parts of a seed plant leaf stems roots seeds

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Structure of a Leaf

LeavesCaptures the sun’s energy

the food factory of the plant

produce the food used by the plant or stored for later use

Part of the Leaf (pg. 2) Cuticle; waxy waterproof coating; helps plant

retain water Surface cells: protective layer Upper Leaf Cells; Tightly packed cells. High

concentration of chloroplast Lower Leaf Cells; Widely spaced to allow carbon

dioxide (CO2) to reach cells for photosynthesis and oxygen (O2) to escape.

Vein: vascular tissue containing the Xylem & Phloem Xylem: carries water from roots to leaves Phloem: transport food made during photosynthesis.


Organelles which contain chlorophyll

located inside the food making cells


allow the plant to breathe and transpiregive off moisture

Guard Cells

open and close the small pore on the underside of the leaf


manufactured in the leaves moves downward through the stem to the rootsused by the plantstored in stem or root and leaf in the form of sugar, starch or protein.


plants respire 24 hours a dayconsume O2 and give off CO2plants produce more O2 through ps. Than they consume during respiration and growth.

Photosynthesis & Respiration

Stemstwo main functions

1. movement of water & minerals from the roots & movement of manufactured food down for storage.

2. support of leaves and reproductive structures

Stems alsoused for food storage and reproduction of plants involving cuttings

Green stems manufacture food just as leaves do

Internal Stem Structure

Cambium- separates Phloem and Xylem and produces all new cells.

Internal Stem Structure

Two typesHerbaceousWoody

Herbaceous Stem

No wood and are often soft

Woody StemDurable; made up of many


RootsUsually underground functions:

anchor plant and hold upright

absorb water and minerals from soil and conduct to stem

Sometimes store foodTwo Types

Fibrous…like rye grassTaproot…like carrots!

Root Structureinternal

similar to stemsolder roots have xylem, phloem and cambium

externalroot cap

produces continuous supply of new cells

protects roots as they push through soil

Structureroot hairs

absorb moisture and minerals

small roots

SeedsAll seeds share important

similaritiesInside the seed is a plant

ready to grow

Seed Structure Three main parts

1. Embryo: The young plant that develops from the zygote or fertizilzed eggAlready contains the beginnings of

roots, stems and leavesUses the food stored in the seed to

growSome seeds are surrounded by a

structure called fruit! Yum!!!!!

SEED STRUCTURE2. Cotyledons: “Seed Leaf” The stored food

sometimes in the seed

3. Seed Coat: Outer covering of the seed. Acts as the “skin” protecting the

embryo and its food from drying out. Allows seed to remain inactive for a

long time

Seed Structures

Seed Dissection of the Lima Bean

Seed Dissection Page 11 of Packet Looking inside a seed Each team of two will get 2 SEEDS Dry seed vs Soaked seed

Draw and observe the dry seedIn the mouth or cup of warm


Seed Dispersal (pg. 139)Dispersed by organisms;

an animal eats a fruit and their droppings spread the seeds

Seeds enclosed on barblike structures that hook on fur

Dispersed by waterDispersed by wind

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