pathogenetic studies in juvenile essential hypertension and...

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Role of oxidative stress and

gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system

Ph.D. thesis

Ferenc Papp M.D.


Sándor Túri M.D., D.Sc. and Csaba Bereczki M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Pediatrics,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged




List of publications Original papers directly related to the thesis I. F Papp, AL Friedman, Cs Bereczki, I Haszon, É Kiss, E Endreffy, S Túri. Renin-angiotensin gene polymorphism in children with uremia and essential hypertension. Pediatric Nephrology 2003; 18:150–154. [IF: 1.219] II. S Túri, A Friedman, Cs Bereczki, F Papp, J Kovács, E Karg, I Németh. Oxidative stress in juvenile essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 2003; 21:145–152. [IF: 3.572] Other papers related to the topic of the thesis Cs Bereczki, S Túri, I Németh, É Sallai, Cs Torday, E Nagy, I Haszon, F Papp. The roles of platelet function, thromboxane, blood lipids and nitric oxide in hypertension of children and adolescents. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2000; 62:293–297. [IF: 1.226] I Haszon, AL Friedman, F Papp, Cs Bereczki, S Baji, T Bodrogi, É Károly, E Endreffy, S Túri. ACE gene polymorphism and renal scarring in primary vesicoureteric reflux. Pediatric Nephrology 2002; 17:1027–1031. [IF: 1.420] I Haszon, F Papp, M Bors, Cs Bereczki, S Túri. Platelet aggregation, blood viscosity and serum lipids in hypertensive and obese children. European Journal of Pediatrics 2003; 162:385–390. [IF: 1.157] Túri S, Haszon I, Papp F, Bereczki Cs, Endreffy E, Németh I. A juvenilis esszenciális hypertonia patomechanizmusa. Hypertonia és Nephrologia 2001; 5:131–136. Papp F, Haszon I, Kovács J, Bors M, Németh I, Bereczki Cs, Túri S. Thrombocyta aggregáció, vér viszkozitás és szérum lipidek alakulása hipertóniás és obes gyermekekben. Transzfúzió 2004; 37:3–12.


Table of contents

List of publications ii

Abbreviations v


1.1. Epidemiology of essential hypertension and obesity in children 1


Pathogenetic factors in essential hypertension and obesity-induced hypertension


1.2.1. Oxidative stress 4

1.2.2. Oxidative stress in hypertension and obesity 5

1.2.3. Endothelial dysfunction 7


Genetic aspects of essential hypertension, gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system 11


Possible age-related differences in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension 13

1.3. Renal fibrosis, the role of angiotensin II 13



3.1. Clinical characteristics of the oxidative stress study population 18


Clinical characteristics of subjects in the genetic study of renin-angiotensin system



4.1. Biochemical methods 22

4.2. Determination of the renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms 24

4.3. Statistical analysis 26





Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in juvenile essential hypertension and obesity 35


Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system in juvenile essential hypertension and uremia 37




Appendix 53



Ang II angiotensin II

ACE angiotensin converting enzyme

ADPKD autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

APH acetylphenylhydrazine

AT1R angiotensin II type 1 receptor

AGT angiotensinogen gene

AGTR1 angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene

BH4 tetrahydrobiopterin

bp base pair

BP blood pressure

BMI body mass index

CAT catalase

CRF chronic renal failure

CV coefficient of variation

DBP diastolic blood pressure

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

ECM extracellular matrix

EH essential hypertension

eNOS endothelial nitric oxide synthase

ESRD end stage renal disease

ET-1 endothelin-1

FSGS focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

GPx glutathione peroxidase

GSH reduced glutathione

GSSG oxidized glutathione

H2O2 hydrogene peroxide


Hb hemoglobin

LPO lipid peroxidation

LVH left ventricular hypertrophy

MDA malondialdehyde

NADPH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

NO nitric oxide

NOS nitric oxide synthase

NOx sum of nitrite and nitrate

O2 ̄ superoxide

OH obesity-induced hypertension

OR odds ratio

PCR polymerase chain reaction

RAS renin-angiotensin system

RBC red blood cells

ROS reactive oxygen species

SBP systolic blood pressure

SOD superoxide dismutase

SNS sympathetic nervous system

TGF- transforming growth factor-

TxA2 thromboxane A2

VSMC vascular smooth muscle cells

XO xanthine oxidase



1.1. Epidemiology of essential hypertension and obesity in children

Essential hypertension (EH) is one of the most common disorders in adulthood and is the

leading cause of premature death among adults [1]. Previously it was believed that secondary

hypertension is the major form of childhood hypertension, but the clinical importance of

primary or EH in children, and especially in adolescents, has significantly increased in the last

decade which can be observed in the epidemiologic data. The increasing prevalence of

childhood high blood pressure (BP) has been reported in several studies and national surveys.

In the past, the estimated prevalence of childhood hypertension was 1–2%. Recent reports

indicate that hypertension now affects 3–5% of the whole pediatric population, and at least the

same percentage of children is in pre-hypertensive stage [2–6]. In a Hungarian population of

adolescents the prevalence of hypertension was 2.53% [7]. The global public health

significance of high BP in childhood as well as adolescence is based on observations that

confirm a strong tracking of BP levels from childhood to adulthood. Children with high

normal BP during adolescence have a greater tendency to develop hypertension during

adulthood [8]. Over the last decade many studies have provided supporting evidence that

hypertension associated vascular damage also develops in childhood, and many of the

hypertensive children do in fact present with hypertensive end organ damage such as left

ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) [9].

The increasing prevalence of high BP in children and adolescents is largely due to the

increase in prevalence of obesity all over the world. In the United States childhood obesity

has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and now

affects nearly 20% of the whole pediatric population. In 2010, more than one third of the

children and adolescents were overweight or obese [10]. According to the WHO European

Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008 report the same trend can be seen in Europe.

Data of 6–9-year-old children from 12 European countries were collected. The prevalence of

overweight (including obesity) ranged from 18.4% to 49%, and 4.6 to 26.6% of children were

actually obese [11].


In a large cross sectional survey performed in the period 2005–2006 the overall prevalence of

overweight and obesity among the Hungarian schoolchildren aged 11–16 years was found to

be 23.4% and 6.6% of the subjects were obese. Between the years 2001 and 2006, the

prevalence of overweight and obesity nearly doubled from 13% to 23.4% in this age group of

Hungarian adolescents [12].

Obesity is the primary risk for EH in children. The relationship between obesity and

hypertension in children has been reported in numerous studies targeting a variety of ethnic

and racial groups. All of these studies found higher BP and/or higher prevalence of

hypertension in obese compared with lean controls [13]. Sorof et al. reported that more than

one third of obese school children have abnormally elevated BP [5]. Apart from hypertension

obesity is associated with other cardiovascular risk factors, such as dyslipidemia, insulin

resistance, glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, LVH, and pulmonary hypertension.

Many of these outcomes of obesity may begin in childhood and adolescence [13].

1.2. Pathogenetic factors in essential hypertension and obesity-induced hypertension

Human EH is a multifactorial disorder, and many pathophysiological factors have been

implicated in its genesis (Table 1) [8, 14].

Obesity-induced hypertension or obesity hypertension (OH) is often considered a

special form of hypertension, but considerable evidence indicates that obesity is the most

common cause of EH. Hypertension and other obesity-related cardiovascular complications

are associated with visceral/abdominal adiposity. OH is a complex and multifactorial

condition. The pathophysiologic mechanisms whereby obesity causes hypertension have not

been fully elucidated. Abnormal kidney function is an important cause as well as consequence

of OH. Increased renal tubular sodium reabsorption and impaired pressure natriuresis play key

roles in the initiation of hypertension. Several mechanisms contribute to altered kidney

function and hypertension in obesity, but three of these mechanisms are especially important:

1) increased activity of the SNS, 2) the activation of the RAS, and 3) physical compression of

the kidneys by fat accumulation within and around the kidneys and by increased abdominal

pressure due to visceral fat. The activation of SNS appears to be mediated partly by the

increased levels of the adipocyte-derived hormone leptin, and the activation of the


hypothalamic leptin – pro-opiomelanocortin – melanocortin 4 receptor pathway.

Inflammatory cytokines and free fatty acids released from adipocytes, angiotensin II (Ang II),

and other factors have also been suggested as mediators of SNS activation in obesity. In

addition, hyperinsulinemia and/or insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, impaired endothelial

function, genetic and lifestyle factors may also be of significance in the pathophysiology of

OH [15–18].

Table 1. Pathogenetic factors of human essential hypertension

increased sympathetic nervous system activity

overproduction of sodium-retaining hormones and vasoconstrictors

long-term high sodium intake

increased or inappropriate renin secretion with resultant increased production of angiotensin II and aldosterone

deficiencies of vasodilators, such as nitric oxide, prostacyclin, and the natriuretic peptides and/or overproduction of vasoconstrictor endothelin-1

alterations in expression of the kallikrein-kinin system

abnormalities of resistance vessels

increased activity of vascular growth factors

alterations in adrenergic receptors

altered cellular ion transport

structural and functional abnormalities in the vasculature, including endothelial dysfunction, and vascular remodeling

oxidative stress


insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus


genetic factors

fetal programming

Hereinafter, the pathogenetic factors of EH and OH related to our investigations will be

discussed, namely oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and genetic predisposing factors.


1.2.1. Oxidative stress

In the course of normal aerobe cellular metabolism several highly reactive molecules are

generated. These reactive species are generally reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as

superoxide (O2̄ ), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical, as well as reactive nitrogen

species, e.g. peroxynitrite, which result from the cellular redox process and many of them are

free radicals. The primary sources of ROS include mitochondrial electron transport system

and various oxidase enzymes in the cell, and uncoupled nitric oxide synthase (NOS) among

others. Moreover, free radicals can be derived from exogenous sources such as environmental

toxins and cigarette smoke. It is important to note that while the excessive production of ROS

causes injury and dysfunction, the normal rate of ROS production is essential for various

physiological processes, such as gene expression, signal transduction, regulation of cell

growth and apoptosis, fetal development, and innate immunity [19–21]. Under normal

conditions, ROS and the byproducts of their reactions with various biomolecules are

converted to harmless molecules by the natural antioxidant system [20]. The antioxidant

defense system is a highly complex biochemical organization which consists of numerous

enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase

(GPx), and a large number of scavenger molecules, e.g. ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), alpha-

tocopherol (Vitamin E), glutathione, flavonoids, urate, and the like [21].

Oxidative stress is characterized by the imbalance between ROS production and

antioxidant defense capacity of the body. This can be the result of either increased ROS

generation, impaired antioxidant system, or the combination of both [20]. ROS are capable of

damaging all types of biomolecules, including nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. DNA

modification by ROS may be the initial step in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and aging.

Proteins may also be damaged by ROS thus leading to structural changes and loss of enzyme

activity. Oxidative degradation of lipids, called lipid peroxidation (LPO) affects many cellular

components, but the primary action-sites involve membrane associated polyunsaturated fatty

acids. The peroxidation of membrane associated fatty acids and cholesterol can alter cell

membrane fluidity and permeability, and may eventually induce membrane damage. LPO also

changes the low density lipoprotein to proatherogenic and proinflammatory forms [19, 22,



Further decomposition of peroxidized lipids results in a wide variety of harmful end-products,

such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and F2-isoprostanes. These products of LPO have

commonly been used to assess oxidative stress in vivo [23, 24].

Oxidative stress and ROS attack modify and denature functional and structural

molecules thus leading to tissue injury and dysfunction. Oxidative stress plays a role in

inflammation, accelerates aging and contributes to a variety of chronic and degenerative

conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, inflammatory diseases,

rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory and kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and

neurodegenerative diseases [21, 22].

1.2.2. Oxidative stress in hypertension and obesity

Oxidative stress in hypertension

The association between oxidative stress and hypertension has been extensively studied. Most

of the reports in animals as well as in humans demonstrate an increased oxidative stress in

hypertension. Vascular oxidative stress has been observed in spontaneously hypertensive rats

and various experimental animal models of hypertension. Increased ROS release from

isolated vessels of hypertensive animals has also been detected [25–27]. There is extensive

evidence concerning the increase of oxidative stress in human EH. Most of the studies using

non-specific markers of oxidative damage demonstrate an obvious connection between

oxidative stress and hypertension. Higher O2 ̄ and H2O2 production have been observed in

hypertensive subjects, which returned to levels observed in control subjects after BP

reduction. Increased LPO, and an imbalance in antioxidant status was reported in

hypertensive patients, suggesting that oxidative stress is important in the pathogenesis of EH.

Moreover, decrease in SOD and GPx activities have been demonstrated in newly diagnosed

and untreated hypertensive subjects, and SOD activity was inversely correlated with BP

within the hypertensive group [26]. In a study by Rodrigo et al., daytime systolic BP (SBP)

and diastolic BP (DBP) of hypertensive patients negatively correlated with plasma antioxidant

capacity, plasma vitamin C levels, erythrocyte activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT,

GPx), and erythrocyte reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio, showing a higher level of oxidative

stress in hypertensive subjects. They also reported that BP positively correlated with both


plasma and urine 8-isoprostane (8-iso-prostaglandin F2α) [28]. F2-isoprostanes are considered

the best available biomarkers of oxidative stress status and LPO in vivo [24]. In studies using

these highly specific markers the relationship between oxidative stress and hypertension is not

convincing. The urinary concentrations of F2-isoprostane were found to be the same in

subjects with mild to moderate untreated hypertension as well as in the normotensive control

group. In another study no difference has been observed in plasma and 24-h urinary F2-

isoprostanes in treated or untreated hypertensive subjects compared with normotensive

controls [26].

The casual role of oxidative stress in hypertension is supported by several observations.

Some studies in animal models of hypertension showed that the administration of

pharmacological doses of antioxidants may reduce BP [20]. However, the data from clinical

trials using antioxidants are less convincing, and most of them failed to show that the

supplementation of antioxidants reduces BP [26, 27]. Induction of oxidative stress has been

shown to cause hypertension in normal animals. Binding of Ang II to its type 1 receptor

(AT1R), results in ROS production via activation of NADPH oxidase in the kidney and

vasculature. The ROS production and hypertensive response to Ang II infusion is attenuated

by pharmacological inhibition of NADPH oxidase. These observations demonstrate the role

of ROS as a major mediator of the pressor action of Ang II [20]. Oxidative stress may

contribute to the generation and/or maintenance of hypertension by several mechanisms,

including damage to endothelial cells and endothelial dysfunction, damage to vascular smooth

muscle cells (VSMC), generation of vasoconstrictor LPO products, stimulation of

inflammation and growth signaling events [26].

Oxidative stress may not only be the cause, but also the consequence of hypertension.

Animal experiments clearly illustrate the role of high BP and shear stress in the generation of

vascular oxidative stress [20].

Although excessive production of ROS is the most common cause of oxidative stress in

hypertension, it is occasionally caused by the primary impairment of the antioxidant system as

it is seen in SOD deficient, therefore hypertensive mice. Moreover, the consumption of

antioxidant molecules and the inactivation of the antioxidant enzymes caused by permanent

oxidative stress can impair the antioxidant defense system and can enhance oxidative stress

itself [20].


Oxidative stress in obesity

Several studies provide evidence that obesity per se is associated with enhanced oxidative

stress. Keaney et al. reported that a relation between increasing BMI and increasing systemic

oxidant stress may be observed. Using the quantification of urinary F2-isoprostanes, it is

shown in nearly 3000 patients involved in the Framingham Heart Study that enhanced

isoprostane formation is strongly associated with increasing body mass index (BMI) [29]. In a

study by Furukawa et al., fat accumulation closely correlated with the plasma and urinary

LPO end-products. In addition, it was demonstrated that plasma adiponectin levels correlated

inversely with oxidative stress markers. These results suggest that fat accumulation itself

could increase systemic oxidative stress, and that increased oxidative stress in obesity might

relate to the dysregulated production of adipocytokines [30].

Multiple mechanisms may contribute to increased oxidative stress in obesity. A number

of ROS producing pathways are known to be perturbed in obesity. For example, RAS is

activated, and Ang II induces ROS production via the activation of NADPH oxidase, and it

also enhances lipoprotein oxidation. Moreover, obesity is also associated with reduced

antioxidant defense mechanisms, elevated systemic inflammation and activation of

coagulation cascades [31, 32]. The chronic over-nutrition in obesity itself can induce

oxidative stress. High caloric intake composed of glucose, lipid or protein causes an increase

in the generation of ROS by leukocytes. Lipid intake causes a prolonged increase in LPO

[26]. On the other hand, caloric restriction in the obese and fasting in normal subjects leads to

a marked reduction in ROS generation by leukocytes and other indexes of oxidative stress


1.2.3. Endothelial dysfunction

The endothelium plays a fundamental role in the regulation of vascular function as it produces

a large number of biologically active agents that participate in the regulation of vascular tone,

cell growth, inflammation, and thrombosis/hemostasis [34]. Vasoactive substances derived

from endothelium are vasodilators, among others nitric oxide (NO), and prostacyclin, or

vasoconstrictors, such as endothelin-1 (ET-1), Ang II, thromboxane A2 (TxA2), and ROS.


Other inflammatory modulators, adhesion molecules, chemokines, and factors with

hemostatic properties are also released by endothelium [35].

Primarily, endothelial dysfunction is characterized by impaired vasodilation to specific

stimuli or an imbalance between endothelium derived vasodilation and vasoconstriction,

resulting in reduced vasodilation [35–37]. In addition, it is also associated with a

proinflammatory and prothrombic state. The dysfunction of the vascular endothelium has

been implicated in the pathophysiology of various cardiovascular diseases, including

hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, peripheral artery disease,

diabetes, and chronic renal failure [35].

Multiple pathways are involved in the development of endothelial dysfunction; the main

are: reduced NO, oxidative stress, vasoactive peptides, and inflammation. NO is the key

endothelium-derived vasodilator that plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of vascular tone

and reactivity, and also opposes the actions of endothelium-derived vasoconstrictors.

Furthermore, it inhibits growth, inflammation, and aggregation of platelets [35, 36]. Not

surprisingly, that reduced NO in the vessel wall has a central role in the complex mechanism

of endothelial dysfunction. The reduction in NO may result from reduced endothelial NOS

activity (eNOS; the enzyme, which synthesizes NO from L-arginine, with the cofactor

tetrahydrobiopterin [BH4] in the endothelium) and/or decreased NO bioavailability [35].

Oxidative excess may cause NO reduction by different mechanisms. Probably the most

important is the inactivation of NO by ROS, which diminishes the amount of available NO,

while a cytotoxic oxidant, peroxynitrite is formed. Furthermore, in oxidative states, the

reduction in BH4 caused by ROS and peroxynitrite results in uncoupling of eNOS, which

leads to further ROS formation [35, 37]. The main sources of ROS implicated in the genesis

of endothelial dysfunction are NADPH oxidase, uncoupled eNOS, and xanthine oxidase (XO)

[38]. Moreover, oxidative stress induces proinflammatory and prothrombic state, and it is also

involved in the detachment and apoptosis of endothelial cells [35]. A relation between

oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, characterized by decreased NO has been

demonstrated in animal models as well as humans with hypertension and chronic renal failure

[39]. The oxidized end-products of NO are nitrite and nitrate, and the sum of their plasma

levels (NOx) are frequently used markers of NO bioavailability and endothelial function in

vivo [40, 41].


Vasoconstrictors, such as Ang II and ET-1 also have been implicated in the development of

hypertension and endothelial dysfunction. Pathogenic effects of these substances are partially

mediated by ROS production due to the activation of NADPH oxidase [34, 42]. Our previous

studies allude to the importance of vasoactive components in childhood EH. Increased in vitro

platelet aggregation and thromboxane B2 (stable degradation product of TxA2) levels were

observed in hypertensive children [43]. In a second study, the increased platelet aggregability

was also confirmed in non-obese and obese hypertensive children, and simultaneously,

decreased NO and depletion of plasma free thiols, – as the sign of oxidant injury – were

demonstrated in both groups of hypertensives [44]. Increase in platelet aggregation releases

TxA2, serotonin, and other mediators causing local vasoconstriction and further aggregation.

The major pathways of endothelial dysfunction focusing on the role of oxidative stress

and NO are summarized in Figure 1. The investigated markers of oxidative stress and

endothelial dysfunction in our study are also illustrated. O2 ̄ is generated by different enzymes

in the endothelial cells; the main are the NADPH oxidase, uncoupled eNOS and XO. NO is

synthetized from L-arginine by eNOS. The action of different vasoconstrictive factors, such as

Ang II, ET-1, cytokines, mechanical stretch is mainly mediated by the activation of NADPH

oxidase leading to O2 ̄ production, which can causes the constriction of VSMC, leads to further

vasoconstrictive peptide production (Ang II, ET-1) and inactivates NO resulting in

peroxynitrite formation. Peroxynitrite and oxidative excess lead to the uncoupling of eNOS.

The uncoupled eNOS has reductase function and produces ROS instead of NO, and

aggravates the oxidative damage. Reduction in NO caused by decreased eNOS activity (due

to ET-1 among others) and inactivation of NO by ROS results in impaired vasodilation,

increased platelet aggregation, and amplifies the inflammatory process. From aggregated

platelets TxA2, and other mediators are released causing vasoconstriction and further

aggregation. Oxidative stress induces proinflammatory and prothrombic state by the

upregulation of different endothelium-derived cytokines, chemokines and hemostatic factors,

leads to LPO and MDA production, and also enhances platelet aggregation. The imbalance

between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators, mainly between ROS as vasoconstrictors and NO

as vasodilator is a fundamental feature of endothelial dysfunction. Antioxidant mechanisms

are activated in the presence of oxidative stress; oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is formed from

reduced glutathione (GSH), O2 ̄ is transformed to H2O2 by SOD, which is neutralized by CAT


or GPx, and reduced plasma thiols (-SH) will be oxidized (-S-S-). Red blood cells (RBC)

circulate in the direct vicinity of the endothelial surface. Their membranes are permeable to

oxidants, therefore, antioxidants of the RBC are also activated. Decrease in end-products of

NO metabolism (NOx) is correlated to NO reduction in endothelial dysfunction.

Figure 1. Schematic figure of the major pathways of endothelial dysfunction. See the text for the

details. NO, nitric oxide; O2̄, superoxide; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; XO, xanthine

oxidase; Ang II, angiotensin II; ET-1, endothelin-1; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cells; ROS,

reactive oxygen species; TxA2, thromboxane A2; LPO, lipid peroxidation; MDA, malondialdehyde;

GSSG, oxidized glutathione; GSH, reduced glutathione; H2O2, hydrogen-peroxide; SOD, superoxide

dismutase; CAT, catalase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; -SH, reduced plasma thiols; -S-S-, oxidized

plasma thiols; RBC, red blood cells; NOx, NO end-products.


1.2.4. Genetic aspects of essential hypertension, gene polymorphisms of the renin-

angiotensin system

BP level is a complex trait resulting from both genetic and environmental factors. It is widely

accepted, that approximately 30–60% of the phenotypic variation in BP is determined by

genetic factors [45]. The common form of EH is a polygenic disorder. It means that the

development of hypertensive phenotype results from the effects of multiple genes and is

modulated by multiple environmental factors. There are two approaches for the genetic

dissections of complex and quantitative traits, such as EH: genome-wide scanning and

candidate gene approach, and both have specific advantages and disadvantages [46]. Most

published data on human EH arise from candidate gene studies. Many candidate genes have

been tested for association with BP and hypertension in case-control and sib pair linkage

studies with conflicting results.

Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system

Polymorphisms in genes of the RAS have been the most commonly studied as potential

genetic risk factors for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. The RAS is a

multienzyme, multilocale hormone system, which regulates blood pressure, as well as the

fluid and electrolyte balance, and also plays essential roles in several physiological and

pathological processes. Two forms of the RAS exist, the systemic/endocrine and local/tissue

RAS. The cascade of the RAS consists of two enzymatic steps: angiotensin I is cleaved from

angiotensinogen by the action of renin, which undergoes a second cleavage, mainly by tissue

angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) to generate Ang II, the main effector hormone of the

system, which acts primarily on AT1R resulting in aldosterone secretion from the adrenal

cortex and many other systemic and/or locally effects. Because the RAS is intimately

involved in the regulation of BP, a genetic variability in the degree of expression of its

proteins may account for variability in the BP or may play a role in mediating hypertension


The angiotensinogen gene (AGT) is located on 1q42, and consists of 5 exons. Molecular

variant of AGT gene encoding threonine (T) instead of methionine (M) at position 235

(M235T) in exon 2 has an influence on the angiotensinogen level. The T235 allele is


associated with higher angiotensinogen levels, which could theoretically translate into higher

Ang II levels and may lead to hypertension and other cardiovascular complications [48, 49].

The ACE gene is located on 17q23, and comprises 26 exons. The ACE gene

insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism is characterized by the presence (insertion) or absence

(deletion) of a 287-bp AluI-repeat sequence inside intron 16. I/D polymorphism is strongly

associated with variations in circulating and tissue ACE levels [47, 50–52]. The DD genotype

with higher tissue ACE levels would correspond to higher Ang II generation in the vascular

tissue leading to hypertension, and pathological cardiovascular states.

Most of the known actions of Ang II are mediated by the AT1R. The AT1R gene

(AGTR1) maps to 3q24, containing five exons. Several polymorphisms of the AT1R gene

have been identified. Polymorphism substituting cytosine (C) for adenine (A) at position

+1166 in the 3’-untranslated region (A1166C) was the only, which had significantly increased

frequency in hypertensive individuals. The physiological significance of this polymorphism is

uncertain [53].

The possible pathogenetic effects of gene polymorphisms of the RAS in hypertension

are presented and discussed in the Discussion chapter.

Other candidate genes for association with essential hypertension

Aldosterone, a major effector hormone of the systemic RAS, regulates the sodium and

potassium balance in the kidney, thus plays a fundamental role in the regulation of

extracellular volume. Gene encoding aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) has also emerged as a

candidate gene for hypertension [54]. Variations and mutations in a huge number of other

candidate genes, such as α-adducin, eNOS, ET-1, atrial natriuretic factor, β2-adrenergic

receptor, insulin receptor, and many others, have also been reported to be associated with EH

[8, 54]. For example, in a study published by our group, polymorphism of the ET-1 gene

(G5665T) was significantly associated with EH and particularly OH. The same association

was not detected in case of eNOS polymorphisms (T-786C promoter polymorphism and 4th

intron 27-bp repeat polymorphism) [55].


1.2.5. Possible age-related differences in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension

The pathogenesis of EH in children and adolescents bears a close resemblance to that of the

adults. The minor variations observed could mostly be due to the evolving nature of this

condition [8]. On the other hand, most of the pathogenetic studies, including genetic

association studies, have been performed in different hypertensive groups of adults.

Therefore, studies in the pediatric and adolescent age groups may help to point out the

possible age-related differences in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. According to

our supposition the effects of certain pathogenetic factors of EH compared to adults may be

stronger or weaker in children. Children are relatively free from the common environmental

and other risk factors (alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia)

contributing to hypertension. Therefore, we presume that the role of oxidative stress,

endothelial dysfunction, and genetic predisposing factors may be more important in the

occurrence of hypertension in children than in adults. In addition, lack of environmental and

cardiovascular risk factors which are mainly associated with hypertension in adulthood allows

a more precise investigation of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in the case of

hypertension of children and the alterations reflect hypertension only.

1.3. Renal fibrosis, the role of angiotensin II

Renal fibrosis or scarring, characterized by glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis,

is the final common manifestation of a wide variety of chronic kidney diseases, irrespectively

of the initial causes. The pathogenesis of renal fibrosis is a progressive process that clinically

leads to chronic renal failure (CRF), and ultimately to end stage renal disease (ESRD), a

devastating condition that requires dialysis or kidney transplantation [56].

Renal fibrosis represents a failed wound-healing response of the kidney tissue after

chronic, sustained injury, which leads to the excessive deposition of the extracellular matrix

(ECM) components. Briefly, activated kidney resident cells produce proinflammatory

cytokines, and for this signal inflammatory monocytes/macrophages and T cells infiltrate the

injured sites. Glomerular or interstitial infiltrated inflammatory cells become activated and

produce injurious molecules, such as ROS, as well as fibrogenic and inflammatory cytokines.


Then, fibrogenic or fibrosis-promoting factors activate the matrix producing effector cells

(glomerular mesangial cells, interstitial fibroblasts, and tubular epithelial cells, depending on

the nature and sites of injury) to produce interstitial matrix components. Several different

fibrogenic factors have been documented, but primary roles suggested transforming growth

factor-β (TGF-β), connective tissue growth factor, Ang II and ET-1. Among them TGF-β has

the highest significance, its induction appears to be a convergent pathway, that integrates

directly or indirectly the effects of many other fibrogenic factors. The activated cells produce

a large amount of ECM components; they are deposited in the extracellular compartment, and

are often crosslinked and become resistant to degradation. Defective matrix degradation

processes also contribute to ECM accumulation. Continuous deposition of ECM proteins

begins to have destructive effects on the kidney structure, fibrous scars are generated, leading

to the collapse of renal parenchyma and the loss of kidney function [56–58].

Angiotensin II in renal fibrosis

The role of Ang II in the pathogenesis of progressive kidney diseases is well established. In

experimental models of kidney damage renal RAS activation, cell proliferation, growth factor

upregulation and matrix production have been observed. Treatment with blockers of Ang II

actions prevents proteinuria, inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis, and retards disease

progression. Ang II could be involved in the fibrotic process in different ways. Ang II is not

only a vasoactive agent, it is also a renal growth factor that activates ECM producing cells,

increasing the expression and synthesis of ECM proteins, leading to glomerulosclerosis and

tubulointerstitial fibrosis. These effects seem to be mediated mainly by TGF-β. Ang II has

been shown to stimulate the TGF-β production of various cells, including renal tubular cells

and fibroblasts. The use of ACE inhibitors or AT1R antagonists in experimental models of

renal diseases reduces TGF-β production and attenuates renal fibrosis. In addition, Ang II

activates mononuclear cells and increases the production of proinflammatory mediators

(cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules), decreases matrix degradation, and may have

direct effect on collagen gene expression. Ang II is also capable of affecting renal

hemodynamics, increasing glomerular pressure and proteinuria, and enhancing

tubulointerstitial ischemia, which may contribute to fibrotic process [59, 60].


Gene polymorphisms of the RAS affect the tissue Ang II level in the kidney, and therefore

may have an influence on renal fibrogenesis [61]. This presumption has been studied in

different types of chronic kidney diseases, mainly in adults, but also in children. Some of

them showed a significant relation between genetic variants of the RAS and progressive loss

of renal function. Genetic association studies of the RAS gene polymorphisms in chronic

renal diseases will be reviewed in the Discussion chapter.



The aims of our investigations were 1) to recognize the presence of oxidative stress and the

related endothelial dysfunction in EH of adolescents (juvenile EH), BMI being taken into

consideration as a confounding factor, and 2) to determine the polymorphisms of the RAS

genes in adolescents with EH and patients with uremia. Thus, assessments were made of the

relationship between NO production via its end-products in the plasma (nitrite + nitrate, NOx)

and the usual indicators of oxidative stress: the levels of plasma peroxidation end-products

and free thiols. As a new parameter, the redox status of glutathione, and the glutathione

recycling capacity of the RBC were also measured in patients with juvenile EH compared

with normotensive controls with a similar BMI. In the genetic association study adolescents

with EH, and also pediatric and adult patients with ESRD were genotyped for the M235T

polymorphism of AGT gene, the I/D polymorphism of ACE gene and the A1166C

polymorphism of AT1R gene.

The main questions of the studies were the following:

Question 1.

Is there any relationship between blood pressure and body mass index?

Question 2.

Does nitric oxide production, which is characterized by plasma concentration of its end-

products (nitrite + nitrate), decrease in juvenile essential hypertension? Does it depend on

body mass index?

Question 3.

Can we observe an increased oxidative stress state in juvenile essential hypertension? Is there

any correlation between oxidative stress and blood pressure? Does the oxidative stress

correlate with body mass index in normotensive and hypertensive adolescents?


Question 4.

May the polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system genes have any influence on the

development of juvenile essential hypertension?

Question 5.

Is there any role of the renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms in the development of

end stage renal disease in children and adults?



3.1. Clinical characteristics of the oxidative stress study population

Fifty-two hypertensive patients (mean age 14.4 3.1 years, male/female 37/15) and

simultaneously, 48 age-matched control subjects (mean age 14.3 4.3 years, male/female

20/28) with normal BP were studied for the biochemical analysis of oxidative stress.

Hypertension was defined as a BP greater than the 95th percentile for age, gender and

height on three separate occasions at 5-min intervals at the time of enrolment [62]. Thereafter,

the diagnosis of hypertension was confirmed with ambulatory BP monitoring as 24-h SBP

and/or DBP mean values are equal to or greater than the 95th percentile of the age, height, and

sex-matched normal values [63]. An oscillometric ambulatory BP monitor (ABPM-04;

Meditech Kft., Budapest, Hungary) was used to record 24-h BP in hypertensive patients. BP

was registered automatically at 15-min intervals during the day and 30-min intervals during

the night. The measured values were analyzed by a computer (Medibase software) and shown

as 24-h systolic and diastolic means. Cases of endocrine, cardiological, neurological, renal,

and renovascular origin were excluded. Neither proteinuria (defined as > 300 mg/24-h urine)

nor any impairment in renal function (creatinine clearance < 80 ml/min per 1.73 m2) was

observed. The patients had not yet received any treatment. They kept a regular diet, with a

similar caloric intake and physical activity as the controls. None of them were smokers, as

controlled via the carbon monoxide hemoglobin concentrations. Blood samples were always

collected at the same time of the day (at 9:00 h). Twenty children were the offspring of treated

hypertensive parents.

The BMI (weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) was used

as a measure of ponderosity. According to their BMI both the hypertensive and the control

groups were divided into normal (< 25 kg/m2) and overweight (> 25 kg/m2) subgroups.

However, in order to acquire more information about the potential relation between the

weight status and the oxidative stress parameters, the results of the biochemical examinations

were analyzed and are also listed in the figures, as lean (BMI < 20 kg/m2), normal

(BMI = 20–25 kg/m2), overweight (BMI = 25–30 kg/m2) and obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2) groups.


Demographic data, physical characteristics and some metabolic parameters of the biochemical

study population are presented in Table 2. The concentrations of metabolic parameters

(plasma glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride) revealed similar increase in overweight/obese

subjects, both in the controls and in the patients with hypertension. Naturally, the BP values

were significantly higher in hypertensive patients as compared with their appropriate BMI

control groups (Table 2).

Table 2. Demographic data, physical characteristics and some metabolic parameters of

the biochemical study population, related to their body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)

Controls (n = 48)

Hypertensive patients (n = 52)

BMI < 25 (n = 26)

BMI > 25 (n = 22)

BMI < 25 (n = 28)

BMI > 25 (n = 24)

Age (years) 14.6 4.6 14.4 5.1 14.4 3.1 14.4 2.5

Sex (male/female) 13/13 14/8 18/10 19/5

Body weight (kg) 51 9 81 12 54 13 86 11

Height (m) 1.60 0.18 1.62 0.12 1.65 0.18 1.66 0.15

Hearth rate (beats/min) 69 12 75 18 71 16 81 11

Office SBP (mmHg) 112.6 5.1 118.4 5.3 153.4 9.7*** 154.4 9.6***

Office DBP (mmHg) 66.8 6.1 69.1 8.1 89.4 9.4*** 89.7 8.4***

24-h SBP (mmHg) – – 143.6 8.2 144.4 9.9

24-h DBP (mmHg) – – 80.6 6.1 79.4 9.4

Blood glucose (mmol/l) 4.13 0.33 4.51 0.21 4.08 0.22 4.68 0.38*

Cholesterol (mmol/l) 4.16 0.22 4.52 0.26* 4.23 0.37 4.55 0.24*

Triglycerides (mmol/l) 1.17 0.18 1.44 0.41 1.21 0.22 1.53 0.33*

Creatinine (μmol/l) 67 5 82 8 76 8 81 7

Data presented as mean standard deviation. SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood

pressure. ***P < 0.001 versus controls; *P < 0.05 versus BMI < 25.


3.2. Clinical characteristics of subjects in the genetic study of renin-angiotensin system

Thirty-five adolescents with EH (mean age 14.4 2.7 years, male/female 30/5), and 70

patients with ESRD (20 pediatric, mean age 14.9 ± 3.1 years, male/female 9/11 and 50 adult,

mean age 48.7 ± 18.7 years, male/female 23/27) were genotyped for RAS polymorphisms in

the genetic study. One hundred and thirty healthy randomly selected normotensive blood

donors from the blood bank of our university (mean age 34.9 8.1 years, male/female 66/64,

BP 117.9 ± 8.7/78.7 ± 8.5 mmHg) and 20 healthy children with normal BP from a school

screening program (mean age 13.2 1.2 years, male/female 10/10, BP 109 ± 6.5/71 ± 5.9

mmHg) were also studied as controls to determine the frequency of gene polymorphisms

within the population. No differences were observed regarding the genotype and allele

distributions between the pediatric and adult control groups, therefore the values have been

collected in one group as controls (n = 150). In the control group the genotype distribution is

consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

The diagnosis of hypertension was set up according to the same definition and clinical

evaluation protocol which we used in the biochemical study. All the hypertensive patients in

the genetic study had a BMI below 30 kg/m2, and normal serum cholesterol (< 5.2 mmol/l)

and triglyceride (< 1.7 mmol/l) levels.

In patients with ESRD, the hereditary nephrological diseases, myeloma multiplex, and

malignant disorders were excluded. The distribution of the original nephrological diagnoses in

the adult ESRD group was as follows: chronic pyelonephritis 31, IgA nephropathy 6, focal

segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) 5, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 6, rapidly

progressive glomerulonephritis 2. In the pediatric ESRD group the distribution was chronic

pyelonephritis with reflux nephropathy 12, tubulointerstitial nephritis 2, membrano-

proliferative glomerulonephritis 3, FSGS 2, and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 1.

ESRD patients were on routine bicarbonate hemodialysis (all patients were treated three times

per week, mean treatment time was 4.08 ± 0.59 h; Gambro dialysis machines were used). In

ESRD patients the mean concentrations of total serum cholesterol (5.5 ± 1.2 mmol/l) and

triglyceride (2.5 ± 0.7 mmol/l) were slightly above the laboratory references (normal

cholesterol < 5.2 and triglyceride < 1.7 mmol/l).


Demographic data, physical characteristics and some related metabolic parameters of the

hypertensive and ESRD patients in the genetic study are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Demographic data, physical characteristics and some metabolic parameters

of patient groups in the genetic study of renin-angiotensin system

ESRD patients (n = 70)


patients (n = 35) Pediatric

(n = 20) Adult

(n = 51)

Age (years) 14.4 2.7 14.9 ± 3.1 48.7 ± 18.7

Sex (male/female) 30/5 9/11 23/27

SBP (mmHg) 135.4 7.4 149.1 ± 24 139 ± 14

DBP (mmHg) 72.4 7.7 96.9 ± 12 91 ± 13

BMI (kg/m2) 25.3 2.7 –

Cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.9 0.5 5.5 ± 1.2*

Triglyceride (mmol/l) 1.1 0.4 2.5 ± 0.7*

Creatinine (μmol/l) 80 15.4 785 ± 129

Data presented as mean standard deviation. ESRD, end stage renal disease; SBP, systolic blood

pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BMI, body mass index. SBP and DBP values are

expressed as 24-h mean in hypertensive patients and single measurement mean, before

hemodialysis in ESRD patients. Serum cholesterol, triglyceride and creatinine were measured

before hemodialysis. *mild increase compared to the laboratory reference values (normal

cholesterol < 5.2 and triglyceride < 1.7 mmol/l).

The studies were previously approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Szeged.

Informed consent was obtained from the participants or from their parents.



4.1. Biochemical methods

Nitric oxide end-products in plasma (nitrite + nitrate, NOx)

NO reduction is considered the most important factor in the development of endothelial

dysfunction. NO is oxidized in the blood and tissues to form nitrite and nitrate. These end-

products are generally accepted markers of endogenous NO production. The plasma level of

the sum of nitrite and nitrate (NOx) is frequently used to assess NO bioavailability in vivo,

which reflects the degree of endothelial dysfunction in humans [40, 41].

Nitrite and nitrate were determined simultaneously by an anion-exchange high-

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method [64]. The Pharmacia LKB HPLC system

was used with a Variable Wavelength Ultraviolet Detector (at 210 nm). The within-day (intra-

assay) coefficient of variation (CV) for nitrate standards in pooled plasma ranged from 4.5%

for 25 mol/L to 2.5% for 50 mol/L (n 10). The day-to-day (inter-assay) variability was

5.2% for 25 mol/L and 3.5% for 50 mol/L (n 20).

Plasma lipid peroxides as malondialdehyde equivalents

LPO is the oxidative degeneration of lipids caused by ROS. In the course of this process a

number of by-products are generated, such as malondialdehyde (MDA), and they are

commonly used as oxidative stress markers [23, 24].

Plasma lipid peroxides were quantified as MDA-thiobarbituric acid adducts by the

HPLC method [65], using a 3.9 × 300mm Bondapak C18 (10 m) (Waters-Millipore Corp.,

Milford, Massachusetts, USA) reverse-phase HPLC column and a Variable Wavelength

Ultraviolet Detector (at 532 nm). The reproducibility of the results was evaluated by the

analyses of commercial quality-control serum. Replicate daily analyses yielded a CV of

12.1% at 1.19 mol/L (n 18), while the intra-assay CVs were below 8% (n 10).

Plasma free thiol groups

Thiols, such as glutathione, cysteine and homocysteine, are organosulfur compounds that

contain a carbon-bonded thiol (sulfhydryl) group. Among all the antioxidants that are


available in the body, intracellular and extracellular thiols constitute the major portion of the

total body antioxidants and they play a significant role in the defense against ROS. In the

plasma both free and protein-bound thiols are presented. The plasma level of free thiol groups

is a useful marker of oxidative stress; they correlate inversely with each other [66].

Plasma free thiol groups were assayed with 5,5-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) at

412 nm a molar extinction coefficient of 13 600 was used [67]. The values of both the inter-

and the intra-assay precision were similar to those reported by other authors, with CVs of

8.9% and 6.7% in the presence of 300 mol/L free thiol, as a GSH standard [67].

Biochemical analysis of the glutathione redox system

Glutathione tripeptide in its reduced state (GSH) is present in millimolar intracellular

concentrations, and provides antioxidant protection in all the cells of the body. In the presence

of oxidative stress GSH is converted to oxidized glutathione (glutathione disulfide, GSSG),

which is reduced back to GSH by the enzyme glutathione reductase using NADPH as an

electron donor. The GSH concentration in the plasma has previously been used as a marker of

oxidative stress in hypertensive patients [68].

Red blood cells (RBC), contain millimolar concentrations of GSH, and circulate in the

direct vicinity of the endothelial surface. Their membranes are permeable to oxidants and

therefore can provide antioxidant protection to their surroundings [69]. Inter-related enzyme

systems in the RBC function to achieve the efficient recycling of GSSG to GSH and to

provide the reducing equivalent, NADPH. Hence, GSH concentration, and the redox ratio

GSSG/GSH of the RBC can serve as a reliable parameter of the oxidative imbalance in

patients with endothelial dysfunction (GSH concentration decreases, while GSSG/GSH ratio


Highly sensitive and specific separate determinations of GSSG and GSH + GSSG

concentrations were carried out by a previously published method [70]. This is a combination

of standard methods [71] used after validation for accurate determination, especially of GSSG

values in the presence of much higher concentrations of GSH (more than 50 times), in the

presence of hemoglobin (Hb). The intra-assay and inter-assay variabilities of the assay, using

GSSG standard at 50 nmol/l, resulted in CVs of 3.5% (n = 10) and 5.8% (n = 20), respectively



The „GSH stability test” [72] was used to measure the recycling capacity of the RBC after an

in vitro oxidative stress. Acetylphenylhydrazine (APH) (0.33 mmol/l) was added to the whole

blood sample, together with sufficient glucose. Following incubation at 37 C for 60 min with

APH, RBC deficient in recycling, but not the normal RBC, suffer a marked fall in GSH level

[72]. This method of calibrated oxidative challenge was established by Beutler in order to

recognize patients with deficient glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase [72] and was proved to

be a sensitive biochemical marker of the oxidative susceptibility of the RBC both in

population studies and during infection [73, 74].

The proportions of carbon monoxide hemoglobin and methemoglobin, and the total

concentration of hemoglobin in the whole blood were measured with a Hemoximeter

(Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark) within 15 min after venipuncture.

4.2. Determination of renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms

Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes by a standard

phenol/chloroform method [75].

I/D polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene

The I/D polymorphism in intron 16 of the ACE gene was determined according to the

previously published method of Chiu and McCarthy [76] using polymerase chain reaction

(PCR). A forward primer (5’-CTGGAGACCACTCCCATCCTTTCT-3’), a reverse primer

(5’-TCGAGACCATCCCGGCTAAAAC-3’), and an insertion-specific primer (5’-GAT

GTGGCCATCACATTCGTCAGAT-3’) were used for the PCR. Amplification was carried

out in a 25 l reaction mixture containing 250 ng genomic DNA, 2 mM MgCl2, 50 mM KCl,

10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0), 0.1% Triton X-100, 5% dimethylsulfoxide, 0.2 mM of each dNTP,

25 pmol of each primer and 0.25 U Taq DNA polymerase. The amplification involved the

following steps: 5 min initial denaturation at 94 ºC, followed by 30 cycles of 1 min

denaturation at 94 ºC, 1 min annealing at 64 ºC, 1 min extension at 72 ºC, and then 10 min

final extension at 72 ºC. The samples were visualized after electrophoresis on a 2% agarose

gel with ethidium bromide staining. The DD genotypes were re-typed with the insertion

specific primer and the consensus (forward) primer.


M235T polymorphism of the angiotensinogen gene (AGT)

The M235T polymorphism in exon 2 of the AGT gene was detected by a single-step Light

Cycler technology published by Malin et al. [77] that uses a rapid PCR amplification followed

by the analysis of the melting behaviour of fluorophore-labeled hybridization probes. As a

reaction buffer in the PCR, the Light Cycler DNA Master Hybridization Probes 10× buffer

(Roche Molecular Biochemicals) with a final Mg2+ concentration of 4 mmol/L was used. PCR

was performed in a reaction volume of 20 l with 0.3 mol/L of each primer (5’-


the anchor and detection probes. The detection probe was labelled at the 3’ end with

fluorescein (5’-CCCTGAGTGGAGCCAGTG-X); the anchor probe was labelled with

LightCycler Red 640 at its 5’ end and modified at the 3’ end by phosphorylation to block

extension (5’-LC Red 640-GACAGCACCCTGGCTTTCAACAC-P). The PCR was

performed in a LightCycler instrument and included initial denaturation at 94 C for 45 sec,

followed by 50 cycles of denaturation (94 C for 0 sec, with a temperature transition rate of

20 C/sec), annealing (57 C for 5 sec, 20 C/sec), and single extension (72 C for 20 sec, 3

C/sec). After the amplification, the melting curve was recorded by cooling the reaction

mixture to 50 C for 3 min, and then by slowly raising the temperature to 85 C at 0.2 C/sec.

The fluorescence signal (F) was continuously monitored during the temperature ramp and

then plotted against the temperature (T) to obtain melting curves for the samples (F vs. T).

The melting curves were subsequently converted to derivative melting curves [–(dF/dT) vs.

T]. The melting peak of the samples homozygous for the M allele was at 63 C, whereas in

samples homozygous for the T allele, the melting peak was at 53 C. The heterozygous

samples contained both M and T alleles and produced both peaks.

A1166C polymorphism of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) gene

Determination of the A1166C polymorphism of the AT1 gene was also carried out with

LightCycler technology according to the M235T polymorphism detection (described above)

which was optimized for the analysis of A1166C polymorphism by us.

The same PCR reaction buffer with a final Mg2+ concentration of 3 mmol/L and 20 l

reaction volume with 0.4 mol/L of each primer (5’-ATCCACCAAGAAGCCT-3’ and 5’-

AAAGTCGGTTCAGTCCA-3’) and 0.2 mol/L of hybridization probes were used for the


PCR. The detection probe was labelled at the 3’ end with fluorescein (5’-

AGGAGCAAGAGAACATTCCTCTGCA-X) and the anchor probe with LightCycler Red

640 at its 5’ end and modified at the 3’ end by phosphorylation (5’-LC Red 640-

ACTTCACTACCAAAGTAGCCTTAGC-P). The amplification included an initial

denaturation at 94 C for 45 sec, followed by 50 cycles of denaturation at 94 C for 5 sec,

annealing at 57 C for 15 sec and single extension at 72 C for 25 sec. After the PCR the

melting curves were recorded by cooling the reaction mixture to 40 C for 2 min and then by

slowly raising the temperature to 85 C at 0.2 C/sec. The melting peaks of the AA and CC

genotypes were 61 C and 67 C.

4.3. Statistical analysis

Clinical data on the patients are reported as means ± standard deviations. The results of

biochemical analyses are shown in the figures as means ± standard errors. Statistical analyses

included both parametric (variance analysis, Tukey test and Students t test) and non-

parametric tests (Wilcoxon rank test, chi-square test) as appropriate. When the extent of

variance between pairs of groups differed significantly (P < 0.05 in the F test), we used the

Welch test (d probe) instead of the t test to compare the mean values. Correlations between

parameters were characterized by calculation of the linear regression and correlation

coefficients. The distribution of genotypes was expressed as percentage frequency and odds

ratio (OR) values were also calculated. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was

assessed by chi-square test with Yates correction. P less than 0.05 was considered significant

for all statistical tests.


5. RESULTS (according to the main questions of the studies)

Question 1. Is there any relationship between BP and BMI?

Result 1. In the hypertensive patients, the BMI displayed significant positive correlations with

both the SBP and the DBP (r = 0.581 and r = 0.542, respectively; n = 52, P < 0.001).

Question 2. Does NO production, which is characterized by plasma concentration of its

end-products (NOx), decrease in juvenile EH? Does it depend on BMI?

Result 2. High decreases in plasma NOx concentrations were only seen in hypertensive

patients with a normal body mass (BMI < 25 kg/m2) compared to the control subjects. In

overweight groups (BMI > 25 kg/m2) the NOx levels were somewhat, but not significantly,

lower, irrespectively of hypertension (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Plasma concentration of nitric oxide metabolites (nitrite + nitrate, NOx) in controls and

hypertensive patients, related to their body mass index (BMI), means ± standard errors. **P < 0.01

versus BMI-matched controls.


The plasma NOx concentration did not show significant correlations neither with BMI nor the

investigated parameters of oxidative stress.

Question 3. Can we observe an increased oxidative stress state in juvenile EH? Is there any

correlation between oxidative stress and BP? Does the oxidative stress correlate with BMI

in normotensive and hypertensive adolescents?

Result 3. The MDA concentrations were significantly higher only in case of overweight

hypertensive patients (BMI > 25 kg/m2) as compared with the levels of the BMI-matched

control subjects (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Plasma concentration of end-products of lipid peroxides (malondialdehyde, MDA) in

controls and hypertensive patients, related to their body mass index (BMI), means ± standard

errors. **P < 0.01 versus BMI-matched controls.


The concentrations of free thiols displayed a marked decrease in overweight normotensive

subjects, and a slight reduction in overweight hypertensive patients (Table 4), as a sensitive

sign of a moderate pro-oxidant state related to overweight state even without hypertension.

Table 4. Concentration of some metabolic parameters in control subjects and

hypertensive patients, related to their body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)

Controls (n = 48)

Hypertensive patients (n = 52)

BMI < 25 (n = 26)

BMI > 25 (n = 22)

BMI < 25 (n = 28)

BMI > 25 (n = 24)

Whole blood values

Total hemoglobin (mmol/l) 9.2 0.9 9.3 0.7 9.9 0.8* 9.8 0.7*

Carboxyhemoglobin (μmol/l) 144 43 165 57 158 63 179 78

Methemoglobin (μmol/l) 82 16 82 13 86 25 90 23

Oxidized glutathione (GSSG, nmol/g Hb) 9.5 2 11.4 3 12.5 3* 14.1 3

Plasma values

Free thiols (μmol/l) 215 35 181 24 209 38 199 30

Data presented as mean standard deviation. Hb, hemoglobin. *P < 0.05 versus BMI-matched

controls; P < 0.05, P < 0.001 versus BMI < 25.

The GSH levels were considerably decreased in hypertensive patients, irrespective of their

BMI (Figure 4a). After in vitro oxidant insult, there was a gradual decrease in the proportion

of residual GSH with increasing BMI, as a sign of the potential effects of certain metabolic

factors on the GSH stability. Nevertheless, a further significant fall in the residual GSH was

observed in the hypertensive non-obese patient groups (BMI < 30) as compared with the

BMI-matched control groups (Figure 4b).


The significant depletion of erythrocyte GSH in hypertensive patients with somewhat

increasing values of GSSG according to BMI (Table 4) resulted in a highly elevated redox

ratio GSSG/GSH in patients with hypertension as compared with the BMI-matched controls

(Figure 5a). However, there was not a significant direct relationship between the BP and


When the concentrations of LPO end-products (MDA) were related to those of NOx, a

highly significant increase was seen in hypertensive patients, with or without overweight

condition (Figure 5b). In addition, the ratios MDA/NOx proved to correlate significantly with

both the SBP and the DBP in the overall patient population (r = 0.525 and r = 0.492,

respectively; n = 100, P < 0.001). Age was not a significant covariate in this correlation. None

of the oxidative stress parameters correlated significantly with BMI.

Figure 4. Concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH) (a) and the proportion of GSH remaining

after in vitro oxidative stress with acetylphenylhydrazine (b) in the red blood cells of controls and

hypertensive patients, related to their body mass index (BMI), means ± standard errors. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus BMI-matched controls.


Figure 5. Ratios of oxidized/reduced glutathione (GSSG/GSH) (a) and lipid peroxides/nitric oxide

metabolites (MDA/NOx) (b) as parameters of oxidative stress in controls and hypertensive

patients, related to their body mass index (BMI), means ± standard errors. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus BMI-matched controls.


Question 4. May the polymorphisms of the RAS genes have any influence on the develop-

ment of juvenile EH?

Result 4. Genotype and allele frequencies for the polymorphisms of the RAS genes in

hypertensive patients are listed in Table 5 and Table 6. A significant increase in the

frequency of the MT genotype of the AGT gene was observed in juvenile EH (P < 0.02), the

OR was 2.9, respectively. The frequencies of the other AGT genotypes, and also frequencies

of all ACE and AT1R genotypes did not differ significantly in the hypertensive and control

group, only a weak non significant increase in the incidence of the II genotype of ACE gene

was seen. Furthermore, the same allele frequencies of the M235T polymorphism of AGT

gene, I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene, and A1166C polymorphism of the AT1R gene

were found in the hypertensive as well as the control group.

Table 5. Genotype frequencies (%) for the M235T polymorphism of the

angiotensinogen (AGT) gene, I/D polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme

(ACE) gene, and A1166C polymorphism of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R)

gene in hypertensive patients, and controls (OR, odds ratio)

Hypertensive patients (n = 35)

Gene polymorphism


n (%) OR

Controls (n = 150)

n (%)

MM 4 (12) 0.4 37 (25)

MT 26 (74)**

2.9 75 (50) AGT M235T

TT 5 (14) 0.5 38 (25)

II 12 (34) 1.8 34 (23)

ID 16 (46) 0.7 83 (55) ACE I/D

DD 7 (20) 0.9 33 (22)

AA 13 (37) 0.6 78 (51)

AC 20 (57) 1.6 67 (45) AT1R A1166C

CC 2 (6) 1.8 5 (4)

**P < 0.02


Table 6. Allele frequencies for the M235T polymorphism of the angiotensinogen

(AGT) gene, I/D polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene,

and A1166C polymorphism of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) gene in

hypertensive and end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, and controls

ESRD Gene polymorphism

Alleles Hypertensive patients (n = 35)

Pediatric (n = 20)

Adult (n = 50)

Controls (n = 150)

M 0.49 0.50 0.55 0.50 AGT M235T

T 0.51 0.50 0.45 0.50

I 0.56 0.35 0.47 0.50 ACE I/D

D 0.44 0.65* 0.53 0.50

A 0.69 0.78 0.72 0.75 AT1R A1166C

C 0.31 0.22 0.28 0.25

*P < 0.05

Question 5. Is there any role of the RAS gene polymorphisms in the development of ESRD?

Result 5. There was a significant increase in the frequency of the MT genotype of the AGT

gene in the group of pediatric ESRD patients (P < 0.02), the OR was 4.0, respectively. The

DD genotype of the ACE gene was over-represented in pediatric ESRD patients compared

with that of the control group (pediatric 45% versus controls 22%; P < 0.05). The OR was

2.9. In addition, a non-significant increase of the DD genotype frequency was found in the

adult ESRD group. The similar genotype distributions of the AT1R gene polymorphism were

observed in the ESRD and control groups. The slightly higher CC genotype frequency, which

we have found in adult ESRD patients compared to that of the control group, was not

significant (Table 7). Allele frequencies of the M235T polymorphism did not differ in

pediatric and adult patients with ESRD compared with the controls. Similarly, there was no

significant difference between the ESRD groups and the control group regarding the allele

frequencies of AT1R gene polymorphism. The D allele of the ACE gene was significantly

more frequent in the pediatric ESRD patients compared with the control subjects (P < 0.05)

(Table 6).


Table 7. Genotype frequencies (%) for the M235T polymorphism of the

angiotensinogen (AGT) gene, I/D polymorphism of the angiotensin converting enzyme

(ACE) gene, and A1166C polymorphism of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R)

gene in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, and controls (OR, odds ratio)


Pediatric (n = 20)

Adult (n = 50)

Gene polymorphism


n (%) OR n (%) OR

Controls (n = 150)

n (%)

MM 2 (10) 0.4 17 (34) 1.6 37 (25)

MT 16 (80)** 4.0 21 (42) 0.7 75 (50) AGT M235T

TT 2 (10) 0.3 12 (24) 0.9 38 (25)

II 3 (15) 0.6 11 (22) 1.0 34 (23)

ID 8 (40) 0.5 25 (50) 0.8 83 (55) ACE I/D

DD 9 (45)* 2.9 14 (28) 1.4 33 (22)

AA 11 (55) 1.1 26 (52) 1.0 78 (51)

AC 9 (45) 1.0 20 (40) 0.8 67 (45) AT1R A1166C

CC – – 4 (8) 2.5 5 (4)

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.02



6.1. Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in juvenile essential hypertension and


The BMI is a clinical indicator of overall body fat [78]. We used it as a definition of the mass

status based on height and weight, because these can be obtained with reasonable precision.

Comparisons of various weight-for-height indices for both adults and children have led to the

selection of the BMI as the most desirable parameter [79]. The BMI cut-off points in the

adolescent age group do not differ significantly from those of the adults; a value above 25

indicates overweight status, and one above 30 indicates obesity [79].

In our hypertensive patients, both the systolic and the diastolic BP correlated

significantly positively with the BMI, indicating that the weight status is a confounding factor

in the assessments of the potential relationship between oxidative stress and hypertension.

The positive correlations between the BP values and weight, BMI and height in childhood

were demonstrated by several studies in large populations of children, among others in

Hungarian adolescents [80].

Impairment of NO bioavailability, which is a major component of endothelial

dysfunction, plays an important role in the mechanism of hypertension [39]. Determination of

stable end-products of NO, nitrite and nitrate (NOx) in plasma is often used as an index of

systemic NO formation [40, 41], which reflects not only NO production and NOS activity, but

also NO quenching by ROS, therefore may allude to an oxidative stress state. Plasma NOx

level significantly decreased in hypertensive patients with normal BMI. In overweight

children, irrespectively of hypertension, a non-significant decrease in plasma NOx was

observed. In a previous study from our group a marked decrease was seen in plasma NOx in

non-obese and also in obese hypertensive patients [44]. These data suggest that endothelial

dysfunction, characterized by decreased plasma NOx may be a more important mechanism in

EH of lean patients than in OH, but the presence of endothelial dysfunction is detectable in

obesity and OH. Moreover, decrease in plasma NOx may be an indirect sign for the increased

oxidative stress in hypertensive and obese subjects.


In the present study, the concerted action of the mass status and hypertension was measured in

terms of the different biochemical parameters of oxidative stress. However, the results from

hypertensive patients, compared with BMI-matched control subjects, permit identification of

the differences resulting exclusively from the hypertensive state. As a sensitive sign of the

compromised antioxidant status the plasma level of free thiols was reduced in overweight

patients, even in case of those without hypertension. In contrast, a significant increase in the

end-products of lipid peroxides, in MDA concentrations, was observed only in cases

involving both hypertension and overweight state. However, the ratio MDA/NOx, as a

measure of the increase in LPO relative to NO, proved to be a useful marker of the link

between BP and oxidative stress, presenting a highly significant increase in hypertensive

patients irrespective of their BMI. The significant correlation between MDA/NOx and the

systolic and diastolic BP from a clinical point of view makes this parameter important.

In adult patients with uncontrolled EH, the levels of MDA were high, whereas those of

NOx were low [81]. When the ratio of lipid peroxides/NO was calculated, a far more

significant rise in the concentration of lipid peroxides as compared to NOx levels was noted

[81]. Our results in young hypertensive patients with a different mass status are in accordance

with the conclusion that the ratio MDA/NOx is a BMI-independent sensitive parameter of the

oxidative stress in childhood and adolescent hypertension. Additionally, the ratio was

normalized following the control of hypertension in the study of Kumar and Das [81]. Thus,

this ratio may be used as a relevant target for future clinical trials aimed at controlling the

effects of antioxidant or antihypertensive treatment in patients with juvenile EH.

However, an oxidative stress status irrespective of BMI was also consistently

manifested by a depleted GSH level and a pronounced GSH lability after APH loading in

hypertensive adolescents. Another marker of oxidative stress, the redox ratio GSSG/GSH in

RBC, also increased significantly in hypertensive patients, independent of their BMI.

Although GSH depletion was the predominant cause, a higher GSSG in overweight patients

had some influence as well. This could be the explanation for the absence of direct correlation

between the BP values and GSSG/GSH.

These findings prove the presence of increased oxidative stress in childhood EH. In

addition, a significantly positive correlation was observed between oxidative stress,

characterized by MDA/NOx ratio and BP. The extent of oxidative stress was not correlated


directly to BMI, but obese hypertensive patients exhibited a slightly more pronounced

alterations in oxidative stress parameters than hypertensive patients with normal BMI. A

compromised antioxidant status as the sign of increased oxidative stress was observed in

obese control subjects. Obesity per se is a pro-oxidant state, and may aggravate the oxidative

stress state if it is associated with hypertension.

The present study does not give an answer to the question of whether the oxidative

stress is the cause or consequence of hypertension. GSH depletion resulted in a perturbation

of the NO system and caused severe hypertension in normal animals [82]. The administration

of antioxidant vitamins ameliorated hypertension and improved the urinary nitrate-nitrite

excretion, supporting the notion that oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of this

experimental hypertension [82]. On the other hand, thiol supplementation with GSH, given by

intravenous infusion, selectively improved a human endothelial dysfunction by enhancing NO

activity [83]. Moreover, a GSH infusion caused a reduction of BP in adult hypertensive

patients [84].

In conclusion, an imbalance between the available NO and LPO end-products, with a

simultaneous alteration in the glutathione redox system of the RBC, was present in young

hypertensive patients, irrespective of their weight status. The population studied was

relatively small and rather heterogenous with regard to age. Thus, further studies are

warranted to clarify the relationship between the hormonal, SNS activity and the redox status

during the age of puberty.

6.2. Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system in juvenile essential

hypertension and uremia

Genetic association studies based on the comparison of genotype and allele distribution in

cases and controls are considered a useful approach in studying the role of candidate genes in

the development and progression of multifactorial diseases, such as hypertension, and other

cardiovascular or chronic renal diseases. Among the candidate genes, AGT, ACE and AT1R

genes of the RAS seem to be particularly biologically and clinically relevant to cardiovascular

and renal diseases [85].


Evidence has been suggesting that RAS and Ang II have a central role in the pathogenesis of

cardiovascular and chronic renal diseases, such as LVH and fibrosis, vascular media

hypertrophy or neointima formation, and structural alterations of the heart and the kidney [60,

86]. Therefore, genetic variants of the RAS, which have influence on the production or action

of Ang II, may have a pathogenetic role in these disorders.

Large numbers of association studies have been published about the possible role of

polymorphisms of the RAS genes in cardiovascular and renal diseases. The results are often

inconclusive and sometimes different studies may even be conflicting. The interpretation of

data is dependent on several aspects, for example the sample size, clinical and genetic

homogenity of the study population, definition and relevancy of the outcome, the role of

acquired and environmental factors [87]. All of these factors may have a significant influence

on the results and conclusions. The differences in the prevalence of a polymorphism between

various ethnic groups may also be an influential factor.

The distribution of the ACE gene polymorphisms in the Caucasian population is similar

in different European countries; with incidences of II, ID, and DD genotypes in Germany [88]

of 26%, 50%, and 27%, respectively; in France [89] of 22%, 51%, and 27%; in Sweden [90]

of 23%, 50%, and 27%. In the present study we accumulated data for the Hungarian

population (23%, 55%, 22%) that were in accordance with these studies. In Japanese [61] and

South Asian [91] control groups the incidence of II genotype was higher (41% and 39.8%,

respectively) than in the European population. In the United States it was lower, but the

incidence of DD genotype was higher than in the European countries [92].

In a large study of hypertensive siblings, a strong association was demonstrated between

M235T polymorphism of the AGT gene and hypertension, which was later confirmed in

patients with no family history of hypertension [93, 94]. In several other studies, the role of

M235T polymorphism was demonstrated in cardiovascular disorders and hypertension. These

reported that the TT genotype of AGT was associated with an increased risk of hypertension

and coronary heart disease [95, 96]. Theoretically, this polymorphism accounts for higher

angiotensinogen levels, which could translate into higher Ang II levels and may lead to

pathological changes in the cardiovascular tissues. This concept was confirmed by a case-

control study of Winkelmann et al., in which a higher plasma angiotensinogen levels were

linked to the number of T235 alleles and to elevated DBP. Furthermore, they observed a weak


association between the M235T variant and coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction

[48]. In contrast, Caulfield et al. failed to show an association between AGT gene

polymorphism and hypertension [97].

The results of Gumprecht et al. [98] suggest that the AGT gene M235T polymorphism

contributes to the increased risk for the development of CRF. The T235 allele was transmitted

more frequently to patients with CRF caused by interstitial nephritis. In type 2 diabetes an

association of AGT gene polymorphism with renal dysfunction and coronary heart disease

was also found [99]. T allele and TT genotype showed a significant association with

albuminuria in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes and Japanese children with IgA

nephropathy [100, 101]. Others were not able to confirm the role of this polymorphism in the

development or progression of chronic renal diseases [102–104]. A fairly conclusive meta-

analysis of the association of AGT gene M235T polymorphism with ESRD was published by

Zhou et al. based on sixteen literatures. T allele and TT genotype were associated with ESRD

susceptibility in Caucasians, which were not observed in overall populations, Asians and

Africans [105].

We did not demonstrate an increased frequency of the TT genotype in juvenile EH and

ESRD as expected from previous studies, but there was a significant increase in MT genotype

in the groups of EH and pediatric ESRD. It is conceivable, that the small number of patients

in these groups did not allow detection of an increased incidence of the TT genotype.

A study by Zee et al. [106] is the only report that demonstrates a positive association

between the ACE gene and hypertension. A higher frequency of I allele and lower frequency

of the DD genotype were found in adult hypertensive patients with a family history of

hypertension compared with normotensive subjects. Similarly, a weak, non significant

increase in the incidence of the II genotype, but normal frequencies of the ID and DD

genotypes were found in our adolescent essential hypertensive patients. Schunkert et al. [107]

and Iwai et al. [108] reported a positive association between DD genotype and LVH, but did

not identify a relationship between hypertension and ACE gene polymorphism. The relevance

of ACE I/D polymorphism in cardiovascular diseases was also showed by the ECTIM study

[109]. Subjects with DD genotype had an increased risk of myocardial infarction. Data from

Butler et al. suggest that DD genotype is associated with arterial dysfunction limited to NO

pathway [110].


We found an increased prevalence of the D allele and DD genotype in the pediatric ESRD

population, suggesting that certain pathogenetic mechanisms associated with the D allele

result in a faster progression of ESRD in pediatric kidney disorders. These results are in

accordance with those of the multicenter study of Hohenfellner et al. [111]. They found that

the ACE DD genotype is a significant risk factor for children with congenital renal

malformations associated with progressive CRF. Although hereditary renal diseases were

excluded from our study, reflux nephropathies associated with pyelonephritis were included.

The role of D allele and DD genotype in the progression of CRF has been demonstrated

in a large number of nephropathies of different origin. Ozen et al. found that the DD genotype

had a significant impact on renal scar formation in reflux nephropathy [112]. This association

was also confirmed in our study of patients with vesicoureteric reflux [113]. In a group of

children with FSGS homozygotes for the I allele were less likely to have progressive renal

disease than in case of patients with other genotypes (ID and DD), so the II genotype had a

protective, while the D allele had a detrimental effect on the outcome in this study [114].

Studies in IgA nephropathy showed that ACE genotype is a risk factor for the worsening of

nephropathy clinical course; patients with II genotype have more favorable prognosis than

those with ID and DD [115, 116]. The role of the D allele in progression of non-diabetic CRF

patients was confirmed by the study of Samuelson et al. [117]. The progression of CRF to

ESRD was faster in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)

who had DD genotype, compared with other genotypes [118]. The II genotype is protective

against the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy and is associated with a

slower progression of non-diabetic proteinuric kidney disease published in a review by

Ruggenenti et al. [87]. Our adult ESRD group showed a slight increase in DD genotype

frequency (OR = 1.4). The difference between pediatric and adult ESRD patients in DD

genotype frequency may be an explanation for the faster progression in the decline of renal

function. In contrast to our findings and studies cited above, others failed to demonstrate a

relationship between ACE I/D polymorphism and the progression of various chronic renal

diseases [102, 103, 119].

Most of the known actions of Ang II are mediated by the AT1R [53]. The functional

significance of the A1166C non-coding polymorphism of AT1R gene is uncertain, and its

influence on Ang II responsiveness is not confirmed. Nevertheless, studies have revealed an


association between this polymorphism and hypertension [120] and aortic stiffness in

hypertensive patients [121]. A significant association of the C1166 allele to essential

hypertension was confirmed by other studies [122, 123]. Moreover, a synergistic interaction

between the AT1R and ACE gene polymorphism on the risk of myocardial infarction was

demonstrated [124], but in the ECTIM study this genetic variant of AT1R did not affect the

risk of myocardial infarction [125]. In addition, other studies in Caucasian populations or in

Japanese persons were not able to demonstrate an obvious link between A1166C

polymorphism and hypertension [53]. An increased response to Ang II was observed in

isolated arteries from patients with CC genotype. This association suggests that the A1166C

polymorphism may alter Ang II responsiveness indirectly (mostly in linkage with a functional

mutation), which may explain the relation between this polymorphism and cardiovascular

abnormalities [126].

About the role of A1166C polymorphism of AT1R gene in chronic renal diseases

conflicting results were published, an association was found between this polymorphism and

renal function in diabetic nephropathy [99], but was not in IgA nephropathy [103] and

ADPKD [104].

We found a non-significant increase of the CC genotype in the groups of juvenile EH

and adult ESRD patients (the ORs were 1.8 and 2.5, respectively, P > 0.05). The frequency of

the AC genotype in hypertensive patients was higher (57%) compared with that of the control

group (45%), but it was not significant either.

In summary, there is no difference in the ACE genotype distribution between Hungarian

and other Caucasian populations. We conclude that the DD genotype of ACE was more

frequent in pediatric ESRD. This genotype, which is associated with higher circulating and

tissue ACE levels, could be a genetic risk factor for renal parenchymal destruction, renal

scarring, and the development of ESRD in children, independent of the original renal disease.

Furthermore, a significant increase was observed in the occurrence of AGT MT genotype in

the groups of hypertensive and pediatric ESRD. The role of the AT1R gene polymorphism in

juvenile EH and ESRD needs to be further investigated.



questions of the studies)

Conclusion 1. Obesity is directly related to blood pressure (BP) and hypertension. In

accordance to this statement, the body mass index (BMI) displayed significant positive

correlations with both the systolic and the diastolic BP in our hypertensive patients.

Conclusion 2. A significant decrease in plasma concentration of nitric oxide end-products

(NOx) was observed in hypertensive patients with normal BMI. In overweight hypertensive

patients and overweight control subjects the plasma concentration of NOx was also lower, but

not significantly. These findings suggest that endothelial dysfunction, characterized by

decreased plasma NOx, may be more important pathogenetic mechanism in the essential

hypertension (EH) of lean patients than in obesity-induced hypertension (OH), but the

presence of endothelial dysfunction is also detectable in obesity and OH.

Conclusion 3. Increased plasma concentration of lipid peroxides, as malondialdehyde (MDA)

and a slight decrease in free thiol groups in overweight hypertrensive patients, elevated ratio

of oxidized/reduced glutathione (GSSG/GSH) due to decreased GSH and increased GSSG

concentrations in red blood cells and increased ratio of lipid peroxides/nitric oxide end-

products (MDA/NOx) in all hypertensive groups provide strong evidence of the presence of

oxidative stress in juvenile EH. In addition, the oxidative stress, characterized by MDA/NOx

ratio showed a significant correlation with BP. Oxidative stress seemed to be more

pronounced in overweight hypertensive patients than in hypertensive patients with normal

BMI. The decrease of plasma free thiols and increase of red blood cell GSSG in normotensive

overweight children allude to the presence of oxidative stress in obesity, irrespectively of

hypertension. Our data suggest that oxidative stress may be a pathogenetic factor in juvenile

EH, including OH. Obesity per se is a pro-oxidant state, and may aggravate oxidative stress,

if associated with hypertension.


Conclusion 4. In adolescents with EH the frequency of MT genotype of angiotensinogen

(AGT) gene M235T polymorphism was higher than in the normotensive subjects, but no

increase in the frequencies of the TT genotype and T allele has been detected. Therefore, the

presence of the T allele is not an obvious risk factor for EH. In addition, we failed to demon-

strate any other association between the gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system

(RAS) and juvenile EH. We conclude that gene variants of the RAS have no significant

influence on the development of EH in adolescents. Clarification of the exact role of these

gene polymorphisms in juvenile EH needs further investigations in wider patient population.

Conclusion 5. I/D polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene and

M235T polymorphism of the AGT gene showed significant associations with pediatric end

stage renal disease (ESRD). The increased prevalence of the D allele and DD genotype was

demonstrated in this group of patients. The presence of the DD genotype could be a genetic

risk factor for renal parenchymal destruction, renal scarring, and the development of ESRD in

children, independent of the original renal disease. The MT genotype of AGT gene, which

was more frequent in pediatric ESRD, may contribute to the progression of CRF. These

genetic associations of pediatric ESRD were not established in adult patients.

Major findings of the thesis

I. The endothelial dysfunction may play a role in the pathogenesis of juvenile

essential hypertension, mainly in patients with normal body weight, but its

presence is also detectable in obesity and obesity-induced hypertension.

II. Increased oxidative stress state is observed in essential hypertension of adolescents,

irrespectively of the body weight. Obesity per se (without hypertension) is

associated with increased oxidative stress.

III. Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system have no significant influence

on the development of essential hypertension in adolescents.

IV. Some gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotension system (I/D polymorphism of

the ACE gene and M235T polymorphism of the angiotensinogen gene) may affect

the development of end stage renal disease in pediatric chronic kidney diseases.



I express my gratitude and thanks to Professor Sándor Túri, who introduced me to the

scientific and clinical fields of nephrology, guided my research activity, and supported me all

the way. I must really thank Dr. Csaba Bereczki for his guidance, scientific and clinical

advice and continuous support. I am truly grateful to Dr. Ibolya Haszon for the tremendous

help and encouragement over the years.

I would like to thank all my co-authors and co-workers who helped me in my laboratory

and clinical work, especially Dr. Emőke Endreffy, Dr. Ilona Németh, Dr. Eszter Karg, Dr.

Viktória Sümegi, Dr. Ákos Baráth, Dr. Péter Monostori, Dr. Gyula Wittmann, and Dr. Gábor

Rácz. I am grateful to the laboratory staff for their excellent technical assistance, especially to

Ildikó Csípő, Csilla Horváth, Ágota Fábiánné Nagy and Ilona Szécsi. I also greatly appreciate

the help of the staff of the Pediatric Dialysis Unit.

I am especially thankful for the support and useful advice of my colleague and friend

Dr. Balázs Gellén.

Without the persistent support, patience and help of my family, this work would not

have been possible.



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