parish of our lady of fatima · hospital care please advise the parish office if you or a family...

Post on 26-Mar-2020






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Parish of Our Lady of Fatima 157 Kenneth Kaunda Rd, Durban North, 4051 Tel: 031 563 5554 Fax: 031 563 4684 E-Mail: Website: In Development Facebook:

Parish Priest: Fr Justin Stirton


September 2019 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Missal References Page 885 (old), 973 (new) Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 889 (old), 977 (new)

Next Sunday Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

Feasts of the Week Monday St Jerome Tuesday St Thérèse of the Child Jesus Wednesday The Holy Guardian Angels Friday St Francis of Assisi

Entrance Antiphon All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done with true judgement, for we have sinned against you and not obeyed your commandments. But give glory to your name and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 146

My soul, give praise to the Lord!

It is the Lord who preserves fidelity forever, who does justice to those who are oppressed. It is he who gives bread to the hungry, the Lord who sets prisoners free.

It is the Lord who opens the eyes of the blind, the Lord who raises up those who are bowed down. It is the Lord who loves the just, the Lord who protects the stranger.

The Lord upholds the orphan and the widow, but thwarts the path of the wicked. The Lord will reign forever, the God of Sion from age to age.

My soul, give praise to the Lord!

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Though Jesus Christ was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty

you might become rich. Alleluia.

Communion Antiphon Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, by which you have given me hope. This is my comfort when I am brought low.

This Week’s Diary Monday Mass 9.00am Diocesan Finance Meeting 4.00pm

Symbolon 7.00pm

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting 7.00pm

Tuesday Fr Justin’s Day of Rest Gospel Sharing 9.30am

Grief Share Meeting 7.00pm

Wednesday Mass 7.00am Adoration & Benediction 5.00pm

Mass 6.00pm

Choir Practice 6.45pm

Thursday Mass 6.30am Dominican Associates Meeting 9.30am

Alpha Course 6.30pm

Friday Communion Service 6.30am Men’s Breakfast 7.00am

Mixed Cursillo No Adoration or Mass this First Friday evening

Saturday Communion Service 8.00am Confessions 11.00am & 4.30pm

Sunday Sunday Masses 7.00am, 9.00am & 5.15pm Life Teen 6.30pm

Please pray for the Sick, especially Parishioners Anthea Jack; Sr Catherina; Joy Lees; Cameron Smith; May Dormehl; Jenny Ducray; Gladys Cole; Caron Martins; Roger & Lynne Brouard; Randy Tryon; Maryse Bowman; Gordon Urquhart; Elsa Pearton; Milly van Gogh; Teresa Latouf; Daphne Rahmer; Maria Dus; Gerrit Snyders; Pierette Lenferna.

Gladys Meyer; Daniel Singery; Sandra Teodosio; Pat Sturgess; Verna Cavanagh; Jabu Ntuli; Mervin Moonsamy; Stella Gomes; Hannah Donaldson; Jean Leclezio; Debbie Macpherson; Amanda Ngongoma; Adrienne Paul; Maria Teodosio; Monique Saint-Georges; Ron Akal.

Bernie Patterson; Rosanne Maharajh; Carol Urquhart; Peggy du Plessis; John Haswell; Jenni Johnson; Margaret Beechey; Jan Huiskamp; Eileen Chapson; Shirley Kuzmanich; Eddie De Freitas; Michael D`Ercole; Patrick Mugratroyd.

Relatives Tris Tillard’s sister; Jo James’ nephew, granddaughter & son; Louise Kin’s sister; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Hugh Elliott; Heather Rorick; Stuart McGregor; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Maude Quenet; Nancy Chettiar’s sister; John Bremner’s nephew; Maryse Wardell’s mother; James White; Candice Houseman & Tracy Mendonidis’ mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Ann Appelgren’s sister; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Peter Squires; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; Titi Pitso’s brother

Fergus McDonnell; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & brother; Elsa Pearton’s granddaughter & son Michael; Mary Ann Salvage’s 4 brothers; Michelle Lock’s father; Claire Booth’s brother; Theresa Hoogewerf’s aunts, sister & cousin; Ruth Florence’s mother; May Dormehl’s brother-in-law & daughter; Rita Abraham’s sister; Brenda Bennison; June Tatchell’s mother; Fr Des brother & nephew; Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Ben Morasutti’s son Jo; Nomusa Mkhwanazi’s brother; Janice Cottingham’s brother.

Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in-law; Lisa Grant’s father; Michael Quarsingh’s brother; Duncan Miller’s father; Terry Beechey’s brother; Bronwyn Murgatroyd’s mother & son; Mark McCall’s nephew; Maureen Pistorius; Rory McDonogh’s niece; Eleanor Scott’s husband; Marie Claude Maujean’s grandson Luc; Maureen Hutton’s son & grandson; Jack Garbutt’s son-in-law; Marcia Swanson’s mother; Margaret Beechey’s daughter, Chantel.

HOSPITAL CARE Please advise the parish office if you or a family member will be

admitted to the hospital so that we can provide pastoral care.

The Southern Cross Catholic Newspaper is available in the Baptistry for R12.00

LIVING FAITH Get your copy of Living Faith for adults & kids for the next

quarter at R25.00 for adults and R25.00 for kids copy.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION - Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained

Symbolon will resume on Monday 30th September at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall.

For more information contact Archie Cottingham 082 446 3319.

YOUNG ADULTS ARE INVITED TO “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” On Wednesday 9th October at 6.45 pm in the Parish Hall.

Topic: “Is God a Feminist? And the Church?” given by Fr Denardo Gnanapragas.

Meal donation of minimum of R40.00 per person.

RSVP to Jeff Rose on 0837752399 by Monday 7th October. Neighbouring parish young adults and friends are welcome to join.

MEN’S BREAKFAST All men of the Parish are invited for a time of fellowshipand breakfast (R40)

after the 6.30 am Communion Service on Friday 4th October. To assist with catering please call Ana at the Parish Office on 031 563 5554

or email by Wenesday October 2nd.

Catholic Women’s League Plastic Bread Tags & Beverage Tops The CWL is collecting plastic bread tags and plastic tops

of milk cartons and of fizzy drinks. Please collect as many as possible. Keep the tags and tops separate and put them in the appropriate buckets in the baptistry. 200 kg of bread tags and 450 kg of beverage tops can be exchanged for a wheelchair for a disabled person.

Society of St Vincent de Paul - APPEAL FOR FOOD

The St Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) will be selling Bacon Rolls (R18) and Books (R20) after the 7am and 9am Masses today.

Please bring at least one of the following food items to Mass and place it in the

Food Basket before all Sunday Masses. Cup a Soup packs, 1kg mealie meal, Baked

Beans in tomato sauce (410g), Pilchards in tomato sauce (410g), etc

SSVP Bank Details: Account Name Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Bank First National Bank Account No 62033860786

Branch Durban North Branch Code 220426

SSVP has also gone digital!! – This is the Zapper code for SSVP

which allows you to donate either R100 or R150 or R200 or your own amount.

Appeal for Men’s Shoes Many poor men who come on Monday mornings are struggling with footwear in very bad

condition. They will greatly appreciate shoes (especially sizes 8 -11). Please drop off your donations at the parish office.

Cardinal’s Golf Day "Come and challenge the Cardinal" and have a great day of fun at the Durban Country Club on 11

October. There are lots of prizes to be won. The cost is R3000 per four-ball inclusive of green fees,

goodie bag and the meal at prize-giving. Please get your entries in early to help with the planning

and to avoid the disappointment of being late with your entry. If you cannot play you can support

with sponsorship and prizes. Please contact our parish office on 031 563 5554 or email for entry forms, which can be emailed.

To sign up, or for details about sponsorship, contact:

Deacon Mark Wardell at 083 789 5062 or email or

Shane Stringer at 083 447 4027 or email

All proceeds go towards the Napier Centre for Healing

Nazareth Care

The Sisters of Nazareth have been serving the Archdiocese of Durban since 1895. Conveniently located in the hub of Durban’s Medical District, Nazareth Care Durban provides a safe, tranquil environment For the elderly community focusing on care and companionship.

We offer a comprehensive range of services, whether they require Assisted or frail care, dementia, sub-acute, or palliative care – Single & Shared Rooms or Independent Living is available to suit your requirements.

Our residents enjoy the comfort of home in a place that delivers to their individual needs – emotional, spiritual and physical.

We have an on-site chapel for Daily Mass.

Contact us for a tour of our facility on Tel: 031 261 2207 or Cell: 071 634 8858

Mass Intentions

29th September 2019 – 5th October 2019

Sunday 7.00am Margaret Larkins RIP (Doris Mnqumeni) and

Stan Kalinowski; Mr & Mrs Witkowski; Jenny Jacobs; Nicola Tomlin;

Philip Jearey – All RIP (Anna Kalinowska)

9.00am Pro Populo

5.15pm Holy Souls RIP (Sandra Teodosio)

Monday 9.00am In Thanksgiving (Lise Bernon)

Wednesday 7.00am In Thanksgiving – Our Lady of Fatima School Girls

6.00pm Alain Tschudin Snr RIP (Marcelle Tschudin & Alain Tschudin Jnr)

Thursday 6.30am Pious List

Friday 6.30am Communion Service

Saturday 8.00am Communion Service

Sunday 7.00am Theo Dormehl & Ted Felt RIP (May Dormehl & Family)

9.00am Special Intention (Wardle Family) and

Pat Cheves RIP (Redfern Family)

5.15pm Pro Populo

Parish Pilgrimage to Italy: 17-26 May 2020

Join our pilgrimage to Italy in the footsteps of the Apostles Peter and Paul,

St Francis of Assisi, St Clare, St Benedict, St Padre Pio and other great saints.

Renew your faith in Jesus Christ as you visit, celebrate Mass and pray

at places steeped in the faith of centuries of pilgrims.

Many photos of the places we will visit can be seen on our Pilgrimage Facebook Page


Itineraries and reservation forms are available in the baptistry,

on the table outside the kitchen and on the above Facebook Page.

Cost: R32 495 pp sharing based on 2019 exchange rates (subject to fluctuations).

Includes return flights from Johannesburg, airport taxes, 7 nights accommodation

(dinner, bed and breakfast), guides, coach, entrance fees, basic insurance.

For further information contact: Fr Justin at 031 563 5554.

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year Year C 29th September 2019 Sarah Adams Commentary

Gospel (Lk 16: 19-31) Many scholars believe that this story depends on a Jewish folk tale with roots in Egypt: the popular mind can relate to its stereotyped characters – rich man, poor man, and Father Abraham. It is rich in its imagery and in its telling. The rich man is described in detail. Only the wealthy could afford purple dye, signifying their status: it was often associated with kings and emperors. In addition, the rich man feasts sumptuously. Lazarus, by contrast, is forced into begging from the dogs. His ulcerated sores suggest that he is sick. The ‘crumbs’ falling from the rich man’s table were probably large pieces of bread that guests would have dipped in a dish, wiped their hands on and then tossed under the table. The dogs were not kept as pets but were wild dogs, scavenging aggressively. Lazarus’ life is one of absolute misery. When the rich man and Lazarus die their fortunes are reversed. We should not assume that Lazarus is now reaping riches because he had none on earth or that the rich man is suffering because he had so much on earth. Jesus suggests that the rich man failed to share his wealth and ignored the needy, so he suffers now. Lazarus’ name – ‘He (whom) God helps’ – hints at his piety. The reference to rising from the dead makes a strange ending to the story. Does Jesus make this reference to his own resurrection because Luke’s own readers will be aware of how there were those, including some Pharisees, who could not accept that Jesus had risen from the dead?

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday Habakkuk 1: 2-3, 2: 2-4 2 Timothy 1: 6-8, 13-14 Luke 17: 5-10

Birthdays – October 2019 The following parishioners are celebrating birthdays this month. If your name is not here, or if there is a spelling error, please contact the office so that we

can update the parish roll. A happy and blessed birthday to you all! Day

1 John Garbutt, Josie Giannotti, Tottie Bremner (UK), Françoise Bouton

2 Brayden Kannigadu

3 Jan Huiskamp

4 Tony Richings, William Brady, Hannah Staude

5 Andrew Booth, Mervyn Brown, Nicolas de Freitas, Kyle Kearns

6 Lynn Sithole

7 Fanyana Msomi, Justin Edwards

8 Nokulunga Mgwaba

9 Janice Cottingham, Olivier Maujean

10 Timothy Widdows

11 Clifford Wardle

12 Luisa Serrao

13 Maria Dus, Veronica Donnelly, Cheryl van Pletzen

14 Holly Richings, Jodi-Michelle Sardinha

15 Patrick Channon, Lina Kayat

16 Verene Scudellaro, Robynne Venter

17 Louise Kin, Grant Fowlds

18 Eileen Chapson, Graham Naude, Isaac Githinji, Candice Marais, Jason Du Plessis

20 Yves Accolla

21 Joy Pires

22 Matthew van den Akker

23 Craig Widdows

25 Ronel Mitchell, Andrew Staude

26 Roberto Rampersad

28 Marguerite Maujean, Gabriel Khoury, Nelisa Khanyile

29 Michael Gonsalves, Brenda Ogle, Indren Poovan

30 Joseph Nozaic

31 Tiffany Christensen

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