paste7 classifie!» commissioners’ proceedings

Post on 17-Nov-2021






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THE. GLASGOW COURIERApril 16. 1942 Paste 7In tho \\V1, NW11 of S*»«*. 13 T. 28 N.. K. .39 E. M. M. whoso exterior homularios are doser I bod as lows: Beginning at a i hundred twenty (526) feet souther­ly from the northwest corner Sim*. 13 T. 2* V.. II. 39 K. M. M. and sixty (<j0> fiM't easterly from the w»*st boundary line of said Sis-. 13. tlienee running northerly, parallel to and sixty (#10) f«*«*t easterlv from the said west boundary line of S«s-. 13. five and eighty five hun­dredths (5.85) feet: t heure running easterly, parallel to the north boun­dary line of said Sis-. 13. sixty (60)

thenee running; southerly, parallel to and(120) fi*et easterly from the west boundary line of See. 13. five and eighty five hundredths (5.85) feet: Hu-nee running westerly, par­allel to and five hundred twenty (.*•20) feet sontherlv from the said north boundary line of See. sixty (0«t) feet to the point of be­ginning. and embracing 0.00S acres.

Chges.............................................................Charles Alley Rent Co. Chges. ..City Market Pr«»v. Co. Ilosp...........Vocatlonal Schools for Girls Care



COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGSCLASSIFIE!» For PublicationIn The District Court of the Seven­

teenth Judicial District of the State of Montana. In and for the Countv

of Valley.H. R. Hjorkluml. Clerk and Reorder

of Valley County, Montana.

fol- polnt five

S' » Co. Chges. . 10.85Northern Mont. College (’are Co.

Chge................................................................Mrs. Andrew L. Schuster Rent .. City of Glasgow Water Kree Lots

& Co. Ilosp...............................................Montana Home for Aged Care Co.

Chge................................................................Montana St. Tub. San. (’are Inva­

lids ...............................................................Glasgow Courier Sup. Welfare

Office ........................................................Westein Cn. Tel, Co. Telegrams

Welfare Itepf...........................................Lawrence Luke Rent ..........................Mrs. W. IL Schmitten Care Co.

ciigindustrial Accident Roanl Asses.*

of10.008.0»April 6. 1042

The board of County Commissioners met in regular session at 10 A. M. April »•. 1042 with all members of the board. \ C. Rrlggs. Carl Shellerud and Maurhv Arnold, present, together with th»* County Clerk &H. R RJorklund.

The minutes <> were r«*n«l and approved.

General fund claims and approved.

Rent ...........................................................Industrial Accident Hoard Asses

ments .........................................................Mont. Extension Serv. Sup ETxten-

Servi«*«» .......................................................lames K. MeGlbney Trav. Exp.

Agent .........................................................EToren«*e I*. ETlllott Trav. Exp.

I loin«» Demo. Agt...............................Western Cn. Tel. Co. Telegram*

Co. Extension ......................................Mt. Sts. Tele. & Tel. Co. Tel. &

Tolls. Co. Agt........................................


Ï Plaintiff.20.300.34 vs.Dan (*. leske and Jan»* Teske. hns

band and wife. Helen Teske Helvert ; .lohn 'I’eske and .lane

FOR SALE any part thereof. Defendants.6-inch well casing, have about 450 The State of Montana To The Above,

feet average length 20 feet, in ^^ir't.P'T^rehv »tn.n^e.f :tn an

good shape. awer the complaint in this action which j6-inch centrifugal pump with con- is filed in the office of the Clerk

nections and pipe. of this Court, a copy of which is here- |S-lnch centrifugal pump, with drive Hnsw,.r an„ wrV(. ... W|)V ,hpreof

shaft attachment. upon the plaintiff's attorney3-inch centrifugal pump, mounted on twenty days after the

4-wheei car frame, driven by 1928 summons, exclusive of the day of ser Chevrolet engine. Complete with I riee, ami in ease of your failure to heavy rubber hose and 4-inch foot hfÄ m"valve. relief demanded In the «‘omplaint. |

We have in stock all kinds of pipe This an ion is brought for the pur- connections and fittings; valves pose of procuring a tax deed f**om tin* should not be condemned for thefrom 1 .in to 6-inch Comity Treasurer of \ alley County, maintenance of a dike or levee to keep

Ritrht nnw nn hand snmp 900 feet •'bmtann. and (pileting title to the flood waters out of the City of Glaa-now on nano, some yuu leec lands and premise?« «l«*s»rlh»*d as foi- gmv. Montana.

Of 3-inch heavy tubing in 10-foot lows: The eoniplaint alleges that the onlylengths: also 1-inch pipe. SIV'i, See.». SK’l, Re«1. .*>, Twp. 37, „wrier or •laimant of the above de-

Good gasoline engines suitable for îîiJ.t*îi4,> ’v,,,,,,, "Tilled property is the defendant, pumping water. 2 Buicks and Hail- sir' :N itsr « M"Iil"1" ,n' K,'rst) M,,ran-Scott engine, complete with trans- È, m! m. mission and drive shaft.

MIDWAY MERC New Deal, Mont.

11.73 i-n.itiiI




Doe Teske, husband and wife, the Cnknown heirs of Hen Teske. deeeased. the Cnknown «levlsees InknownQuarter: North Half of the South west Quarter S«*e. Seventeen. T ship Thirty-One, North Range Forty five E. M. M. : Champlin Impie & Motor Co.,Nason: John Yager, husband and wife; Margaret L. Ridgeway ; John W. Albers: Will­iam Ridgeway Smith and Jam* D« Smith, husband and Diieholm and John wife and husband:(Shedd and John Doe and husband: Thomas and Jane Doe Harris, husband and wife: Louise W.Doe Taylor, wife Miehael D. Tierney, a single man: The Cnknown Heirs of Phillip OI- inger. deceased: Th«* Cnknown De­visees of Phillip Olinger, diseased: The Cnknown Owners of the North­east Quarter of Seetion Thirty, Town­ship Twenty-nine North Range Forty. The West Half of the Southwest Quarter, Seetion Seven, the West Half of the Northwest Quarter, Sec­tion eighteen Township Twenty-nine North. Range Forty-one K. M. M.; Gert hide Hrann and John Doe Brano. wife and husband; Andrew Foley. Receiver of the Glasgow National Hank: Julia M. Goodhue and John Dm* Goodhue, wife and husband; James II. Quinn and Hattie A. Quinn, husband and wife: Caroline Deist and John Doe Deist, wife and hus­band: Mary Nybakken Johnson,sain«* person as Margot Johnson, a widow: Frank Cherney and Jane Doe Cherney. husband and wife: and

other persons claiming any Interest in. and Hen upon the real property hereinafter described or any part thereof, and N County Montana.

32.81)l reorder,1

14.4346.96f the previous session of Hen Teske, dts*cas<*d. the f the Sont (leastI'.m.66hundred twenty

saidvere e|u*eked

yon. and to file 20.00upon11.00#.I N KRAI. MM) SALARIES

sheriff ................ * 1ST.30der sheriff .......... 130.00

Hinsdale dep. slier

.......... 107.00I thl ii service of this ET. I

Hugh Horton Win. I*raid»s

Iff ................O. P*

IffHenry Kalsiad Pr

Iff ...........................Rudolph Kwy jailor ....................Mrs. Nora Muiuford treasurer .. 106.66Stehen Weher dep. (Teas................. 137.30Kver«*tt Meliierney clerk, tr«*as. . Audrey Johns

Mepher* FAIR Fl NDFarm«*rs I’nlon Oil Co. Ma«li. Sup.$ 31.73Monarch Lhr. Co. Material ............ 168.66Pl«m«*«*r Lhr. Yard Supplies .......... 177.73

MISCFLI AN FOI S FI NDS H'*ll Solberg High S”hool Transp.$ 13.00 David Sauskojus High S«*h«»ol

Transp. Fund. .Edmund

Sehool Transp. Fund ..................... 43.30Mrs. Walt M«*Cnin High School

sp. Fund ....August Knapp High Sehool Transp.


•nlcorporation, n. It.

Yager and MarthaThe Courier reserves the

right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy

Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In the regular rlasslfled section and those received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In the “Too Late to Classify” section.

Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Courier*will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion.

Advertising orders for Irreg­ular insertions taken at the one-time rate:

6.72•ntDept. Public Welfare Co. Portion

Welfare Exp................J. A. Holland Ambuh

Hurlais ..........................Lern» »ne Henderson Clerk.

Welfare ........................................The board agreed to cancel contract

as follows ;Joe Reboiila— Lots 4 and 3. Hloek

13. Ophelni J. M. Thm*ny

... 100.60 ......... 1132.6013.I•‘>■011 Nashua dep. sher- *«• F «v

62.30 .......... 133.00r dep. sher- wlfe: Freda

Doe Diieholui. Josephine D.

Shedd, wife Harris

more or less. 41.66.00 . . . 10.00G«*r«paeher High. . . 137.30

:«.0033.33clerk. I reas. .. 120.00

Arthur Parke clerk, treas.................. 13.3,3.3H. R. Hiorklund clerk A r«*eor«b*r 166.66Frank Dep. Clk.................... 137.30J. F. Hoffman Den. Clk..................... 137.30Mavis N’.vl.akken Clerk. Co. Clerk 96.60 Jasper C. DeDiddsdeer Cb*rk.

Co. Clerk .........A. Jerome Wall Supt. Schools .. 166.66 Ella Hammerness Dept. Supt.

Schools ..........................................A. G. It nice Co. Assessor .............. 130.00EM Hodapp Dep. Assessor ............ 137.30Hlauclie Grotjan Clerk of Court.. 130.00 Arthur A. Oslund St«*no., court .. 160.60 Thos. R. Marron County Atty.... 73.00 Lois Wilson Steno. Co. Atty. ... 100.00 Dr. N. (>. Agneherg Co. Ib*alth

Gffb*er ....Anton Rasmussen Janitor ............ 123.00W, J. Conafser Ass’t Janitor ... 100.00


Taylor an«l John ami husband:

Lotfeet of Lot 11. Hloek 2. Ke Glasgow.

L. M. Ha Main—Lots 2 Lots 1.

20. Range 38.The hoaril adjourned at 3 p. M.

H. R. Hjorkluml. Clerk

10. East 2 s Addition,

3, 4. S«*e.

31.66Hoke Treas. Trust Flin«l

(Refund) ...Albin Pet«*r«on Motor V«*h. Tax

Fund (R«*fund) .................................R. Hopwood Pump. Water

Ä Hinsdale L & W Fund .... 60.00Hopwood's Gas Ble<*. Serv. HI ns.

L Ä- W E’umI ........................................ •*••-» \nri| S 104*»

Tlr Ä IWr f °- ,,i"s- '■ J-«,1 Thi- hoard of Commixxlonora ion-T* • VE'/■'' ' V.,;.' , 'ened at 10 a. M. April Srh pur-T i * ° °r ‘ 11 .... aiiant to adjournment taken at r. J-.' -300 T,l‘' priHii'flod to soil lax

»1 . UnoLn" Viiwi "l'««:" V-noVl ' " lai111 in TO T<I ÎI0 <V With ailVfr-Alox Mo?an l.aml I-oaao Hinil ,is„|Po "r K°'tan ’ ï.ai.d ' lioaâd Sale, .proved woro aa follows :

Fond ( Rofnnd) .............. 10.40 XKSK. VdionN 2. ' TownX

Joss Hoko land I.oaso Fund 41 to Iv„. Ktlhrnial) $240'(Hofnnd) .......... ........... 4s.oo K'.,VW, Soction •.*:!, Township 29.

H""> Um I.and I.oaso 1 und ' ISantro 41-Vio t’hornov S4.MI.(Uonind) ......................................... 20.S01 , , o :i - SWVF VI4SW St.n .. ,;f'0tR»r^n>'n_SA'-AR,KS*-,m N'Vl ^- ''o'1 x Township C itant

î«r- «ô , ........................™ o. noison. 'r ' I[, c!rrl' n l'iil .r i............ -Snn s'v «*H-elon lit. Township :!0. ItansoUr. 1. !.. (ih kroll. Iltnsdalo .... [ ^ | s 4 s\VsK. So.1. 24 Township

fi K. N K RAI. RKI.IEK: CASH «RANTS: | »0. Rjio. a». — lîoorzo Hanoliiilli *2*0.William J. Alborts ...............................S 20.00Mrs. Metfa Hridg«*« ....Claude Burger ...................Mary Anna Chaffee..........George Coryell ...................Adrian Dam man ..............Millie Davis ........................EHir.abetli EJInson ............

. . .. 2KS.00 iWitness my hand and the seal of

! said Court this 4th day of April. NE'i. SK’i NW^4 j> im*)

SELL EH* SWQ. See. 11, Twp. 36. * BLANCHE GROTJAN.N., Rge. 41, EL M. M. _ t (Court Seal) Clerk.

SVj NKQ, NWH NEH. E1-^ NWV», John M. Kline and John Marriott NET1 i SW’j. NVf, SELL Se<*. 33, Twp. Kline Glasgow. Montana. Attorneys 85. N.. Rge. 40. K. M. M. fMr the IMolntlff.

NUSWli. SHNWS. Se<*. 14. N^SKH.Sw*. 15, Twp. 33. N. Rge. 44). SI MMONS

B. M. M. E’or l*nl>licatlonWH* Sec*. 20 Twp. 34 N Rge. 43, E,. M. jn the District Court of the Seven­

teenth Judicial District of the State SETH. See. 1, NET>L See. 12. Twp. ,.4, of Montana, in and for the County

N. Rg«*. 41. ET. M. M. of Valley.NH* Se«*. 23. Twp. 34. N. Rge. 40. ||. R. Hjorklund. Clerk and Recorder

E. M. M. of Valley County. Montana. Plaintiff,SWH. SWHNWV«. See. 12. SEViNWM.

NViNWVL See. 13. Twp. 30. N. Rge. 42, The P.ank of Glenc E. M. M.

W.SEH. SWHSEH. SVjNELL Lots 1,1 2. See. !.. Twp. 36. N. Rge. 42. SW«, !SW’L See. 33, Twp. 37, N. Rge. 42, iK. M. M. ,

Witness My hand and seal of said jcourt this .’îôlh «lay of March, A. D.. | Co.: I*. E*. Gestrav: Kathryn V. Mil­

ler: Laura Hoyje ; Alton J. Heck. (Mayton J. Beck, E'rancls II. H«*k, Robert H«M*k. Marian P.eck. Nelson

Edwin Heck. Evelyn H«*ck.! Anna Olson, a widow: John A. Mc- ! P*ra«Iy and Jane Doe McHrady. hus­

band and wife: Amlrew Payne and Nellie Payne, husband ami wife: Peter Tronnes: Clara J. Heavens and W. ET. Heavens, wife and husband:Montana I’tillty Co., a corporation:Mildred Taylor. E'loy it Tayl«»r and E’ranels Taylor: The’ State of Mon­tana: C. ET. Wright and Jane Doe Wright, husband ami wife: Oswald o, Waber and Jan«* Doe Wab«*r. hus­band and wife; Lillian Tanner: ETIla Hillington: Glen <irant ami ETlsa Grant, husband and wife: Albert H. Shortriilge and Jan«» Doe Short ridge, h us(»and and wlf«*: Jon«*s-Harrison Horn«*, a corporation: W. A. Brown. Superintendent an«l ex-offlelo liquid­ating offl«*er of closed hanks in the State of Montana : Alfred Lee and

i Martha Lee. husband and wife: Ar- i thur I.«*e anti Jane Do** Leo. husband 1 ami wife: ETuIalie Winter, (’has. Ster-

rett. Jack Sterrett. the Cnknown Heirs of Mary H. Sterrett. deceased ; the Cnknown Devisees of Mary H.

j Sterrett, d«*cea»ed: the Cnknown I Owners of the S«)iithwest Quarter of

tt r> ni-.», „„.i oanAr.ior ’ the Northwest, the Northwest Quar-* i PlTimiff i t4*r of the Southwest, the Southeastof Galley County. Montana, 1 lalntiff,j Qliartor 0f ,hf. Northeast Quarter, the

^n o u-i/iu.u-• i:,««« f* I Northeast Quarter of the Southeast

nndr'»wrvn,... FrS,ÎTt..rsnnS I Somimast ' QnaîtPr sî^tlnn Thl?

C I elers«»n. Laur n n> | ty two. Township Thirty-two. North.Gl«*n c. Peterson. Phillip O. human |i«nire K«.rfv-lhr.v ci/r-i«« KnKtnd an.l Rose Dora Edman. husband ami n uMdow Tennlel eeWlson • N«.ri «vif.;; PPtPV Filmai, and I.yMin KHman i ,t?,?,y TÏawï of Vah

,,rîl!n;l,.’ni- w!'r‘‘ I-y County. Montana: anil all other■i!uV,b,jr°T'n'!i Ï.-V offii io ! persons elainiinz any interest in, anil

intenilenl of Hanks ■tnil »■* » . lien upon the real property thereinIi4|iiid:iting officer «*f «dosed banks ft smv nart tlu*r«>ofin the State of Montana: Freilriek part

I!. an.l Jane Poe Swanaon, T|]l, Sf of j,on(ana ,f> Abovehnshaml an.l wife; Ihe hirst Nation- Nnin(.,| in.fen.lanls, (Jreetinzs:al Hank of Nashua. Mon an , , . or - | Y(> slllllmoI1(M| answeroTHtion : Oil«1«. .T,',1. in this notion whirl, isJ.oe M.-Ieh wife an.l slon. W. ri|,„, ........... of n,.rk of ,hisliant Nybakken an.l Hellla >‘r>h" l̂|1 Conn, a eopv of whl.h is h.-rowithhnshaml an.l wife: M A. i'r. n . a. , ......... . „ ,n fi|l. v,„lr RI1.ami Jam* Doe Froutman. husband „ «rtliv in.„nami wife: Frank Meyers ami Jane rtff«^ a,|or,™.v\vHh^ tw.-nty

...... Meyers, husband an.l wife (.er- , VK'llftl,r S1,rvi,.,. ;lf lllisha.M Honten an.l Jane line Honten , , of flnv ,,f K,.rv|,.,., an.l inhusband and wife: E«*deral R«*s«tv«* f f-illure to •iin.firHank «»f Minneapolis, a Poratlon: s'Wl,r ;n.|^lll4.nt will be tak«*n against Anna (»Ison, a widow, «.»»orge IL yo hv (|,.fM„ir for the ndlef ilemamb«l Hanson and Jane Doe TTans«m. bus- ; , . , , ,baml ami wife: Henry II. Claming lnv^ ? iXV. s'^bn.ught fr the pur-

aml Jam* Doe Elamlng. Farmers of |IPIM.llplnjr a tax d«*«*d froml.ninher Co., a eorporallon: Herman -er..a-o,rer ..f Valiev an.l OMilie Kr.lnian hnshaml Vbm'an'l^! 'a..d .,nUl.,î ii.le to th.'1ami wife. Margaret J. Sullivan and *..., ii,.<cribc«l ms foiJohn D«.e Snlllvan. wife and husband: {""V! a,,u n,ls‘ s ,Hscn,,MI *,s 101 Hattie Sehultx: A. Payne and Jane 1 Dot» Payn«*: J. P. Sternhag«»n. ailmln- istrafor of the «»state <*f E’. P, Shell- don. decease«!: Nora Mum ford. County Treasurer of Valley County, Montana: and all other persons claming any j interest In. and ll«*n upon the r«*nl : property hereinafter described or any) part ther«*of. Defendants.

2.64 I or,2. SW NET, St*c. 2. Twp.

sw H E. i:«.:

51-2cN. (’. Hriggs. Chairman

.. .. 123.00Five Acres lake shore property for sale. Flathead lake, east shore.

Cabin. Water rights. A. H. Yager.51-3c

( A|>. 9. 16. 23. 30)

Classified Rate Havre, Mont.M

One cent per word with « minimum charge of 2i centa. After first Insertion 1 cent per word.

For Sale — Ten foot linoleum top counter with gate and shelving.

Excellent condition. $10 takes it. The Glasgow Courier.

. .vt.oo

51-2t. Minnesota, a <*or-

| po rat ion : L. H. Gilbert ami Jan«» Doc Gilbert, husband and wife; A. E. Kuehne; ETIbrblg«* M. White: Cnlted Slat«*« E’bbdlty and Guarantee Co., a corporation : Marie DeMessamaker : Julia Sows; Otto VI. Chrlstlnson La ml

SI FPI.IFS: C’O. BLDGS. Tribune Prtg. a Supply (’«.Hooks

A Supplies. Co. Off.......................... $363.93City of Glasgow Water (’•*. Hldgs. 11.85 (’. D. Horton

For Sale — Have an assortment of miscellaneous electric light shades

and reflectors. Bargain prices. Glas­gow Courier.FOR SALE all51-2t Ins. t’o.Prem.

Bldgs. ..The Montana Power Co. Lt. Co.

Mnmford. Treasurer of Valley County,FOR SALE

1934 Terraplane, good tires, this vear’s license; in running order,$125.00.

Dayton Computing scale for grocery j store, computes from 4 to 30c. j John Barrett Garbage Co.—Author- weighs to 24 lbs. , izod garbage collectors. Phone

National Cash Registers — two in | 273. 38-tfcstock at $35 and $50.

Meat show case, 8-foot, ice bunker each end, with mirror front. Can be used with a compressor for electrical refrigeration.

MIDWAY MERC New Deal, Mont.

svvsw.. 20.0111

Si".-I Inn 2S. NKSK. NIVSIV. SiH-tlon 20. SET, S«*«*tion 30,

.... 15.00 NETNE. WL.NET. WL.. S.s-tlon 31. NETNET.

.... *12.00 S«i*t Ion 32. NW.NW? S.*«tl«»n 33. Town-

.......... 107.09Th** Glasgow Coiirl«*r Printing

& Supplios .Montana Dakota f til (’«*. Gas

Bldgs. .1942.HT,ANCHE GROTJAN, Clerk

Thomas Dlgnan. Jr.Attorney for the Plaintiff Glasgow Montana

(Pub. Apr. 2. 9. 16. 23)

T▼ i .. 219.42

■Éfct Defendants The State of Montana to th«» Above

Nnnie«| DefemlantN. Greetings:You ar»* her«*by summoned to answer

the «•omplaint in this a«*tl«*n which Is flh‘«I in the offi«*e of the Cl«*rk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith s«»rv«*«l upon you. and to file your ans­wer and serve a «*opy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty «lays after th«* s«*rvlee of this summons, ex­clusive of the day of serv lee, and in case of your failure to appear answer. Judgment will he taken against you by di*fanlt for the relief demanded in the complaint.

This »«‘tion Is brought for the pur­pose of procuring a lax <le««l from th«* County Treasurer of Valley County. Montana, ami quieting title t«> the lands and pr«*mis«

SE Q. NL.SWQ. Se«*. 17.ET. M. M.

Lois 1, 2. EJLXWIL Sec. 31. Twp, E. M. M.

Lots .3. 4. S’/.NW’L S«*c. 2. Twp. 2H. North Range 42. ET. M. M.

SWQ. Se«*, 33, Twp. 29. N. Rge. ET. M.

. 23.00 ship 30. Range 37 M. L. . ... 20.00 1^1440.


. ... 3.001 SENE. ETLjSET. SWSET. Section 30. NET.

. ... 13.001 Section 31. Township .*50. Rang«* 40. ... 23.001 George Shipp £640..... 13.00 W«L S LjSET. S«*<| ion 10. Township 30. . ... 12.001 Rung«* ÎI5 (’. R. (’Iiristenson $3(10.

SWSET. Lots 3. 4. SW. Se«tlon 3. ... 27.00 1 Lot i. EL.SE Section 6. N’-.-NW. NET.

13.00 s«M*t|on 8, WL'.NW. S«*«*tion 1». '... 17.00 ship 24. Rang«* 39 I. II. McIntyre... 12.00 $376. P<»ss«*ssi«iii given I«» ab«»v«* on Jan-... 23.00

.. .. 216.36C«*. Bldg. .Gr«»at Palls Paper Co. Supplies.

Co. Hldas.................................................City Market Supplies. #’«». Bldgs. Toi*k«*Is«»ns Supplies. prison«*rs .

Standard C«»rp. Sup- ’t. House ..............

3.60, -----m; Ruth E’owl«»r ..

I Christ E'llhrm:Katherine E*unk ................

f Kilm nltonal Moas. . Honfy Halvorson ..............P.«*«*Ks 4*0 snpt 30 13 j M**s. • laren«*«* Hammer ..

Binnrofi \V 1. i I nov Ko. îtôôkH. ’ I }]«• Flr.-lra Harrison ..I,aw Mb............... ..................................... 7.S0 Halvor Hoimnostvot ..........

(IBS,: II At. |-| M>— MISCKI.I.ANKOI h ''r.Ml n.i;ri",‘" ............J. I» An.lorsmi & Korn Sho,ini’ll Hon Stan ......................

ri.rks. Assessor ..........................S24.UK1 Bn'wrt Kolthloy .................R. It. 120JM1 Horborl Knopp • • . . ............Miblpo.1 It, Crosby Opinion sorv. IMMI 'J|*s. t.arth Knntlsvlg ...Nora .Mmnford Trav. Ksp. Co. I , 1M.n V- ,-r,'n .................

Troas ........................ 4.90 Msl I'Hki ...............................H. !.. Klöppln Clk. Assessor .... 120.90 Art I.a From hols .................James I„ Kontr ............... 129.40 Ionise I.a Roque .................I’oter J. Itreigeii/.or Assessing ... 91.101 Koorgia I.otran .....................Itonna Combs Kxtra Work Clk. Mr«. Ann I.nekmnn ............

nf ct .......................... I Anna Mareotlo .....................B. I..' MeHhersöii Mileage for ;V"ii,*..,!l Ma"’ho*1 ............

Sheriff & Hop........................................ 1580.07 Clah Mooro ..................................K. K. MeFhorson Investigation MI ara Ne Iss .............................

Kxp. Sheriff ........................................ 91.14 « O Mara ............................Arthur A. Oslnnd Trav. K.\|>. .V1 iî” "n* ..........................

Spiv. Work ........................................... 9.09 linsseil Pickelt .....................Gladys I,arson imniiini/.ation Frank Rleh ,............................

AV,irli .15.00 Merritt Rohhin..........................Ml. Sts. Tel! &’Tel. Co. Tel. Tolls f'îf". Roldnson ........................

* Rentals ............................................... 92.20 William ...............Western In. Tel. Co. Time Serv. M™. I1 Seliger ....

A. .......................................................... 10.42 Boy Stevens ............................John Harret. Hauling Garbage.. 1.50 Martha Binar« .......................

Kn^ ,̂ n;,:pson. - s,:p:. Tn;ns'’; ir.v. • ; : ; ;H. o. Gatnas («nnni i*rlsoin*r ... 8.00 E »«'d M agni*. ......................Mrs. H. ET. S**if«*rt Guard Pris Shdia*1 Wchdi ' ..........

iin m. whit«»ETinma W««odnr«l ..................

46.20 Ruth Baker (’nr** «»f M. & DScliooncn ...

29.06 FT«! 11 «»nl«» ....1.40 Mrs.

The creditors of .l«dm I tea i un. «1«»- c«*nscd, whose estate is pending in the Disirb l Court of the S«*vent«»«*n(h Judl-J dal District <»f the Slat** of Montana. I in and f«»r th«* County «»f Valley, an* r<*«|uir«*d to pr«*sent th«*ir claims against 1

y proper vo(i«*h«*rs or «‘xbibils. to the ««Imlnisfrat«»r. Pl«*rn* Itcaina, at th«* «»ffl**«» of Jidin M. Klin«*, in Tin* E’lrst National Bank building.! Glasgow. Montana, being the p^iee of

f the administrator for this;months after the

f first publication of Ibis notice, j Date of first pubIi«*ation : April



pli'***.BumLost—Two horses; one bay and one

black, branded lazy A 1C on right thigh. Reward. Write A. Christiana. Glasgow.

... 14.90

IIstat«*, with ;bis51p

nary 1. 1943.lads. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16.

tion. 30. Lots 1.6. 11. 12. 13. 14. alii P

Salesmen Wanted 22.3051-2C. .. . 33.00.. . . 23.00. ... 20 «Ml. . . . 10.00. . . . 13.00. ... 17.00. ... 13.00. .. . 12.00 ... . 20.00 .... 18.00

. . . 17.00. . 39.30. . . 15.60.... 13.00. . . . 13.00. . . . 13.00. . . . 20.00 . . . 17.73. . . . 12.00 . . . . 23.00. . . . 12.00


30—J. G. Browning to tin* ab««ve

S«h*I ionbusinessFor Sale—16-ft. inboard motor boat.

Write Box 426, Glasgow.i. Rung.1within♦*stat«».

date ««WANTED—Reliable man to succeed J. J. Puzak as Rawleigh Dealer in

Daniels and East Valley Counties. 1.700 families. Selling experience unnecessary to start. Everything furnished except car. Splendid op­portunity to step into a permanent and profitable business where Rawl­eigh Products have been sold for over 15 years. For particulars write Rawleigh’s Dept. MTD-71-10, Minn­eapolis, Minn

50-2tp *57«. ,osst*ssioii glv«*ntrn«f January 1. 19 43.

A«lv«*rflse t<• sell: N'^S'L S«»ctioi) 17. Cange 42 -*16U.

. Township 31.

described as follows :Twp. 31.For Sale — 4-room house, cheap;

must be moved. 325 9th St. So., 50-p

(Pub. April 2. 9. 16. .) ..unsIilp-291.\ Range, 43.SEN W. S«*«*l ion

Rang«* 43—$100.Lots 3. 6. 8. 10. NETSW. Se» tion

Twp. 30 Range 38—$2.300.Boanl a«IJourn«*d at 3 P. M.

H. R. BJorklnnd Clerk

Glasgow. SUM MO NS.. For PublicationIn the Diät riet Court of the Seven-|

teentli Judicial District of the State, of Montana, In and for the County! of Valley.

27. N. Rge. 42.

For Sale — Two 6-months-old Here­ford bull calves. Markle Transfer

Co., Glasgow. N, (’. Hriggs. Chairman M.50-4tc SW'L Se«*. 4. Twp. 29. N. Rge. 39.ET. M. M.

\V*4 S«h*. 17. Twp. 29. North. Rge. .‘49. ET. M. M.

WL.SWL,.27. T

April 9. 1042The b«»ar«l met at 10 A. M. April 9.

1942, with all members of Iht» b«»ar«l ami county clerk pr*»senl.

Stun»* discussion was lui«l «»n sales ami lenses Uefor«* work in «•omuMdlon with r«»llef was tak«*n up.

Tin* hoard approve«! the sal«* of S’o. S«vti«»n 4. Township 34. Range 33. to Aic\ M*»gan. $720. («» include iMiildiugs.

Miss Carn«*y. I »1st. Supervisor «»f Wei fan*. Marion Wilson ami Mrs. Lindgreii. • as«* workers. iii«*i with tin* boanl ami applications for aid were acted upon.

TIi«» hoard agr«»«*<l to in«*«*t In spec­ial s«*sslon April 18ih. 1942. for til»*pnrp«>s«* «»f appraising lax «l«*«*«l la ml and cl»«*cklng land I«*as«*s.

The b«»ar«l adj«»nrne«l at 3 P. M.II. R. Hjorkluml. Cl«*rk

N. Hriggs. Cliainuun

For Sale—Pilot seed wheat for $1.10 a bushel, at the ranch. Peter Ny-


49-4tpvs. 22. W'.NW'i, See.

|i. 29. N. Rge. :tn,‘ K. M. M.ET1 •• S\V1 », S«s-. ;î0, Twp. 29. N. Rge.

:19. K. M. M.SLj

E. M. M.Lots 3. 4. S. 9. EL.WVL Se«*. 31, Twp.

20, X. Rge. :y». R. M. M.NE'i S«*«•. 13. Twp. 20. N. Rge. 40.

ET. M. M. W L.SW'L Sc»-. 7. WLN.W'L S«*»’.

S«»«-,quist, Glasgow.

L E C A L SFor Sale — Stationery cabinet type steel typewriter desk with glass

top. good as new. $10. The Glasgow 42-2t

22.00. . . 33.00. . . 30.00. . 12.00 . . . 12.00

20.00. .. 12.00 . . . 10.00

IS. Twp. 20. N.Sc»*. Rge. 41

Courier. NOTICE TO CRETDITOR8ETstat«* of ETIlen Grace Brooks, d«*-«•eased.Notice Is hereby given, by Hie un-

|der»igned Administrator of the Estate Of ETIlen Grace Brooks. d«*»-<*ase«I. to tin* «•r**«litors of and all p«*rs«»ns having claims against the sni«I de<-ea»«*d, to exliibit them with th** n«*<*«»ssary vomdi-........... vithln four months after Hu* first(Mil dicat ion of lids noth*«*, to the said J. ET. Peterson at the office of Thomas

....... Jr., in Glasgow. Montana, th«*same being the place for the transac­tion of Hu* business «»f said «*stal«* In Hu* County «>f Vail«*y. Montana.

J. ET. PETERSON. Administrator of Hu* ETstate of ETll«*n Grace Brooks, de- c«*as«*«L

Dated March 24. 1942.(Pub. Mar. 26, Apr. 2. 9. 16)

. .. . 12.60 8.60

onerJames a. Hru«*e R«*li«*f Jailor ... A. J«T*»nu* Wall Trav. ETxp. <’«*.

Supt................................................................Industrial A«-*,l«l**ut Boanl Asscs-

For Sale— Ne. 1 Bliss Triumph seed potatoes. Price, $1.50 up. also

gooseberry and currant plants. Call or write A. Christiana. 6 miles west on No. 2.

Rge. 41. ET. M. M. Lots 1. 2. ELVNW'L Se«*. 18. Twp. 29.

X. Rge. »•'. E. M. M.4. E'.SW«L SET‘L See. 18.

Rg«>. 46. ET. M. M.

18, Twp. 29. X.

13.662.66 .«»ts 3.ments ..........................

James (diva Sheriff’? R. Timnums S«-

. MePImrson S«*: 'I*j

Twp.NW«,. s«*«- 29. Twp. 29. N. Rge. 42.

K. M. M.Lots SET1 i NW1 J, NETQSW*L SW\\

NET1!. S«•»*. 4. \VL»S\V,L S«*«*. 3. Twp. 29, N. Rge. 12. E. M. M.

SE',. S«*«*. 24, Twp. 29. X. Rge. 4L E. M. M.

Willies? sal«l «•A. D.. 1942.

(’an* ofsi's childr«*ii .... 26.60

Airs. Bernard Sullivan l’or «*an*of .lidin llluiaii .................................

Mrs. Anna Vara hough I’«»r ear**«»f D«»rs«*y flight ...

Mrs. M. B. Se«* E’*»r »•an* «»f AnnieAtkinson ...............................

Air*«. W. I. Slu*n.*fl**Id E’or Dorla Lnrriek .......................

I,».ids Po<-ora F 29 X.Tlu*r«*s.36:. Siiminoiis ..

:. SumnuuisFor Sale—Rhubarb roots, strawberry type, extra nice, very cheap Phene

36I-J or write Mrs. F. S. Miller Box 884. Glasgow

K. 9.11059.5De«*«ls ...................P. Matlscn Sh«*rlff‘s Mil«*Hans . 23.663.082tp COMPLETES SEEDING•ana ETxp«*i»s«*

»ffl. «* . .F. (*. (’«»uim. «»f M

Local ET. S. & C. C. Morgan Ins.

5.00. 33 JOFor Sale—Piano, cash registers. 32-

volt 1,500-watt light plant, beer fixtures, counters, booths, hard­wood flooring, building material, such as boards, cellotex, 2x4s. Frame building size 20x30, 9-ft. posts, lined with celotex.

Planks—3x8. 4x12, in lengths of 20 feet and smaller. Telephone poles and power poles, 20 to 55 feet.

All kinds of steel on hand. I-beams, angles, channel plate, strap, heavy bolts, all sizes.

my Imml and tlio seal ot tills lit). .lay

■ P. A. Koslowsky fin­ir FRAZERished seeding 200 acres of spring

...$‘.*9.98 wheat Monday, Other farmers are .8" busy in the fields near town, put-

B'l"«“ ; ting in a large acreage to spring • -"™ wheat.

f April,.Udgs............. . .

Monarch Lhr. #’«». Maint. <’•». sh«*«l •« •rls-

:in SI 1*1*1. IPS: CO. *<H»K BLANCHE! GROTJAN. CLERK Thomas Dignan. Jr.Atiorm»y t'«»r the Plaintiff Glasgow, Monfana

I T.»rk. ls 1.75 ls

’s Drugs (’o.Chges..M**Plu*rs«»u B«»ar«l «»fs Drugs (’»».

Mont Dak. fill #’*». (îas P13.66 1.50 1.36 1rs» 1 30 1.56 1.50 1 .^» 1.36 1.30

J. P. FC. W. Kampf«*• Kapplian Witness

Christ (’hrlst«»|»li«*rs«m Mike S. Banin Witness ...Il II I’rncsMax Roger N«*ff Witu«»ss ..........ET. T. Gallagher Wltn«*ss ............Dan M. Oakland Juror ..............Frank Ulee Juror ..........................Ilndolnb Lang Jur*»r .....................I no. R. Shaver Jur

* I i.«*«? J. Hoffman Juror ..........Carl Sludlerml Sal.

Comm. S«»sslons ...Mauri«*«» Arnold Sal.

Comm.X. C. Briggs Sal. Attend. « «mm............................

j. A. Holland Invest iga.oner ............................

Agn«*s S«*hakosky Clk. A R«*«*onler .

otto Moore MII«*ag«* Sheriff Several api»ll«ations for leas

purchase of tax «le«*d land w**n* «lis euss»*d by the l»«»ard.

Th«» boanl a»*«*eph*«l the cf E’rank Ruff«*ornD«»bhel«*er ns D**pu(v and J I«*rK, n -

tlvelv. In the offl»e of the County

Waller Drug Cm. Drug. Co. Ch April 16 23-26-May 7)Pay N Sav«* Groei*ri«*s .Hfivev's sfor«» Groeerl«*s B«*rtiiwE’ariiu*rs Cn. oil Co. E,u«*l ... Wlnilhorn’s G Glasgow M«*at Mark«*' Gr«u*«*rl«*s . Mouinna Dak. ftII, E’uei .Saveway Gr*i«*«*rl«*s ..............H. Earl Cla«*k (’«*. Assigned. Merit*

Wltimss .. T7.(M! . 32.9 s

SjHiIiv Relit C’o, Clig«*... 16.66. 21.

16.06 20.0(1

.... 4139

.... 85.36

SIMMONS for I* n hi lent ion

In The DUtrict Court of the Ser«*n- fcentli Jiirtlobil District of the State of Montana. In and For (he County of Valley.

If. R. BJorklnnd. Clerk anti Recorder of Valley County. Montana. Plaintiff,

irr Witu«*ss ........................sba«*h«*r Witness.•\ lh

*«»rv Gro«*«*rle?NET1!. Se«*. 17. Twp. 33. North. Rge

40 E. M. M.WVVNW'L See. 29. SL.NEQ S«*«*. 36.

Two. 23. N. Rge. 37. K M. M.S'.NE'L EL.SE',. S«*c. 11.

S**«*. 12. Twp. 36.M. M.

SW’i S«*c. 20, Twp. 29, North. Rge. I 42. E. M. M.

Lots 1. 7. ETL.NET*;. S«»e. 13. Twp. 31. North. Rge. 35. K. M. M.

SÇ.SW *•., S«*<*. 16. Lots 6. 7. Se»*. 17. N'GNK'i. NE'iNWV«. S«*»*. 21. NW',

See. 22, Twp. .*J0. North, Rge.


New Deal, Mont.s\v>;

North ItaiiK«1 171.591.59

19 09 ll.1t



For Sale—2-year-old caragana hedge plants; 2-year-old Russian olive

hedge plants: 2-year-old Rhubarb plants: 1-year-old Mary Washington asparagus plants. Herman Slewing, Phone 244-W. 51-c

For Sale—1930 Chevrolet truck with grain box, 5 tires, $150. John W.

Donovan. New Deal, Mont.

Co. Chit hing ............• r«M*«*ry Gro**«»rl«*s . .

J. (’. P«»nne T. L. ENhiIs Markle Trnnsf«*r

VSAHcmliugThe Cnknown heirs of John Fred Schl-

e«*ht«*r. The unknown Devisees of John E’reU Schl«H*hter, the unknown owners of the Southwest Quarter, Section I*’ourt«H*n. the Soiith»*asf Quarter Se«*tl«>n Five, Township Thirty sev­en. North Range Forty

36.46 Co. Fuel Co.Attending

. . . . «6.06 •hg**s... 66.06M«dlf«* St«*vens Rent ( «». S«*ot I A Snyder G

The Stale of Montana to the Above Named Defendants. Greetings:You are hereby summon«*«! to answer

E. M. Hie complaint in this action which is!M.. Ruth S«*hlechtcr and ETdith Sehl- filed in the offiro of the Clerk of this! echter: Grace Pearl Simpson. Myrtle (Court, a copy of which is herewith Hitchcock, Ethel M. Schmidt. John ) served upon you, and to file your an A. Simpson and Jane Doe Simpson, jswer and serve a copy thereof upon the! husband and wife : L. J. Plaugber plaintiffs attorney within twenty days1 and Jane Doe PIaugh«*r, husband after the servi«*e of this summons, ex- and wife; Max If. Strehlow andleluslve of the day of service, and in Jane Doe Strehlow. husband and ease of your failure to appear wife: Walter Matchett an«l Jane Doe swer judgment will* be (ak«*n against Matchett: Thomas Matchett and Jane yon by default for th«* reli**f demanded Do«* Mat«*h«*tt, husband an«l wife; in th<* complaint.Harry P. Stockton and Jane D«»e This action is brought for the pur-Stockton, husband and wlf«*. Cora1 pose of procuring a tax d«*c«l from Hie Stockton: Henry C. K r*»f s an«l Anna I County Troasur«*r of Valley County,Kr«*!s. husband and wife: Barnes Montana, and quieting title l<> the lands Brothers, In«*.. The Milk River Valley and pr«*mlses «leserlbetl as follows;Hank, a corp.. \V. A. Brown. Sup«»r- SE*4SE*L S«*»*, 36. Twp. 30, N. Rge. lnt<*ndent and ETx-officio li«|iii«lating offi«***r of closerl (tanks In Hi«* stat«*of Montana: ETdxvlna M. Murphy:ETtnnin A. J«*nks: ET. J. Lander ACo., a corporation: G«*orge D. tjiiln-

Itnrlington Savings Hank.Adam W«*nd«*I au«l

Wendel, husband and 43. ET. M. M.wife: Nora Mnmford, County Treas- NW*;, Se»*. 26. Twp. 33, North Range /.. pf ^ .i, tirer of Valley County, Montana; an«l 41. ET. M. M. Tlumms* Dignan Tr«Il "">V vrsons fini,......g nny ln;| W, Sor. 19. Ttrp, 12. North , AttV.rn.v ,.^,1.0 I’in in. Iff.

terent In. and Hen np«m the real 45. ET. M. M. i;in«ir„%v Moiiimiiproperty hereinafter described ori ET'.,NE*4. See. 26. Twp, .*52. North Rge. j

44. K. M. M. _ OKDKI. TO SHOW OMSK.!• R,ANS Al ?(;c- ln- T" D-1 In til.1 Hist rift Court of tlio

.... Nortb Rge. 44. h. M. M. 1 te**ntli JiKlicinl Dislri«*t of the Slat»*s •>NLQ. SE.i. -_s‘‘***_ "wp. ..1, 0f Montana, in an«l f«tr the (’«unity

North Rge. 42. ET. M. M. ! 0f Valiev.18, TWP Xor,h IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE

Hî'l.i/iiiM» vt/op,- O- x-t,-,/ OF J. T. KOTA K I. D**< **as«*d.«XVV »2« ; I pon r*»ading the p«*titionr*" Vf' *Vr ' pwI>* *'L >°rth Rg«*. 4*». j yoshi Kotnki. executor of tin* estai«*

c. rn »a x- t. ... of J. T. Kotaki. d«M*eaK«»d, for an <»r«l«*r^ -^* T^p. ..0. North Rge, 4— ,0 r*.a| a)H| prrsonai properlywi'oii*,/ c* oo p./ctu/ on,/..«,, bulging to said «»slat«*, it is order»*«!

.^S\\ ,. S«*c 6 I*. 4. SE $NE. i, ,|1Hl -||i persons int«*rest«*d in saidSe<*. »4, Twp. ..0, North Rge. 4«, E. NE estai«* app«*ar b«*f«>r«* this Court

viri/x-ire O « i- c o? 'Monday. April 28, 1942. at the Court-OHc'ri'^S '* ro"ni of ,,lis <,0"rt in ,h‘‘ f'ourt HS*4SE*4. Sec. 28. NE.*,|N\\*4. N1'-NK' ji. , in «;iUSg«*w. Valley County. Montana. 34. Fwp. 29. North Kg**, .»o, E. M. a, o’«*lo«*k A. M., «>!' sal«l «lay. 1h«*n

an*l Hn*re to show «• in HI«ick 5 of the Hriginal T«»wnslte of Glasgow, in Glasgow. Vall«»y (’omity. Montana. t«>geth«*r with the lenemeiiis. h«*r**<lltaui**nts ami nppurtcnan<‘cs Hi»*r»- nnto belonging ami the personal pro

situât«* shoubl n«>t


... 48.00 W. W Hurd Rent (’n. Chges. ... 15.00Lorrain«* llend**rson R«*nt .............. 160*)

. ... 40.1« j Mrs. M. II. Hallev R«*nt ................... 15.00.... 16.66 .... 11.50

•«•ri«»« . .

iC»«r ECHO CANYONNW (I35. E. M. M.NW*;. Se<*. 3«.

Rge. 35, E. M. M.SET»;. Sec, 26, N Lj NET*;.

Twp. 3.3. North. Rge. 41. ET.

ETxtra Work Î Northw«»sl Serv. 4:2.0« IT. o. I*ritehard c«»al .........4.18 I Hail Drug <’«». Drugs Co. patients 42.66 and i Opheim Drug Co. Drugs (’•». I*at

lents ...........................................................Sav«*way Gro«*eries ...............................

ri.»s31, North.Twp.I ISee. 35.

M. M.Lot 15. S«»<*. 28. Lots 1. 3. S*jNET'i,

33. North. Rge. 35.

/51c 13.4006 WS«m*. 3-3.

ET. M. M.ETC. S«»«*. 29, Twp. 31, North, Rg«*.

40 EL M. M.W'.SW»;. S«*«*. 2. EL.SET*;. S«*«*. 3.

Twp. 31. North Rge. 35. ET. M. M.SET*;. Si»«*. 14. Twp. 30. North Rge.

M. M.SW ' i N W* i. NW'.SW'i se*;ne*4.

i NEV«SE,, ¥ . . « o, m ma x- t» Twp. .32. North. Rg«*. 43. ET. M. M.■J-’ 3,1 T"'p' 30- N’ r‘K<‘1 ' Lots 1. 4. K«.S\V;, Sit. is. Twp.

.lîiwi, . I 11. North. Hgf. 41. K. M. M.S1/.SH *J. Se«*. 1». NW *|. N L'.SW *,. VW| \\*i vn

T"7- T- oN E JM EurthL *k. »«. »«.„ •» *' ;■ ,1!’,s„ '■ ■;» M I1,' So<' XVlttifH* my Imml an.l tlio »fill of _Twp. .{0. N. Rjjto.,43. h. M. M. said Court this 9th day of April. A. I». April 1942

. 8, Twp. 30, North, Itnnïf Tin* hoardBLANCHE «UOT.IAN.


Twp.For Sale by Owner—320 acres im­proved land near Wheeler; 245

acres crop land, good wheat base. M. A. Borchard, 206-7 Fratt build­ing, Billings, Mont.

dentitions T»o

MISCKI.I.ANKOI SD»»r»as Fagan Care Co. Chge. . ..$ 45,60 Nash E*lii«*h <’««. Supplies, Welfan* 4.73 Mt. Sis. Tel.

W. I». A. A* Welfare ..................... 19.65Markle Transfer

Chg«*. Welfare D«*pt........................E’nin«*«*s Malum Dea<*«»ness Ilosp

it a I Car«* Co. Patients .................1631.66Lis..

:i n-an*l Jasper

A T«*l. (’«». T«*l.SIMM*Clerk.the ^resignation «f Walter Ilo«*rsi«*r as

('«instable «*f Hinsdale T«*xvnshlp.The board accepted the appoint incut

s Clerk ill the < (••Ik salary «»f

51 -4c motion the board acceptedOld Oscar Pepper Brand—Bourbon

Whitkoy a Blond 4 86 proof—51% straight whiskies, 49% grain neutral spirits ♦ Frank­fort Distilleries, Inc., Louisville O Baltimore.

42. KFor Sale — One team of well broke 7-vear-old gelding work horses.

Weight about 1,400 lbs. Herman Sie- For Sale bv Owner—320 acres unim-

. SV.SW... S‘ jSK'4. Si-f.Tin* Mmilaii:

l*«.w«T. C«*. H«»sp..............Elmer Johnson IMuiub.

Ilosp. ...Frank H. Lt

of Lnclle Morgan : and R«h*o rder's$120 per month. * ,,

The board a«IJonrned at .« i '* u. BJorklnnd. Ch,llrnlaI1

eonv«*n«*d at 16 A. Mj a«l j«»iin»iu«*iit taken at •»

All uielilbers <*l H«° ;«*r«* present at

«•ffl«*«» at : rlb*p. Co.»2.35

/ -


Sp«*«*. I*

Dit(*hw«»rk .... Can* Co. Chg«*s.

Mont. Star«* Training S» h. IN*«mal ETxp. Co. Chges..................

Mrs. Hiliuer Johns

•f, A 65* 1/2 PI. PI. $2.00 4/5 QT.1.25$N 2.66in your old

furniture asf/,TRADE f

vy: The a corp«»ratlon : Jan«* D<

Carl Alvibla Hol(

-'uliriii:SW Sec i:.6o

pursuant t«»I*. M. «»f April «III.Iioard ami Hu* <this session.

The boanl «Ils«-i*<>:• <1 work. Hrblg«* i. .(•«‘Ilaneous «daims w«*r<* appr«>\«*<i-

K°Alk Drher ..........

Roa«lw«»rk ................. IA».*"R«»a«lwork ... )

*»»a«lwork ........

part payment on new. Glas- Furniture & Trading


...■hrk ’an* c

gowCo., North Side.

ami«soil land l«*asesI Road an«l MIs-(Ap. 9. 16. 23. 3

David Cnnlff T Irvin IdOrson l Lawrenc«* J«»hns .1. W. Cram* IIlilfi. Mnlingh Umidwork .....W'arren H«dlan«l li*»adw«»rk ..........

Ro««lwork ................. •»«.•»^

Professional Cards 66 «ïæ whiz. Mr. Jessup,

a WOl ltLE-UECKEK!f Aki-

.l:n*k S«*lmst«S«**»lt A- Snyder

signe«! by ETrh*k C.Clar**m*e Skoglund I Harrv M. Redilbk Roa*lwork ...

B. Vo«l«*r Sal. Co. Surv**y«»r.•r Johnson Road Supplies \ > ; ^

Roman J. Stein Culvert Work .. J*»\l«mt link. ITil. Co. Gas Shop •• •* "Ra«*hel Spaulding Clerk < «». mh*-

Indiistrial Ac«*id«mV Board Asses-

ments ........................................................Glasgow Motor Co. Ma**h. Rep.Murklo Transfer Co. Road Rep. &

Sup.............................................. .. * * *.........Magnnler M«»t«»r (’*». Ma«*h. Sup.Fanners I’nlon (Ml Co. Ma«*h Sup.Hi W’ay TexacContinental (MI Co. Mach, bop*** Farmers l*n. ETl«*val«»r Co. Ma» u.

Sup........................................Nashua Ildw. A* Sup.

Sup.......................................John Nf»va«*ek Hlin-ksiiillhing ••K«*II«*y How Thompson c«». Ma**h.

R«*p. A- Sup...............................................G. la. D«*Wltt Blni'kaniltlung •••Tom Leedham Labor A Maint. ..Clint llalladav Blaeksinlihiiiir


AsR«»fldwork.lager .......... '•*•'■ 99lu* 41 62.51 Sor«Iwork .

8.56 17.1.66GLASGOW ICE & COLD



Dr. G. H. Klein MaxK!

dentistOffice in Klein’s Log Cabin Motel

Highway No. 2Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5

Phone: Office 479 Residence 209


M Lot 9• why ,.■£410.06, Twp. 30. f j

my han«l on«l the s«*ni of this 30th day of Mar«*h

SE*',. Sec. 21. SW*;. See. North Rge. 35. E. M. M.

\Vit ness said court A. D. 1942.

‘Glasgow’s Finest Steaksand Coffee” 8.69




. 58.44(i 46

197.38 19.9634.75

BLANCHE GROTJAN. Clerk Thomas Dignan. Jr.Attorney for Hie Plaintiff Glasgow, Montana

b«* 3Hi**r**iupert yleased for the p**rlo«i «»f on«* year **

as of «laie March 23. 1942. at the r«*ntal of $106.(mi p«*r inonlh. pa>

s provid«*«! iii on f II«* herein to w

•HeiligTir*» Rep............ i

(Pub. Apr. 2. 9. 16. 23)Otto M. ChristinsonLANDS, LOANS. RENTALS


First National Bank Building GLASGOW, MONTANA

aide in advance, all salil p«*litl< hiell

•«» is h»*r«*hy mad«* for furlIi«*r In flic Distri«*t Court «»f the S«»v**n- particulars: It Is furliuT onl«*re*l that a

leeiith Judieial District «»f Hie State copy «»f this or«i«*r hf* published for of Montana, in ami for the County two sur«*esslve weeks in the Glasgow

' Courier prior f«» Ho* «lat«* fix«*«l f«*r The CITY OF GLASGOW, a Municipal said h«*aring. ami that noti«*e I»»* glv«*n

t«» tin* l'tilled States attorney for Montana.

Dated April 3. 1942.JOHN HI’RLV.

Jmige of the IMstri«*t Court. JAMES T. SHEA

mSI M MONS •feGLASGOW (•«.’ Ma* Il% ?

13.HFLOWER SHOP ■iof Valiev. 10,95

Flowers for All Occasions. Corporation, Plaintiff, 45.76 15 «HI12 95Phone 75 MA LINTIA (B. K.rst) MORAN,

fendant.Th«* State of Montana t«> Hie Above

Named Dcf**mlant. Gr«*eting:You are hereby siiiiiiiiffiied to appear Ait«»rru*y for ETstate

r, Montana

D“-i;»*(irge KiH«»nbe»*k Labor Tin* M««ntana pow«*r

Yanis Ä* Mn«*b. Sii*«p ...................Sfnnl«*y Wllk Culvert Work L**ster Wattenul Culviwt W«*rk.; Raymond Watt<*rml Culvert W «»rk A\i*I Wattenul Culvert W*«»rk • • • •Edwani M. Ped«*rsoii Cuiv«*ri W««rK^j__


We Telegraph Flowers Lil22 66

Incoir.e For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents

When You Die.

New York Life Insurance Co.


Phone 261

5 /16.56 16.56 16.56 16.56

f(Pub. Ap. 9. 16)before the above «»ntitled ( onrf May 18. 1942. at 16:66 nVlo«*k a. in. in the Court Boom at tin* Court House in Glasgow, Montana, to show why a right «>f way a«* lowing describe«! lamls. to wlf :

A **«*rtaln tract of land situate«! in the NW'.NW, «*f S«*. . 13 T. 28 N.. R. 39 ET. M. M.. whose exterior IxMimlaries are d«*s»*ribed as Od­ious; B**giiiiiing at a point on tin* north boundary line 28 N.. R. .’{9. ET. M. M. sixty (66)

«•asterly from tin* imrthwest r of sai«l S«*c, 13. then«*«* run­

ning *»ast»*rly along the said north bonmbiry line of S«*»*. 13 sixty (66) f»*«*t : th«*nc«* running southerly, par­allel t*« ami on«* hntiflreil twenty (.1261 f»*«‘i «»asterly from the w«*st boundary lin«* *»f sal«l S«*«*, ifive hiindr«*«! twenty (526) f»*«*t : th**n**e running westerly, parallel to the said north b«»nndary line of S«s*.13. sixty (66) f«*«*t : thence running northerly, paralhd to ami sixty 166) f«*«*f <*ast«*rly fr*»m the sabl west boundary line *»f S«»«*, 1.3, five hun­dred twenty (536) f«*et to the point of beginning, and einbra<*ing 0.716 'acres. m«»r«* or less.The right of way a«*ros« ih»* ab#ve| caller Sunday,

described property. Is d«*seribed as follows :

A «ertain tract of land situated



Phone 89Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW, MONTANA

m• sin<»* f>■K jjordan CouleeHu* f..i

Sylvester N. Sl«*in Culvert Work otto ('. Bul«»«*k Cnlv»*rl 'York . . .\ :ill.-v Motor Sup. Co Ma- I. R. p. lh »s Mauri«*«* Anndd Viewing l!'"i',s • ’ 1'• .N. C. Briggs Vl**wlng Bonds .... -j-Carl Shellerud Vl«*wing Homls .. -4\V. D. Ellis Assigned by

M. R«*rl«|lck ...........................................Si a nicy C. Wllk Culvert W..rlc .. I’i«»n«H*r Lhr. Var«l R«»a«l Main A

8up. .

I l" :IBy Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson '%■

Andrew Stilev went to Duluth. Minn., last Tuesday to visit his sis­ter. He returned home Monday.

John Mogan accompanied his bro­ther Junior to Hinsdale Sunday Miss Dessie Roberts returned with John to Genevieve, where she will teach at the Genevieve school this summer.

Glasgow. Mont. Har«13. T. 4.06 4 (MlSomeone has to pay the price

tor life insurance. If the man himself doesn't pay It while he iv*. his wife and children have to pay it after he has gone.


Funeral Chapel YOU can see and smile at Billy’s nickel double- decker. But there's another double-decker

you can’t see—though you enjoy it every month.It’s in your electric bill—the fact that the

average household rate is only about half of what it was 16 years ago.

You may not realize it, because you use more electricity. While the rates were going down, you were adding useful new electric appliances.

Right now, for a nickel a day, about % of all American families light their homes, play their radios, run their vacuum cleaners.

■ V'. v- î«@a. 9-,'J:;I I M>,. Surveyor.* 31.0-1

HR IIX. IMax B. Voiler Sal. 1 Imli,atrial Accident Board Asses

nits ...........................Markle Transfer <

Maint...................................Minot Sup. Co. Road Malm. &

Sop L. Hewitt Brideo Ren...................

AOKirn.TI KAI, KX. IT Ml_............ r*. Elliot, Sal.

March. Home Iteino. Act..............*March

For two nickels a day, about % of all American families operate lights, radio, cleaner, toaster, percolator, clocks and washer.

That makes the electric nickel just about the biggest double-decker in the world!

How was it done? Fly good business manage­ment of the nation’s electric companies.

rd.s.:Courteous. Efficient and Dignified

Services at Moderate Prices




Twenty-Pour Hour Ambulate« Service

l-.rldi!26.06miscellaneous Henry Lick was a Hinsdale caller

Wednesday.I Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Stiley and Mrs. Nels Hatton and Mrs. A C. Mogan attended the Lutheran Ladies

! Aid in Hinsdale Tuesday.Clarence Nelson was a Hinsdale

4 11

Valley County Abstract Co.



.Mrs. 'Ion*

JamcK K. M«*Gtbm»y Sal.Co. Agent ...............................

M. Madeline Piorxon Sal. Cl«*rkCo. Agent ......................................

Lorene Surlier Sal. Clk. Co. ETxt«*n«ion Off..................................

Glasgow post Offi»*e P.


William Barnes was a Hinsdale caller Saturday.

67.50-4 > Bel4


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