paula’s tips on preparing for an emergency

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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As so many emergencies are occurring across the world, it is important that you and your family are NOT caught off guard. Everything from Typhoons, Hurricane's, Terrorist Threats, etc. I have prepared the following slides to encourage you to make a plan to be safe.


Paula’s Tips on Preparing For An


Things that you would want to have on hand.

Know What To Prepare For Developing a family communication plan and assembling a

supply kit is necessary, whether there is a natural or a man-made emergency.

It is important to also remember to have a plan for pets, senior citizens and those with disabilities. (If applicable)

Develop A Family Communication Plan.

In the event of an emergency, there is hardly time to think and things can be easily forgotten. Therefore, it is most important that families discuss whether or not you will “STAY PUT” OR “SHELTER IN PLACE.”

Plan in advance where you will shelter and where you will meet.

Designate a person who will be responsible for notifying a friend or relative (perhaps in another state) to check- in to let them know that you (all) are okay. Make sure that contact numbers are current for everyone and that everyone knows who to contact.

Remember Seniors, Pets & People With Disabilities

Often times, people who are seniors & those with disabilities have pets as companions.

Remember to help them to prepare and also check on them to assure that they are taken care of, in the event an emergency strikes. This is a time that they will be depending on you.

Everyone Should Have A Plan. Preparing For The Unexpected Makes Sense

While there is no way to predict when an

emergency will occur, or what your personal

circumstances may be, there are simple things that

you can do now, to prepare yourself and your loved

ones in the event an emergency occurs.

Types of Emergencies To Prepare For Storms, Fires & Floods – Almost daily, we hear news reports

and weather alerts about how cities, towns and entire villages are wiped out completely, and many lives are lost due to: Hurricanes, Tornado’s Tsunami’s, Floods, High Winds & Fires.

With planning, You can be better prepared for the unexpected. TerrorismNow more than ever, we

hear on the news how

there are acts of terrorism

occurring every where.

Would you and your family

be prepared if an act of biological

or chemical terrorism happened today?

What about a bomb or other threat?

What can you do to protect yourself?

Emergency Supplies Be prepared to have at least three days of supplies in order to make it

on your own.

In some emergencies, emergency responders may not be able to get to you right away.

Therefore, you want to assure that you can survive until help can get to you. You would want to consider having more than one kit prepared.

1. One for your home: In the event that you can not leave the house.

2. One that is portable: (Like a back pack or a luggage on wheels), In the event that you must leave your home.

3. One for your car: In the event that you are traveling and must leave your home to travel.

Emergency Food Supply Kit

Do NOT wait until an emergency to attempt to visit a supermarket in order to get food. There is a great possibility that store shelves will be empty. Waiting to do this, could lead to a lot of stress and there may not be time.

Water – Store one gallon of water per person, per day for drinking and sanitation in clean plastic containers. Purchasing gallons of water and setting them in your kit, along with plastic cups is a great idea.

Food – Store food that won’t go bad and does not have to be heated or cooked, such as protein or fruit bars, dry cereal, peanut butter, crackers, baby food/formula, canned or boxed juices.

Emergency Food Supply Kit

Although many of us prefer to eat fresh foods, it may not be possible to have themIn the event of an emergency. Therefore, it would be a good idea to pack things that can be eaten without having to be heated.

Things such as beans, peas, corn, carrots, etc. are very good choices.

Remember to pack a can opener & eating utensils.

Basic Supplies You Will Need

Store a flashlight, battery powered radio, extra batteries, a first aid kit, utility knife, local map, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, soap, garbage bags and other sanitation supplies (even if they are handy-wipes). A can opener & eating utensils.

Candles, matches (store them in a plastic Ziploc bag to keep them dry.) Protective eye-ware such as Goggles, something to cover your nose and mouth (mask or cotton shirt)

Plastic sheeting (such as garbage bags for windows and doors), It is a good idea to pre-cut and label the sheeting to easily identify where they should be placed in the event that you have to secure them in a hurry. Remember to store duct tape & scissors.

Remember medication, pet food, books or other things for recreation.

More Basic Supplies You Will Need

Air Contamination: In the event of an emergency, there is a great chance that there could be microscopic debris in the air.

You would not want any of it to come into contact with your eyes, ears, nose or open wounds. Therefore, be sure to have some type of dense-weave cotton material, that will protect you from contamination.

Also pack both disposable and heavy gloves to protect your hands.

Clothing To Pack In Your Kit Depending on where you live, you may need clothing for in-climate


Depending on the time of year, you will want to add temperature appropriate clothing to keep you either warm or cool. One thing that you want to remember is EXTRA UNDER WEAR. – (Very Important!)

Teach Your Kids To Be Ready

Go Online to to see more information on how to be ready NOW.

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