part 10 - your home based business and your get rich quick dreams

Post on 10-May-2015






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If you see your Home Based Business as a way to realise your get-rich-quick dreams, please read here. This could save you money, time and many disappointments. We are bombarded with stories in the media about people that have made their billions of dollars at a very young age or very quickly. These “idols” as some people see them become “role models” for many people to start and develop their Home Based Business ideas or other business ideas. We also read about people winning big bucks in the lottery or at a casino or by betting on horses or something else. Are they also “idols” or “role models”? I do believe that there are some similarities and differences between these two groups of “idols” that can help you and me in thinking, dreaming and conceptualizing our big ideas and big awards for our Home Based Businesses.


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The Complete Home Based

Business Success Formula Brought to you by:

Home Based Business: Achieve your financial independence in the global economy of the 21st century

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If you see your Home Based Business as a way to realise your get-

rich-quick dreams, please read here. This could save you money, time

and many disappointments.

We are bombarded with stories in the media about people that have

made their billions of dollars at a very young age or very quickly. These

“idols” as some people see them become “role models” for many

people to start and develop their Home Based Business ideas or

other business ideas.

We also read about people winning big bucks in the lottery or at a

casino or by betting on horses or something else. Are they also “idols” or

“role models”?

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I do believe that there are some similarities and differences between

these two groups of “idols” that can help you and me in thinking, dreaming

and conceptualizing our big ideas and big awards for our Home Based


Let us think about our ideas and dreams

If you are dreaming only of getting big bucks very quickly with a minimum of

input or work or expertise, the best probability of getting that will be at a

casino or by buying a lottery ticket. In both these cases, you will be able to

calculate the statistical probability of getting the big bucks. You know that it is

very, very small. Nevertheless, some people are winning. They do get the big

bucks against all odds. So you can too. Why not? You can decide.

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If your dreams are to get the big bucks with your Home Based

Business very quickly, it is possible. The probability is bigger compared to

playing the lotto. The opportunities are there. What must be done to achieve it

is different to the lotto. You must have the idea that can be monetized. You

will need special skills, business expertise, technological know-how and many

other things to monetize your big idea to make big bucks quickly.

If you do have all these ideas, resources and many more dreams, it can be


There are examples of people that have done it. Some people have started

their enterprises in their garages at home and developed it into a Fortune 500

company. You might be the next Bill Gates... Go for it. He has proven

that it can be done.

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We must realize that these people are the exceptions though.

If your dream is only to make money in your Home Based Business,

you will be mislead by the internet gurus explaining or trying to convince you

to pay them some money once off or on a monthly basis to get access to

their get-rich-quick scheme. With most of these schemes, you will be

disappointed because you do not hear the whole story during their sales

pitch to you. They are very good and convincing sales people that can sell

ice to the Eskimos. Be careful.

The more realistic journey to you big money

dreams must be different if you are realistic.

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I want to discuss the realistic dreams and that

journey to achieve your dreams

What is more important is to have realistic expectations of what you want to

achieve. You have to take into consideration what your strengths and talents

are, how much time you have available to spend on your Home Based

Business and how much money you want to invest into your business.

These are the “hard issues” that can be calculated. Maybe the more important

issue to get clarity on is what your passion is. What is you motivation? How

strongly do you want to make a success of your Home Based Business?

Are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal? Do you have the motivation

and the stamina to push ahead if the tide is going against you in your Home

Based Business? Get clarity about these softer issues before you start.

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Spend some time by doing some research to find the

Home Based Business that suits your requirements. That

might not be the one that gives you the big bucks very

quickly. The possibility of making a success and earning

money with your Home Based Business is bigger if you

live and work your passion than when you only go for the

money and get involved in something that you do not


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Find your passion in your Home Based Business. Work your

passion. Do not get involved in a Home Based Business as if it is

a get-rich-quick scheme. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Do your

research and find your passion. Build a business over time by living your

dream and working your passion. By doing that, the possibility of being a

Bill Gates is bigger compared to the gambling alternative.

Join our team, we will guide you on this journey.

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