patrick a. lee, naoto nagaosa and xiao-gang wen- doping a mott insulator: physics of high...

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8/3/2019 Patrick A. Lee, Naoto Nagaosa and Xiao-Gang Wen- Doping a Mott Insulator: Physics of High Temperature Supercon… 1/69

Doping a Mott Insulator: Physics of High Temperature Superconductivity

Patrick A. Leea, Naoto Nagaosab, and Xiao-Gang Wena

a Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 b CREST, Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japanc Correlated Electron Research Center, AIST, Tsukuba Central 4, Tsukuba 305-8562, Japan

(Dated: October 25, 2004)

This article reviews the effort to understand the physics of high temperature superconductors fromthe point of view of doping a Mott insulator. The basic electronic structure of the cuprates is re-viewed, emphasizing the physics of strong correlation and establishing the model of a doped Mottinsulator as a starting point. A variety of experiments are discussed, focusing on the region of thephase diagram close to the Mott insulator (the underdoped region) where the behavior is mostanomalous. The normal state in this region exhibits the pseudogap phenomenon. In contrast,the quasiparticles in the superconducting state are well defined and behave according to theory.We introduce Anderson’s idea of the resonating valence bond (RVB) and argue that it gives aqualitative account of the data. The importance of phase fluctuation is discussed, leading to atheory of the transition temperature which is driven by phase fluctuation and thermal excitationof quasiparticles. However, we argue that phase fluctuation can only explain the pseudogap phe-nomenology over a limited temperature range, and some additional physics is needed to explainthe onset of singlet formation at very high temperatures. We then describe the numerical methodof projected wavefunction which turns out to be a very useful technique to implement the strongcorrelation constraint, and leads to a number of predictions which are in agreement with experi-

ments. The remainder of the paper deals with an analytic treatment of the t-J model, with thegoal of putting the RVB idea on a more formal footing. The slave-boson is introduced to enforcethe constraint of no double occupation. The implementation of the local constraint leads natu-rally to gauge theories. We follow the historical order and first review the U (1) formulation of thegauge theory. Some inadequacies of this formulation for underdoping are discussed, leading to theSU (2) formulation. Here we digress with a rather thorough discussion of the role of gauge theoryin describing the spin liquid phase of the undoped Mott insulator. We emphasize the differencebetween the high energy gauge group in the formulation of the problem versus the low energygauge group which is an emergent phenomenon. Several possible routes to deconfinement basedon different emergent gauge groups are discussed, which lead to the physics of fractionalizationand spin-charge separation. We next describe the extension of the SU (2) formulation to nonzerodoping. We focus on a part of the mean field phase diagram called the staggered flux liquid phase.We show that inclusion of gauge fluctuation provides a reasonable description of the pseudogapphase. We emphasize that d-wave superconductivity can be considered as evolving from a stableU (1) spin liquid. We apply these ideas to the high T c cuprates, and discuss their implications forthe vortex structure and the phase diagram. A possible test of the topological structure of thepseudogap phase is discussed.

PACS numbers: 74.20.Mn, 71.27.+a


I. Introduction 2

II. Basic electronic structure of the cuprates 4

III. Phenomenology of the underdoped cuprates 7A. The pseudogap phenomenon in the normal state 8

B. Neutron scattering, resonance and stripes 11C. Quasiparticles in the superconducting state 13

IV. Introduction to RVB and a simple explanation of

the pseudogap 16

V. Phase fluctuation vs. competing order 17

A. A theory of T c 18B. Cheap vortices and the Nernst effect 19C. Two kinds of pseudogaps 21

VI. Projected trial wavefunctions and other

numerical results 22A. The half-filled case 22

B. Doped case 23C. Properties of pro jected wavefunctions 24D. Improvement of projected wavefunctions, effect of t,

and the Gutzwiller approximation 24

VII. The single hole problem 25

VIII. Slave boson formulation of t-J model and mean

field theory 27

IX. U (1) gauge theory of the uRVB state 29A. Effective gauge action and non-Fermi-liquid behavior 30B. Ioffe-Larkin composition rule 32

C. Ginzburg-Landau theory and vortex structure 34D. Confinement-deconfinement problem 35E. Limitations of the U (1) gauge theory 37

X. SU (2) slave-boson representation for spin liquids 37A. Where does the gauge structure come from? 38B. What determines the gauge group? 39

C. From U (1) to SU (2) 39D. A few mean-field ansatz for symmetric spin liquids 41

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E. Physical properties of the symmetric spin liquids atmean-field level 42

F. Classical dynamics of the SU (2) gauge fluctuations 421. Trivial SU (2) flux 432. Collinear SU (2) flux 433. Non-collinear SU (2) flux 44

G. The relation between different versions of slave-bosontheory 45

H. The emergence of gauge bosons and fermions incondensed matter systems 45

I. The projective symmetry group and quantum order 47

XI. SU (2) slave-boson theory of doped Mott

insulators 48A. SU (2) slave-boson theory at finite doping 48B. The mean-field phase diagram 49C. Simple properties of the mean-field phases 50D. Effect of gauge fluctuations: enhanced (π, π) spin

fluctuations in pseudo-gap phase 50E. Electron spectral function 52

1. Single hole spectrum 522. Finite hole density: pseudo-gap and Fermi arcs 53

F. Stability of algebraic spin liquids 55

XII. Application of gauge theory to the high T csuperconductivity problem 56

A. Spin liquid, quantum critical point and thepseudogap 57

B. σ-model effective theory and new collective modes inthe superconducting state 58

C. Vortex structure 60D. Phase diagram 61E. Signature of the spin liquid 61

XIII. Summary and outlook 63

Acknowledgments 64

References 64


The discovery of high temperature superconductivityin cuprates (Bednorz and Mueller, 1986) and the rapidraising of the transition temperature to well above themelting point of nitrogen (Wu et al., 1987) ushered in anera of great excitement for the condensed matter physicscommunity. For decades prior to this discovery, the high-est T c had been stuck at 23 K. Not only was the oldrecord T c shattered, but the fact that high T c supercon-ductivity was discovered in a rather unexpected material,a transition metal oxide, made it clear that some novelmechanism must be at work. The intervening years haveseen great strides in high T c research. First and foremost,the growth and characterization of cuprate single crystalsand thin films have advanced to the point where samplequality and reproducibility problems which plagued thefield in the early days are no longer issues. At the sametime, basically all conceivable experimental tools havebeen applied to the cuprates. Indeed, the need for moreand more refined data has spurred the development of ex-perimental techniques such as angle resolved photoemis-sion spectroscopy (ARPES) and low temperature scan-ning tunneling microscopy (STM). Today the cuprate is

FIG. 1 Schematic phase diagram of high T c superconduc-tors showing hole doping (right side) and electron doping (leftside). From Damascelli et al., 2003.

arguably the best studied material outside of the semi-conductor family and a great deal of facts are known.

It is also clear that many of the physical properties areunusual, particularly in the metallic state above the su-perconductor. Superconductivity is only one aspect of a rich phase diagram which must be understood in itstotality.

While there are hundreds of high T c compounds, theyall share a layered structure made up of one or morecopper-oxygen planes. They all fit into a “universal”phase diagram shown in Fig. 1. We start with the so-called “parent compound,” in this case La2CuO4. Thereis now general agreement that the parent compound isan insulator, and should be classified as a Mott insula-tor. The concept of Mott insulation was introduced many

years ago (Mott, 1949) to describe a situation where amaterial should be metallic according to band theory, butis insulating due to strong electron-electron repulsion. Inour case, in the copper-oxygen layer there is an odd num-ber of electrons per unit cell. More specifically, the cop-per ion is doubly ionized and is in a d9 configuration, sothat there is a single hole in the d shell per unit cell. Ac-cording to band theory, the band is half-filled and mustbe metallic. Nevertheless, there is a strong repulsive en-ergy cost to put two electrons (or holes) on the same ion,and when this energy (commonly called U ) dominatesover the hopping energy t, the ground state is an insula-tor due to strong correlation effects. It also follows thatthe Mott insulator should be an antiferromagnet (AF),because when neighboring spins are oppositely aligned,one can gain an energy 4t2/U by virtual hopping. Thisis called the exchange energy J . The parent compoundis indeed an antiferromagnetic insulator. The orderingtemperature T N ≈ 300K shown in Fig. 1 is in fact mis-leadingly low because it is governed by a small interlayercoupling, which is furthermore frustrated in La2CuO4

(see Kastner et al., 1998). The exchange energy J isin fact extraordinarily high, of order 1500 K, and theparent compound shows strong antiferromagnetic corre-

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lation much above T N .

The parent compound can be doped by substitut-ing some of the trivalent La by divalent Sr. The re-sult is that x holes are added to the Cu-O plane inLa2−xSrxCuO4. This is called hole doping. In the com-pound Nd2−xCexCuO4, the reverse happens in that xelectrons are added to the Cu-O plane. This is called elec-tron doping. As we can see from Fig. 1, on the hole dop-

ing side the AF order is rapidly suppressed and is goneby 3 to 5% hole concentration. Almost immediately afterthe suppression of AF, superconductivity appears, rang-ing from x = 6% to 25%. The dome-shaped T c is charac-teristic of all hole-doped cuprates, even though the max-imum T c varies from about 40 K in the La2−xSrxCuO4

(LSCO) family to 93 K and higher in other families suchas YBa2Cu3O6+y (YBCO) and Ba2Sr2CaCu2O8+y (Bi-2212). On the electron doped side, AF is more robustand survives up to x = 0.14, beyond which a region of su-perconductivity arises. One view is that the carriers aremore prone to be localized on the electron doped side, sothat electron doping to closer to dilution by nonmagnetic

ions, which is less effective in suppressing AF order thanitinerant carriers. Another possibility is that the nextneighbor hopping term favors AF on the electron dopedside (Singh and Ghosh, 2002). It is as though a more ro-bust AF region is covering up the more interesting phasediagram revealed on the hole doped side. In this reviewwe shall focus on the hole doped materials, even thoughwe will address the issue of the particle-hole asymmetryof the phase diagram from time to time.

The region in the phase diagram with doping x lessthan that of the maximum T c is called the underdopedregion. The metallic state above T c has been under in-tense study and exhibits many unusual properties notencountered before in any other metal. This region of the phase diagram has been called the pseudogap phase.It is not a well defined phase in that a definite finite tem-perature phase boundary has never been found. The linedrawn in Fig. 1 should be regarded as a cross-over. Sincewe view the high T c problem as synonymous with that of doping a Mott insulator, the underdoped region is wherethe battleground between Mott insulator and supercon-ductivity is drawn and this is where we shall concentrateon in this review.

The region of the normal state above the optimal T calso exhibits unusual properties. The resistivity is lin-ear in T and the Hall coefficient is temperature depen-dent (see Chien et al., 1991). These were cited as exam-ples of non-Fermi liquid behavior since the early days of high T c. Beyond optimal doping (called the overdopedregion), sanity gradually returns. The normal state be-haves more normally in that the temperature dependenceof the resistivity resembles T 2 over a temperature rangewhich increases with further overdoping. The anomalousregion above optimal doping is sometimes referred to asthe “strange metal” region. We offer a qualitative de-scription of this region in section IX, but in our mind theunderstanding of the “strange metal” is even more rudi-

mentary that of the “pseudogap.” A popular notion isthat the strange metal is characterized by a quantum crit-ical point lying under the superconducting dome (Varma,1997; Castellani et al., 1997; Tallon and Loram, 2000) Inour view, unless the nature of the ordered side of a quan-tum critical point is classified, the simple statement of quantum criticality does not teach us too much aboutthe behavior in the critical region. For this reason, we

prefer to concentrate on the underdoped region and leavethe strange metal phase to future studies.

Contrary to the experimental situation, the develop-ment of high T c theory follows a rather tortuous path andpeople often have the impression that the field is highlycontentious and without a clear direction or consensus.We do not agree with this assessment and would like toclearly state our point of view from the outset. Our start-ing point is, as already stated, that the physics of high T csuperconductivity is the physics of doping a Mott insu-lator. Strong correlation is the driving force behind thephase diagram. We believe that there is a general consen-sus on this starting point. The simplest model which cap-

tures the strong correlation physics is the Hubbard modeland its strong coupling limit, the t-J model. Our viewis that one should focus on understanding these simplemodels before adding various elaborations. For example,further neighbor hopping certainly is significant and aswe shall discuss, plays an important role in understand-ing the particle-hole asymmetry of the phase diagram.Electron-phonon coupling can generally be expected tobe strong in transition metal oxides, and we shall discusstheir role in affecting spectral line shape. However, thesediscussions must be made in the context of strong cor-relation. The logical step is to first understand whethersimple models such as the t-J model contains enoughphysics to explain the appearance of superconductivityand pseudogaps in the phase diagram.

The strong correlation viewpoint was put forward byAnderson, 1987, who revived his earlier work on a possi-ble spin liquid state in a frustrated antiferromagnet. Thisstate, called the resonating valence band (RVB), has nolong range AF order and is a unique spin singlet groundstate. It has spin 1/2 fermionic excitations which arecalled spinons. The idea is that when doped with holesthe RVB is a singlet state with coherent mobile carri-ers, and is indistinguishable in terms of symmetry froma singlet BCS superconductor. The process of hole dop-ing was further developed by Kivelson et al., 1987 whoargue that the combination of the doped hole with thespinon form a bosonic excitation. This excitation, calledthe holon, carries charge but no spin whereas the spinoncarries spin 1/2 but no charge, and the notion of spin-charge separation was born. Meanwhile, a slave-bosontheory was formulated by Baskaran et al., 1987. Manyauthors contributed to the development of the mean fieldtheory, culminating in the paper by Kotliar and Liu, 1988who found that the superconducting state should haved-symmetry and that a state with spin gap propertiesshould exist above the superconducting temperature in

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the underdoped region. The possibility of d-wave super-conductivity has been discussed in terms of the exchangeof spin fluctuations (Scalapino et al., 1986, 1987; Miyakeet al., 1986; Emery, 1983, 1986; Monthonx and Pines,1993). These discussions are either based on phenomeno-logical coupling between spins and fermions or via RPAtreatment for the Harbbard model which is basically aweak coupling expansion. In contrast, the salve-boson

theory was developed in the limit of strong repulsion.Details of the mean field theory will be discussed in sec-tion VIII.

At about the same time, the proposal by Anderson,1987 of using projected mean field states as trial wave-functions was implemented on the computer by Gros,1988a, 1988b. The idea is to remove by hand on a com-puter all components of the mean field wavefunction withdoubly occupied sites, and use this as a variational wave-function for the t-J model. Gros, 1988a, 1988b concludedthat the projected d-wave superconductor is the varia-tional ground state for the t-J model over a range of doping. The projected wavefunction method remains one

of the best numerical tools to tackle the t-J or Hubbardmodel and is reviewed in section VI.

It was soon realized that inclusion of fluctuations aboutthe mean field invariably leads to gauge theory (Baskaranand Anderson, 1988; Ioffe and Larkin, 1989; Nagaosa andLee, 1990). The gauge field fluctuations can be treated ata Gaussian level and these early developments togetherwith some of the difficulties are reviewed in section IX.

In hindsight, the slave-boson mean field theory and theprojected wavefunction studies contain many of the qual-itative aspects of the hole doped phase diagram. It is in-deed quite remarkable that the main tools of treating thet-J model, i.e. projected trial wavefunction, slave-boson

mean field, and gauge theory, were in place a couple of years after the discovery of high T c. In some way thetheory was ahead of its time, because the majority viewin the early days was that the pairing symmetry was s-wave, and the pseudogap phenomenology remains to bediscovered. (The first hint came from Knight shift mea-surements in 1989 shown in Fig. 4(a).) Some of the earlyhistory and recent extensions are reviewed by Andersonet al., 2004.

The gauge theory approach is a difficult one to pursuesystematically because it is a strong coupling problem.One important development is the realization that theoriginal U (1) gauge theory should be extended to SU (2)in order to make a smooth connection to the underdopedlimit (Wen and Lee, 1996) This is discussed in sectionsXI and XII. More generally, it was gradually realizedthat the concepts of confinement/deconfinement whichare central to QCD also play a key role here, except thatthe presence of matter field make this problem even morecomplex. Since gauge theories are not so familiar to con-densed matter physicists, these concepts are discussedin some detail in section X. One of the notable recentadvances is that the notion of the spin liquid and its re-lation to deconfinement in gauge theory has been greatly

clarified and several soluble models and candidates basedon numerical exact diagonalization have been proposed.It remains true, however, that so far no two-dimensionalspin liquid has been convincingly realized experimentally.

Our overall philosophy is that the RVB idea of a spinliquid and its relation to superconductivity contains theessence of the physics and gives a qualitative descriptionof the underdoped phase diagram. The goal of our re-

search is to put these ideas on a more quantitative foot-ing. Given the strong coupling nature of the problem,the only way progress can be made is for theory to workin consort with experiment. Our aim is to make as manypredictions as possible, beyond saying that the pseudo-gap is a RVB spin liquid, and challenge the experimental-ists to perform tests. Ideas along these lines are reviewedin section XII.

High T c research is an enormous field and we cannothope to be complete in our references. Here we refer toa number of excellent review articles on various aspectsof the subject. Imada et al., 1998 reviewed the generaltopic of metal-insulator transition. Orenstein and Millis,

2000 and Norman and Pepin, 2003 have provided highlyreadable accounts of experiments and general theoreti-cal approaches. Early numerical work was reviewed byDagotto, 1994. Kastner et al., 1998 summarized the ear-lier optical and magnetic neutron scattering data mainlyon La2−xSrxCuO4. Major reviews of angle resolved pho-toemission data (ARPES) have been provided by Cam-puzano et al., 2003 and Damascelli et al., 2003. Op-tics measurements on underdoped materials are reviewedby Timusk and Statt, 1999. The volumes edited byGinzberg, 1989 contain excellent reviews of early NMRwork by C.P. Slichter and early transport measurementby N.P. Ong among others. Discussions of stripe physicsare recently given by Carlson et al., 2003 and Kivelsonet al., 2003. A discussion of spin liquid states is givenby Sachdev, 2003 with an emphasis on dimer order andby Wen, 2004 with an emphasis on quantum order. Foran account of experiments and early RVB theory, see thebook by Anderson, 1997.


It is generally agreed that the physics of high T c super-conductivity is that of the copper oxygen layer, as shownin Fig. 2. In the parent compound such as La2CuO4,the formal valence of Cu is 2+, which means that itselectronic state is in the d9 configuration. The copperis surrounded by six oxygens in an octahedral environ-ment (the apical oxygen lying above and below Cu arenot shown in Fig. 2). The distortion from a perfect oc-tahedron due to the shift of the apical oxygens splits theeg orbitals so that the highest partially occupied d or-bital is x2 − y2. The lobes of this orbital point directlyto the p orbital of the neighboring oxygen, forming astrong covalent bond with a large hopping integral t pd.

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E d


p E

FIG. 2 The two-dimensional copper-oxygen layer (left) is sim-plified to the one-band model (right). Bottom figure shows

the copper d and oxygen p orbitals in the hole picture. Asingle hole with S = 1/2 occupies the copper d orbital in theinsulator.

As we shall see, the strength of this covalent bonding isresponsible for the unusually high energy scale for theexchange interaction. Thus the electronic state of thecuprates can be described by the so-called 3 band model,where in each unit cell we have the Cu dx2−y2 orbitaland two oxygen p orbitals (Emery, 1987; Varma et al.,1987). The Cu orbital is singly occupied while the p or-bitals are doubly occupied, but these are admixed by t pd.In addition, admixtures between the oxygen orbitals maybe included. These tight-binding parameters may be ob-tained by fits to band structure calculations (Mattheiss,1987; Yu et al., 1987). However, the largest energy in theproblem is the correlation energy for doubly occupyingthe copper orbital. To describe these correlation ener-gies, it is more convenient to go to the hole picture. TheCu d9 configuration is represented by energy level E d oc-cupied by a single hole with S = 1

2 . The oxygen p orbitalis empty of holes and lies at energy E p which is higherthan E d. The energy to doubly occupy E d (leading to ad8 configuration) is U d, which is very large and can beconsidered infinity. The lowest energy excitation is thecharge transfer excitation where the hole hops from d to

p with amplitude −t pd. If E p − E d is sufficiently largecompared with t pd, the hole will form a local moment onCu. This is referred to as a charge transfer insulator inthe scheme of Zaanen et al., 1985. Essentially, E p − E dplays the role of the Hubbard U in the one-band modelof the Mott insulator. Experimentally an energy gap of 2.0 eV is observed and interpreted as the charge transferexcitation (see Kastner et al., 1998).

Just as in the one-band Mott-Hubbard insulator,where virtual hopping to doubly occupied states leads

to an exchange interaction J S 1 · S 2 where J = 4t2/U ,in the charge-transfer insulator, the local moments onnearest neighbor Cu prefer antiferromagnetic alignmentbecause both spins can virtually hop to the E p orbital.Ignoring the U p for doubly occupying the p orbital withholes, the exchange integral is given by

J =

t4 pd(E p − E d)3 . (1)

The relatively small size of the charge transfer gap meansthat we are not deep in the insulating phase and theexchange term is expected to be large. Indeed exper-imentally the insulator is found to be in an antiferro-magnetic ground state. By fitting Raman scattering totwo magnon excitations (Sulewsky et al., 1990), the ex-change energy is found to be J = 0.13 eV. This is oneof the largest exchange energies known and is exceededonly by that of the ladder compounds which involve thesame Cu-O bonding. This value of J is confirmed by fit-ting spin wave energy to theory, where an additional ringexchange terms is found (Coldea et al., 2001).

By substituting divalent Sr for trivalent La, the elec-tron count on the Cu-O layer can be changed in a processcalled doping. For example, in La2−xSrxCuO4, x holesper Cu is added to the layer. As seen in Fig. 2, due tothe large U d, the hole will reside on the oxygen p or-bital. The hole can hop via t pd and due to translationalsymmetry, the holes are mobile and form a metal, unlesslocalization due to disorder or some other phase transi-tion intervenes. The full description of the hole hoppingin the three-band model is complicated, and a numberof theories consider this essential to the understanding of high Tc superconductivity (Emery, 1987; Varma et al.,1987). On the other hand, there is strong evidence thatthe low energy physics (on a scale small compared witht pd and E p − E d) can be understood in terms of an ef-fective one-band model, and we shall follow this route inthis review. The essential insight is that the doped holeresonates on the four oxygen sites surrounding a Cu andthe spin of the doped hole combines with the spin on theCu to form a spin singlet. This is known as the Zhang-Rice singlet (Zhang and Rice, 1988). This state is splitoff by an energy of order t2 pd/(E p − E d) because the sin-glet gains energy by virtual hopping. On the other hand,the Zhang-Rice singlet can hop from site to site. Sincethe hopping is a two step process, the effective hopping

integral t is also of order t2 pd/(E p − E d). Since t is thesame parametrically as the binding energy of the singlet,the justification of this point of view relies on a large nu-merical factor for the binding energy which is obtainedby studying small clusters.

By focusing on the low lying singlet, the hole dopedthree-band model simplifies to a one-band tight bind-ing model on the square lattice, with an effective nearestneighbor hopping integral t given earlier and with E p−E dplaying a role analogous to U . In the large E p − E d limit

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this maps onto the t-J model

H = P



+ J

ijS i · S j − 1

2nin j

P (2)

where the projection operator P restricts the Hilbertspace to one which excludes double occupation of anysite. J is given by 4t2/U and we can see that it is thesame functional form as that of the three-band model de-scribed earlier. It is also possible to dope with electronsrather than holes. The typical electron doped system isNd2−xCexCuO4+δ (NCCO). The added electron corre-sponds to removal of a hole from the copper site in thehole picture (Fig. 2), i.e. the Cu ion is in the d10 configu-ration. This vacancy can hop with a teff and the mappingto the one-band model is more direct than the hole dopedcase. Note that in the full three-band model the object

which is hopping is the Zhang-Rice singlet for hole dopingand the Cu d10 configuration for electron doping. Thesehave rather different spatial structure and are physicallyquite distinct. For example, the strength of their cou-pling to lattice distortions may be quite different. Whenmapped to the one-band model, the nearest neighborhopping t has the same parametric dependence, but couldhave a different numerical constant. As we shall see, thevalue of t derived from cluster calculations turn out tobe surprisingly similar for electron and hole doping. Fora bi-partate lattice, the t-J model with nearest neighbort has particle-hole symmetry because the sign of t canbe absorbed by changing the sign of the orbital on one

sublattice. Experimentally the phase diagram exhibitsstrong particle-hole asymmetry. On the electron dopedside, the antiferromagnetic insulator survives up to muchhigher doping concentration (up to x ≈ 0.2) and the su-perconducting transition temperature is quite low (about30 K). Many of the properties of the superconductor re-semble that of the overdoped region of the hole doped sideand the pseudogap phenomenon, which is so prominentin the underdoped region, is not observed with electrondoping. It is as though the greater stability of the anti-ferromagnet has covered up any anomalous regime thatmight exist otherwise. Precisely why is not clear at themoment. One possibility is that polaron effects may bestronger on the electron doped side, leading to carrier lo-calization over a broader range of doping. There has beensome success in modeling the contrast in the single holespectrum by introducing further neighbor coupling intothe one-band model which breaks the particle-hole sym-metry (Shih et al., 2004). This will be discussed furtherbelow.

We conclude that the electron correlation is strongenough to produce a Mott insulator at half filling. Fur-thermore, the one band t-J model captures the essenceof the low energy electronic excitations of the cuprates.

FIG. 3 The Knight shift for YB2Cu4O8. It is an underdopedmaterial with T c = 79K. From Curro et al., 1997.

Particle-hole asymmetry may be accounted for by in-cluding further neighbor hopping t. This point of viewhas been tested extensively by Hybertson et al., 1990who used ab initio local density functional theory togenerate input parameters for the three-band Hubbardmodel and then solve the spectra exactly on finite clus-ters. The results are compared with the low energy spec-tra of the one-band Hubbard model and the t − t − J model. They found an excellent overlap of the low ly-ing wavefunctions for both the one-band Hubbard andthe t − t − J model and were able to extract effectiveparameters. They found J to be 128 ± 5 meV, in excel-lent agreement with experimental values. Furthermore

they found t ≈ 0.41 eV and 0.44 eV for electron and holedoping, respectively. The near particle-hole symmetry int is surprising because the underlying electronic statesare very different in the two cases, as already discussed.Based on their results, the commonly used parameter J/tfor the t-J model is 1/3. They also found a significantnext nearest neighbor t term, again almost the same forelectron and hole doping.

More recently, Andersen et al., 1996 have pointed outthat in addition to the three-band model, an additionalCu 4s orbital has a strong influence on further neighborhopping t and t, where t is the hopping across the diag-onal and t is hopping to the next-nearest neighbor alonga straight line. Recently Pavarini et al., 2001 emphasizedthe importance of the apical oxygen in modulating theenergy of the Cu 4s orbital and found a sensitive depen-dence of t/t on the apical oxygen distance. They alsopointed out an empirical correlation between optimal T cand t/t. As we will discuss in sections VI.D and VII,t may play an important role in determining T c and inexplaining the difference between electron and hole dop-ing. However, in view of the fact that on-site repulsionis the largest energy scale in the problem, it would makesense to begin our modeling of the cuprates with the t-J

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Heisenbergmodel, theory

FIG. 4 (a) Knight shift data of YBCO for a variety of doping

(from Alloul et al., 1989). The zero reference level for thespin contribution is indicated by the arrow and the dashedline represents the prediction of the 2D S = 1


model for J = 0.13 eV. (b) Uniform magnetic susceptibilityfor LSCO (from Nakano et al., 1994). The orbital contribu-tion χ0 is shown (see text) and the solid line represents theHeisenberg model prediction.

model and ask to what extent the phase diagram can beaccounted for. As we shall see, even this is not a simpletask and will constitute the major thrust of this review.


The essence of the problem of doping into a Mott in-sulator is readily seen from Fig. 2. When a vacancy isintroduced into an antiferromagnetic spin background, itwould like to hop with amplitude t to lower its kineticenergy. However, after one hop its neighboring spin findsitself in a ferromagnetic environment, at an energy costof 32J if the spins are treated as classical S = 1

2 . It is clear

FIG. 5 The specific heat coefficient γ for YBa2Cu3O6+y (top)and La2−xSrxCuO4 (bottom). Curves are labeled by the oxy-

gen content y in the top figure and by the hole concentrationx in the bottom figure. Optimal and overdoped samples areshown in the inset. The jump in γ indicates the supercon-ducting transition. Note the reduction of the jump size withunderdoping. (From Loram et al., 1993 and Loram et al.,2001).

that the holes are very effective in destroying the anti-ferromagnetic background. This is particularly so whent J when the hole is strongly delocalized. The basicphysics is the competition between the exchange J andthe kinetic energy which is of order t per hole or xt perunit area. When xt

J we expect the kinetic energy

to win and the system should be a Fermi liquid metalwith weak residual antiferromagnetic correlation. Whenxt ≤ J , however, the outcome is much less clear becausethe system would like to maintain the antiferromagneticcorrelation while allowing the hole to move as freely aspossible. Experimentally we know that Neel order is de-stroyed with 3% hole doping, after which d-wave super-conducting state emerges as the ground state up to 30%doping. Exactly how and why superconductivity emergesas the best compromise is the centerpiece of the high Tc

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puzzle but we already see that the simple competitionbetween J and xt sets the correct scale x = J/t = 1

3for the appearance of nontrivial ground states. We shallfocus our attention on the so-called underdoped region,where this competition rages most fiercely. Indeed it isknown experimentally that the “normal” state above thesuperconducting Tc behaves differently from any othermetallic state that we have known about up to now. Es-

sentially an energy gap appears in some properties andnot others. This region of the phase diagram is referredto as the pseudogap region and is well documented exper-imentally. We review below some of the key properties.

A. The pseudogap phenomenon in the normal state

As seen in Fig. 3 Knight shift measurement in theYBCO 124 compound shows that while the spin sus-ceptibility χs is almost temperature independent be-tween 700 K and 300 K, as in an ordinary metal, it de-creases below 300 K and by the time the Tc of 80 K is

reached, the system has lost 80% of the spin susceptibil-ity (Curro et al., 1997). To emphasize the universalityof this phenomenon, we reproduce in Fig. 4 some olddata on YBCO and LSCO. Figure 4(a) shows the Knightshift data from Alloul et al., 1989. We have subtractedthe orbital contribution, which is generally agreed to be150 ppm (Takigawa et al., 1993), and drawn in the zeroline to highlight the spin contribution to the Knight shiftwhich is proportional to χs. The proportionality constantis known, which allows us to draw in the Knight shiftwhich corresponds to the 2D square S = 1

2 Heisenbergantiferromagnet with J = 0.13 eV (Ding and Makivic,1991; Sandvik et al., 1997). The point of this exercise is

to show that in the underdoped region, the spin suscep-tibility drops below that of the Heisenberg model at lowtemperatures before the onset of superconductivity. Thistrend continues even in the severely underdoped limit(O0.53 to O0.41), showing that the χs reduction cannotsimply be understood as fluctuations towards the antifer-romagnet. Note that the discrepancy is worse if J werereplaced by a smaller J eff due to doping, since χs ∼ J −1eff .The data seen in this light strongly point to singlet for-mation as the origin of the pseudogap seen in the uniformspin susceptibility.

It is worth noting that the trend shown in Fig. 4(a)is not so apparent if one looks at the measured spin sus-ceptibility directly (Tranquada et al., 1988). This is be-cause the van Vleck part of the spin susceptibility is dop-ing dependent, due to the changing chain contribution.This problem does not arise for LSCO, and in Fig. 4(b)we show the uniform susceptibility data (Nakano et al.,1994). The zero of the spin part is determined by com-paring susceptibility measurements to 17O Knight shiftdata (Ishida et al., 1991). Nakano et al., 1994 find anexcellent fit for the x = 0.15 sample (see Fig. 9 of thisreference) and determine the orbital contribution for thissample to be χ0 ∼ 0.4 × 10−7 emu/g. This again allows




σ a

( Ω

- 1 c m

- 1 )

σa (ω)

T =4.8T c

2.4T c

1.8T c1.1T c

0.2T c

0 500 10000



ω (cm- 1



c ( Ω - 1 c m

- 1 )

σc (ω)

T =4.8T c

2.4T c1.8T c


c0.2T c

FIG. 6 The frequency dependent conductivity with electricfield parallel to the plane (σa(ω), top figure) and perpendic-ular to the plane (σc(ω) bottom figure) in an underdopedYBCO crystal. From Uchida, 1997.

us to plot the theoretical prediction for the Heisenbergmodel. Just as for YBCO, χs for the underdoped sam-

ples (x =0.1 and 0.08) drops below that of the Heisenbergmodel. In fact, the behavior of χs for the two systems isremarkably similar, especially in the underdoped region.1

A second indication of the pseudogap comes from thelinear T coefficient of the specific heat, which shows amarked decrease below room temperature (see Fig. 5).Furthermore, the specific heat jump at Tc is greatly re-duced with decreasing doping. It is apparent that thespins are forming into singlets and the spin entropy isgradually lost. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 6the frequency dependent conductivity behaves very dif-ferently depending on whether the electric field is in theab plane (σab) or perpendicular to it (σc).

At low frequencies (below 500 cm−1) σab shows atypical Drude-like behavior for a metal with a width

1 We note that a comparison of χs for YBCO and LSCO was madeby Millis and Monien, 1993. Their YBCO analysis is similarto ours. However, for LSCO they find a rather different χ0 bymatching the measurement above 600 K to that of the Heisenbergmodel. Consequently, their χs looks different for YBCO andLSCO. We believe their procedure is not really justified.

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FIG. 7 (a–c) Spectra from underdoped Bi-2212 (T c = 85K)taken at different k points along the Fermi surface shown in(d). Note the pullback of the spectrum from the Fermi sur-face as determined by the Pt reference (red lines) for T > T c.(e) Temperature dependence of the leading-edge midpoints.(from Norman et al., 1998) Bottom figure shows the temper-ature T ∗ where the pseudogap determined from the leadingedge first appears plotted as a function of doping for Bi-2212samples. Triangles are determined from data such as shownin Fig. 7(a) and squares are lower bound estimates. Circlesshow the energy gap ∆ measured at (0, π) at low tempera-tures. (from Campuzano et al., 2003).

which decreases with temperature, but an area (spectralweight) which is independent of temperature (Santander-Syro et al., 2002). Thus there is no sign of the pseudogapin the spectral weight. This is surprising because in otherexamples where an energy gap appears in a metal, suchas the onset of charge or spin density waves, there is aredistribution of the spectral weight from the Drude partto higher frequencies. An important observation con-

cerning the spectral weight is that the integrated areaunder the Drude peak is found to be proportional to x(Orenstein et al., 1990; Cooper et al., 1993; Uchida et al.,1991; Padilla et al., 2004). In the superconducting statethis weight collapses to form the delta function peak,with the result that the superfluid density ns/m is alsoproportional to x. It is as though only the doped holescontribute to charge transport in the plane. In contrast,angle-resolved photoemission shows a Fermi surface atoptimal doping very similar to that predicted by bandtheory, with an area corresponding to (1 − x) electrons(see Fig. 7(d)). With underdoping, this Fermi surfaceis partially gapped in an unusual manner which we shallnext discuss.

In contrast to the metallic behavior of σab, it was dis-covered by Homes et al., 1993 that below 300 K σc(ω) isgradually reduced for frequencies below 500 cm−1 and adeep hole is carved out of σc(ω) by the time Tc is reached.This is clearly seen in the lower panel of Fig. 6.

Finally, angle-resolved photoemission shows that anenergy gap (in the form of a pulling back of the leadingedge of the electronic spectrum from the Fermi energy) isobserved near momentum (0, π). Note that the lineshapeis extremely broad and completely incoherent. The on-set of superconductivity is marked by the appearance of a small coherent peak at this gap edge (Fig. 7). The sizeof the pull back of the leading edge is the same as theenergy gap of the superconducting state as measured bythe location of the coherence peak. As shown in Fig. 7this gap energy increases with decreasing doping, whilethe superconducting Tc decreases. This trend is also seenin tunneling data.

It is possible to map out the Fermi surface by track-ing the momentum of the minimum excitation energyin the superconducting state for each momentum direc-tion. Along the Fermi surface the energy gap does ex-actly what is expected for a d-wave superconductor. Itis maximal near (0, π) and vanishes along the line con-nection (0, 0) and (π, π) where the excitation is often re-ferred to as nodal quasiparticles. Above Tc the gaplessregion expands to cover a finite region near the nodalpoint, beyond which the pseudogap gradually opens asone moves towards (0, π). This unusual behavior is some-times referred to as the Fermi arc (Loeser et al., 1996;Marshall et al., 1996; Ding et al., 1996). It is worthnoting that unlike the anti-nodal direction (near (0, π))the lineshape is relatively sharp along the nodal directioneven above Tc. From the width in momentum space, alifetime which is linear in temperature has been extractedfor a sample near optimal doping (Valla et al., 1999). A

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FIG. 8 (A) Doping dependence of the ARPES spectra at(0, π) at T T c for overdoped (OD), optimally doped (OP),and underdoped (UD) materials labeled by their T c’s. (B) Thespectral weight of the coherent peak in Fig. 8(a) normalizedto the background is plotted vs. doping x. From Feng et al.,


narrow lineshape in the nodel direction has also been ob-served in LSCO (Yoshida et al., 2003) and in N a dopedCa2CuO2Cl2 (Ronning et al., 2003). So the notion of rel-atively well defined nodal excitations in the normal stateis most likely a universal feature.

As mentioned earlier, the onset of superconductivity ismarked by the appearance of a sharp coherence peak near(0, π). The spectral weight of this peak is small and getseven smaller with decreasing doping, as shown in Fig.8(b). Note that this behavior is totally different from

conventional superconductors. There the quasiparticlesare well defined in the normal state and according to BCStheory, the sharp peak pulls back from the Fermi energyand opens an energy gap in the superconducting state.

In the past few years, low temperature STM data havebecome available, mainly on Bi-2212 samples. STM pro-vides a measurement of the local density of states ρ(E, r)with atomic resolution. It is complementary to ARPESin that it provides real space information but no directmomentum space information. One important outcomeis that STM reveals spatial inhomogeneity of the Bi-2212on roughly 50 to 100 A length scale, which becomes moreand more significant with underdoping. As shown inFig. 9(f) spectra with different energy gaps are associatedwith different patches and with progressively more under-doping, patches with large gaps become more and morepre-dominant. Since ARPES is measuring the same sur-face, it becomes necessary to reinterpret the ARPES datawith inhomogeneity in mind. In particular, the decreaseof the weight of the coherent peak shown in Fig. 8(b)may simply be due to a reduction of the fraction of thesample which has sharp coherent peaks.

A second remarkable observation by STM is that thelow lying density of states (ρ(E, r) for E 10 to 15

FIG. 9 From McElroy et al., 2004. STM images showing thespatial distribution of energy gaps for a variety of sampleswhich are progressively more underdoped from A to E. PanelF shows the average spectrum for a given energy gap.

meV) is remarkably homogeneous. This is clearly seenin Fig. 9(f). It is reasonable to associate this low en-ergy excitation with the quasiparticles near the nodes.Indeed, the low lying quasiparticles exhibit interferenceeffects due to scattering by impurities, which is directevidence for their spatial coherence over long distances.Then the combined STM and ARPES data suggest a kindof phase separation in momentum space, i.e. the spectrain the anti-nodal region (near 0, π) is highly inhomoge-neous in space whereas the quasiparticles near the nodalregion are homogeneous and coherent. The nodal quasi-particles must be extended and capable of averaging overthe spatial homogeneity, while the anti-nodal quasiparti-cles appear more localized. In this picture the pseudogapphenomenon mainly has to do with the anti-nodal region.

McElroy et al., 2004 argued that there is a limitingspectrum (the broadest curve in Fig. 9(f)) which char-acterizes the extreme underdoped region at zero temper-ature. It has no coherent peak at all, but shows a re-duction of spectral weight up to a very high energy of 100 to 200 meV. Very recently, Hanaguri et al., 2004provided support of this point of view in their study of

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Na doped Ca2CuO2Cl2. In this material the apical oxy-gen in the CuO4 cage is replaced by Cl and the crystalcleaves easily. For Na doping ranging from x = 0.08 to0.12, a tunneling spectrum very similar to the limitingspectrum for Bi-2212 is observed. This material appearsfree of the inhomogeneity which plagues the Bi-2212 sur-face. ARPES experiments on these crystals are becomingavailable (Ronning et al., 2003) and the combination of

STM and ARPES should yield much information on thereal and momentum space dependence of the electronspectrum. There is much excitement concerning the dis-covery of a static 4 ×4 pattern in this material, and theirrelation to the incommensurate pattern seen in the vortexcore of Bi-2212 (Hoffman et al., 2002) and reported alsoin the absence of magnetic field, albeit in a much weakerform (Howland et al., 2003; Vershinin et al., 2004). Howthis spatial modulation is related to the pseudogap spec-trum is a topic of current debate.

In the literature, the pseudogap behavior is often asso-ciated with anomalous behavior of the nuclear spin relax-ation rate 1

T 1. In normal metals the nuclear spin relaxes

by exciting low energy particle-hole excitations, leadingto the Koringa behavior, i.e. 1T 1T

is temperature inde-

pendent. In high Tc materials, it is rather 1T 1

which istemperature independent, and the enhanced relaxation(relative to Koringa) as the temperature is reduced isascribed to antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations. It wasfound that in underdoped YBCO, the nuclear spin relax-ation rate at the copper site reaches a peak at a tem-perature T ∗1 and decreases rapidly below this tempera-ture (Warren et al., 1989; Yasuoka et al., 1989; Takigawaet al., 1991). The resistivity also shows a decrease belowT ∗1 . In some literature T ∗1 is referred to as the pseudo-gap scale. However, we note that T ∗1 is lower than theenergy scale we have been discussing so far, especiallycompared with that for the uniform spin susceptibilityand the c-axis conductivity. Furthermore, the gap in 1

T 1is not universally observed in cuprates. It is not seen inLSCO. In YBa2Cu4O8, which is naturally underdoped,the gap in 1

T 1T is wiped out by 1% Zn doping, while the

Knight shift remains unaffected (Zheng et al., 2003). Itis known from neutron scattering that the low lying spinexcitations near (π, π) is sensitive to disorder. Since 1

T 1at the copper site is dominated by these fluctuations, itis reasonable that 1

T 1is sensitive as well. In contrast,

the gap-like behavior we described thus far in a varietyof physical properties is universally observed across dif-ferent families of cuprates (wherever data exist) and are

robust. Thus we prefer not to consider T ∗1 as the pseu-dogap temperature scale.

B. Neutron scattering, resonance and stripes

Neutron scattering provides a direct measure of thespin excitation spectrum. Early work (see Kastner et al.,1998) has shown that the long range Neel order givesway to short range order with progressively shorter cor-

FIG. 10 From Matsuda et al., 2000. Plot of the incommen-surability δ vs. hole concentration x. In the superconducting

state, the open circles denote the position of the fluctuatingspin density wave observed by neutron scattering. (Data fromYamada et al., 1998.) In the insulator the spin density wavebecomes static at low temperatures and its orientation is ro-tated by 45. The dashed line (δ = x) is the prediction of thestripe model which assumes a fixed density of holes along thestripe.

relation length with doping, so that at optimal doping,the static spin correlation length is no more than 2 or3 lattice spacings. Much of the early work was focusedon the La2−xSrxCuO4 family, because of the availability

of large single crystals. It was found that there is en-hanced spin scattering at low energies, centered aroundthe incommensurate positions q0 =

±π2 , ±δ

, (Cheong

et al., 1991). Yamada et al., 1998 found that δ in-creases systematically with doping, as shown in Fig. 10.Meanwhile it was noted that in the La2CuO4 family,there is a marked suppression of T c near x = 1

8 . Thissuppression is particularly strong with Ba doping, andT c is completely destroyed if some Nd is substituted forLa, as in La1.6−xNd0.4SrxCuO4 for x = 1

8 . Tranquadaet al., 1995 discovered static spin density wave and chargedensity wave order in this system, which onsets belowabout 50 K. The period of the spin and charge densitywaves are 8 and 4 lattice constants, respectively. Thestatic order is modeled by a stripe picture where theholes are concentrated in period 4 charge stripes sep-arated by spin ordered regions with anti-phase domainwalls. Recently, the same kind of stripe order was ob-served in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 (Fujita et al., 2004). Notethat in this model there is one hole per two sites alongthe charge stripe. It is tempting to interpret the lowenergy spin density wave observed in LSCO as a slowlyfluctuating form of stripe order, even though the associ-ated charge order (presumably dynamical also) has not

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yet been seen. The most convincing argument for thisinterpretation comes from the observation that over arange of doping x = 0.06 to x = 0.125, the observedincommensurability δ is given precisely by the stripe pic-ture, i.e. δ = x, while δ saturates at approximately 1

8 forx 0.125 (see Fig.10). However, it must be noted thatin this interpretation, the charge stripe must be incom-pressible, i.e. they behave as charge insulators. Upon

changing x, it is energetically more favorable to add orremove stripes and change the average stripe spacing,rather than changing the hole density on each stripe,which is pinned at 1

4 filling. It is difficult to reconcilethis picture with the fact that LSCO is metallic and su-perconducting in the same doping range. An alternativeinterpretation of the incommensurate spin scattering isthat it is due to Fermi surface nesting (Littlewood et al.,1993; Si et al., 1993; Tanamoto et al., 1993). However,in this case the x dependence of δ requires some finetuning. Regardless of interpretation, it is clear that inthe LSCO family, there are low lying spin density wavefluctuations which are almost ready to condense. At lowtemperatures, static SDW order is stabilized by Zn dop-ing (Kimura et al., 1999), near x = 1

8 (Wakimoto et al.,1999), and in oxygen doped systems (Lee et al., 1999).However, in the latter case, there is evidence from µSR(Savici et al., 2002) that there may be microscopic phaseseparations in this material (not too surprising in view of the STM data on Bi-2202). It was also found that SDWorder is stabilized in the vicinity of vortex cores (Kitanoet al., 2000; Lake et al., 2001; Khaykovich et al., 2002).

The key question is then whether the fluctuating stripepicture is special to the LSCO family or plays a signifi-cant role in all the cuprates. Outside of the LSCO family,the spin response is dominated by a narrow resonance at(π, π). The resonance was first discovered at 41 meVfor optimally doped YBCO (Rossat-Mignod et al., 1991;Mook et al., 1993). Careful subtraction of an acciden-tally degenerate phonon line reveals that the resonanceappears only below T c at optimal doping (Fong et al.,1995). Now it is known that with underdoping, the reso-nance moves down in energy and survives into the pseu-dogap regime above T c. The resonance moves smoothlyto almost zero energy at the edge of the transition to Neelorder in YBa2Cu3O6.35 (Buyers et al., 2004) and clearlyplays the role of a soft mode at that transition.

The resonance was interpreted as a spin triplet ex-citon bound below 2∆0 (Fong et al., 1995). This ideawas elaborated upon by a number of RPA calculations(Liu et al., 1995; Bulut and Scalapino, 1996; Norman,2000; Norman, 2001; Kao et al., 2000; Onufrieva andPfeuty, 2002; Brinckmann and Lee, 1999; Brinckmannand Lee, 2002; Abanov et al., 2002). An alternative pic-ture making use of the particle-particle channel was pro-posed (Demler and Zhang, 1995). However, as explainedby Tchernyshyov et al., 2001 and by Norman and Pepin,2003, this theory predicts an anti-bound resonance abovethe two-particle continuum, which is not in accord withexperiments.

FIG. 11 Neutron scattering from YBCO6.5. This sample has

T c = 59 K and the experiment was performed at 6 K (fromStock et al., 2004a). Top panel refers to in-phase fluctuationsbetween the bilayer which shows a resonance located at (π, π)(q = 0 in the figure) and at energy 33 meV. Incommensuratepeaks disperse down from the resonance. Broad peaks alsodisperse upward from the resonance, forming the hourglasspattern. Solid line is the spin wave spectrum of the insu-lating parent compound. Bottom panel denotes out-of-phasefluctuations between the bilayers.

Further support of the triplet exciton idea comes fromthe observation that incommensurate branches extendbelow the resonance energy (Bourges et al., 2000). Thisbehavior is predicted by RPA-type theories (Norman,2000; Onufrieva and Pfeuty, 2002; Brinckmann and Lee,2002; Li and Gong, 2002) in that the gap in the particle-hole continuum extends over a region near (π, π), wherethe resonance can be formed. With further underdopingthis incommensurate branch extends to lower energies(see Fig. 11). Now it becomes clear that the low en-ergy incommensurate scattering previously reported forunderdoped YBCO (Mook et al., 2000) is part of thisdownward dispersing branch (Stock et al., 2004b; Pail-

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hes et al., 2004).

It should be noted that while the resonance is promi-nent due to its sharpness, its spectral weight is actuallyquite small, of order 2% of the total spin moment sumrule for optimal doping and increasing somewhat withunderdoping. There is thus considerable controversy overits significance in terms of its contribution to the electronself-energy and towards pairing (see Norman and Pepin,

2003). The transfer of this spectral weight from aboveto below T c has been studied in detail by Stock et al.,2004b. These authors emphasized that in the pseudo-gap state above T c in YBa2Cu3O6.5, the scattering belowthe resonance is gapless and in fact increases in strengthwith decreasing temperature. This is in contrast with thesharp drop seen in 1

T 1T below 150 K. Either a gap open

up at very low energy (below 4 meV) or the (π, π) spinsfluctuating seen by neutrons are not the dominant contri-bution to the nuclear spin relaxation, i.e. the latter maybe due to excitations which are smeared out in momen-tum space and undetected by neutrons. We note thata similar discrepancy between neutron scattering spec-

tral weight and1

T 1T was noted for LSCO (Aeppli et al.,1995). This reinforces our view that the decrease in 1

T 1T should not be considered a signature of the pseudogap.We also note that an enhanced (π, π) scattering togetherwith singlet formation is just what is predicted by theSU (2) theory in section XI.D.

Recently, neutron scattering has been extended to en-ergies much above the resonance. It is found that verybroad features disperse upward from the resonance, re-sulting in the “hourglass” structure shown in Fig. 11which was first proposed by Bourges et al., 2000 (Haydenet al., 2004; Stock et al., 2004b). Interestingly, there hasalso been a significant evolution of the understanding of

the neutron scattering in the LSCO family. For a longtime it has been thought that the LSCO family does notexhibit the resonance which shows up prominently belowT c in YBCO and other compounds. However, neutronscattering does show a broad peak around 50 meV whichis temperature independent. Tranquada et al., 2004 stud-ied La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 which exhibits static charge andspin stripes below 50 K, and a greatly suppressed T c.Their data also exhibits an “hourglass”-type dispersion,remarkably similar to that of underdoped YBCO. In par-ticular, the incommensurate scattering which was previ-ously believed to be dispersionless now exhibits down-ward dispersion (Fujita et al., 2004). The same phe-nomenon is also seen in optimally doped La2


(Christensen et al., 2004). It is remarkable that in thesematerials known to have static or dynamic stripes, the in-commensurate low energy excitations are not spin wavesemanating from

π2 ± δ

as one might have expected, but

instead are connected to the peak at (π, π) in the hour-glass fashion. Tranquada et al., 2004 fit the k integratedintensity to a model of a two-leg ladder. It is not clearhow unique this fit is because one may expect high en-ergy excitations to be relatively insensitive to details of the model. What is emerging though is a picture of a

FIG. 12 Neutron scattering from La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 at 12 K(> T c) (from Tranquada et al., 2004). Right panel shows thehourglass pattern of the excitation spectrum (cf Fig. 11).Solid line is a fit to a two-leg ladder spin model. Left panelshows the momentum integrated scattering intensity. Dashedline is a Lorenztian fit to the rising intensity at the incommen-surate positions. Sharp peak at 40 meV could be a phonon.

universal hourglass shaped spectrum which is common toLSCO and YBCO families. The high energy excitationsappear common while the major difference seems to be inthe re-arrangement of spectral weight at low energy. InLBCO, significant weight has been transferred to the lowenergy incommensurate scattering, as shown in Fig. 12,and is associated with stripes. In our view the univer-sality supports the picture that all the cuprates share

the same short distance and high energy physics, whichinclude the pseudogap behavior. Stripe formation is acompeting state which becomes prominent in the LSCOfamily, especially near x = 1

8 , and may dominate thelow energy and low temperature (below 50 K) physics.There is a school of thought which holds the oppositeview (see Carlson et al., 2003), that fluctuating stripesare responsible for the pseudogap behavior and the ap-pearance of superconductivity. From this point of viewthe same data have been interpreted as an indication thatstripe fluctuations are also important in the YBCO fam-ily (Tranquada et al., 2004). Clearly, this is a topic of much current debate.

C. Quasiparticles in the superconducting state

In contrast with the anomalous properties of the nor-mal state, the low temperature properties of the super-conductor seem relatively normal. There are two ma-

jor differences with conventional BCS superconductors,however. First, due to the proximity to the Mott in-sulator, the superfluid density of the superconductor issmall, and vanishes with decreasing hole concentration.

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Second, because the pairing is d-wave, the gap vanisheson four points on the Fermi surface (called gap nodes), sothat the quasiparticle excitations are gapless and affectthe physical properties even at the lowest temperatures.We will focus on these nodal quasiparticles in this sub-section.

The nodal quasiparticles clearly contribute to the ther-mal dynamical quantities such as the specific heat. Be-

cause their density of states vanish linearly in energy,they give rise to a T 2 term which dominates the low tem-perature specific heat. In practice, disorder rounds off the linear density of states, giving instead an αT + βT 3

behavior. An interesting effect in the presence of a mag-netic field was proposed by Volovik, 1993. He argued thatin the presence of a vector potential or superfluid flow,the quasiparticle dispersion E (k) =

(k − µ)2 + ∆2

k isshifted by

E A(k) = E (k) +


2eθ −A

· jk (3)

where jk is the current carried by “normal state” quasi-

particles with momentum k and is usually taken to be−e∂k

∂ k . Note that since the BCS quasiparticle is a super-position of a particle and a hole, the charge is not a goodquantum number. However, the particle component withmomentum k and the hole component with momentum−k each carry the same electrical current jk = −e∂k

∂ kand it makes sense to consider this to be the current car-ried by the quasiparticle. Note that jk/e is very different

from the group velocity ∂E(k)∂ k .

In a magnetic field which exceeds H c1, vortices enterthe sample. The superfluid flow θ ∼ 2π

r where r is the

distance to the vortex core. On average, 12 |θ| ≈ π/R

where R = (φ0/H )1/2 is the average spacing betweenvortices and φ0 = hc/2e is the flux quantum. Volovikthen predicts a shift of the quasiparticle spectra by ≈evF (H/φ0)1/2 which in turn gives a contribution to the

specific heat proportional to√

H . This contribution hasbeen observed experimentally (Moler et al., 1994).

The quasiparticles contribute to the low temperaturetransport properties as well. Lee, 1993 considered thefrequency-dependent conductivity σ(ω) due to quasipar-ticle excitations. In the low temperature limit, he foundthat the low frequency limit of the conductivity is uni-versal in the sense that it does not depend on impuritystrength, but only on the ratio vF /v∆ where v∆ is thevelocity of the nodal quasiparticle in the direction of the

maximum gap ∆0, i.e. σ(ω → 0) = e2πvF hv∆

, if vF v∆.This result was derived within the self-consistent t-matrixapproximation and can easily be understood as follows.In the presence of impurity scattering, the density of states at zero energy becomes finite. At the same time,the scattering rate is proportional to the self-consistentdensity of states. Since the conductivity is proportionalto the density of states and inversely to the scatteringrate, the impurity dependence cancels.

The frequency-dependent σ(ω) is difficult to measure

FIG. 13 Figure from Sutherland et al., 2003. Doping de-pendence of the superconducting gap ∆0 obtained from thequasiparticle velocity v∆ using eq. (4) (filled symbols). Herewe assume ∆ = ∆0 cos2φ, so that ∆0 = ~ kF v∆/2, and weplot data for YBCO alongside Bi-2212 (Chiao et al., 2000)and Tl-2201 (Proust et al., 2002). For comparison, a BCSgap of the form ∆BCS = 2.14kBT c is also plotted. The valueof the energy gap in Bi-2212, as determined by ARPES, isshown as measured in the superconducting state (Campuzanoet al., 1999) and the normal state (Norman et al., 1998) (opensymbols). The thick dashed line is a guide to the eye.

and it was realized that thermal conductivity κ may pro-

vide a better test of the theory because according to theWiedemann-Franz law, κ/T is proportional to the con-ductivity and should be universal. Unlike σ(ω), thermalconductivity does not have a superfluid contribution andcan be measured at DC. More detailed considerationsby Durst and Lee, 2000 show that σ(ω) has two non-universal corrections: one due to backscattering effects,which distinguishes the transport rate from the impurityrate which enters the density of state; and a second onedue to Fermi liquid corrections. On the other hand, thesecorrections do not exist for thermal conductivity. Con-sequently, the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated, but thethermal conductivity per layer is truly universal and isgiven by


T =


vF v∆



We note that this result is obtained within the self-consistent t-matrix approximation which is expected tobreak down if the impurity scattering is strong, leadingto localization effects. The localization of nodal quasi-particles is a complex subject. Due to particle-hole mix-ing in the superconductor, zero energy is a special point

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and quasiparticle localization belongs to a different uni-versality class (Senthil and Fisher, 1999) from the stan-dard ones. Senthil and Fisher also pointed out that sincequasiparticles carry well defined spin, the Wiedemann-Franz law for spin conductivity should hold and spinconductivity should be universal. We note that Durstand Lee, 2000 argued that Fermi liquid corrections enterthe spin conductivity, but we now believe their argument

on this point is faulty.Thermal conductivity has been measured to mK tem-peratures in a variety of YBCO and BCCSO samples.The universal nature of κ/T has been demonstrated bystudying samples with different Zn doping and showingthat κ/T extrapolates to the same constant at low tem-peratures (Taillefer et al., 1997) A magnetic field depen-dence analogous to the Volovik effect for the specific heathas also been observed (Chiao et al., 2000) Using eq. (4),the experimental data can be used to extract the ratiovF /v∆. In the case of BCCSO where photoemission datafor vF and the energy gap is available, the extractedratio vF /v∆ is in excellent agreement with ARPES re-sults, assuming a simple d-wave extrapolation of the en-ergy gap from the node to the maximum gap ∆0. Inparticular, the trend that ∆0 increases with decreasingdoping x is directly observed as a decrease of vF /v∆ ex-tracted from κ/T . A summary of the data is shown inFig. 13 (Sutherland et al., 2003). Results of such sys-tematic studies strongly support the notion that in cleansamples the nodal quasiparticles behave exactly as oneexpects for well defined quasiparticles in a d-wave super-conductor. We should add that in LSCO the ratio vF /v∆extracted from κ/T seems anomalously small, suggestingthat strong disorder may be playing a role here to inval-idate eq. (4).

Lee and Wen, 1997 pointed out that the nodal quasi-

particles also manifest themselves in the linear T depen-dence of the superfluid density. They showed that bytreating them as well defined quasiparticles in the senseof Landau, a general expression of the linear T coefficientcan be written down, independent of the microscopic ori-gin of the superconductivity. We have

ns(T )



m− 2 l n 2


vF v∆

T (5)

The only assumption made is that the quasiparticlescarry an electric current

j(k) =−



where α is a phenomenological Landau parameter whichwas left out in the original Lee-Wen paper but added inby Millis et al., 1998. While the linear T dependenceis well known in the conventional BCS theory of a d-wave superconductor, the same theory gives ns/m of or-der unity. It is therefore useful to write ns in this phe-nomenological way, and choose ns(T = 0) to be of or-der x as we discussed in section III.A. The key questionraised by eq. (6) is whether α depends on x or not. There

FIG. 14 The London penetration depth measured in a seriesof YBCO film with different oxygen concentration and Tc’s.The plot shows λ−2 plotted vs. temperature. Data providedby T.R. Lemberger and published in Boyce et al., 2000.

is experimental evidence that the linear T coefficient of ns(T )/m which is directly related to London penetrationdepth measurements, is almost independent of x for xless than optimal doping. Figure 14 shows data obtainedfor a series of thin films of YBCO (Boyce et al., 2000;Stajis et al., 2003) The thin film data are in full agree-ment with earlier but less extensive data on bulk crystals(Bonn et al., 1996). However, we note that very recent

data on severely underdoped YBCO crystal (T c < 20K)show that d(ns/m)

dT is roughly linear in T c (Brown et al.,2004).

Since vF /v∆ is known to go to a constant for small x(and, indeed, decreases with decreasing x), the indepen-dence of the linear T term in ns/m on x means that αapproaches a constant for small x. By combining withvF /v∆ extrapolated from thermal conductivity, α2 hasbeen estimated to be 0.5 (see Ioffe and Millis, 2002a foran excellent summary). This is an important result be-cause it states that despite the proximity to the Mottinsulator, the nodal quasiparticles carry a current whichis similar to that of the tight-binding Fermi liquid band.

We note that the simplest microscopic theory which givescorrectly ns(T = 0) to be proportional to x is the slave-boson mean-field theory to be discussed in section IX.B.That theory predicts α to be proportional to x and theresulting x2T term is in strong disagreement with exper-iment. The search for a microscopic theory which givescorrectly both ns(T = 0) and the linear T term is one of the open problems that faces us today.

The unusual combination of a small ns(T = 0) and alarge linear T reduction due to quasiparticles has a num-

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ber of immediate consequences. Simply by extrapolatingthe linear T dependence, we can conclude that ns van-ishes at the temperature scale proportional to x and Tc

must be bound by it. Furthermore, at T c the number of quasiparticles which are thermally excited is still small,and not sufficient to close the gap as in standard BCStheory. Thus the transition must not be thought of asa gap-closing transition, and the effect of an energy gap

must persist considerably above T c. This can potentiallyexplain at least part of the pseudogap phenomenon. Aswe shall see in the next section, when combined withphase fluctuations, the quasiparticle excitations explainthe magnitude of T c in the underdoped cuprates and ac-count for a wide phase fluctuation region above T c, butnot the full pseudogap phenomenon.

The disconnect between the gap energy ∆0 and kT cintroduces two length scales, ξ0 = vF /∆0 and R2 =vF /kT c, where kT c is proportional to x. Around a vor-tex, the supercurrent induces a population of quasipar-ticles by the Volovik effect, and in analogy to eq. (5)causes a reduction in ns. Lee and Wen, 1997 show that

at a radius of R2 the circulating supercurrent exceeds thecritical current and inside that radius the superconductorlooses its phase stiffness. They suggest that the systembecomes normal once the large core radius R2 overlapsand H c2 ≈ φ0/R2

2, in contrast with H ∗c2 ≈ φ0/ξ20 as inconventional BCS theory. Note that H c2 decreases whileH ∗c2 increases with underdoping. Experimentally the re-sistive transition to the normal state indeed takes placeat an H c2 which decreases with decreasing T c. However,there are signs that vortices survive above this magneticfield up to H ∗c2, as will be discussed in section. V.B.

Finally, we comment on suggestions in the literaturethat classical fluctuations of the superconducting phasecan lead to a linear reduction of ns at low temperatures(Carlson et al., 1999). Just as in the case of lattice dis-placements, such fluctuations must be treated quantummechanically at low temperatures (as phonons in thatcase) to avoid the 3kB low temperature limit for thespecific heat. In the case of phonons, the characteris-tic temperature scale is the phonon frequency. In thecase of the superconductor, the phase mode is pushedup to the plasma frequency by long-range Coulomb in-teraction. Nevertheless, due to the coupling to thelow-lying particle-hole excitations, the cross-over fromclassical to quantum fluctuations must be treated withsome care. Paramekanti et al., 2000, 2002 and Benfattoet al., 2001 have calculated that the cross-over happens

at quite a high temperature scale and we believe the low-temperature linear reduction of ns is entirely due to ther-mal excitations of quasiparticles.



We explained in the last section that the Neel spin or-der is incompatible with hole hopping. The question is

whether there is another arrangement of the spin whichachieves a better compromise between exchange energyand the kinetic energy of the hole. For S = 1

2 it ap-pears possible to take advantage of the special stabilityof the singlet state. The ground state of two spins S coupled with antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange is aspin singlet with energy −S (S + 1)J . Compared withthe classical large spin limit, we see that quantum me-

chanics provides an additional stability in the term unityin (S + 1) and this contribution is strongest for S = 12 .

Let us consider a one-dimensional spin chain. A Neelground state with S z = ±1

2 gives an energy of −14

J persite. On the other hand, a simple trial wavefunction of singlet dimers already gives a lower energy of −3

8J per

site. This trial wavefunction breaks translational sym-metry and the exact ground state can be considered tobe a linear superposition of singlet pairs which are notlimited to nearest neighbors, resulting in a ground stateenergy of 0.443 J. In a square and cubic lattice the Neelenergy is −1

2J and −34J per site, respectively, while the

dimer variational energy stays at −38

J . It is clear that in

a 3D cubic lattice, the Neel state is a far superior start-ing point, and in two dimensions the singlet state maypresent a serious competition. Historically, the notion of a linear superposition of spin singlet pairs spanning dif-ferent ranges, called the resonating valence bond (RVB),was introduced by Anderson, 1973 and Fazekas and An-derson, 1974 as a possible ground state for the S = 1

2antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a triangular lat-tice. The triangular lattice is of special interest becausean Ising-like ordering of the spins is frustrated. Subse-quently, it was decided that the ground state forms a√

3×√3 superlattice where the moments lie on the same

plane and form 120 angles between neighboring sites(Huse and Elser, 1988). Up to now there is no known

spin Hamiltonian with full S (U 2) spin rotational sym-metry outside of one dimension which is known to havean RVB ground state. However, see section X.H for ex-amples which either violate spin rotation or which permitcharge fluctuations.

The Neel state has long range order of the stag-gered magnetization and an infinite degeneracy of groundstates leading to Goldstone modes which are magnons.In contrast, the RVB state is a unique singlet groundstate with either short range or power law decay of an-tiferromagnetic order. This state of affairs is sometimesreferred to as a spin liquid. However, the term spin liq-uid is often used more generally to denote any kind of short range or power law decay, i.e. the absence of longrange order, even when the unit cell is doubled, eitherspontaneously or explicitly. For example, the ladder sys-tem has two states per unit cell and in the limit of strongcoupling across the rung, the ground state is naturallya spin singlet with short range antiferromagnetic order.Another example is the spontaneously dimerized groundstate for the frustrated spin chains when the next-nearestneighbors exchange J is sufficiently large. This kind of ground state is more properly called a valence band solid

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¡ £ ¥ £

FIG. 15 A cartoon representation of the RVB liquid or sin-glets. Solid bond represents a spin singlet configuration andcircle represents a vacancy. In (b) an electron is removed fromthe plane in photoemission or c-axis conductivity experiment.This necessitates the breaking of a singlet.

and is smoothly connected to spin singlet ground statesoften observed for systems with an even number of elec-trons per unit cell, the extreme example being Si. Thus

we think it is better to reserve the term spin liquid tocases where there is an odd number of electrons per unitcell.

Soon after the discovery of high Tc superconductors,Anderson, 1987 revived the RVB idea and proposed thatwith the introduction of holes the Neel state is destroyedand the spins form a superposition of singlets. The va-cancy can hop in the background of what he envisionedas a liquid of singlets and a better compromise betweenthe hole kinetic energy and the spin exchange energymay be achieved. Many elaborations of this idea fol-lowed, but here we argue that the basic physical picturedescribed above gives a simple account of the pseudo-

gap phenomenon. The singlet formation explains the de-crease of the uniform spin susceptibility and the reduc-tion of the specific heat γ . The vacancies are responsi-ble for transport in the plane. The conductivity spectralweight in the ab plane is given by the hole concentration xand is unaffected by the singlet formation. On the otherhand, for c-axis conductivity, an electron is transportedbetween planes. Since an electron carries spin 1

2 , it isnecessary to break a singlet. This explains the gap for-mation in σc(ω) and the energy scale of this gap shouldbe correlated with that of the uniform susceptibility. Inphotoemission, an electron leaves the solid and reachesthe detector, the pull back of the leading edge simplyreflects the energy cost to break a singlet.

A second concept associated with the RVB idea is thenotion of spinons and holons, and spin charge separa-tions. Anderson postulated that the spin excitations inan RVB state are S = 1

2 fermions which he called spinons.This is in contrast with excitations in a Neel state whichare S = 1 magnons or S = 0 gapped singlet excitations.

Initially the spinons are suggested to form a Fermi sur-face, with Fermi volume equal to that of 1 − x fermions.Later it was proposed that the Fermi surface is gappedto form d-wave type structure, with maximum gap near

(0, π). This k dependence of the energy gap is needed toexplain the momentum dependence observed in photoe-mission.

The concept of spinons is a familiar one in one-dimensional spin chains where they are well understoodto be domain walls. In two dimensions the concept is anovel one which does not involve domain walls. Instead,a rough physical picture is as follows. If we assume a

background of short range singlet bonds, forming the so-called short-range RVB state, a cartoon of the spinon isshown in Fig. 15. If the singlet bonds are “liquid,” twoS = 1

2 formed by breaking a single bond can drift apart,with the liquid of singlet bonds filling in the space be-tween them. They behave as free particles and are calledspinons. The concept of holons follows naturally (Kivel-son et al., 1987) as the vacancy left over by removing aspinon. A holon carries charge e but no spin.


One of the hallmarks of doping a Mott insulator is thatthe spectral weight of the frequency dependent conduc-tivity σ(ω) should go to zero in the limit of small doping.Indeed, σ(ω) shows a Drude-like peak at low frequen-cies and its area was shown to be proportional to thehole concentration (Orenstein et al., 1990; Cooper et al.,1993; Uchida et al., 1991; Padilla et al., 2004). Resultsfrom exact diagonalization of small samples are consis-tent with a Drude weight of order xt (Dagotto et al.,1992). When the metal becomes superconducting, all thespectral weight collapses into a δ-function if the sampleis in the clean limit. The London penetration depth forfield penetration perpendicular to the ab plane is givenby

λ−2⊥ =4πn3d

s e2

m∗c2, (7)

where n3ds /m∗ is the spectral weight and n3ds is the 3dsuperfluid charge density. As an example, if we take λ⊥ =1600 Angstrom for YBa2Cu3O6.9, and take n3ds to bethe hole density, we find from eq. (7) m∗ ≈ 2me whichcorresponds to an effective hopping t∗ = 1

3 t. The notion

that λ−2⊥ is proportional to xt is also predicted by slave-boson theory, as will be discussed in section IX.B.

Uemura et al., 1989 discovered empirically a linear re-lation between λ−2⊥ measured by µSR and the supercon-ducting Tc. He interpreted this relation as indicative of Bose condensation of holes, since in two dimensions theBose-Einstein condensation temeprature is proportionalto the areal density. Since λ−2⊥ is proportional to the 3ddensity, in principle, some adjustment for the layer spac-ing should be made. Furthermore, λ−2⊥ is highly sensitiveto disorder, and it is now known that in many systems,not all the spectral weight collapses to the δ-function,i.e. some residual normal conductivity is left, presum-ably due to inhomogeneity (Basov et al., 1994; Corsonet al., 2000). Thus the Uemura plot should be viewed as

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FIG. 16 The phase stiffness T θ measured at different frequen-cies (T θ = ~

2ns/m∗). The solid dots give the bare stiffnessobtained by extrapolation to infinite frequency. T c of thissample is 74 K.This is where the phase stiffness measured atlow frequency would vanish according to BKT theory. Notethe linear decrease of the bare stiffness with T which extendsconsiderably above T c. This decrease is due to thermal ex-citations of nodal quasiparticles. Inset shows the time scaleof the phase fluctuation. Hatched region denotes ~

τ = kT c.

From Corson et al., 1999.

T θ N=3



T T T T c1 c2 c3

T =8T/ θ π

FIG. 17 Schematic plot of the phase stiffness T θ =~


for superconductors with N coupled layers. The linear de-crease with temperature is due to the thermal excitation of quasiparticles. The transition temperatures T cN , N = 1, 2, 3are estimated by the interception with the BKT line T θ =8T /π.

providing a qualitative trend, rather than a quantitativerelation. Nevertheless, it is important in that it draws arelationship between Tc and carrier density.

A. A theory of T c

The next important step was taken by Emery andKivelson, 1995, who noted that it is the superfluid densitywhich controls the phase stiffness of the superconducting

order parameter ∆ = |∆|eθ, i.e. the energy density costof a phase twist is

H =1

2K 0s (θ)2 (8)

Here the superscript on K 0s denotes the bare stiffnesson a short distance scale. For two-dimensional layersthe stiffness K s =

2(ns/2)/2m∗, i.e. the kinetic energyof Cooper pairs. The spectral weight ns/m∗ and thestiffness are given by

K s =1



m∗ =1


2n3ds c0

m∗ (9)

where c0 is the spacing between the layers and using Eqs.(7) and (9), can be directly measured in terms of λ⊥. If K 0s is small due to the proximity to the Mott insulator,then phase fluctuation is strong and the Tc in the under-doped cuprates may be governed by phase fluctuations.The theory of phase fluctuations in two dimensions iswell understood due to the work of Berezinski, 1971 and

Kosterlitz and Thouless, 1973. The BKT transition isdescribed by the thermal unbinding of vortex anti-vortexpairs. The energy of a single vortex is given by

E vortex = E c + 2πK 0s ln(L/ξ0) (10)

where L is the sample size, ξ0 is the BCS coherence lengthwhich serves as a short distance cut-off, and E c is the coreenergy. For vortex anti-vortex pairs, the sample size L isreplaced by the separation of the pairs. The vortex un-binding transition is driven by the balance between thisenergy and the entropy which also scales logarithmicallywith the vortex separation. At Tc, K s is predicted to

jump between zero and a finite value K s(T c) given by a

universal relation

kT c = (π/2)K s(T c) =π



m∗ (11)

(Nelson and Kosterlitz, 1977). The precise value of Tc

depends on K s(T = 0) and weakly on the core energy. Inthe limit of very large core energy, kT c = 1.5K 0s , whereasfor an XY model on a square lattice E c is basically zeroif ξ0 in eq. (10) is replaced by the lattice constant andT c = 0.95K 0s . Thus K 0s should give a reasonable guide toTc in the phase fluctuation scenario. Emery and Kivel-son estimated K 0s from λ⊥ data for a variety of materialsand concluded that K 0s is indeed on the scale of Tc. How-ever, they assumed that each layer is fluctuating indepen-dently, even for systems with strongly Josephson coupledbi-layers. Subsequent work using microwave conductivityhas confirmed the BKT nature of the phase transition,but concluded that in BSCCO, it is the bi-layer whichshould be considered as a unit, i.e. the superconductingphase is strongly correlated between the two layers of abi-layer (Corson et al., 1999). This increases the K 0s es-timate by a factor of 2. For example, for λ⊥ = 1600Angstroms, Emery and Kivelson quoted K 0s to be 145 K

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for YBCO. This should really be replaced by 290 K, afactor of 3 higher than Tc.

We can get around this difficulty by realizing that K sis reduced by thermal excitation of quasiparticles andthe bare K 0s in the BKT theory should include this ef-fect. In Section III.B we showed empirical evidence thatthe linear T coefficient of ns(T ) is relatively indepen-dent of x. The bare K 0s is measured as the high fre-

quency limit in a microwave experiment (Corson et al.,1999). As seen in Fig. 16, the bare phase stiffnessT 0θ ≡

2n0s/m∗ continues to decrease linearly with T above Tc = 74 K. Given the universal relation eq. (11),an estimate of Tc can be obtained by the interception of the straight line T θ = (8/π)kT with the bare stiffness.This yields an estimate of the BKT transition tempera-ture of ≈ 60 K. The somewhat higher actual Tc of 74 Kis due to three dimensional ordering effects between bi-layers. Now we can extend this procedure to a multi-layer superconductor. In Fig.17 we show schematicallyT 0θ =

2n0s/m∗ plot of single-layer, bi-layer and tri-layersystems (N = 1, 2, 3) assuming that the layers are iden-

tical. We expect n0s(T = 0), which is the areal densityper N layers, to scale linearly with N . On the other

hand, the linear T slope also scales with N , because thenumber of thermally excited quasiparticles per area scalewith N . The extrapolated “Tc’s” are therefore the same.Now we may estimate T c(N ) from the interception of theline T 0θ = (8/π)kT . We see that T c increases monotoni-cally with N , but much slower than linear. This trend isin agreement with what is seen experimentally, notablyin the Tl and Hg compounds. As N increases further,the assumption that the layers are identical breaks downas the charge density of each layer begins to differ. Wetherefore conclude that the combination of phase fluctua-tions and the thermal excitation of d-wave quasiparticlescan account for T c in underdoped cuprates, including thequalitative trend as a function of the number of layerswithin a unit cell.

This theory of T c receives confirmation from measure-ment of the oxygen isotope effect of T c and on the pen-etration depth. It is found that there is substantial iso-tope effect on the ns/m∗ for both underdoped and op-timally doped YBCO films. On the other hand, thereis significant isotope effect on T c in underdoped YBCO(Khasanov et al., 2003), but no effect on optimally dopedsamples (Khasanov et al., 2004). Setting aside the originof the isotope effect on n/m∗, the remarkable doping de-pendence of the isotope effect on T c is readily explainedin our theory, since T c is controlled by ns/m∗ in the un-derdoped but not in the overdoped region. In fact, amore detailed examination of the data for two under-doped samples show that ns(T )/m∗ appears to be shifteddown by a constant when O16 is replaced by O18. Thissuggests that there is no isotope effect on the tempera-ture dependent term in eq. 5 which depends on vF . Thisis consistent with direct ARPES measurements (Gweonet al., 2004). Thus the data is consistent with an iso-tope effect only on the zero temperature spectral weight

ns(0)/m∗. The latter is a complicated many body prop-erty of the ground state which is not simply related to theeffective mass of the quasiparticles in the naive manner.

B. Cheap vortices and the Nernst effect

Emery and Kivelson, 1995, also suggested that the no-tion of strong phase fluctuations may provide an explana-tion of the pseudogap phenomenon. They proposed thatthe pairing amplitude is formed at a temperature T MF

which is much higher than Tc and the region betweenT MF and Tc is characterized by robust pairing ampli-tude and energy gap.

This leaves open the microscopic origin of the robustpairing amplitude and high T MF but we shall argue thateven as phenomenology, phase fluctuations alone cannotbe the full explanation of the pseudogap. Since Tc isdriven by the unbinding of vortices, let us examine thevortex energy more carefully. As an extreme example, letus suppose T MF is described by the standard BCS the-

ory. The vortex core energy in BCS theory is estimatedas E c ≈ ∆2


EF a2ξ20 where ∆0 is the energy gap, ∆2

0/(E F a2)

is the condensation energy per area, and ξ20 is the coresize. Using ξo = vF

∆0, we conclude that E c ≈ E F in BCS

theory, an enormous energy compared with Tc. Even if we assume E c to be of order of the exchange energy J orthe mean field energy T MF , it is still much larger thanTc. We already note that in BKT theory, Tc is relativelyinsensitive to the core energy. Now we emphasize thatdespite the insensitivity of T c to E c, the physical proper-ties above T c are very sensitive to the core energy. This isbecause BKT theory is an asymptotic long-distance the-ory which becomes simple in the limit of dilute vortex or

large E c. The typical vortex spacing which is n− 1

2v where

the vortex density nv goes as e−Ec/kT . Vortex unbindinghappens on a renormalized length scale, i.e. the typicalspacing between free vortices, which is much larger than

n− 1


V . As a result, the physics of the system above Tc

is very sensitive to E c. If E c kT c, vortices are di-lute and the system will behave like a superconductorfor all measurements performed on a reasonable spatialor temporal scale. However, except for the close vicin-ity of Tc, the pseudogap region is not characterized bystrong superconducting fluctuations, but rather behaveslike a metal. Thus a large vortex core energy can beruled out. The core energy must be small, of the orderTc, i.e. it is comparable to the second term in eq. (10).The notion of “cheap” vortices has two important con-sequences. First, it is clear that the amplitude fluctu-ation and phase fluctuation are controlled by the sameenergy scale, kT c. This is because the vortex core is aregion where the pairing amplitude vanishes and, in ad-dition, the phase θ winds by 2π. If we do away with thephase winding and retain the amplitude fluctuation, thisshould cost even less energy. Thus the temperature scalewhere vortices proliferate is also the scale where ampli-

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tude fluctuation proliferates. Then the notion of strongphase fluctuations is applicable only on a temperaturescale of say 2 Tc and this scale must become small as xbecomes small. Thus phase fluctuation cannot explain apseudogap phenomenon which extends to finite T in thesmall x limit.

Second, the notion of a cheap vortex means that thereis a non-superconducting state which is very close in en-

ergy. In an ordinary superconductor, the core can bethought of as a patch of normal metals with a finite den-sity of states at the Fermi level. The reason the coreenergy is large is because the energy gained by openingup an energy gap is lost. In underdoped and in slightlyoverdoped cuprates there is experimental evidence fromSTM tunneling into the core that the energy gap is re-tained inside the core (Maggio-Aprile et al., 1995; Panet al., 2000). The large peak in the density state pre-dicted for d-wave BCS theory (Wang and MacDonald,1995) is simply not there. The nature of the state inthe core, which one can think of as a competing state tothe superconductor, is highly nontrivial and is a topic of

current debate.The above discussion is summarized by a schematic

phase diagram shown in Fig. 18. A temperature scaleof about 2 Tc in the underdoped region marks the rangeof phase fluctuation. This is the region where the pic-ture envisioned by Emery and Kivelson, 1995 may bevalid. Here the phase is locally well defined and vorticesare identifiable objects. Indeed, this is the region where alarge Nernst effect has been measured (Wang et al., 2002,2003, 2001). The Nernst effect is the voltage transverseto a thermal gradient in the presence of a magnetic fieldperpendicular to the plane. It is exquisitely sensitive tothe presence of vortices, because vortices drift along thethermal gradient and produce the phase winding whichsupports a transverse voltage by the Josephson effect.A large Nernst signal has been taken to be strong evi-dence for the presence of well-defined vortices above Tc

(Wang et al., 2002, 2003, 2001). At higher temperatures,vortices overlap and the Nernst signal smoothly crossesover to that describable by Gaussian fluctuation of super-conducting amplitude and phase (Ussishkin et al., 2002).Very recently, the identification of the Nernst region withfluctuating superconductivity was confirmed by the ob-servation of diamagnetic fluctuations which persist up tothe same temperature as the onset of the Nernst signal(Wang et al., 2004).

It remains necessary to explain why the resistivitylooks metallic-like in this temperature range and doesnot show the strong magnetic field dependence one or-dinarily expects for flux flow resistivity in the presenceof thermally excited vortices. The explanation may lie inthe breakdown of the standard Bardeen-Stephen model of flux flow resistivity. Here the vortices have anomalouslylow dissipation because in contrast to BCS superconduc-tors, there are no states inside the core to dissipate. Ioffeand Millis, 2002b proposed that the vortices are fast andyield a large flux flow resistivity. In the two fluid model,

0.30.1 0.2





T e m p e r a t u r e ( K )


Dopant Concentration





P s e u d o g a p



FIG. 18 Schematic phase diagram showing the phase fluc-tuation regime where the Nernst effect is large. Note thatthis regime is a small part of the pseudogap region for smalldoping.

the conductivity is the sum of the flux flow conductivity(the superfluid part) and the quasiparticle conductivity

(the normal part). The small flux flow conductivity isquickly shorted out by the nodal quasiparticle contribu-tions, and the system behaves like a metal, but with car-riers only in the nodal region. This is also reminiscentof the Fermi arc picture. Unfortunately, a more detailedmodeling requires an understanding of the state insidethe large core radius R2 introduced in section III.C whichis not available up to now.

Instead of generating vortices thermally, one can alsogenerate them by applying a magnetic field. Wang et al.,2003 have applied fields up to 45 T and found evidencethat the Nernst signal remains large beyond that fieldin the underdoped samples. They estimate that the

field needed to suppress the Nernst signal to be of orderH ∗c2 ≈ φ0/ξ20 where φ0 ≈ vF /∆0. This is the core sizeconsistent with what is reported by STM tunneling ex-periments. At the same time, the field needed for a resis-tive transition is much lower. Recently Sutherland et al.,2004 showed that in YBCO6.35 superconductivity is de-stroyed by annealing or by applying a modest magneticfield. Beyond this point the material is a thermal metal,with a thermal conductivity which is unchanged fromthe superconducting side, where it is presumably due tonodal quasiparticles and described by eq. (4). Thus thisfield induced metal may be coexisting with pairing am-plitude and may be a very interesting new metallic state.

What is the nature of the gapped state inside the vor-tex core as revealed by STM tunneling and how is it re-lated to the pseudogap region? A popular notion is thatthe vortex core state is characterized by a competing or-der. A variety of competing order has been proposedin the literature. An early suggestion was that the corehas antiferromagnetic order and an explicit model wasconstructed based on the SU (5) model of Zhang, 1997(Arovas et al., 1997). However, this particular versionhas been criticized for its failure to take into accountthe strong Coulomb repulsion and the proximity to the

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Mott insulator (Greiter, 1997; Baskaran and Anderson,1998). Recently, more phenomenological version basedon Landau theory have been proposed (Demler et al.,2001; Chen et al., 2004) where the antiferromagnetismmay be incommensurate. As the temperature is raisedinto the pseudogap regime, vortices proliferate and theircores overlap and, according to this view, the pseudogapis characterized by fluctuating competing order. The dy-

namic stripe picture (Carlson et al., 2003) is an exampleof this point of view. Another proposal for competingorder is for orbital currents (Varma, 1997; Chakravartyet al., 2002b). In this case the competing order is pro-posed to persist in the pseudogap region but is “hidden”from detection because of difficulties of coupling to theorder. Finally, as discussed earlier, the recent observa-tion of checkerboard patterns in the vortex core and insome underdoped cuprates has inspired various proposalsof charge density ordering.

Most of the proposals for competing order are phe-nomenological in nature. For example, the proximity of d-wave superconductivity to antiferromagnetism is sim-

ply assumed as an experimental fact. However, from amicroscopic point of view, the surprise is that d-wave su-perconductivity turns out to be the winner of this compe-tition. Our goal is a microscopic explanation of both thesuperconducting and the pseudogap states. We shall givea detailed proposal for the vortex core in section XII.C.Here we mention that while our proposal also calls forslowly varying orbital currents in the core, this fluctu-ating order is simply one manifestation of a quantumstate. For example, enhanced antiferromagnetic fluctu-ation is another manifestation. As discussed in sectionVI.C, this picture is fundamentally different from com-peting states described by Landau theory. In the pseudo-gap phase, vortices proliferate and overlap and all orders

become very sort range. Apart from characterizing thisstate as a spin liquid (or RVB), the only possibility of order is a subtle one, called topological/quantum order.These concepts are described in section X and a possibleexperimental consequence is described in section XII.E.

C. Two kinds of pseudogaps

Since the pseudogap is fundamentally a cross-over phe-nomenon, there is a lot of confusion about the size of the pseudogap and the temperature scale where it is ob-served. Upon surveying the experimental literature, itseems to us that we should distinguish between two kindsof pseudogaps. The first is clearly due to superconduct-ing fluctuations. The energy scale of the pseudogap is thesame as the low temperature superconducting gap and itextends over a surprisingly large range of temperaturesabove T c. This is what we called the Nernst region in thelast section. This kind of pseudogap has been observedin STM tunneling, where it is found that a reduction of the density of states persists above T c even in overdopedsamples (Kugler et al., 2001). We believe the pull-back of

the leading edge observed in ARPES shown in Fig. 7(a)should be understood along these lines. There is an-other kind of pseudogap which is associated with singletformation. A clear signature of this phenomenon is thedownturn in uniform spin susceptibility shown in Figs. 3and 4. The temperature scale of the onset is high and in-creases up to 300 to 400 K with underdoping. The energyscale associated with this pseudogap is also very large,

and can extend up to 100 meV or beyond. For exam-ple, the onset of the reduction of the c-axis conductivity(which one may interpret as twice the gap) has been re-ported to exceed 1000 cm−1. This is also the energy scaleone associates with the limiting STM tunneling spectrumobserved in highly underdoped Bi-2212 (Fig. 9(f)) andin Na doped Ca2CuO2Cl2 (Hanaguri et al., 2004). Thegap in these spectra is very broad and ill defined. Inthe ARPES literature it is described as the “high-energypseudogap” (see Damascelli et al., 2003) or the “hump”energy. These spectra evolve smoothly into that of theinsulating parent. This is most clearly demonstrated inNa-doped Ca2CuO2Cl2 and the ARPES spectrum nearthe antinodal point looks remarkably similar to that seenby STM (Ronning et al., 2003). Examples of this kind of a spectrum can be seen in the samples UD46 and UD30shown in Fig. 8(a). In contrast to the low energy pseudo-gap, a coherent quasiparticle peak is never seen at thesevery high energies when the system enters the supercon-ducting state. Instead, weak peaks may appear at lowerenergies, but judging from the STM data, these may beassociated with inhomogeneity. In this connection, wepoint out that the often quoted T ∗ line shown in Fig. 7is actually a combination of the two kinds of pseudogaps.The solid triangles marking the onset of the leading edgerefer to the fluctuating superconductor gap, while thesolid squares are lower bounds based on the observation

of the “hump.” Another example of this difference is thatin LSCO, the superconducting gap is believed to be muchsmaller and the pull back of the leading edge is not seenby ARPES. On the other hand, the singlet formation isclearly seen in Fig. 3(b) and the broad hump-like spectrais also seen by ARPES (Zhou et al., 2004).

We note that in contrast to superconducting fluctua-tions which extend across the entire doping range butare substantially reduced for overdoped samples, the on-set of singlet formation seems to end rather abruptly nearoptimal doping. The Knight shift is basically tempera-ture independent just above T c in optimally doped andcertainly in slightly overdoped samples (Takigawa et al.,1993; Horvatic et al., 1993). For this reason, we proposethat the pseudogap line and the Nernst line may cross inthe vicinity of optimal doping, as sketched in Fig. 18. Inthis connection it is interesting to note that the pseudo-gap has also been seen inside the vortex core (Maggio-Aprile et al., 1995; Pan et al., 2000). By definition, thisis where the superconducting amplitude is suppressed tozero and the gap is surely not associated with the pairingamplitude. We have argued that the gap offers a glimpseof the state which lies behind the pseudogap associated

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with singlet formation. It is interesting to note that thegap in the vortex core has been reported in a somewhatoverdoped sample (Hoogenboom et al., 2001). It is asthough at zero temperature the state with a gap in thecore is energetically favorable compared with the normalmetallic state up to quite high doping. It will be inter-esting to extend these measurements to even more highlyoverdoped samples to see when the gap in the vortex core

finally fills in. At the same time, it will be interesting toextend the tunneling into the vortex core in overdopedsamples to higher temperatures, to see if the gap will fillin at some temperature below T c.


In the original RVB article, Anderson, 1987 proposed aprojected trial wavefunction as a description of the RVBstate.

Ψ = P G|ψ0 (12)

where P G =i(1 − ni↑ni↓) is called the Gutzwiller

projection operator. It has the effect of suppressing allamplitudes in |ψ0 with double occupation, thereby en-forcing the constant of the t-J model exactly. The un-projected wavefunction contains variational parametersand its choice is guided by mean-field theory (see sectionXIII). The full motivation for the choice of |ψ0 becomesclear only after the discussion of mean-field theory, butwe discuss the projected wavefunction first because theresults are concrete and the concepts are simple. Theprojection operator is too complicated to be treated an-alytically, but properties of the trial wavefunction can beevaluated using Monte Carlo sampling.

A. The half-filled case

We shall first discuss the half-filled case, where theproblem reduces to the Heisenberg model. While theoriginal proposal was for |ψ0 to be the s-wave BCS wave-function, it was soon found that the d-wave BCS state isa better trial wavefunction, i.e. consider

H d = −ij,σ

χijf †iσf iσ + c.c.


µf †iσf iσ+

+ ij

∆ij f †i↑

f † j↓ −

f †i↓

f † j↑ + c.c. (13)

where χij = χ0 for nearest neighbors, and ∆ij = ∆0 for j = i+ x and −∆0 for j = i + y. The eigenvalues are thewell known BCS spectrum

E k =

(k − µ)2 + ∆2k (14)


k = −2χ0 (cos kx + cos ky) (15)

∆k = 2∆0 (cos kx − cos ky) (16)

At half filling, µ = 0 and |ψ0 is the usual BCS wave-

function |ψ0 =k

uk + vkf †k↑f †−k↓


A variety of mean-field wavefunctions were soon dis-covered which give identical energy and dispersion. No-table among these is the staggered flux state (Affleck andMarston, 1988). In this state the hopping χij is complex,

χij = χ0 exp


, and the phase is arrangedin such a way that it describes free fermion hopping on alattice with a fictitious flux ±4Φ0 threading alternativeplaquettes. Remarkably, the eigenvalues of this problemare identical to that of the d-wave superconductor givenby eq. (14), with

tanΦ0 =∆0

χ0. (17)

The case Φ0 = π/4, called the π flux phase, is special inthat it does not break the lattice translation symmetry.As we can see from eq. (17), the corresponding d-wave

problem has a very large energy gap and its dispersionis shown in Fig. 19. The key feature is that the energygap vanishes at the nodal points located at


, ±π2


Around the nodal points the dispersion rises linearly,forming a cone which resembles the massless Dirac spec-trum. For the π flux state the dispersion around the nodeis isotropic. For Φ0 less than π/4 the gap is smaller andthe Dirac cone becomes progressively anisotropic. Theanisotropy can be characterized by two velocities, vF inthe direction towards (π, π) and v∆ in the direction to-wards the maximum gap at (0, π).

The reason various mean-field theories have the sameenergy was explained by Affleck et al., 1988 and Dagottoet al., 1988 as being due to a certain SU (2) symmetry.We defer a full discussion of the SU (2) symmetry to sec-tion X but we only mention here that it corresponds tothe following particle-hole transformation

f †i↑ → αif †i↑ + β if i↓ (18)

f i↓ → −β ∗i f †i↑ + α∗if i↓.

Note that the spin quantum number is conserved. It de-scribes the physical idea that adding a spin-up fermionor removing a spin-down fermion are the same state afterprojection to the subspace of singly occupied fermions. Itis then not a surprise to learn that the Gutzwiller projec-tion of the d-wave superconductor and that of the stag-gered flux state gives the same trial wavefunction, up to atrivial overall phase factor, provided µ = 0 and eq. (17) issatisfied. A simple proof of this is given by Zhang et al.,1988. The energy of this state is quite good. The bestestimate for the ground state energy of the square lat-tice Heisenberg antiferromagnet which is a Neel orderedstate is S i ·S j = −0.3346 J (Trivedi and Ceperley, 1989;Runge, 1992). The projected π flux state (Gros, 1988a;Yokoyama and Ogata, 1996) gives −0.319J, which is ex-cellent considering that there is no variational parameter.

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k x

k y

k x

k y

E (













−3 −2 −1 0 13 −3




FIG. 19 The energy dispersion of the π flux phase. Note themassless Dirac spectrum at the nodal points at




We note that the projected d-wave state has power lawdecay for the spin-spin correlation function. The equal

time spin-spin correlater decays as r−α where α has beenestimated to be 1.5 (Ivanov, 2000; Paramekanti et al.,2004a). This projection has considerably enhanced thespin correlation compared with the exponent of 4 for theunprojected state. One might expect a better trial wave-function by introducing a sublattice magnetization in themean-field Hamiltonian. A projection of this state givesan energy which is marginally better than the projectedflux state, −0.3206J. It also has a sublattice magnetiza-tion of 84% which is too classical. The best trial wave-function is one which combines staggered flux and sublat-tice magnetization before projection (Gros, 1988a,b; Leeand Feng, 1988). It gives an energy of −0.332 J and a

sublattice magnetization of about 70%, both in excellentagreement with the best estimates.

B. Doped case

In the presence of a hole, the projected wavefunctioneq. (12) has been studied for a variety of mean-field statesψ0. Here P G stands for a double projection: the ampli-tudes with double occupied sites are projected out andonly amplitudes with the desired number of holes arekept. The ratio ∆0/χ0, µ/χ0 and hs/χ0, where hs is thefield conjugate to the sublattice magnetization, are thevariational parameters. It was found that the best stateis a projected d-wave superconductor and the sublatticemagnetization is nonzero for x < xc, where xc = 0.11 fort/J = 3. (Yokoyama and Ogata, 1996) The energeticsof various state are shown in Fig. (20(a)). It is interest-ing to note that the projected staggered-flux state alwayslies above the projected d-wave superconductor, but theenergy difference is small and vanishes as x goes to zero,as expected. The staggered-flux state also prefers anti-ferromagnetic order for small x, and the critical xSF

c isnow 0.08, considerably less than that for the projected

0 0.1 0.2 0.3



















ε c

[ J ]







FIG. 20 (a) Comparison of the energy of various projectedtrial wavefunctions. From Ivanov, 2003. (b) The conden-sation energy estimated from the difference of the projectedd-wave superconductor and the projected staggered flux state.From Ivanov and Lee, 2003.

d-wave superconductor. The energy difference betweenthe projected flux state and projected d superconductor(with antiferromagnetic order) is shown in Fig. (20(b)).As we can see from Fig. (20(a)), inclusion of AF willonly give a small enhancement of the energy difference forsmall x ≤ 0.05. The projected staggered flux state is thelowest energy non-superconducting state that has beenconstructed so far. For x > 0.18, the flux Φ0 vanishesand this state connects smoothly to the projected Fermisea, which one ordinarily thinks of as the normal state.It is then tempting to think of the projected staggeredflux state as the “normal” state in the underdoped region(x < 0.18) and interpret the energy difference shown inFig. (20(b)) as the condensation energy. Such a statemay serve as the “competing” state that we have arguedmust live inside the vortex core. The fact that the energydifference vanishes at x = 0 guarantees that it is smallfor small x.

Ivanov, 2003 pointed out that the concave nature of the energy curves shown in Fig. 20(a) for small x indi-cate that the system is prone to phase separation. Sucha phase separation may be suppressed by long-rangeCoulomb interaction and the energy curves are indeed

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sensitive to nearest-neighbor repulsion. Thus we believethat Fig. 20(a) still provides a useful comparison of dif-ferent trial wavefunctions.

C. Properties of projected wavefunctions

It is interesting to put aside the question of energetics

and study the nature of the projected d-wave supercon-ductor. A thorough study by Paramekanti et al., 2001,2004b showed that it correctly captures many of the prop-erties of the cuprate superconductors. For example, thesuperfluid density vanishes linearly in x for small x. Thisis to be expected since the projection operator is designedto yield an insulator at half-filling. The momentum dis-tribution exhibits a jump near the noninteracting Fermisurface. The size of the jump is interpreted as the quasi-particle weight z according to Fermi liquid theory andagain goes to zero smoothly as x → 0. Using the sumrule and assuming Ferm liquid behavior for the nodalquasiparticles, the Fermi velocity is estimated and found

to be insensitive to doping, in agreement with photoe-mission experiments.A distinctive feature of the projected staggered flux

state is that it breaks translational symmetry and orbitalcurrents circulate the plaquettes in a staggered fashionas soon as x = 0. Motivated by the SU (2) symmetrywhich predicts a close relationship between the projectedd-wave superconductor and the projected staggered fluxstates, Ivanov et al., 2000 examined whether there aresigns of the orbital current in the projected d-wave super-conductor. Since this state does not break translation ortime-reversal symmetry, there is no static current. How-ever, the current-current correlation

G j = j(α) j(β ) (19)

where j(α) is the current on the α bond, shows a powerlaw-type decay and its magnitude is much larger thanthe naive expectation that it should scale as x2. Notethat before projection the d-wave superconductor showsno hint of the staggered current correlation. The corre-lation that emerges is entirely a consequence of the pro-

jection. We believe the emergence of orbital current fluc-tuations provides strong support for the importance of SU (2) symmetry near half filling. Orbital current fluc-tuations of similar magnitude were found in the exactground sate wavefunction of the t-J model on a small

lattice, two holes on 32 sites. (Leung, 2000; Lee and Sha,2003) showed that the orbital current correlation has thesame power law decay as the hole-chirality correlation,

Gχh = χh(i)χh( j)

where χh is defined on a plaquette i as nh(4)S 1 ·(S 2×S 3)where 1 to 4 labels the sites around the plaquette andnh(i) = 1 − c†iσciσ is the hole density operator. This isin agreement with the notion that a hole moving around

the plaque experiences a Berry’s phase due to the non-colinearity of the spin quantization axis of the instanta-neous spin configurations. For S = 1

2 the Berry’s phase

is given by 12

φ where φ is the solid angle subtended bythe instantaneous spin orientations S 1, S 2 and S 3. (Wenet al., 1989; Fradkin, 1991) This solid angle is related tothe spin chirality S 1 · (S 2 × S 3). This phase drives thehole in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction depending

on its sign, just as a magnetic flux through the center of the plaquette would. Thus the flux Φ0 of the staggeredflux state has its physical origin in the coupling betweenthe hole kinetic energy and the spin chirality.

It is important to emphasize that the projected d-wavestate possesses long range superconducting pairing order,while at the same time exhibiting power law correlationin antiferromagnetic order and staggered orbital current.On the other hand, projection of a staggered flux phaseat finite doping will possess long range orbital currentorder, but short range pairing and antiferromagnetic or-der. A useful analogy is to think of these projected statesas a person with a variety of personalities. He may be

courteous and friendly at one time, and aggressive andeven belligerent at another, depending on his environ-ment. Thus different versions of projected states shownin Fig. 20(a) all have the same kinds of fluctuations; it is

just that one kind of order may dominate over the oth-ers. Then it is easy to imagine that the system may shiftfrom one state to another in different environments. Forinstance, in section XII.C we will argue that the pairingstate will switch to a projected staggered flux state insidethe vortex core. Note that this is a different picture fromthe traditional Landau picture of competing states as ad-vocated by Chakravarty et al., 2002b, for instance. Theseauthors suggested on phenomenological grounds that thepseudogap region is characterized by staggered orbitalcurrent order, which they call d-density waves (DDW).The symmetry of this order is indistinguishable from thedoped staggered flux phase (Hsu et al., 1991; Lee, 2002).According to Landau theory, the competition betweenDDW and superconducting order will result in either afirst order transition or a region of co-existing phase atlow temperatures. This view of competing order is verydifferent from the one proposed here, where a single quan-tum state possesses a variety of fluctuating orders.

D. Improvement of projected wavefunctions, effect of t,and the Gutzwiller approximation

The projected wavefunction is the starting point forvarious schemes to further improve the trial wavefunc-tion. Indeed, the variational energy can be lowered andSorella et al., 2002 provide strong evidence that a d-wavesuperconducting state may be the ground state of the t-J model. On the other hand, other workers (Heeb andRice, 1993; Shih et al., 1998) found that the supercon-ducting tendency decreases with the improvement of thetrial wavefunctions. Studies based on other methods such

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as DMRG (White and Scalapino, 1999) found that next-nearest neighbor hopping t with t/t > 0 is needed tostabilize the d-wave superconductor. Otherwise the holesare segregated into strip-like structures. All these com-putational schemes suffer from some form of approxima-tion and cannot give definitive answers. What is clear isthat the d-wave superconductor is a highly competitivecandidate for the ground state of the t-J model.

Recently Shih et al., 2004 have examined the pairingcorrelation in projected wavefunctions including the ef-fect of t. They find that for moderate doping (x 0.1)t/t with a negative sign greatly enhances the pairingcorrelation. The effect increases with increasing t andis maximal around t/t ≈ −0.4. Their result contradictsexpectations based on earlier DMRG work (White andScalapino, 1999) which found a suppression of supercon-ductivity with negative t/t. However, Shih et al. pointedout that the earlier work was limited to very low dopingand is really not in disagreement with their finding forx 0.1. This result should be confirmed by improvingthe wavefunction but the pair correlation with t is so

robust that the controversy surrounding the t = 0 casemay well be avoided. It should be noted that a negativet is what band theory predicts. Furthermore, Pavariniet al., 2001 have noted a correlation of T c with |t| andshown that the Hg and Tl compounds which have thehighest T C have t/t in the range −0.3 to −0.4. Thusthe role of t may well explain the variation of T c amongdifferent families of cuprates.

The Gutzwiller projection is a rather cumbersome ma-chinery to implement and a simple approximate schemehas been proposed, called the Gutzwiller approximation(Zhang et al., 1988; Hsu, 1990). The essential step is to

construct an effective Hamiltonian

H eff = −gttijσ

c†iσciσ + gJ ij

S i · S j (20)

and treat this in the Hartree-Fock-BCS approximation.The projection operator in the original t-J model is elimi-nated in favor of the reduction factors gt = 2x/(1+x) andgJ = 4/(1 + x)2, which are estimated by assuming sta-tistical independence of the population of the sites (Voll-hardt, 1984). The important point is that gt = 2x/(1+x)reduces the kinetic energy to zero in the x → 0 limit, inan attempt to capture the physics of the approach to theMott insulator. The Gutzwiller approximation bears astrong resemblance to the slave-boson mean-field theoryand is just as easy to handle analytically. It has the ad-vantage that the energetics compare well with the MonteCarlo projection results. The Gutzwiller approximationhas been applied to more complicated problems such asimpurity and vortex structure (Tsuchiura et al., 2003,2000) with good results.


The motion of a single hole doped into the antiferro-magnet is a most fundamental issue to start with. Thet-J type model is again the canonical Hamiltonian tostudy this problem. The key physics of the problem isthe competition between the antiferromagnetic (AF) cor-relation/long range ordering and the kinetic energy of the

hole. The motion of the single hole distort the AF order-ing when it hops between different sublattices. Shraimanand Siggia, 1988 studied this distortion in a semiclassi-cal way, and found the new coupling between the spincurrent of the hole and the magnetization current of thebackground. This coupling leads to the long range dipo-lar distortion of the staggered magnetization and theminimum of the hole dispersion at k = (π/2, π/2). Thisposition of the energy minimum is interpreted as follows.Even if we start with the pure t-J model, the direct hop-ping between nearest neighbor sites is suppressed, whilethe second order processes in t leads to the effectivehopping between the sites belonging to the same sub-lattice. This effective t and t has the negative sign andhence lower the energy of k = (π/2, π/2) compared withk = (π, 0), (0, π).

The dynamics of the single hole, i.e. the spectral func-tion of the Green’s function is also studied by analyticmethod. When the spin excitation is approximated bythe magnon (spin wave), the Hamiltonian for the signlehole is given by (Kane et al., 1989)

H =t



M k,q[h†khk−qαq + h.c.] +q

Ωqα†qαq (21)


Ωq = 2J

1 − γ 2q (22)

with γ q = (cos qx + cos qy)/2 and

M (k, q) = 4(uqγ k−q + vqγ k) (23)

with uk =

(1 + ν k)/(2ν k), vk =

−sign(γ k)

(1 − ν k)/(2ν k), and ν k =

1 − γ 2k. ThisHamiltonian dictates that the magnon is emitted orabsorbed every time the hole hops. The most widely ac-cepted method to study this model is the self-consistentBorn approximation (SCBA) initiated by Kane, Lee andRead where the Feynman diagrams with the crossing

magnon propagators are neglected. This leads to theself-consistent equation for the hole propagator:

G(k, ω) = [ω −q

g(k,q)2G(k − q, ω − Ωq)]−1. (24)

The result is that there are two components of the spec-tral function A(k, ω) = −(1/π)ImGR(k, ω): One is thecoherent sharp peak corresponding to the quasi-particleand the other is the incoherent background. The formerhas the lowest energy at k = (π/2, π/2) at the energy

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∼ −t and disperses of the order of J , while the latterdoes not depend on the momentum k so much and ex-tends over the energy of the order of t. Intuitively thehole has to wait for the spins to flip to hop, which takesa time of the order of J −1. Therefore the bandwidth isreduced from ∼ t to ∼ J . This mass enhancement leadsto the reduced weight z ∼ J/t for the quasi-particle peak.Later, more detailed studies have been done in SCBA(Liu

and Manousakis, 1992). The conclusions obtained are thefollowings: (i) At k = (π/2, π/2), there appear two addi-tional two peaks at E 2,3 in addition to the ground statedelta-functional peak at E 1.

These energies are given for J/t < 0.4 by

E n/t = −b + an(J/t)2/3 (25)

where a1 = 2.16, a2 = 5.46, a3 = 7.81, and b = 3.28.(ii) The spectral weight z at k = (π/2, π/2) scales asz = 0.65(J/t)2/3.

These can be understood as the ”string” excitationof the hole moving in the linear confining potential dueto the AF background. It has also been interpreted in

terms of the confining interaction between spinon andholon (Laughlin, 1997). Exact diagonalization stud-ies have reached consistent results with SCBA. Ex-perimentally angle-resolved-photoemission spectroscopy(ARPES)(Wells et al., 1995; Ronning et al., 1998) inundoped cuprates has revealed the spectral function of the single doped hole. The energy dispersion of the holelooks like that of the π-flux state shifted by the Mottgap to the low energy (Laughlin, 1997). However, in realmaterials the second (t) and third (t”) nearest neighborhoppings are important. The calculated energy disper-sion is found to be sensitive to t and t. For t = t = 0,the dispersion is flat between (π/2, π/2) and (0, π) and

does not agree with the data. It turns out that the datais well fitted by J/t = 0.3, t/t = −0.3, t”/t = 0.2.On the other hand, ARPES in slightly electron-dopedNe2−xCexCuO2 showed that the electron is doped intothe point k = (π, 0) and (0, π) (Armitage et al., 2001).This difference will be discussed below.

The variational wavefunction approach to the antifer-romagnet and single hole problem has been pursued byseveral authors (Lee et al., 2003a,b). A good ground statevariational wavefunction (vwf) at half-filling is

|Ψ0 = P G


(Aka†k↑a†−k↓ + Bkb†k↑b†−k↓


|0 (26)

with N being the number of atoms. The operators a†kσ,

b†kσ are those for the upper and lower bands split bySDW with the energy ±ξk, respectively, and Ak = (E k+

ξk)/∆k, Bk = (−E k+ξk)/∆k with E k =

ξ2k + ∆2k and

∆k = (3/8)J ∆(cos kx − cos ky). The picture here is thatin addition to the SDW, the RVB singlet formation rep-resented by ∆ is taken into account. As mentioned in thelast section, this vwf gives much better energy comparedto that with ∆ = 0. Hence the ground state is far from

the classical Neel state and includes strong quantum fluc-tuations. Next the vwf in the case of single doped holewith momentum q and S z = 1/2 is

|Ψq = P Gc†q↑


(Aka†k↑a†−k↓ + Bkb†k↑b†−k↓


This vwf does not contain the information of t,t

ex-cept the very small dependence of Ak, and Bk. The ro-bustness of this vwf is the consequence of the large quan-tum fluctuation already present in the half-filled case, sothat the hole motion is possible even without disturb-ing the spin liquid-like state. Although the vwf does notdepends on the parameters t,t, the energy dispersionE (k) is given by the expectation value as

E (k) = Ψk|H t−J + H t−t|Ψk, (28)

and depends on these parameters. This expression givesa reasonable agreement with the experiments both inundoped material (Ronning et al., 1998) and electron-

doped material (Armitage et al., 2001). Here an im-portant question is the relation between the hole- andelectron-doped cases. There is a particle-hole symme-try operation which relates the t-t-t-J model for a holeto that for an electron. The conclusion is that the signchange of t, and t together with the shift in the momen-tum by (π, π) gives the mapping between the two cases.Using this transformation, one can explain the differencebetween hole- and electron-doped cases in terms of thecommon vwf eq. (27). The former has the minimum atk = (π/2, π/2) while the latter at k = (π, 0), (0, π).

Exact diagonalization study (Tohyama et al., 2000) hasshown that the electronic state is very different between

k = (π/2, π/2) and k = (π, 0) for the appropriate valuesof t and t for hole doped case. The spectral weight be-comes very small at (π, 0) and the hole is surrounded byanti-parallel spins sitting on the same sublattice. Boththese features are captured by a trial wavefunction whichdiffers from eq. (27) in that the momentum q of the bro-ken pair is different from the momentum of the insertedelectron. This can also be interpreted as the decay of the quasiparticle state via the emission of a spin wave(Lee et al., 2003b). There are thus two types of wf’swith qualitatively different nature, i.e., one describes thequasi-particle state and another which is highly incoher-ent and may be realized as a spin-charge separated state.

One important discrepancy between experiment andtheory is the line-shape of the spectral function. Namelythe experiments show broad peak with the width of theorder of ∼ 0.3eV in contrast to the delta-functional peakexpected for the ground state at k = (π/2, π/2). Onemay attribute this large width to the disorder effect inthe sample. However the ARPES in the overdoped re-gion shows even sharper peak at the Fermi energy eventhough the doping introduces further disorder. There-fore the disorder effect is unlikely to explain this discrep-ancy. Recently the electron-phonon coupling to the single

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hole in t-J model has been studied using quantum MonteCarlo simulation (Mishchenko and Nagaosa, 2004). It isfound that the small polaron formation in the presence of strong correlation reduces the dispersion and the weightof the zero-phonon line, while the center of mass of thespectral weight for the originally ”quasi-particle” peakremain the same as the pure t-J model, even though theshape is broadened. Therefore the polaron effect is a

promising scenario to explain the spectral shape.Recently, Shen et al., 2004 pointed out that the po-laron picture also explains a long standing puzzle regard-ing the location of the chemical potential with doping.Naive expectation based on doping a Hubbard model pre-dicts that the chemical potential should lie at the top of the valence band, whereas experimentally in Na-dopedCa2CuO2Cl2 it was found that the chemical potential ap-pears to lie somewhere in mid-gap, i.e. with a small butfinite density of holes, the chemical potential is severaltenths of eV higher than the energy of the peak positionof the one-hole spectrum. This is naturally explained if the one-hole spectrum has been shifted down by polaroneffects, so that the top of the valence band should be atthe zero-phonon line, rather than the center of mass of the one-hole spectrum.


As has been discussed in II, it is widely believed thatthe low energy physics of high-Tc cuprates is describedin terms of t-J type model, which is given by (Lee andNagaosa, 1992)

H = ij J S i ·S j



nin j−ij

tij c†iσc jσ + H.c. .(29)

where tij = t, t, t for the nearest, second nearest and3rd nearest neighbor pairs, respectively. The effect of the strong Coulomb repulsion is represented by the factthat the electron operators c†iσ and ciσ are the projectedones, where the double occupation is forbidden. This iswritten as the inequality


c†iσciσ ≤ 1, (30)

which is very difficult to handle. A powerful method totreat this constraint is so called the slave-boson method

(Barnes, 1976; Coleman, 1984). In most general form,the electron operator is represented as

c†iσ = f †iσbi + σσf iσd†i (31)

where ↑↓ = −↓↑ = 1 is the antisymmetric tensor. f †iσ,

f iσ are the fermion operators, while bi, d†i are the slave-boson operators. This representation together with theconstraint

f †i↑f i↑ + f †i↓f i↓ + b†ibi + d†idi = 1 (32)

reproduces all the algebra of the electron (fermion) op-erators. From eqs. (31) and (32), the physical meaningof these operators is clear. Namely, there are 4 statesper site and b†, b corresponds to the vacant state, d†,d todouble occupancy, and f †σ, f σ to the single electron withspin σ. With this formalism it is easy to exclude thedouble occupancy just by deleting d†, d from the aboveequations (31) and (32). Then the projected electron

operator is written as

c†iσ = f †iσbi (33)

with the condition

f †i↑f i↑ + f †i↓f i↓ + b†ibi = 1. (34)

This constraint can be enforced with a Lagrangian mul-tiplier λi. Note that unlike eq. (31), eq. (33) is notan operator identity and the R.H.S. does not satisfy thefermion commutation relation. Rather, the requirementis that both sides have the correct matrix elements in thereduced Hilbert space with no doubly occupied states.

For example, the Heisenberg exchange term is written interms of f †iσ, f iσ only (Baskaran et al., 1987)

S i · S j = −1

4f †iσf jσf † jβf iβ

− 1


f †i↑f † j↓ − f †i↓f † j↑

(f j↓f i↑ − f j↑f i↓)



f †iαf iα

. (35)

We write

nin j = (1 − b†ibi)(1 − b† jb j). (36)

Then S i·S j



nin j can be written in terms of thefirst two terms of eq. (35) plus quadratic terms, pro-vided we ignore the nearest-neighbor hole-hole interac-

tion 14 b†ibib† jb j. We then decouple the exchange term in

both the particle-hole and particle-particle channels viathe Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transformation.

Then the partition function is written in the form

Z =

DfDf †DbDλDχD∆exp

− β0

dτ L1



L1 = J ij |χij

|2 +


|2 +

f †iσ(∂ τ

−iλi)f iσ

− J




f †iσf jσ

+ c.c.


+ J



f †i↑f † j↓ − f †i↓f † j↑

+ c.c.


b∗i (∂ τ − iλi + µB)bi −ij

tijbib∗ jf †iσf jσ,

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with χij representing fermion hopping and ∆ij repre-senting fermion pairing corresponding to the two waysof representing the exchange interaction in terms of thefermion operators. From eqs. (35) and (38) it is con-

cluded that J = J/4, but in practice the choice of J ij isnot so trivial, namely one would like to study the saddlepoint approximation (SPA) and the Gaussian fluctuationaround it, and requires SPA to reproduce the mean field

theory. The latter requirement is satisfied when only oneHS variable is relevant, but not for the multicomponentHS variables (Negele and Orland, 1987; Ubbens and Lee,1992). In the latter case, it is better to chose the pa-rameters in the Lagrangian to reproduce the mean fieldtheory. In the present case, J = 3J/8 reproduces themean field self-consistent equation which is obtained bythe Feynman variational principle (Brinckmann and Lee,2001).

We note that L1 in eq. (38) is invariant under a localU (1) transformation

f i → eiθif i

bi → eiθi

biχij → e−iθiχijeiθj

∆ij → eiθi∆ijeiθj

λi → λi + ∂ τ θi (39)

which is called U (1) gauge transformation. Due to such aU (1) gauge invariance, the phase fluctuations of χij andλi have a dynamics of U (1) gauge field (see section IX).

Now we describe the various mean field theory corre-sponding to the saddle point solution to the functionalintegral. The mean field conditions are

χij = σ

f †iσ

f jσ


∆ij = f i↑f j↓ − f i↓f i↑ (41)

Let us first consider the t-J model in the undoped case,i.e. the half-filled case. There are no bosons in this case,and the theory is purely that of fermions. The originalone, i.e. uniform RVB state, proposed by Baskaran-Zou-Anderson (Baskaran et al., 1987) is given by

χij = χ = real (42)

for all the bond and ∆ij = 0. The fermion spectrum isthat of the tight binding model

H uRVB = −kσ

2Jχ(cos kx + cos ky)f †kσf kσ, (43)

with the saddle point value to the Lagrange multiplierλi = 0. The so called “spinon Fermi surface” is large,i.e. it is given by the condition kx ± ky = ±π with a di-verging density of states (van Hove singularity) at theFermi energy. Soon after, many authors found lowerenergy states than the uniform RVB state. One caneasily understand that lower energy states exist because

the Fermi surface is perfectly nested with the nestingwavevector Q = (π, π) and the various instabilities with Q are expected. Of particular importance are the d-wavestate [see (Eq. 13)] and the staggered flux state [see (Eq.17)] which give identical energy dispersion. This was ex-plained as being due to a local SU (2) symmetry when thespin problem is formulated in terms of fermions (Afflecket al., 1988; Dagotto et al., 1988). We write

Φi↑ =

f i↑f †i↓

, Φi↓ =

f i↓

−f †i↑

, (44)

Then eq. (38) can be written in the more compact form

L1 =J



Tr[U †ijU ij ] +J



Φ†iσU ijΦ jσ + c.c.


f †iσ(∂ τ − iλi)f iσ


ib∗i (∂ τ − iλi + µB)bi

− ij

tijbib∗ jf †iσf jσ, (45)


U ij =

−χ∗ij ∆ij

∆∗ij χij

. (46)

At half filling b = µB = 0 and the mean field solutioncorresponds to λi = 0. The Lagrangian is invariant under

Φiσ → W iΦiσ (47)

U ij → W iU ijW † j (48)

where W i is an SU (2) matrix [see eq. (18)]. We reserve afuller discussion of the SU (2) gauge symmetry to SectionX, but here we just give a simple example. In terms of the link variable U ij , the π-flux and d-RVB states arerepresented as

U π-fluxij = −χ(τ 3 − i(−1)ix+jy ), (49)


U di,i+µ = −χ(τ 3 + ηµτ 1), (50)

respectively. These two are related by

U SF ij = W †i U dijW j (51)


W j = exp

i(−1)jx+jy π

4τ 1

. (52)

Therefore the SU (2) transformation of the fermion vari-able

Φi = W iΦi (53)

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FIG. 21 Schematic phase diagram of the U (1) mean fieldtheory. The solid line denotes the onset of the uniform RVBstate (χ = 0). The dashed line denotes the onset of fermionpairing (∆ = 0) and the dotted line denotes mean field Bosecondensation (b = 0). The four regions are (I) Fermi liquidχ = 0, b = 0; (II) spin gap χ = 0 , ∆ = 0; (III) d-wavesuperconductor χ = 0, ∆ = 0, b = 0; and (IV) strange metal

χ = 0 (Lee and Nagaosa, 1992).

relates the π-flux and d-RVB states. Here some remarksare in order. First it should be noted that we are dis-cussing the Mott insulating state and its spin dynam-ics. The charge transport is completely suppressed bythe constraint eq. (34). This will be discussed in sec.X where the mean field theory is elaborated into gaugetheory. Secondly, it is now established that the groundstate of the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisen-berg model shows the antiferromagnetic long range order-ing (AFLRO). This corresponds to the third (and mostnaive) way of decoupling the exchange interaction, i.e.

S i · S j =1

4f †iασµ

αβf iβf † jγσµγδf jδ (54)

However even with the AFLRO, the singlet formationrepresented by χij and ∆ij dominates and AFLRO oc-curs on top of it. This view has been stressed by Hsu (Hsuet al., 1991; Hsu, 1990) generalizing the π-flux state toinclude the AFRLO, and is in accord with the energeticsof the projected wavefunctions, as discussed in sectionVI.A.

Now we turn to the doped case, i.e. x = 0. Then thebehavior of the bosons are crucial for the charge dynam-ics. At the mean field theory, the bosons are free andcondensed at T BE . In three-dimensional system, T BE

is finite while T BE = 0 for purely two-dimensional sys-tem. Theories assume weak three dimensional hoppingbetween layers, and obtain the finite T BE roughly pro-portional to the boson density x (Kotliar and Liu, 1988;Suzumura et al., 1988). This materializes the originalidea by Anderson (Anderson, 1987) that the preformedspin superconductivity (RVB) turns into the real super-conductivity via the Bose condensation of holons. Kotliarand Liu, 1988 and Suzumura et al., 1988 found the d-

wave superconductivity in the slave-boson mean field the-ory presented above, and the schematic phase diagram isgiven in Fig. 21. There are 5 phases classified by the orderparameters χ, ∆, and b = bi for the Bose condensation.In the incoherent state at high temperature, all the or-der parameters are zero. In the uniform RVB state (IVin Fig. 21), only χ is finite. In the spin gap state (II),∆ and χ are nonzero while b = 0. This corresponds to

the spin singlet “superconductivity” with the incoherentcharge motion, and can be viewed as the precursor phaseof the superconductivity. This state has been interpretedas the pseudogap phase (Fukuyama, 1992). We note thatat the mean field level, the SU (2) symmetry is broken bythe nonzero µB in eq. (45) and the d-wave pairing stateis chosen because it has lower energy than the staggeredflux state. We shall return to this point in Section X.In the Fermi liquid state (I), both χ and b are nonzerowhile ∆ = 0. This state is similar to the slave-bosondescription of heavy fermion state. Lastly when all theorder parameter is nonzero, we obtain the d-wave super-conducting state (III). This mean field theory, in spiteof its simplicity, captures rather well the experimentalfeatures as described in sections III and IV.

Before closing this section, we mention the slavefermion method and its mean field theory (Arovas andAuerbach, 1988; Yoshioka, 1989; Chakraborty et al.,1990). One can exchange the statistics of fermion andboson in eqs. (31) and (33). Then the bosons hasthe spin index, i.e. biσ while the fermion becomes spin-less, i.e. f i. This boson is called Schwinger boson, andis suitable to describe the AFLRO state. The largeN -limit of Schwinger boson theory gives the AFLROstate for S = 1/2. The holes are represented by thespinless fermion forming a small hole pockets aroundk = (π/2, π/2). The size of the hole pocket is twice as

large as the usual doped SDW state due to the absence of the spin index. Therefore the slave fermion method vio-lates the Luttinger theorem. Finally we mention that byintroducing a phase-string in the slave fermion approach,one obtains a phase-string formulation of high T c super-conductivity (Weng et al., 2000; Weng, 2003). In suchan approach both spin-1/2 neutral particles and spin-0charged particles are bosons with a non-trivial mutualstatistics between them.


The mean field theory only enforces the constraint onthe average. Furthermore, the fermions and bosons in-troduce redundancy in representing the original electron,which results in an extra gauge degree of freedom. Thefermions and bosons are not gauge invariant and shouldnot be thought of as physical particles. To include theseeffects we need to consider fluctuations around the meanfield saddle points, which immediately become gauge the-ories, as first pointed out by Baskaran and Anderson,1988. Here, we review the early work on the U (1) gauge

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theory, which treats gauge fluctuations on the Gaussianlevel (Ioffe and Larkin, 1989; Nagaosa and Lee, 1990; Leeand Nagaosa, 1992; Ioffe and Kotliar, 1990). The the-ory can be worked out in some detail, leading to a non-trivial recipe for obtaining physical response functions interms of the fermion and boson ones, called the Ioffe-Larkin composition rule. It highlights the importance of calculating gauge invariant quantities and the fact that

the fermion and bosons only enter as useful intermedi-ate steps. The Gaussian U (1) gauge theory was mainlydesigned for the high temperature limit of the optimallydoped cuprate, i.e. the so-called strange metal phase inFig. 21. We will describe its failure in the underdopedregion, which leads to the SU (2) formulation of the nexttwo sections. The Gaussian theory also misses the con-finement physics which is important for the ground state.

A. Effective gauge action and non-Fermi-liquid behavior

As has been discussed in section III, the phenomenol-

ogy of the optimally doped Mott insulator is required todescribe the two seemingly contradicting features, i.e. thedoped insulator with small hole carrier concentration andthe electrons forming the large Fermi surface. The for-mer is supported various transport and optical proper-ties, representatively the Drude weight proportional tox, while the latter by the angle resolved photoemissionspectra (ARPES) in the normal state of optimal dopedsamples. In the conventional single-particle picture, thereduction of the 1st Brillouin zone due to the antifer-romagnetic long range ordering (AFLRO) distinguishesthese two. Namely small hole pockets with area x areformed in the reduced 1st BZ in the AFLRO state, while

the large metallic Fermi surface of area 1 − x appearsotherwise. The challenge for the theory of the optimallydoped case is that aspects of the doped insulator ap-pear in some experiments even with the large Fermi sur-face. Also it is noted that the ARPES shows that thereis no sharp peak corresponding to the quasi-particle inthe normal state, especially at the anti-nodal region neark = (π, 0). The fermi surface is defined by a rather broadpeak dispersing near the Fermi energy. These stronglysuggests that the normal state of high temperature super-conductors is not described in terms of the usual LandauFermi liquid picture.

A promising theoretical framework to describe thisdilemma is the slave-boson formalism introduced above.It has the two species of particles, i.e. fermions andbosons, due to the strong correlation, and the electronis “fractionalized” into these two particles. However,one must not take naively this conclusion, because thefermions and bosons cannot be regarded as “physical”particles in that they are not gauge invariant as ex-plained below. Furthermore, they are not noninteractingparticles; they are strongly coupled to the gauge field.This arises from the fact that the conservation of thegauge charge Qi =

σ f †iσf iσ + b†ibi can be derived by

the Noether theorem starting from the local U (1) gaugetransformation

f iσ → eiϕif iσ

bi → eiϕibiσ. (55)

Therefore the constraint eq. (34) is equivalent to a localgauge symmetry. The Green’s functions for fermions and

bosons GF (i, j; τ ) = −T τ f iσ(τ )f † jσ and GB(i, j; τ ) =−T τ bi(τ )b† j transforms as

GF (i, j; τ ) → ei(ϕi−ϕj)GF (i, j; τ )

GB(i, j; τ ) → ei(ϕi−ϕj)GB(i, j; τ ). (56)

Therefore these fermions and bosons are not gauge invari-ant and should be regarded as only the particles whichare useful in the intermediate step of the theory to calcu-late the physical (gauge invariant) quantities as will bedone in the next section.

At the mean field level, the constraint was replaced bythe averaged one Qi = 1. This average is controlled

by the saddle point value of the Lagrange multiplier fieldλi = λ. Originally λi is the functional integral variableand is a function of (imaginary) time. When this integra-tion is done exactly, the constraint is imposed. Thereforewe have to go beyond the mean field theory and take intoaccount the fluctuation around it. In other words, the lo-cal gauge symmetry is restored by the gauge fields whichtransform as

aij → aij + ϕi − ϕ j

a0(i) → a0(i) +∂ϕi(τ )

∂τ , (57)

corresponding to eq. (55). The fields satisfying this con-

dition are already in the Lagrangian eq. (38). Namelythe phase of the HS variable χij and the fluctuation partof the Lagrange multiplier a0(i) = λi are these fields.

Let us study this U (1) gauge theory for the uRVBstate in the phase diagram Fig. 21. This state is ex-pected to describe the normal state of the optimallydoped cuprates, where the SU (2) particle-hole symme-try described by eq. (44) is not so important. Here weneglect ∆-field, and consider χ and λ field. There areamplitude and phase fluctuations of χ-field, but the for-mer one is massive and does not play important roles inthe low energy limit. Therefore the relevant Lagrangianto start with is

L1 =i,σ

f ∗iσ

∂ ∂τ

− µF + ia0(ri)

f iσ



∂τ − µB + ia0(ri)


− Jχijσ

(eiaijf ∗iσf jσ + h.c.)

− tηij

(eiaijb∗ib j + h.c.) (58)

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where η is the saddle point value of another HS vari-able to decouple the hopping term. We can take η = χusing eq. (40). Here the lattice structure and the peri-odicity with respect to aij → aij + 2π are evident, andthe problem is that of the lattice gauge theory coupledto the fermions and bosons. It is also noted here thatthere is no dynamics of the gauge field at this startingLagrangian. Namely the coupling constant of the gauge

field is infinity, and the system is in the strong couplinglimit. This is because the gauge field represents the con-straint; by integrating over the gauge field we obtain theoriginal problem with the constraint. This raises the is-sue of confinement as will be discussed in section IX.Dand XI.F. Here we exchange the order of the integrationbetween the gauge field (aij , a0) and the matter fields(fermions and bosons). Namely the matter fields are in-tegrated over first, and we obtain the effective action forthe gauge field.

e−Seff .(a) =

Df ∗DfDb∗Dbe−



0L1 (59)

However this integration can not be done exactly, and theapproximation is introduced here. The most standardone is the Gaussian approximation or RPA, where theeffective action is obtained by perturbation theory up tothe quadratic order in a. For this purpose we introducehere the continuum approximation to the Lagrangian L1

in eq. (58).

L =



f ∗σ(r)

∂τ − µF + ia0(r)

f σ(r)

+ b∗(r)

∂τ − µB + ia0(r)


− 12mF


f ∗σ(r)

∂ ∂xj

+ iaj2

f σ(r)

− 1




∂xj+ iaj



, (60)

where the vector field a is introduced by aij = (ri −r j) · a[(ri + r j)/2]. Note 1/mF ≈ J and 1/mB ≈ t.The coupling between the matter fields and gauge fieldis given by

Lint. =

d2r( jF µ + jBµ )aµ (61)

where jF µ ( jBµ ) is the fermion (boson) current density.Note that integration over a0 recovers the constraint

eq. (34) and integration over the vector potential a yieldsthe constraint

jF + jB = 0, (62)

i.e. the fermion and boson can move only by exchangingplaces. Thus the Gaussian approximation apparently en-forces the local constraint exactly (Lee, 2000). We must

caution that this is true only in the continuum limit, andan important lattice effect related to the 2π periodic-ity of the phase variable has been ignored. These lattereffects lead to instantons and confinement, as will be dis-cussed later in section IX.D. Thus it is not surprisingthat the “exact” treatment of D.H. Lee yields the sameIoffe-Larkin composition rule which is derived based onthe Gaussian theory (see section IX.C).

We now proceed to reverse the order of integration. Weintegrate out the fermion and boson fields to obtain aneffective action for aµ. We then consider the coupling of the fermions and bosons to the gauge fluctuations whichare controlled by the effective action. To avoid doublecounting, it may be useful to consider this procedure inthe renormalization group sense, i.e. we integrate out thehigh energy fermion and boson fields to produce an ef-fective action of the gauge field which in turn modifiesthe low energy matter field. This way we convert the ini-tial problem of infinite coupling to one of finite coupling.The coupling is of order unity but may be formally or-ganized as a 1/N expansion by artificially introducing N

species of fermions. Alternatively, we can think of thisas an RPA approximation, i.e. a sum of fermion and bo-son bubbles. The effective action for aµ is given by thefollowing

S RPAeff . (a) = (ΠF µν(q) + ΠB

µν(q))aµ(q)aν(−q) (63)

where q = (q, ωn) is a three dimensional vector. Thecurrent-current correlation function ΠF

µν(q) (ΠBµν(q)) of

the fermions (bosons) is given by

Παµν(q) = jαµ (q) jαν (−q) (64)

with α = F, B. Taking the transverse gauge by imposing

the gauge fixing condition

· a = 0 (65)

the scalar (µ = 0) and vector parts of the gauge fielddynamics are decoupled. The scalar part Πα

00(q) cor-responds to the density-density response function anddoes not show any singular behavior in the low en-ergy/momentum limit. On the other hand, the trans-verse current-current response function shows singularbehavior for small q and ω. Explicitly the fermion cor-relation function is given by

ΠF T (q) = iωσT F 1(q, ω) − χF q2 (66)

where χF = 1/(24πmF ) is the fermion Landau diamag-netic susceptibililty. The first term describes the dissipa-tion and the static limit of σT

F 1 (real part of the fermionconductivity) for ω < γ q is σT

F 1(q, ω) = ρF /(mF γ q)where ρF is the fermion density and

γ q = τ −1tr for |q| < (vF τ tr)−1

= vF |q|/2 for |q| > (vF τ tr)−1 (67)

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where τ tr is the transport lifetime due to the scatteringsby the disorder and/or the gauge field. A similar expres-sion is obtained for the bosonic contribution as

ΠBT (q) = iωσT

B1(q, ω) − χBq2 (68)

where χB = n(0)/(48πmB) where n() is the Bose oc-cupation factor. χB diverges at the Bose condensation

temperature T (0)

BE= 2πx/m

Bwhen we assume a weak 3D

transfer of the bosons. Assuming that the temperature

is higher than T (0)BE , the boson conductivity is estimated


σT B1

∼= x1/2/|q| (69)

for |q| > −1B , where B is the mean free path of thebosons. It can be seen from eqs. (67) and (69), σT

B1 σT F 1.

Summarizing, the propagator of the transverse gaugefield is given by

aα(q)aβ(−q) = (δαβ − qαqβ/|q|2)DT (q) (70)

DT (q) = [ΠF T (q) + ΠB

T (q)]−1 ∼= [iωσ(q) − χdq2]−1. (71)


σ(q) ∼= k0/|q| for |q| > 1∼= k0 for |q| < 1 (72)

where is the fermion mean free path and k0 is of theorder kF of the fermions.

This gauge field is coupled to the fermions and bosonsand leads to their inelastic scatterings. By estimatingthe lowest order self-energies of the fermion and boson

propagators, it is found that these are diverging at anyfinite temperature. It is because of the singular behaviorof DT (q) for small |q| and ω. This kind of singularitywas first noted by Reizer, 1989 for the problem of elec-trons coupled to a transverse electromagnetic field, eventhough related effects such as non-Fermi liquid correc-tions for the specific heat have been noted earlier (Hol-stein et al., 1973). However this does not cause any trou-ble since the propagators of fermions and bosons are notthe gauge invariant quantity and hence is not physical asdiscussed above. As the representative of gauge invariantquantities, we consider the conductivity of fermions andbosons. (Note that these are not still “physical” becauseone must combine these to obtain the physical conduc-

tivity as discussed in the next section.) For example theintegral for the (inverse of) transport life-time τ tr con-tains the factor 1 − cos θ where θ is the angle betweenthe initial and final momentum for the scattering. Thisfactor scales with |q|2 for small q, and gets rid of thedivergence. The explicit estimate gives


τ F tr∼= ξ

4/3k for ξk > kT

∼= T 4/3 for ξk < kT (73)

for the fermions while


τ Btr∼= kT


for bosons. These results are interpreted as the scatteringby the fluctuating gauge flux whose propagator is givenby the loop representing the particle-hole propagator forthe two-particle current-current correlation function.

Now some words on the physical meaning of the gaugefield are in order. For simplicity let us consider the threesites, and that the electron is moving around these. Thequantum mechanical amplitude for this process is

P 123 = χ12χ23χ34 = f †1αf 2αf †2βf 3βf †3γf 1γ. (75)

One can prove that

(P 123 − P 132)/(4i) = S 1 · (S 2 × S 3) (76)

and the righthand side of the above equation corre-sponds to the solid angle subtended by the three vectorsS 1,S 2,S 3, and is called spin chirality (Wen et al., 1989).

Therefore the gauge field fluctuation is regarded as thatof the spin chirality. Recently it is discussed that the spinchirality will produce the anomalous Hall effect in someferromagnets such as manganites and pyrochlore oxides,where the non-coplanar spin configurations are realizedby thermal excitation of the Skymion or the strong spinanisotropy in the ground state (Ye et al., 1999; Taguchiet al., 2001). This phenomenon can be interpreted as thestatic limit of the gauge field, while the gauge field dis-cussed here has both quantum and thermal fluctuations.

B. Ioffe-Larkin composition rule

In order to discuss the physical properties of the totalsystem, we have to combine the information obtained forfermions and bosons. This has been first discussed byIoffe and Larkin, 1989. Let us start with the physicalconductivity σ, which is given by

σ−1 = σ−1F + σ−1

B (77)

in terms of the conductivities of fermions (σF ) and bosons(σB). This formula corresponds to the sequential circuit(not parallel) of the two resistance, and is intuitively un-derstood from the fact that both fermions and bosonshave to move subject to the constraint. This formulacan be derived in terms of the shift of the gauge field

a, and resultant backflow effect. In the presence of theexternal electric field E , the gauge field a and hence theinternal electric field e is induced. Let us assume thatthe external electric field E is coupled to the fermions.Then the effective electric field seen by the fermions is

eF = E + e (78)

while that for the boson is

eB = e. (79)

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The fermion current jF and boson current jB are in-duced, respectively as

jF = σF eF , jB = σF eB. (80)

The constraint jF + jB = 0 given by eq. (62) leads tothe relation

e =−


σF + σB

E . (81)

The physical current j given by

j = jF = − jB =σF σB

σF + σBE (82)

leading to the expression for the physical conductivity σin eq. (77). It is also noted here that the same result isobtained if instead we couple the e.m. field to bosons. Inthis case the internal electric field e is different, but eF and eB remain unchanged. Therefore it is not a phys-ical question which particle is charged, i.e. fermion orboson. This is related to the fact that both fermions andbosons are not physical particles as repeatedly stated.Note that σF σB in the uRVB state, we concludethat σ ∼= σB = xτ Btr /mB which is inversely proportionalto the temperature T . Furthermore the Drude weightof the optical conductivity is determined by x/mB as isobserved experimentally. It remains true that the super-fluidity density ρS in the superconducting state is givenby the missing oscillator strength below the gap, this alsomeans that ρs ∝ x.

A more formal way of deriving the physical electromag-netic response follows. We can generalize the discussionof the effective action S eff .(a) for the gauge field to in-clude the external e.m. field Aµ. Let us couple Aµ againto the fermions. Then the effective action becomes in-

stead of eq. (63)

S RPAeff . (a, A) = ΠF µν(q)(aµ(q) + Aµ(q))(aν(−q) + Aν(−q))

+ ΠBµν(q)aµ(q)aν(−q). (83)

Then after integrating over the gauge field aµ, we end upwith the effective action for Aµ only as

S RPAeff . (A) = Πµν(q)Aµ(q)Aν(−q) (84)

with the physical e.m. response function

Πα(q)−1 = (ΠF α (q))−1 + (ΠB

α (q))−1 (85)

where α = 0 or T stands for the longitudinal and thetransverse parts. Then the physical diamagnetic suscep-tibility χ is given by χ−1 = χ−1

F + χ−1B . Again in the su-

perconducting state, ΠF T ∝ ρF s and ΠB

T ∝ ρBs , where ρF sand ρBs are superfluidity density of the fermion pairingand boson condensation. This leads to the compositionrule for ρs as ρ−1s = (ρF s )−1 + (ρBs )−1 ∼= (ρBs )−1 ∝ x−1

with ρF s ρBs , reproducing the same result as sug-gested from the Drude weight. On the other hand thetemperature dependence of ρF s is of the form ρF s (T ) =

ρF s (0)(1 − aT ) where a is given by the nodal fermiondispersion, while the temperature dependence of ρBs isexpected to be higher power in T and negligible. TheIoffe-Larkin composition rule then predicts that

ρs(T ) ≈ ρBs (1 − ρBsρF s


≈ ρ


s (0) −(ρBs (0))2

ρF s (0) aT. (86)

Since ρBs (0) ∼ x, this predicts that the temperature de-pendence of the superfluid density is proportional to x2.Comparison with eq. (5) implies that α ∼ x in the slave-boson theory. As shown in Fig. 14, this prediction doesnot agree with experiment and is probably an indicationof the breakdown of gaussian fluctuations which under-lines the Ioffe-Larkin rule.

We conclude this section by remarking that the Ioffe-Larkin rule can be extended to various other physicalquantities. For example the Hall constant RH is givenby

RH =RF H χB + RF

H χF

χB + χF (87)

while the thermopower S = S B + S F and the electronicthermal conductivity κ = κB +κF are sum of the bosonicand fermionic contributions.

Compared with the two-particle correlation functionsdiscussed above, the single particle Green’s function ismore complicated. At the mean field level, the elec-tron Green’s function is given by the product of thoseof fermions and boson in the (r, τ ) space. Therefore inthe momentum-frequency space, it is given by the convo-lution. The spectral function is composed of the two con-

tributions, one is the quasi-particle peak with the weight∼ x while the other is the incoherent background. Eventhe former one is broadened due to the momentum dis-tribution of the noncondensed bosons, i.e. there is noquasi-particle peak in the strict sense. This absence of the delta-functional peak occurs also in the SU (2) theoryin sec. XI indicating that the fermions are not free andhence can not be regarded as the quasi-particle. On theother hand, the dispersion of this “quasi-particle” peakis determined by that of fermions, and hence its locusof zero energy constitutes the large Fermi surface enclos-ing the area 1 − x. However this simple calculation doesnot reproduce some of the novel features in the ARPESexperiments such as the “Fermi arc” in underdoped sam-ples, which will be discussed later in section XI.

Combined with the discussion on the transport prop-erties and the electron Green’s function, the present uni-form RVB state in the U (1) formulation offers an expla-nation on the dichotomy between the doped Mott insu-lator and the metal with large Fermi surface. In partic-ular, the conclusion that the conductivity is dominatedby the boson conductivity σ ≈ σB ≈ xτ Btr/mB ≈ xtT explains the linear T resistivity which has been taken asa sign of non-Fermi liquid behavior from the beginning

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the area of the core. For type A vortex

E (A)c ≈ H 2cF ξ2F ≈ J (94)

while for type B vortex

E (B)c ≈ H 2cBξ2B ≈ tx. (95)

Then the vortex energies are estimated to be E (A) ≈E 0 + E

(A)c and E (B) = 4E 0 + E

(B)c , respectively. Note

that E 0 is proportional to λ−2 which is dominated byλ−2B = x and hence E 0, E

(B)c are proportional to x while

E (A)c is a constant of order J . The latter energy is in

agreement with the estimate of the vortex in the BCStheory discussed in Section V.B and is the dominant en-ergy for sufficiently small x. We come to the conclusionthat type B vortex (with hc/e flux quantization) will bemore stable in the underdoped region. This conclusionwas reached by Sachdev, 1992 and by Nagaosa and Lee,1992 and appears to be a general feature of the U (1)gauge theory. Unfortunately, the experimental search forstable hc/e vortices have so far come up negative (Wynnet al., 2001). In section XII.C we will describe how thisproblem is fixed by the SU (2) gauge theory, which isdesigned to be more accurate for small doping.

D. Confinement-deconfinement problem

Despite the qualitative success of the mean field andU (1) gauge field theory, there are several difficulties withthis picture. One is that the gauge fluctuations are strongand one can not have a well controlled small expansionparameter, except rather formal ones such as the largeN expansion. This issue is closely related to the con-finement problem in lattice gauge theory, and will be

discussed below and also in section X.H and XI.F.The coupling constant of the gauge field is defined as

the inverse of the coefficient of f 2µν in the Lagrangian.It is well-known that the strong coupling gauge fieldleads to confinement. In the confining phase, only thegauge singlet particles appear in the physical spectrum,which corresponds for example to the physical electronand magnon in the present context. Below we give a brief introduction to this issue.

Up to now the discussion is at the Gaussian fluctua-tion level where the effective action for the gauge fieldhas been truncated at the quadratic order in the contin-uum approximation. However we are starting from theinfinite-coupling limit, and even if the finite coupling isproduced by integrating over the matter field, the strongcoupling effect must be considered seriously. In the orig-inal problem the gauge field is defined on the lattice andthe periodicity with respect to aij → aij + 2π must betaken into account. Namely the relevant model is thatof the compact lattice gauge theory. Let us first considerthe most fundamental model without the matter field;

S gauge = −1



(1 − cos f µν) (96)


f µν = ai,i+µ + ai+µ,i+µ+ν − ai+ν ,i+µ+ν − ai,i+ν (97)

is the flux penetrating through the plaquette in the(d+1)-dimensional space, and µ, ν = x,y, · · · . NowS gauge is a periodic function of f µν with period 2π andone can consider tunneling between different potential

minima. This leads to the “Bloch state” of f µν whenthe potential barrier height 1/g is low enough, while itis “localized” near one minimum when 1/g is high. Theformer corresponds to the quantum disordered f µν , andleads to the linear confining force as shown below (con-fining state). On the other hand, in the latter case, onecan neglect the compact nature of the gauge field, andthe analysis in previous sections are justified (deconfiningstate). For this confinement-deconfinement transition,one can define the following order parameter, i.e. theWilson loop:

W (C ) = exp[iq C dxµaµ(x)] (98)

where the loop C consists of the paths of length T alongthe time direction and those of length R along the spa-tial direction. It is related to the gauge potential V (R)between the two static gauge charges ±q with oppositesign put at the distance R as

W (C ) = exp[−V (R)T ]. (99)

There are two types of behavior of W (C ), i.e. (i) arealaw: W (C ) ∼ e−αRT , and (ii) perimeter law: W (C ) ∼e−β(R+T ), where α, β are constants. In the first case (i),the potential V (R) is increasing linearly in R, and hencethe two gauge charges can never be free. Therefore itcorresponds to confinement, while the other case (ii) todeconfinement.

It is known that the compact QED (pure gauge model)in (2+1)D is always confining however small the couplingconstant is (Polyakov, 1987). The argument is based onthe instanton configuration, which is enabled by the com-pactness of the gauge field. This instanton is the sourceof the flux with the field distribution

b(x) =x

2|x|3 . (100)

where x = (r, τ ) is the (2+1)D coordinates in the imagi-nary time formalism, and b(x) = (ey(x),

−ex(x), b(x)) is

the combination of the “electric field” eα(x) and “mag-netic field” b(x). This corresponds to the tunneling phe-nomenon of the flux because the total flux slightly above(future) or below (past) of the instanton differs by 2π.The anti-instanton corresponds to the sink of the flux.This instanton/anti-instanton corresponds to the singu-lar configuration in the continuous approximation, butis allowed in the compact model on a lattice. Therefore(anti)instantons take into account the compact nature of the original model in the continuum approximation. It

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is also clear from eq. (100) that the (anti)instanton be-haves as the (negative) positive magnetic charge. Thenit is evident that when we plug in the (anti)instantonconfigurations into the action

S =



2g[b(x)]2 (101)

( g is the coupling constant), we obtain the Coulomb

1/|x|-interaction between the (anti)instantons as

S inst =i<j

qiqj|xi − xj | . (102)

where qi is the magnetic charge, which is√

g/2 for in-stanton and −√

g/2 for anti-instanton.Now it is well-known that the Coulomb gas in 3D is

always in the screening phase, namely the long rangeCoulomb interaction is screened to be the short rangeone due to the cloud of the opposite charges surround-ing the charge. Therefore the creation energy of the(anti)instanton is finite and the free magnetic chargesare liberated. This free magnetic charges disorder thegauge field and makes the Wilson loop show the arealaw, i.e. confinement.

The discussion up to now is for the pure gauge modelwithout matter field. With matter field the confine-ment issue becomes very subtle since the Wilson loopdoes not work as the order parameter any more. Fur-thermore the confinement disappears above some transi-tion temperature even in the pure gauge model. In thepresence of matter field, the confinement-deconfinementtransition at finite temperature is replaced by the grad-ual crossover to the plasma phase in the high temper-ature limit (Polyakov, 1978; Susskind, 1979; Svetitsky,1986). Therefore we can expect that the slave-boson the-

ory without confinement describes the physics of the in-termediate energy scale even though the ground state isthe confining state. Indeed, within the U (1) gauge the-ory, the ground states are either antiferromagnetic, su-perconductor or Fermi-liquid and are all confining. Nev-ertheless, the pseudogap region which exists only at fi-nite temperatures may be considered “deconfined” anddescribable by fermions and bosons coupled to noncom-pact gauge fields. We emphasize once again that in thisscenario the fermions and bosons are not to be consid-ered free physical objects. Their interaction with gaugefields are important and physical gauge-invariant quan-tities are governed by the Ioffe-Larkin rule within the

Gaussian approximation.It is of great interest to ask the question of whethera deconfined ground state is possible in a U (1) gaugetheory in the presence of matter field. This issue was firstaddressed in a seminal paper by Fradkin and Shenker,1979 who considered a boson field coupled to a compactU (1) gauge field. The following bosonic action is addedto S gauge :

S B = ti

cos(∆µθ(ri) − qaµ(ri)) (103)

Here the Bose field is represented by phase fluctuationonly, ∆µ is the lattice derivative and aµ(ri) = ai,i+µ isthe gauge field on the link i, i + µ and q is an integer.It is interesting to consider the phase diagram in the t, gplane. Along the t = 0 line, we have pure gauge theorywhich is always confining in 2 + 1 dimension. For g 1,gauge fluctuations are weak and S B reduces to the XYmodel weakly coupled to a U (1) gauge field, which ex-

hibits an ordered phase called the Higgs phase at zerotemperature. Note that in the Higgs phase, the gaugefield is gapped by the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. Onthe other hand, it is also gapped in the confinement phasedue to the screening of magnetic charges described ear-lier. There is no easy way to distinguish between thesetwo phases and the central result of Fradkin and Shenkeris that for q = 1 the Higgs phase and the confinementphases are smoothly connected to each other. Indeed,it was argued by Nagaosa and Lee, 2000 that for the1+2D case the entire t-g plane is covered by the Higgs-confinement phase, with the exception of the line g = 0,which contains the XY transition.

The situation is dramatically different for q = 2, i.e. if the boson field corresponds to a pairing field. Then it ispossible to distinguish between the Higgs phase and theconfinement phase by asking whether two q = ±1 have alinear confinement potential between them or not. In thiscase there is a phase boundary between the confined andthe Higgs phase, and the Higgs phase (the pairing phase)is deconfined. One way of understanding this deconfine-ment is that the paired phase has a residual Z 2 gaugesymmetry, i.e. the pairing order parameter is invariantunder a sign change of the underlying q = 1 fields whichmake up the pair. Furthermore, it is known that the Z 2gauge theory has a confinement-deconfinement transitionin 2 + 1 dimensions. Thus the conclusion is that a com-pact U (1) gauge theory coupled to a pair field can havea deconfined phase. This is indeed the route to a decon-fined ground state proposed by Read and Sachdev, 1991and Wen, 1991. In the context of the U (1) gauge theory,the fermion pair field ∆ plays the role of the q = 2 bosonfield in eq. (103). In such a phase, the spinon and holonsare deconfined, leading to the phenomenon of spin andcharge fractionalization. A third elementary excitationin this theory is the Z 2 vortex, which is gapped.

Senthil and Fisher, 2000 pointed out that the squareroot of ∆ carried unit gauge charge and one can combinethis with the fermion to form a gauge invariant spinonand with the boson to form a gauge invariant “chargon”.

The spinon and chargon only carry Z 2 gauge charges andcan be considered almost free, They propose an exper-iment to look for the gapped Z 2 vortex but the resultshave so far been negative. The connection between theU (1) slave-boson theory and their Z 2 gauge theory wasclarified by Senthil and Fisher, 2001a.

There is yet another route to a deconfined groundstate, and that is a coupling of a compact U (1) gauge fieldto gapless fermions. Nagaosa, 1993 suggested that dissi-pation due to gapless excitations lead to deconfinement.

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The special case of coupling to gapless Dirac fermionsis of special interest. This route (called the U (1) spinliquid) appears naturally in the SU (2) formulation andwill be discussed in detail in section XI.F. The hope ex-pressed in section XII is to use the proximity to this de-confined state to understand the pseudogap state. Thisis a more attractive scenario compared with the reliancepurely on finite temperature to see deconfinement effects

as described earlier in this section.In the literature there have been some confusing dis-

cussions of the role of confinement in the gauge theory ap-proach to strong correlation. In particular, Nayak, 2000,2001 has claimed that slave particles are always confinedin U (1) gauge theories. His argument is based on thefact that since these gauge fields are introduced to en-force constraint, they do not have restoring force and thecoupling constant is infinite. What he overlooks is thepossibility that partially integrating out the matter fieldswill generate restoring forces, which brings the problemto one of strong but finite coupling, and then sweepingconclusions can no longer be made. Comments by Ichi-

nose and Matsui, 2001, Ichinose et al., 2001, and by Os-hikawa, 2003 have clarified the issues and in our opinionadequately answered Nayak’s objections. For example,Ichinose and Matsui, 2001 pointed out that 3 + 1 dimen-sional SU (3) gauge theory coupled to N fermions is inthe deconfined phase even at infinite coupling for N > 7.Another counter example is found by Wen, 2002b, Rant-ner and Wen, 2002 and Hermele et al., 2004 who showedthat the U (1) gauge theory coupled to massless Diracfermions is in a gapless phase (or the deconfined phase)for sufficiently large N (see section XI.F). There is alsonumerical evidence from Monte Carlo studies that theSU (N ) Hubbard-Heisenberg model at N = 4 exhibits agapless spin liquid phase, i.e. a Mott insulator with power

law spin correlation without breaking of lattice transla-tion symmetry (Assaad, 2004). This spin liquid state isstrongly suggestive of the stability of a deconfined phasewith U (1) gauge field coupled to Dirac fermions.

E. Limitations of the U (1) gauge theory

The U (1) gauge theory, which only includes Gaussianfluctuations about mean field theory, suffers from sev-eral limitations which are especially serious in the un-derdoped regime. Apart from the confinement issue dis-cussed in the last section, we first mention a difficultywith the linear T coefficient of the superfluid density. Aslong as the gauge fluctuation is treated as Gaussian, theIoffe-Larkin law holds and one predicts that the super-fluid density ρs(T ) behaves as ρs(T ) ≈ ax − bx2T . Theax term agrees with experiment while the −bx2T termdoes not (Lee and Wen, 1997; Ioffe and Millis, 2001) asalready explained in section V.A. This failure is traced tothe fact that in the Gaussian approximation, the currentcarried by the quasiparticles in the superconducting stateis proportional to xvF . We believe this failure is a sign

that nonperturbative effects again become important andconfinement takes place, so that the low energy quasi-particles near the nodes behave like BCS quasiparticleswhich carry the full current vF . This is certainly beyondthe Gaussian fluctuation treatment described here.

A second difficulty is that experimentally it is knownfrom neutron scattering that spin correlations at (π, π)are enhanced in the underdoped regime. This happens

at the same time while a spin gap is forming in the pseu-dogap regime. The U (1) mean field theory explains theexistence of the spin gap as due to fermion pairing. How-ever, this reduces the fermion density of states and it isnot clear how one can get an enhancement of the spin cor-relation unless one introduces phenomenologically RPAinteractions (Brinckmann and Lee, 2001). The problemis more serious because the gauge field is gapped in thefermion paired state and one cannot use gauge fluctua-tion to enhance the spin correlation. The gapping of thegauge field also tends to suppress fermion pairing self-consistently (Ubbens and Lee, 1994). We shall see thatboth these difficulties are resolved by the SU (2) formu-

lation.A third difficulty has to do with the structure of the

vortex core in the underdoped limit.(Wen and Lee, 1996)As mentioned in section IX.C, the U (1) gauge theory pre-dicts the stability of hc/e vortices, which has not beenobserved. This is a serious issue especially because theSTM experiments show that the pseudogap remains inthe vortex core. Therefore it should be type B in theU (1) theory, which carries hc/e flux. On the other hand,the hc/2e vortex is not “cheap” because the pairing am-plitude vanishes and one has to pay the pairing energyat the core. These difficulties arise because in the U (1)theory, the fermions becomes “strong” superconductor

at low temperature in the underdoped region. Howeverthis contradicts with the fact that at half-filling the d-wave RVB state is equivalent to the π-flux state, which isnot “superconducting”. In short, the U (1) theory missesthe important low lying fluctuation related to the SU (2)particle-hole symmetry at half-filling. By incorporatingthis symmetry to the gauge field even at finite doping,we will be lead to the SU (2) gauge theory of high Tcsuperconductors, which we will next discuss.



In this section we are going to develop SU (2) slave-boson theory for spin liquids and underdoped high T csuperconductors. The SU (2) slave-boson theory is equiv-alent to the U (1) slave-boson theory discussed in the lastsection. However, the SU (2) formalism makes more sym-metries of the slave-boson theory explicit. This makes iteasier to see the low energy collective modes in the SU (2)formalism, which in turn allows us to resolve some diffi-

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culties of the U (1) slave-boson theory.2 To develop theSU (2) slave-boson theory, let us first describe anotherway to understand the U (1) gauge fluctuations in theslave-boson theory. In this section we will concentrateon undoped case where the model is just a pure spinsystem. Even though the theory involves only fermionicrepresentation of the spin in the underdoped case, wecontinue to refer to the theory as slave-boson theory in

anticipation of the doped case. We generalize the SU (2)salve-boson theory to doped model in the next section.

A. Where does the gauge structure come from?

According to the U (1) slave-boson mean-field theory,the fluctuations around the mean-field ground state aredescribed by gauge fields and fermion fields. Rememberthat the original model is just a interacting spin modelwhich is a purely bosonic model. How can a purelybosonic model contain excitations described by gaugefields and fermion fields? Should we believe the result?

Let us examine how the results are obtained. We firstsplit the bosonic spin operator into a product of two

fermionic operators S i = 12f †iσf i. We then introduce

a gauge field to glue the fermions back into a bosonicspin. From this point of view it appears that the gaugebosons and the fermions are fake and their appearanceis just a mathematical artifact. The appearance of thefermion field and gauge field in a purely bosonic modelseems only indicates that the slave-boson theory is incor-rect.

However, we should not discard the slave-boson mean-field theory too quickly. It is actually capable of pro-ducing pictures that agree with the common sense: theexcitations in a bosonic spin system are bosonic excita-

tions corresponding to spin flips, provided that the gaugefield is in a confining phase. In the confining phase of theU (1) gauge theory, the fermions interact with each otherthrough a linear potential and can never appear as quasi-particles at low energies. The gauge bosons have a largeenergy gap in the confining phase and are absent fromthe low energy spectrum. The only low energy excita-tions are bound state of two fermions which carry spin-1and are bosons. So the mean-field theory plus the gaugefluctuations, may not be very useful, but is not wrong.

On the other hand, the slave-boson mean-field theory(plus gauge fluctuations) is also capable of producing pic-tures that defy the common senses, if the gauge field is in

a deconfined phase. In this case the fermions and gaugebosons may appear as well defined quasiparticles. Thequestion is do we believe the picture of deconfined phase?Do we believe the possibility of emergent gauge bosons

2 We would like to point out that those difficulties are not becausethe U (1) slave-boson theory is incorrect. The difficulties areresults of incorrect treatment of the U (1) slave-boson theory, forexample, overlooking some low energy soft modes.

and fermions from a purely bosonic model? Clearly, theslave-boson construction outlined above is far too for-mal to convince most people to believe such drastic re-sults. However, recently, it was realized that some mod-els (Kitaev, 2003; Levin and Wen, 2003; Wen, 2003b)can be solved by the slave-boson theory exactly (Wen,2003c). Those models are in deconfined phases and con-firm the striking results of emergence of gauge bosons

and fermions from the slave-boson theory.To have an intuitive picture of the correlated groundstate which leads to emergent gauge bosons and fermions,let us try to understand how a mean-field ansatz χij isconnected to a physical spin wave function. We know

that the ground state, |Ψ(χij)mean, of the mean-field Hamil-


H mean = J

(χijf †i f j + h.c.) +

a0(f †i f i − 1),


is not a valid wavefunction for the spin system, since itmay not have one fermion per site. To connect to physical

spin wavefunction, we need to include fluctuations of a0to enforce the one-fermion-per-site constraint. With thisunderstanding, we may obtain a valid wave-function of the spin system Ψspin(αi) by projecting the mean-fieldstate to the subspace of one-fermion-per-site:

Ψ(χij)spin (αi) = 0f |


f αii|Ψ(χij)mean. (105)

where |0f is the state with no f -fermions: f αi|0f = 0.Eq. (105) connects the mean-field ansatz to physical spinwavefunction. It allows us to understand the physicalmeaning of the mean-field ansatz and mean-field fluctu-ations.

For example, the projection eq. (105) give the gaugetransformation eq. (39) a physical meaning. Usually,for different choices of χij, the ground states of H mean

eq. (104) correspond to different mean-field wavefunc-

tions |Ψ(χij)mean. After projection they lead to different

physical spin wavefunctions Ψ(χij)spin (αi). Thus we can

regard χij as labels that label different physical spinstates. However, two mean-field ansatz χij and χij re-lated by a gauge transformation

χij = eiθiχije−iθj (106)

give rise to the same physical spin state after the projec-


Ψ(χij)spin (αi) = ei


i θiΨ(χij)spin (αi) (107)

Thus χij is not a one-to-one label, but a many-to-one la-bel. This property is important for us to understand theunusual dynamical properties of χij fluctuations. Usingmany labels to label the same physical state also makeour theory a gauge theory.

Let us consider how the many-to-one property or thegauge structure of χij affect its dynamical properties. If

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χij was an one-to-one label of physical states, then χijwould be like the condensed boson amplitude φ(x, t) inboson superfluid or the condensed spin moment S i(t)in SDW state. The fluctuations of χij would correspondto a bosonic mode similar to sound mode or spin-wavemode.3 However, χij does not behave like local orderparameters, such as φ(x, t) and S i(t), which labelphysical states without redundancy. χij is a many-to-one

label as discussed above. The many-to-one label creates ainteresting situation when we consider the fluctuations of χij – some fluctuations of χij do not change the physicalstate and are unphysical. Those fluctuations are calledthe pure gauge fluctuations. The effective theory for χijmust be gauge invariant: for example, the energy for theansatz χij satisfies

E (χij) = E (eiθiχije−iθj ).

If we consider the phase fluctuations of χij = χijeiaij ,then the energy for the fluctuations aij satisfies

E (aij) = E (aij + θi − θ j).

This gauge invariant property of the energy (or more pre-cisely, the action) drastically change the dynamical prop-erties of the fluctuations. It is this property that makesfluctuations of aij behave like gauge bosons, which arevery different from sound mode and spin-wave mode.4

If we believe that gauge bosons and fermions do appearas low energy excitations in the deconfined phase, then anatural question will be what do those excitations lookslike? The slave-boson construction eq. (105) allows usto construct an explicit physical spin wavefunction thatcorresponds to a gauge fluctuation aij




|i f αii|Ψ(χije

iaij )mean


We would like to mention that the gauge fluctuationsaffect the average

P 123 = χ12χ23χ31 = χ12χ23χ31ei(a12+a23+a31)

Thus the U (1) gauge fluctuations aij , or more preciselythe flux of U (1) gauge fluctuations a12 + a23 + a31, corre-spond to the fluctuations of the spin chirality S 1 · (S 2 ×S 3) = P 123−P 132

4i as pointed out in the last section.Similarly, the slave-boson construction also allows us

to construct a physical spin wavefunction that corre-sponds to a pair of the fermion excitations. We start

with the mean-field ground state with a pair of particle-hole excitations. After the projection eq. (105), we ob-tain the physical spin wavefunctions that contain a pair

3 More precisely, the sound mode and spin-wave mode are so calledscaler bosons. The fluctuations of local order parameters alwaysgive rise to scaler bosons.

4 In the continuum limit, the gauge bosons are vector bosons –bosons described by vector fields.

of fermions:

Ψfermspin (i1, λ1; i2, λ2) = 0|(


f αii)f †λ1i1f λ2i2 |Ψ(χij)mean.

We see that the gauge fluctuation aij and fermion ex-citation do have a physical “shape” given by the spin

wavefunction Ψ(aij)spin and Ψferm

spin , although the shape is too

complicated to picture.Certainly, the two types of excitations, the gauge fluc-tuations and the fermion excitations, interact with eachother. The form of the interaction is determined by thefact that the fermions carry unit charge of the U (1) gaugefield. The low energy effective theory is given by eq. (38)with ∆ij = 0 and bi = 0.

B. What determines the gauge group?

We have mentioned that the collective fluctuationsaround the a slave-boson mean-field ground state are de-scribed by U (1) gauge field. Here we would like to ask

why the gauge group is U (1)? The reason for the gaugegroup to be U (1) is that the fermion Hamiltonian andthe mean-field Hamiltonian are invariant under the localU (1) transformation

f i → eiθif i, χij → eiθiχije−iθj

The reason that the fermion Hamiltonian is invariant un-der the local U (1) transformation is that the fermionHamiltonian is a function of spin operator S i and the

spin operator S i = 12

f †iσf i is invariant under the localU (1) transformation. So the gauge group is simply thegroup formed all the transformations between f ↑i and f ↓i

that leave the physical spin operator invariant.

C. From U (1) to SU (2)

This deeper understanding of gauge transformation al-lows us to realize that U (1) is only part of the gaugegroup. The full gauge group is actually SU (2). To seethe gauge group to be SU (2) let us introduce

ψ1i = f ↑i, ψ2i = f †↓i

We find

S +i =f †i σ+f i = 12


2i − ψ†2iψ†


S zi =1

2f †i σzf i =



1iψ1i + ψ†2iψ2i − 1)

Now it is clear that S i and any Hamiltonian expressedin terms of S i are invariant under local SU (2) gaugetransformation:



→ W i



, W i ∈ SU (2)

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The local SU (2) invariance of the spin Hamiltonian im-plies that the mean-field Hamiltonian not only shouldhave the U (1) gauge invariance, it should also have theSU (2) gauge invariance.

To write down the mean-field theory with explicitSU (2) gauge invariance, we start with the mean-fieldansatz that includes pairing correlation:

χijδαβ = 2f †iαf jβ, χij = χ∗ ji.

∆ijαβ = 2f iα f jβ, ∆ij = ∆ ji , (108)

After replacing fermion bi-linears with χij and ∆ij ineq. (35), we obtain the following mean-field Hamiltonianwith pairing

H mean =ij


8J ij

(χ jif †iαf jα − ∆ij f †iαf †jβαβ) + h.c

−|χij |2 − |∆ij |2

However, the above mean-field Hamiltonian is incom-plete. We know that the physical Hilbert space is formedby states with one f -fermion per site. Such states cor-respond to states with even ψ-fermion per site. Thestates with even ψ-fermion per site are SU (2) singlet

one every site. The operators ψ†iτ ψi that generate lo-

cal SU (2) transformations vanishes within the physicalHilbert space, where τ = (τ 1, τ 2, τ 3) are the Pauli matri-ces. In the mean-field theory, we replace the constraintψ†iτ ψi = 0 by its average

ψ†iτ ψi = 0.

The averaged constraint can be enforced by includingLagrangian multiplier

i al0(i)ψ†

iτ lψi in the mean-fieldHamiltonian. This way we obtain the mean-field Hamil-tonian of SU (2) slave-boson theory (Affleck et al., 1988;Dagotto et al., 1988):

H mean (109)



8J ij

(χ jif †iαf jα − ∆ij f †iαf †jβαβ) + h.c

− |χij|2 − |∆ij |2

+ ia30(f †iαf iα

−1) + [(a10 + ia20)f iαf iβαβ + h.c.]

So the mean-field ansatz that describes a SU (2) slave-boson mean-field state is really given by χij , ∆ij, anda0. We note that χij , ∆ij , and a0 are invariant underspin rotation. Thus the mean-field ground state of H mean

is a spin singlet. Such a state describes a spin liquid state.

The SU (2) mean-field Hamiltonian eq. (109) is invari-ant under local SU (2) gauge transformation. To see suchan invariance explicitly, we need to rewrite eq. (109) in

terms of ψ:

H mean =ij


8J ij


2Tr(U †ij U ij) + (ψ†

i U ijψj + h.c.)


al0ψ†iτ lψi (110)


U ij =

−χ∗ij ∆ij

∆∗ij χij

= U † ji (111)

Note that det(U ) < 0, so that U jk is not a member of SU (2), but iU jk is a member up to a normalization con-stant. From eq. (110) we now can see clearly that themean-field Hamiltonian is invariant under a local SU (2)transformation W i:

ψi →W iψi

U ij →W i U ij W † j (112)

We note that in contrast to Φi↑ and Φi↓ introducedin eq. (44), the doublet ψi does not carry a spin in-dex. Thus the redundancy in the Φiσ representation isavoided, which accounts for a factor of 2 difference infront of the bilinear ψi term in eq. (110) vs eq. (45).However, the spin-rotation symmetry is not explicit inour formalism and it is hard to tell if eq. (110) describesa spin-rotation invariant state or not. In fact, for a gen-eral U ij satisfying U ij = U † ji , eq. (110) may not describea spin-rotation invariant state. But, if U ij has a form

U ij =χµijτ µ, µ = 0, 1, 2, 3,

χ0ij =imaginary, χlij = real, l = 1, 2, 3, (113)

then eq. (110) will describe a spin-rotation invariantstate. This is because the above U ij has the form of eq. (111). In this case eq. (110) can be rewritten aseq. (109) where the spin-rotation invariance is explicit.In eq. (113), τ 0 is the identity matrix.

Now the mean-field ansatz can be more compactly rep-resented by (U ij ,a0(i)). Again the mean-field ansatz(U ij ,a0(i)) can be viewed as a many-to-one label of physical spin states. The physical spin state labeled by(U ij ,a(i)) is given by

|Ψ(U ij,a0(i))spin = P|Ψ

(U ij,a0(i))mean

where |Ψ(U ij,a0(i))mean is the ground state of the mean-

field Hamiltonian eq. (110) and P is the projection thatproject into the subspace with even numbers of ψ-fermionper site. From the relation between the f -fermion andthe ψ-fermion, we note that the state with zero ψ-fermioncorrespond to the spin-down state and the state withtwo ψ-fermions correspond to the spin-up state. Sincethe states with even numbers of ψ-fermion per site are

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SU (2) singlet on every site, we find that two mean-

field ansatz (U ij,a0(i)) and (U ij , a(i)) related by a localSU (2) gauge transformation

U ij = W i U ij W † j , a0(i) · τ = W i a0(i) · τ W †i .

label the same physical spin state

P|Ψ(U ij,a0(i))

mean =

P|Ψ(U ij,a0(i))

mean This relation represents the physical meaning of theSU (2) gauge structure.

Just like the U (1) slave-boson theory, the fluctuationsof the mean-field ansatz correspond to collective exci-tations. In particular, the “phase” fluctuations of U ijrepresent the potential gapless excitations. However,unlike the U (1) slave-boson theory, the “phase” of U ijis described by a two by two hermitian matrix alijτ l,

l = 1, 2, 3, on each link. If (U ij , a(i)) is the ansatz thatdescribe the mean-field ground state, then the potentialgapless fluctuations are described by

U ij = U ijeialijτ l

, a0(i) = a0(i) + δa0(i).

Since (U ij ,a0(i)) is a many-to-one labeling, the fluctu-ations (aij, δa0(i)) correspond to SU (2) gauge fluctua-tions rather than usual bosonic collective modes such asphonon modes and spin waves.

D. A few mean-field ansatz for symmetric spin liquids

After a general discussion of the SU (2) slave-bosontheory, let us discuss a few mean-field ansatz that havespin rotation, translation T x,y, and parity P x,y,xy sym-metries. We will call such a spin state symmetric spin

liquid. Here T x and T y are translation in x- and y-directions, and P x, P y and P xy are parity transformations(x, y) → (−x, y), (x, y) → (x, −y), and (x, y) → (y, x) re-spectively. We note that P x,y,xy parity symmetries implythe 90 rotation symmetry.

We will concentrate on three simple mean-field ansatzthat describe symmetric spin liquids:

π-flux liquid (πfL) state5 (Affleck and Marston, 1988)

U i,i+x = −i(−)iyχ,

U i,i+y = −iχ, (114)

staggered flux liquid (sfL)


state (Affleck and Marston,

5 This state was called π-flux (πF) state in literature.6 In Wen and Lee, 1996 and Lee et al., 1998, this phase was called

simply the staggered flux (sF) state. In this paper we reserve sFto denote the U (1) mean field state which explicitly breaks trans-lational symmetry and which exhibits staggered orbital currents,as originally described by Hsu et al., 1991. This latter state isalso called d-density wave (ddw), following Chakravarty et al.,2002b.


U i,i+x = −τ 3χ − i(−)i∆,

U i,i+y = −τ 3χ + i(−)i∆, (115)

Z 2-gapped state (Wen, 1991)

U i,i+x =U i,i+y =

−χτ 3

U i,i+x+y =ητ 1 + λτ 2

U i,i−x+y =ητ 1 − λτ 2

a2,30 =0, a10 = 0 (116)

where (−)i ≡ (−)ix+iy . Note that the Z 2 mean-field statehas pairing along the diagonal bond.

At first sight, those mean-field ansatz appear not tohave all the symmetries. For example, the Z 2-gappedansatz are not invariant under the P x and P y parity trans-formations and the πfL and sfL ansatz are not invari-ant under translation in the y-direction. However, thoseansatz do describe spin states that have all the symme-

tries. This is because the mean-field ansatz are many-to-one labels of the physical spin state, the non-invariance of the ansatz does not imply the non-invariance of the cor-responding physical spin state after the projection. Weonly require the mean-field ansatz to be invariant up toa SU (2) gauge transformation in order for the projectedphysical spin state to have a symmetry. For example, aP xy parity transformation changes the sfL ansatz to

U i,i+x = −τ 3χ + i(−)i∆,

U i,i+y = −τ 3χ − i(−)i∆,

The reflected ansatz can be transformed into the original

ansatz via a SU (2) gauge transformation W i = (−)iiτ 1.Therefore, after the projection, the sfL ansatz describesa P xy parity symmetric spin state. Using the similarconsideration, one can show that the above three ansatzare invariant under translation T x,y and parity P x,y,xysymmetry transformations followed by correspondingSU (2) gauge transformations GT x,T y and GP x,P y,P xy , re-spectively. Thus the three ansatz all describe symmetricspin liquids. In the following, we list the correspondinggauge transformations GT x,T y and GP x,P y,P xy for theabove three ansatz:

πfL state

GT x(i) =(−)ixGT y(i) = τ 0, GP xy (i) =(−)ixiyτ 0,

(−)ixGP x(i) =(−)iyGP y(i) = τ 0, G0(i) =eiθlτ l


sfL state

GT x(i) =GT y (i) = i(−)iτ 1, GP xy (i) =i(−)iτ 1,

GP x(i) =GP y (i) = τ 0, G0(i) =eiθτ 3


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Z 2-gapped state

GT x(i) =GT y (i) = iτ 0, GP xy(i) =τ 0,

GP x(i) =GP y (i) = (−)iτ 1, G0(i) = − τ 0 (119)

In the above we also list the pure gauge transformationG0(i) that leave the ansatz invariant.

E. Physical properties of the symmetric spin liquids atmean-field level

To understand the physical properties of the abovethree symmetric spin liquids, let us first ignore the mean-field fluctuations of U ij and consider the excitations atmean-field level.

At mean-field level, the excitations are spin-1/2fermions ψ (or f ). Their spectrum is determined by themean-field Hamiltonian eq. (110) (or eq. (109)). In theπfL state, the fermions has a dispersion

E k = ±3

4 J |χ| sin


kx + sin2


In the sfL state, the dispersion is given by

E k = ±3


χ2(cos kx + cos ky)2 + ∆2(cos kx − cos ky)2

In the Z 2-gapped state, we have

E k = ±

2k + ∆21k + ∆2


k = − 3

4Jχ(cos kx + cos ky)

∆1k =3

4ηJ cos(kx + ky) + a1


∆2k =3

4λJ cos(−kx + ky)

where J is the nearest-neighbor spin coupling and J isthe next-nearest-neighbor spin coupling. We find thatthe πfL state and the sfL state, at the mean-field level,have gapless spin-1/2 fermion excitations, while the Z 2-gapped state has gapped spin-1/2 fermion excitations.

Should we trust the mean-field results from the slave-boson theory? The answer is that it depends on the im-portance of the gauge fluctuations. Unlike usual mean-field theory, the fluctuations in the slave-boson theoryinclude gauge fluctuations which can generate confin-ing interactions between the fermions. In this case thegauge interactions represent relevant perturbations andthe mean-field state is said to be unstable. The mean-field results from an unstable mean-field ansatz cannotbe trusted and cannot be applied to real physical spinstate. In particular, the spin-1/2 fermionic excitations inthe mean-field theory in this case will not appear in thephysical spectrum of real spin state.

If the dynamics of the gauge fluctuations is such thatthe gauge interaction is short ranged, then the gauge

interactions represent irrelevant perturbations and canbe ignored. In this case the mean-field state is said tobe stable and the mean-field results can be applied tothe real physical spin liquids. In particular, the corre-sponding physical spin state contain fractionalized spin-1/2 fermionic excitations.

F. Classical dynamics of the SU (2) gauge fluctuations

We have seen that the key to understand the physi-cal properties of a spin liquid described by a mean-fieldansatz (U ij, al0) is to understand the dynamics of theSU (2) gauge fluctuations. To gain some intuitive under-standing, let us treat the mean-field ansatz (U ij,a0(i))as classical fields and study classical dynamics of theirfluctuations. The dynamics of the fluctuations is deter-mined by the effective Lagrangian Leff (U ij(t),a0(i)(t)).To obtained the effective Lagrangian, we start with theLagrangian representation of the mean-field Hamiltonian

L(ψi, U ij ,a0) = i

iψ†i∂ tψi

−H mean

where H mean is given in eq. (110). The effective La-grangian Leff is then obtained by integrating out ψ:


dtLeff (U ij,a0) =



dtL(ψ,U ij,a0)

We note that L describes a system of fermions ψi andSU (2) gauge fluctuations U ij. Thus the effective La-grangian is invariant under the SU (2) gauge transforma-tion

Leff (U ij, a0) = Leff (U ij ,a0),

U ij = W i(U ij)W j , al0(i)τ l = W ial0(i)τ lW i,W i ∈ SU (2) (120)

The classical equation of motion obtained fromLeff (U ij ,a0) determines the classical dynamics of thefluctuations.

To see if the collective fluctuations are gapless, wewould like to examine if the frequencies of the col-lective fluctuations are bound from below. We knowthat the time independent saddle point of Leff (U ij ,a0),(U ij , a0), corresponds to mean-field ground state ansatz,and −Leff (U ij , a0) is the mean-field ground state energy.

If we expand

−Leff (U ijeia



, a0) to the second order in

the fluctuation aij , then the presence or the absence of the mass term a2ij will determine if the collective SU (2)gauge fluctuations have an energy gap or not.

To understand how the mean-field ansatz U ij affectthe dynamics of the gauge fluctuations, it is convenientto introduce the loop variable of the mean-field solution

P (C i) = (iU ij)(iU jk)...(iU ki) (121)

Following the comment after eq. (111) P (C i) belongs toSU (2) and we can write P (C i) as P (C i) = eiΦ(C i), where

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Φ is the SU (2) flux through the loop C i: i → j → k →.. → l → i with base point i. The SU (2) flux correspondto gauge field strength in the continuum limit. Comparewith the U (1) flux, the SU (2) flux has two new features.First the flux Φ is a two-by-two traceless Hermitian ma-trix. If we expand Φ as Φ = Φlτ l, l = 1, 2, 3 we can saythat the flux is represented by a vector Φl in the τ l space.Second, the flux is not gauge invariant. Under the gauge

transformations, Φ(C i) transforms as

Φ(C i) → W iΦ(C i)W i (122)

Such a transformation rotates the direction of the vectorΦl. Since the direction of the SU (2) flux for loops withdifferent base point can be rotated independently by thelocal SU (2) gauge transformations, it is meaningless todirectly compare the directions of SU (2) flux for differentbase points. However, it is quite meaningful to comparethe directions of SU (2) flux for loops with the same basepoint. We can divide different SU (2) flux configurationsinto three classes based on the SU (2) flux through loopswith the same base point: (a) trivial SU (2) flux where all

P (C ) ∝ τ 0

, (b) collinear SU (2) flux where all the SU (2)fluxes point in the same direction, and (c) non-collinearSU (2) flux where SU (2) flux for loops with the same basepoint are in different directions. We will show below thatdifferent SU (2) flux can lead to different dynamics for thegauge field (Wen, 1991; Mudry and Fradkin, 1994).

1. Trivial SU (2) flux

First let us consider an ansatz U ij with trivial SU (2)flux Φ(C ) = 0 for all the loops (such as the πfL ansatzin eq. (114)). We will call the state described by suchan ansatz the SU (2) state. We can perform a SU (2)gauge transformations to transform the ansatz into aform where all U ij ∝ τ 0. In this case, the gauge in-variance of the effective Lagrangian implies that

Leff (U ijeialijτ


) = Leff (U ijeiθliτ




e−iθljτ l

). (123)

Under gauge transformation eiθ1

iτ 1

, a1ij transform as

a1ij = a1ij + θ1i − θ1 j . The mass term (a1ij)2 is not in-variant under such a transformation and is thus not al-lowed. Similarly, we can show that none of the massterms (a1ij)2, (a2ij)2, and (a3ij)2 are allowed in the ex-

pansion of Leff . Thus the SU (2) gauge fluctuations aregapless and appear at low energies.

We note that all the pure gauge transformations G0(i)that leave the ansatz invariant form a group. We will callsuch a group invariant gauge group (IGG). For the ansatzU ij ∝ τ 0, the IGG is an SU (2) group formed by uniform

SU (2) gauge transformation G0(i) = eiθlτ l . We recall

from the last paragraph that the (classical) gapless gaugefluctuations is also SU (2). Such a relation between theIGG and the gauge group of the gapless classical gaugefluctuations is general and applies to all the ansatz (Wen,2002b).

To understand the dynamics of the gapless gauge fluc-tuations beyond the classical level, we need to treat twocases separately. In the first case, the fermions have afinite energy gap. Those fermions will generate the fol-lowing low energy effective Lagrangian for the gauge fluc-tuations

L =g

8πTrf µνf µν

where f µν is a 2 by 2 matrix representing the fieldstrength of the SU (2) gauge field aij in the continuumlimit. At classical level, such an effective Lagrangianleads to ∼ g log(r) interaction between SU (2) charges intwo spatial dimensions. So the gauge interaction at clas-sical level is not confining (i.e. not described by a linearpotential). However, if we go beyond the classical level(i.e. beyond the quadratic approximation) and includethe interactions between gauge fluctuations, the pictureis changed completely. In 1+2D, the interactions be-tween gauge fluctuations change the g log(r) interactionto a linear confining interaction, regardless the value of the coupling constant g. So the SU (2) mean-field stateswith gapped fermions are not stable. The mean-field re-sults from such ansatz cannot be trusted.

In the second case, the fermions are gapless and have alinear dispersion. In the continuum limit, those fermionscorrespond to massless Dirac fermions. Those fermionswill generate a non-local low energy effective Lagrangianfor the gauge fluctuations, which roughly has a form,L = g

8πTrf µν1√−∂ 2

f µν . Due to the screening of massless

fermions the interaction potential between SU (2) chargesbecomes ∼ g/r at classical level. Such an interactionrepresents a marginal perturbation. It is a quite compli-cated matter to determine if the SU (2) states with gap-less Dirac fermions are stable or not beyond the quadraticapproximation.

2. Collinear SU (2) flux

Second, let us assume the SU (2) flux is collinear. Thismeans the SU (2) flux for different loops with the samebase point all point in the same direction. However, theSU (2) flux for loops with different base points may stillpoint in different directions (even for the collinear SU (2)flux). Using the local SU (2) gauge transformation we canalways rotate the SU (2) flux for different base points intothe same direction, and we can pick this direction to be

τ 3 direction. In this case all the SU (2) flux have a formP (C ) ∝ χ0(C ) + iχ3(C )τ 3. We can choose a gauge such

that the mean-field ansatz have a form U ij = ieiφijτ 3

.The gauge invariance of the energy implies that

Leff (U ijeialijτ


) = Leff (U ijeiθiτ 3



e−iθjτ 3

). (124)

When a1,2ij = 0, The above reduces to

Leff (U ijeia3

ijτ 3

) = Leff (U ijei(a3

ij+θi−θj)τ 3

). (125)

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We find that the mass term (a3ij)2 is incompatible with

eq. (125). Therefore at least the gauge field a3ij is gap-

less. How about a1ij and a2ij gauge fields? Let P A(i) be

the SU (2) flux through a loop with base point i. If weassume all the gauge invariant terms that can appear inthe effective Lagrangian do appear, then Leff (U ij) willcontain the following term

Leff = aTr[P A(i)iU i,i+xP A(i + x)iU i+x,i] + ... (126)

If we write iU i,i+x as χeiφijτ 3



, using the fact

U i,i+x = U †i+x,i (see eq. (111)), and expand to (alx)2

order, eq. (126) becomes

Leff = −1

2aχ2Tr([P A, alxτ l]2) + ... (127)

We see from eq. (127) that the mass term for a1ij and a2ijare generated if P A ∝ τ 3.

To summarize, we find that if the SU (2) flux iscollinear, then the ansatz is invariant only under a U (1)

rotation eiθn


where n is the direction of the SU (2) flux.Thus the IGG=U (1). The collinear SU (2) flux also breakthe SU (2) gauge structure down to a U (1) gauge struc-ture, i.e. the low lying gauge fluctuations are describedby a U (1) gauge field. Again we see that the IGG of theansatz is the gauge group of the (classical) gapless gaugefluctuations. We will call the states with collinear SU (2)flux the U (1) states. The sfL ansatz in eq. (115) is anexample of collinear SU (2) flux.

For the U (1) states with gapped fermions, the fermionswill generate the following effective Lagrangian for thegauge fluctuations





where e is the “electric” field and b is the “magnetic”field of the U (1) gauge field. Again at classical level,the effective Lagrangian leads to ∼ g log(r) interactionbetween U (1) charges and the gauge interaction at clas-sical level is not confining. If we go beyond the classicallevel and include the interactions between gauge fluctua-tions induced by the space-time monopoles, the g log(r)interaction will be changed to a linear confining inter-action, regardless the value of the coupling constant g(Polyakov, 1977). So the U (1) mean-field states withgapped fermions are not stable.

If the fermions in the U (1) state are gapless and are

described by massless Dirac fermions (such as those in thesfL state), those fermions will generate a non-local lowenergy effective Lagrangian, which, at quadratic level,has a form

L =g

8πf µν

1√−∂ 2f µν (128)

Again the screening of massless fermions change theg log(r) interaction to g/r interactions between U (1)charge, at lease at classical level. Such an interaction

represents a marginal perturbation. Beyond the classicallevel, we will show in subsections XI.D and XI.F that,when there are many Dirac fermions, the U (1) gauge in-teractions with Dirac fermions are exact marginal pertur-bations. So the U (1) states with enough gapless Diracfermions are not unstable. The mean-field theory cangive us a good starting point to study the propertiesof the corresponding physical spin state (see subsection


3. Non-collinear SU (2) flux

Third, we consider the situation where the SU (2) fluxis non-collinear. In the above, we have shown thatan SU (2) flux P A can induce a mass term of formTr([P A, alxτ l]2). For a non-collinear SU (2) flux config-uration, we can have in eq. (126) another SU (2) flux,P B, pointing in a different direction from P A. The

mass term will contain in addition to eq. (127) a termTr([P B, alxτ l]2). In this case, the mass terms for all theSU (2) gauge fields (a1ij)2, (a2ij)2, and (a3ij)2 will be gen-

erated. All SU (2) gauge bosons will gain an energy gap.

We note that ansatz U ij is always invariant under theglobal Z 2 gauge transformation −τ 0. So the IGG alwayscontains a Z 2 subgroup and the Z 2 gauge structure isunbroken at low energies. The global Z 2 gauge transfor-mation is the only invariance for the non-collinear ansatz.Thus IGG=Z 2 and the low energy effective theory is aZ 2 gauge theory. We can show that the low energy prop-erties of non-collinear states, such as the existence of Z 2vortex and ground state degeneracy, are indeed identical

to those of a Z 2 gauge theory. So we will call the statewith non-collinear SU (2) flux a Z 2 state.

In a Z 2 state, all the gauge fluctuations are gapped.Those fluctuations can only mediate short range interac-tions between fermions. The low energy fermions interactweakly and behave like free fermions. Therefore, includ-ing mean-field fluctuations does not qualitatively changethe properties of the mean-field state. The gauge interac-tions are irrelevant and the Z 2 mean-field state is stableat low energies.

A stable mean-field spin liquid state implies the exis-tence of a real physical spin liquid. The physical prop-erties of the stable mean-field state apply to the physi-

cal spin liquid. If we believe these two statements, thenwe can study the properties of a physical spin liquid bystudying its corresponding stable mean-field state. Sincethe fermions are not confined in mean-field Z 2 states, thephysical spin liquid derived from a mean-field Z 2 statecontain neutral spin-1/2 fermions as its excitation.

The Z 2-gapped ansatz in eq. (116) is an example wherethe SU (2) flux is non-collinear. To see this, let usconsider the SU (2) flux through two triangular loops(i, i + y, i− x) and (i, i + x, i + y) with the same base

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point i:

U i,i+y U i+y,i−x U i−x,i = −χ2(ητ 1 + λτ 2),

U i,i+x U i+x,i+y U i+y,i = −χ2(ητ 1 − λτ 2).

We see that when η and λ are non-zero, the SU (2) flux isnot collinear. Therefore, after projection, the Z 2-gappedansatz give rise to a real physical spin liquid which con-

tains fractionalized spin-1/2 neutral fermionic excitations(Wen, 1991). The spin liquid also contains a Z 2 vortexexcitation. The bound state of a spin-1/2 fermionic ex-citation and a Z 2 vortex give us a spin-1/2 bosonic exci-tation (Read and Chakraborty, 1989; Wen, 1991).

G. The relation between different versions of slave-bosontheory

We have discussed two version of the slave-boson the-ories, the U (1) slave-boson theory and the SU (2) slave-boson theory. In Senthil and Fisher, 2000, a third slave-boson theory – Z

2slave-boson theory – was also pro-

posed. Here we would like to point out that all the threeversion of the slave-boson theory are equivalent descrip-tion of the same spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on squarelattice, if we treat the SU (2), U (1) or Z 2 gauge fluctua-tions exactly.

To understand the relation between the three versionof the slave-boson theory, we would like to point out thatthe SU (2), U (1) or Z 2 gauge structures are introduced toproject the fermion Hilbert space (which has four statesper site) to the smaller spin-1/2 Hilbert space (which hastwo states per site). In the SU (2) slave-boson theory,we regard the two fermions ψ1i and ψ2i as an SU (2)doublet. Among the four fermion-states on each site,



ψ†1i|0, ψ†

2i|0, and ψ†1iψ†

2i|0, only the SU (2) invariantstate correspond to the physical spin state. There areonly two SU (2) invariant states on each site: |0 and


†2i|0 which correspond to the spin-up and the spin-

down states. So the spin-1/2 Hilbert space is obtainedfrom the fermion Hilbert space by projecting onto thelocal SU (2) singlet subspace.

In the U (1) slave-boson theory, we regard ψ1i as acharge +1 fermion and ψ2i as a charge −1 fermion.The spin-1/2 Hilbert space is obtained from the fermionHilbert space by projecting onto the local charge neutralsubspace. Among the four fermion-states on each site,

only two states


and ψ†



are charge neutral.

In the Z 2 slave-boson theory, we regard ψai as afermion that carries a unit Z 2-charge. The spin-1/2Hilbert space is obtained from the fermion Hilbert spaceby projecting onto the local Z 2-charge neutral subspace.

Again the two states |0 and ψ†1iψ†

2i|0 are the only Z 2-charge neutral states.

In the last subsection we discussed Z 2, U (1), andSU (2) spin liquid states. These must not be confusedwith Z 2, U (1), and SU (2) slave-boson theories. Wewould like to stress that Z 2, U (1), and SU (2) in the

Z 2, U (1), and SU (2) spin liquid states are gauge groupsthat appear in the low energy effective theories of thosespin liquids. We will call those gauge group low en-ergy gauge group. They should not be confused withthe Z 2, U (1), and SU (2) gauge groups in the Z 2, U (1),and SU (2) slave-boson theories. We will call the latterhigh energy gauge groups. The high energy gauge groupshave nothing to do with the low energy gauge groups. A

high energy Z 2 gauge theory (or a Z 2 slave-boson ap-proach) can have a low energy effective theory that con-tains SU (2), U (1) or Z 2 gauge fluctuations. Even theHeisenberg model, which has no gauge structure at lat-tice scale, can have a low energy effective theory thatcontains SU (2), U (1) or Z 2 gauge fluctuations. The spinliquids studied in this paper all contain some kind of lowenergy gauge fluctuations. Despite their different lowenergy gauge groups, all those spin liquids can be con-structed from any one of SU (2), U (1), or Z 2 slave-bosonapproaches. After all, all those slave-boson approachesdescribe the same Heisenberg model and are equivalent.

The high energy gauge group is related to the way in

which we write down the Hamiltonian. We can writeHamiltonian of the Heisenberg model in many differ-ent ways which can contain arbitrary high energy gaugegroup of our choice. We just need to split the spin intotwo, four, six, or some other even numbers of fermions.While the low energy gauge group is a property of groundstate of the spin model. It has nothing to do with how arewe going to write down the Hamiltonian. Thus we shouldnot regard Z 2 spin liquids as the spin liquids constructedusing Z 2 slave-boson approach. A Z 2 spin liquid can beconstructed and was first constructed within the U (1) orSU (2) slave-boson/slave-fermion approaches. However,when we study a particular spin liquid state, a certainversion of the slave-boson theory may be more conve-

nient than other versions. Although a spin liquid canbe described by all the versions of the slave-boson the-ory, sometimes a particular version may have the weakestfluctuations.

H. The emergence of gauge bosons and fermions in

condensed matter systems

In the early days, it was believed that a pure bosonsystem can never generate gauge bosons and fermions.Rather, the gauge bosons and the fermions were regardedas fundamental. The spin liquids discussed in this pa-

per suggest that gauge bosons (or gauge structures) andfermions are not fundamental and can emerge from localbosonic model. Here we will discuss how those ideas weredeveloped historically.

Let us first consider gauge bosons. In the standardpicture of gauge theory, the gauge potential aµ is viewedas a geometrical object – a connection of a fibre bundle.However, there is another point of view about the gaugetheory. Many thinkers in theoretical physics were nothappy with the redundancy of the gauge potential aµ. It

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was realized in the early 1970’s that one can use gaugeinvariant loop operators to characterize different phasesof a gauge theory (Wegner, 1971; Wilson, 1974; Kogutand Susskind, 1975). It was later found that one canformulate the entire gauge theory using closed strings(Banks et al., 1977; Gliozzi et al., 1979; Mandelstam,1979; Polyakov, 1979; Foerster, 1979; Savit, 1980). Thosestudies reveal the intimate relation between gauge the-

ories and closed-string theories — a point of view verydifferent from the geometrical notion of vector potential.

In a related development, it was found that gaugefields can emerge from a local bosonic model, if thebosonic model is in certain quantum phases. This phe-nomenon is also called dynamical generation of gaugefields. The emergence of gauge fields from local bosonicmodels has a long and complicated history. EmergentU (1) gauge field has been introduced in quantum disor-dered phase of 1+1D CP N model (D’Adda et al., 1978;Witten, 1979). In condensed matter physics, the U (1)gauge field have been found in the slave-boson approachto spin liquid states (Baskaran and Anderson, 1988; Af-fleck and Marston, 1988). The slave-boson approach notonly has a U (1) gauge field, it also has gapless fermion fields.

It is well known that the compact U (1) gauge the-ory is confining in 1 + 1 and 1 + 2D (Polyakov, 1975).The concern about confinement led to an opinion thatthe U (1) gauge field and the gapless fermion fields are

just a unphysical artifact of the “unreliable” slave-bosonapproach. Thus the key to find emergent gauge bosonsand emergent fermions is not to write down a Lagrangianthat contain gauge fields and Fermi fields, but to showthat gauge bosons and fermions actually appear in the

physical low energy spectrum. However, only when thedynamics of gauge field is such that the gauge field isin the deconfined phase can the gauge boson appear asa low energy quasiparticle. Thus after the initial find-ing of D’Adda et al., 1978; Witten, 1979; Baskaran andAnderson, 1988; Affleck and Marston, 1988, many re-searches have been trying to find the deconfined phase of the gauge field.

One way to obtain deconfined phase is to give gaugeboson a mass. In 1988, it was shown that if we break thetime reversal symmetry in a 2D spin-1/2 model, then theU (1) gauge field from the slave-boson approach can bein a deconfined phase due to the appearance of Chern-Simons term (Wen et al., 1989; Khveshchenko and Wieg-mann, 1989). The deconfined phase correspond to a spinliquid state of the spin-1/2 model (Kalmeyer and Laugh-lin, 1987) which is called chiral spin liquid. The chi-ral spin state contains neutral spin-1/2 excitations thatcarry fractional statistics. A second deconfined phasewas found by breaking the U (1) or SU (2) gauge struc-ture down to a Z 2 gauge structure. Such a phase containsa deconfined Z 2 gauge theory (Read and Sachdev, 1991;Wen, 1991; Mudry and Fradkin, 1994) and is called Z 2

spin liquid (or short ranged RVB state).7 The Z 2 spinstate also contains neutral spin-1/2 excitations. But nowthe spin-1/2 excitations are fermions and bosons.

The above Z 2 spin liquids have a finite energy gapfor their neutral spin-1/2 excitations. In Balents et al.,1998, a spin liquid with gapless spin-1/2 excitations wasconstructed by studying quantum disordered d-wave su-perconductor. Such a spin liquid was identified as a Z 2

spin liquid using a Z 2 slave-boson theory (Senthil andFisher, 2000). The mean-field ansatz is given by

U i,i+x = χτ 3 + ητ 1, U i,i+y = χτ 3 − ητ 1, (129)

a30 =0, a1,20 = 0, U i,i+x+y = U i,i+x−y = γτ 3.

The diagonal hopping breaks particle-hole symmetry andbreaks the U (1) symmetry of the a30 = 0 d-wave pairingansatz down to Z 2. We will call such an ansatz Z 2-gaplessansatz. The ansatz describes a symmetric spin liquid,since it is invariant under the combined transformations(GT xT x, GT yT y, GP xP x, GP yP y, GP xyP xy, G0) with

GT x

=τ 0, GT y

=τ 0, G0


τ 0,

GP x =τ 0, GP y =τ 0, GP xy =iτ 3. (130)

The fermion excitations are gapless only at four k pointswith a linear dispersion.

The Z 2-gapped state and the Z 2-gapless state are justtwo Z 2 states among over 100 Z 2 states that can beconstructed within the SU (2) slave-boson theory (Wen,2002b). The chiral spin liquid and the Z 2 spin liquidsprovide examples of emergent gauge structure and emer-gent fermions (or anyons). However, those results wereobtained using slave-boson theory, which is not very con-vincing to many people.

In 1997, an exact soluble spin-1/2 model (Kitaev, 2003)

H exact = 16gi

S yi S xi+xS yi+x+yS xi+y

was found. The SU (2) slave-boson theory turns out tobe exact for such a model (Wen, 2003c). That is bychoosing a proper SU (2) mean-field ansatz, the corre-sponding mean-field state give rise to an exact eigenstateof H exact after the projection. In fact all the eigenstatesof H exact can be obtained this way by choosing differentmean-field ansatz. The exact solution allows us to showthe excitations of H exact to be fermions and Z 2 vortices.This confirms the results obtained from the slave-boson

theory.More exactly soluble or quasi-exactly soluble mod-els were find for dimmer model (Moessner and Sondhi,2001), spin-1/2 model on Kagome lattice (Balents et al.,2002), boson model on square lattice (Senthil and

7 The Z 2 state obtained in Read and Sachdev, 1991 breaks the 90

lattice rotation symmetry while the Z 2 state in Wen, 1991 hasall the lattice symmetries.

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Motrunich, 2002), and Josephson junction array (Ioffeet al., 2002). A model of electrons coupled to pairing fluc-tuations, with a local constraint which results in a Mottinsulator that obeys the spin SU (2), symmetry was alsoconstructed (Motrunich and Senthil, 2002). Those mod-els realize the Z 2 states. A boson model that realize Z 3gauge structure (Motrunich, 2003) and U (1) gauge struc-ture (Senthil and Motrunich, 2002; Wen, 2003a) were also

found. 15 years after the slave-boson approach to the spinliquids, now it is easy to construct (quasi-)exactly solublespin/boson models that have emergent gauge bosons andfermions.

We would like to point out that the spin liquids arenot the first example of emergent fermions from localbosonic models. The first example of emergent fermions,or more generally, emergent anyons is given by the FQHstates. Although Arovas et al., 1984 only discussedhow anyons can emerge from a fermion system in mag-netic field, the same argument can be easily general-ized to show how fermions and anyons can emerge froma boson system in magnetic field. Also in 1987, in a

study of resonating-valence-bond (RVB) states, emergentfermions (the spinons) were proposed in a nearest neigh-bor dimer model on square lattice (Kivelson et al., 1987;Rokhsar and Kivelson, 1988; Read and Chakraborty,1989). But, according to the deconfinement picture, theresults in Kivelson et al., 1987 and Rokhsar and Kivel-son, 1988 are valid only when the ground state of thedimer model is in the Z 2 deconfined phase. It appearsthat the dimer liquid on square lattice with only near-est neighbor dimers is not a deconfined state (Rokhsarand Kivelson, 1988; Read and Chakraborty, 1989), andthus it is not clear if the nearest neighbor dimer modelon square lattice (Rokhsar and Kivelson, 1988) has thedeconfined quasiparticles or not (Read and Chakraborty,1989). However, on triangular lattice, the dimer liquidis indeed a Z 2 deconfined state (Moessner and Sondhi,2001). Therefore, the results in Kivelson et al., 1987 andRokhsar and Kivelson, 1988 are valid for the triangular-lattice dimer model and deconfined quasiparticles doemerge in a dimer liquid on triangular lattice.

All the above models with emergent fermions are 2Dmodels, where the emergent fermions can be understoodfrom binding flux to a charged particle (Arovas et al.,1984). Recently, it was pointed out in Levin and Wen,2003 that the key to emergent fermions is a string struc-ture. Fermions can generally appear as ends of openstrings in any dimensions, if the ground state has a con-densation of closed strings. The string picture allows aconstruction of a 3D local bosonic model that has emer-gent fermions (Levin and Wen, 2003). According to thispicture, all the models with emergent fermions containclosed-string condensation in their ground states. Sincethe fluctuations of condensed closed strings are gaugefluctuations (Banks et al., 1977; Savit, 1980; Wen, 2003a),this explains why the model with emergent fermions alsohave emergent gauge structures. Since the gauge chargesare ends of open strings, this also explains why the emer-

gent fermions always carry gauge charges.The second way to obtain deconfined phase is to simply

go to higher dimensions. In 3+1 dimension, the gaplessU (1) fluctuations do not generate confining interactions.In 4+1 dimensions and above, even non-Abelian gaugetheory can be in a deconfined phase. So it is not sur-prising that one can construct bosonic models on cubiclattice that have emergent gapless photons (U (1) gauge

bosons) (Wen, 2002a; Motrunich and Senthil, 2002; Wen,2003a).

The third way to obtain deconfined phase is to in-clude gapless excitations which carry gauge charge. Thecharged gapless excitations can screen the gauge interac-tion to make it less confining. We would like to remarkthat the deconfinement in this case has a different behav-ior than the previous two cases. In the previous two cases,the charged particles in the deconfined phases becomenon-interacting quasiparticles at low energies. In thepresent case, the deconfinement only means that thosegapless charged particles remain to be gapless. Thoseparticles may not become non-interacting quasiparticles

at low energies. The spin liquids obtained from the sfLansatz and the uRVB ansatz (given by eq. (115) with∆ = 0) belong to this case. Those spin liquid are gap-less. But the gapless excitations are not described by freefermionic quasiparticles or free bosonic quasiparticles atlow energies. The uRVB state (upon doping) leads tostrange metal states (Lee and Nagaosa, 1992) with largeFermi surface. We will discuss the spin liquid obtainedfrom the sfL ansatz in subsections XI.D and XI.F.

Finally, we remark that what is common among thesethree ways to get deconfinement is that instantons are ir-relevant and a certain gauge flux is a conserved quantity.We shall exploit this property in section XII.E.

I. The projective symmetry group and quantum order

The Z 2-gapped ansatz eq. (116) and the Z 2-gaplessansatz eq. (129), after the projection, give rise to twospin liquid states. The two states have exactly the samesymmetry. The question here is that whether there isa way to classify these as distinct phases. According toLandau’s symmetry breaking theory, two states with thesame symmetry belong to the same phase. However, afterthe discovery of fractional quantum Hall states, we nowknow that Landau’s symmetry breaking theory does notdescribe all the phases. Different quantum Hall stateshave the same symmetry, but yet they can belong to dif-ferent phases since they contain different topological or-ders (Wen, 1995). So it is possible that the two Z 2 spinliquids contain different orders that cannot be character-ized by symmetry breaking and local order parameters.The issue here is to find a new set of universal quantumnumbers that characterize the new orders.

To find a new set of universal quantum numbers,we note that although the projected wavefunctions of the two Z 2 spin liquids have the same symmetry, their

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ansatz are invariant under the same set of symme-try transformations but followed by different gaugetransformations (see eq. (119) and eq. (130)). Sothe invariant group of the mean-field ansatz for thetwo spin liquids are different. The invariant groupis called the Projective Symmetry Group (PSG). ThePSG is generated by the combined transformations(GT xT x, GT yT y, GP xP x, GP yP y, GP xyP xy) and G0. We

note that the PSG is the symmetry group of the mean-field Hamiltonian. Since the mean-field fluctuations inthe Z 2 states are weak and perturbative in nature, thosefluctuations cannot change the symmetry group of themean-field theory. Therefore, the PSG of an ansatz is auniversal property, at least against perturbative fluctu-ations. The PSG can be used to characterize the neworder in the two Z 2 spin liquids (Wen, 2002b). Such or-der is called the quantum order. The two Z 2 spin liquidsbelong to two different phases since they have differentPSG’s and hence different quantum orders.

We know that the symmetry characterization of phases(or orders) have some important applications. It allowsus to classify all the 230 crystal orders in three dimen-sions. The symmetry also produces and protects gap-less collective excitations – the Nambu-Goldstone bosons.The PSG characterization of quantum orders has similarapplications. Using PSG, we can classify over 100 differ-ent 2D Z 2 spin liquids that all have the same symmetry(Wen, 2002b). Just like the symmetry group, PSG canalso produce and protect gapless excitations. However,unlike the symmetry group, PSG can produce and pro-tects gapless gauge bosons and fermions (Wen, 2002a,b;Wen and Zee, 2002).



In order to apply the SU (2) slave-boson theory to highT c superconductors we need to first generalize the SU (2)slave-boson to the case with finite doping. Then we willdiscuss how to use the SU (2) slave-boson theory to ex-plain some of those properties in detail.

A. SU (2) slave-boson theory at finite doping

The SU (2) slave-boson theory can be generalized todescribe doped spin liquids (Wen and Lee, 1996; Leeet al., 1998). The generalized SU (2) slave-boson theory

involves two SU (2) doublets ψi and hi =b1ib2i

. Here

b1i and b2i are two spin-0 boson fields. The additionalboson fields allow us to form SU (2) singlet to representthe electron operator ci:

c↑i =1√

2h†iψi =


b†1if ↑i + b†2if †↓i

c↓i =


h†iψi =1√


b†1if ↓i − b†2if †↑i


where ψ = iτ 2ψ∗ which is also an SU (2) doublet. Thet-J Hamiltonian

H tJ =ij


S i · S j − 1

4nin j

− t(c†αicα j + h.c.)

can now be written in terms of our fermion-boson fields.The Hilbert space of the fermion-boson system is largerthan that of the t-J model. However, the local SU (2)

singlets satisfying

ψ†iτ ψi + h†iτ hi

|phys = 0 form a

subspace that is identical to the Hilbert space of the t-J model. On a given site, there are only three states

that satisfy the above constraint. They are f †1 |0, f †2 |0,

and 1√2

b†1 + b†2f †2f †1

|0 corresponding to a spin up and

down electron, and a vacancy respectively. Furthermore,the fermion-boson Hamiltonian H tJ , as a SU (2) singletoperator, acts within the subspace, and has same matrixelements as the t-J Hamiltonian.

We note that just as in eq. (36), our treatment of the1


nin j term introduces a nearest neighbor boson attrac-

tion term which we shall ignore from now on.8 Now thepartition function Z is given by

Z =

DψDψ†DhDa10Da20Da30DU exp

− β0

dτ L2

with the Lagrangian taking the form

L2 = J ij


U †ijU ij

+ J


ψ†iU ijψ j + c.c.

+ i

ψ†i ∂ τ

−ia0iτ ψi



∂ τ − ia0iτ + µ


− 1





† jψ j + c.c.



Following the standard approach with the choice J =38

J , we obtain the following mean-field Hamiltonianfor the fermion-boson system, which is an extension of

8 Lee and Salk, 2001 have introduced a slightly different formu-lation where the combination





− 14n



is written as

− 12

f †

i ↑f

†j ↓− f

†i ↓f

†j ↑




)(1 −h†j


). The last two fac-

tors are the boson projections which are needed to take care of the case when both sites i and j are occupied by holes. Whilethe formulations are equivalent, the mean field phase diagramis a bit different in that a nearest-neighbor attraction term maylead to boson pairing. The competition between boson condensa-tion and boson pairing needs further studies but we will proceedwithout the boson interaction term.

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eq. (110) to the doped case:

H mean =ij




2Tr(U †ij U ij) + (ψ†

i U ijψj + h.c.)

− 1



t(h†iU ijh j + h.c.)

− µi

h†ihi +i

al0(ψ†iτ lψi + h†iτ lhi) (133)

The value of the chemical potential µ is chosen such thatthe total boson density (which is also the density of theholes in the t-J model) is

h†ihi = b†1ib1i + b†2ib2i = x.

The values of al0(i) are chosen such that

ψ†iτ l

ψi + h†iτ l

hi = 0.

For l = 3 we have

f †αif αi + b†1ib1i − b†2ib2i = 1 (134)

We see that unlike the U (1) slave-boson theory, the den-

sity of the fermion f †αif αi is not necessarily equal 1−x.This is because a vacancy in the t-J model may be rep-resented by an empty site with a b1 boson, or a doublyoccupied site with a b2 boson.

B. The mean-field phase diagram

To obtain the mean-field phase diagram, we havesearched the minima of the mean-field free energy forthe mean-field ansatz with translation, lattice and spinrotation symmetries. We find a phase diagram with sixdifferent phases (see Fig. 22) (Wen and Lee, 1996).

(1) The d-wave superconducting (SC) phase is de-scribed by the following mean-field ansatz

U i,i+x = − χτ 3

+ ∆τ 1

,U i,i+y = − χτ 3 − ∆τ 1,

a30 =0, a1,20 = 0,

b1 =0, b2 = 0. (135)

Notice that the boson condenses in the SC phase de-spite the fact that in our mean-field theory the interac-tions between the bosons are ignored. In the SC phase,the fermion and boson dispersion are given by ±E f and




0.2x t / J





FIG. 22 SU (2) mean-field phase diagram for t/J = 1. Thephase diagram for t/J = 2 is quantitatively very similar tothe t/J = 1 phase diagram, when plotted in terms of thescaled variable xt/J , except the πfL phase disappears at alower scaled doping concentration. We also plotted the Fermisurface, the Fermi arcs, or the Fermi points in some phases.(Wen and Lee, 1996)

±E b − µ, where

E f =

(f + a30)2 + η2f ,

f = − 3J

4(cos kx + cos ky)χ,

ηf = − 3J

4(cos kx − cos ky)∆,

E b =

(b + a30)2 + η2b ,

b = − 2t(cos kx + cos ky)χ,

ηb = − 2t(cos kx − cos ky)∆. (136)

(2) The Fermi liquid (FL) phase is similar to the SCphase except that there is no fermion pairing (∆ = 0).(3) Staggered flux liquid (sfL) phase:

U i,i+x = −τ 3χ − i(−)i∆,

U i,i+y = −τ 3χ + i(−)i∆,

al0 =0, b1,2 = 0. (137)

The U matrix is the same as that of the stag-gered flux phase in the U (1) slave-boson theory, whichbreaks transition symmetry. Here the breaking of translational invariance is a gauge artifact. In fact,a site dependent SU (2) gauge transformation W i =

e−iπτ 1/4e−iπ(ix+iy)(τ 1/2+1) maps the sfL ansatz to the d-

wave pairing ansatz:

U i,i+x = − χτ 3 + ∆τ 1,

U i,i+y = − χτ 3 − ∆τ 1,

al0 =0, b1,2 = 0. (138)

which is explicitly translation invariant. However, thestaggered flux representation of eq. (137) is more conve-nient because the gauge symmetry is immediately appar-ent. Since this U matrix commutes with τ 3, it is clearly

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invariant under τ 3 rotation, but not τ 1 and τ 2, and thegauge symmetry has been broken from SU (2) down toU (1), following the discussion in section X.F. For thisreason we shall refer to this state as the staggered fluxliquid (sfL).

In the sfL phase, the fermion and boson dispersionare still given by ±E f and ±E b − µ with E f and E bin eq. (136), but now a30 = 0. Since a30 = 0 we have

f †αif αi = 1 and b†1b1 = b†2b2 = x2 .(4) The π-flux liquid (πfL) phase is the same as the

sfL phase except here χ = ∆.(5) The uniform RVB (uRVB) phase is described by

eq. (137) with ∆ = 0.(6) A localized spin (LS) phase has U ij = 0 and al0i =

0, where the fermions cannot hop.

C. Simple properties of the mean-field phases

Note that the topology of the phase diagram is simi-lar to that of U (1) mean field theory shown in Fig. 21.The uRVB, sfL, πfL and LS phases contain no boson con-densation and correspond to unusual metallic states. Astemperature is lowered, the uRVB phase changes into thesfL or πfL phases. A gap is opened at the Fermi surfacenear (π, 0) which reduces the low energy spin excitations.Thus the sfL and πfL phases correspond to the pseudo-gap phase.

The FL phase contains boson condensation. In thiscase the electron Green’s function c†c = (ψ†h)(h†ψ)is proportional to the fermion Green’s function ψ†ψ.Thus the electron spectral function contain δ-functionpeak in the FL phase. Therefore, the low energy ex-citations in the FL phase are described by electron-likequasiparticles and the FL phase corresponds to a Fermi

liquid phase of electrons.The SC phase contains both the boson and the

fermion-pair condensations and corresponds to a d-wavesuperconducting state of the electrons. Just like the U (1)slave-boson theory, the superfluid density is given by

ρs =ρbsρ



where ρbs and ρf s are the superfluid density

of the bosons and the condensed fermion-pairs, respec-tively. We see that in the low doping limit, ρs ∼ x andone need the condensation of both the bosons and thefermion-pairs to get a superconducting state.

We would like to point out that the different mean-field phases contain different gapless gauge fluctuationsat classical level. i.e. the gauge groups for gapless gaugefluctuations are different in different mean-field phases.The uRVB and the πfL phases have trivial SU (2) fluxand the gapless gauge fluctuations are SU (2) gauge fluc-tuations. In the sfL phase, the collinear SU (2) fluxbreak the SU (2) gauge structure to a U (1) gauge struc-ture. In this case the gapless gauge fluctuations are U (1)gauge fluctuations. In the SC and FL phases, ba = 0.Since ba transform as a SU (2) doublet, there is no pureSU (2) gauge transformation that leave mean-field ansatz(U ij , al0, ba) invariant. Thus the invariant gauge group

(IGG) is trivial. As a result, the SU (2) gauge structureis completely broken and there is no low energy gaugefluctuations.

D. Effect of gauge fluctuations: enhanced (π, π) spinfluctuations in pseudo-gap phase

The pseudo-gap phase has a very puzzling propertywhich seems hard to explain. As the doping is lowered,it was found experimentally that both the pseudo-gapand the antiferromagnetic (AF) spin correlation in thenormal state increase. Naively, one expects the pseudo-gap and the AF correlations to work against each other.That is the larger the pseudo-gap, the lower the singleparticle density of states, the fewer the low energy spinexcitations, and the weaker the AF correlations.

It turns out that the gapless U (1) gauge fluctuationspresent in the sfL phase play a key role in resolving theabove puzzle (Kim and Lee, 1999; Rantner and Wen,2002). Due to the U (1) gauge fluctuations, the AF spinfluctuations in the sfL phase are as strong as those of a

nested Fermi surface, despite the presence of the pseudo-gap.

To see how the U (1) gauge fluctuation in the sfL phaseenhance the AF spin fluctuations, we map the latticeeffective theory for the sfL state onto a continuum theory.In the low doping limit, the bosons do not affect thespin fluctuations much. So we will ignore the bosons andeffectively consider the undoped case. In the sfL phase,the low energy fermions only appear near k = (±π

2, ±π

2 )Since the fermion dispersion is linear near k = (±π

2 , ±π2 ),

those fermions are described by massless Dirac fermionsin the continuum limit:

S =


N α=1

Ψαvα,µ∂ µγ µΨα (139)

where vα,0 = 1 and N = 2, but in the following wewill treat N as an arbitrary integer, which gives us alarge N limit of the sfL state. In general vα,1 = vα,2.However, for simplicity we will assume vα,i = 1 here. TheFermi field Ψα is a 4 × 1 spinor which describes latticefermions f i with momenta near (±π/2, ±π/2). The 4×4γ µ matrices form a representation of the γ µ, γ ν = 2δµν(µ, ν = 0, 1, 2) and are taken to be

γ 0 =

σ3 00 −σ3

, γ 1 =

σ2 00 −σ2

, (140)

γ 2 =

σ1 00 −σ1


with σµ the Pauli matrices. Finally note that Ψσ ≡Ψ†σγ 0.The fermion field Ψ couples to the U (1) gauge field in

the sfL phase. To determine the form of the coupling,we note that the U (1) gauge transformation takes thefollowing form

f i → eiθif i

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FIG. 23 Non-zero leading 1/N corrections to the staggeredspin correlation function. The x denotes the vertex which isthe 4× 4 unit matrix in the case of interest.

if we choose the ansatz eq. (137) to describe the sfL phase.By requiring the U (1) gauge invariance of the continuummodel, we find the continuum Euclidean action to be

S =



N σ=1

Ψσvσ,µ(∂ µ − iaµ)γ µΨσ (142)

The dynamics for the U (1) gauge field arises solely dueto the screening by bosons and fermions, both of whichcarry gauge charge. In the low doping limit, however,we will only include the screening by the fermion fields.

After integrating out Ψ in eq. (142), we obtain the fol-lowing effective action for the U (1) gauge field (Kim andLee, 1999)

Z =

Daµ exp

− 1




Πµν =N



δµν − qµqνq2


By simple power counting we can see that the above po-larizability makes the gauge coupling aµ jµ a marginalperturbation at the free fermion fixed point. Since theconserved current jµ cannot have any anomalous dimen-

sion, this interaction is an exact marginal perturbationprotected by current conservation.For N = 2, the spin operator with momenta near q =

(0, 0), (π, π), and (π, 0) has different form when expressedin terms of Ψα. Near q = (0, 0)

S u(x) =1

2Ψαγ 0σαβΨβ

Near q = (π, π)

S s(x) =1


Near q = (π, 0)

S (π,0)(x) =1


0 σ1

σ1 0


At the mean-field level, all the above three spin opera-tors have algebraic correlations 1/r4 with decay exponent4. The effect of gauge fluctuations can be included at 1

N order by calculating the diagrams in Fig. 23. We findthat (Rantner and Wen, 2002; Franz et al., 2003) thesethree spin correlaters still have algebraic decays, indicat-ing that the gauge interaction is indeed marginal. The

0 10 20 30 40 50 600.32










Energy [meV]

I m χ ( Q

) [ a r b i t r a r y ]

FIG. 24 Imaginary part of the spin susceptibility at (π, π).Note the divergence at small ω. (from Rantner and Wen, 2002

decay exponents of the spin correlation near q = (0, 0)and q = (π, 0) are not changed and remain to be 4. Thisresult is expected for the spin correlation near q = (0, 0)since S u(x) is proportional to the conserved density op-erator that couple to the U (1) gauge field. ThereforeS u(x) cannot have anomalous dimension. S (π,0)(x) doesnot have any anomalous dimension either (at 1/N order).In fact, this result holds to all orders in 1/N for the caseof isotropic velocities, due to an SU (4) symmetry (Her-mele and Senthil, 2004). Thus the spin fluctuations near(π, 0) is also not enhanced by the gauge interaction. Thismay explain why it is so hard to observe any spin fluctu-ations near (π, 0) in experiments.

S s(x) is found to have a non-zero anomalous dimen-sion. The spin correlation near q = (π, π) is found to be1/r4−2α with

α =32

3π2N (144)

In the ω-k space, the imaginary part of the spin suscep-tibility near (π, π) is given by

Imχ(ω,q) ≡ ImS +(ω, q + Q)S −(−ω, −q + Q)=

C s2

sin(2απ)Γ(2α − 2)Θ(ω2 − q2)

ω2 − q21/2−α


where C s is a constant depending on the physics at thelattice scale.

From eq. (145) it is clear that the gauge fluctuationshave reduced the mean-field exponent. If we boldlyset N = 2 which is the physically relevant case wefind α = 0.54 > 1/2 which signals the divergence of χ(ω = 0, q = 0). Thus, after including the gauge fluc-tuations, the (π, π) spin fluctuations are enhanced in thesfL phase despite the pseudo-gap. In Fig. 24, we plot theimaginary part of the spin susceptibility at (π, π). The ωdependence of the spin susceptibility at (π, π) is similarto the one from a nested Fermi surface.

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FIG. 25 The thick line represents the boson world line, thethin line represents the fermion world line, and the dash linerepresent the gauge interaction. The dash-dot line is the

straight return path. The U (1) gauge interaction is causedby the extra phase term ei


d x ·

a due to the U (1) flux throughthe loop formed by the boson and the fermion world lines.Such flux can be approximated by the flux through the loopformed by the fermion world line and the straight return path.

The enhancement of the staggered spin correlation fol-lows the trend found in Gutzwiller projection of the stag-gered flux (or equivalently the d-wave pairing) state.Ivanov, 2000 and Paramekanti et al., 2004b reports apower law decay of the equal time staggered spin corre-lation function as r−ν where ν = 1.5 for the undopedcase and ν = 2.5 for 5% doping, which are considerably

slower than the r−4 behavior before projection.We remark that with doping, Lorentz invariance is bro-

ken by the presence of bosons. In this case the Fermi ve-locity receives an logarithmic correction which enhancesthe specific heat γ coefficient and the uniform suscepti-bility (Kim et al., 1997).

E. Electron spectral function

One of the striking properties of the high T c supercon-ductor is the appearance of the pseudo-gap in electronspectral function for underdoped samples, even in the

non-superconducting state. To understand this propertywithin the SU (2) slave-boson theory, we like to calcu-late the physical electron Green function. Since the non-superconducting state for small x is described by the sfLphase in the SU (2) slave-boson theory, so we need tocalculate the electron Green function in the sfL phase.

1. Single hole spectrum

The electron Green’s function is given by

Ge(x) = h†(x)ψ(x)h(0)ψ†(0)

If we ignore the gauge interactions between the bosonsand the fermions, the electron Green’s function can bewritten as

Ge0 = h†h0ψψ†0where the subscript 0 indicates that we ignore the gaugefluctuations when calculating ...0.

The effect of the U (1) gauge fluctuations is an extra

phase term eiH

dx·a determined by the U (1) flux throughthe loop formed by the boson and the fermion world lines

FIG. 26 The single hole spectral function at


, π2

. Increas-ing α corresponds to increasing attraction between fermionand boson due to gauge field fluctuations. (from Rantner andWen, 2001b)

(see Fig. 25). Since the fermion has a linear dispersionrelation, the area between the boson and the fermionworld lines is of order |x|2, where |x| is the separationbetween the two points of the Green’s function. Such anarea is about the same as the area between the fermionworld line and the straight return path (see Fig. 25).So we may approximate the effect of U (1) gauge fluctu-ations as the effect caused by the U (1) flux through thefermion world line and the straight return path (Rantnerand Wen, 2001b). This corresponds to approximate theelectron Green’s function as

Ge(x) = h†(x)h(0)0ψ(x)ψ†(0)eiR



where x0

dx is the integration along the straight returnpath and ... includes integrating out the gauge fluctua-tions.

First, let us consider the fermion Green’s function.At the leading order of a large-N approximation, it wasfound that (Rantner and Wen, 2001a,b) 9


x0dx·a ∝ (x2)−(2−α)/2. (146)

where α is given in eq. (144). We note that the abovebecomes the Green’s function for free massless Dirac

9 Note that the usual fermion Green’s function ψ(x

)ψ†(0) is notgauge invariant. As a result, the Green’s function is not welldefined and depends on the choices of gauge-fixing conditions(Franz and Tesanovic, 2001; Franz et al., 2002; Khveshchenko,2002; Ye, 2002). If one incorrectly identifies ψ(

x )ψ†(0) as the

the electron Green’s function, then the electron Green’s functionwill have different decay exponents for different gauge-fixing con-

ditions. In contrast, the combination ψ(x



·a is

gauge invariant and well defined. The resulting electron Green’sfunction does not depend on gauge-fixing conditions.

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fermion when α = 0. The finite α is the effect of gaugefluctuations.

For a single hole, the boson Green’s function is simplythat of a classical particle. The electron Green’s func-tion Ge(r, τ ) is readily calculated using eq. (146) andits Fourier transform yields the electron spectral func-tion. The result at the nodal position


, π2

is shown in

Fig. (26). The α = 0 curve is the result without gauge

fluctuation. It is the convolution of the fermion and Bosespectra and is extremely broad. The gauge field leads toan effective attraction between the fermion and boson inorder to minimize the gauge flux enclosed by the fermionon boson vortex lines as shown in Fig. (25). The result isa piling up of a spectral weight at low energy with increas-ing α. Still, the one-hole spectrum remains incoherent,as is appropriate for a deconfined U (1) spin liquid state.This calculation can be extended to finite hole density,which requires making certain assumptions about the bo-son Green’s function (Rantner and Wen, 2001b; Franzand Tesanovic, 2001). Under certain conditions they ob-tain power-like type spectral functions similar to those of the Luttinger liquid.

2. Finite hole density: pseudo-gap and Fermi arcs

Here we will consider the mean-field electron Green’sfunction G0 at finite doping. Using the expression of cαin eq. (131), the mean-field electron Green’s function isgiven by the product of the fermion and boson Greenfunctions. So the electron spectral function is a con-volution of the boson spectral function and the fermionspectral function.

Let us consider a region of the pseudogap above T cbut at a temperature which is not too high. The boson

can be considered nearly condensed. The boson spectralfunction contain a sharp peak at ω = 0 and k = 0 andk = (π, π). The weight of the peak is of order x and thewidth is of order T . At high energies, the boson Greenfunction is given by the single-boson Green function Gs

bas if no other bosons are present. So the boson spectralfunction also contain a broad background which extendsthe whole band width of the boson band. The resultingmean-field electron Green function has a form (Wen andLee, 1996; Lee et al., 1998)

G0 =x



ω − E f +

v2kω + E f

+ Gin (147)

where u and v are the coherent factors:

uk =

E f + f

2E f sgn(ηf ),

vk =

E f − f

2E f .

The second term Gin gives rise to a broad backgroundin the electron. It comes from the convolution of the

c c

FIG. 27 A diagram for renormalized electron Green function.The solid (dash) line is the fermion (boson) propagator.

background part of the boson spectral function and thefermion spectral function. The first term is the coherentpart since its imaginary part is a peak of width T , whichis approximated by a δ-function here. The quasiparticledispersion is given by ±E f . The peak in the electronspectral function crosses zero energy at four points atk = (±π

2 , ±π2 ). Thus the mean-field sfL phase has four

Fermi points. Also, in the sfL phase, ImGin is non-zeroonly for ω < 0 and contributes 1/2 to a total spectralweight which is (1 + x)/2.

From the dispersion relation of the peak ω = E f (k)and the fact that ImGin ≈ 0 when ω < −E f (k),we find that the electron spectral function contain thegap of order ∆ at (0, π) and (π, 0) even in the non-superconducting state. So the mean-field electron spec-

tral function of the SU (2) slave-boson theory can explainthe pseudo-gap in the underdoped samples. However,if we examine the mean-field electron spectral functionmore closely, we see that the Fermi surface of the quasi-particles is just four isolated points (±π/2, ±π/2). Thisproperty does not agree with experiments.

In reality there is a strong attraction between the bo-son and the fermions due to the fluctuation around themean-field state. The dominant effect comes from thegauge fluctuations which attempt to bind the bosons andthe fermions into electrons. This corresponds to an effec-tive attraction between the bosons and the fermions. Inthe case of a single hole, the interaction with gauge fields

can be treated as discussed in the last section. Here weproceed more phenomenologically. One way to includethis effect is to use the diagram in Fig. 27 to approxi-mate the electron Green function, which corresponds toan effective short range interaction of form


2(ψ†h)(h†ψ) = −V c†c (148)

with V < 0. We get

G =1


+ V (149)

The first contribution to V come from the fluctuations of a0 which induces the following interaction between thefermions and the bosons:

ψ†τ ψ · h†τ h (150)

The second one (whose importance was pointed out byLaughlin, 1995) is the fluctuations of |χij| which induces

−t(ψ†h) j(h†ψ)i = −2tc† jci (151)

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0 0-2 -21 10


20(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 28 The electron spectral function for, from top down,(a) k = (−π/4, π/4) → (π/4, 3π/4), (b) k = (−π/8, π/8) →(3π/8, 5π/8), (c) k = (0, 0) → (π/2, π/2), and (d) k =(0, π) → (0, 0). We have chosen J = 1. The paths of thefour momentum scans are shown in Fig. 29.







FIG. 29 The solid line a, b, c, and d are paths of the fourmomentum scans in Fig. 28. The solid curves are schematicrepresentation of the Fermi segments where the quasiparticlepeak crosses the zero energy.

This is nothing but the original hopping term. We expectthe coefficient t to be reduced due to screening, but inthe following we adopt the form

V (k) = U + 2t(cos kx + cos ky) (152)

for V in eq. (149). In Fig. 28 and 30 we plot the electronspectral function calculated from eq. (149) (Wen andLee, 1996; Lee et al., 1998).

We have chosen t = 2J , χ = 1, ∆/χ = 0.4, x = 0.1,and T = 0.1J . The value of U is determined from requir-ing the renormalized electron Green function to satisfiesthe sum rule


2π d2k

(2π)2 ImG = x (153)

We find that the gap near (0, ±π) and (±π, 0) survivesthe binding potential V (k). However spectral functionsnear (±π

2 , ±π2 ) are modified. The Fermi point at (π2 , π

2 )for the mean field electron Green function G0 is stretchedinto a Fermi segment as shown in Fig. 29. As we ap-proach the uRBV phase, ∆ decreases and the Fermi arcsare elongated. Eventually the arcs join together to forma large closed Fermi surface.




(π/2,π/2) (0,π)(0,0) (π/2,π/2) (π,π)(0,π)

FIG. 30 The points describe the dispersion of the quasi-particle peaks for the s-flux liquid phase in Fig. 30. Thevertical bars are proportional to the peak values of ImGU

which are proportional to the quasi-particle weight.

While the phenomenological binding picture success-fully produces Fermi arcs, the results are not as satis-factory for the anti-nodal points. While an energy gapis produced near (0, π), the theory gives a rather sharpstructure at the gap and we see from Fig. 30 that thegap above and below the Fermi energy is not symmetric.

This exposed a serious weakness of the slave-bosongauge theory approach. With finite hole density, thebosons tend to condense at the mean field level. In real-ity the holes are strongly coupled to gauge fluctuationswhich tend to suppress the Bose condensation. Whilethe fermions are also coupled to gauge fields, the Fermistatistics allow us to approach the problem perturba-tively by introducing artificial expansion parameters suchas 1

N . In contrast, the problem of bosons coupled togauge fields is much less understood. Furthermore thegauge fields mediate strong attraction between fermionsand bosons and, in the case of SU (2) theory, betweenb1 and b2 bosons which carry opposite gauge charges.In the phenomenological approach outlined above, thebosons are treated as almost condensed (i.e. a narrowpeak in the spectral function is assumed) and bind witha fermion. The assumption of “almost Bose condensa-tion” leads to sharp hole spectra at both the nodal andanti-nodal points and the latter disagrees with experi-ment. Furthermore it can be shown that the assumptionof Bose condensation leads to a decoupling of the electron

to the electromagnetic field, and as a result, the currentcarried by the quasiparticles j = edEk(A)

dA is strongly re-duced from evF which disagrees with experiments (seeIX.B).

Wen and Lee, 1998 took a first step towards addressingthis problem by assuming that the binding between thebosons and the fermions and/or between the b1 and b2bosons prevents single-boson condensation. The super-conducting state characterized by cc = 0 contains onlyboson pair condensation, i.e. b1b2 = 0 while b = 0.

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They show that with this assumption the quasiparticlecurrent can be a finite fraction of evF , i.e. the α param-eter in eq. (6) does not have to go as x. The competi-tion between fermion-boson binding, boson-boson bind-ing and Bose condensation is a complicated problemwhich is still poorly understood at present.

STM experiment reveals a rather broad structure forboth particle and hole excitations (Hanaguri et al., 2004)

and ARPES measurements, which can measure only theoccupied states, show a reduction of the density of statesover a broad energy range (Ronning et al., 2003). Theselineshapes are more reminiscent of those shown in Fig.26 for intermediate α. It appears that the assumption of almost Bose condensation and simple binding via a shortrange potential do not capture the subtlety of gauge fluc-tuation effects near (0, π) where fermions and bosons ap-pear to be closer to being deconfined. This dichotomybetween nodal and anti-nodal electronic structure is animportant issue which remains open for further theoret-ical work.

F. Stability of algebraic spin liquids

The sfL mean-field ansatz leads to an gapless spin liq-uid. We will call this the U (1) spin liquid, and it is anexample of a class which we call algebraic spin liquid(ASL) since all the spin correlations have algebraic de-cay. We would like to stress that the ASL is a phase of matter, not a critical point at a phase transition betweentwo phases.

ASL has a striking property: its low energy excitationsinteract with each other even down to zero energy. Thiscan be seen from the correlation functions at low energies

which always contain branch cut without any poles. Thelack of poles implies that we cannot use free bosonic orfree fermionic quasiparticles to describe the low energyexcitations. For all other commonly know gapless states,such as solids, superfluids, Fermi liquids, etc, the gaplessexcitations are always described by free bosons or freefermions. The only exception is the 1D Luttinger liquid.Thus the ASL can be view as an example of Luttingerliquids beyond one dimension.

We know that interactions tend to open up energygaps. From this point of view, one might have thoughtthat the only self consistent gapless excitations are theones described by free quasiparticles. Knowing the gap-less excitations in the ASL interact down to zero energy,we may wonder does ASL really exist? Have we over-looked some effects which open up energy gap and makeASL unstable?

Indeed, in the above calculation, we have overlookedtwo effects. Both of them can potentially destabilize theASL. First, the self-energy in Fig. 23A,B, contains a cut-off dependent term which gives the fermion Ψ a cut-off dependent mass m(Λ)ΨΨ. In the above calculation, wehave dropped such a term. If such a cut-off-dependentterm was kept, the fermions would gain a mass which

would destabilize the ASL.Second, we have overlooked the effects of instantons de-

scribed by the space-time monopoles of the U (1) gaugefield. After integrating out the massless fermions, the ef-fective action of the U (1) gauge field has a form eq. (128).Unlike the Maxwell term discussed in section IX.D, whichproduced a 1/r potential, in this case the interaction of the space-time monopoles is described by a log(r) po-

tential. That is the action of the pair of space-timemonopoles separated by a distance r is given by C log(r).Just like the Coulomb gas in 2D, if the coefficient C islarger than 6, then the instanton effect is an irrelevantperturbation and the inclusion of the instantons will notdestabilize the ASL (Ioffe and Larkin, 1989). If the co-efficient C is less then 6, then the instanton effect is arelevant perturbation and the inclusion of the instantonswill destabilize the ASL.

Recently, it was argued in Herbut and Seradjah, 2003and Herbut et al., 2003 that the instanton effect alwaysrepresent a relevant perturbation due to a screening effectof 3D Coulomb gas, regardless the value of C . This led toa conclusion in Herbut and Seradjah, 2003 that the ASLdescribed by the sfL state does not exist. The easiest wayto understand the screening effect of the 3D Coulomb gasis to note that the partition function of the Coulomb gascan be written as a path integral



qiqj log |xi−xj |




d3x 2πC∂φ

√−∂ 2∂φ−g cos(φ) (154)

If we integrate out short distance fluctuations of φ, acounter term K (∂φ)2 can be generated. The counterterm changes the long distance interaction of the space-

time monopoles from log(r) t o 1/r. The space-timemonopoles with 1/r interaction always represent a rele-vant perturbation, which will destabilize the ASL. Phys-ically, the change of the interaction from log(r) to 1/r isdue to the screening effect of monopole-anti-monopolepairs. Thus the counter term K (∂φ)2 represents thescreening effect.

The issue of the stability of the ASL has been exam-ined by Wen, 2002b, Rantner and Wen, 2002 and morecarefully by Hermele et al., 2004 using an argument basedon PSG. They came to the conclusion that the U (1) spinliquid is stable for large enough N , if the SU (2) spin sym-metry is generalized to SU (N ). They showed that thereis no relevant operator which can destabilize the decon-fined fixed point which consists of 2N two-componentDirac fermions coupled to noncompact U (1) gauge fields,for N sufficiently large. Hermele et al., 2004 also pointedout the fallacy of the monopole screening argument. Wesummarize some of the salient points below.

The operators which perturb the noncompact fixedpoint can be classified into two types, those which pre-serve the flux and those which change the flux by 2 π.The latter are instanton creation operators which restorethe compactness of the gauge field. Among the first type

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there are four fermion terms which are readily seen to beirrelevant, but as mentioned earlier, the dangerous termis the quadratic fermion mass term. The important pointis that the mass terms are forbidden by the special sym-metry described by PSG. The discrete symmetry (suchas translation and rotation) of the sfL state defined onthe lattice imposes certain symmetry on the continuumDirac field which forbids the mass term. Another way

of seeing this is that after integrating out the short dis-tance fluctuations, if a mass term is generated it can bedescribed in the lattice model as a deformation of themean-field ansatz δU ij . Since the short distance fluctu-ations are perturbative in nature, the deformation δU ijcannot change the symmetry of the ansatz U ij that de-scribe the ground state, i.e. if U ij is invariant under aPSG, δU ij must be invariant under the same PSG. Onecan show that for all the possible deformations that areinvariant under the sfL PSG described by eq. (117), noneof them can generate the mass term for the fermions.Thus the masslessness of the fermions are protected bythe sfL PSG.

As for the second type of operators which change theflux, Hermele et al., 2004 appeal to a result in conformalfield theory which relates the scaling dimension of suchoperators to the eigenvalues of states on a sphere witha magnetic flux through the surface (Borokhov et al.,2002). This is easily bound by the ground state energyof 2N component Dirac fermions on the sphere whichclearly scale as N . Thus the creation of instantons isalso irrelevant for sufficiently large N .

As far as the monopole screening argument goes, thefallacy is that in that argument the fermions are first in-tegrated out completely in order to derive an effectiveaction for the field φ shown in eq. 154. Then renormal-ization group arguments generate a K (∂φ)2 term. How-

ever implicit in this procedure is the assumption thatthe fermions are rapidly varying variables compared withthe monopoles. The fact that the fermions are gaplessmakes this procedure unreliable. (One could say thatthe screening argument implicitly assumes mass genera-tion for the fermions.) A better approach is to renormal-ize the monopoles and the fermions on the same footing,i.e. let the infrared cutoff length scale for the fermion(Lf ) and the monopoles (Lm) to approach infinity witha fixed ratio, e.g. Lf /Lm = 1. In this case integrat-ing out the fermions down to scale Lf will produce aneffective action for the U (1) gauge field of the form

g(Lf )

16πf µvf µv

where the running coupling constant g(Lf ) ∼ Lf . Thisin turn generates an interaction between two monopolesseparated by a distance r which is of order g(Lf )/r. Tocalculate such an interaction, we should integrate out allthe fermions with wavelength less than r. We find the

interaction to be g(r)r ∼ r0, indicating a logarithmic in-

teraction between monopoles. Thus the logarithmic in-

teraction is constantly being rejuvenated and cannot bescreened. This can be cast into a normalization grouplanguage and we can see that the flow equation for thecoupling constant g is modified from the form used by(Herbut and Seradjah, 2003). The extra term leads tothe conclusion that the instanton fugacity scales to zeroand the instanton becomes irrelevant for N larger thana certain critical value.

To summarize, the ASL derived from the sfL ansatzcontain a quantum order characterized by the sfL PSGeq. (117). The sfL PSG forbids the mass term of thefermions. To capture such an effect, we must drop themass term in the self-energy in our calculation in thecontinuum model (Rantner and Wen, 2002). Ignoringthe mass term is a way to include the effects of PSGinto the continuum model. Similarly, we must ignore thescreening effect described by the K (∂φ)2 term when weconsider instantons. We are then assured that instantoneffects are irrelevant in the large N limits. So the ASLexists and is stable at least in the large N limit. Theinteracting gapless excitations in the ASL are protected

by the sfL PSG. It is well known that the symmetry canprotect gapless Nambu-Goldstone modes. The above ex-ample shows that the PSG and the associated quantumorder can also protect gapless excitations (Rantner andWen, 2002; Wen, 2002b; Wen and Zee, 2002).


Now we summarize how the gauge theory concepts wehave described may be applied to the high T c problem.The central observation is that high T c superconductiv-

ity emerges upon doping a Mott insulator. The antifer-romagnetic order of the Mott insulator disappears ratherrapidly and is replaced by the superconducting groundstate. The “normal” state above the superconductingtransition temperature exhibits many unusual propertieswhich we refer to as pseudogap behavior. How does onedescribe the simultaneous suppression of Neel order andthe emergence of the pseudogap and the superconduc-tor from the Mott insulator? The approach we take isto first understand the nature of a possible nonmagneticMott state at zero doping, the spin liquid state, whichnaturally becomes a singlet superconductor when doped.This is the central idea behind the RVB proposal (An-derson, 1987) and is summarized in Fig. 31. The idea isthat doping effectively frustrates the Neel order so thatthe system is pushed across the transition where the Neelorder is lost. In the real system the loss of Neel order mayproceed through complicated states, such as incommen-surate charge and spin order, stripes or inhomogeneouscharge segregation (Carlson et al., 2003). However, inthis direct approach the connection with superconductiv-ity is not al all clear. Instead it is conceptually useful toarrive at the superconducting state via a different path,starting from a spin liquid state. Recently, Senthil and

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AF ??









FIG. 31 a) Schematic zero temperature phase diagram show-ing the route between the antiferromagnetic Mott insulatorand the d-wave superconductor. The vertical axis is labeledby a parameter g which may be taken as a measure of thefrustration in the interaction between the spins in the Mottinsulator. AF represents the antiferromagnetically orderedstate. SL is a spin liquid insulator that could potentially bereached by increasing the frustration. The path taken by thecuprate materials as a function of doping x is shown in a thickdashed-dot line. The question marks represent regions wherethe physics is not clear at present. Doping the spin liquidnaturally leads to the dSC state. The idea behind the spinliquid approach is to regard the superconducting system atnon-zero x as resulting from doping the spin liquid as shownin the solid line, though this is not the path actually takenby the material. b) Same as in Fig. 31(a) but as a functionof chemical potential rather than hole doping.

Lee, 2004 have elaborated upon this point of view whichwe summarize below.

A. Spin liquid, quantum critical point and the pseudogap

It is instructive to consider the phase diagram as afunction of the chemical potential rather than the holedoping as shown in Fig. 31(b).

Consider any spin liquid Mott state that when dopedleads to a d-wave superconductor. As a function of chem-ical potential, there will then be a zero temperature phasetransition where the holes first enter the system. For con-creteness we will simply refer to this as the Mott tran-sition. The associated quantum critical fixed point willcontrol the physics in a finite non-zero range of param-eters. The various crossovers expected near such transi-tions are well-known and are shown in Fig. 32.

Sufficiently close to this zero temperature critical point


µMott spin


‘‘QC’’ FS

FIG. 32 Schematic phase diagram for a doping induced Motttransition between a spin liquid insulator and a d-wave super-conductor. The bold dot-dashed line is the path taken by asystem at hole density x that has a superconducting groundstate. The region marked FS represents the fluctuation regimeof the superconducting transition. The region marked QC isthe quantum critical region associated with the Mott criticalpoint. This region may be identified with the high tempera-ture pseudogap phase in the experiments.

many aspects of the physics will be universal. The regimein which such universal behavior is observed will be lim-ited by ‘cut-offs’ determined by microscopic parameters.In particular we may expect that the cutoff scale is pro-vided by an energy of a fraction of J (the exchange energyfor the spins in the Mott insulator). We note that thiscorresponds to a reasonably high temperature scale.

Now consider an underdoped cuprate material at fixeddoping x. Upon increasing the temperature this will fol-low a path in Fig.32 that is shown schematically. Theproperties of the system along this path may be usefullydiscussed in terms of the various crossover regimes. Inparticular it is clear that the ‘normal’ state above thesuperconducting transition is to be understood directlyas the finite temperature ‘quantum critical’ region asso-ciated with the Mott transition. Empirically this regioncorresponds to the pseudogap regime. Thus our assertionis that the pseudogap regime is controlled by the unstablezero temperature fixed point associated with the (Mott)transition to a Mott insulator.

What are the candidates for the spin liquid phase?There have been several proposals in the literature. Oneproposal is the dimer phase (Sachdev, 2003). Strictlyspeaking, this is a valence bond solid and not a spin liq-uid: it is a singlet state which breaks translational sym-metry. It has been shown by Read and Sachdev, 1990that within the large N Schwinger boson approach thedimer phase emerges upon disordering the Neel state.Sachdev and collaborators have shown that doping thedimer state produces a d-wave superconductor (Vojtaand Sachdev, 1999). However, such a superconductoralso inherits the dimer order and has a full gap to spinexcitations, at least for low doping. As we have seen inthis review, there are strong empirical evidence for gap-less nodal quasiparticles in the superconducting state.In our view, it is more natural to start with translation

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invariant spin liquid states which produce d-wave super-conductors with nodal quasiparticles when doped.

We see from Section X that the spin liquid states arerather exotic beasts in that their excitations are con-veniently described in terms of fractionalized spin 1/2“spinon” degrees of freedom. We discussed in SectionX.G that spin liquids are characterized by their lowenergy gauge group. Among spin liquids with nodal

fermionic spinons, two versions, the Z 2 and the U (1)spin liquids have bee proposed. The Z 2 gauge theorywas advocated by (Senthil and Fisher, 2000). It can beconsidered as growing out of the fermion pairing phaseof the U (1) mean field phase diagram shown in Fig. 21.The pairing of fermions ∆ij = f i↑f i↓−f i↓f i↑ breaks theU (1) gauge symmetry down to Z 2, i.e. only f → −f re-mains unbroken. One feature of this theory is that in thesuperconducting state hc/e vortices tend to have lowerenergy than hc/2e vortices, particularly at low doping.We saw in section IX.C that hc/2e vortices involve sup-pression of the pairing amplitude |∆ij| at the center andcost a large energy of order J . On the other hand, one

can form an hc/e vortice by winding the boson phaseby 2π, leaving the fermion pairing intact inside the core.Another way of describing this from the point of view of Z 2 gauge theory is that the hc/2e vortex necessarily in-volves the presence of a Z 2 gauge flux (called a vison bySenthil and Fisher) in its core. The finite energy cost of the Z 2 flux dominates in the low doping limit and raisesthe energy of the hc/2e vortices. Experimental proposalswere made (Senthil and Fisher, 2001b) to provide for acritical test of such a theory by detecting the vison ex-citation or by indirectly looking for signatures of stablehc/e vortices. To date, all such experiments have yieldednegative results and provided fairly tight bounds on thevison energy (Bonn et al., 2001).

We are then left with the U (1) spin liquid as the fi-nal candidate. The mean field basis of this state is thestaggered flux liquid state of the SU (2) mean field phasediagram (Fig. 22). The low energy theory of this stateconsists of fermions with massless Dirac spectra (nodalquasiparticles) interacting with a U (1) gauge field. Notethat this U (1) gauge field refers to the low energy gaugegroup and is not to be confused with the U (1) gauge the-ory in section IX, which refers to the high energy gaugegroup, in the nomenclature of section X.G. This theorywas treated in some detail in Section XI. This state hasenhanced (π, π) spin fluctuations but no long range Neelorder, and the ground states becomes a d-wave super-conductor when doped with holes. As we shall see, a lowenergy hc/2e vortex can be constructed, thus overcominga key difficulty of the Z 2 gauge theory. Furthermore, anobjection in the literature about the stability of the U (1)spin liquid has been overcome, at least for sufficientlylarge N (see section IX.F) It has also been argued bySenthil and Lee, 2004 that even if the physical spin 1/2case does not possess a stable U (1) liquid phase, it canexist as a critical state separating the Neel phase froma Z 2 spin liquid and may still have the desired property

of dominating the physics of the pseudogap and the su-perconducting states. An example of deconfinement ap-pearing at the critical point between two ordered phasesis recently pointed out by (Senthil et al., 2004).

In the next section we shall further explore the prop-erties of the U (1) spin liquid upon doping. We approachthe problem from the low temperature limit and workour way up in temperature. This regime is conveniently

described by a nonlinear σ-model effective theory.

B. σ-model effective theory and new collective modes inthe superconducting state

Here we attempt to reduce the large number of degreesof freedom in the partition function in eq. (132) to thefew which dominate the low energy physics. We shall ig-nore the amplitude fluctuations in the fermionic degree of freedom which are gapped on the scale of J . The bosonstend to Bose condense. We shall ignore the amplitudefluctuation and assume that its phase is slowly varyingon the fermionic scale, which is given by ξ = F /∆ in

space. In this case we can have an effective field the-ory (σ-model) description where the local boson phasesare the slow variables and the fermionic degrees of free-dom are assumed to follow them. We begin by picking a

mean field representation U (0)ij . The choice of the stag-

gered flux state U SF ij given by eq. (136) is most conve-

nient because U SF ij commutes with τ 3, making explicit

the residual U (1) gauge symmetry which corresponds to

a τ 3 rotation. Thus we choose U (0)ij = U SF ij eia


ijτ 3

and re-place the integral over U ij by an integral over the gauge

field a3ij . It should be noted that any U (0)ij which are re-

lated by SU (2) gauge transformation will give the same

result. At the mean field level, the bosons form a bandwith minima at Q0. Writing h = heiQ0·r, we expect hto be slowly varying in space and time. We transform tothe radial gauge, i.e. we write

hi = gi


, (155)

where bi can be taken as real and positive and gi is anSU (2) matrix parametrized by

gi =

zi1 −z∗i2zi2 z∗i1



zi1 = eiαie−iφi2 cos




zi2 = eiαieiφi2 sin


. (158)

We ignore the boson amplitude fluctuation and replacebi by a constant b0.

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An important feature of eq. (132) is that L2 is invari-ant under the SU (2) gauge transformation

hi = g†ihi (159)

ψi = g†iψi (160)

U ij = g†iU (0)ij g j (161)


a0iτ = g†a0iτ g − g

∂ τ g† . (162)

Starting from eq. (132) and making the above gaugetransformation, the partition function is integrated overgi instead of hi and the Lagrangian takes the form

L2 =





U †ijU ij

+ J


ψ†i U ijψ j + c.c.



∂ τ − ia0iτ

ψi +


−ia30i + µB






† jσf iσ (163)

We have removed the tilde from ψiσ, f iσ, a0 becausethese are integration variables and tij = tij/2. Note

that gi appears only in U ij. For every configurationgi(τ ), a3ij(τ ) we can, in principle, integrate out the

fermions and a0 to obtain an energy functional. This willconstitute the σ-model description. In practice, we canmake the slowly varying gi approximation and solve thelocal mean field equation for a0i. This is the approachtaken by Lee et al., 1998. Note that since gi appears

only in the fermionic Lagrangian via U ij in eq. (163), the

resulting energy functional is entirely fermionic in origin,and no longer has any bosonic contribution.The σ-model depends on gi(τ ), a3ij(τ ), i.e. it is char-

acterized by αi, θi, φi and the gauge field a3ij . αi is thefamiliar overall phase of the electron operator which be-comes half of the pairing phase in the superconductingstate. To help visualize the remaining dependence of free-dom, it is useful to introduce the local quantization axis

I i = z†iτ zi = (sin θi cos φi, sin θi sin φi, cos θi) (164)

Note that I i is independent of the overall phase αi, whichis the phase of the physical electron operator. Thendifferent orientations of I represent different mean fieldstates in the U (1) mean field theory. This is shown inFig. 33. For example, I pointing to the north pole cor-responds to gi = I and the staggered flux state. Thisstate has a30 = 0, a10 = a20 = 0 and has small Fermipockets. It also has orbital staggered currents aroundthe plaquettes. I pointing to the south pole correspondsto the degenerate staggered flux state whose staggeredpattern is shifted by one unit cell. On the other hand,when I is in the equator, it corresponds to a d-wave su-perconductor. Note that the angle φ is a gauge degree of

staggered flux

staggered flux




FIG. 33 The quantization axisI

in the SU (2) gauge the-ory. The north and south poles correspond to the staggeredflux phases with shifted orbital current patterns. All pointson the equators are equivalent and correspond to the d-wavesuperconductor. In the superconducting state one particulardirection is chosen on the equator. There are two important

collective modes. The θ modes correspond to fluctuations inthe polar angle δθ and the φ gauge mode to a spatially varyingfluctuation in δφ.

freedom and states with different φ anywhere along theequator are gauge equivalent. A general orientation of I corresponds to some combination of d-SC and s-flux.

At zero doping, all orientations of I are energeticallythe same. This symmetry is broken by doping, and the I vector has a small preference to lie on the equator. At lowtemperature, there is a phase transition to a state whereI lies on the equator, i.e. the d-SC ground state. It is

possible to carry out a small expansion about this stateand work out explicitly the collective modes (Lee andNagaosa, 2003). In an ordinary superconductor, thereis a single complex order parameter ∆ and we expectan amplitude mode and a phase mode. For a charged su-perconductor the phase mode is pushed up to the plasmafrequency and one is left with the amplitude mode only.In the gauge theory we have in addition to ∆ij the orderparameter χij . Thus it is natural to expect additionalcollective modes. From Fig. 33 we see that two modesare of special interest corresponding to small θ and φfluctuations. Physically the θ mode corresponds to lo-cal fluctuations of the s-flux states which generate localorbital current fluctuations. These currents generate a

small magnetic field (estimated to be ∼ 10 gauss) whichcouples to neutrons. Lee and Nagaosa, 2003 predict apeak in the neutron scattering cross-section at (π, π), atenergy just below 2∆0, where ∆0 is the maximum d-wavegap. This is in addition to the resonance mode discussedin section III.B which is purely spin fluctuation in ori-gin. The orbital origin of this mode can be distinguishedfrom the spin fluctuation by its distinct form factor (Hsuet al., 1991; Chakravarty et al., 2002a)

The φ mode is more subtle because φ is the phase of a

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Higgs field, i.e. it is part of the gauge degree of freedom.It turns out to correspond to a relative oscillation of theamplitudes of χij and ∆ij and is again most prominentat (π, π). Since |χij| couples to the bond density fluctu-ation, inelastic Raman scattering is the tool of choice tostudy this mode, once the technology reaches the requi-site 10 meV energy resolution. Lee and Nagaosa, 2003point out that due to the special nature of the buckled

layers in LSCO, this mode couples to photons and mayshow up as a transfer of spectral weight from a bucklingphonon to a higher frequency peak. Such a peak wasreported experimentally (Kuzmenko et al., 2003), but itis apparently not unique to LSCO as the theory wouldpredict, and hence its interpretation remains unclear atthis point.

From Fig. 33 it is clear that the σ-model representationof the SU (2) gauge theory is a useful way of parameter-izing the myriad U (1) mean field states which becomealmost degenerate for small doping. The low tempera-ture d − SC phase is the ordered phase of the σ-model,while in the high temperature limit we expect the I vec-tor to be disordered in space and time, to the point wherethe σ-mode approach fails and one crosses over to theSU (2) mean field description. The disordered phase of the σ-model then corresponds to the pseudogap phase.How does this phase transition take place? It turns outthat the destruction of superconducting order proceedsvia the usual route of BKT proliferation of vortices. Tosee how this comes about in the σ-model description, wehave to first understand the structure of vortices.

C. Vortex structure

The σ-model picture leads to a natural model for a low

energy hc/2e vortex Lee and Wen, 2001. It takes advan-tage of the existence of two kinds of bosons b1 and b2 withopposite gauge charges but the same coupling to electro-magnetic fields. Far away from the vortex core, |b1| = |b2|and b1 has constant phase while b2 winds its phase by 2πaround the vortex. As the core is approached |b2) mustvanish in order to avoid a divergent kinetic energy, asshown in Fig. 34(top). The quantization axis I providesa nice way to visualize this structure [Fig. 34(bottom)].It smoothly rotates to the north pole at the vortex core,indicating that at this level of approximation, the coreconsists of the staggered flux state. The azimuthal anglewinds by 2π as we go around the vortex. It is impor-

tant to remember that I parameterizes only the internalgauge degrees of freedom θ and φ and the winding of φby 2π is different from the usual winding of the overallphase α by π in an hc/2e vortex. To better understandthe phase winding we write down the following contin-uum model for the phase θ1, θ2 of b1 and b2, valid faraway from the core.

D =




(θ1 − a−A) + (θ2 + a−A)


+ · · · (165)

FIG. 34 Structure of the superconducting vortex. Top: b1 isconstant while b2 vanishes at the center and its phase windsby 2π. Bottom: The isospin quantization axis points to thenorth pole at the center and rotates towards the equatorialplane as one moves out radially. The pattern is rotationallysymmetric around the z axis.

where a stands for the continuum version of a3ij in the

last section, and A is the electromagnetic field (e/c has

been set to be unity). We now see that the hc/2e vor-tex must contain a half integer vortex of the a gaugeflux with an opposite sign. Then θ1 sees zero flux whileθ2 sees 2π flux, consistent with the windings chosen inFig.34. This vortex structure has low energy for small xbecause the fermion degrees of freedom remain gappedin the core and one does not pay the fermionic energyof order J as in the U (1) gauge theory. Physically, theabove description takes advantage of the states with al-most degenerate energies (in this case the staggered fluxstate) which is guaranteed by the SU (2) symmetry nearhalf filling. There is direct evidence from STM tunnelingthat the energy gap is preserved in the core (Maggio-Aprile et al., 1995; Pan et al., 2000). This is in contrastto theoretical expectations for conventional d-wave vor-tex cores, where a large resonance is expected to fill inthe gap in the tunneling spectra (Wang and MacDonald,1995).

We can clearly reverse the roles of b1 and b2 to pro-duce another vortex configuration which is degenerate inenergy. In this case I in Fig. 34 points to the south pole.These configurations are sometimes referred to merons(half of a hedgehog) and the two halves can tunnel to eachother via the appearance of instantons in space-time. Thetime scale of the tunneling event is difficult to estimate,but should be considerably less than J . Depending on thetime scale, the orbital current of the staggered flux statein the core generates a physical staggered magnetic fieldwhich may be experimentally observable by NMR (al-most static), µSR (intermediate time scale) and neutron(short time scale). The experiment must be performed ina large magnetic field so that a significant fraction of thearea consists of vortices and the signal of the staggeredfield should be proportional to H . A µSR experiment onunderdoped YBCO has detected such a field dependentsignal with a local field of ±18 gauss (Miller et al., 2002).However µSR is not able to determine whether the field

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has an orbital or spin origin and this experiment is onlysuggestive, but by no means definitive, proof of orbitalcurrents in the vortex core. In principle, neutron scat-tering is a more definitive probe, because one can usethe form factor to distinguish between orbital and spineffects. However, due to the small expected intensity,neutron scattering has so far not yielded any definite re-sults.

As discussed in section XI.E, we expect enhanced (π, π)fluctuations to be associated with the staggered flux liq-uid phase. Indeed, the s-flux liquid state is our route toNeel order and if gauge fluctuations are large, we mayexpect to have quasi-static Neel order inside the vor-tex core. Experimentally, there are reports of enhancedspin fluctuations in the vortex core by NMR experiments(Curro et al., 2000; Mitrovic et al., 2001; Mitrovic et al.,2003; Kakuyanagi et al., 2002). There are also reports of static incommensurate spin order forming a halo aroundthe vortex in the LSCO family (Kitano et al., 2000; Lakeet al., 2001; Lake et al., 2002; Khaykovich et al., 2002.One possibility is that these halos are the condensation

of pre-existing soft incommensurate modes known to ex-ist in LSCO, driven by quasi-static Neel order inside thecore. We emphasize the s-flux liquid state is our way of producing antiferromagnetic order starting from micro-scopies and hence is fully consistent with the appearanceof static or dynamical antiferromagnetism in the vortexcore. Our hope is that gauge fluctuations (including in-stanton effects) are sufficiently reduced in doped systemsto permit a glimpse of the staggered orbital current. Thedetection of such currently fluctuations will be a strongconfirmation of our approach.

Finally, we note that orbital current does not show updirectly in STM experiments, which are sensitive to thelocal density of states. However, Kishine et al., 2002 haveconsidered the possibility of interference between Wan-nier orbitals on neighboring lattice sites, which could leadto modulations of STM signals between lattice positions.STM experiments have detected 4×4 modulated patternsin the vortex core region and also in certain underdopedregions. Such patterns appear to require density modu-lations which are in addition to our vortex model.

D. Phase diagram

We can now construct a phase diagram of the under-doped cuprates starting from the d-wave superconductorground state at low temperatures. The vortex structureallows us to unify the σ-model picture with the conven-tional picture of the destruction of superconducting or-der in two dimensions, ie., the BKT transition via theunbinding of vortices. The σ-model contains in additionto the pairing phase 2α, the phases θ and φ. However, wesaw in section XII.C that a particular configuration of θand φ is favored in side the vortex core. The SU (2) gaugetheory provides a mechanism for cheap vortices which arenecessary for a BKT description, as discussed in section

(b) Nernst

(c) Pseudogap

(a) Superconductor

FIG. 35 Schematic picture of the quantization axis I in dif-ferent parts of the phase diagram shown in Fig. 18. (a) In thesuperconducting phase I is ordered in the x-y plane. (b) Inthe Nernst phase, I points to the north or south pole insidethe vortex core. (c) The pseudogap corresponds to a com-pletely disordered arrangement of I . (I is a three dimensionalvector and only a two dimensional projection is shown.)

V.B. If the core energy is too large, the system will be-have like a superconductor on any reasonable length scaleabove T BKT, which is not in accord with experiment. Onthe other hand, if the core energy is small compared with

T c, vortices will proliferate rapidly. They overlap andlose their identity. As discussed section V.B, there isstrong experimental evidence that vortices survive overa considerable temperature range above T c. Taken as awhole, these experiments require the vortex core energyto be cheap, but not too cheap, i.e. of the order of T c.Honerkamp and Lee, 2004 have attempted a microscopicmodeling of the proliferation of vortices. They assumean s-flux core and estimate the energy from projectedwavefunction calculations. They indeed found that thereis a large range of temperature above the BKT transi-tion where vortices grow in number but still maintaintheir identity. This forms a region in the phase diagram

which may be called the Nernst region shown in Fig. 18.The corresponding picture of the I vector fluctuation isshown in Fig. 35. Above the Nernst region the I vectoris strongly fluctuating and is almost isotopic. This is thestrongly disordered phase of the σ-model. The vorticeshave lost their identity and indeed the σ-model descrip-tion which assumes well defined phases of b1 and b2 beginto break down. Nevertheless, the energy gap associatedwith the fermions remains. This is the pseudogap part of the phase diagram in Fig. 18. In the SU (2) gauge theorythis is understood as the U (1) spin liquid. There is noorder parameter in the usual sense associated with thisphase, as all fluctuations including staggered orbital cur-rents and d-wave pairing become short range. Is there

a way to characterize this state of affairs other than theterm spin liquid? This question is addressed in the nextsection.

E. Signature of the spin liquid

Senthil and Lee, 2004 pointed out that if the pseudogapregion is controlled by the U (1) spin liquid fixed point, itis possible to characterize this region in a certain precise

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way. The spin liquid is a de-confined state, meaning thatinstantons are irrelevant. Then the U (1) gauge flux is aconserved quantity. Unfortunately, it is not clear how tocouple to this gauge flux using conventional probes. Wenote that the flux associated with the a3 gauge field isdifferent from the U (1) gauge flux considered in sectionIX, which had the meaning of spin chirality. In the casewhere the bosons are locally condensed and their local

phase well defined, it is possible to identify the gaugeflux in terms of the local phase variables. The gaugemagnetic field B is given by

B = (× a3)z


2n · ∂ xn × ∂ yn (166)


n = (sin θ cos α, sin θ sin α, cos θ) .

with θ and α defined in eq. (157). Note that the az-imuthal angle associated with n is now the pairing phase

α, in contrast with the vector I we considered earlier.The gauge flux is thus related to the local pairing ands-flux order as

B =1

2(nz ×α)z (167)

and it is easily checked that the vortex structure de-scribed in section XII.C contains a half integer gaugeflux.

In the superconducting state the gauge flux is localizedin the vortex core and fluctuations between ± half integervortices are possible via instantons, because the instan-ton action is finite. The superconductor is in a confined

phase as far as the U (1) gauge field is concerned. As thetemperature is raised towards the pseudogap phase thisgauge field leaks out of the vortex cores and begins tofluctuate more and more homogeneously.

The asymptotic conservation of the gauge flux at theMott transition fixed point potentially provides somepossibilities for its detection. At non-zero temperaturesin the non-superconducting regions, the flux conservationis only approximate (as the instanton fugacity is smallbut non-zero). Nevertheless at low enough temperaturethe conserved flux will propagate diffusively over a longrange of length and time scales. Thus there should be anextra diffusive mode that is present at low temperaturesin the non-superconducting state. It is however not clearhow to design a probe that will couple to this diffusivemode at present.

Alternately the vortex structure described above pro-vides a useful way to create and then detect the gaugeflux in the non-superconducting normal state. We willfirst describe this by ignoring the instantons completelyin the normal state. The effects of instantons will thenbe discussed.

Consider first a large disc of cuprate material whichis such that the doping level changes as a function of

FIG. 36 Structure of the sample needed for the proposedexperiment. The outer annulus (in dark blue) has the highestT c. The inner annulus (in light blue) has a smaller T c. Therest of the sample (in brown) has even smaller T c.

the radial distance from the center as shown in Fig. 36.The outermost annulus has the largest doping x1. Theinner annulus has a lower doping level x2. The rest of the sample is at a doping level x3 < x2 < x1. Thecorresponding transition temperatures T c1,2,3 will be suchthat T c3 < T c2 < T c1. We also imagine that the thickness∆Ro, ∆Ri of the outer and inner annuli are both muchsmaller than the penetration depth for the physical vectorpotential A. The penetration depth of the internal gaugefield a is expected to be small and we expect it will besmaller than ∆Ro, ∆Ri. We also imagine that the radius

of this inner annulus Ri is a substantial fraction of theradius Ro of the outer annulus.Now consider the following set of operations on such a

sample.(i) First cool in a magnetic field to a temperature T in

such that T c2 < T in < T c1. The outer ring will thengo superconducting while the rest of the sample staysnormal. In the presence of the field the outer ring willcondense into a state in which there is a net vorticity ongoing around the ring. We will be interested in the casewhere this net vorticity is an odd multiple of the basichc/2e vortex. If as assumed the physical penetrationdepth is much bigger than the thickness ∆Ro then thephysical magnetic flux enclosed by the ring will not bequantized.

(ii) Now consider turning off the external magneticfield. The vortex present in the outer superconductingring will stay (manifested as a small circulating persis-tent current) and will give rise to a small magnetic field.As explained above if the vorticity is odd, then it mustbe associated with a flux of the internal gauge field thatis ±π. This internal gauge flux must essentially all be inthe inner ‘normal’ region of the sample with very smallpenetration into the outer superconducting ring. It will

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spread out essentially evenly over the full inner region.

We have thus managed to create a configuration with anon-zero internal gauge flux in the non-superconductingstate.

(iii) How do we detect the presence of this internalgauge flux? For that imagine now cooling the sample fur-ther to a temperature T fin such that T c3 < T fin < T c2.Then the inner ring will also go superconducting. Thisis to be understood as the condensation of the two bosonspecies b1,2. But this condensation occurs in the presenceof some internal gauge flux. When the bosons b1,2 con-dense in the inner ring, they will do so in a manner thatquantizes the internal gauge flux enclosed by this innerring into an integer multiple of π. If as assumed the innerradius is a substantial fraction of the outer radius thenthe net internal gauge flux will prefer the quantized val-ues ±π rather than be zero (see below). However config-urations of the inner ring that enclose quantized internalgauge flux of ±π also necessarily contain a physical vor-tex that is an odd multiple of hc/2e. With the thicknessof the inner ring being smaller than the physical pen-

etration depth, most of the physical magnetic flux willescape. There will still be a small residual physical fluxdue to the current in the inner ring associated with theinduced vortex. This residual physical magnetic flux canthen be detected.

Note that the sign of the induced physical flux is inde-pendent of the sign of the initial magnetic field. Further-more the effect obtains only if the initial vorticity in theouter ring is odd. If on the other hand the initial vor-ticity is even the associated internal gauge flux is zero,and there will be no induced physical flux when the innerring goes superconducting.

The preceding discussion ignores any effects of instan-tons. In contrast to a bulk vortex in the superconductingstate the vortices in the set-up above have macroscopiccores. The internal gauge flux is therefore distributedover a region of macroscopic size. Consequently if in-stantons are irrelevant at long scales in the normal state,their rate may be expected to be small. At any non-zerotemperature (as in the proposed experiment) there willbe a non-zero instanton rate which will be small for smalltemperature.

When such instantons are allowed then the internalgauge flux created in the sample after step (ii) will fluc-tuate between the values +π and −π. However so longas the time required to form the physical vortex in step(iii), which we expect to be short electronic time scale,is much shorter than the inverse of the instanton ratewe expect that the effect will be seen. Since the coolingis assumed slow enough that the system always stays inequilibrium, the outcome of the experiment is determinedby thermodynamic considerations. Senthil and Lee, 2004estimated the energies of the various stages of the oper-ation and concluded that for sample diameters under amicron and sufficiently low temperatures (= 10 K), suchan experiment may be feasible.


In this review we have summarized a large body of work which views high temperature superconductivity asthe problem of doping of a Mott insulator. We have ar-gued that the t-J model, supplemented by t terms, con-tains the essence of the physics. We offer as evidence nu-merical work based on the projected trial wavefunctions,

which correctly predicts the d-wave pairing ground stateand a host of properties such as the superfluid densityand the quasiparticle spectral weight and dispersion. An-alytic theory hinges on the treatment of the constraint of no double occupation. The redundancy in the represen-tations used to enforce the constraint naturally leads tovarious gauge theories. We argue that with doping, thegauge theory may be in a deconfined phase, in which casethe slave-boson and fermion degrees of freedom, whichwere introduced as mathematical devices, take on a phys-ical meaning in that they are sensible starting points todescribe physical phenomena. However, even in the de-confined phase, the coupling to gauge fluctuations is still

of order unity and approximation schemes (such as largeN expansion) are needed to calculate physical proper-ties such as spin correlation and electron spectral func-tion. These results qualitatively capture the physics of the pseudogap phase, but certainly not at a quantitativelevel. Nevertheless, our picture of the vortex structureand how they proliferate gives us a reasonable account of the phase diagram and the onset of T c.

One direction of future research is to refine the treat-ment of the low energy effective model, i.e. fermions andbosons coupled to gauge fields, and attempt more de-tailed comparison with experiments such as photoemis-sion lineshapes, etc. On the other hand, it is worthwhile

to step back and take a broader perspective. What isreally new and striking about the high temperature su-perconductors is the strange “normal” metallic state forunderdoped samples. The carrier density is small andthe Fermi surface is broken up by the appearance of apseudogap near (0, π) and (π, 0), leaving a “Fermi arc”near the nodal points. All this happens without doublingof the unit cell via breaking translation or spin rotationsymmetry. How this state comes into being in a lightlydoped Mott insulator is the crux of the problem. We candistinguish between two classes of answers. The first, per-haps the more conventional one, postulates the existenceof a symmetry-breaking state which gaps the Fermi sur-face, and further assumes that thermal fluctuation pre-vents this state from ordering. A natural candidate forthe state is the superconducting state itself. However,it now appears that phase fluctuations of a supercon-ductor can explain the pseudogap phenomenon only overa relatively narrow temperature range, which we calledthe Nernst regime. Alternatively, a variety of competingstates which have nothing to do with superconductivityhave been proposed, often on a phenomenological level,to produce the pseudogap. We shall refer to this class of theory as “thermal” explanation of the pseudogap.

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A second class of answer, which we may dub the “quan-tum” explanation, proposes that the pseudogap is con-nected with a fundamentally new quantum state. Thus,despite its appearance at high temperatures, it is arguedthat it is a high frequency phenomenon which is best un-derstood quantum mechanically. The gauge theory re-viewed here belongs to this class, and views the pseu-dogap state as derived from a new state of matter, the

quantum spin liquid state. The spin liquid state is con-nected to the Neel state at half filling by confinement.At the same time, with doping a d-wave superconduct-ing ground state is naturally produced. We argue thatrather than following the route taken by the cuprate inthe laboratory of evolving directly from the antiferromag-net to the superconductor, it is better conceptually tostart from the spin liquid state and consider how AF andsuperconductivity develop from it. In this view the pseu-dogap is the closest we can get to obtaining a glimpse of the spin liquid which up to now is unstable in the squarelattice t-J model.

Is there a “smoking gun” signature to prove or dis-

prove the validity of this line of theory? Our approachis to make specific predictions as much as possible in thehope of stimulating experimental work. This is the rea-son we make special emphasis on the staggered flux liquidwith its orbital current fluctuations, because it is a uniquesignature which may be experimentally detectable. Ourpredictions range from new collective modes in the super-conducting state, to quasi-static order in the vortex core.Unfortunately the physical manifestation of the orbitalcurrent is a very weak magnetic field, which is difficultto detect, and to date we have not found experimentalverification. Besides orbital current, we also propose anexperiment involving flux generation in a special geome-try. This experiment addresses the fundamental issue of the quantum spin liquid as the origin of the pseudogapphase.

The pseudogap metallic state is so strange that at thebeginning, it is not clear if a microscopic description iseven possible. So the microscopic description providedby the SU (2) slave-boson theory, although still relativelyqualitative, represents important progress and leads tosome deep insights. A key finding is that the parent spinliquid is a new state of matter that cannot be describedby Landau’s symmetry breaking theory. The descriptionof the parent spin liquid, such as the SU (2) slave-bosontheory, must involve gauge theory. Even if one startswith an ordered phase and later uses quantum fluctua-tions to restore the symmetry, the resulting description of the symmetry restored state, if found, appears to alwayscontain gauge fields (Wu et al., 1998). Thus the appear-ance of the gauge field in the quantum description of thepseudogap metal is not a mathematical artifact of theslave-boson theory. It is a consequence of a new type of correlations in those states. The new type of correlationsrepresents a new type of order (Wen, 2002b), which makethose states different from the familiar states describedby Landau’s symmetry breaking theory.

From this perspective, the study of high temperaturesuperconductivity may have a much broader and deeperimpact than merely understanding high temperature su-perconductivity. Such a study is actually a study of newstates of matter. It represents our entry into a new excit-ing world that lies beyond Landau’s world of symmetrybreaking. Hopefully the new states of matter may be dis-covered in some materials other than high temperature

superconductors. The slave-boson theory and the result-ing gauge theory developed for high temperature super-conductivity may be useful for these new states of matteronce they are discovered in experiments. [Examples of these new states of matter have already been discoveredin many theoretical toy models (Kitaev, 2003; Moessnerand Sondhi, 2001; Balents et al., 2002; Wen, 2003c).] Atthe moment, gauge theory is the only known language todescribe this new state of affairs. We believe the intro-duction of this subject to condensed matter physics hasenriched the field and will lead to may interesting furtherdevelopments.


We would like to thank T. Senthil for many helpfuldiscussions. P.A.L. acknowledges support by NSF grantnumber DMR-0201069. N.N. acknowledges supportby Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research and NAREGINanoscence Project from the Ministry of Education, Cul-ture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. X.G.W.acknowledges support by NSF Grant No. DMR–01–23156, NSF-MRSEC Grant No. DMR–02–13282, andNFSC no. 10228408.


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