pastor’s ponderings ordinationvolume 1, number 8 september 2012 carol bryant, editor pastor’s...

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Volume 1, Number 8 September 2012 Carol Bryant, Editor

Pastor’s Ponderings

It is my favorite time of year again! Schools start back, the evening get crisper, leaves turn color, motorcycles rides are longer, and there is an overall sense of “let’s get back to work.” The summer is associated with vacations. And, while not want-ing to sound like Scrooge, I wonder sometimes if we long for vacations so much because of dissatisfaction with our vocations? I am not talking about our “jobs” when I say “vocation” -- many of us are retired, in school, or not possessing a traditional job. But we all have a voca-tion! Our vocation is that which we are called by God to do. Vocation is from the Latin vocation- which means a call, summons. There is some unique, impor-tant and joyous call that God has summoned you to do. It is what grabs your heart. It may or may not be how you earn your livelihood. It provides benefit to others. You have a ball doing it. It brings glory to God and pleasure to you. And, if you do not answer your call, no one else can. Your call may be building projects for elderly people, sending cards to the homebound, posting positive mes-sages on Face book, leading children to see God’s pres-ence in nature, giving rides to those who cannot drive, being the neighborhood fix-it-uppers. It could be cook-ing, singing, dancing or hiking. It could be done in a church house, school house, and fire house or as far away from houses as possible. But whatever it is, it is yours! God gave us the calling and the necessary gifts (Romans 11.29). Now, summer’s over – let’s get back to work! It will be a blast! With you on the Journey, Pastor Tom

Post Office Box 2565 Forest, VA 24551

434 534-9355

The Rev. Dr. Tom Bryant, Pastor

ORDINATION Why “ordain”? The word ordain in the Bible refers to a setting in place or designation; for example, Joseph was “ordained” as a ruler in Egypt (Acts 7:10); the steward in Jesus’ parable was “ordained” to oversee a household (Matthew 24:45); deacons were “ordained” to serve the Jerusalem church (Acts 6:1-6); and pastors were “ordained” in each city in Crete (Titus 1:5). In none of these cases is the mode of or-dination specified, nor is any ceremony detailed; the “ordinations” are simply appointments. The word can even be used negatively, as an appointment to punishment (Luke 12:46). Acts 13 includes a good example of a ministerial appoint-ment: “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia” (vv. 2-4). In this passage, we note some key facts: 1) It is God Himself who calls the men to the ministry and qualifies them with gifts (Acts 20:28; Ephe-sians 4:11). 2) The members of the church recognize God’s clear leading and embrace it. 3) With prayer and fasting, the church lays hands on Paul and Barnabas to demonstrate their commissioning (cf. Acts 6:6; 1 Timothy 5:22). 4) God works through the church, as both the church and the Spirit are said to “send” the missionaries. In most Protestant churches, ordination to the pastoral office is the rite by which their various churches:

Recognize and confirm that an individual has been called by God to ministry

Acknowledges that the individual has gone through a period of discernment and training related to this call AND

Authorizes that individual to take on the office of ministry

Buckets of Blessings We are truly blessed, here, at the WELL and I am so grateful to be a part of this budding church. A great spirit of service and caring has been demon-strated over and over. Much appreciation goes out to every member and guest who has stepped-in to make things happen and to all who choose to join us in praise and fellowship. Carol Bryant and I have putting together the di-rectory and it is getting close to being completed. There will be a draft available in the foyer for you to edit as needed prior the finished product. If you chose to add a photo and plan on providing it yourself you may email it to me at and if you would prefer to have it taken at the church, set up a time with Carol when convenient. If you would like to be included in the directory and have not already provided your information, a form is available on the infor-mation table or can be sent by postal or email. Only basic contact information and photo, if de-sired, will part of the directory. For all who have brought items to help stock the kitchen, everything is most appreciated. We now have baking sheets, kitchen towels, crock pots, and thanks to Kim Thomas the café style tables in the foyer. They will be getting a fresh coat of paint and the padded chairs from the other build-ing will replace the plastic ones. I am looking for a suitable cleanable pattern for table cloths. With the success of the family fun day in July it occurred that the timing is right to plan a fall event, perhaps in October. I have a few ideas and am in search of some others to help plan and work. Of course, I expect it to be a lot of fun as well. Let me know if you want to be part of the event team or if you have any ideas. Smiles and blessings Glenda

Al Hill’s Corner This fall beginning September 9th, the first Sunday after Labor Day, we will begin a study on the work of the Holy Spirit. We will be using a book titled “DARE to BELIEVE”. This book is based on the life and teachings of Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947). Smith Wigglesworth was a plumber, an ordinary man leading an ordinary life, but when he accepted Jesus Christ into his life, he allowed Christ to make changes. The Holy Spirit used the life of this plumber to bring Christ to others in powerful ways. It is reported that he raised his wife from the dead three times. We will be challenged to DARE to BELIEVE. This study will strive to break new ground in each partici-pant’s spiritual journey. Through the teachings of this dynamic preacher, teacher, and healer who allowed himself to become a vessel of GOD’s supernatural power we will loosen the bonds that timid faith has wrapped around the power in Christ’s Gospel. The book is structured as 40 devotional readings with re-flections and applications to promote life application. The emphasis of the study is not to just learn more about GOD’s power, but to experience the empower-ment of GOD’s living, life-giving Holy Spirit.

Boredom is not an option.




Besides her magic in the kitchen, Glenda has gathered all the data together from us to create our church directory. Please be sure to ‘correct’ (if need be) the information on the sheets in the Foyer to be sure everything is right. Mailboxes are located in the kitchen with many open cubicles. We would love every family or individual to have a box. Please use this to share information and don’t forget to check your box often. If you would like a box, let Pastor Tom know. Alan Hill’s ordination service was August 19! Thank you for keeping that service in your prayers. We are in the midst of continuing to beautify our sanctuary. Check out the new lectern at the back, donated by Calvin Ashwell and finished by Bill Warman. We will also be painting and have other tasks ‘going!’ Contact Martha Cooper! Thank you TO CRAIG STEPHENS and (HIS) CREW for the bar-b-que grill.

PRAYERS LIST Sickness: Kaye Wilson Chad Ashwell—Calvin and Carolyn Ashwell Roy & Eva Winebarger Floyd Family Reba Stinnette Betty Evans Gene Anderson Richard Zello Linda & Brenda Sayer Sympathy: Family of Brenda Ballard Praise for: Birthdays Anniversaries A busy, active church…..The Well is alive and well with: A mini-concert by a harpist—Susan Al Hill’s Ordination—August New projects TWO Seniors have received graduation ‘Chairs” from The Well: Nina Ellington Grennon Brian Lee Everett

The Well Bible Studies—Beginning September 12 & 13 th

September 12 -Wednesday – 7:00 –

8:00pm - The Song of Songs September 13 -Thursday – 10:30 –

11:30am – The Song of Songs

Will be looking for you there. Coffee will be hot.

SERMON Schedule beginning in September


Music Notes Jon Williams Finding God in Unexpected Places I was chatting with some folks over breakfast at The Well about singing secular songs in church. I pointed out that sometimes you might need to change a lyric or two to make some suitable, of course.

The deeper thought, I suppose, is that God is every-where; sometimes you just have to look (and listen) for Him. That said, most of what you hear over the airwaves is anything but Godly, though there are a few selections that might be considered hymn-worthy (or dare I say, Him-worthy).

Most recently, Rod Stewart’s (originally Van Morrison's) familiar Have I Told You Lately That I Love You is one you've heard at The Well. Consider also this Morrison love song, which was the soundtrack for several movies:

Someone Like You (Van Morrison’s unedited lyrics)

I've been searching a long time For someone exactly like you I’ve been travelling all around the world Waiting for you to come through

Chorus: Someone like you makes it all worth while Someone like you keeps me satisfied Someone exactly like you I’ve been travelin' a hard road Lookin' for someone exactly like you I’ve been carryin' my heavy load Waiting for the light to come shining through Chorus

I’ve been doin' some soul searching To find out where you're at I’ve been up and down the highway In all kinds of foreign lands Chorus

I’ve been all around the world Marching to the beat of a different drum But just lately I have realized That the best is yet to come Chorus

So stay tuned with a Godly ear, and you just may be sur-prised by what you hear. Hey, that sounds like a song...

God’s Blessings to All, ~Jon

Breakfast at The Well

THE WELL CHURCH—BOARD Gail Everett, Tom Gough, Joan Palmer, Jennifer Reynolds, and Craig Stephens (CHAIR) Dr. Tom Bryant—Pastor

Jeff and Cyndi Peters & their Family put in the new walk-way to the pavilion. Thanks for the improve-ment.

The tents went up to offer shelter for the ‘free’ hot dogs given at the ONE DAY fun fest at The Well Church.

All articles were ‘given away’ freely. As Jesus gave freely for us we gave freely as well.

Nikki Humphrey and committee planned all ac-tivities including one day Bible ‘camp’ for the

Many participated in the games. The Everett Family showed us how!

Fun Fest Days are complete when children can have hay rides.

The only words we hear are: ‘YUMMM!!’ Thank you Glenda and helpers

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