. Decreases embarrassing inappropriate mounting behaviour in dogs. Reduces or eliminates male fighting, irritable aggression of bitches in heat, and dominance aggression. Reduces tendency to roam or try to escape, thus reducing your pet's chances of becoming lost or injured. When spayed, bitches are not susceptible to life- threatening reproductive tract tumours, infection of the uterus, and complications from pregnancy. Bitches that are spayed prior to their first heat cycle [which usually occurs between 6 and 9 months of age] have a significantly reduced chance of developing mammary [breast] cancer, compared to bitches that have had even one heat cycle. Spayed bitches can't develop pyometra, an infection of the uterus, that can be quite severe and can even result in death. Spayed bitches tend to have more even temperaments, and do not go through the hormone induced mood swings that intact bitches sometimes have. The incidence of breast tumours, (which occur in over half of un-spayed bitches) is less than 1% in bitches spayed prior to the first heat.


Neutered dogs often are better behaved than their intact counterparts. Not only are they less likely to roam (visiting neighborhood females is a major reason for roaming), they are also less likely to mark their territory by urinating in the house (testosterone is one of the major drives for this dominance-related activity). In addition, neutered male dogs are much less likely to be aggressive toward other male dogs. These behavior benefits are particularly true if you castrate your dog between the ages of 9 and 12 months, before he becomes sexually mature and develops bad habits. Neutering prevents the development of prostate problems often seen in older dogs. A neutered dog won't develop testicular cancer, a common cancer of older, intact male dogs. Prevents enlarged prostate (occurs in 60% of older dogs); prostate tumours and infections, perineal hernias and tumours . It cannot be stressed enough that an un-neutered animal is at risk from many life threatening diseases. Please neuter your animal and prevent unwanted puppies and kittens and unwanted health issues that could be fatal to your treasured pet.



“Paws in Heaven” Cremation Service was founded to assist with your final

farewell to your beloved pets.

We are dedicated to providing your pet with the very best in dignity when the time finally comes to say goodbye, whilst at the same time giving you total peace of mind. At “Paws in Heaven” we offer a range of services for pet owners and veterinary practices throughout Cyprus. These include: Private individual cremations with return of ashes in a hand carved wooden casket; and communal cremations where the ashes are not returned. A collection service is available island wide (additional cost to be advised) or if you would prefer you can deliver your pet to us. Our aim is to help you prepare your final farewell and we will always try to accommodate all of your wishes.

For further information please call Julie at Peyia Veterinary Clinic on 26622775


Visit our shops at Chloraka & Episkopi

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...............

Author unknown...


Hi to All our Readers, Well just for a change we have some lovely hot weather, and we are keeping up with everyone in Cyprus, so the tan is looking good! We have had a few donations, but things are still a bit quiet, but the good old regular supporters keep us ticking over. We had £65.00 donation from Mrs M.P Hamilton, and £65.00 from Mrs J. Brandon, plus the regular standing orders we receive each month, and we are still getting some late Membership donations too. Here is our Ema enjoying the summer sun. She likes to sunbathe sometimes, providing it is not too hot. Love to all in Cyprus. Pauline & Fred Davies & of course

Ema xxxx




Since January 2013 - 23 dogs from PAWS went to Germany . 3 dogs are waiting in foster homes in Germany for their new home. 7 dogs are waiting for their flights to Germany and are reserved. These are some of the lucky ones with the help of Cydra are now in Germany. I`m sure having a wonderful life..









OAD`s !

Looking for `Forever` Homes



These are just a small sample of Paws dogs that are looking for their `Forever Home` , or even a Foster Home. If you don't see one here that catches your eye, pop down to the Shelter between 9am & 11am and see Fran or Matthew and the other 150 dogs they have there! She will also be able to tell you more of the history and temperament of each one. For me I could just eat Andy and Brewster looks so sad ! How could anyone resist those faces?






MY FAVOURITE `4 PAWS` - PEBBLES By Volunteer Sue Broughton

I have sponsored Pebbles since the opening of the new Shelter. When Pebbles was taken into the old Shelter in March 2007, she was a very traumatized and nervous little dog. Over her long time at the Shelter, her confidence has improved with her helpers, and she now enjoys some fun time with the other dogs in her area. She is still very nervous when she hears loud noises, and when strangers are around, and always runs into the bedroom area of the kennel to hide. She is a very gentle & quiet dog, loves a cuddle, very rarely barks, and she's good on the lead. Pebbles would be best suited to someone who can give her the love and attention she deserves. She bonds well with ladies but also likes the `gentle` males. She is looking for a really special owner that will have the patience and gentleness 24/7 with lots of love and cuddles to bring her out of her shell. As she is very sensitive she does not respond to raised voices. If you would like to sponsor one of the many residents [it only costs €10 a month] please speak to Fran or Matthew on 99683775 between 9am –11am.

Our grateful thanks to our Printer Costas Kyriakou of

`Press Mania` who does a fabulous job

printing our magazine. Located near the big

Papantoniou`s in Paphos call him on 994542940 or 26932962 for all your

printing needs.

Costas pictured here with his son & nephew, and of course

the star of the photo his beautiful 1 year old Samoyed



Contrary to some long held beliefs, dogs and cats can co-exist in harmony in one household. Already having cats at home does not preclude you from homing and owning a dog. Dogs and cats can be the best of friends. However, most dogs love to chase and most cats will run if a dog chases after them. It is therefore imperative that the introduction of the two animals is carefully managed and controlled. If a puppy or kitten is given the opportunity of meeting other friendly adult cats or dogs they are more likely to get on well with the other species in future. However, if rescuing an adult dog from a shelter it is not always possible to know how they will react to cats. Before the actual introduction takes place, it is important to understand that to cats physical space is all important, whereas to dogs, it is their pack and social place which is of prime importance. As long as the dog accepts the cat's dominance over territory, they usually work out a relationship. New pets should only be introduced when things are going well in a household and not at a time when stress is present as tempers will be on a shorter fuse. When introducing any new pets, the owner must think positively and act with authority and confidence. What you feel and think translates to your actions, and your animals will sense your emotions. Make sure that the dog understands from the outset that you are the boss at all times. Preparation Consider your cat and its needs and in the weeks before bringing the new dog home. Ensure that your house has places that the cat can escape to in order to get some peace but which the dog cannot access – e.g. high shelving, access to another room or install a temporary gate that the cat but not the dog can get through, or consider putting in a cat flap. Ensure the cat always has a clear escape route in any area that it is likely to come face to face with the dog. Make the changes before the dog arrives so that the cat can get used to them. It would also be ideal if a few days before the dog arrives, you could bring home some bedding which the dog has used and leave it for the cat to sniff so that it gets used to the strange new smell. Decide where both animals will be sleeping and eating. Initially this should not be in the same room. The cat should be fed in a place where it feels relaxed. The dog’s bed should be placed in an area which the cat does not normally use. Gradual Introductions Introductions must be carried out with planning, care and patience. For the first few days when the dog is brought to its new home, rotate which animal has freedom in certain areas of the house and which is confined to a crate/cage or another room. This will allow

each animal plenty of time to investigate the other one’s scent. They can sniff each other but with a door, grill or gate between them as a barrier. one’s scent. They can sniff each other but with a door, grill or gate between them as a barrier. When you are ready for the first face to face introduction, ensure that the dog has been walked and that both animals have had something to eat. Always be in control and keep the dog on a lead during introductions and also on their lap.

BEST BUDDIES by Maria Milligan


Get the dog to either sit or lie down and reward him for being calm before even allowing the cat to come sit or lie down and reward him for being calm before even allowing the cat to come into the room. If amenable, the cat could be carried in by another family member who could sit with it on their lap. If the cat wants to move away or jump onto a high surface, let it do so. Keep the dog’s focus on you by rewarding him for sitting or lying in a calm manner and give plenty of praise for doing so. If both animals seem calm and comfortable, allow the two to come a bit closer together to sniff each other (but be ready to intervene if the situation demands it) and then gently move the dog away so it does not focus constantly on the cat. Ensure that the cat also receives praise, not just the dog. Build up the time that the two spend together, while continuing to reward desired behaviour. The procedure should be carried out every day until you feel happy that the cat and dog tolerate each other.

Training If the dog stares at the cat or the door separating the cat, try to distract him and get him to look away with treats, a happy voice or by gently guiding the dog away on a lead. Teach the dog the "leave" command, and use this command when you want the dog to leave the cat alone. Also teach the dog the "down" and "stay" commands so that you can place it in a down-stay in the presence of the cat. Observe your pets so that you can catch them in the act of being good. Praise the dog when it doesn't bark or want to chase resident cats. Praise and reward the dog for any calm behaviour around the cat. Do this consistently, not just once in a while so that they learn acceptable behaviour. Reinforcing good behaviour is the key to encouraging animals to repeat that behaviour. Home Alone Initially when you leave the house and until such times that you are sure of their relationship, separate the animals in securely separated areas. Give each access to water, a bed or other suitable resting place, and some toys. Be sure the cat has access to a litter box. Make sure everyone in the family understands the need to separate the animals. General Tips

Make sure to give the dog plenty of exercise so that it has less energy to channel

into chasing and otherwise bothering the cat

Do not expect the pets to become buddies right away. Let the animals establish

the relationship at their own pace. Realize that some dogs and cats will not become friends but can still live together under one roof. Be sure to pay attention to the resident pets. Take care not to give all your attention to the newcomer.

During mealtimes, each animal needs to feel safe and relaxed while eating. An

animal who feels the need to defend its food is under much stress (this will also affect digestion). At least initially, feed in separate areas and always give the animals their own food bowls. It may help to give the cat an elevated place to eat that cannot be reached by the dog. The height gives the cat a sense of security.

How long will take for the animals to accept and respect each other? That will depend on the animals involved and the pace of learning and progress will be governed by the pets themselves. Your job is to invest time to manage the introductions properly and have the patience not to rush the developing relationship.


Just a reminder to everyone that it is LAW IN CYPRUS now that every dog must have a microchip. A lot of people are also unaware that it is their responsibility to go to the Municipality Vets in Paphos after they have had the microchip done and register there as well. It doesn't cost anything but unless it is registered there then the chip is meaningless. In Paphos, the District Veterinary Office is located on the Mesogi Road (about 100 meters on the right past Carrefour supermarket coming from the old town, just before the Shipshape traffic lights) Telephone 26 821260 Opening Hours 0800-1400 hours. The staff there are very pleasant, speak very good English and will register it free of charge !!! Then take the registration certificate and health book to your local Council or Municipality and obtain a dog licence. The system will now permit private vets, police, animal welfare societies, and local authorities direct access to the Central Dog Register to assist in identifying ownership of lost or stray dogs. If a dog is given away or sold, both the present owner and the prospective owner must transfer the licence at the Municipality vets or local council's offices. The loss or theft of a dog must be reported to the police and local authority.

A clearly visible sign "Beware of the Dog" must be

displayed at the residence where the dog is kept.


A situation arose last month whereby at my vets, a client’s dog allegedly escaped or had been stolen from a secure garden. The dog had been spayed & microchipped and the owners advised to visit the Government Vet to register the dog as soon as possible. Before they had time to go, the dog went missing. The escaped/stolen dog was then sold to another person for several hundred euro and the new owners went to another vet and obtained a European Pet Passport and documentation to register the dog in his name.

Microchipping Reminder

As small as a grain of rice


The following day he went to the Government Vet and registered the dog, hence becoming the legal owner.

If you fail to carry out this registration and your dog is stolen/lost and re-homed and re-registered in the name of another person you could risk losing your precious pet for ever. Once microchipped the vet will give you official forms to visit the Government Vet to register the dog in your name- if they don’t ——PLEASE ASK THEM FOR THE PAPERWORK. You will need to take the health book/pet passport showing microchip number the forms given to you by the vet, your passport and a utility bill showing your address. It is also free of charge. Everyone who has microchipped their dog but not yet registered are urged to visit the Government Vet immediately and register the dog so that you are noted as the legal owner of the dog and prevent anyone else taking ownership. Also if you move house please inform them of change of address.

Apologies to all the Americans that live in Cyprus but .. In Barber NC it is illegal for cats & dogs to fight [it`s ok for cats to fight cats and dogs to fight dogs apparently!! ] In Illinois it is also illegal for cats to chase dogs up telephone poles—some vicious cats there!! Also it is against the law to give a lighted cigar to a dog. [I wonder if its ok to light it if he asks??] In Oklahoma if dogs want to gather in groups of 3 or more they have to get a permit! LOL

As expected California has a few - You cant give away puppies [ I guess if the person gives you a penny then it’s a legal purchase] Dogs & Cats can`t engage in sexual activities UNLESS THEY HAVE A PERMIT ! [ I`d like to see that one ] In Ohio your dog can`t pee on a parking meter [seems to me that’s suppressing free speech] In Connecticut any dogs with a tattoo must be reported to the police !!!! Although this is not about dogs it tickled me ——- In Alaska you cant push a live moose out of a moving plane!!! Doesn’t bear thinking about!!



If you need to see any of the samples they are all at PAWS Shelter in Achelia



Thank You to everyone—without your donations we couldn't help our Sanctuary residents.

George from `My Pet` for his donation of biscuits. Matthew & Jane Harris for a donation of a fridge/freezer. Fred Sayle for his personal donation. Sue & Ray Shelley Donation of €554 from their wedding day. Lynda Gore Donation of €200. Marie Donation of €441.5. Hounds on Holiday Donation of €85 from their Open Day. Dave & Dorothy Hudson from Elea Golf Club €1170.14. Lindsay & Coco UKCA sponsored walk €342. Mr & Mrs Davis Donation of €100. Class 1R of The International School for Roo`s plaque and cash donation.

And to everyone that has given to Paws in whatever way —— THANK YOU.


Bob Marley/Stanley white socks AKA Dexter I first met Dexter at Paws Shelter in November 2012. As a regular dog walker at the Shelter, I'd met all sorts of residents, but something about Dexter seemed special ........perhaps the fact that he was black and white and looked like a stretched version of my beloved Rumpole! Anyway, I walked him a few times and began to see him as a companion for Rumpole. The two were introduced and got

on well. He was formally adopted on New Year's Eve - very appropriate for a new life - and spent his first evening snuggling up to Rumpole on the sofa. The two get on famously with Rumpole very much "the boss". From being an anxious, abandoned waif with long, matted hair he has become a loving, appreciative pet with good social skills ........ and everyone loves him!

So many thanks to Susan from `Barking Mad Manor` for rescuing him up in Killi, where he had been dumped together with his bed in the football field, and taking him down to PAWS, and thanks to all at Paws for

looking after him. Dexter is a brilliant dog and someone, somewhere is missing out on loads of affection and fun. Rumpole wouldn't be without him and neither would we !!!!!!!! As told by new Owners Suzy & Phil Mann


If you have re homed a Paws dog and would like to give them their `5 Minutes of Fame` please call Susan on 99181502



Winner of the Paws Competition was Antoinette Grey who won a bottle of Whiskey with the caption

"No it wasn`t us that broke the window!

Wot ball?"

Well done Antoinette but don't drink it all at once !!!

2013 Dogs In Rehomed

Cyprus Germany UK

April 39 34 2 2

May 44 26 3 0

June 39 38 5 2

TOTAL 122 98 10 4


Pick up areas for Paws Patter—but be quick they go fast !

Achelia—Paws Sanctuary Peyia—Partymania Tala—Olivers Deli Emba—Petzstuff Coral Bay—Hearns Dr Inna`s Clinic—Peyia Geroskipou—Shampooch Trimethousa—Ollies Bar Paphos—Peter Moreton Polis Road—D & N Vets Chloraka—My Pet Petshop

Should you like an email copy sent to you, let us know by sending an email to



Hot weather spells trouble for dogs, because they can’t

release heat by sweating the way humans do, heat and

humidity can raise canine body temperatures to

dangerous levels. Heat stroke kills, and heat stress

(a less severe condition) can take a serious toll on a dog’s

health. Unfortunately, heat-related problems are among

the most common summer canine ailments.

To reduce canine summer heat stress, let your dog

become accustomed to climate changes naturally and

gradually, the way animals adapt in the wild. Schedule long walks for the coolest

time of the day but spend a few minutes outdoors during warmer hours, too.

Unless your climate is dangerously hot, your dog can be comfortable for short


Summer daytime temperatures are coolest at dawn and dusk. Just after sunrise

and just before sunset are the best times to take your dog for a run or a long

walk. Humidity matters as much as temperature; in fact, a combination of high

humidity and moderate temperatures can stress a dog as much as mid-day sun.

Always watch for signs of stress. Dogs pant to release heat, so if your dog pants

more heavily than usual, slow down, stop, find shade, offer water, and rest for a


Ideal dog exercise locations here in Cyprus are the beaches as they are usually

cooler than inland areas, and oceans (assuming conditions are safe for

swimming) allow dogs to cool off whenever they like. Whether your dog is a

wader or swimmer, let him rest in the shade after playing in water. At home, a

plastic wading pool can be a perfect place to dip and chill. Whenever

temperatures climb, provide extra drinking water. Your dog’s panting cools him

by releasing body heat, but this process also can dehydrate his body.

To encourage a hot dog to drink on hot days, resupply his cold water. Some

people fill a dog bowl or bucket and freeze it overnight. As it melts during the

day, it provides a steady supply of refreshing, cold water (check to make sure it

melts quickly enough to provide as much water as he might wish to drink).

Alternatively, or in addition, freeze or simply chill water in the refrigerator in a

plastic water bottle and add the melting or chilled contents to your dog’s water

periodically throughout the day.


Change your dog’s water more often during hot weather and add ice cubes to

your dog’s bowl.

Many hot dogs enjoy curling up with a nice cold ice pack. A frozen plastic water

bottle stays cool for hours. Dogs who use frozen water bottles as pillows cool

down quickly, since blood circulates close to the surface at the neck and throat.

The sun’s angle changes with the seasons, so be aware of shifting shade

patterns. Providing shade is most important between

10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Study the forecast as you schedule play dates and

outdoor events. When heat and humidity are high, save

outdoor activities for breaks in the weather or days with

lower humidity.

Keep your dog well groomed, with frequent brushing to

remove dead hair, especially the undercoat. Some long-haired or heavy-coated

dogs feel much more comfortable with short summer cuts, keeping in mind that

dogs whose coats are shaved or cut very short are at risk for sunburn so do put

some child`s SP factor on the skin.

It’s never safe to leave a dog in a parked vehicle. The inside of a car parked in

the sun, even with its windows down, can increase by several degrees per

minute, quickly reaching 125 degrees F or even 150 degrees F.

Check out this link and see how a vet spent 30 minutes in a car !

Check before you close the fridge !!!

Annie`s Animal Ark

Specialist in the shipping of unaccompanied pets

Special rates on Thomson flights to the UK

Home from Home dog boarding in our safe

and secure countryside, village home

Remember - it’s their holiday too!

Please call : 96877424

Or email:




Fostering a homeless dog is a true labour of love.

The experience can be difficult at times, but most foster families love what they do. Although many people would love to help , some are fearful of becoming too attached to the animals. If you’ve been thinking about fostering, but are hesitant to make a commitment, here are some of the benefits for both the dogs and the families involved.

For a homeless dog, being released from a shelter may mean the difference between life and death. Paws shelter is

often filled to capacity and volunteers try to help as many dogs as they can, but they must have enough foster homes for the dogs. By fostering, you not only save one dog’s life, but two. By taking them into your home and out of the shelter, you help make room for another dog and give them a chance at adoption or foster care.

Foster homes are also used to rehabilitate dogs. Dogs that go into foster homes for the first time, learn how to be a part of a family. They’re introduced to manners, rules, exercise and love that the foster parents work to teach and enforce. Once the dog has been trained, he is more likely to be adopted and remain with his adopted family. If you’re worried about being able to train a dog, Paws will provide help as much as they can.

If a dog is in need of medical care, foster families provide a safe place for the dog to recuperate after treatment. Sick and injured dogs are more likely to recover in a loving home.

Some foster families also care for pregnant dogs and help with the puppies after birth. Because all veterinary services are provided by Paws, you won’t have to worry about the cost. Dogs are much happier in a home environment. Even if they are placed in a shelter, dogs without freedom to run, consistent interaction with humans, love, and play, may grow depressed and may also gain weight.


It is very hard to judge a dog in the shelter environment because of these implications, which can lead to lower adoption rates, or initial problems that may occur in the first few weeks of re-homing. By providing a temporary home environment, you are keeping the dog happy and healthy and allowing them to blossom into the character they really are. Although dogs definitely benefit from being fostered, there are also rewards for the foster families. If you already own a dog and aren’t sure if you’re ready for another one of your own, fostering is a great way to “test drive” the scenario and prepare you for the responsibilities of a multi-dog household down the road.

If fostering with no hard expiration date turns you off, consider short-term foster care. By doing this, you’re still able to test the situation and see how you, the dog and your family handle the living conditions. Regardless of time, by taking the dog in, you prepare them for adoption and help prevent overcrowding in the shelter. If you have children, fostering an animal is a great way to teach responsibility. Taking in a homeless dog can show your kids the importance of caring for animals, and it can also help them to understand the impact of spaying and neutering our pets. Fostering a dog is also a great way to give back to the community. You are not only saving a dog’s life, but you are also helping to prepare him for a new home. Although you may be worried about letting the dog go, you can rest assured that that you are providing an invaluable service. You will also be making more room for future dogs to come into your home.

Although fostering a homeless dog isn’t easy, it definitely has its rewards. By fostering, you provide the dog with a temporary home, medical care and training. In return, you’ll have the satisfaction of caring for an animal in need. Any fears or hurt you may feel by becoming “too attached” to your new addition will be replaced by the joy you feel when you see the new family with their dog.

Remember, there is always

another dog that needs your help after they go to

their `Forever Home`.


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Could you be a volunteer? It will not only enrich your life but also the lives of the Shelter dogs. Whether it be walking a dog or cleaning the kennels, or even helping at the shop —if you have a just a few hours a week to spare we would love to hear from you. Any help we would be most grateful for. Please call Fran on 99683775 between 9-11am for the Shelter & Pam on 99768736 between 9am— 5pm for the Shop.

Don’t forget our hardworking ladies & gents in the Charity Shop. If you are trying to de-clutter, don't throw anything away—instead donate it and take it down to the shop in Chloraka and the ladies will sell it for sure. I have heard they can sell ice to the Eskimos !!! Pictured here are the `Monday Mob` - Pam, Pat & Ooor Bill !!


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