particle theory- secondary- chemistry

Post on 21-May-2015






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Particle Theory

Aim High Programme-Winter BreakDone by: Mahima 7-B1

What is Particle Theory?

• There is a theory that can explain the different properties of solids, liquids and gases. This is called the particle theory.

Particle Theory in Solids

• Solids have particles that are very close together. The particles can vibrate, but are fixed in their places, so that they can’t move past each other. That’s why solids keeps their shape.

Particle Theory in Liquids

• The particles in a liquid are close to one another but can move past each other. That’s why liquids flow.

Particle Theory in Gases

• In gases, the particles are far apart and can move anywhere by themselves. That’s why gases spread all over the place and fill any container they are in.

What is an dilution?

•Dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of a solute in a solution, by using or mixing with solvent.

A solute is the solid that is dissolved in a


A Solvent is a liquid or substance that is

used to dissolve another

If you have any trouble with definitions, refer to the ribbon above

Example of Dilution occur:• You can make an orange juice using oranges and water. The

colour and flavour spread out. If you add more water to the orange juice, you dilute the drink. Excess of water results to be not seeing the orange colour any more.

• Dilution is also the process of making something LESS CONCENTRATED.

What is Diffusion?What is Diffusion?

• If someone is cooking in the kitchen it doesn't take long for the smell to travel around the house to other rooms. This is because of diffusion.

Diffusion in solids, liquids and gases.

• Gases- When chemicals, like the smell of perfume or burning toast, are let loose in a room, the particles mix with the air particles. The particles of smelly gas are free to move quickly in all directions. They eventually spread through the whole room. This is called diffusion.

Diffusion in solids, liquids and gases.

• Liquids- Diffusion can also happen in liquids. This is because the particles in liquids can move around each other, which means that eventually they are evenly mixed.

• For example if you drop a little bit of paint into a jar of water the colour will spread slowly through the water. This is by diffusion.

• Diffusion in liquids is slower than diffusion in gases because the particles in a liquid move more slowly.

Diffusion in solids, liquids and gases.

• Solids- Diffusion does not happen at all in solids because the particles in a solid can only vibrate on the spot, rather than being able to move from place to place.


What is pressure?

Pressure is the force caused by particles hitting a certain area.

Different types of pressure• They are different types of pressure. The most common one is

air pressure.

• The air particles around us put pressure on us. This is called air pressure. We can’t feel pressure because we are so used to it. But, we can see it’s effects. If air pressure was unavailable, we couldn’t suck things through a straw.

More information about pressure.

• When a gas builds up in a “closed-in” space, it creates a sort of “pushing” sensation known as pressure. Pressure is caused by particles. The particles hitting the sides of a container cause more pressure even pushing or squashing the container causes more pressure because there is less space for the particles to move. If there is an explosion of a can or container. BLAME PRESSURE!

What would happen if there was NO PARTICLE THEORY?

• We would not be able to suck things from a straw.

• Blow a balloon.

• Smell perfume or any other thing.

• No color in any liquid.

• Cannot make anything concentrated.

• Cannot make anything less concentrated.

• Would not know the states of matter and it’s properties.

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