part ii: paper b: one-cut theorem joseph orourke smith college (many slides made by erik demaine)

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Part II: PaperPart II: Paperb: One-Cut Theoremb: One-Cut Theorem

Joseph O’RourkeJoseph O’RourkeSmith CollegeSmith College

(Many slides made by Erik (Many slides made by Erik Demaine)Demaine)


Problem definitionResultExamplesStraight skeletonFlattening

Fold-and-Cut ProblemFold-and-Cut Problem

Given any plane graph (the cut graph)

Can you fold the piece of paper flat so thatone complete straight cut makes the graph?

Equivalently, is there is a flat folding that lines up precisely the cut graph?

History of Fold-and-CutHistory of Fold-and-Cut

Recreationally studiedby Kan Chu Sen (1721) Betsy Ross (1777) Houdini (1922) Gerald Loe (1955) Martin Gardner (1960)

TheoremTheorem [Demaine, Demaine, Lubiw [Demaine, Demaine, Lubiw 1998]1998]

[Bern, Demaine, Eppstein, Hayes [Bern, Demaine, Eppstein, Hayes 1999]1999]Any plane graph can be lined up

by folding flat

Straight SkeletonStraight Skeleton

Shrink as in Lang’s universal molecule, but Handle nonconvex polygons

new event when vertex hits opposite edge Handle nonpolygons

“butt” vertices of degree 0 and 1 Don’t worry about active paths


Behavior is more complicated than tree method

A Few ExamplesA Few Examples

Flattening PolyhedraFlattening Polyhedra[Demaine, Demaine, Hayes, Lubiw][Demaine, Demaine, Hayes, Lubiw]

Intuitively, can squash/collapse/flatten a paper model of a polyhedron

Problem: Is it possible without tearing?

Flattening a cereal box

Connection to Fold-and-CutConnection to Fold-and-Cut

2D fold-and-cut Fold a 2D polygon

through 3Dflat, back into 2D

so that 1D boundarylies in a line

3D fold-and-cut Fold a 3D

polyhedronthrough 4Dflat, back into 3D

so that 2D boundarylies in a plane

Flattening ResultsFlattening Results

All polyhedra homeomorphic to a sphere can be flattened (have flat folded states)[Demaine, Demaine, Hayes, Lubiw] ~ Disk-packing solution to 2D fold-and-cut

Open: Can polyhedra of higher genus be flattened?

Open: Can polyhedra be flattened using 3D straight skeleton? Best we know: thin slices of convex


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