part3 analytics

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Google Analytics

What is Web Analytics?

Insights into how visitors find your website, how they navigate through it & if they convert

Acquire Navigate Funnel Convert

Am I creating effective content?

How do I improve site interaction?

How can I make my marketing campaigns more

effective & accountable?

How are users engagingwith my site?

Google Analytics: Free, Quick to Install, Easy to Use

Providing Answers to Difficult Questions

Where and why are visitors abandoning my

shopping cart?

Google Analytics Overview

Benefits for Marketers

• Understand how visitors engage with your site

• Compare performance of all marketing efforts from emails to keywords to offline campaigns

• Integrated with AdWords but also tracks non-Google campaigns

• Identify areas for site improvement

• Pinpoint breakdowns in conversion processes

• Track e-commerce metrics, such as revenue, average order value, and conversion rates

Free, hosted web analytics tool that helps advertisers improve their sites and increase their marketing ROI

Tools for Each Step in the Marketing Process

Fisher Price toys

Traffic from variety of marketing campaigns


Website Optimizer


Track visitor behavior on your own site & assess campaign effectiveness

Test different creative to improve on-site conversions

Monitor macro-level trends

1 2 3

Utility for an Entire Organization

• Track ROI on all online initiatives from a single report

• Identify long-term trends in online marketing programs� Executives

• Capture the most conversions at the lowest possible cost

• Target high return regional markets and market segments

• Test various advertising creative for each of your campaigns

� Marketers

• Demonstrate the value of your site usability improvements

• Show how your site design decisions improve website ROI

• Identify web design parameters like visitor connection speeds and browser types

� Webmasters

Key Features

• Easy to set-up and start gathering actionable data

• Powerful reporting includes:

– Advanced Segmentation

– Custom Reporting

– Motion Charts

– Defined Funnel Navigations

– Geo-Location Report

– CPC vs. Organic Report

– Keyword Considerations

– Campaign ROI

•• Free!Free!

Key Features

View all of your Marketing campaigns within Analytics:

• Automatically integrated with AdWords

• Track other online campaigns using URL Builder

• Use Geo Location reports to help measure offline campaigns

How It Works

Secure Google Servers

Report Data



• Customizable

• Drag and drop reports to edit layout

• Email individual reports or schedule regular updates

• Export data to PDF and XML

Report Interface

Scheduled Email Settings

Link to Help Center Calendar Options/Date Slider

Report Navigation

Help Links

Export Options and Email Reports Set-up

Report Structure

5 Main Navigation Categories:

• Visitors– Visitor information such as loyalty, language,

and location

• Traffic Sources– Natural and paid sources of traffic, includes

AdWords reports

• Content– Pageview information

• Goals– Conversion rates and goal paths

• Ecommerce (if enabled)– Commerce tracking, visitor loyalty, revenue

sources, and product-specific information

Site Content

• Learn where users are going on your site and how long they are staying there

• View trends for every page

• Segment the page data to see greater detail

• See which countries, regions and cities are driving traffic to your site

• Compare visitors from different areas

• Learn how they differ by conversion and value

Geography & Location

Site Design

• Understand how your users are accessing the internet

• Leverage this knowledge to optimize your site and content

Traffic Sources

Understand the origins of your site’s traffic


Compare quality of traffic coming to your site

Key stats for each site

Drill-down for more detail

Email Reports

• Schedule reports to be delivered via Email

• Select format (pdf, csv, xml, tsv) and scheduling (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly)

Goals & Navigation

Track All Goals/Conversions

• E-Commerce

• Lead Generation

• Brand & Product Awareness

• Member Acquisition

Potential Goals:




Goal Reporting

Analyze conversion data over time on macro or micro levels

Convert Visitors to Customers

Eliminate bottlenecks in your conversion process

Your visitors

Shopping Cart


Thank You Page

Your Customers

Pinpoint where you lose visitors and duplicate successful paths

Product Information1




Funnel Reporting

• Examine where visitors enter and exit your conversion process

• Identify which site paths lead to the most goal completions

• Use your findings to test changes to your site

Entering the funnel Leaving the funnel

Defined goal

Example Funnel Visualization Onlineshop

Too many Funnel Steps!

Too many Funnel Steps!

Conversion Rate could be


Conversion Rate could be


Zero Entrances to Login page

Zero Entrances to Login page

Too many Funnel Steps!

Too many Funnel Steps!

Less than 10% who visited the Shopping Cart really finished the transaction!


Analyze how traffic moves through your site from entrance through goal completion

Optimizing Marketing Campaigns

Analyze All Marketing Campaigns

Determine which marketing initiatives are driving the best traffic to your site

Banner Advertising

Search Marketing

Email Marketing

SEO, Referrals, Affiliate Programs & Offline

Evaluate Your Campaigns

• See which marketing strategies are most effective

• Analyze performance at the keyword level

• Evaluate your ROI based on goal values you have defined

Leverage Organic Search

• Discover what users search for to reach your site

• Identify organic keywords that convert but are not included in your current marketing campaigns

• Start bidding on new keywords

Understand AdWords Performance

• See click and cost data directly from AdWords

• Compare spend against conversions

• Analyze click and cost trends over time

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Position Report

• Pinpoint which keyword positions are most effective

• Use position preference in AdWords to bid for those positions

What is new?

Advanced Segmentation

• Isolate and analyze subsets of your traffic post-data capture

• Compare segments and key performance metrics side by side

• Analyze your traffic with predefined or customized segments

Custom Reporting

• Create, save, and share reports that are important to your business

• Simply drag-and-drop dimensions and metrics for customized reports

Motion Charts

• Visualize data in four different dimensions and see how they change over time

• Quickly and easily uncover trends, anomalies, and seasonal changes

Account Management Interface

• Login dashboard overview with KPIs help users monitor accounts

• New navigation & interface helps users easily find and move between accounts & profiles

• Find account / profile box quickly locates desired account among many

Analytics Data Export API

• Users can develop client applications to view Analytics data in the form of Google Data API feeds

• Export Analytics data for any type of use: integrate Analytics data with other data sources, build custom dashboards, visualizations or interfaces, do offline analysis

AdSense Integration in Analytics

• Gain deeper insight into your site's traffic & monetization metrics with data unavailable in AdSense alone

• Find out which pages generate the most revenue, which referrers send the highest monetizing traffic, and how these and other metrics trend over time

• Optimize site content and user experience with more detailed visitor information with ability to segment AdSense data by city, browser, OS, etc.

Internal Site Search

• Understand how your users are searching on your site

• Leverage this knowledge to optimize your site content and keyword campaigns

Multi-Line Graphs

Compare your metrics from within the same graph


Create a New Account

Sign up for an account at or via the Analytics tab in your AdWords account

Analytics tab in AdWords

<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12345-1");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();</script>

Google Analytics Tracking Code

<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12345-1");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();</script>

After submitting your contact information, you will be provided with the Google Analytics tracking code to add to your site

Google Analytics Tracking Code

Installing the JavaScript


<head> Information about this page goes here


<body>The displayed content goes here

Google Analytics Code</body>


Sample Web Page HTML

• Copy the JavaScript code generated when setting up your account and paste the code segment into the bottom of your page’s content

• This code should be placed on every page of your site that you want to track

• Paste before the closing </body> tag of each page

<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12345-1");pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();</script>

Linking AdWords to Analytics

• Link AdWords to Analytics to get advanced reporting

• Use the same Google Account for Analytics and AdWords

• The AdWords login will need administrator privileges in Analytics to link the accounts

To link accounts, go to the Analytics tab within your AdWords Account

Adwords Integration

Automatically import AdWords cost data

Instant view of ROI on AdWords spend

Identify best / worst performing keywords

Initial Screen

Configuration: Goals, Filters, Users

Analytics Reports Remove Profiles

User Permissions Apply Filters

Analytics Accounts Drop-down

Add Profiles

Website Optimizer

How do you decide what people see after they click?

HiPPO:“I went to business school, add these 10 bullets and this 2X2 matrix to the page.”

Creative Genius:I went to design school, remove all those bullets and numbers and just leave the YouTube video


Who should design your website?




Your WebsiteVisitors!

Your client’s website may have many internal stakeholders

It should be focused primarily on conversions!

This Is What Our Advertiser Told Us

I know the problem areas of my website but I don't know what to do about them.

I have a low conversion rate but don’t know how

to improve it

I want to test out different marketing messages but I

don’t know howI want to improve my website but the only

solutions available are expensive 3rd party

products or consulting services

Website Optimizer – What it does

Test different variations of a page to see which version is most effective at achieving results.

1/3 visitors

1/3 visitors

1/3 visitors

Winning Combo

8% Add to Cart

14% Add to Cart

25% Add to Cart

Visitors arrive at your site

You test different variations of a particular webpage

See what variationis most effectiveat getting results

Website Optimizer Product Overview




Google’s Website Optimizer helps advertisers test what combination of site content drives the most conversions.

Website Optimizer is designed to help online marketers convert more visitors into customers

Once your account has been activated, you can find this feature via the “Website Optimizer” link under the “Campaign Management” tab or from within the Tools page.

Website Optimization - why is it important?

•Visitors spend an average of 8 seconds before deciding whether or not to remain on a website

•Search engines and AdWords drive traffic to your website and analytics solutions help to gather data and identify problems in your conversion path, but none of them can help drive the visitor beyond the landing page

•Website Optimizer helps you convert these visitors into buyers by increasing conversions, and subsequently, your ROI

Website Optimization is a key step in increasing ROI

Website Optimization - why is it important?

People who arrive on your site = 10,000People who do not bounce (60%) = 6,000People who convert (2%) = 120Value of sale to you = €57

Total Return = €6.840

Before Free Site Testing After Free Site Testing

People who arrive on your site = 10,000People who do not bounce (65%) = 6,500People who convert (3%) = 195Value of sale to you = €57

Total Return = €11.115

Evolve faster than your competition by testing

Remember, it’s easier to double profits by doubling conversion rates than by trying to double traffic – Website Optimiser is designed with this in mind

Test any “Section” of Your Page



Test a headlineTest a headline

Test an imageTest an image

A “section” is any area of your page where you’d like to test alternative copy or creative

A/B Split or Multivariate Testing?

Test Multiple Sections and Combinations

Test Multiple Sections and Combinations

Test Multiple Sections and Combinations

2 different headlines

x 3 different images

= 6 possible combinations

What to test?



Call to Action




Embedded video


Big picture/Small picture

Detailed Graphical Reporting

• Reports are available in two formats

� Combinations Tab shows how each combination affects overall conversions

� Page Sections Tab rates how each section contributes to overall conversions as well as how each individual creative performs

Combinations Tab

Combination 57 is performing the best

Combination 57 is performing the best

Bars represent relative improvement

Bars represent relative improvement

Original is highlighted here

Original is highlighted here

Page Sections Tab

Variation 3 is the best performing individual variation in Section 3

Variation 3 is the best performing individual variation in Section 3

Variations 1-3 show promise but the overall

section contributes little to conversions

Variations 1-3 show promise but the overall

section contributes little to conversions

Section 3 strongly influences conversions

Section 3 strongly influences conversions

Variations 1-3 show promise but the overall

section contributes little to conversions

Variations 1-3 show promise but the overall

section contributes little to conversions

Website Optimizer Product Benefits

• Free multivariate testing application

• Marketers have full control over the testing and creatives

• Intuitive, self-service application does not require consulting or professional services to implement

• No limit on incoming site traffic

• Works with all analytics solutions and all site traffic, not just AdWords traffic

• Tests can be run simultaneously on multiple pages displaying the same section of content

• Tests can have non-page-based conversion events (click on add to cart button)

• Tests can have up to 10,000 combinations

• Marketers can copy an old test to continuously optimize a page by trying new variations without retagging

• Integrated directly into AdWords

• Provides detailed graphical reports

It’s Easier Than you Think to Start

Click the Website Optimizer link from yourAdWords account

Or log in with the same email you use for AW, Gmail, etc.

Straightforward Setup Process

Step 1: Identify pages you want to test

Step 2: Add tags to experiment pages (might require technical help from a Webmaster)

Step 3: Enter your different marketing messages and creatives

Step 4: Launch

A/B Split Testing

Website Optimizer makes it easy for you to start testing quickly with our A/B experiment creation tool.

Version A Version B

Ideal for:

• First time testers

• Low traffic pages

• High traffic pages

Step 1: Specify Your Pages + Tagging

Andale Bikes Landing Page Test

Step 2: Preview and Launch Your Experiment

See Intuitive Reports of your Results

Trial with GMail

Results from Gmail Trail

Test a small number of variations

– Rule of thumb is ~100 conversions per combination

– Combinations = (# Variations in Section 1) * (# Variations in Section 2)…

Test big changes

– If you can’t see difference between two combos in 8 seconds, visitors probably won’t either

Consider early indicators if you don’t have enough conversions

– E.g. if you’re selling a $100k software package or a small business with modest volume, optimize for conversion indicators such as request info, view product details, remain on page features page >5 seconds.

Don’t jump to conclusions

– Less than 2 weeks is no good, focus on absolute conversion difference, don’t get too excited by a sliver of green, yellow or red

Some Best Practices

Web’s Most Popular Testing Platform


� Free

� Easy to use

� Backed by Google

� Increases in conversion rate >20% not uncommon

� Discussion groups, tutorials, consultant network


� A/B Split Testing

� Multivariate Testing

� Follow Up Testing

� Works with ALL traffic

� Statistical Analysis

� Platform Independent

� Quarterly feature updates


Google Confidential and Proprietary

Summary• If you only remember one thing….


If you remember only one thing…

Q & A

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