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635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 1 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Agenda

635 635

Adopted Report Adopted Report (Part 2 – Items 5 – 10) (Part 2 – Items 5 – 10)

of the of the

Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting

Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting

held held

Tuesday, 20 March 2012 Tuesday, 20 March 2012

at at

02:00 pm 02:00 pm

G6 Committee Room Nerang Administration Centre

Nerang Southport Road Nerang

G6 Committee Room Nerang Administration Centre

Nerang Southport Road Nerang

Our positioning statement Working for our future - today Our city vision Defined by our spectacular beaches, hinterland ranges, forests and waterways, the Gold Coast is an outstanding city which celebrates nature and connects distinct communities with the common goal of sustainability, choice and wellbeing for all.

Our mission Leading the way towards a bold future that can sustain growth and economic development while retaining a lifestyle that is uniquely ‘Gold Coast’.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report


Adopted Report 635

Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Item Direct. File Page Subject

See Part 1 for Items 1 – 4






See Part 2 for Items 5 – 10





Closed Session


General Business


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 149 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10) 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on actions identified within the endorsed Palm Beach Action Plan, and to report back to Council regarding two items which were previously included within a draft version of the Action Plan viewed by the Divisional Councillor before the final version was endorsed by Council. The two actions in question relate to the signage policy and the creative industry hub. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Council at its meeting on 31 January 2011, resolved (SC11.0125.001) 1 That the Palm Beach Action Plan be adopted.

2 That Council note its commitment to the completion of the actions identified as part of its existing work program and that the Action Plan be used to inform future budget deliberations in the delivery of these.

3 That Council provide its in-principle support for the completion of the actions that are not committed to its existing work program and that the Action Plan be used to inform forward planning of Council’s future work programs and budget deliberations.

4 That a progress report on the Palm Beach Action Plan be provided to Council annually for three (3) years.

5 That a further report be brought forward in relation to the two items previously included in the Action Plan being, signage policy and creative industry hub.

5 DISCUSSION Update on Action Plan The first progress report on the Palm Beach Action Plan is provided below: Jan 2011 – Jan 2012

ID# Task/ Initiative & Description Update Planning, Environment & Transport (PET) Strategic & Environmental Planning & Policy

PBA1 Planning Scheme Review

Review planning and built-form provisions relating to the redevelopment of established urban areas across the city particularly where an increase in the density of development is likely adjacent to or near approved and proposed rapid transport links.

Committed & On-going: Draft Planning Scheme endorsed by Council on 30 January 2012 (minute no. G12.0130.014) to commence 1st State Interest Checks.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 150 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10)

ID# Task/ Initiative & Description Update PBA2 Rapid Transport Corridor – Options Study

Investigate future rapid transport corridors identifying location, connectivity, urban design, etc.

Note: This project will not relate to Palm Beach unless an extension of the GCRT route is approved to extend through Palm Beach.

Not Committed: No Changes relevant to Palm Beach area at this time, or other areas of the city

Transport Planning PBA3 Palm Beach Active Travel Plan

Develop an Active Travel Plan for Palm Beach to promote walking and cycling within the area.

Not Committed: No Changes to the status or timing of action.

Implementation & Assessment PBA4 Gold Coast Highway, Palm Beach Centre


Initiate process for the Centre Improvement Program to facilitate revitalisation of the area along Gold Coast Highway from Fifth Avenue to Sixth Avenue.

Committed for 2019: This project’s timeframes have been amended in the new 10 year program endorsed by Council on 22 August 2011 (minute no. G11.0822.006).

PBA5 Fifth Avenue Centre Improvement

Initiate process for the Centre Improvement Program to facilitate revitalisation of the area along Fifth Avenue from the Gold Coast Highway to Cypress Avenue.

Committed for 2016: Initially the Palm Beach Avenue Centre Improvement project, the scope of works have changed to focus on Fifth Avenue between the Gold Coast Highway and Cypress Avenue. This is now a committed project for completion in 2016 according to the new 10 year program endorsed by Council on 22 August 2011 (minute no. G11.0822.006).

Engineering Services (ES) Engineering Assets & Planning

PBA6 Traffic Calming Device –Philippine Parade

Install a traffic calming device at Philippine Parade to reduce increasing number of speeding occurrences.

Completed in 2010.

PBA7 Thrower Drive Bridge Underpass

Provide a pedestrian underpass at the Thrower Drive Bridge along both sides of Currumbin Creek.

Committed for 2012: Works underway on the northern side, with works to commence on the southern side in first quarter 2012.

PBA8 Luzon/Laguna Drainage Investigation

Undertake a study to inform upgrades of the stormwater drainage network in the Luzon Parade/ Laguna Avenue area to mitigate issues with the drainage/ flow of overland stormwater.

Completed in 2011: Study has been completed. Construction likely to commence March/ April 2012

PBA9 Thrower Drive Boat Ramp Carpark

Undertake various upgrades to the carpark to improve functionality and access.

Completed in 2010.

PBA10 Palm Beach Viewing Deck

Replace the viewing deck located on the foreshore at the end of Palm Beach Avenue.

Completed in 2010.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 151 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10)

ID# Task/ Initiative & Description Update PBA11 Gold Coast Oceanway – Palm Beach

Investigate options within Palm Beach to complete missing sections of the Gold Coast Oceanway.

Preliminary investigation for the area between Laceys Lane to 3rd Avenue Realignment being undertaken for 2010.

Committed & Ongoing: Preliminary investigation for the area between Laceys Lane to 3rd Avenue on ongoing.

PBA12 Tallebudgera & Currumbin Creek Dredging

Continue dredging of the Tallebudgera & Currumbin Creeks to assist with beach replenishment, surfing amenity, water quality, etc.

Committed & Ongoing: Dredging finished in Tallebudgera Creek and dredging has commenced for Currumbin Creek.

PBA13 Palm Beach Foreshore Protection

Investigate future works programs seeking to protect Palm Beach foreshore in consultation with the community.

Partial Commitment: Project to design works program to protect Palm Beach foreshore has been approved. Recommended works yet to be committed.

PBA14 Palm Beach Drainage Modelling

Initiate modelling of drainage within problem areas of Palm Beach to assist in the development of stormwater provisions.

Committed: Project is now committed with the Palm Beach area chosen as a Pilot Study Area for the impacts of Climate Change on stormwater drainage.

Community Services Library Services and Cultural Development

PBA15 Community Development Officer

Investigate options for extending the scope of the Community Development Officer currently situated in the Coolangatta area to facilitate the delivery of programs and projects that build connections between local residents and different interest groups, and increase their awareness and level of participation in community events within the Palm Beach area.

Committed for 2012: In February 2011, the scope of work for the Community Development Officer based in Coolangatta has been expanded to include Palm Beach. In consultation with the area Councillor the focus of the Community Officer is to reduce social isolation for seniors with the launch of the “Every Senior Counts” initiative.

PBA16 Graffiti Program

Continue with the Graffiti & Art Box programs which seek to remove and prevent graffiti.

Committed & On-going: Recent initiative includes a trial with Corrective Services to engage offenders in removing graffiti, and a partnership with Neighbourhood Watch whereby members remove graffiti in their local areas. One Artbox mural per division is also completed each year.

Library Services and Cultural Development PBA17 Palm Beach Community Hub

Refocus the purpose and intent of the existing Palm Beach Library to establish a community lounge, a computer learning area, newspaper lounge and a number of meeting rooms. This is also to involve an adjustment in the hours of operation and the collection provided so as to better meet the needs of the community.

Completed in 2011: The refurbished Palm Beach Community Lounge and Library was opened on 04 January 2011. The refurbishment included Community meeting rooms available free of charge for community groups and a Computer Learning Lounge with twice as many public computers and wireless internet access.

Community Venues & Services PBA18 Palm Beach Youth & Aquatic Centre

Construction of a new 50m pool and youth facility. The youth facility is intended to be an inviting and vibrant community space where young people can meet, connect, interact and enjoy a range of social and recreational activities.

Committed for 2014/15: Planning completed, awaiting consideration of budget submission for the undertaking of works.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 152 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10)

ID# Task/ Initiative & Description Update

PBA19 Thrower House Youth Centre

Continue providing a safe space for young people, community groups and organisations to meet and conduct a broad range of cultural, artistic, recreational and educational activities. This is to be undertaken in collaboration with State Government as currently done.

Committed & On-going: Council are continuing their support in providing a space for young people, community groups and organisations in collaboration with state government.

PBA20 Co-location of Facilities

Investigate opportunities for co-locating community service facilities within Palm Beach to provide better access to multiple services.

Committed Due to Outcomes PBA 18 and 19: The Palm Beach Youth & Aquatic Centre and Thrower House Youth Centre will provide multiple services for the youth within close proximity. As such, this action is recommended to be deleted.

Commercial Services PBA21 Tallebudgera Creek Tourist Park

Investigate options for integrating the Tourist Park into the community with the aim of achieving enhanced social outcomes.

Investigate options for local businesses to promote their businesses to occupants of the tourist park.

Not Committed: No action to report at this time.

Parks & Recreation PBA22 Bromley Linkage Park

Undertake planning for the establishment of the Bromley Linkage Park, connecting local parks in and around the approved Palm Beach Community Hub.

Committed for 2018: The linkage park has been identified for future recreational facilities infrastructure in Council’s Priority Infrastructure Plan.

PBA23 Mallawa Drive Sports Complex Embellishments

Undertake an upgrade of the sports complex to provide better sporting facilities.

Committed for 2019: No Changes to the status of the project.

PBA24 Winders Park Embellishments

Upgrade facilities to improve recreational opportunities and connectivity through the provision of embellishments such as BBQ facilities, playground facilities, pedestrian footpaths, etc. To be undertaken in accordance with the approved master plan.

Committed: The project is now identified as committed with timing subject to forward planning of Council’s future work program and budget deliberation: 2019 - 2020.

PBA25 Rockview Public Park Embellishments (Fitness Stations)

Install three (3) multipurpose (3 in 1) fitness stations in the Rockview Public Park just north of Palm Beach Parklands.

Completed in 2011.

PBA26 Palm Beach Caravan Park Community Centre and Park

Park dedication from development site. Proposal under PIP seeking development of a local level community centre (up to 800m2), providing a general purpose hall with shared and separate spaces (e.g. for children, young people and seniors) as appropriate, administrative offices, wet spaces, kitchen (catering), utilities, disability access and public transport access.

Committed: The action has been given commitment with timeframes identified to be dependant on developer’s timeframes for construction and handover of the asset.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 153 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10)

ID# Task/ Initiative & Description Update PBA27 Linkage from Salk Oval to the Foreshore

Investigate options for developing a link from the motorway along Salk Oval, under Thrower Drive continuing north east to the foreshore.

Committed for 2012: Project is scheduled for completion in 2012.

Economic Development & Major Projects (EDMP) Special Events

PBA28 Assessment of Event Proposals

Investigate options and requests for events from the public. Council are required to confirm the appropriateness of each event and ensure that processes are established to mitigate against any negative impacts should they exist.

Committed & On-going: Over the past year Council has hosted or approved a number of events in the Palm Beach area.

No negative impacts reported

Economic Development PBA29 Council managed Economic Development


Investigate the feasibility of creating a Council managed Economic Development Entity focussed on Palm Beach or consider expanding the scope of Connecting Southern Gold Coast to include Palm Beach.

Not Committed: Status of action is unchanged. However, a number of workshops were held at the beginning of 2011 with a number of community members to discuss the proposal. The matter is now being considered by the Office of the Chief Executive Officer.

Organisational Services (OS) City Property

PBA30 Property Rationalisation Project

Investigate opportunities for selling Council land located on corner of Cypress & Seventh Avenue and land located opposite Palm Beach SLSC for redevelopment.

Committed & Ongoing: In respect of the potential sale of lands for redevelopment, the subject sites remain noted for consideration of redevelopment opportunities in the longer term.

In response to these updates, the Palm Beach Action Plan has been updated. Actions included within draft version In response to resolution No.5, further discussions were held with key stakeholders with respect to the removal of actions previously included within a draft version of the Palm Beach Action Plan. In conclusion to these discussions; the following justifications were provided:

Wayfinding Signage Project: Engineering Assets & Planning (EAP) had considered a proposal to initiate a wayfinding signage program (previously identified as unified signage policy) for budget deliberations. However, due to the priority of other work programs it was identified that there was no capacity within their budget parameters. In the future, it was identified that the new Transport Strategy would assist in identifying investment priorities.

Creative Industries Program: The Creative Industries Program is managed by the

Economic Development unit, EDMP. The program takes a ‘whole of city’ approach and does not focus on establishing creative industry hubs in specific areas. Although some projects occur within certain areas of the city, these are initiated through partnerships and the benefits are open to all residents of the Gold Coast. It was recommended that this program remains open to initiatives which have a city wide impact.

Due to the reasons provided above, the final draft Palm Beach Action Plan presented to Council for endorsement did not include the above actions.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 154 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10) 6 ALIGNMENT TO BOLD FUTURE VISION, CORPORATE PLAN, OPERATIONAL

PLAN Not Applicable 7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS Budget/Funding Considerations A number of actions in the Palm Beach Action Plan. These matters are addressed separately by action owners.



Not Applicable. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES

Not Applicable. 11 DELEGATIONS

Not Applicable. 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION A number of internal stakeholders from across the organisation were consulted during the preparation of this report including those identified in the below table. Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation

Is the Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report and Recommendations

Manager Transport Planning PET Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Executive Coordinator Centre Improvement Program

PET Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Executive Coordinator Assets Planning

ES Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Executive Coordinator Social Planning & Development

CS Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Manager Library Services & Cultural Development

CS Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Manager Community Venues & Services

CS Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Coordinator Recreation Planning

CS Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Manager Economic Development

EDMP Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Manager Special Events EDMP Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 155 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10) Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation

Is the Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report and Recommendations

Executive Coordinator Tourist Parks

EDMP No comments were provided.

Manager Property Services OS Stakeholder provided update on action(s)

Executive Coordinator Planning Scheme Review Program

PET Coordinated preparation of this report.

13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS Not Applicable 14 TIMING Not Applicable 15 CONCLUSION The report provides Council with an update of the actions endorsed within the Palm Beach Action Plan. An explanation has also been provided to explain the exclusion of two actions which were previously included within a draft version of the Palm Beach Action Plan. In light of this information, it is recommended that the Palm Beach Action Plan be amended to reflect the current status of actions. 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows:

1 That the contents of this Report be noted.

2 That the contents of the endorsed Palm Beach Action Plan be updated to reflect the contents of this report.

Author: Authorised by:

John Casey Warren Rowe Senior Strategic Planner Director Planning Environment & Transport 27 February 2012

TRACKS REF: 30752100

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 156 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 5 (Continued) PROGRESS REPORT #1 – PALM BEACH ACTION PLAN PD302/584/-(P10) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.005 moved Cr Betts seconded Cr Pforr 1 That the contents of the report be noted.

2 That the contents of the endorsed Palm Beach Action Plan be updated to reflect the contents of the report.


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 157 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 6 PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT PROPOSED TRANSFER OF OSPL FUNDS TO RESERVE CE196/440/36(P1) 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT In accordance with Council’s adopted Budget Review Policy (#22945621, section 3.1), a report to Council is required for any significant variations to operational budgets or capital projects. Additionally, under section 149 (2) of the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010, transfers to or from an operating fund reserve must be the subject of a Council resolution. The purpose of this report is to seek approval to return savings of $472,046 in Open Space Preservation Levy funds to the Open Space Reserve. Total funds were for delivery of initiatives across two Directorates (Community Services and Planning, Environment & Transport). 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Not Applicable. 5 DISCUSSION Under the Open Space Preservation Levy 2011/12 budget, a number of initiatives were earmarked for delivery within this financial year. However, savings have been realised year-to-date and project reviews have highlighted forecast savings through scheduling and interdependencies. In accordance with Council’s adopted Budget Review Policy and the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010, approval is sought to return savings in the amount of $472,046 to the Open Space Reserve for future allocation. Table 1 details the year-to-date and forecast Open Space Preservation Levy savings. Table 1: Open Space Preservation Levy initiative funding to be returned to Open Space Reserve for future re-allocation. Initiative Description Justification for

Savings Business Unit

Cost Centre

Function Amount $

Staff salary Maternity leave NAMU 417 4250 60,000Staff salaries 3x L4 Delayed start NAMU 417 4250 60,000Staff salaries 1x L5 Delayed start NAMU 417 4250 20,000Staff salary: 1 Fire & Biodiversity Officer

Delays in recruitment

NAMU 417 4250 50,000

Staff salary: 1 x Conservation Support Officer

Delays in recruitment

NAMU 417 4250 10,000

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 158 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 6 (Continued) PROPOSED TRANSFER OF OSPL FUNDS TO RESERVE CE196/440/36(P1) Initiative Description Justification for

Savings Business Unit

Cost Centre

Function Amount $

Staff salary: 1 x Greening Technical Officer

Delays in recruitment

NAMU 417 4250 35,000

Staff salary: 1 x SSI management officer

Vacant NAMU 417 4250 76,000

OSPL Mtce Rare Threatened Species

Savings in program due to staff vacancy

EP&C 515 3411 23,094

OSPL Private Land Conservation

Program initiatives postponed due to delays in recruitment of Conservation Partnerships Officer

EP&C 515 3411 26,159

OSPL Communications and Admin

Program components delayed pending communication plan approval by NCS Partnership Forum

EP&C 515 3411 18,348

Voluntary Conservation Agreements

Lower than anticipated demand for VCA incentives

EP&C 515 3411 21,753

Ecological Offsets – Policy

Savings on consultancy costs

EP&C 515 3411 1,553

Environmental – Projects

Savings identified through project prioritisation

EP&C 515 3411 70,139


PLAN Bold Future Vision: Key Focus Area:2 A city loved for its green, gold and blue: Outcome 2.1: Parks and open green spaces are safe, connected and accessible for

all members of the community Outcome 2.2: Biodiversity is protected Outcome 2.3: Wildlife corridors are well managed and connected Outcome 2.4: The city’s coastline, beaches and oceans are protected to sustain their

amenity and biodiversity

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 159 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 6 (Continued) PROPOSED TRANSFER OF OSPL FUNDS TO RESERVE CE196/440/36(P1) Key Focus Area:4 A safe city where everyone belongs: Outcome 4.2: We are a safe and secure community and people live and visit without

fear. Corporate Strategy Nature Conservation Strategy 2009-2019 Bushfire Management Strategy 1988 Operational Plans Strategic and Environmental Planning and Policy Branch Operational Plan Parks and Recreational Services Operational Plan (Natural Areas Management) Other Plans Gold Coast ‘Our Living City’ Planning Scheme 7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS Budget/Funding Considerations Under Council’s adopted Budget Review Policy, any significant variation to an operational or capital budget must be the subject of a report to Council. A Council decision is also required for any movement of funds to or from Reserve. The funding source (for initiatives outlined in Table 1 of this report) is the Open Space Preservation Separate Charge (Levy). Funds raised under this charge that are not expended in the current financial year are required to be transferred to the Open Space Reserve for future reallocation as per the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010. This report seeks Council endorsement to transfer the total funds of $472,046 to the Open Space Reserve in the March 2012 Budget Review. The allocation of funds from the Open Space Reserve will be the subject of a future report to Council. 8 RISK MANAGEMENT

Risks highlighted are in accordance with Council’s adopted Budget Review Policy:

Risk No. CO000431: Non-compliance with State and Commonwealth legislation leading to potential prosecution of Council, executive officer liability and negative city image.

Risk No. CO000433: Qualified audit leading to Council’s reputation being damaged. Risk No. CO000435: Failure to achieve a sustainable long term financial position leading to

negative impacts on Council’s ability to deliver on its key focus area commitments.

9 STATUTORY MATTERS Local Government (Finance Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 160 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 6 (Continued) PROPOSED TRANSFER OF OSPL FUNDS TO RESERVE CE196/440/36(P1) 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Budget Review Policy (effective from 17 October 2011) Revenue Policy 2011-2012 (effective from 1 July 2011) 11 DELEGATIONS Not Applicable. 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION Name and/or Title of the Stakeholder Consulted

Directorate or Organisation

Is the Stakeholder Satisfied With Content of Report and Recommendations (Yes/No) (comment as appropriate)

Director, Planning, Environment & Transport

Planning, Environment & Transport


Manager, Strategic & Environmental Planning & Policy

Planning, Environment & Transport


Manager, Parks & Recreational Services

Community Services Yes

Executive Coordinator, Environment & Climate Change

Planning, Environment & Transport


Team Leader, Environmental Planning & Conservation

Planning, Environment & Transport


Coordinator, Natural Areas Management Unit

Community Services Yes

Program Manager, Nature Conservation Strategy

Planning, Environment &Transport


Executive Coordinator, Directorate Finances

City Governance Yes

13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS N/A 14 TIMING It is proposed that the transfer of Open Space Preservation Levy funds to the Open Space Reserve will occur as part of the March 2012 budget review. 15 CONCLUSION Under Council’s adopted Budget Review Policy and the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010, a Council resolution is required to allow for the transfer of funds to or from a Reserve and for any significant variations to operating and capital budgets. In accordance with the above, Council endorsement is sought to transfer Open Space Preservation Levy year-to-date savings and forecast savings in the amount of $472,046 to the Open Space Reserve in the March 2012 Budget Review.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 161 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

ITEM 6 (Continued) PROPOSED TRANSFER OF OSPL FUNDS TO RESERVE CE196/440/36(P1) 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That Council approve the transfer of $472,046 in Open Space Preservation Levy

funding into the Open Space Reserve as follows:

a $311,000 from Cost Centre 417 Function 1119

b $161,046 from Cost Centre 515 Function 3411

2 That Council note the above will be incorporated as part of the March 2012 Budget review.

Author: Authorised by:

Desiree McLean Warren Rowe Program Manager, Nature Conservation Strategy

Director Planning Environment & Transport

8 March 2012

TRACKS REF: 34506027 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.006 moved Cr Betts seconded Cr Pforr 1 That Council approve the transfer of $472,046 in Open Space Preservation Levy

funding into the Open Space Reserve as follows:

a $311,000 from Cost Centre 417 Function 1119

b $161,046 from Cost Centre 515 Function 3411

2 That Council note the above will be incorporated as part of the March 2012 Budget review.


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 162 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 7 PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT PLANNING SCHEME REVIEW PROGRAM – COUNCILLOR WORKSHOPS ISSUE REPORTING - REPORT #1 PD98/1132/04/27(P4) Refer 10 page attachment 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement of the recommendations in response to a number of issues raised in the Planning Scheme Review Councillor Workshops. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Council resolved on 30 January 2012 (G12.0130.014):

1) That in accordance with Schedule 1, section (9)(1)(a) of the repealed Integrated

Planning Act 1997 Council resolves to propose a planning scheme and give the Minister for Local Government a copy of the proposed planning scheme.

2) ….

3) …

4) That the Planning Scheme Review Councillor workshops be continued on a regular basis to continue to advance the development of the draft Planning Scheme.

5) …

6) …

7) …

8) …

Other Council resolutions referred to Attachment 1 5 DISCUSSION Planning Scheme Review Program Councillor Workshops commenced in August 2010 and form an important part of the Planning Scheme Review Program. The purpose of the workshops are to keep councillors informed as the new planning scheme is developed, provide an avenue for councillors to input into the new scheme, and to provide a forum to raise and resolve planning scheme related issues. All councillors are invited to attend the workshops, which are usually held before the Sustainable City Future Committee meetings. There have been 30 workshops held to date with Councillors to advance the development of the draft planning scheme to date. In addition, a bus tour has been conducted to highlight particular residential development issues that Councillors have sought to be addressed in the

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 163 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 7 (Continued) PLANNING SCHEME REVIEW PROGRAM – COUNCILLOR WORKSHOPS ISSUE REPORTING - REPORT #1 PD98/1132/04/27(P4) new Planning Scheme. Outside of the workshops, Councillors have also been invited to forward any issues to the Planning Scheme Review Program. Issue raised by Councillors at workshops or outside of the workshops are recorded on the Councillor Issues Schedule. The Councillors Issues Schedule also includes outstanding Council resolutions relating to the planning scheme. A number of workshop recommendations, are reflected in the draft planning scheme endorsed by Council for consideration of State interests. A summary of key issues resolved at the workshops include: response to Urban Design Advisory Board’s recommendation in regard to the Planning

Scheme Policies 12 and 13 (Landscape Strategy) role of the planning scheme to regulate kennels Extractive Industries level of assessment Yatala Industry Investigation Zone Steiglitz Waterfront and Marine Industry Zone Home Based Business Code planning provisions office development in the Mixed Use Zone telecommunication facility separation distances small lot, duplex and small attached dwelling planning provisions family accommodation planning provisions continuation of golf course amendments hotels/taverns in residential areas adult entertainment premises definition role of the planning scheme to regulate building colours At the workshop held on 21 February 2012, the Councillors present requested the closed issues on the Councillors Issues Schedule (refer Attachment 1) ie those recommendations accepted by Councillors present at the workshops be reported to Council for resolution. Issues that have been resolved through separate Council resolution are not included in the attached schedule. 6 ALIGNMENT TO BOLD FUTURE VISION, CORPORATE PLAN, OPERATIONAL

PLAN Key Focus Area 6: A city shaped by clever design

6.1 Integrated land use planning takes account of environmental, social and economic needs to provide the basis for a sustainable community

6.1.1 Develop and implement a new planning scheme by 2012 that integrates the city’s vision into Council decision-making; encourages sustainable development and takes account of the impact on our unique Gold Coast landscape, coastline and beaches

6.1.2 Work collaboratively with the State Government to influence changes to legislation and plans to achieve sustainable outcomes for the city and the region, including improved electronic lodgement of development applications.

6.1.3 Ensure the planning scheme and development assessment regime support efficient decision-making and processing

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 164 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 7 (Continued) PLANNING SCHEME REVIEW PROGRAM – COUNCILLOR WORKSHOPS ISSUE REPORTING - REPORT #1 PD98/1132/04/27(P4)

6.2 The new planning scheme improves the provision of affordable and accessible housing, whilst also ensuring high quality social outcomes

6.2.1 Work to increase affordable housing in the city through collaboration with other levels of government, the development sector and the community

6.2.2 Incorporate provisions in the new planning scheme to encourage housing diversity through a greater mix (density, dwelling type, and size) in line with the needs of the community

6.4 High quality urban design creates a world-class city image and accommodates diverse built forms

6.4.1 Ensure good urban design principles and guidelines are applied to new and retro-fit development and infrastructure projects to enhance the amenity and liveability of the city

6.4.4 Implement high quality urban design throughout the city by working in partnership with the community and private sector.

7 FUNDING AND RESOURCING REQUIREMENTS Not applicable at this time.

8 RISK MANAGEMENT Not applicable. 9 STATUTORY MATTERS Council has resolved under Schedule 1, section (9)(1)(a) of the repealed Integrated Planning Act 1997 to propose a planning scheme and give the Minister for Local Government a copy of the proposed planning scheme. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES Not applicable. 11 DELEGATIONS Not applicable. 12 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION All Councillors have been invited to the program of Councillor workshops taking place fortnightly prior to the Sustainable City Future Committee. 13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS Not applicable.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 165 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

ITEM 7 (Continued) PLANNING SCHEME REVIEW PROGRAM – COUNCILLOR WORKSHOPS ISSUE REPORTING - REPORT #1 PD98/1132/04/27(P4) 14 TIMING New amendments to the draft planning scheme approved in Attachment 1 are recommended to be included in the draft planning scheme as part of the comments in response to the State interest review process.

The Planning Scheme Review Councillor workshops will be continued on a regular basis to continue to advance the development of the draft planning scheme until Council resolves to publicly notify.

15 CONCLUSION Workshops with Councillors have taken place to inform the development of the draft Bold Future Planning Scheme. A schedule with workshop recommendations is included at Attachment 1 for Council endorsement. Further reports will be brought to Council for endorsement of future workshop recommendations. 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That Council endorse the workshop recommendations in Attachment 1 ‘Planning

Scheme Review Program Councillor Issues Schedule’.

2 That Councillors note the Planning Scheme Review Councillor workshops be continued on a regular basis to continue to advance the development of the draft Planning Scheme.

Author: Authorised by:

Justin Collofello Warren Rowe Program Officer Director Planning Environment & Transport 7 March 2012

TRACKS REF: 34455516 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.007 moved Cr Betts seconded Cr Pforr 1 That Council endorse the workshop recommendations in the ‘Planning Scheme

Review Program Councillor Issues Schedule’.

2 That Councillors note the Planning Scheme Review Councillor workshops be continued on a regular basis to continue to advance the development of the draft Planning Scheme.


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 166 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Attachment 7.1 (page 1 of 10 pages)

Attachment 1: Planning Scheme Review Program Councillor Issues Schedule The following Schedule identifies matters which Councillors have requested feedback or advice to assist with the preparation of the new planning scheme.

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation

1. Trigger for animal keeping

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 31 March 2011

Breeding more than 4 dogs or more than 4 cats requires an MCU for a Kennel under the current scheme.

Can this be just regulated by the local law


Recent amendments to the local law have aligned processes and regulation with statutory requirements. It is not legally possible to combine the matter regulated though the planning scheme in the local law.

The local law essentially deals with persons keeping/ breeding animals (domestic and non domestic) and the planning scheme deals with land use matters for non domestic animal keeping (including kennels for commercial breeding). For example, the planning scheme provides for kennels in Industry and Rural zones for amenity reasons, but not elsewhere.

Accepted recommendation

2 Urban Design Advisory Board Recommendation

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SC10.1116.008

That the Planning Scheme Review team give consideration to Urban Design Advisory Boards resolution in regard to the Planning Scheme Policies 12 and 13 (Landscape Strategy) and report back to the Committee.

Changes to Planning Scheme Policies 12 and 13 (Landscape Strategy) will form part of future amendments to the planning scheme, subject to funding being approved for the necessary work to be undertaken.

Accepted recommendation

3 Regulation of High Impact Industry


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SC09.1117.003

1 That the report titled ‘Location of Industry using Noxious and Hazardous Chemicals within the City of the Gold Coast – Assessment & Future Options Paper – October 2009’ by Urban Planning Services Pty Ltd be noted and used to inform the Planning Scheme Review.

2 That the ‘Noxious and Hazardous Industry’ zone in the draft Queensland Planning Provisions, be noted for consideration as part of the Planning Scheme Review.

Version 3 of the draft Queensland Planning Provisions has a separate land use definition for noxious and hazardous industry. The definition is supported by a schedule containing examples of noxious and hazardous industry. Examples include oil refining or processing, a power station, sugar milling or refining and tobacco processing.

A Noxious and Hazardous Industry Zone is not recommended for inclusion in the planning scheme. Further, Noxious and Hazardous industry is not proposed to be listed in any zone table of assessment and will therefore default to impact assessment.

Accepted recommendation

4 North East Gold Coast Land Use, Economic and Infrastructure Strategy

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SC09.1006.002

a Recommendation 1: To be considered as part of the Planning Scheme review that Council’s intent be that all extractive industry will be impact assessable development.

b Recommendation 3 (Amend the Gold Coast City Council Planning Scheme to include the eastern site at Steiglitz in the Marine Industry domain, and include appropriate planning and design requirements to guide future development of the site): To be considered as part of the Planning Scheme review with an emphasis on the impact on residential properties.

c Recommendation 5 (Amend the Gold Coast City Council planning scheme to include the subject area (excluding areas proposed for sport or recreation facilities) approximately 154ha of land between the boundary of the Yatala Enterprise Area LAP, Jacobs Well Road, Burnside Road and Rossmans Road at Stapylton is in the Rural Domain and inside the urban footprint the North East Gold Coast Land Use, Economic and Infrastructure Strategy recommends this land be included in the Future Business and Industry domain and ensure that the separation area for Key Resource

a. Extractive industries are listed as Impact Assessable throughout the draft Tables of Assessment.

b. The marine industry area at Steiglitz is not recommended for expansion into Rural zoned land at this time as there is not considered to be a need

c. Draft Scheme proposes to include this land in the Industry Investigation Zone.

Accepted recommendation

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 167 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation Area 69B is protected.

d Recommendation 9 (Review those aspects of the planning scheme relating to development in the rural domain, particularly the good quality agricultural land overlay area—with a view to possibly allowing diversification of activities in these areas consistent with the protection of natural resources, agricultural productivity, scenic amenity and rural character): To be considered as part of the Planning Scheme review.

e Recommendation 15 (Undertake an investigation into local landholders and residents concerns about worsening flood impacts in the study area, and develop and implement an appropriate strategy to address the issues identified through the investigation): To be considered as part of the Planning Scheme review.

d. The Rural Zone encourages a diverse range of activities where they are compatible with the protection of natural resources, agricultural productivity, scenic amenity and rural character. Diversification of activities is provided for in Good Quality Agricultural Land with the exception of Bulk Garden Supplies which are Impact Assessable.

e. Flood Hazard Overlay Map will be revised to align with updated flood modelling including factoring in of climate change (0.8m sea level rise to 2100) Development of a flood management infrastructure strategy is outside of the scope of the planning scheme.

5 Adult Stores Provisions State Planning Regulatory Provision (SPRP)


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised:



1 That Council note the content of this report.

2 That the document titled ‘State Planning Regulatory Provisions (Adult Stores – Gold Coast City Council Submission – August 2009’, be submitted to the Minister for Infrastructure & Planning, showing recommended changes underlined.

3 That the Director of Planning, Environment & Transport develop an ‘Adult Store Position Paper’ to inform the new Gold Coast Planning Scheme.


in accordance with Council minute SG07.0529.001, Adult Stores be code assessment in the Mixed Use Zone

future amendments to align LAPs with state interests

in accordance with the Adult Stores State Planning Regulatory Provisions, the location of adult stores be located:

a. more than 200m according to the shortest route a person may lawfully take, by vehicle or on foot; or

b. more than 100 metres measured in a straight line from a Place of Worship, Educational Establishment, or Child Care Centre

Accepted recommendation

6 Private Adult Educational Establishments Options Study


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised PSI 215 and 219: SC09.0728.003

1 Council note the report by Humphreys Reynolds Perkins Planning Consultants titled ‘Private Adult Educational Establishments Options Study’.

2 That Council support the recommendations contained in the Private Adult Educational Establishments Options Study to be used to inform the Planning Scheme Review.

Further information requested (9August 2011)

Exempt for larger centres with good PT. PSRP to advise recommended centres

Self assessable for others centres (and how this would address parking PSRP to advise recommended centres

Impact for smaller scale with lower standard to PT services

Private Adult Educational Establishments are:



(a) in an existing building and not involving building work; and

(b) within a Principal activity centre or Surfers Paradise or Broadbeach Specialist activity centres or Burleigh or Coolangatta

Self assessment If

(a) in an existing building and involving minor building work; and

(b) within a Principal activity centre or Surfers Paradise or Broadbeach Specialist activity centres or Burleigh or Coolangatta


(c) in an existing building and not involving building work, or involving minor building work; and

(d) within any other activity centre n.e.i. Code assessment if n.e.i

Accepted recommendation

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 168 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation 7. Amendment 5:

Office space in Fringe Business Domain and LAP Precincts


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG05.0215.001

PSI 74

That the Table of Development for the Fringe Business Domain and Fringe Business LAP Precincts be amended to include an office (maximum gross floor area of 150m² and located above ground level) within the Code Assessment column.

The current planning scheme table of development for the Fringe Business Domain lists a stand alone Office as undesirable or inappropriate impact assessment. An Office is self assessable where it is ancillary to another use and constitutes less than 20% of gross floor area and code assessable where it is ancillary to another use and constitutes more than 20% of gross floor area.

An investigation in 2005 revealed that where office uses is occurring within the Fringe Business Domain they are generally small scale and not a high employment or client generator. The 2005 Council report advised that whilst the location of many Fringe Business sites are not conducive to encourage public transport use, the small scale nature of the use is not considered sufficient to adversely impact upon the local road system or the ability of higher order centres to attract office uses within these areas.


that the Mixed Use Zone and like LAP precincts include Office (if the total gross floor area of the use is under 150m2) as code assessment

that the Mixed Use Zone code requires that Office be located above ground level

Accepted recommendation

8 Amendment 5:

Flood Affected Areas Constraint Code review

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 52

Various amendments to the Flood Affected Areas Constraint

A revised Flood Affected Areas Constraint Code was prepared for Amendment 5 in 2005 to address

consistency between the intent of the code and performance criteria,

consistency with the language and approach of the State Planning Policy for Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide (SPP 1/03)

clarify issues raised by the development industry

This amendment was withdrawn at time of State interest review to enable further resolution of technical matters

A full legal review of the new Flood hazard Code has been undertaken as part of the development of the new Planning Scheme


that the new planning scheme Flood Hazard Code address matters previously raised through Amendment 5

Accepted recommendation

9 Amendment 5:

Operational Work – Vegetation Clearing

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 75

Remnant Regional Ecosystems in certain Domains and LAPs

Amendment 5 (2005 Version) proposed to include a new overlay map for Remnant Regional Ecosystems to trigger clearing provisions.

As part of giving effect to the Nature Conservation Strategy the new planning scheme will include an overlay map to trigger clearing of remnant regional ecosystems

Accepted recommendation

10 Amendment 5:

Amendment to the Definition of Indoor Recreation to incorporate Licensed Clubs

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 6

Definition of Indoor Recreation to incorporate Licensed Clubs

The Queensland Planning Provisions defines Indoor Sport and Recreation and Club as follows: Indoor Sport and Recreation: Premises used for leisure, sport or recreation conducted wholly or mainly indoors. Examples include amusement, parlour, bowling alley, gymnasium, squash courts. Does not include cinema, hotel, nightclub, theatre Club: Premises used by persons associated for social, literary, political, sporting, athletic or other similar purposes to gather for social interaction or entertainment. Examples include club house, guide and scout clubs, surf lifesaving club. Does not include hotel, nightclub, place of worship, theatre

In the new planning scheme, a separate application for a club will need to be made for indoor sport and recreation that wishes to also operate as a club

Accepted recommendation

11 Amendment 5:

Amendment to the Definition of Nightclub and Tavern

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 7

Problem with the definition of Nightclub and Tavern, interpretation on when a Tavern becomes a Nightclub.

The Queensland Planning Provisions definitions for Hotel and Nightclub are as follows:

Hotel: Premises used to sell liquor for consumption. The use may include short-term accommodation, dining and entertainment activities and gaming and amusement machines. Examples include hotel, pub, tavern. Does not include nightclub Nightclub: Premises used to provide entertainment, operating predominately during the night hours, and includes cabaret, dancing and music. The use includes the sale of liquor and food for consumption on site.

Accepted recommendation

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 169 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation Does not include club, hotel, tavern, pub, indoor sport and recreation

12 Amendment 5:

Working from Home Specific Development Code

Amendment to the Definitions, Working from Home Specific Development Code and the Tables of Development for relevant Domains and LAP Precincts as they relate to Home Occupation Land Uses

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 44

Amendment to the Working from Home Specific Development Code (changes to reflect new Home Activity Use)

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 69

Amendment to the Definitions, Working from Home Specific Development Code and the Tables of Development for relevant Domains and LAP Precincts as they relate to Home Occupation Land Uses

This proposes new definition ‘Home Activity’ and changes to existing definitions of Home Occupation and Home Office)

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 8 November 2011

Review assessment triggers for Home based business activities that have a minimum number of visitations per day (i.e. make self assessable).

The Home Based Business Code has been workshopped with Councillors.

The amendments requested at that workshop were all adopted. The result of the workshop was that on-site car parking is not required where the home based business did not have any visitors at the site (addressed in the Transport Code); and

Not more than 6 business related visitors can come to the site per day for the land use to remain self assessable.

The self assessable outcomes of the code are:

SO1. The dwelling, as viewed from the street, is not altered to accommodate the use.

SO2. The home based business is conducted entirely within the dwelling house or onsite structure.

SO3. Public display or retail sale of goods (excluding mail order or internet sales) is not undertaken from the home based business.

SO4. The home based business is limited to one associated class C motor vehicle.

SO5. Loading or unloading activity is undertaken within the site.

SO6. The home based business is carried out by a resident of the dwelling.

SO7. The gross floor area of the home based business does not exceed 45m².

SO8. The home based business is limited to one non-resident employee on site at a time.

SO9. For the purposes of business related visitors and deliveries to the site the hours of operation are:

Monday to Saturday: 8am to 7pm

Sunday and Public Holidays: nil

SO10. The home based business does not generate more than 6 business-related visitors per day.

SO11. The home based business does not involve the use of tools or machinery that generate noise audible beyond the property boundaries.

SO12. The home based business does not involve the use of outdoor lighting.

Accepted recommendation

13 Amendment 5:

Amendment to the Albert Corridor A: Ormeau Structure Plan

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 54

Amendment to the Albert Corridor A: Ormeau Structure Plan – Emerging Communities Map EC2, and Domain Map Ormeau Map 31 (Rural Domain, Good Quality Agriculture Land - change to land use designations) - Eggersdorf Road, Ormeau

The area subject to this issue has been developed and the new Planning Scheme needs to apply zones to reflect development outcomes


a. That Residential Living Zone be applied to developed area, and open space areas be zoned Open Space

The Good Quality Agricultural Land overlay applied to this land in the current planning scheme be removed.

Accepted recommendation

14 Amendment 5:

Beechmont Road, Lower Beechmont - zoning

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI 68

Beechmont Road, Lower Beechmont - Rural Domain to Village (Mixed Use)

(Lot 1 RP87063)

This site is outside the urban footprint and we are therefore unable to facilitate this change Accepted recommendation

15 Review of Planning Scheme Designations for Land Bounded by Sandown Avenue, Bamboo Avenue, Cascade Avenue & Heeb Street, Benowa


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG08.0115.004 & PSI 197

As part of the review of the Gold Coast Planning Scheme, the land bounded by Scenic Avenue, Sandown Avenue and Heeb Street, Benowa be reconsidered for higher density residential development

A report following investigating of this issue recommended rezoning in the new Scheme for the following reasons:

The land bounded by Scenic Avenue, Sandown Avenue and Heeb Street, Benowa is predominately developed with Attached Dwellings (duplex), with a density ranging from 1 dwelling per allotment to 1 dwelling per 250m2

The majority of the allotments are located within a 400m walking distance to Bronberg Shopping Plaza and public transport. The entire block is located within a 400m walking distance to Bob Huth Park and Scenic Park and approximately half of the allotments are located within a 400m walking distance to Bellevue Park State School

Council supported the recommendation and resolved that it be considered in the new Planning Scheme

Accepted recommendation

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 170 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation


include the residential block bounded by Scenic Ave, Bamboo Ave, Sandown Ave and Heeb St, in the Residential Choice Domain with a Residential Density Overlay of 1 dwelling per 250m2 of site area (consistent with planning report taken to SGM committee 15 January 2008)

16 Include Community Purpose as self assessable


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG06.0530.004

That Council draft a Planning Scheme amendment as soon as possible to enable community facilities to be self assessable in the Public Open Space Domain and the Community Purposes Domain.

The draft planning scheme lists Community Use as self assessable in the Community Purposes Zone and Open Space Zone.

Accepted recommendation

17 Regulation of Privately Owned Recreational Vehicles


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG05.1004.005 SG06.0502.004

That the Director, Planning Environment & Transport bring forward as soon as possible a report to the Strategic Growth Management Committee on the issue of noise generating from private recreational vehicles on residential properties in Rural and Park Living Domains.

The Queensland Planning Provisions defines a Motor Sport Facility as ‘A premises used for organised or recreational motor sports whether on or off-road, which may include permanent, temporary or informal provision for spectators and other supporting uses’. Motor Sport Facility will be impact assessment (unlisted) in the Rural and Rural Residential Zones.

Other use of non-commercial recreational vehicles on rural and rural residential properties is outside the jurisdiction of the planning scheme.

Accepted recommendation

18 Keeping of Rodents and Reptiles on Residential Premises


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised SG05.0118.004 SG05.0201.006

That a joint report be brought forward from officers of Planning Environment & Transport and Community Services on the relative role of the Planning Scheme and Local Law No. 12 in regulating the keeping of domestic animals.

Planning Scheme does not have jurisdiction for keeping of domestic pets. This is regulated by local law 12. The Queensland Planning Provisions defines Animal Keeping as: Premises used for boarding, breeding or training of animals. The use may include ancillary temporary and permanent holding facilities on the subject site and the repair and servicing of machinery.’ Examples include aviaries, catteries, kennels, stables, wildlife refuge. Does not include domestic pets, aquaculture, cattle studs, domestic pets, feedlots, grazing of livestock, non-feedlot dairying, piggeries, poultry meat and egg production. The Queensland Planning Provisions Animal Keeping definition places no threshold on boarding, breeding or training non-domestic pets.

Accepted recommendation

19. Planned density Vs planned public transport.

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised:4 May 2011

Issue raised that development approvals are being granted with reduced car parking based upon public transport services that do not exist.

The Program has liaised with I&A staff and have been informed that development approvals supporting reduced car parking rates where the public transport service is yet to be provided have only been approved along Stage 1 of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit Corridor (GCRT).

These developments are significant developments that will take time to construct and it is anticipated that timing of completion of development and the GCRT will align.

Accepted recommendation

20 Non-rural land uses in rural areas such as wedding chapels and day spas

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 May 2011

Non-rural land uses in rural areas such as wedding chapels and day spas have potential to high impacts. How will these be dealt with.

Queensland Planning Provisions defines a wedding chapel (where not ancillary to a place of worship) as Function Facility: Premises used for conducting receptions or functions and may include the preparation and provision of food and liquor for consumption on site. Examples include conference centre, reception centre. Does not include community use, hotel. Queensland Planning Provisions defines day spa (i.e. an establishment which offers health and beauty treatments on a daily basis only) as Health Care Premises: Premises for medical, paramedical, alternative therapies and general health care and treatment of persons that involves no overnight accommodation. Examples include dental clinics, medical centres, natural medicine practices, nursing services, physiotherapy clinic. Does not include community care centre, hospital Recommendation

That in the Rural Zone, Function Facility and Health Care Premises will be Impact Assessment with a rural character outcome that will assist in assessment of any proposals

Accepted recommendation

21 Telecommunications and Broadcast facilities code

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) Telecommunications and Broadcast facilities code weakened compared to current code in respect of setbacks to residential properties, previously 400m setback.

Impact of Telecommunications Amendment (Enhancing Community Consultation) Bill 2011 (require owners and occupiers of land to be notified of a

Implementation and Assessment Branch advise that a 150m setback is a more realistic acceptable outcome to address Telecommunication Facility amenity impacts on sensitive land uses. The draft planning scheme tables of assessment therefore requires impact assessment for a Telecommunications facility located within 150m to a sensitive land use or where located within a residential zone. This raise in the level of assessment will give Council greater assessment powers. The code will be amended to align with this outcome.

The Telecommunications Amendment (Enhancing Community Consultation) Bill 2011 is a private members bill (Andrew Wilkie MP) that has not progressed to it’s second reading. A change to the planning scheme in response to the bill would be premature at this time. Should the bill become approved, Federal

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – implement the following:

A minimum, 200m separation distance from a sensitive land use or land intended for a sensitive land use - as the revised impact trigger;

Include an impact trigger for a new telecommunications facility wanting to

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 171 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation proposal to either build or modify a telecommunications tower within 500 metres of their property; provide that notified owners and occupiers have 30 days in which to respond to the proposed development; provide that new telecommunications towers cannot be declared to be low impact; limit the size and capacity of telecommunications towers; provide that the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) can issue installation permits for high impact facilities only in extraordinary circumstances; disallow ACMA from considering commercial interests when determining the importance of a facility in a telecommunications network; require ACMA, when considering developments near community sensitive sites, to be satisfied that all alternative sites are unfeasible; and enable local communities to appeal a facility installation permit being granted with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal)

legislation would have the effect of overriding the planning scheme.

establish within 400m of an established or approved facility; and

Investigate the possibility of making co-located facilities self-assessable where they are attached to a lawfully established slimline pole.

22. Telecommunications towers, shops and child care centres in residential areas

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised:17 May 2011

Telecommunications towers, shops and child care centres in residential areas be impact assessable to allow residents to submit on such applications!

The Queensland Planning Provisions s5.2 provides guidance for deciding levels of assessment. Code assessment should be applied where: development impacts are low development impacts are known and can be entirely regulated in a code public notification will not add value to the assessment process

Child care centres and shops in residential areas:

impacts (noise / traffic) are known and can be managed by a code

code can provide location requirements e.g. level of road hierarchy

code can provide limitation on the scale of use in residential area. This is current practice for convenience shop code assessable in Residential Choice and Tourist & Residential Domains (gross floor area upto 150sqm)

child care and convenience shops are required in residential areas to support communities

Changes to provide for public notification is likely to lead to unnecessary litigation and associated costs to ratepayers but unlikely to change outcomes

Telecommunication Tower

‘low-impact telecommunications facility’ as defined under the Telecommunications Act 1997 is exempt

planning scheme regulates visual amenity impacts, these have been previously deemed to be acceptable where limited to 15-20m in height and are considered to be currently adequately regulated.

Changes to provide for public notification is likely to lead to unnecessary litigation and associated costs to ratepayers but unlikely to change outcomes

Councillor workshop direction:

Telecommunications towers to be impact assessable in Rural, Rural Residential and residential zones or alternatively within a specified distance to a dwelling.

Accepted recommendation

23. Car parking Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) Parking and street widths in areas off Varsity Parade (Moores Cres / Watts Drive)

In response to observed on-street parking issues in parts of Varsity Lakes, Council may consider actioning an investigation to confirm the cause and/or make recommendations to resolve this matter, including the consideration of on-street metered parking to remove the perceived issue of business operators parking in nearby residential streets for extended periods.

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – no action required at this stage

Accepted recommendation

24. Reconfiguring a Lot (enforcement of road widths)

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) Require parking bays in narrow streets.

Vehicle parking bays are considered unnecessary on standard residential streets (0-750 vehicles per day) with a minimum pavement width of 7.5m (kerb to kerb). This width is capable of having cars parked on each side of road with room for a single movement lane between, wide enough for a rubbish truck to pass. This road design works to discourage higher speeds and results in more land available for non-road land uses.

Kerb design standards were updated with the adoption of the 2003 Land Development Guidelines (LDG)

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – review as part of the LDG project. Strengthen the performance outcome, if necessary, to support a minimum road width across the city. Ensure the performance outcome addresses the access for emergency

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 172 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation provision for kerbs with a hard edge, discouraging crossing of vehicles onto the verge.

Laneways (5.5m kerb to kerb) dedicated to Council are presently a non-standard Land Development Guideline (LDG) outcome utilised to provide rear entry to small lots or apartments/attached dwellings that have a secondary road frontage, often utilised for visitor parking. Egret Lane, Coomera is an example of a laneway in the Edgewater Estate at Finnegan Way, Coomera approved by Council (CP05.0614.004).

A review of the LDG in regard to road design will be undertaken separate to the planning scheme review.

services and appropriate street parking. Car parking bay requirements could be investigated for narrow roads.

25. Reconfiguring a Lot (fencing master plan)

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) Fencing regulation in new subdivisions/ developments e.g. Waverly Park and Finnegan Way.

Council approved the fencing along Finnegan Way for the Divine Homes ‘Edgewater Estate’ (CP05.0614.004). The house designs on the plan of development for Edgewater Estate had 5m x 5m internal courtyards to provide private open space at the sides of dwellings.

The draft planning scheme Reconfiguring a Lot Code contains a performance outcome (PO4) that can be used to trigger conditions for a fencing master plan. To assist with implementation of such a condition, a planning scheme policy could assist with providing fencing design guidelines.

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – agreement to develop a fencing policy to support the Reconfiguration of a Lot (ROL) development code, at a future time. Investigate strengthening the link between the ROL code and the future policy.

26. Centres – self assessable development

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 23 August 2011 and 17 January 2012 (bus tour)

Incremental change to gross floor area limits in local centres by a Private Certifier How to address piecemeal development of large development in local business areas that are constructed in stages below the code assessable threshold.

The current planning scheme allows a Shop (up to 2,000m2) land use as self assessable within the Local Business Domain. It is proposed to include a shop land use as code assessable within the Neighbourhood Centre Zone in the new planning scheme. This will give Council the ability to review the development against the applicable codes to consider inter alia the design of the proposal.

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – Note: Currently resolved in draft scheme

Accepted recommendation

27. Shading of neighbouring dwellings

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 July 2011

Complying houses shading neighbouring dwellings. Particularly shading solar panels

Raise issue with State as regulated though Building Code of Australia Accepted recommendation

28. Residential setbacks Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) Side boundary setbacks with retaining wall encroachments (Duxton Drive, Varsity Lakes)

Duxton Drive, Varsity Lakes was approved under Superseded Planning Scheme (July 2001) with a plan of development providing a number of built to boundary side setbacks, including adjoining setbacks as narrow as 0.9m to wall. Retaining walls encroaching into side boundary setbacks have created issues with access to the rear of properties.

The draft planning scheme only permits self assessable built to boundary walls for small lots where no closer than 1.5m to a window or opening to a habitable room of an adjoining dwelling. Where adjoining a vacant property or walls of an existing house (under 4.5m in height) with no window openings to habitable rooms, the built to boundary wall may be setback 1.0m. Council may consider an option to require smaller setbacks to be measured from the toe of any retaining walls.

Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – no action required. Retain existing setbacks

29. Amendment 5:

Small Lot Code

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG04.0824.007


PSI 77

Investigate including a Small lot Code in new Planning Scheme

The draft planning scheme includes a Small Lot House Code for dwellings on lots less than 400sqm or lots with a frontage less than 15m.

The code includes outcomes for privacy, minimum open space, reducing the dominance of garages, and surveillance (e.g. visible pedestrian entry, balconies/windows overlooking the street/public open space)

Accepted recommendation

30. Housing design Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 17 January 2012 (bus tour) How can the Planning Scheme regulate housing design.

The State government’s view is that planning schemes should not be regulating design of detached dwellings. However, the draft planning scheme seeks to provide extra regulation for houses on lots below 400sqm and for dual occupancy / second houses e.g. to ensure both houses address a street or public space.

Agreed Action from 24/1/2012 Planning Scheme Review workshop – no action required at this stage

31. Amendment 5:

Amendment to the Animal Husbandry

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: PSI SG05.0503.003

Animal Husbandry Code to insert a development requirement for setback requirements for raising of livestock

The current Planning Scheme provides for setbacks to waterway corridors and land in Park Living, Detached Dwelling or Residential Choice Domains for dairy farms,

Provisions for Animal Husbandry will be incorporated in the Rural Activities Code, which includes setbacks for waterways and residential zoned land. Grazing of livestock is not included as ‘intensive animal industries’.

The previous draft presented to Councillors (Aug 2012) included a requirement for livestock to be kept 50m from a waterway. This has been removed as it should only apply to intensive animal industries (such as feedlot dairying) rather than grazing of livestock.

Accepted recommendation

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 173 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation however not for livestock

Table Setback requirements for specific Rural activities.

Use Minimum Setback (in metres)

Animal Keeping 10m.

Milking Sheds a) 500m to any residential zoned lot;

b) 50m to boundaries or mapped waterways; and

c) 20m to any dwelling house.

Intensive Animal Industries

(a) 1,000m to any residential zoned lot;

(b) 50m to boundaries or mapped waterways; and

(c) 10m to any dwelling house.

Local Law No.12 (Keeping and Control of Animals) contains regulation regarding the keeping and control of animals including permit requirements, standards for enclosures and minimum site areas.

32. fauna corridors Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

map significant corridors for fauna movement

Significant fauna corridors are mapped on the overlay maps supporting the Nature Conservation Overlay Code – Biodiversity Areas Overlay Map.

Issue resolved

Accepted recommendation

33. Family accommodation Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 3 May 2011

Family accommodation should be more accessible/ readily established in some locations.

The Queensland Planning Provisions equivalent of a Family Accommodation is a Secondary Dwelling which is included under the definition for a Dwelling House:

A residential use of premises for one household which contains a single dwelling. The use includes out-buildings and works normally associated with a dwelling and may include a secondary dwelling.

Under the draft planning scheme, where a dwelling house is Self Assessable, a Secondary dwelling is also self assessable, therefore making them more easily established in appropriate locations (a Family Accommodation is currently Code (Risk Smart) in the Detached Dwelling and Residential Choice Domains.)

A secondary Dwelling is defined to mean:

A dwelling used in conjunction with, and subordinate to, a dwelling house on the same lot. A secondary dwelling may be constructed under a house, be attached to a house or free standing

The draft Residential Design Code includes provisions for secondary dwelling which are similar to the current Family Accommodation Code. The gross floor area of secondary dwellings is limited to 50% of the gross floor area of the primary dwelling

Accepted recommendation

34. Duplex and small attached dwellings


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SC11.0222.006

That the issue of amenity arising from duplex dwellings and other similar small attached dwellings be included on the Councillor’s Issues Register for the Planning Scheme Review.

In the Residential Living Zone, Dual Occupancy (i.e. duplex or second detached dwelling) is self assessable and Multiple Dwelling (not more than 3 dwellings) is code assessment if:

on a corner lot; or

a lot with rear lane access; or

a lot fronting the city’s high-order road network

If not meeting these criteria, Dual Occupancy/ Multiple Dwelling is impact assessment (regardless of the property size) and subject to the Strategic Framework suburban neighbourhood outcomes:

Housing choice occurs in suburban neighbourhoods, other than detached housing, where this enhances and blends with important elements of neighbourhood character and amenity, and where occurring on lots with particular attributes, limited to:

a. corner lots;

b. lots with both street and rear lane access;

c. lots located on highly accessible street ends; or

d. lots fronting the city’s high-order road network.

Some variation in housing intensity occurs in suburban neighbourhoods where consistent with these outcomes, and where also occurring on lots within a 400 metre walking distance of well-serviced public transport facilities, major employment areas or district and regional level community and recreation

Accepted recommendation

New issue raised to define high order roads and ensure self assessable is still achievable following compliance with self assessable outcomes of Transport Code

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 174 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation facilities.

Shop-top housing also occurs within suburban neighbourhoods where provided as part of a neighbourhood centre or convenience store.

Single dwellings on larger lots occurs in particular areas in suburban neighbourhoods to preserve the existing natural landform and protect nature conservation and neighbourhood character and amenity.

Residential Design Code outcomes for Dual occupancy (e.g. duplex) have been improved. For example:

(a) site frontage acceptable outcome increased to 20m and performance outcome strengthened to improve streetscape

(b) new outcome to control width of covered car parking space

(c) new outcome to ensure where the site is located on a corner lot, each dwelling is oriented to address a separate street frontage.

(d) new outcome to ensure each dwelling either fronts a public street or public open space/rear lane

(e) new outcome to ensure separation between rear dwellings when not attached

(f) new outcome to require windows of at least one habitable room of each dwelling to overlook the street, public space or a rear lane

35. Brothels Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

Brothels in industrial areas

Under Schedule 3, Part 1 of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009, the prescribed level of assessment for a Brothel is code assessment, if premises in an industrial area or on strategic port land; and Impact assessment, if premises in an area other than an industrial area or on strategic port land unless a local planning instrument, or amendment of a local planning instrument made after 1 July 2000, requires code assessment.

As such, a Brothel is code assessable in the Low Impact Industry and Medium Impact Industry Zones and would be assessed under the brothel code in the planning scheme as well as the IDAS Code for Brothels made under the Prostitution Act 1999.

Accepted recommendation

36. Hotels/Taverns Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

Hotels/Taverns in residential areas

Tables of assessment list Hotels as impact assessable in Residential Living, Residential Choice, Apartment Residential and Township Zones if they are a:

small bar trading to a maximum of 60 people; and

part of a mixed use neighbourhood centre

If they do not meet the above criteria, Hotels are impact (unlisted).

Accepted recommendation

37. Request to Modify The Definition of ‘Service Industry Group A Developments’


Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SC08.0729.005

That the Manager Strategic & Environmental Planning & Policy bring forward a report to the Sustainable City Future Committee considering the definition for Service Industry Group A (retail Service Establishments) be modified to prescribe that Group A developments shall be limited to a gross floor area of 300m2 for development assessment and that any development use that is above 300m2 gross floor area is to be assessed as ‘Industry 2’ development.

The Queensland Planning Provisions provides for a regime of industrial activities that effectively resolves this issue:

Premises used for industrial activities that have no external air, noise or odour emissions from the site and can be suitably located with other non-industrial uses. Examples include audio visual equipment repair, film processing, bicycle repairs, clock and watch repairs, computer repairs, dry cleaning, hand engraving, jewellery making, laundromat, locksmith, picture framing, shoe repairs, tailor. Does not include small engine mechanical repair workshop, cabinet making, shop fitting, sign writing, tyre depot, low impact industry, medium impact high impact industry, noxious and hazardous industries

With the new Queensland Planning Provisions definition requiring Service Industry to have ‘no external air, noise or odour emissions from the site’, the size of the tenancy should not be an issue.

Accepted recommendation

38. Conservation Domain Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: SG06.0328.002

That the changes to the Conservation Domain of the Planning Scheme Version 1.1 be endorsed:

where for a residential purpose, the area of non-impervious surfaces and roofed areas is not greater than 2000sqm

the upper most projection of all buildings is of a height that is not above the highest immediately adjoining ridgeline to the building envelope

The Environment Management Zone and Conservation Zone include acceptable outcomes to:

limit site cover to the lesser of 10% or 2000m²

require buildings to be integrated within the landscape and not be located on any ridgeline or significant natural feature

Accepted recommendation

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Iss # Subject & File No. Resolution or issue Recommendation Workshop Recommendation

39. Climate change Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

What allowance will be made for sea level rise?

Infrastructure charges to increase to cover road and services reconstructions

Sea level rise allowance

The Flood Hazard Code and Overlay Map have been revised to align with updated flood modelling including factoring in of climate change (0.8m sea level rise to 2100) to align with the State Policy for Coastal Management (Queensland Coastal Plan)

Infrastructure charge rates

A review of infrastructure charges is outside the scope of the new planning scheme. The Council has an Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution in response to the Queensland Government introducing maximum infrastructure charges for residential and non-residential development.

Accepted recommendation

Note: re-investigate need for any changes following completion of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry

40. Golf Courses Amendment Package

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

Will there be continuation of the protection of golf courses as ‘open space’?

Current policy, including changes to land use designations adopted by the ‘Protection of Golf Courses Amendment Package’ will continue under the new planning scheme.

Changes to the Sport and Recreation Zone table of assessment will be implemented prior to public notification to align with the protection of golf courses amendment package resolution.

Accepted recommendation

41. Local Plan format Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 12 August 2011

Establish LAPs throughout City with patchwork overlaps rather than isolated independent LAPs. This would overcome generic definitions that don’t always work in all areas of the City.

Local plans in the new planning scheme are being converted to be compliant with the Queensland Planning Provisions. All land within Local Plans will have an underlying zone. The local plan will include only additional planning outcomes required to vary the effect of the underlying zone.

Accepted recommendation

42. Regulation of building colours

Minute/ PSI No. or Date Raised: 24 February 2012 Should the planning scheme regulate building colour (e.g. Currumbin Hill LAP and Burleigh Ridge LAP)

That future consideration be given to the role of the planning scheme to regulate building colours once public notification of the draft planning scheme is completed.

Accepted recommendation

Until a policy decision on the matter is made, Councillors agreed to hold off the issue of any enforcement notices in regard to development compliance with acceptable solutions for colour schemes under both the Currumbin Hill LAP and Burleigh Ridge LAP.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 176 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 8 PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT PEAK OIL DESK TOP STUDY FOR GOLD COAST CITY COUNCIL PD113/49/13/39(P1) Refer 8 page attachment 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not Applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not Applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT In 2009, the Gold Coast City Council (GCCC) commissioned a “Peak Oil Study for the Gold Coast City Council”. The findings of that report have been used as a valuable input into operational decision making to date. The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to release the study upon request to interested parties. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Not Applicable. 5 DISCUSSION Background In 2009, Council commissioned Parsons Brinkerhoff to conduct a study to identify the risks and opportunities presented by Peak Oil, changes in oil price and availability and potential impacts on the Gold Coast economy, community, transportation networks and industry. The purpose of the report was to inform operational decisions of Council. The Australian Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO Australia) was a third party that provided some input to the Parsons Brinkerhoff study. On 27 February ASPO Australia wrote to Councillors Sarroff, Young and Douglas seeking information on the 2009 study. Discussion In response to the report entitled “Peak Oil Study for the Gold Coast City Council” dated May 2010, the Planning Environment and Transport Directorate established a Project Reference Group to work with relevant sections of Council that are potentially effected by the peak oil phenomena and to maintain a watching brief on the issue. More broadly, the study has in-part assisted in decision making and pilot studies undertaken to-date, including alternative fuel and electric vehicle trials.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 177 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 8 (Continued) PEAK OIL DESK TOP STUDY FOR GOLD COAST CITY COUNCIL PD113/49/13/39(P1)

The Study

The purpose of the study is to inform operational decisions of Council. The study identified and reviewed the national and international response to Peak Oil impacts and issues of like agencies (other local governments) in major cities at the time. The study further identified existing Gold Coast City Council strategies, plans, policies, programs or services, including the Planning Scheme Review and Climate Change Strategy specifically, that have a Peak Oil relationship and that will need to be considered in any Gold Coast specific response. Specifically, the project’s aims were to:

Define Peak Oil and its risks and opportunities for Council and the community.

Review how other similar communities and local government agencies are responding to and planning for the impacts of Peak Oil particularly in land use planning and in planning schemes and policies.

Consider what Gold Coast City Council action may be necessary, with particular regard to the Planning Scheme Review in the capacity of land use planning and planning scheme responses, and propose timeframes over which action should occur.

Identify links between action taken for other matters within Council and the Gold Coast community e.g. climate change and any potential benefit for Council’s Peak Oil response.

A copy of the study’s executive summary and contents is presented as an attachment to this report for information. This summary will assist interested third parties to understand the scope of the study and determine their interest in obtaining a full copy upon request. Suitability for Release Officers advise the study, although for the purposes of operational decision making, is suitable for release to interested parties upon request. It is considered that releasing the study may assist in furthering the body of knowledge around peak oil in the broader academic, scientific and planning communities on the Gold Coast and in South East Queensland. 6 ALIGNMENT TO BOLD FUTURE VISION, CORPORATE PLAN, OPERATIONAL


Bold Future Key Focus Area 1. A city leading by example

Corporate Plan Outcome 1.1 There are strong foundations for a sustainable city.

Climate Change Strategy 2009 - 2014 Strategic Outcome 5. Council and community response to climate change is enabled by improved awareness and understanding.

Strategic and Environmental Planning & Policy Operational Plan 2011/2012 Climate Change Strategy - development, implementation coordination & monitoring

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 178 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 8 (Continued) PEAK OIL DESK TOP STUDY FOR GOLD COAST CITY COUNCIL PD113/49/13/39(P1)


No budget is being requested as part of this agenda item. Human Resources

There are no staff requirements as part of this agenda item. 8 RISK MANAGEMENT

Directorate Risk – CO000421 Strategic and Environmental Planning and Policy Mitigation: CM000222 Environment Management Activity: AT000818 Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Outcome: Council’s operations carbon neutral by 2020 as outlined in the Corporate Plan.


Not Applicable. 10 COUNCIL POLICIES

Not Applicable. 11 DELEGATIONS



Not Applicable. 14 TIMING The Desk top study is complete. 15 CONCLUSION In 2009 Gold Coast City Council commissioned a study entitled “Peak Oil Study for the Gold Coast City Council” for use in operational decision making. The Planning Environment and Transport Directorate established a Project Reference Group to work with the relevant sections of Council that are potentially affected by the peak oil phenomena. The study has assisted GCCC in understanding Peak Oil in a local context and, along with other factors has been considered in various projects and pilot studies and as an input to broader environmental scanning and decision making. Following representations from third parties, officers advise that the study is suitable for release upon request. It is considered that the release of the study may assist in furthering the body of knowledge around this subject matter on the Gold Coast and South East Queensland.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 179 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

ITEM 8 (Continued) PEAK OIL DESK TOP STUDY FOR GOLD COAST CITY COUNCIL PD113/49/13/39(P1) 16 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That Council notes the report.

2 That the study entitled “Peak Oil Desk Top Study for Gold Coast City Council” be made available to interested parties upon request.

Author: Authorised by:

Team Leader Climate Change Director Planning Environment & Transport 1 March 2012

TRACKS REF: 34474656

Committee Recommendation Changed at Council 26 March 2012 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.008 moved Cr Betts seconded Cr Pforr 1 That Council notes the report.

2 That the study entitled “Peak Oil Desk Top Study for Gold Coast City Council” be made available to interested parties upon request.

CARRIED CHANGED AT COUNCIL 26 MARCH 2012 RESOLUTION G12.0326.010 moved Cr Crichlow seconded Cr Douglas That Committee Recommendation SC12.0320.008 be adopted, with the addition of Part 3, such that it reads in its entirety as follows: 1 That Council notes the report.

2 That the study entitled “Peak Oil Desk Top Study for Gold Coast City Council” be made available to interested parties upon request.

3 That costs, from its initiation in 2009 to 1 March 2012, of the report for the Peak Oil Desk Top Study for Gold Coast City Council undertaken by Parsons Brinkerhoff be provided in the Minutes.


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Attachment 8.1

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Attachment 8.2

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Attachment 8.3

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Attachment 8.4

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Attachment 8.5

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Attachment 8.6

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Attachment 8.7

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Attachment 8.8

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 188 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 9 PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION LEVY LAND ACQUISITION PROGRAM - PHASE 3 - EMERGENT SITE CE196/696/01/05(P1) REPORT CONFIDENTIAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.009 moved Cr Betts seconded Cr Pforr 1 That the report and attachment be deemed a confidential document and be

treated as such in accordance with sections 171 (3) and 200 (9) of the Local Government Act 2009 and that the document remain confidential unless Council decides otherwise by resolution.

2 That Council authorises the inclusion of the one additional site identified within this report to the endorsed Priority Acquisition List and its purchase at an acceptable asking price validated by a current market valuation, in accordance with the OSPL Land Acquisition Policy - Phase 3.


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 189 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report ITEM 10 GENERAL BUSINESS QUEENSLAND FLOOD COMMISSION OF INQUIRY – FINAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS – PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOCUS PD44/261/-LF(P2) The Committee was briefed on the Queensland Flood Commission of Inquiry’s final report and recommendations – planning and development focus. A copy of the presentation and a list of the recommendations is attached to this report. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SC12.0320.010 moved Cr Young seconded Cr Wayne 1 That Council notes the presentation and recommendations attached to this


2 That the Chief Executive Officer undertake a holistic review of the recommendations and present further reports to Council including the potential introduction of new, or the improvement of existing flood management activities arising from the Inquiry’s recommendations.

3 That the Chief Executive Officer allocate appropriate resources as required to participate in any Queensland State Government review process arising from the Inquiry’s recommendations.


635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 190 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Attachment 10.1

QLD Floods Commission of Inquiry –Final Report Recommendations

Planning and development focus

SCFC 20 March 2012

Recommendations overview• 177 Recommendations over 14 chapters

– Floodplain management

– State and Local Planning Instruments

– Satellite planning systems

– Development and flood considerations

– Development assessment in practice

– Building controls

– Essential services

– Buy-backs and land swaps

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 191 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Attachment 10.2

Recommendations overview– Performance of private insurers

– Mining

– Emergency response and other interim report issues

– Operation of Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams

– Other dam issues

Planning and development key recommendations

• What’s not been recommended– Methodological specification (Brisbane catchment


– Design flood specification

– Changed responsibilities state and local government

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 192 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Attachment 10.3

Planning and development key recommendations

• What was recommended– reinforces GCCC policy and practice (resource

ramifications for smaller Councils?)

– Gives dual direction to both State and local government “if the QLD government doesn’t …. councils should”

Planning and development key recommendations

• SpecificsRecent flood studies for all urban areasMaintain those flood studiesElected reps informed of studies and their

ramifications for planning and emergency management

Councils in floodplains develop comprehensive best practice flood management plans (GCCC Sustainable Flood Management Strategy)

! Flood maps showing at least 3 “zones of risk”

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 193 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

Attachment 10.4

Planning and development key recommendations

• Specifics! Website display of flood mapping commissioned or


Flood maps should be readily interpretable and be accompanied by explanatory note

Councils should offer online data base to find DAs relevant to the land

Councils consider using QPP ‘constrained land zone’for areas of very high flood risk

Planning and development key recommendations

• Specifics! QLD gov’t to draft model planning controls for floodingPlanning schemes to include flood overlay maps,

codes containing assessment criteria, planning scheme policy containing information requirements

Assessment criteria to address reduction on or offsite of storage, flood behaviour and other characteristics

! QLD gov’t to consider allowing councils to amend their planning scheme to update flood mapping as minor amendment (provide adequate consultation has occurred)

– Series of land use specific recommendations

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Attachment 10.5

Planning and development key recommendations

• SpecificsMaintain flood and overland flow maps for use in DA

and make available to applicants

Various recs regarding DA process, conditioning, prelodgements

flood resilience of basements, location of essential services

Consider property buy back program in areas particularly vulnerable to regular flooding

Where to from here?

• Further holistic review of recs and report to follow from LGAQ and City Solicitor

• Further consider recommendations for improvements in existing areas of activity and consider new initiatives

• Participate with the likely Qld government review processes recommended by the Inquiry

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Attachment 10.6

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Attachment 10.7

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Attachment 10.8

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Attachment 10.9

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Attachment 10.10

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Attachment 10.11

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Attachment 10.12

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Attachment 10.13

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Attachment 10.14

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Attachment 10.15

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Attachment 10.16

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Attachment 10.17

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Attachment 10.18

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Attachment 10.19

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Attachment 10.20

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Attachment 10.21

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Attachment 10.22

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Attachment 10.23

There being no further business the meeting closed at 2.50pm.

635th Council Meeting 26 March 2012 213 Sustainable City Future Committee Meeting 20 March 2012 Adopted Report

These Pages

Numbered 1 to 213

Constitute The Adopted Report Of The Meeting

Of The Sustainable City Future Committee

Held Tuesday, 20 March 2012

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