parish office staff parish life - saint margaret of...

Post on 30-Nov-2018






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Parish Office Staff


Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John P. Hopkins


Tommy Watts

Austin Lobo

Religious Education

Madeline Romano

Pastoral Associate

Sr. Catherine Charles, SND

Parish Support Staff Tina Maichle

Lois Nowell

General Information

Parish Life

Special Ministers of Holy Communion

Kathy Linsner: 302-832-1488

Lectors Lynn Woerner: 302-836-5206

Altar Servers David or Lisa Carey: 738-9530

Janene Kolisz:

Cantors & Choir

Tom Mucchetti: 610-220-2690

Mary Kate Newell: 302-521-7788

Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers)

Tim Higgins: 302-836-1099

RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Michael Felker: 302-834-8259

Parish Ministries

St. Vincent DePaul Society

Leslie DeShaies: 302-834-0228

Knights of Columbus

Walter Kolisz: 302-388-9998


Teri Dzik: 302-834-5590

Parent Bereavement Group

Irene Felker: 302-834-8259 Jean Brady: 302-738-5126

Prayer Line

Karen Kolek: 302-834-0225 ext. 108

Daughters of St. Francis de Sales

Susan Brubaker: 302-834-1671

Bible Study and Faith Sharing

Deacon Tommy Watts: 302-834-5408

Boy Scouts

Jonathan Nicholls: 302-838-5294

Cub Scouts

Kevin Cameron at 302-455-8701

Friends of St. Margaret (50 +)

Sr. Catherine Charles: 302-834-0225 ex. 105

St. Margaret of Scotland Football Team

Michael Klepacki: 302-229-2285

Golf Committee

Mike Ryan : 302-283-1474

Church Cleaning Group

Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738


Janet and Ed Tyczkowski: 302-832-1057

Nursery / Babysitting

Megan Januszka: 302-290-0352

Doughnuts / Refreshments after Mass

Welcoming Committee

Trish Gerhart: 302-379-3869

Prayer Shawl

Linda Barry: 302-379-2513 Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738

Social Justice Committee

Bill Mitchell: 302-836-6006

Meg Kane-Smith: 302-836-3511

Mary Lou Gantzer: 302-521-5332

Women at the Well

Barbara Coates: 302-302-838-7738


Francis Woerner: 302-836-5206

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Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Weekday: Mon., Wed., & Fr i. 8:30 am

Holy Day: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm

Reconciliation: Fri. 9:00 am & Sat. 4:30 pm

Rosary: Mon. 7:00 pm

Mass Intentions

February 26 8:30 am Anna Worton

February 28 8:30 am Joseph Guerrieri

March 2 8:30 am Margaret Maguire

March 3 5:30 pm Joan Kanavel

March 4 8:30 am The Joseph Family

Helen Chmura

10:30 am Joseph Kendra

Sacraments Baptism

Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays at noon or

during any of our Masses. If this is your first child you are

required to attend a class before the Baptism can be sched-

uled. Call the office to schedule.

Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment.


Consult the parish priest at least one year before your wedding date.

Communion to those unable to come to Mass If you, or a family member are not able to participate at Mass and

would like to receive communion, please contact the parish office.

Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick brings the compassion-

ate presence of Christ into the midst of the suffering of those who

are ill, aging, or preparing for minor /serious surgery. If you would

like to be anointed, please contact the parish office.

“The faithful should be encouraged to ask for the anointing, and, as

soon as the time for the anointing comes to receive it with faith and


- Rite of Anointing

Rosary Recitation of the Rosary is held every

Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the church.

Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of every month: 9:00am - 10:00am

Every Friday evening: 8:00pm -10:00pm

All are welcome to join us in worshiping our Lord.

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit

Search for event and enter


Living the Paschal Mystery

Second Sunday of Lent

February 24 & 25, 2018

Mountaintop experiences are rare, and we cannot stay there, as much

as we would like. The Scriptures give us a glimpse into that reality.

Without warning Jesus was transfigured. The encounter with the

divine often happens that way, without warning. And it seems that

as soon as we have the encounter, it is over, and we are left to de-

scend the mountain. We can share Peter’s desire to commemorate

the event. It seems natural to erect a monument or some marker so

that we may return to this place of encounter again and again. But

that is not to be. The three are left wondering what the experience

means, and what Jesus’ saying about rising from the dead might

mean. Of course, this experience and Jesus’ saying will become

clear in hindsight, after the crucifixion and exaltation.

And this is a model for us of how the paschal mystery is lived, We

have peak experiences followed by moments of wonder and discern-

ment. The Christian life is not one grand, never-ending peak experi-

ence. In fact, such experiences may be rare, even as they were for

the disciples. And the Christian life is not all wonder and discern-

ment, as meaning develops gradually and in light of unfolding

events. We stay faithful to Jesus and accompany him in the peak

experiences, and also in the struggle to discern meaning.

~Living Liturgy

Congratulations to the following children and their fam-

ilies who were baptized this past month at St. Margaret

of Scotland Church.

Ella Rae Ertle

God Bless you as you begin your faith journey.


We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following

new parishioners to St. Margaret of Scotland Parish.

Mr. Horace Wright

Ms. Kellie Hanby: Kennedi


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Parish News

St. Vincent de Paul Food Closet Thank you for your generous donations to satisfy the needs of the

food closet. The item that is currently needed is dish soap. Thank

you for your generosity in helping to feed and care for the communi-


St. Vincent de Paul Today, let us pray for those who are hungry, malnourished and


Is there a family you know that needs assistance? Please call the

society of St. Vincent de Paul at 302-834-0228 so that together we

can help those that are hungry.

Thank you for your financial support to this ministry by remember-

ing our Poor Boxes in the gathering space. We appreciate your gen-


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The St. David Council #12842, invites men 18 and older to join us in

supporting the parish and the community through acts of service.

Please call Grand Knight Walter Kolisz for additional information at

302-388-9998 or e-mail

From the Religious Ed Office:

RE families are asked to please have mass surveys back to Mrs.

Romano this week.

RE Registration for the 2018-19 school year for all current

RE families will go home to all RE families beginning

March 5. Completed registration forms are due back to Mrs. Ro-

mano by March 18.

First Eucharist Class of 2018: RE Families are reminded that

all Eucharist books, with Chapters 1 – 4 are due to be handed in this

week. Please remember to return the mass survey that is attached to

the article that was handed out at our orientation meeting.

Knights of Columbus

“February” Family of the Month

Rafael and Elizabeth Pagan Rafael has been a member of our parish and the Knights of Colum-

bus since 2000. He has been very active within our parish and coun-

cil. Rafael has been involved in our Confirmation Program for over

18 years. He also volunteers his time as a Eucharistic Minister.

Please join with the Knights to congratulate Rafael and thank him

for his commitment and continued service.

Social Justice Reflection Sunday February 25 - Second Sunday of Lent The fundamental starting point for all of Catholic social teaching is

the defense of human life and dignity: every human person is created

in the image and likeness of God and has an inviolable dignity, val-

ue, and worth, regardless of race, gender, class, or other human char-


- Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Per-

spective on Crime and Criminal Justice, a Statement of the Catholic

Bishops of the United States

TAX REQUEST If you would like a tax receipt for your 2017 Donations,

please complete the form below. You can mail it into

the parish office or drop it into the offertory basket.



ENVELOPE :#:___________________________

THE SCOUTING CORNER Cub Scouting is for boys in Kindergarten through 5th grade, or

ages 5 ( must be in Kindergarten) through 10 years old. Anyone

interested in learning more about Pack 283 should contact Kevin

Cameron at

Boy Scouting is for boys who are at least 11 years old and have

completed the 5th grade. Anyone interested in Troop

283 should contact Rob Szczerba at or 302-836-5806.



Our Boy Scouts are holding their annual Lenten Fish Fry

again this year on Friday, March 9th at Christ the Teacher School

cafeteria. Come join us for homemade beer battered haddock,

shrimp and fresh cut fries. All meals come with homemade cole

slaw and macaroni salad, dinner rolls, fresh salad and decadent des-

serts along with a host of beverages. Delicious New England Clam

Chowder will also be offered this year as well a raffle for various,

bountiful themed gift baskets. Beer and wine will also be availa-

ble for purchase for dine in guests courtesy of the Knights of Co-

lumbus. Meals are available for dine in or take out. Doors opens at

5:00pm and dinners will be served until 8:00pm. Tickets will be on

sale before and after masses the weekends of 2/17 - 2/18, 2/24 -

2/25 and 3/3 - 3/4 in the gathering space. Tickets will also be avail-

able at the door but are limited. Everyone is encouraged to purchase

tickets in advance to guarantee availability. Questions and ticket

sales can also be done via our website at

Volunteers needed in the Nursery If you are able to volunteer your time in the Nursery during

Sunday masses, please contact Megan at (302) 290-0352.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians invite High

School Seniors whose families are registered

at St. Margaret of Scotland Parish to apply

for our $1,000 James P. Brennan Memorial College Scholarship.

Details and an application can be found by visiting our website, The application deadline is March 17,

2018. Questions can be addressed to

Walking His Way – Answer Bishop Malooly’s Invitation to Walk His Way at the 9th Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage Bishop Malooly invites youth and young adults from all parishes and

schools to join him as we come together for the 9th annual Pilgrim-

age on Saturday, March 24, 2018. The day starts at St. Elizabeth

parish and a concernt by Luke Spehar. The day concludes back at

St. Elizabeth with the 5pm Mass for Palm Sunday. Cost is $15 per

person or $45 per family. To register, please contact Madeline Ro-

mano at the SMOS Religious Education Office at made- or call (302) 834-0225, ext 103. For

more info, visit

Registration deadline is March 15, 2018.

Lectio Divina– Wednesday mornings during Lent, starting February 21st,

after morning mass. We will be looking at the Gospel for the coming Sunday. Please

come and join us. We Read, Ponder and Pray the Words of Scripture.

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Christ the Teacher School Our Regional Catholic School 302-838-8850

Parish News Continued...

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

"This is my beloved Son. Listen to him." Let us learn to listen

better to each other and God by participating in a Worldwide Mar-

riage Encounter (WWME) weekend. The next weekends are March

2-4 and November 2-4, 2018, in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more

information and to apply online visit, or call

Tony & Linda Massino at 302-220-9833.

Parents of 8th, 9th and 10th graders ...

July 2018 offers a wonderful opportunity

for your teen to be involved in the Ulster

Project Delaware. Ulster Project Delaware (UPD) is a peace project

which has been going on in Delaware for 42 years. Every year 18

Northern Irish Catholic and Protestant teens come to stay with host

families in Delaware for the month of July.

The US host teens participate in the month filled with all the daily

activities with the Northern Irish teens. It will be an amazing month

packed with trips to Philadelphia, DC, New York, Hershey Park,

beaches, pool parties, dances, shopping, as well as service projects,

leadership and team building events, visits to various places of wor-

ship – all directed towards developing tolerance and understanding

among people with different cultural and religious differences.

These activities are all covered in the low family fee of $200!

It will be a month which will last a lifetime! The bond created

among these teens within just a month is hard to believe. It is an

opportunity of leadership and a perfect college essay topic.

Any questions, please contact or Ruth

Langrehr (302-893-1878) Please visit the web-

site for more information.

Designer Bag Bingo

Our Lady of Fatima

801 N. DuPont Highway New Castle, DE 19720 Our Lady of Fatima is having a Designer Bag Bingo on Sunday,

April 29, 2018 beginning at 2PM in the Msgr. Dwyer Hall. Cost is

$25.00 per player with many prizes for those bringing a table of

8. Please check out the website; for the

information sheet and to sign up. For more information you may

also contact Raachel Pompetti at 302-824-4285.

The Shroud of Turin Exhibit will be at St. Nicholas Ukrainian

Catholic Church, 800 West Lea Blvd., Wilmington, Delaware

19802, from March 1 to March 13. All are invited to come and expe-

rience this moving and prayerful exhibit that includes the Authentic

Vatican Replica that was commissioned and blessed by the Pope and

was touched to the real Shroud of Turin. Exhibit hours are Monday

through Friday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Sun-

day 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Guides will be available during the exhibit to

answer questions and a DVD presentation on the history and science

of the Shroud will take place in the Church Hall during exhibit

hours. Groups are invited by appointment. Contact stnicho- or call 302-762-5511. For information visit or



Christ the Teacher School appreciates your support in clipping

Box Tops on sheets. Funds raised are used for classroom activi-

ties. We just received a check for $ 854.80 for “Box Tops for

Education.” This is wonderful money that is easily obtained via

your help. We are grateful to all who support us by clipping Box

Tops from products you purchase.

The next submission date is March 1. Please send us all Box

Tops that will expire this school year and throughout the sum-

mer. For easy drop-off, a Box Tops container can be found in

the church lobby of each of our sponsoring parishes.

1. Check the expiration dates – not valid if expired.

2. Cut carefully as to not cut off the dates.

3. BONUS BOX TOPS are also helpful

4. Do not paste on paper. Just place in a zip lock bag.

Jesus longs for your gaze….upon Him

“Behold this Heart which has loved man so much, but

Which is loved so little in return.”

(Words of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary.)

Here He waits, the King of Kings, the Lord and God of

all. Here He lovingly waits upon us to see if we can fit some time

into our schedules for Him. But when we do, He goes to work on

our hearts, and we are never the same. Each moment that you

spend in His Eucharistic Presence will increase his divine life within

you and deepen your personal relationship with him. Each hour you

spend with Jesus on earth will leave your soul everlastingly more

beautiful and glorious in heaven! "They who humble themselves

shall be exalted...." "All of us, gazing on the Lord’s glory with un-

veiled faces, are being transformed from glory to glory into his very

image." (Lk 18:14; 2Cor 3:18) Will you come this Lent to gaze

upon the Lord? Eucharistic Adoration is held each Friday from 8 to

Community News

Help Aquinas Academy in Bear FILL the Bus….

Baby Bottom Annual Drive

Help our High School Students

Fill the bus for BIRTHRIGHT Babies! We are Collecting Newborn to 18lb disposable diapers/Pampers &

baby wipes, New & Gently used 0 to 12 month sized clothes,

Maternity clothes size Medium to X-Large & Nursing bras. Drop

off @ Aquinas Academy Monday-Friday 9 to 2 pm or call 302-

834-1928 to leave a message for pick-up arrangements.

Spirituality of Knitting & Needle-crafting Retreat

April 20 - 22

Marianist Family Retreat Center

Cape May Point, NJ 08212

Come explore how the work of your hands is also the work of our

Creator's hands! Through shared prayer services, presentations,

daily Mass and plenty of time to craft in community, we will ex-

plore the Spirituality of Knitting. All who knit, crochet or needle-

craft with some experience are welcome! Cost: $135 per person

(includes program, lodging & meals) Sign up online at or call 609-884-3829.

Disney’s Beauty & the Beast Jr. - Get your tickets now for the St.

Ann’s Production of Disney’s Beauty & the Beast Jr. – Friday

March 23rd at 7pm and Saturday March 24 at 1pm (matinee) and

7pm (final performance). The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for

children 10 and under. You may purchase tickets through the Parish

Giving link on the St. Ann’s Church website –

or by sending in your request to the rectory at 2013 Gilpin Avenue –

Wilmington, De 19806. For more info, contact Jane at or call 654-5519. Hope to see

you there.

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READINGS FOR February 25th—March 4th

February 25– Second Sunday of Lent

Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/ Rom 8:31b-34/ Mk 9:2-10

February 26– Dn 9:4b-10/ Lk 6:36-38

February 27- Is 1:10-16-20/ Mt 23:1-12

February 28- Jer 18:18-20/ Mt 20:17-28

March 1- Jer 17:5-10/ Lk 16:19-31

March 2- Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/ Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

March 3- Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/ Lk 15:1-3, 11:32

March 4– Third Sunday of Lent

Ex 20:1-17/ 1 Cor 1:22-25/ Jn 2:13-25

Good News Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday

morning at 10:05 a.m. on WDEL 101.7 FM, 1150 AM

and Next Sunday, March 4th, Deacon Fran Huhn

will discuss the Faith and Light faith sharing group for persons with

intellectual disabilities and their family and friends. For photos,

information regarding upcoming guests, podcasts and more, “Like”

Catholic Forum on Facebook at

Listen to past episodes of Catholic Forum online at

communications or search “Catholic Forum” on Apple Podcasts or

iHeartRadio podcasts.

Marriage Moments Principles for honoring your spouse: treat your spouse the

same way you want to be treated; be as considerate to your

spouse as you are to coworkers or strangers; and, honor requests that

your spouse asks you to do or not do.

Parenting Pointers

Parenting can be hard. It comes with a lot of sacrifices. Be-

lieve that God will provide even if the way is not clear right now.

Bulletin Advertiser of the Week Please remember to patronize the advertisers on the back of our

bulletin. This week’s featured advertiser is:




NEWARK, DE 19702

302-836-3565 * FAX 302-836-0868

Diocesan News

February is Stock the Pantry Month

for Catholic Charities

Participate in Catholic Charities semi-annual “Stock the Pantry”

project throughout the month of February! One in five families often

must choose between making a rent or utility payment and buying

food. In a single month, Catholic Charities distributes approximately

15,000 pounds of food throughout the Diocese!

You can support our most vulnerable neighbors by making a dona-

tion of non-perishable food items. Drop off items like canned meats,

soups, fruits, and vegetables; boxes of pasta, cereal, baking mixes;

jars of peanut butter and jelly; coffee, tea, and powdered milk at any

Catholic Charities location. Catholic Charities will also accept gift

cards to local grocery stores or cash donations. You can find the

nearest Catholic Charities service center at,

or call 302-655-9624. Those in need of food assistance should call

the nearest Catholic Charities location.

Community News

Second Sunday of Lent

February 25, 2018

During the Transfiguration Jesus reveals a truth to Peter, James, and

John that they do not fully understand until his death and resurrec-

tion. This is often true in our own life. Are there moments in your

faith journey that you do not understand? Is it tough to see what the

Lord is trying to reveal to you, especially during times of pain and

suffering? Sometimes we need to take a place of humility and recog-

nize that we may be unable to see the fullness of God’s plan. We

need to trust in the Lord and have faith that in due time all will be


Help kick off a year to remember!

Diocesan 150th anniversary to begin March 3rd You are cordially invited to join Bishop Malooly at the Diocese of

Wilmington’s Sesquicentennial Kick-off Mass on Saturday, March

3, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter, Sixth and West

Streets in Wilmington. Gather and pray with Catholics from across

Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore to celebrate the 150th anni-

versary of the founding of the Diocese of Wilmington by Blessed

Pope Pius IX on March 3, 1868.

Are you Being Called to God? Abraham trusted the Lord’s call – even though it made no sense to

him. Have you ever thought that God might be calling you to some-

thing that wasn’t originally part of your plans? Something that may-

be your family and friends didn’t understand? Something that

seemed almost impossible? Many priests and religious had that

experience as they tried to discern God’s plan for them. If that

sounds familiar – and if you think God might be calling you to a

religious vocation – please call or write Father Norm Carroll, Dioce-

san Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113; Be sure to visit our website:


Via Crucis St. Anthony of Padua Church invites you to participate in its 2018 presentation of the Via Crucis, a live re-enactment of the last days of Christ by area schoolchildren. The one-hour per-formance, blending traditional music, pantomime, and the words of the Gospel is staged at 7:30 pm at St. Anthony’s Church, 905 North DuPont Street in Wilmington. Perfor-mances for 2018 are Ash Wednesday, February 14, Friday, February 23, Friday, March 2, Friday, March 9, Friday, March 16, Friday, March 23 and ending on Good Friday, March 30. Over 100 students from area elementary, high schools, and colleges make up the cast of the Via Crucis, recalling Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, his betrayal and conviction, and culminating with his crucifixion and burial. This Lenten tradition is supported by an active group of adult directors, costumers, lighting and sound technicians, and choir members. There is no admission charge for the Via Crucis, although a free-will donation is welcomed. Groups over 10 can call St. Anthony’s Rectory, 421-3700, for reservations. No reserva-tions are accepted for Good Friday’s presentation.

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