partners' day

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Partners’ Day December 1, 2015

The Role of USAID’s Acquisition and Assistance Ombudsman Business Forecast 101

Diane A. Perone Acting Acquisition and Assistance Ombudsman USAID Bureau for Management Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA)

Jami J. Rodgers, CPCM Acting Deputy Director of Washington Operations USAID Bureau for Management Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA)

Panel Member Introductions

§  Diane A. Perone - Acting Ombudsman, USAID Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition & Assistance

§  Jami J. Rodgers - Acting Deputy Director Washington Operations, USAID Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition & Assistance

§  Sylvia Megret - Vice President of Business Development and Communications, University Research Co., LLC, Center for Human Services

§  Kevin Murphy - President, J.E. Austin Associates, Inc.

Role of the Ombudsman

The primary purpose of the Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Ombudsman is to ensure equitable treatment of

all parties participating in USAID's contracts and grants (acquisitions and assistance) pre-award, post-award, and

administration functions.

Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman

On any aspects of the A&A process, the Ombudsman may: §  Conduct inquiries; §  Investigate, report findings, make recommendations; §  Develop, evaluate, and discuss available options §  Facilitate, negotiate, and mediate; §  Identify complaint patterns and trends; §  Educate; and §  Advocate on behalf of affected individuals or entities when


Top Types of Ombudsman Inquiries

§  Choice of Instrument

§  Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Creep into Assistance Processes

§  Perceptions of Bias

Limitations of the Ombudsman

§  Cannot compel or direct Agency or CO/AO action;

§  Does not substitute for USAID’s formal process;

§  Does not substitute for providing the Agency with formal notice;

§  Does not toll the time limitations for in the event of a protest, dispute, appeal, request for equitable adjustment, etc.; and

§  Cannot make binding decisions or determine rights.

Partner Inquiry Parameters

§  What is your complaint, issue, or concern?

§  What redress do you seek?

§  Who are the relevant parties?

§  Have you spoken to the AO/CO?

§  Do I have your permission to look into the matter?

§  Do you require confidentiality?

§  What are your time constraints?

For More Information

Please contact the USAID Acquisition and Assistance Ombudsman:

Business Forecast 101 Jami J. Rodgers, CPCM Acting Deputy Director of Washington Operations USAID Bureau for Management Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA)

Business Forecast Overview

§  Serves as an informational resource on potential funding and partnership opportunities at USAID.

§  Provides an advanced look at grants, contracts, task orders, and cooperative agreements that USAID is in the process of developing and plans to issue in the coming fiscal year.

§  Represents a snapshot in time of USAID’s planned programs and activities. When the snapshot is captured, each of these activities are in various stages of design and may change as a natural outcome of the design process.

§  Balances the need to have information about future opportunities available as early as possible while still providing reliable information.

Generating the Business Forecast

§  USAID uses an Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Plan System generate the Forecast. The A&A Plan System is used across the Agency by leadership, program officers, and AOs/COs to capture and track planned A&A actions.

§  Several days prior to the start of each quarter, USAID issues a notice to all AOs/COs to review and update A&A actions in the A&A Plan System.

§  USAID generates a report of all A&A actions to be included on the Business Forecast which is reviewed in Washington, DC.

§  Two separate forecasts are developed each quarter (USAID/Washington and USAID Missions).

§  The Agency’s Senior Procurement Executive conducts a final review before publication.

Types of Forecasted Opportunities §  Blanket Purchase Agreement

(BPA) §  Collaborative Agreement §  Contract §  Cooperative Agreement §  Development Innovation

Accelerator (DIA) §  Fixed Amount Award (FAA) §  Grant §  Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite

Quantity (IDIQ) contract

§  Leader with Associate Award (LWA)

§  Personal Services Contract (PSC) §  Purchase Order §  GSA Task/Delivery Orders §  GSA BPA §  Activities To Be Determined

(TBD) §  IDIQ Task Orders

Business Forecast Data Fields

§  M/B/IO (Program Office) §  A&A Specialist §  Award Title §  Award Description §  Sector §  NAICS Code §  Total Estimated Cost/Amount

Range §  Implementing Partner/Incumbent §  Award/Action Type

§  Small Business Set-Aside §  Fiscal Year of Action §  Anticipated Award Date §  Anticipated Solicitation Release

Date §  Award Length §  Solicitation Number §  Business Forecast Status


Staying Up-To-Date

§  The Business Forecast is generated once a quarter.

§  Within each quarter, minor modifications and updates are made.

§  USAID has created an e-mail distribution list for individuals and organizations that are interested in receiving alerts when updates occur. (See top-right on Business Forecast page for sign-up.)

§  Quarterly Conference Call with Q&A §  Twitter: @USAIDBizOpps

For More Information

USAID Business Forecast: To inquire about a specific opportunity, please contact the A&A staff listed in the Business Forecast. E-mail:

Small Businesses’ Review and Usage of USAID’s Business Forecast

Partners’ Day December 1, 2015

Kevin Murphy, President & Co-Founder of J.E. Austin


Step One: Developing Company Plan and Strategy

Step Two: Capture Plan, Prioritization of Projects

Step Three: Research and Interaction with Potential Primes

Step Four: Pre-Sol, Teams Typically Formed

Step Five: Finalizing Proposal

How Do Small Businesses Use the Business Forecast?

Business Forecast Released


Increased Communication

Planning Tool •  What to pursue? •  What to ask? •  Prime or Subcontract

•  Functional and regional focus •  Choice of instrument •  Size and amount of budget

•  Spurs dialogue and interaction with list of prioritized prime contractors

Key Lessons on Usage

SBAIC Success Stories

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