participatory democracy with new age media

Post on 22-Nov-2014



Social Media



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Presentation delivered by Krishnamurthy Hegde, founder Interactive Media Worldwide group on Linkedin. This is to present a realistic, technically feasible, innovative and ‘Inclusive ‘ solution concepts and framework based on the New Age Interactive Media. The solutions can resolve many of the challenges that we face not just in our democratic process, but also at enterprise level.


Krishnamurthy Hegde

Founder, Interactive Media WorldwideURL:

Participatory DemocracyWith

New Age Interactive Media

• Abstract: India’s Democracy is often referred as a ‘Miracle Democracy’ by the western press. No country has more heroically pursued the promise of democracy. Against the odds of staggering poverty, conflicting religious passions, linguistic pluralism, regional separatism, caste injustice and natural resource scarcity, corruption and social unrest. Indians have lifted themselves largely by their own sandal straps to become a stalwart democracy and emerging global power.

• Inspite of all the achievements in the last 60 years, we the people in India grumble, criticize and blame the Government, the political & bureaucratic class, justice system, police and the sorts. This only indicates that, there is more to do and more refinements to bring into our democratic system. As a large democratic country, we do have problems. Most of our problems can be addressed by collaborative efforts between people to people, people to government, and people to corporate programs. The New Age interactive media; which is an amalgamation of web 2.0, social media, IPTV, Interactive Billboards, Mobile VAS, OOi Paper and Digital Signage has the potential to provide the necessary framework for interactions and make the collaboration productive, transparent and effective.

Participatory Democracy:

To present a realistic, technically feasible and

workable solution concepts for Participatory Democracy with framework based on the New Age Interactive Media, which can create high potential opportunities for our people as well as strengthen our democratic institutions; to further elevate our democracy to the next level.


How do you Participate ?

1. Framework- Regulatory with Solutions Infrastructure

2. Need a Interactive Touch Point.

3. Need a Context.

4. Identity Management - for all actors of social change

5. It should be Free !!

Pre-requisite: A Centralized Identity Management at National Level of all entities; people, enterprises and Institutions.

How do you Participate ?

• Participation is Power for self Governance.

• Participation creates Opportunity.

• Participation nurtures Progress.

• Participation ushers Positive Social Change.

What does Participation mean in practice?

• In a participatory Democracy, framework to connect with people is the fundamental need.

• And its also important that, people have some attraction to relate with the framework itself

Participatory Democracy:

• New Age Interactive Media is the Unifying Force that can connect people across the full spectrum of people eco-system

New Age Interactive Media:

Single Media Integrated Media

• Wider people participation will usher a new economic revolution in the country and we will truly become the Global Super Power

Power of New Age Interactive Media:

Market Growth for Interactive Media:

$1.4 Trillion Software


$1.4 Trillion Software


$1.7 Trillion Entertainment

& Media by 2008-PWC

$1.7 Trillion Entertainment

& Media by 2008-PWC

$5.7 Trillion Entertainment & Media by 2024

-Future Exploration Network

$5.7 Trillion Entertainment & Media by 2024

-Future Exploration Network

Example 1:

Merits of People Participation

Example 1:

15000 % UP

Growth due to People Participation

Merits of People Participation

People Participation in Economic Activity:

People Force to % GDPGDP Growth in $ Billions

Example 2:

Merits of People Participation

Example 2: Growth due to People Participation

Merits of People Participation




“Everyone has a chance to standout.Everyone has a chance to learn,

improve and build up their skills . Everyone has a chance to be a Brand

worthy of remark” – Tom Peters. father of branding.

>> You are a Media and a Brand too !

Interactive Media:


>>Every enterprise is a Media entity and a Brand too !

Interactive Media:

In a Media economy, every enterprise turns into a media entity in order to

connect with their employees, partners and customers.


>>Democratic Institution is a Media entity and a Brand too !

Interactive Media:

Nobody understands branding better than professional services firms. Look at McKinsey or Arthur Andersen for a model to create Professional Services for Social Change.

They have almost no hard assets. They have lots of soft assets -- more conventionally known as people, preferably smart, motivated, talented people. And they have huge revenues -- and astounding profits.

They also have a very clear culture of work and life. You're hired, you report to work, you join a team -- and you immediately start figuring out how to deliver value to the customer. You figure out what it takes to create a distinctive role for yourself -- you create a message and a strategy to promote the brand called You.


Individual as media entity and brand too:

Social Media



Social Media


Interactive Media Coverage:





Contextual Collaboration

Drivers of Social Change:


New order of Participatory Democracy:

Obama Mantra:

People to People Value Chain:

25Copyright © 2009 Interactive Media Worldwide. All rights reserved.

I Swear,

John F Kennedy1917 - 1963

“ “ Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You,You,

But Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.But Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.” ”

“ “ Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You,You,

But Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.But Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.” ”

I Swear,

Krishnamurthy Hegde Founder, Interactive Media Worldwide


Thank You.

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