parent-teacher meeting 2017 - st.stephen's school...

Post on 20-Mar-2018






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Meeting 2017




Overview of Today’s Session

Update of Key Personnel & School Events

School Rules and Procedures

Class Rules and Procedures

Programmes and Activities


Mode of Communication

Key Personnel for 2017

• There are some new appointment holders (names are highlighted in blue) and we would like to share this information with you as they may be communicating with you this year.

Key Personnel - 2017 Name Appointment

Mr Thomas Koh Principal

Mr Tayeb Rajib Vice-Principal

Mr James Chew Vice-Principal (Admin)

Ms Frances Goh HOD/English Language

Mrs Audrey Yap HOD/Mathematics

Mrs Katherine Michael SH/Mathematics

Mr Wong Wai Lit HOD/Science

Mdm Herdawati Suleiman SH/Science

Mrs Ming Loh HOD/Mother Tongue

Mdm Yang Yiqun SH/Chinese Language

Mrs Danielle Hon-Selvanathen HOD/Character & Citizenship Education

Key Personnel - 2017 Name Appointment

Mdm Yasmin Anguillia HOD/Discipline

Mdm Murni Bte Masuath HOD/ICT

Mr Stephen Tan HOD/PE, CCA & Aesthetics

Mr Sheikh Alauddin Abdul Aleem SH/PE & CCA

Mrs Annie Choy HOD/School Staff Developer

Mrs Tan Chor Kheng Year Head/P5 & P6 *

Mr Danny Koh Year Head/P1 & P2 *

Ms Norshahidah Bte Aziz Asst Year Head/P1 & P2

Mdm Dianaros Abdul Majid Lead Teacher/English Language

Mrs Jaysree Ravindran Senior Teacher/CCE

Mdm Azizah Abdul Razak Senior Teacher/English Language

Mr Wu Puwen Senior Teacher/Science

• Pending the appointment of a Year Head for P3 & 4 later this year, Mr Danny Koh will be

YH for P3 and Mrs Tan CK will be YH for P4 wef Term 2.

Key Personnel - 2017

Name Appointment

Ms Rachel Lee Senior Teacher/Mathematics

Mrs Cherlyn Raeburn Senior Teacher/Educational Support

Mr Tan Yong Seng Administrative Manager

Mr Eugene Sebastian De Cruz Operations Manager

MTP sessions for P1 to P4 parents

• 3 MTP Sessions in 2017 • Fri 10 Feb

• 25 May (date to be confirmed - after SA1, held during school hours)*

• Nov (date to be confirmed – after SA2, held during school hours)*

*P1 students will not be sitting for SAs. Teachers will provide feedback on HA (Holistic Assessment).

*P2 students will have HA feedback in Semester 1 and will sit for their first SA in Oct/Nov.

We’re 60 this year!

Our main activities: Activity Date Remarks

Blessing of Jubilee Piazza & Statue of St Stephen’s

Thu 6 Apr

Our Jubilee Piazza celebrates our nation’s milestones and also houses the Jubilee Tapestry, created in 2015 to celebrate our Jubilee Year.

60th Anniversary Mass Thu 6 Apr

For invited guests only. Parents who are keen to attend may contact the school

Stephenian Family Carnival Sat 8 Apr

Making a comeback this year is a favourite of our stakeholders – our family carnival. There will be games and food galore. Please do support us as funds raised will go towards the construction of our Heritage Room, which will feature the history of our school.

Official Opening and Blessing of Heritage Room

Fri 17 Nov

If you know of any old boys (your husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers) who would like to contribute items for our Heritage Room, please do let us know. These items could include old report books, testimonials, any souvenir items with the old school logo, photos from the 1950s-70s. If they are too valuable to be donated to the school, we can scan copies of them and return them to the owner(s)

School Rules & Procedures


Permission to leave earlier

Updating of particulars


MC / Letter if child is absent /excuse

from PE

School Rules & Procedures Absence during an examination

Submit a medical certificate to the form

teacher when he returns to school. Marks will be pro-rated.

Letters of excuse from parents will not be accepted except under special circumstances. The school will review such situations on an individual basis.

Refer to Page 36 – 37 of the student diary for

examination rules and regulations.

School Rules & Procedures

Procedures for visitors Parents are required to first obtain a visitor pass

from the security guards before proceeding to the General Office

Parents are not allowed to go to the canteen, classrooms or any part of the school building at any time without a visitor’s pass that is issued by the General Office.

Please refer to page 24 of the pupils’ diary for

matters pertaining to safety and security.

School’s Focus 2017

• Holistic Character Development

• “Enhancing Positive Classroom Culture” • Strengthening Teacher-Student /

Student-Student Relationships

• Build Parent Partnership

• Values-driven Education

• Positive School Culture of Care


• Positive Approach • Responsible Thinking Process (RTP)

• Educative & Pro-active

• Pupils’ Written Reflections

• Pupil Incident Referral & SOP • Communication to parents via phone / email

• Reflection taking

• Parent Acknowledgement Form (PAF)

School Expectations (refer to handbook Pg 28-35)

• Decorum • Punctuality

• Attire

• Gracious Language & Behaviour

• Handphones • Use at designated areas

• Prohibited items • No toys / trading cards / electronic gadgets

• Cyber Safety • Prohibited websites

• Social Media platforms


Pupils are required to wear their school ties every morning for morning assembly.

Pupils are allowed to put on their PE attire the

entire day on PE/ House Practice days only.

On CCA days, pupils are to bring their change of

CCA attire.

White shoes & socks at all times.

No ankle socks allowed.

To improve traffic flow in school compound during peak morning


For any feedback or questions , you may

write to

1.Mr James Chew – VP Admin



2. Mr Tayeb – VP





1.Pupil taking a long time alighting at the drop-off areas.

• To get child ready when approaching school gate.

• To alight child on the left.

• To refrain from temporarily parking cars at the alighting areas/lanes or getting out of cars to open doors for child. Staff will help if child is having difficulty in getting out of the car.

• To temporarily park cars at any available car lots, if you need to get out of car.

2.Long queue from the use of the inner drop off lane, resulting in slow traffic along Siglap View.

• To use the outer drop-off lane to let your child alight when there’s long queue at the inner lane. Parent volunteer and staff will assist and remind pupils of the kerb-drill when crossing the road at the zebra-crossings.

To improve traffic flow in school compound during peak morning


For any feedback or questions , you may

write to

1.Mr James Chew – VP Admin



2. Mr Tayeb – VP





Class Rules & Procedures

Monitoring of homework

Packing of bag according to timetable

Filing of assignments

Parent’s acknowledgement

Recommended snacks to be consumed daily

• Healthy biscuits

• Healthy buns

Recommended snacks to be consumed daily

• Cereal bars

• Fruits

Snacks with Healthier Choice Logo are strongly encouraged

No sweetened drinks are allowed in

the classrooms


Programmes & Activities

Remedial (Sem 1)

House Practices (2 sessions in Term 1)

Learning Journey

• Road Safety Park (Friday, 17 Feb)

Mondays Thursdays

2.15pm - 3pm Science Math

3pm - 3.45pm MT English

School E-Learning Programme

Objectives :

To enable our pupils to acquire self-directed learning skills and be independent learners leveraging on ICT

E-Learning 1 (P2 to P6 Pupils) :

Fri, 10 March 2017

McOnline Portal

User ID: STSS last 6 characters of BC No.

(eg. BC : T1234567A

User ID: STSS34567A)

Password: student01

Home Support Do assist to ensure that your child:

• is able to access the Internet on his computer

• completes the online activities assigned to the pupils: EL, Maths, Science & MT (where applicable)

• completes the E-Learning Checklist and return to form teacher after parent has endorsed.

SA Weightage

CA1 SA1 CA2 SA2 Total

- 40% - 60% 100%

Grading System

A* ≥ 91 Has very good understanding of the subject

A 75-90 Has good understanding of the subject

B 60-74

C 50-59 Has adequate understanding of the subject

D 35-49 Has fair understanding of the subject

E 20-34 Has elementary understanding of the subject

U (ungraded)

< 20 Has not met the requirements for the minimum grade

Assessment for non-IP subjects PE, Music, Art

Information on components to be assessed will be released in Term 2.

Social Studies

Information will be given out later in Term 1.

Materials used during EL lessons


Companion Booklets

Supplementary STELLAR worksheets

Spelling Exercise Book

Listening Comprehension & Oral

What’s Up? (Newspaper)

Marshall Cavendish Test Book

Practice Papers

English Language (SA1 & SA2)

Components Weighting

Paper 1 20 marks

Listening Comprehension

14 marks

Oral 16 marks

Paper 2 50 marks

Total 100 marks

How can parents support?

Ensure that:

- your child is prepared for his weekly spelling test

- his spelling exercise book is signed after each test

Be a role model, let your child see you reading

Make suitable reading materials readily available at home or take them to the library

Insist on the use of standard English at home

HOW can parents support?

Provide first-hand and varied experiences which will help them with their writing and oral conversation

For more information and strategies to help your child in EL, please visit:

Supplementary Materials


Maths Tests

Practice Papers

Red hardcover file & Pink plastic file

Item Type No. of questions

No. of marks per question

Weighting Duration




SA1: 40%

SA2: 60%

1h 45min




Total Marks



MCQ: Multiple-Choice Questions SAQ: Short Answer Questions LAQ: Long Answer Questions

Common Item Types

Item Type Description

MCQ • 2 marks per question

• Four options are provided of which only one is correct


• 2 marks per question

• Marks are awarded for correct method/working even if answer is wrong


• 3 to 4 marks per question

• Workings are to be shown

450 + 27 = 477 There are 477 balls in Container B.

There are 450 balls in Container A. There are 27 more balls in Container B. How many balls are there in Container B?

450 + 27 477

Working Column

Presentation of working for LAQ






Check and aim for accuracy

Break up problem sum – comprehend

question (highlight key information)

Attempt all questions

Be systematic in presentation of work

Remember to include standard units

Practise, practise, practise!


Practical Test

Teacher-prepared Worksheets

Activity Books


Two sections Section A – 28 MCQ (56 marks) Section B – 11 to 12 Open-Ended (44 marks) Knowledge with Understanding 40% (KWU) Application of Knowledge 60% and Process Skills (AOK/PS) Duration of Paper: 1 h 45 min


Link questions to concepts. Use process skills

when answering all questions

Do not rush through the MCQ section

(use process of elimination wherever possible)

Time management

Read Science magazines

Make connections – science to real life





Mother Tongue Language

For independent revision online

Mother Tongue Language Chinese

For independent revision online

Mother Tongue Language

• Pupils are to approach their respective Mother Tongue Teachers to get approval for their dictionaries.

• The list of MOE approved dictionaries can be found


Subject-Based Banding (SBB) • End of Year Examination (SA2)

• Schools follow a set of guidelines provided by MOE (CPDD and SEAB)

• Allows pupils to take subjects at levels (Standard or Foundation) appropriate to their abilities

• Schools recommend subject combination based on student’s results at P4 (SA2)

• Parents fill up option form indicating preferred combination

• More details will be provided in semester 2.

Subject-Based Banding (SBB) If your child (for P4 exam)

Your child may be recommended to take

Passes all 4 subjects and performs very well (85% ) in Mother Tongue Language

4 standard subjects + Higher Mother Tongue Language

Passes all 4 subjects

4 standard subjects

Passes 3 subjects

4 standard subjects

Passes 2 subjects or less

3 standard subjects + 1 other foundation subject; or 2 standard subjects + 2 other foundation subjects; or 1 standard subject + 3 other foundation subjects; or 4 foundation subjects

Thank you for being here and we hope to work with you in bringing

out the best in our children.

God bless.

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