paul brook - alchemical tools

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The Alchemical Tools

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The Alchemical Tools

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Copyright © Paul Brook

First Printing October 2007

No portion of this book or illustrations can be reproduced in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.

Forward Thinking 227 Heath Road, Bournville, Birmingham, B30 1RU

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The Alchemical Tools

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Contents Introduction The Application The Power of Perception -- the world IS their mind -- who are they seeing -- nonverbal communication -- eye contact -- leaning into them -- prosody of voice -- Yes-Sets -- mirroring -- pacing and leading -- active listening -- demonstrative conformity -- what you should look out for -- what are they seeing -- misstatements make memories -- guiding words -- summary ILL-ogical -- use their name -- counterintuitive help -- applied pattern interruption -- exploit their ignorance -- false logic -- summary It Transpired Thus… -- happening in their hands -- happening in their minds -- summary

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The Alchemical Tools

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Hark -- opening words -- words that change minds -- become a master of words -- psychological misdirection -- summary The Correct Use of Timing -- rarely quick -- most always slow -- the desire to display -- divine moments of perfection -- summary Tools of Choice -- unburden your sins, here -- e pluribus unum -- the meta-narrative -- dohtem yrdnual desrever eht -- referential resonance -- emotional hooks -- summary Effects At The Doors of Perception -- what they see -- deception revealed -- subtleties Deuterium -- what they see -- deception revealed -- subtleties Insightful Sequence -- what they see -- deception revealed -- subtleties Killer-Hertz (kHz) -- what they see

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The Alchemical Tools

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-- deception revealed -- subtleties Thus Spake Zarathustra -- the doorframe -- the broken glass -- the wrong time -- the unfinished book -- the DIY issue -- the perceptual shift Essays and Thoughts -- fermat’s broken fetters -- left hand ambiguity -- the secret uses of spectacles -- the power of the pendulum -- the ethics of controlling people -- the ethics of contacting the dead Parting Words Appendices -- appendix a -- appendix b -- glossary -- recommended reading list

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The Alchemical Tools

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“Alchemy is the art of far and near, and I think poetry is alchemy in that way.

It's delightful to distort size, to see something that's tiny

as though it were vast.”

- Robert Morgan

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The Alchemical Tools

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Introduction After having a number of enquiries about learning the art of mentalism, I accepted only two apprentices during the past eighteen months. You see, I have very strict entry rules, the most important of these being a burning desire and honest dedication to mentalism. These qualities I found in only two of the nearly twenty seekers over the last year and a half. The pupil that we shall concern ourselves with here shall be called Howard (to protect his anonymity). He had been with me for nearly a year before he decided that he would take the first step to become a professional Mentalist. I encouraged him to do so, as he was an excellent student and would gain valuable performing experience; although, I felt that there was still a good deal for him to learn. All of the tasks that I had set him were completed sooner than they were required. Every book that I recommended was purchased and digested at a phenomenal speed. If the term studious could be applied to any one, it was Howard. After performing a number of paid gigs for friends, family, and friends of family, Howard began to become despondent during his lessons. Having received some great reactions he had started to inflate his ego. It wasn’t long before he became unbearably egotistical and big headed during the tutorials. I could see the respect that had been built up for me as a mentor slipping slowly away. Ideas that I would want him to ponder and think about were shrugging off as though they were insults to his intelligence.

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The Alchemical Tools

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Finally, after a number of uncomfortable tutorials that were predominantly power struggles between me and his ego, he decided that he knew all that could be known on the subject of Mentalism. At the end of a particularly argumentative lesson we both decided to call an end to the tutoring. A part of me was upset, but I have seen it happen before in other fields, not just Mentalism, where people get immensely egotistical; especially when they are in possession of just a thimbleful of knowledge that they believe is the ocean. I just hoped that through performing he would gain the experience needed to level him out. Well, I carried on with my life, performing gigs, writing and reading. Howard was completely out of my mind, until one day out of the blue I received a phone call. On the other end of the phone was a small sheepish voice that was so diametrically apposed to the egotistical booming voice I had gotten used to; it was Howard, and he was in a real state. You see, after becoming a ‘professional’, he had lined up a number of gigs that didn’t go too well, to say the least. Even the gigs that seemed to go well were not rebooking. He had even been on local radio in an attempt to get some more bookings. An entire slot was going to be dedicated to him and his powers. Sadly, after the first radio effect (demonstrated as a mental feat) the radio presenter rebuked, “But that is just a magic trick”. They didn’t let him continue with any more effects and he was literally laughed of the show. He continued to update me with other extremely sad stories, such as performing for some heads of business in order to get corporate experience; yet again, they were impressed and baffled, but didn’t feel that they wanted to pay the fee that Howard was asking for mere ‘puzzles’. “You have to help me, Paul, I have to make this work otherwise I won’t be able to pay my rent next month.” Oh, did I forget to mention that his ego was so large that it had made him turn his back on his well paid and stable day job?

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I explained to him that the only problem was that he had not yet finished half of the tutoring syllabus that I had set out. He did not take this well at all and began to accuse me of ripping him off, trying to extort money out of him in a vulnerable state, and other such allegations. As with all people that are up against the wall, I understood that he wasn’t angry at me, but actually with himself. So I took it on the chin and explained that even though he may feel that he knows all of the techniques and theories in the field of Mentalism, it is only the tip of the iceberg. I deliberately pushed and prodded him more and more until that ego reared its ugly head again. I knew that under this blubbering mess of a man was still an egotistical maniac that at the first sign of success would jettison me once more. I kept making attacks on his ego until I managed to get the response out of him that I wanted. “Paul, no offense, but I am as good as you are; if not better.” Wham! What an ego this boy had, and it gave me the chance to give him his biggest lesson. I mentioned that a friend’s party was coming up and that they would be ecstatic to have two entertainers for the evening. I explained that I would not set up anything with the host or guests and that every style of mentalism was fair game. At the end of the evening we would have a vote to see who the party goers wanted to see an encore from. “Right, then I will get a set list together that will blow you out of the water.” He responded, in the ‘you’re going down’ tone that permeated through his ‘holier than thou’ timbre. Ten days later it was the day of the party. We were performing for two groups of people only, and after 30 minutes we were to swap groups. Once we had both performed for each group there would be a secret ballot as to who the revelers would like to see an encore from.

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Howard was armed with a case full to the brim of props and what seemed like half of a stationary shop. On one side of his performance case was adhered a set list including some ‘amusing’ jokes to use. About 10 minutes before we were going to perform he asked me where my equipment was. I responded by pulling a single deck of cards out of my inside pocket. He laughed and smirked to himself before asking me if I was serious. Once he realised that I was very serious he laughed even harder. “This is going to be easier than I thought. I think you may be a little washed up, Paul.” I understood what would happen, so I smiled and wished him the best of luck. Howard stormed into the effects that he had set up, and people were laughing and enjoying themselves. There were gasps of amazement and sounds of shock coming from his group; everyone was glued to their seat. In comparison, my group were talking, moving about, and utterly lacking the screams and roars heard from Howard’s group. Howard was aware of this, and looked over towards me periodically; his countenance, the epitome of smugness. You may be asking, “What effects were you performing, Paul?” Well I was performing only one effect; that’s right, you didn’t misread, just ONE effect lasting for 30 minutes. What effect? Oh, just a simple ‘Out Of This World’ effect. You see, whilst young Howard was performing an amazing array of tricks, I was performing, really performing; and making a miracle happen. I shall go into detail later about the workings of my ‘Out Of This World’ routine. Suffice it to say, that at the conclusion of my effect, everyone in my group gasped and dropped their jaws; screams of amazement were not heard, but the sound of reality defying silence swept through the group.

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The Alchemical Tools

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Well, we swapped places and gave the exact same performance to the apposing group. Afterwards, Howard and I left the room so that the secret voting could take place. Whilst in the kitchen area his ego wouldn’t allow his lips to remain closed. “I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of sound coming from your groups. In fact I am sure that I saw some people go and get drinks from the kitchen. People were enjoying my set far too much to even quench their thirst; I really had them in my palms. Hey, Paul, if you ever want lessons from me I will give you a mates rate of £50 a lesson.” Again, experience had taught me to take it on the chin, and that I did; I kept my mouth firmly closed. We were called back into the large room and asked if we would like to know the exact score, or just to know who would be performing based on the voting majority. I spoke up and suggested, “Oh, we should just know by the majority vote.” I knew that this would force Howard to think that I felt I had lost and was embarrassed to know by what margin. He took the bait (the ego is such an easy beast to catch) and retorted, “Err, I think we shall have the exact scores actually, Paul!” From experience, I assumed that I would have the majority vote and by a good number, what actually happened genuinely shocked me. The host looked hesitant as she said, “Out of 23 votes, Paul scored 23 votes! I’m really sorry Howard, but you didn’t get any votes.” Howard went white just prior to his face turning the colour of a bright red stop light. “Oh, this is all because they are all your friends, that’s why you have won!” I assumed that he would use this excuse if placed in a loosing situation. The host then explained that the only person that I had ever met before was herself. All of the people attending the

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The Alchemical Tools

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party were her work colleagues that had never seen or heard of either me or Howard before. I had personally made sure that this was the case and that no mutual friends were invited to this party. Howard, gaining more and more redness said, “But you all loved my effects and I did so many impressive things, didn’t you enjoy it? If not, why not, huh?” Most people spoke up to say that they did really, really enjoy the effects. However, they knew it was slight of hand and puzzles at the end of the day; enjoyable, as they were. I felt very sorry for Howard at this point and asked him to accompany me back to the kitchen area; mainly to console him and allow him to burst that over inflated head of his. “Howard, the reason why they want to see me again is that I created a feeling magic within them; of a miracle. I made them see an effect not as a puzzle, but as the immensely improbable.” He then, finally, popped that balloon resting on his neck and said, “I think that I still have a lot to learn, is there any room at the Inn?” As Howard discovered that evening, the next step to take for the mentalist after finding an effect that he loves is to turn that great piece of magic into a miracle. This book is about loving your art form and giving it the due care and attention that it deserves, so that you can be a powerful performer. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, expert, professional, semi-professional, old dog, hobbyist or some other form of Mentalist or Magician; there is something between these covers that will be gold to you, let me repeat myself a little louder this time:


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To some, this book will be a mine of gold, to others, maybe the stubborn or egotistical, there shall be but only a few nuggets for you to find, unless of course you want to drop your hardboiled exterior? If I wanted to sum up, in a single phrase, this book’s raison d'etre, I would have to look towards that world renowned Chef, Gordon Ramsay. He has a mouth akin to the arse of an old sea dog; however, I feel that his level of communication has rather an amazing clarity. Upon, seeing a trainee Chef rushing some aspect of the cooking process he screamed at full volume, “Make love to it; don’t fuck it!”


What a beautiful mantra to have; it explains everything that you aught to know about where magic falls short. Now, I have been writing for far too long, I am hungry and need to get some munchies: perhaps some 5 Star fine dining from the wonderful restaurant downstairs in this hotel? I only hope that the Chef hasn’t ‘fucked’ my food… Paul Brook Penthouse Suite, Rue d’Auseil, France October 2007

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Special Thanks I wish to say a special thank you to Dawn, for her continued support with all my projects as well as with my stage shows. A special thank you shall also go to Herr. Zann, for his beautiful and mind shifting viol (not vile) music during my stay in France; it is otherworldly.

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“I can imagine myself on my death-bed, spent utterly with lust to touch the

next world, like a boy asking for his first kiss from a woman.”

- Aleister Crowley

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“Reading is equivalent to thinking with someone else's head instead of

with one's own.”

- Arthur Schopenhauer

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Parting Words Well, that is the end of this book. I have included within its pages a number of very strong psychological methodologies. Although I have had to condense a lot of these methods, I feel that I have included all of the relevant information that a performer in our arts would require. I sincerely hope that you do not place this book down and only apply some of the ideas, but rather look at each method and take time and effort in applying them. The process of learning these new skills may take time, and I am fully aware of this. But all good things come to those who wait. Especially with these techniques, as they are not just great for performance, but also everyday life. If you have a love for this art form, and a passion for it, you will no doubt apply a number of these wonderful techniques. It

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all comes down to how ‘hungry’ you are, such a driving force within humans; the great hunger. Miracle reactions are such wonderful things to behold; they fill you with pride at having created something so beautiful. This feeling should be the only feeling that performers feel, never this horrible grey feeling of ‘having to perform’; worst still, receiving an average reaction. Apply these alchemical tools to your performances and breathe that life, and passion, in your performances, make then something special. The alchemists of old, never really wanted to turn lead into gold; it was merely a metaphor for the change and development of the self. For you see, only when you have developed yourself I your own perfect image, can you truly be rich Be the best that you can be; be miraculous! Oh, and one last thing, don’t forget the immortal mantra of Gordon Ramsay:


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"That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death

may die.”

- H.P. Lovecraft

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APPENDIX A Out of This World – Paul Curry This is how this effect is perceived by the spectators: A deck of cards is shuffled and mixed. This deck is given to a volunteer who is asked to deal the cards into two piles; one card at a time. The volunteer may deal the cards in their hand onto either pile and must continue this process until all of the cards have been placed into one of the piles. The magician then picks up each pile and turns them over to reveal that one pile contains all of the red cards, and the other, all of the black.

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If you would like to know the secret to how this is achieved you can buy it in this book:

Magician's Magic by Paul Curry

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APPENDIX B Your Number Effect This is how this effect is perceived by the spectators: A person from the audience is asked to think of a four digit number; but not to name it out loud. The Mentalist takes out a piece of card and writes something down on it that the audience cannot see. The spectator that is thinking about the number is asked to join the Mentalist on stage. Once there, the person is asked if there is any possible way that the Mentalist could know their thought of number.

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Once the spectator confirms that there is not, the Mentalist shows the spectator the piece of card and asks him, “Can you confirm for the audience that your number is written on this card.” Confirmation is attained and the spectator is asked to take his seat once more.

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Glossary A Priori Made before, or without examination; not supported by factual study. A Posteriori Justified by appeal to experience Alliteration The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables. Apposition of Opposites The placing together of opposed terms; a cool breeze on a hot summers day. Assonance

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The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, especially in stressed syllables, with changes in the intervening consonants. Aural The sense by which sound is perceived; the capacity to hear. Clever Hans Effect Influenced by subtle and unintentional cueing. Unconscious cueing from testers introduces bias into testing. Closed Question A question that can only be answered using a single word; normally, “yes”, or “no”. Conditioning (classical) A form of associative learning that was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov. The typical procedure for inducing classical conditioning involves presentations of a neutral stimulus along with a stimulus of some significance. Dopamine A hormone and neurotransmitter occurring in a wide variety of animals, including both vertebrates and invertebrates. Dopamine is commonly associated with the pleasure system of the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a person proactively to perform certain activities. Empathy Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. Euphemism The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.

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FAP A fixed action pattern is an instinctive behavioral sequence/response that is indivisible and runs to completion. Gesticulation A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech. Homographs One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation. Inductive reasoning The process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believed to support the conclusion but do not ensure it. Induction is a form of reasoning that makes generalizations based on individual instances. Neurotransmitter A chemical substance, such as acetylcholine or dopamine, that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse within the brain. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) An interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change. NVC Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact. Open Question

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A question that places no limitations on how the person answering may answer. Oxymoron The conjunction of words which, at first view, seem to be contradictory or incongruous, but whose surprising juxtaposition expresses a truth or dramatic effect, such as, cool fire, deafening silence, wise folly, etc. Paralanguage Paralanguage refers to the nonverbal elements of communication used to modify meaning and convey emotion. Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously. Paralinguistic Phenomenon Paralinguistic phenomenon refers to the elements of speech that do not belong to language. Such as tonality, timbre, pitch, tempo, etc. Pattern Interrupt In psychology, a pattern interrupt is an action that changes a dynamic in a personal situation or relationship by making an unexpected change, resulting in a new, and hopefully more effective and beneficial, behavior. This was identified by Milton H. Erickson who called it the confusion technique, as well as others. Pitch The property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration Puns A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.

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Rapport Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity. Rhombencephalon The rhombencephalon (or hindbrain) is a developmental categorization of portions of the central nervous system in vertebrates. Rhyming A poem or verse having a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends of lines. Syllogism A form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion Tactility The quality or state of being tactile; perceptibility by touch. Timbre Term describing the tonal quality of a sound; a clarinet and an oboe sounding the same note are said to produce different ‘timbres’. Tonality The interrelation of different tones. Triple Negative The use of three negative words; you won’t not never. Verbal Ambiguity A word or phrase that can have more than a single meaning.

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Recommended Reading List Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John, The structure of magic I, Science and Behavior Books: 1975,

ISBN: 978-0831400446 Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John, The structure of magic II,

Science and Behavior Books: 1975, ISBN: 978-0831400491

Cannon, Alexander, The powers that be, Kessinger: July 2007, ISBN: 978-0548001639 Carnegie, Dale , How to win friends and influence people, Vermilion: March 1994, ISBN: 978-0749307844 Mann, Sandy, Hiding what we feel, faking what we don’t, Element: 1999, ISBN: 1-86204-464-3

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Morris, Desmond, People watching (previously man watching), Vintage: July 2002, ISBN: 978-0099429784 Plato, The republic, Penguin Classics (2nd edition): February 2003,

ISBN: 978-0140449143 Rosen, Sidney, My voice will go with you; the teaching tales of

Milton H. Erickson, W. W. Norton & Company: April 1991, ISBN: 978-0393301359

Schwartz, David, The magic of thinking big, Fireside: April 1987, ISBN: 978-0671646783 Wilson, Robert Anton, Reality is what you can get away with, New Falcon: August 1996, ISBN: 978-1561840809

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The Brook Test

"There is a lot of really good psychology in its pages and the thoroughness is to be commended. I will definitely be using some of these fine ideas." - Richard Osterlind, Professional Mentalist, USA

"You have taken the Hoy book test one step forward by making it possible to go beyond 'look at the first word on that page' to what will LOOK like 'think of any word on that page'. This is a nice evolution from the Hoy original."

- Ian Rowland, Professional Mindreader, UK

“I have seen manuscripts for non-gimmicked book tests before, and personally, I would have to say that this is the strongest one that I have ever read. An excellent impromptu book test, I really like it.” - Andrew Payne, Co-Presenter of GoMagicGo Magic Radio

Imagine turning up to an event, borrowing any book of the spectators choice (from their own collection), they turn to a page and then they mentally select any word they want. Then you reveal the thought of word to them!

No gimmicked book No writing down The word is chosen in the spectators mind Can be done with any book Free choice of any book (no equivoque used) Very Strong Reactions

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The 'Brook Test' manuscript contains 10 powerful variations and tried and tested subtleties.

For more information or to order the Brook Test please go to:

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Good Vibrations

“Good Vibrations is not an effect; it’s a show stopping number. I have spent over a year developing a show that has yet to be performed because I’m still putting the finishing touches on its development. But now I’m thinking I might throw all of that in the trash and just do one effect: That’s how strongly I love this effect.” - Scott Drebus, Professional Magician, USA “The effect is very powerful” - Harry Truman, UK “The effect is strong!” - Jonathan Fielder-White, - Professional Mentalist, UK “Brilliant, simply brilliant. Buy it...” - Carsten Lexa, Germany

A spectator chooses a card randomly out of a deck of cards that has just been shuffled and inspected by one or more spectators. Without looking at the card and also making sure that no-one else can see the card it is placed into one envelope and sealed, and then placed into a second envelope and sealed.

After feeling the "energy" of the card through the envelopes (without ever touching them) the mentalist asks the audience members to think of a card and lock it into their minds. The mentalist walks through the audience with a hand stretched out and attempts to pick up the same vibrations emanating from the audience members minds as that of the selected card.

A few people are asked to reveal the card that they were thinking of, their cards not only match each others but when the card in the envelopes is removed it also matches the audience’s selection.

Contains expert psychological principles and techniques.

No Stacked Deck/Memorised Deck. No Gimmicked Envelopes.

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The cards can be thoroughly shuffled, time and time again.

The cards and envelopes can be fully inspected. The volunteer has complete freedom of card

selection and handles the cards when selecting. No Stooges are used. Very Strong & a 'Magician Fooler'.

This effect is best suited to stage work, and can be performed with groups.

For more information or to order Good Vibrations please go to:

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The Gift – the 14th Step to Mentalism

"I received a copy of The Gift earlier this month, and it is sterling stuff. Paul's use of psychology shines through, it is clear that the effects are born of performance, not armchair bound navel gazing. Paul has obviously worked the effects, and ironed out the crinkles.

A powerful and underused technique.” - Phill Smith, Mentalist and Author of ‘Mitox’

“Paul’s a psychologist, but he’s also an experienced entertainer, and it shows.

Unlike some works on the same subject that assume many aspects of the process, Paul goes into great depth. The Gift is a full approach and philosophy, which leaves you smiling and thinking “you clever, clever sod!" ” -Jon Thompson, Mentalist and Author of ‘Naked Mentalism’ “You may just find yourself starting a cult after reading this!” – Drew McAdam, Professional Mentalist, UK

This book represents a fundamental method that should belong in the arsenal of any mentalist.

The method is described in full detail with powerful psychological subtleties included.

A number of effects demonstrating this wonderful method are fully described. These include:

Appear to bestow a volunteer with the ability to read your mind with extraordinary detail and accuracy.

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Simulate being able to predict human behaviour and movements, clearly demonstrating an astounding knowledge of psychology.

Predict the number of fingers a person is holding up on their hand while it is hidden from view. They then strangely have the ability to predict whatever number of fingers that you hold up without being able to see your fingers.

Parallel the ability to know intimate details and personal information from any audience member. This information is so personal that no amount of pre-show snooping into the background of the individual could possibly be the answer.

There are other effects included within this book and also focused strategies to create other equally or even increasingly powerful effects using this technique.

For more information about The Gift please go to:

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On Mephisto’s Shoulder

"I really, really like it! Paul’s thinking is fresh, innovative and has a real ring of originality." - Drew McAdam, Professional Mentalist, UK

"If I could undo my knowledge of magic and have one effect performed on me, Dearly Departed would probably be it.

Genuine 'out of the box' thinking!"

- Phill Smith, Mentalist and Author of ‘Mitox’

“Paul's 'Serial, Killer!' is innovative and I find his idea a refreshing one. That effect alone could be worth many times the price of the whole book. One could

be booked on the spot thanks to just THAT effect.” – Paolo Cavalli, Professional Mentalist, Italy

A number of strong and eerie effects that will put your spectators on edge:

Dearly Departed: A volunteer is given a sealed envelope and a photograph of a dead person; they are to look at the photograph at any opportunity they can for a week. After the week has passed the volunteer makes a time prediction. Once the prediction is made the envelope is opened to reveal a death certificate showing a time of death for the person in the photograph that matches their prediction.

Telepathic Touch: You explain that a single touch is enough to change destiny if we allow it to. A sealed envelope is handed to a person to keep safe. You look into the eyes of a volunteer and touch their shoulder. A deck of cards is then displayed openly and fairly and four cards are selected randomly by this person, without you touching the cards. Each card is placed into an

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envelope and numbered. Another person is asked to join the two of you. The first spectator touches the new spectator in the same way you touched them. The new spectator chooses any envelope they want; when the envelope is opened the card is displayed and eerily matches the card within the envelope that you handed out to a neutral party from the start.

Fair is Fair Switch: A wonderfully fair and deceptive way of switching billets.

"Your Word, Corinda!": An evolution of "My Word!" by Corinda, using the 'Fair is Fair' Switch and other astonishing methods.

Serial, Killer!: You approach a person that you have never met before, you ask them to take out a bank note while you turn away. You never touch them, their belongings or the note, yet you can tell them the unique serial number on the bank note.

On Stage Killing: A large scale variation of "Serial, Killer!" with a surprise revelation that proves the serial number prediction was made days before.

Unique psychological subtleties are included for each effect, to the in-depth standard now expected from Paul.

BONUS: Interview with James Brown, the Magic Circle's close-up magician of the year 2006.

For more information about ‘On Mephisto’s Shoulder’ please go to:

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