pascua y semana santa

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Pascua y Semana Santaby Teryn B. Odom, NCVPS

Los Términos

• Pascua=Easter

• Semana Santa=Holy Week

• Domingo de Ramos=Palm Sunday

• Miércoles de Ceniza=Ash Wednesday

• Viernes Santo=Good Friday

• Domingo de Pascua=Easter Sunday

• la Cuaresma=Lent

• la Pasión de Cristo=Passion of Christ

• la resurrección= resurrection

• Vacaciones de Semana Santa=Easter/spring break

• El Conejo de Pascua=the Easter bunny

• Huevos de Pascua=Easter eggs

• la canasta=basket

• la búsqueda de huevos de Pascua=Easter egg hunt

• las golosinas=jelly beans

• la flor de la Pascua=Easter lily


• La Pascua/Easter is a Christian holiday (holy

day) celebrated by millions around the world

in many different languages and cultures. Due

to the fact that all Spanish-speaking countries

are predominantly Roman Catholic, this time

of the year is extremely important in their

culture/s. Easter,in general, commemorates

the trial, death and resurrection of Jesus

Christ in the Christian faith, as described in

the Bible, in 30 AD. Easter Sunday is one part

(the most known/publicized) of the larger

span of the holiday period. Lent is the 40 day

time period before Easter known for it’s

abstinence of (a) chosen item/s, fasting,

prayer and penance. The week before is

known as Holy Week.

Secular Observance

• Easter is known by Christians and non-Christians in

the United States as being the time when the Easter

Bunny comes to visit bringing Easter eggs for young

children to find. The Easter Bunny is similar in

character to Santa Claus, although predominantly

discussed/known in the U.S.

• A fusion of Christianity and secular tradition is the

use of Easter eggs. It’s thought that the use and

dying red of the Easter egg existed over 1,000

years ago to symbolize the memory of the

crucifixion and blood of Christ. It’s also historically

symbolized the empty tomb of Jesus after his


• As with all holidays in the U.S., Easter has become

commercialized to make candy, card, and decor

companies money. This commercialization is

minimal to non-existent in most other countries.


• Easter (and Holy Week) is extremely important Spain. In fact, it’s importance

was/is so dominant that it influenced all other Spanish-speaking countries

during each of their periods of colonization (and later independence).

• Almost every town/city in Spain has some sort of ceremony or


• While the importance and relevance is country-wide, many regions and towns

have special ways of celebrating.

• All schools and businesses are closed in observance. This is a time when

many go on vacation.

Unique celebrations in Spain

• On Ash Wednesday, many people draw a cross made of ash on

their foreheads. This is an act of penance.

• On Palm Sunday, all Catholics go to a special mass in the

morning. Children bring palm leaves and branches to the priest,

some of which may be decorated.

• On Maundy Thursday, in Gerona, there is a “Dance of Death”

performed by men dressed as skeletons.

Unique celebrations in Spain

• In Murcia, a huge table is brought into the town center to re-enact the Last

Supper. The food is left on the table and on Easter Sunday, the men who brought

in the table eat it!

• In the village of Hellin, thousands of drums are beaten at the processions

between Holy Wednesday and Easter Sunday.

• The most well-known processions are held in Sevilla. Each procession is lead by

a brotherhood. The brotherhoods compete to see who can put on the biggest/best



• On Palm Sunday, in Peru, a large statue of

Jesus is carried on a donkey through the

streets on it’s way to the church for the

special Sunday mass.


• La Semana Santa/Holy Week is widely celebrated throughout Mexico.

• There are processions/parades, ceremonies, rituals, and dramatic

reenactments/plays of the capture, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus.

• Different regions have unique traditions.

• On Easter Sunday, there is a huge celebration and all Catholic people go to

church for a special Easter Day mass.

• Some towns have fairs after the church service with food vendors, toys,

rides, etc.

Unique celebrations in Mexico

• In Taxco, for example, the participants actually whip themselves

or carry large religious objects on their backs. This is ancient

tradition dating back 500 years ago with Spanish influence.

• In San Miguel de Allende, they participate in “The Burning of the

Judases” where carpenters make wooden dolls of Judas that are

then burned in town squares to punish Judas for betraying Christ.

They also blow up paper maché figures filled with firecrackers.

Unique celebrations in Mexico

• In some regions, people visit

twelve different churches in

one day, one per apostle.

• In some areas, people march

through the streets before the

procession of Christ to make a

religious promise.

• In Mexico, they do have an

interesting take on the Easter

egg and have “cascarones.”

These are real eggs that are

drained, cleaned and filled with

confetti. They are usually

cracked on someone’s head as

a surprise.


• Guatemala has similar ceremonies, processions and

celebrations as the other countries, in general.

• However, in Antigua, locals create “Alfombras de

accerín”, which are decorative and aromatic “carpets”

made of colored sawdust, flowers and pine needles.

These are placed along the main passageways for the



• Paraguay also has similar

ceremonies, processions and

celebrations as the other

countries, in general.

• However, in Tañarandy, they take

part in the “Camino al Cielo”

which is a procession through a

3km road lit up with thousands of

candles and torches.

• In addition, in front of eau home,

there is a poster with the last

name of the family that lives there

with a drawing that represents

their profession.


• In Bolivia, thousands of Bolivians take part

in a 140 km pilgrimage from La Paz to


























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