part - iii : paragraph writing -...

Post on 04-Aug-2018






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Mr S. H. Patil Spark Language Solutions



Contents :

(1) Paragraph Writing

(2) Dialogue Writing

(3) Speech Writing



A paragraph can be defined as a series of sentences elaborating a central idea. The

paragraph should reveal the main idea and should not express anything out of context. In short, a

paragraph is a piece of composition expressing a single idea. In simple words, a paragraph

comprises a number of sentences.


As far as its structure is concerned, it should be in brief and in such a manner that reader

should get the complete sense of the idea expressed in the paragraph. Its brevity should sum up

the questions, doubts and assure the reader that he has nothing to demand more. Hence it

should have the basic structure mentioned below.

(a) Introductory Sentence,

(b) Elaboration of an idea,

(c) Conclusion.

Introductory Sentence

A paragraph should have a topic sentence which expresses the central thought which has

been elaborated with major and minor details. Sentences are intimately linked together. The main

idea of the paragraph should be expressed in the first two sentences. Generally a paragraph

begins with a topic sentence.

Elaboration of an Idea

The topic sentence is supported by subsequent sentences without going out of the context.

Any remark which is not related to the topic disturbs the progression of the thought expressed

together. Hence the examples or illustrations should underline the thought expressed in the topic

sentence. It gives proper order and logical coherence to the paragraph.

The unity of the paragraph can be achieved if there is a smooth transition from one thought to

another. To make thoughts clear, linking words and phrases like ‘hence’, ‘as’, ‘since’, ‘because’,

‘therefore’, ‘however’, etc. should be used. They help to bind the sentences together. Moreover,

variety of sentences should be used in a paragraph.

English 3. 2 Paragraph Writing


A good paragraph always concludes with the central idea expressed in it. It leaves no grey

area for the reader. The reader’s anticipation should come to an end. The paragraph should be

concluded in such a manner that it should satisfy the urge of the reader for explanation or

illustration. There should be no loose ends or distractions at the end of the paragraph.

Types of Paragraph

(1) Descriptive : We can describe a person, a scene or a thing in descriptive paragraph.

The reader is not left with the free imagination as it has details of the topic in discussion.

Important and necessary details help to build the picture in front of the readers. The paragraph

conveys the topic in such a manner that the reader actually visualizes the scene.

(2) Narrative : In narrative paragraph, we narrate an event or a story in chronological

manner. The narration should build the suspense in such a way that the reader anticipates and

reads further. It can be narrated in a dramatic way to arouse the interest of the readers. Vivid

description is a must.

(3) Comparative and Contrastive : We can describe the object highlighting the similarities

and differences. In this type of paragraph, we can compare and find the contrast at the same


We can point out the differences by using the opposite words like ‘on the contrary’, ‘on the

other hand’, ‘where as’. The object of the paragraph is not to superiority of one thing over the

other. On the other hand, this type of paragraph should achieve the objective stand.

(4) Technical paragraph : This type of paragraph provides the information about technical

things. We have to define the objects in such a way that the reader is able to understand the

technicality of the things in simple manner. Hence while writing such paragraph one must be

precise about the use of words and sentences. Ambiguity has no place in the writing of such

paragraphs. To make the object user friendly brevity should be achieved.


Q. Develop a well-organized paragraph about 75 to 80 words :

(1) Engineering as a Career.

Ans. : One takes education and follows a career as per his or her interest. One can pursue

Engineering as a career as this discipline promises a bright future. We can render service to the

industry and nation at large. Being an engineer, one has to be dedicated and precise to follow the

deadlines of the project. As there have been new challenges, an engineer has to bite the bullet as

situation demands. There is always a scope for creativity and ingenuity if one takes up

engineering as a career.

(2) My Dream.

Ans. : My dream is to be a renowned painter. To follow and attain my dream, I will strive hard. I

should have a bird’s eye for the details and wild imagination. Leonardo da Vinci is an ideal for me.

I believe that painters can create their own world. Though it would be a replica of the real world, it

gives peerless pleasure. My obscure paintings will be relished by the common mass. I want to put

English 3. 3 Paragraph Writing

the intangible matters into substantial manner. One should tread on the untraded path. I know

that one day I will pull off my dream.

(3) Duties of Students.

Ans. : There are some duties for students. Nowadays we see that teachers have to contend with

the outrageous behavior of the students. Students should gain knowledge by various sources and

enhance their skills. Students should follow the path of righteousness and ingenuity. Cultured and

well mannered students can build an ideal civilization. This edifice can only be built if we are loyal

to our duties and deeds. Students’ endeavours should reflect the respect towards parents,

teachers and elders.

(4) Importance of Discipline in Life.

Ans. : Discipline is very important in all walks of life. If we want to maintain the equilibrium in our

life, discipline is mandatory. Discipline can mould our life in such a shape that we can set an

example for others. Discipline means abiding oneself to the norms and rules set up by the family,

society and nation. Being a member of the family, one has to carry out the responsibility. Some

people entertain the wrong belief that discipline is a constraint on liberty and self-fulfillment. They

are reluctant to discipline and they reach very sharply whenever some restrictions are imposed.

This is not correct. We must realize that discipline alone can ensure all-round progress and

advancement of the country.

(5) Importance of Sports.

Ans. : We have been noticing a growing demand to include sports as subject in school

curriculum. It is essential for students to get acquainted with the age old and traditional sports of

our country. Apart from teaching technical subjects, sports can be taught at school level and

college level. Sports will help to inculcate the teamwork, interpersonal skills, team building spirit

among the students. Sports has been marginalized in our society. People envisage that the

technical knowledge will fetch them handsome salary and a cozy job. But they hardly give it a

shot that sports can also became the source of earning name and fame.

(6) Merits and demerits of Cell Phone.

Ans. : There are pros and cons of everything in life. Cell phone is not an exception.

People used to write letters to communicate with each other. But it was very slow and people

couldn’t contact in emergency situation. Using cell phone makes the communication easy and

fast. It is also cheaper to convey your message. It is handy and portable means of

communication. We can communicate whenever we want. On the contrary, cell phone spread

electromagnetic waves which can cause serious health problems like cancer. In addition to that

cell phone can affect the automatic break systems in car which can cause accident.

(7) Pollution.

Ans. : Pollution is the introduction of the contaminants into the natural environments, causing

adverse climatic changes. Pollution has become a popular issue these days. Global warming is at

an alarming state now. Untoward and unwanted materials are thrown on the street. Industries are

emitting vicious gases in the environment. Seepage of dirty water into the rivers is grabbing the

attention. Hence pollution has been taking many shapes in the form of water pollution, air

English 3. 4 Paragraph Writing

pollution, soil pollution and the list goes on. Industrialists are reluctant about the issue. Civilians

can’t deny individual responsibility towards society and the environment. Social activists and

common mass should confront with burning issue of global warming so that the next generation

can breathe healthy air.

(8) Traffic Problem in Metros.

Ans. : In the course of time, villages have grown into cities and cities turned into metros. As there

is the growth in its size there is the rise of problems. One of them is a traffic problem. Motor

cyclists and private car owners have helped to aggravate the issues. Though government is

continuously working in the betterment of urban life style, it has failed to tackle the issue of

increasing traffic on the road. It has been affecting common mass in every sphere of life. Instead

of using private vehicles, people should prefer public transport in the benefit of society.

(9) An Accident.

Ans. : It was a sunny day I was getting late to school so I was walking a little bit fast than usual. I

came to the main cross of the city which was as usual crowded. When I was trying to cross the

road, I heard a horrible sound of break and bump, soon after I heard people shouting, crying and

running here and there. Everybody was screaming, “Help! help!”It did not take much time for me

to understand that it was an accident. A school van and a truck collided on each other. The

accident was much severe and many children got injured. I ran to the scene and started to help

those children. Someone called police and ambulance. Injured ones were taken to hospitals. I

remembered what my mother always keeps telling me, “Be careful on the road!”

(10) A Scene at The Railway Station.

Ans. : I like to observe people and a railway station is my favourite place where I get a lot of

things to observe. Passengers are waiting for their trains. Some are rushing towards the booking

window to book tickets. Fruit seller is shouting in a particular rhythm so that he can attract

people’s attention. People are running after collies carrying their luggage. A boy is selling

newspapers. Children are demanding to their parents for toys and sweets. A lady was crying and

waiting for train. It seemed that she is going to visit someone who is not feeling well. Really a

scene at railway station is a live portrait of all the human emotions and actions.

(11) Specifications of Cell Phone

Ans. : S -84 is a full touch screen cell phone with a dual sim card operator. The cell phone comes

with a rear and a front HD camera inbuilt in it. It has a facility to play polyphonic ring tones and

MP3 files with the help of MP3 player. It can record one hour video in HD quality. GPS system is

an additional feature of this model. A strong and long life battery supports the cell phone

operations. Standby time of the battery is about six to seven hours. The attractive body makes

this model one and only in its class.

(12) Effects of Water Pollution

Ans. : Nature is full of life. Water is one of the important ingradients for all the living things on the

earth. But today the water pollution is one of the serious problem we are facing. Dumping of

chemical waste and sewage into water has contaminated the water. The effects of water pollution

can be very serious. Various diseases are spread through polluted water. It also degrades the

English 3. 5 Paragraph Writing

land and fertility of the land gets disappeared. The contaminated water is a threat for sea life and

it poisons drinking water sources. We should stop polluting water.

(13) My First Day in the Institute

Ans. : How can I ever forget my first day in the institute? I was very happy to have got admitted in

one of the top colleges of our city. As it was my first day, I was in a new dress and was very

excited. I wanted to visit all the campus but I was getting late to the welcome party which was

arranged by our seniors to welcome us. After the welcome Party we were sent to our classrooms.

I went to the classroom, I was very happy to see some familiar faces. I took a seat near Ramesh,

who lives in my colony. Since it was the first day, all the lecturers interacted with us informally and

made us comfortable. All the nervousness was gone and I enjoyed the whole day.

(14) The Cricket Match I Enjoyed the Most

Ans. : It was one of the spectator matches I have ever seen. The ground was full of crowd and

spectators. We all were excited as it was the final match of inter college cricket championship

between my college cricket team and ABC college team. Our team won the toss and selected to

bat first. But the batsman could not do much and the team got all out at the score of 128. All our

the hopes were from the bowlers now. Our bowlers bowled very well and kept the run rate low. In

the last over the opposite team needed 4 runs and the last ball was to be bowled. Our bowler

started his run up and there was pin drop silence in the stadium. I closed my eyes and when I

opened them I saw the batsman was clean bowled and we won the match.

(15) Working Women and Housewives

Ans. : The modern life is far away different from traditional life. In the olden times women were

supposed to look after the house and family. But nowadays women are working in all the walks of

life equal to men. The life of housewives seems to be relaxed one but they face equal stress as

working women do. They get so much engrossed in household work that they don’t get time to

look after themselves. Working women achieve much but they miss the love and quality time

which can be spent with family. Both the roles are like the grass is green on the other side.

(16) Modern and Olden Times Transport Facilities.

Ans. : We all have to travel at various places. Modern means of transport have made the world

very close together and in the form of tiny village. Travelling to another country has become just a

few hours affair. But it was not the same in the olden times. In the olden times traveling few miles

was a big deal. A lot of time was spent in travelling from one village to another village. Travelling

was not everyone’s cup of tea but the modern cheap transport comes to the help of everyone.



English 3. 6 Paragraph Writing

We take up or become a part of conversation many times a day. Dialogue is nothing but the

conversation between two or more than two participants. A dialogue is a process of exchange. In

a dialogue we exchange our ideas, thoughts and emotions.

An effective dialogue is almost a dramatic conversation. It is not mere a exchange of few

sentences but imparting emotions with the sentences. One must be able to express oneself and

at the same time understand other speaker and his emotions.

Thus dialogue writing is an art. It needs careful preparation.

Tips for effective dialogue writing :

Understand and analyse the given situation for dialogue writing carefully.

Analyse the speakers to be a part of the dialogue.

Make a rough outline of the topic and the dialogue.

Arrange the ideas in a logical way.

Begin the dialogue with proper greetings.

Avoid too friendly expressions like Hey....., Buddy…., Dude……, Baby…… Yo…..etc.

Avoid using mechanical questions and mechanical answers.

Words often confused can be avoided.

Complex and lengthy sentences can make a dialogue difficult and dull.

Use words which express emotions and feelings.

Give proper turns to both or all the participants.

Follow natural speech patterns to make the dialogue lively.

Do not let any character to dominate other.

Interesting sentences and attractive beginning can fetch a good success.

Examples : 1. At the House

Ramesh : Here is the prince, how are you my friend?

Suresh : Absolutely fine my dear, what’s up?

Ramesh : Nothing just preparing for a concert.

Suresh : Wow…! That’s great. Can I join you.

Ramesh : Yes….! Why not?

Suresh : By the way, where is it going to be?

Ramesh : In our college. It will start at 5.00 p.m. let’s go.

Suresh : Fine! Let’s go.

Examples : 2. At the friend House

Rani : Hi, Radha! Have you submitted your application form?

Radha : Not yet. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Rani : Why?

English 3. 7 Paragraph Writing

Radha : I couldn’t make photocopies of my certificates because there was no electricity in

that area.

Rani : Okay, what group are you planning to choose?

Radha : I’ll be choosing mathematics and biology.

Rani : Why both?

Radha : I want to keep my options open. I want to become either an electrical or electronics

engineer or a doctor.

Rani : That’s a terrific idea! I’ve decided to choose the second group.

Radha : Why the second group? I thought you would choose the first group!

Rani : I’m terribly scared of mathematics and also zoology.

Radha : Strange! Your grandfather was a famous mathematician.

Rani : What about Vijaya ? She was interested in history and geography.

Radha : I heard that she is planning to join the vocational group.

Rani : Why?

Radha : She told me that she wants to participate in many basketball tournaments.

Rani : Yes, tomorrow is the last day to submit the application form.

Examples : 3. At the restaurant

Dipti : Shall we sit at that table, near the window?

Sayali : Yes, we shall.

Renuka : What shall we have first?

Dipti : I think I’ll have some cheese-sandwiches first.

Sayali : Let me have a look at the menu and then decide.

Renuka : I would like to have a mushroom pizza.

Sayali : I prefer masala dosa.

Dipti : Let’s call the bearer and place the order.

Renuka : Bearer, could we place the order?

Bearer : Yes, Mam. What would you like to have?

Sayali : Please bring us one plate of cheese-sandwiches, one mushroom pizza and one

masala dosa.

Renuka : What else would you two like to have?

Dipti : Samosas.

Sayali : Yes, and some potato chips too.

Bearer : Yes, Mam. (The dishes are served and they eat.)

Renuka : Dipti, please pass me that glass of water.

Sayali : Renuka, would you like to have some more chips?

Renuka : No, thank you.

English 3. 8 Paragraph Writing

Dipti : Sayali, that samosa is for you. Please have it.

Renuka : Any one wants

Sayali : Tea, for me.

Renuka : Dipti, what would you prefer?

Dipti : I would rather like to have vanilla ice cream.

Renuka : Bearer! Please get us one cup of tea and one cup of vanilla ice cream. Do you

have rose milk?

Bearer : Yes, Ma’m. It’s available.

Renuka : Then, I would like to have a glass of rose milk, please. (After they finish.)

Renuka : Please bring us the bill.

Dipti : Renuka, Sayali and me shall wait in the lobby. You can pay the bill and join us


Renuka : Yes, I’ll do that.

(Dipti and Sayali leave. The bearer brings the bill and Renuka pays.)

Renuka : Thank you, Sir!

Bearer : Thank you, Mam!

Examples : 4. How to ask directions.

Sujay : Can you tell me where the post office is?

Ajay : Please go up this street and lake the third turn to the right,

Sujay : Is it far from here?

Ajay : Not very far. It’s about ten minutes’ walk.

Sujay : Did you say the third turn to the left?

Ajay : No. The third turn to the right.

Sujay : Thank you.

Examples : 5. Interview…….

Amit : May I come in sir?

Sir : Please come in.

Amit : Good afternoon sir!

Sir : Good afternoon! Have a seat.

Amit : Thank You Sir.

Sir : Can I have your resume please?

Amit : Here it is sir.

Sir : Alright, tell me something about yourself.

English 3. 9 Paragraph Writing

Amit : I am Amit Patil. I am from Aurangabad. My father is a businessman. My highest

qualification is M.Com. Overall I have five years of experience as accountant in

Betsy InfoTech.

Sir : What’s your career objective?

Amit : I want to become a successful accounts professional.

Sir : How proficient are you in excel?

Amit : I am using excel since last five years. I can use all the necessary functions in day

to day life.

Sir : If you will be selected when you could join the organization?

Amit : I need to give the notice period of two months.

Sir : Alright! We will get back to you soon.

Amit : Thank You sir.

Examples : 6. Instructions …..

Ajay : Hello friends!

Dinesh : Hi Ajay! What’s up?

Ajay : Nothing special. I am just trying to prepare tea. Will you please help me?

Dinesh : It’s too simple man.

Ajay : Will you please instruct me?

Dinesh : Sure. Let’s try to make a cup of tea.

Ajay : Tell me now how to start.

Dinesh : Light the gas. Put the tea pot on the gas.

Ajay : Ok.

Dinesh : Now pour a cup of milk and half cup of water in the pot. Add two spoons of sugar

and two spoons of tea powder. Let it boil for few minutes.

Ajay : Humm…..! It smells good.

Dinesh : Filter the tea in a cup. Please tell me how it tastes.

Ajay : It’s really good. Thank you.


Q. 1 : Two friends planning their vacations.

Suresh : Hi! Ramesh how are you?

Ramesh : Great! How about you? By the way what have you planned for these summer


Suresh : I am very excited for these vacations as we have planned to visit Ooty and

Mysore in the summer vacations.

English 3. 10 Paragraph Writing

Ramesh : Wow! That’s great. I have visited Ooty last year it is an awesome city.

Suresh : Yes, I have read about it and dying to visit it. What have you planned for your


Ramesh : This vacation my parents have planned to visit our native village, Rampur.

Suresh : Oh really ! that’s good. You will have a close look at village life.

Ramesh : Yes dear, my father speaks a lot about the village life. He had promised me to

take me there and here we go…

Suresh : Promise me you would tell me everything that you experienced in Rampur.

Ramesh : Definitely, I will get some photographs for you. Ok I have to go, mummy would be

waiting for me.

Suresh : Me too, ok bye, have a nice time.

Ramesh : Same to you.

Q. 2 : Between two students about the time table of final exam.

Sandeep : Hi! Amol, How are you?

Amol : Fine Sandeep. Have you seen the timetable of final examinations displayed on

the notice board?

Sandeep : Yes, I have taken down it.

Amol : Have you noticed that we have two days holiday before Maths paper.

Sandeep : Yes, we can prepare well for the Maths paper. On the first day we have a paper

of English.

Amol : Yes, I am excited to write it. I am prepared for it.

Sandeep : Our teacher has taught the subject very well, so I feel I would score well in it.

Amol : This year timetable seems very good as there is mucxh of time for preparation.

Sandeep : Right! That’s why I feel relaxed.

Amol : Ok ! Sandeep, I have to leave now, see you soon, and best of luck.

Sandeep : Same to you, Bye!

Q. 3 : Between the doctor and the patient about the improvement in the patient’s health.

Patient : Good Morning doctor.

Doctor : Good morning Mr. Malhotra. How are you feeling now?

Patient : Fine doctor.

Doctor : What about the back pain?

Patient : No doctor, I don’t feel any pain in my back. But I have a little headache.

English 3. 11 Paragraph Writing

Doctor : I see. Are you taking your medicine on time?

Patient : Yes doctor.

Doctor : Have you done the test that I asked for?

Patient : Yes doctor here is the report.

Doctor : Good. The reports are negative.

Patient : Will I get well soon doctor?

Doctor : Yes, Mr. Malhotra. You are improving a lot. You are going to be fine in a few


Patient : Thank you doctor. Since I have been consulting you, I have been feeling better.

Doctor : It’s your will power healing you, Mr Malhotra. Take all the medicines on time and

take complete bed rest for few days.

Patient : Thank you doctor. See you next week.

Doctor : See you, bye Mr. Malhotra.

Q. 4 : Between mother and daughter about good eating habits.

Mother : Neha, come for dinner.

Neha : No mother, my stomach is full.

Mother : Neha, you should not miss dinner. Our body needs proper food to keep us


Neha : Yes, our teacher even says the same. But I like to eat spicy food only.

Mother : Everyone likes to eat spicy but eating only spicy food may affect our digestion


Neha : But how about ones in a few days.

Mother : Yes, you can have once in few days but not always. We must take not only good

food but also in proper amount.

Neha : Oh really !

Mother : We must take food on time and should not postpone it for any trivial reason. Only

good health can help us to do any work efficiently.

Neha : Yes mother now I understand that I must to take food on time.

Mother : That’s like a good girl.

Neha : O.K. lets have dinner together.

Q. 5 : Dialogue of parents on the influence of cinema on youth.

Mr Sharma : What happened Mr. Raut, you seem to be worried?

English 3. 12 Paragraph Writing

Mr Raut : Yes, I am worried about the increasing influence of cinema on youth. My

grandson wants to be a gangster.

Mr Sharna : Oh that is a serious matter. But why does he feel so?

Mr Raut : Since he has seen the latest released movie based on the life of gangster.

Mr Sharma : I see. These days cinema has been passing through a transaction period.

Instead of educating people, it has been influencing youth and leading them to

wrong direction.

Mr Raut : Yes, all the films are based on crime, violence and all the illegal things.

Mr Sharma : Youngsters, without any discreet, take this as a reality and tend to follow the


Mr Raut : Use of gun has become common in the school. Everyday we come to know

about the cases of firings in schools. The excessive violence makes youth


Mr Sharma : It results in the hike of crime incidents. For trivial things we can see people

fighting with each other.

Mr Raut : I am going to write about it to the authorities. Ok Mr Sharma, see you later, Bye

Mr Shrama : Ok! Mr Raut, bye.

Q. 6 : Between two friends about the importance of English in their career.

Aditya : Hello Shubham, how are you?

Shubham : Fine, Where are you going?

Aditya : I am going to attend a seminar on the importance of English language.

Shubham : That’s great. We must have a good command over English. It is one of the

important international languages.

Aditya : Right! Basically English is a language of knowledge and information. A research

says around 73% of the knowledge in the world is available in English.

Shubham : It’s a global language in true sense as it is spoken over 100 countries.

Aditya : Yes, in the age of globalisation English is a good means of communication.

Shubham : We all get higher and professional education in English. That helps us to easily

get access in English countries.

Aditya : That’s pretty true. By the way I am getting late for the seminar.

Shubham : O.K. see you later, bye.

Aditya : Ok Bye.

Q. 7 : Between the bank manager and a customer about opening a band amount.

English 3. 13 Paragraph Writing

Arun : Excuse me, Sir. I would like to open a Savings Account. Could you tell me the

procedure, please?

Manager : First of all, fill in this form. It contains details regarding your name, age, address,

etc. Then, somebody will have to introduce you – somebody who is already an

account-holder in this bank.

Arun : Sir, my headmaster has an account here. He will be here shortly.

Manager : Well, that’s settled then. You will also have to affix one passport size photograph

on the passbook, after it is issued to you.

Arun : Yes, Sir. I will do that.

Manager : Remember, your signature is very important. You must put three specimen

signatures, and you must always take care to sign in the same manner.

Arun : Fine, Sir! I’ll remember that. Sir, what is the minimum deposit?

Manager : You will have to deposit minimum Rs.500/- in your account.

Arun : Will I be given a cheque-book?

Manager : For that, the minimum balance ought to be Rs.1000/-

Arun : Alright, Sir. In case, I want to have a fixed deposit, what will be the rates of


Manager : Our rates of interest will be 10% p.a. (Arun fills the form and hands it over to the

Bank Manager.)

Arun : Sir, here is the form. I have filled it. Where should I pay the money?

Manager : See! It’s the counter over there. You will also have to fill the pay-in slip, and hand

it over to the cashier, along with the money. After depositing the money, you can

collect your passbook. I will credit the entry into your account.

Arun : Thank you, Sir!

Q. 8 : Between a teacher and a student about the student’s attendance problem.

Amol : Good morning madam.

Teacher : Good morning Amol, Your attendance is very low. If the same continuous you

would not be able to write final examinations.

Amol : I am sorry madam, I was not able to attend some lectures in the last week.

Teacher : Why you could not attend those lectures.

Amol : Madam, my economic condition is not good. I work part time in a garage to buy

books and other study material. So I have to miss some evening lectures.

Teacher : Oh I see, but that won’t help you. You will have to attend all the lectures only

then you can study and understand what has been taught.

English 3. 14 Paragraph Writing

Amol : Yes madam but….

Teacher : Yes I got your problem. Today, I will recommend your name to principal for 'Earn

and Learn Scheme.' You will not have to miss lectures and you can earn some

money to buy your books.

Amol : Thank you madam, I assure you that I will work and study hard.

Teacher : That’s the spirit. Now go to your class.

Amol : Thank you Madam.

Teacher : You are welcome.

Q. 9 : Between a librarian and a student about issuing books from the library.

Swati : Good morning, madam.

Mrs Dalal : Good morning Swati, How are you?

Swati : Fine madam, I wanted to borrow a book of English on my library card.

Mrs Dalal : Ok which book you want to borrow ?

Swati : I want Effective Communication published by Bookworm Publication.

Mrs Dalal : Oh you mean the book written by Prof. Patil & Prof. Jadhao.

Swati : Yes, madam.

Mrs Dalal : Can I have your I card?

Swati : Yes madam, here it is.

Mrs Dalal : Take this book; remember you will have to return it by next Tuesday.

Swati : Yes madam, Thank you and have a nice day.

Mrs Dalal : Same to you.

Q. 10. Between an office staff of the student section and a student who enquires about

the scholarship.

Student : Excuse me sir.

Mr Prakash : Yes, how can I help you?

Student : Sir, my name is Kedar and I wanted to know the procedure to apply for


Mr Prakash : In which branch and year you are studying?

Student : I am a student of first year Automobile branch.

Mr Prakash : O.K. kedar. The procedure is very simple. Have you referred

Student : No sir.

English 3. 15 Paragraph Writing

Mr Prakash : O.K. You have to fill up an online form for the scholarship and take a print of the


Student : Do I have to enclose any document with it sir?

Mr Prakash : Yes, you will have to enclose income certificate and domicile certificate with it.

Student : What is the last day for application?

Mr Prakash : It is 15th September 2012. You can fill up the form in computer department’s any


Student : Thank you and have a nice day sir.

Mr Prakash : Same to you.



Public speaking is one of the important skills for all human beings. It is a quality which helps

us to win people. This skill is must for all personal and professional excellence. Man is a social

animal; he communicates with the people around him in person or in public. Every one of us has

come across a situation where one has to deliver a speech. There are many occasions where we

stand in front of an audience to address it. We enjoy a speech as an audience but when it comes

to address an audience, we all become uncomfortable. Proper planning and preparation can

change this feeling. The speech is logical, interesting, convincing, entertaining and has a nice

flow to it. There are different types of speech. Some of them are as follows:

Welcome speech.

Farewell Speech.

Vote of thanks.

Introducing a guest.

Welcome Speech

Welcome speech is a speech where a speaker welcomes an audience, guests and other

dignitaries to the programme. A short introduction of the programme is also given. It is a short

speech and must be attractive as it gives a beginning to the programme.

Following formula may help you to draft a welcome speech.


1st Step Audience Welcome audience first.

2nd Step Guests Welcome guests.

3rd Step Theme Talk about the programme in short.

English 3. 16 Paragraph Writing

4th Step Introduction Introduce the guests or speaker.

5th Step Felicitation Request host to felicitate the guests.

6th Step Guest’s

Speech Request guest to deliver a speech.

Common expressions:

Hello everyone, it gives me great pleasure to welcome....

Good morning ladies and gentleman…..

With great pleasure I would like to welcome all of you….

I welcome all of you from the bottom of my heart….

A hearty welcome to all of you…..

Sample speech:

1. Good morning friends…

It’s indeed my pleasure to welcome all of you to the most awaited programme of our college.

Yes gathering…. I am very happy to see all of you here for the inaugural function of our annual

college gathering. I also feel proud when I see students like you have understood the importance

of art and co-curricular activities. Three days from today are going to be full of fun, joy and

learning. To share this joy and to inaugurate the gathering we have with us, Hon. Collector of our

district, Mr ABC. I well come you sir.………

2. Hello my friends….

I take this opportunity to welcome the chief guest and all of you to the inaugural function of

annual college gathering. Gathering is an event where we all explore our skills and talent along

with our academic learning. It has a special place in every student’s life.

3. I welcome all of you to this very special event…..

Farewell Speech

A farewell speech is has a speech where we bid farewell to someone who is leaving the

organization. One to speak as a person who is taking farewell or as one who is giving a farewell

to someone else. It’s a speech of moderate length.

Formula: Six Steps

1st Step Thanks

giving Thanks the colleague first.




feelings Share your genuine feelings about them.

English 3. 17 Paragraph Writing

3rd Step Professional

experience Talk about the Professional experience.

4th Step Rapport Talk about the affinity.

5th Step Future Talk about the individual future and that of the firm..


Step End

End the speech with great respect for their


Common Expressions:

As we know we have gathered here to bid farewell to Mr ABC…...

I have a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow to bid farewell to Mr ABC

1. Sample Speech: (Taking a farewell)

Hello everyone….

Today I stand before all of you, probably for the last time as your colleague. First of all I

would like to thank you for making my sojourn a pleasant and of great learning. The love and care

you showered upon me during these days is my greatest asset. Your support has been always of

paramount importance in undertaking every challenging assignment. I always felt like a family

with all of you.

When I look back, I see myself as novice but today I am taking your leave with enough

experience and thoughts gained in your company. You all have always shown faith and

confidence in my leadership for which I would like to be in your debts forever.

Thank you very much for making my exit pleasant and memorable.

2. Sample Speech: (Giving a farewell)

Good evening everyone….

I am addressing you all with a mix feelings of joy and sorrow when, one of the most efficient

and a modest employee of our organization, Mr ABC is taking farewell from us.

I clearly remember the day when I met him first time in the office and found him very pleasant

and cheerful. I could not make myself aware how we became close friends. His always ready to

help attitude is not hidden from you. In fact all of us have experienced it.

He has carried out all the given responsibilities with great success and has set examples for

others. He has proved himself on the standards of time.

I wish him a very great retired life. May he get all the opportunities to fulfil his dreams, enjoy

quality time with family and explore the world.

Thank you.

English 3. 18 Paragraph Writing

Introducing Guest

Introducing someone is one of the important tasks one has to carry out. One must be clear

and precise while introducing a guest. We can prepare introduction of a guest with the help of

speaker’s or guest’s bio-data. Use selective words carefully.

Formula: Six Steps

1st Step Audience Welcome audience first.

2nd Step Guests Welcome guests.

3rd Step Theme Talk about the programme in short.

4th Step Introduction Introduce the guests or speaker in detail.

5th Step Felicitation Request host to felicitate the guests.

6th Step Guest’s

Speech Request guest to deliver a speech.

Common Expressions:

It’s an honour to introduce you the esteemed guest of today’s programme Mr….

With great pleasure I would like to introduce you to Mr…..

Sample Speech: (Taking a farewell)

Good morning everyone…!

It’s my privilege to introduce you to the chief guest for today’s programme. He has over

35 years of experience in industry. He has played a key role in many well known projects of ABC

Company. He is one of the scholars of University of Pune. Let’s welcome the great man, a

luminous and charming personality Mr ABC, Managing Director, ABC Pvt. Ltd.

Hello everyone…. !

I would like to introduce you, to one of the dynamic personalities of our city. He has been

awarded Ph.D. by Pune University in English and has four books to his credit

He has also read research papers in many national and international conferences. It would

be an apt introduction if I call him a great human being and a mentor. Ladies and gentleman

please welcome Mr ABC, Principal Govt. College Pune.

Vote Of Thanks

English 3. 19 Paragraph Writing

Expressing vote of thanks at the end of programme is important to sum up the event. Vote of

thanks is the best way to appreciate the efforts taken by the event organizer or the presence

made by the chief gust. No one should be left out from the list at the time of vote of thanks.

Formula: Six Steps

1st Step Guests Thank the guest first.

2nd Step Audience Thank the audience.

3rd Step Organizer Thank the organizer.

4th Step Admin staff Thank the administrative staff.

5th Step Guest again Thank the guest again.

6th Step Sum up Thank one and all for making the programme successful.

Common expressions:

I express my sincere gratitude towards Mr…. for his valuable presence

I take this opportunity to express gratitude towards Mr…..

Sample Speech: (Vote of Thanks)

Good evening to one and all…!

I take this opportunity to place on record our hearty thanks to Mr…. for today’s programme. I

also extend my thanks towards the audience for their presence and valuable time. We are

grateful to the organizer for arranging such a pleasant and informative programme. We are also

greatly indebted to the administrative staff for technical arrangement. We all were on our toes to

make the programme successful.

Once again I thank our honourable guest for their time and vital presence. Here we come to

an end of the event. We thank you for being with us this evening. Thank you very much!......

Good Morning ladies and gentleman….!

First of all I would like to thank today’s guest of honour Mr…… I am also thankful to the

audience for turning up in a huge number. It is not possible to sum up the event without

mentioning the coordinator. He toiled hard these days only to make this programme a huge

success. Last but not the least I would like to express my thankfulness towards administrative

staff making the programme cozy and victorious.

Here we come to an end of the programme. We thank you for being with us. Thank you very

much !


English 3. 20 Paragraph Writing

Q. 1 : As a head of the department of computer engineering of your institute, prepare a

farewell speech for a lab attendant who will retire this month end. Ans. : Good evening everyone. I have stood before you to address on the farewell of one of our modest and efficient staff member. Mr. Ram, lab attendant of our department. Since the day I joined this institute, I know Mr Ram as an honest and hardworking employee of our institute. He was, and he is eligible to carry out any given responsibility by the institute. We may feel handicapped in the absence of his prompt assistance in the various activities of the institute. The institute and the department would remain thankful to him for his services. I wish him a great and peaceful retirement. May he spend all the quality time with his nears and dears. Thank you. Q. 2 : As the in charge of the Annual Social Gathering of your institute, prepare a vote of

thanks for the event in about 100 words. Ans. : Good morning everyone. I take this opportunity to thank Principal of our college for motivating us to organize this beautiful event for you. I thank my team, which has been toiling very hard from last month to make this programme a huge success. I also thank teaching and non teaching staff for their support and encouragement. At last I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of you for being such a nice and supportive audience. I thank all those who proved to be a great help directly or indirectly for our annual social gathering. Thank you all.

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