patient involvement group

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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Patient Involvement Group. November 2011. Agenda!. Welcome and Introductions What do we want from today’s meeting? Prescriptions Opening up How can we grow your group? (look at other PRG’s across the country and see what they are doing!) Update on Flu Season. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


November 2011

Patient Involvement Group

Agenda!1. Welcome and Introductions2. What do we want from today’s meeting?3. Prescriptions 4. Opening up 5. How can we grow your group? (look at other PRG’s

across the country and see what they are doing!)6. Update on Flu Season.7. Update on Medical Student Education in the

practice.8. Any thoughts on the Practice Leaflet.9. Update on “DNA’s” across the practice.10. The Patient Survey 2010-2011 – your thoughts on

questions for our next survey.11. Any Other Business?12. Next steps – scheduling our next meeting

Ground rulesThis meeting is NOT a forum for individual

complaints or personal issues.We advocate open and honest communication

and challenge between individualsWe will be flexible, listen, ask for help and

support each otherWe will demonstrate a commitment to

delivering results, as a groupSilence indicates agreement – please speak

up!All views are valid and will be listened toNo phones please or other disruptionsWe will start and finish on time and stick to

the agenda

How can we grow?How can we further advertise the group in

the community?Can we advertise it in our practice booklet?Examples of other groups:http://www.gps-


Top tips from other groups!


Flu Update

Last time we met we told you we had vaccinated 100 patients in the first clinic

We’ve now vaccinated 1090 patients and have around 400 vaccines left!

Medical StudentsWe’re full to the brim with both medical and

nursing students in the practice. Currently we have:

4 medical students in their 5th year of training 1 medical student in his 3rd year of training4 medical students in their 2nd year of training3 nurses in their second year of training

And we will shortly have both paramedic students and pharmacy students joining us too!

Attendance updatesWhen patients do not turn up to their

appointments at hospital or at the GP Surgery it is called a “DNA”. Which means “Did Not Attend”

October 2011 – 54 hours worth of DNAs

October 2010 – 56 hours worth of DNAs

Still incredibly high – but its moving in the right direction! We hope this is due to texting patients

Attendance updates As you know we put up posters advertising how patient patients

have DNA’d their appointment. We thought it had a good chance of working but came across a research study that stated…

“drawing attention to the frequency of unwanted behaviours often 'normalises' such behaviour and results in

a subsequent increase in its incidence. Secondly, these signs target the wrong patients because they will only be viewed by those who actually attend their appointments.”

So basically its better to put up signs that say “90% of appointments were attended”, rather than saying “one in every ten patients doesn’t turn up”

One GP practice adopted this method of putting up the number of appointments that were attended and their DNA’s reduced by a third over a 12month period! Should we change our signs to champion those who do

attend? Which method do you find most effective?

Our Patient Survey

The Patient Survey is a national questionnaire sent out to patients at each GP Surgery around the country.

A percentage of patients are selected from each practice and an analysis sheet is created based on their answers.

If practices get top results from the patient survey then they get an accolade from the PCT for quality services

How do you normally book your appointments to see a doctor or nurse at your GP surgery or health centre?

  % N

In person 24 69

By phone 91 258

By fax machine * *

Online * *

Digital TV * *

Doesn't apply * *

Total   283

In the past 6 months, how easy have you found the following: Getting through on the phone

  % N

Haven't tried 9 23

Very easy 41 110

Fairly easy 42 113

Not very easy 5 14

Not at all easy * *

Don't know * *

Total   269

In the past 6 months, how easy have you found the following: Speaking to a doctor on the phone

  % N

Haven't tried 45 108

Very easy 10 23

Fairly easy 11 26

Not very easy 10 25

Not at all easy 15 37

Don't know 10 23

Total   242

In the past 6 months, how easy have you found the following: Speaking to a nurse on the phone

  % N

Haven't tried 23 59

Very easy 30 76

Fairly easy 31 78

Not very easy 8 20

Not at all easy * *

Don't know 4 10

Total   252

In the past 6 months, how easy have you found the following: Getting test results on the phone

  % N

Haven't tried 36 88

Very easy 18 45

Fairly easy 16 38

Not very easy 7 17

Not at all easy 9 23

Don't know 14 33

Total   244

If you couldn't be seen within the next 2 weekdays the GP surgery or health centre was open, why was that?

  % N

No appointments 70 30

Time didn't suit me * *

I didn't want to see that doctor * *

I could have seen a nurse but I wanted to see a doctor 35 15

Appointment was at a different branch * *

Another reason * *

Can't remember * *

Total   43

Last time you tried to, were you able to get an appointment with a doctor more than 2 full weekdays in advance?

  % N

Yes 66 65

No 31 30

Can't remember * *

Total   98

In the reception area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist?

  % N

Yes, but I don't mind 57 159

Yes, and I am not happy about it 33 92

No, other patients can't overhear 5 13

Don't know 6 16

Total   280

How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP surgery or health centre?

  % N

Very helpful 55 153

Fairly helpful 38 106

Not very helpful 4 10

Not at all helpful * *

Total   277

What next?•When will our next meeting be?

•We will send you (either by post or by email) a copy of the meeting minutes

•Prior to us publishing the survey we will share the draft with you all and ask for your amendments.

•When we meet again we will share the patient feedback and start a plan of action!

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