partners 2015 expo: developing culturally responsive teaching & learning

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Developing Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

Jaime KiddManaging Director of

Program Development & Support

Results-Oriented Cycle of Inquiry

Annual Priorities

Common Core State Standards (CCSS): Achieve results for students of color and English learners during the transition to CCSS.

Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning (CRTL): Shift instructional practices in our schools to create more equitable classrooms.


Of the 30,440 students we served in 2013-14:

80% are students of color

42% are learning English

82% come from families with limited income

Why CRTL? “…students of color may become alienated from

the school process because schooling often asks children to be something or someone other than who they really are. It asks them to use language other than the one they come to school with. It asks them to dismiss their community and cultural knowledge. It erases things that students hold dear.”

Gloria Ladson-Billings

CRTL is…“…based on the assumption that when academic knowledge and skills are situated within the lived experiences and frames of reference of students, they are more personally meaningful, have higher interest appeal, and are learned more easily and thoroughly.” (Gay, 2000)

Think Pair Share

In what ways was your home world (race, ethnicity, SES, language, food, values, holidays, customs, etc.) similar to and different from your school world?

Home School

Developing Culturally Responsive Educators


Systems Perspective

Assets Orientation

Classroom Strategies

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Making something a priority…

• Summer Launch• Monthly Whole

Group Learning Sessions

• Team discussions • School strategy

Focused Learning on


Thoughtful Action in Schools

Culturally Responsive Educators

Our GRPS Team in ActionMegan Kizer, Mary Kay Murphy

Created a team theory of action focused on accelerating achievement for African American students and ensuring CRTL practices were present in their schools.

Designed a scope and sequence to guide their learning…

Committed to reading together…

Learning leads to action…

“Because of the constant learning and sharing about RCCP and culturally responsive teaching and learning, I think that we have really grown and strengthened our coaching for equity skills when working in schools. We hold an equity lens in everything that we do and keep it at the forefront of our work.”

Jennifer SierraSchool Innovation Partner

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Protected time for learning around CRTL…Worked with Executive Directors to set a learning goal around CRTL in the professional development network for school and teacher leaders.

Embedded equity in their routines…

Weekly leadership at one school now begin with each leader reflecting on:

“How have I disrupted inequity since we last met?”

In the words of a principal…“The work that we have done as a staff around CRTL has led to teachers deepening their understanding of their own culture, the cultures of the students they serve and how to create a classroom environment that honors both. This shift is creating a learning environment where students are beginning to see themselves as learners, taking ownership of their learning and increasing their achievement scores because of a desire to actively engage in their learning.”

Tricia Mathes Martin Luther King Leadership


In the words of teachers…

“Getting parents more involved by reaching out and welcoming them.”

“How much culture affects the way someone learns and the way I teach.”

“Helping children find relevance in their learning.”

What has stuck with you?

Our Alum Rock Team in ActionShara Watkins, Carrie Cifka-Herrera

PLCs focused on CRTL

Kindergarten and Middle School PLCs bring together teachers from across the district for protected learning and planning time.

These PLCs have focused their work this year on supporting teachers to implement CRTL practices, with an additional emphasis on supporting English learners to be successful with the demands of common core writing.

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A framework for learning

Develop the mindset

Introduce new instructional practices

Plan CCSS units with CRTL practices and mindsets

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb

a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is


Albert Einstein

Developing the CRTL Mindset• Teachers created

identity maps• Asked teachers to

select focal students• Supported teachers

to identify students’ funds of knowledge

• Created virtual backpacks

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Interested in science

Plays Loves musicSoccer

Oldest Fluent in Spanishchild with responsibilities at home


Introducing CRTL Strategies• How to select

culturally relevant literature

• Structured oral language practice

Planning CCSS Units

In the words of teachers…

“(Working in) our small group and being able to construct meaning behind the pedagogy and to make learning culturally relevant.”

“Having time to discuss CRTL and how it relates to our classroom instruction”

“Discussion on personal experiences and their effects on our teaching.”

What has been of value?


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