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International Christian School of Budapest


HANDBOOK Elementary School


Serving Families, Training Children, Reaching the World



Table of Contents

School Contact Information ............................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Educational Philosophy and Objectives .......................................................................................... 6

Academic Program .............................................................................................................................. 9

Course Offerings for Grades Pre-1st – 5 ........................................................................................... 9

Special Academic Programs .............................................................................................................. 9

Academic Policies .............................................................................................................................. 10

Admissions ........................................................................................................................................ 10

Expectations for Part-Time Students & Families ........................................................................... 10

Academic Expectations and Evaluation .......................................................................................... 10

Grades and Reporting of Grades ..................................................................................................... 11

Standardized Testing ....................................................................................................................... 12

Attendance Policies ............................................................................................................................ 12

Tardy Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 12

Early Dismissal Policy ...................................................................................................................... 12

Absence Policy .................................................................................................................................. 12

Early Departures and Withdrawals ................................................................................................ 13

Student Behavior ............................................................................................................................... 13

General Guidelines for Student Behavior ....................................................................................... 13

Other Guidelines for Student Behavior ........................................................................................... 14

Dress Code ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Guidelines Regarding the Use of School Property ......................................................................... 15

Discipline ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Our Philosophy .................................................................................................................................. 16

Disciplinary Process ......................................................................................................................... 17

General Information ......................................................................................................................... 17

Child Protection Policy ..................................................................................................................... 18

Field Trips ......................................................................................................................................... 18

Health Care........................................................................................................................................ 18

Physical exams and immunizations ................................................................................................ 18

Drugs, Medications, and Controlled Substances................................................................................ 19

Lunch Program................................................................................................................................... 20

Student ID Cards ............................................................................................................................... 20

Visitors .............................................................................................................................................. 20

Parent Communication and Involvement ..................................................................................... 20

Classroom Questions, Concerns, and Issues ................................................................................... 20

Parent Volunteers ............................................................................................................................. 21


School Contact Information

Address: International Christian School of Budapest

Ifjúság u. 11

H 2049 Diósd


Phone numbers: 06-23-381-986




(dial “+36” instead of “06” if calling from outside Hungary)

Fax numbers: 06-23-381-549 (if faxing from within Hungary)

+1-630-614-4547 (if faxing from outside Hungary)

Email address:


School Mascot


School Colors

Hunter Green and White

School Office Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Purpose Statement

The International Christian School of Budapest exists to provide a biblically-based education to assist families in preparing their children as followers of Christ and for higher education.

Vision Statement

As we are successful in living out our Purpose, we will see…

Missionary families who are able to continue serving in Central Europe, and specifically the Budapest area, according to God’s call, who are not forced to leave this mission field due to unmet educational needs of their children.

Students who have a place where they are safe, nurtured, loved, and discipled, and where they feel that they “belong.”

Students who possess a Biblical worldview and who are equipped to be lifelong learners.

Students who are prepared to enter into and succeed in colleges and universities.

Students whose lives reflect a genuine and dynamic personal relationship with God, who trust in Jesus as their Savior and the Lord of their lives, and who have committed to serving Him wholeheartedly in whatever way He calls them

Students who appreciate different cultures and peoples, and who have a heart for people of all nations.

Core Values

We value…

Parental responsibility for training children

The personal salvation and discipleship of each student, toward the development of a Christian worldview

Our primary responsibility to missionary families

A preparation for higher education in North America

God’s creativity as demonstrated through the cultures of an international student body

Our staff and their development as mentors and models of godly character

The pursuit of excellence to the glory of God


Statement of Faith

The Bible We believe the 66 books of the Bible to be the infallible, written Word of God, verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in the original manuscripts, and the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:3-4, 20-21; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 22:18-19).

The Godhead We believe in the unity of the Godhead, eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each of whom possess equally all the attributes of deity and the characteristics of personality (Deuteronomy 6:4 Isaiah 45:18; 46:9-11; Matthew 3:16-17; John 1:1-3; Romans 1:1-6; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 1:3-14; 4:3-6).

The Person of Christ We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and became incarnate through the virgin birth, and that He unites forever in His Person perfect deity and true humanity (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1-3; 1 John 1:1-3; 4:14-15).

The Work of Christ We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, that He was crucified as the substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all people, that He rose bodily from the dead, that He ascended into heaven where He is now exalted at the right hand of the Father where He intercedes for the believer (Matthew 28:6; John 14:1-7; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1 Peter 2:21-24; 3:18).

Man We believe that man was originally and directly created in the image of God and that through disobedience fell. Consequently all were brought under divine condemnation and are born sinners, unable to please God in their natural state (Genesis 1:27; 3:1-18; Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23; 5:12-19).

The Holy Spirit We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in the conviction and regeneration of the sinner. We believe in His indwelling presence and ministry in the believer to glorify Christ (John 14:16-17, 26; 16:7-14; 1 Corinthians 12:8-13; Ephesians 1:13-14; Hebrews 9:13-14).

Salvation We believe that eternal salvation is wholly a work of God’s grace and that, upon repentance and personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, sinners are forgiven and divine righteousness is imputed to them (John 3:3-6, 16-18; Acts 4:8-12; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Timothy 2:3-6; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14; Hebrews 4:1-2; 1 Peter 1:18-23).

The Church We believe that the Church, the Body of Christ, consists only of those who are born again, having been baptized into Christ by the Holy Spirit at the time of regeneration (Matthew 16:16-19; 28:19-20; Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4, 41-42; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14; Ephesians 1:22-23; 1 Timothy 3; Hebrews 12:22-24).

The Second Coming We believe that Jesus Christ will return personally, visibly, and bodily to receive His own and to establish His kingdom, and to rule in righteousness and peace (John 14:1-6; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 19:11-16).

The Resurrection We believe in the bodily resurrection of the believer to eternal life and conscious fellowship with God. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the unbeliever to conscious separation from God in eternal punishment (1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 50-58; Revelation 20:11-15).

The Great Commission We believe that Christ commissioned the Church to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to make disciples in every nation (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:14-20; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:4-8).


Educational Philosophy and Objectives

Educational Philosophy

ICSB is committed to the historic Christian worldview as set forth in the Bible. We, therefore, affirm God as the Creator of all things according to the biblical creation account, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of all who acknowledge Him as Lord, and the Holy Spirit as the One who empowers us to live the Christian life (Genesis 1-2; Exodus 20:11; Colossians 1:15-17; 2:2-4, 6-8; 2 Peter 3:3-7).

ICSB is committed to the view that all truth finds its source in Jesus Christ and that the basis for absolute truth is the written Word of God. In particular, the Bible teaches that

Knowledge of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; 2:1-11, 20; 3:19-20; 8:1-36; 15:33);

Fellowship with God is the basis of true fellowship (1 John 1:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:9; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Philemon 4-6);

Every individual is uniquely created by God as a physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual being, endowed with particular talents (Psalm 139; Proverbs 20:11; 22:6; Luke 2:52; Romans 12:3-8);

Though created in God’s image, every human being has a sinful nature (Proverbs 22:15; Romans 3:23);

Understanding the Bible, God’s Word, is necessary to grow in the knowledge of God, come into and develop a personal relationship to Him, and make decisions that result in a lifestyle consistent with a personal faith in Christ (Titus 1:1-3; 1 Peter 2:2-3; 2 Timothy 3:15-16).

ICSB is committed to the biblical truth that the family is a sacred institution, established by God as the basic unit of all society. Parents are given the responsibility by God to rear their children for the glory of God. Therefore, in this partnership responsibility with the parents, the aim of ICSB is to aid students as they grow in their understanding of God and man, and develop their capabilities to the highest degree, in order that they may become mature adults, living life to its fullest. The ICSB faculty is, therefore, expected to recognize and reinforce the values of the Christian family and the God-given authority of parents both inside and outside the classroom (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Ephesians 5:22-6:4; Galatians 4:1-3; Titus 2:4-8; 3:1-2).

ICSB is committed to the goal of building excellence and balance into every area of each student’s life, including spiritual, educational, social, cultural, and physical development. Such a commitment to the developmental progress of each student can only be done effectively as students are taught at an age-appropriate level.

ICSB teachers are expected to assist students in forming the foundations of their beliefs and values as opposed to merely presenting all ideas as having equal merit.

As a Christian learning institution limited to elementary and secondary education, students should be taught critical thinking skills within the boundaries of clearly defined, biblical truth as set forth in the ICSB doctrinal statement and educational philosophy. The purpose of education at ICSB is to share and mold a biblical worldview, not to question it. (Luke 2:52; Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 3:23; 1 Timothy 4:6-8, 12; 2 Timothy 2:15-16, 22-23).

The goal of ICSB is to help form an age-appropriate Christian worldview that will adequately prepare students for the challenges of the world in which they now live, as well as future adulthood in a post-modern philosophical world (Colossians 1:15-23, 28-29; 2:2-4, 6-10; 3:1-2, 16). In particular, ICSB seeks to equip our students to participate meaningfully in the post-modernist cultures of Europe and North America and other non-Christian world cultures from a Christian worldview.


To do this, the school aims:

To help each student establish a personal set of biblically based personal values and ethics (as opposed to culture- or community-based);

To train students to identify and challenge the non-biblical nature of culture- or community-based morals and values (including “political correctness,” so-called tolerance-based values, alternative lifestyles, abortion, etc.);

To motivate students to have the courage to speak out on community issues in areas of deep, personal conviction in order to contribute to and challenge the community through participation rather than isolation.

Educational Objectives

Spiritual Development ICSB seeks to provide an environment that will encourage students to put their faith in God and to walk with Him. To do this, the school aims:

To teach the Bible as the inspired Word of God, the only source of truth for daily living;

To encourage each student to seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by accepting Him as Savior, acknowledging Him as Lord, and seeking to know and do His will;

To assist each student in forming a personal biblical worldview that will permeate every area of life;

To encourage each student to discover and develop his or her unique God-given talents and to use these abilities fully in all areas of academic, social, and artistic endeavor, and to see the use of these talents as an act of service to Christ and His body, the church;

To provide, through the school staff, consistent examples of Christian living; and

To train each student to effectively communicate his or her faith.

Intellectual Development ICSB seeks to provide a quality educational program that will prepare its students for continuing their education and/or entering work fields of their choice. To do this, the school aims:

To lead students to recognize God’s revelation in every area of study;

To instill in students an awareness of God’s handiwork in the world around them;

To provide a varied and progressive curriculum that will equip students for competence in their future field of study or work;

To teach skills in effective communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning;

To stimulate creativity and individual expression;

To teach and promote good study habits as a part of self-discipline; and

To encourage and recognize academic excellence.

Social Development ICSB seeks to provide a Christian atmosphere in which the students will develop a spirit of cooperation with and interdependence on one another. To do this, the school aims:

To encourage a sense of individual personal worth;

To provide opportunities for wholesome personal relationships with one another;


To help students accept one another and learn to understand and respect the views and feelings of others regardless of race or gender;

To teach students the principles and practices of good citizenship, recognizing and assuming their responsibility in their homes, their community, their home country, and the host country;

To encourage good sportsmanship;

To promote activities that will emphasize the development of leadership, initiative, and teamwork;

To maintain a focus on character development; and

To develop a desire to serve humanity in a spirit of Christian love.

Cultural Development ICSB seeks to promote a foundation for life-long appreciation of aesthetics and cultural refinement in all its students. To do this, the school aims:

To create an appreciation for and interest in the arts, history, geography, customs, and beauty found in all cultures;

To promote an appreciation and understanding of different world cultures, especially the host culture of Hungary and home cultures of fellow students; and

To view the presence of a wide variety of cultures as an opportunity to share Christ.

Physical Development ICSB seeks to encourage and promote students’ physical development. To do this, the school aims:

To provide physical education programs for all;

To provide a fitness program that promotes physical development in areas of coordination, strength, and endurance;

To promote health fitness in areas of nutrition and hygiene;

To provide regular health check-ups by a school doctor;

To promote friendly competition, encouraging teamwork and responsibility;

To encourage students to understand the lifetime benefits of fitness and the dangers of unhealthy practices;

To promote activities that can be enjoyed for a lifetime of physical well being; and

To implement an athletic program of after-school sports that provides opportunities for

1. Enjoyment of a variety of physical exercise activities;

2. Personal achievement through rigorous self-discipline and commitment to teamwork;

3. Development of skills for lifelong health and citizenship; and

4. Communicating our faith with the surrounding community.


Academic Program

Course Offerings for Grades Pre-1st – 5

The elementary program consists of grades Pre-1st – 5. The Pre-1st program emphasizes English language acquisition, reading readiness and social skills. Grades 1-5 focus on developing basic skills in reading and language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, Bible, and fine arts.

The ICSB curriculum is committed to being

Biblically based, where faith is integrated with learning;

Student-centered, where effort is made to meet the individual needs of students; and

Internationally focused, where contributions of various cultures are valued and studied.

Special Academic Programs

English Language Learners (ELL) ICSB offers an English Language Learner program to support students whose mother tongue is not English. When a student is applying to ICSB, he or she will take a brief English placement test to determine his or her language ability and to determine the level of English support a student will need.

ELL classes aim at equipping students with the linguistic, academic, and social skills necessary to succeed in their regular classes and to build relationships with other students. ELL instructors work closely with their students’ teachers in order to provide maximum support and assistance for maintaining regular coursework. Students meet in small groups, allowing for individualized attention to and interaction with each student.

Supplemental Services - The Supplemental Services department exists to support the classroom teachers and to provide help to students who have various learning challenges. The programs offered in the Supplemental Services Department vary from year to year, depending on the need of our students and the availability of staff. Below is a sample of Supplemental Services programs that have been offered to ICSB students during the past years.

Resource Assistance: Staffed by special education professionals, our resource assistance program provide support both within and outside of the classroom, working cooperatively with the classroom teacher, and using individualized intervention/instruction in one-on-one or group settings. Individualized and small-group sessions are personalized to meet the needs of the specific student.

NILD Educational Therapy: NILD is a key component of ICSB’s Supplemental Services program. The National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) is a US-based organization which trains therapists to work with students with learning differences. According to their website, NILD Educational Therapy™ “trains educators in a model of intervention utilizing a variety of techniques designed to stimulate cognitive and perceptual functioning,” with the goal of equipping students to succeed as independent learners.

Tutoring: Supplemental Services offers a variety of help for students who require extra assistance in the form of tutoring. Tutoring is different from specialized intervention, in that it is a reinforcement of classroom content. The lengths and content of tutoring is based on both the needs of the student and the requests of the classroom teacher.

Mentoring: The Supplemental Services staff offers mentoring to students who have completed intervention (i.e., NILD or Resource). Accountability is the focus of mentoring relationships, and this service provides appropriate guidelines for long-term success for students.


Speech Therapy: Speech Therapy provides diagnosis and specific individual and group intervention for speech and language developments. Each therapy session is personalized to meet the need of the specific student. Regular assessment is made to determine the continued plan of therapy.

These services are available to students and parents at an additional cost.

Academic Policies


Students wishing to enter the Pre-1st program must be 5 years old by August 31 of their Pre-1st year. Students wishing to enter 1st grade at ICSB must be 6 years old by August 31 of their 1st grade year.

Part-Time Students at ICSB

In grades 1-5, all students must be enrolled full-time, except those students who are only taking the “extra” classes such as Music, Art, Hungarian, Library, Computer, and PE. Part-time students and their parents sign up for these special classes with the understanding that, given the flexible nature of elementary school, the daily schedule may change without notice, and that the classes they are coming on campus to take may not always be available on any given day. While we will make every effort to work through these situations when they arise, ICSB teachers are not responsible to notify parents of these last-minute schedule changes, and no tuition refunds will be given for missed classes due to changes in the daily schedule.

Tuition Payments for Part-Time The fee for these special classes will be calculated on a pro rata basis according to the number of classes taken relative to the number of class sessions that meet per week. Each part-time student will also be assessed an extra $250 administrative fee per semester.

Expectations for Part-Time Students & Families

1) Part-time students enrolled in various classes will be expected to comply fully with all ICSB rules, regulations, and classroom expectations, as all other students are, while they are in a particular class and while they are on campus (i.e., they must complete all homework and take all of the tests on the normal timetable specified by the teacher, they must obey all school rules such as dress code, behavior, specific classroom rules, etc., and they must abide by the rules in the Handbook for all students regarding number of absences, drop dates, make-up work, etc.)

2) Parents of students who are going to make use of the ICSB program / facilities in any way are expected to attend the “Back to School” Orientation at the beginning of the year, to be appropriately involved in school activities (commensurate with the number of classes taken at ICSB), and to provide consistent communication with the school (including reading all information sent home by the school, notifying the school of absences, etc.).

3) The administration will arrange with each student when they will be on & off campus. In the case of younger children, parents are expected to pick up and drop off children at the appropriate times.

Academic Expectations and Evaluation

Homework - Elementary students will generally have some homework assigned to be done during the week, though perhaps not every night. On limited occasions, homework may also be assigned on


the weekend. Most teachers allow time during class for students to work on their assignments, so the amount of work brought home should not be excessive. The following guidelines are:

Students in grades 1 – 2 should generally spend no more than 30 minutes each night on homework.

Students in grade 3 should generally spend no more than 45 minutes each night on homework.

Students in grades 4 – 5 should generally spend no more than 60 minutes each night on homework.

These times are based on how long it should take an average student to do homework. If students are consistently spending more time than recommended above, then parents are encouraged to talk with the teacher.

Students are required to keep up with their homework and be prepared for tests. The teachers will give prior notification for special projects and papers as early as possible.

Assessment criteria Performance in each course may be measured by attendance, attentiveness, behavior, discussion, participation, individual homework, written papers, quizzes, test results, etc.

Grades and Reporting of Grades

Grades 1-2 use the following grading scale in all areas:

O Outstanding Superior in mastery of subject matter

S+ Satisfactory (High) Above average in mastery

S Satisfactory Average in mastery of subject matter

S- Satisfactory (Low) Below average in mastery

P Progress Shown Modest improvement shown after receiving a U will result in a “P”; more significant improvement will result in an “S”.

U Unsatisfactory Has not mastered the most elementary concepts or skills

Grades 3-5 uses the same grading scale used in grades 6 – 8, which is shown below:

Grade Grade scale

A+ 98-100 A 93-97 A- 90-92 B+ 88-89 B 83-87 B- 80-82 C+ 78-79 C 73-77 C- 70-72 D+ 68-69 D 63-67 D- 60-62 F 59 or below I Incomplete


Report cards The academic year at ICSB is divided into four quarters, which generally are nine weeks in length. At the end of each quarter, a student’s academic achievement is reported to parents on report cards that are sent home to parents.

Teachers are expected to communicate with parents at other times during the academic year, if and when students are doing poorly and/or have numerous incomplete or missing assignments. Parents may contact teachers at any time during the school year to ask about the progress of their student(s).

Standardized Testing

The guidance counselor and the Elementary Principal coordinate the administration of the TerraNova 3 Test Series, which is administered annually. These tests are given to help measure achievement and to provide help in assessing student academic progress, potential, and/or problems. These tests generally involve students in grades 3 – 5. The test results are shared with parents when the results are received. Attendance Policies

Regular attendance and promptness are expected of all students. In particular, students are to demonstrate responsibility and dependability through their attendance. Both tardiness and attendance are recorded and compiled records of attendance are kept on file for reference.

Tardy Policy

Parents are strongly encouraged to see that students arrive on time to begin the school day. If a late arrival is unavoidable, elementary students should take a note from their parent to the teacher. An arrival at any time prior to 12 noon will be considered a tardy. Excessive tardiness will result in a parent meeting with the Principal.

Early Dismissal Policy

If an elementary student needs to leave school during the school day (e.g., for a doctor’s appointment), the student must bring a note from his or her parents explaining the reason for early dismissal. This note is to be given to the student’s teacher in advance or first thing in the morning of the day of the absence. At the designated time, the parent may go to the classroom to pick up the student, who then is to report to reception and sign out.

Absence Policy

Consistent class attendance is necessary if a student is to be successful in ICSB’s academic program. Therefore, a student will be allowed to be absent NO MORE THAN 10 days during the semester or 20 days during the school year. All absences will be counted in this total including those accumulated from tardiness.

After accumulating 15 absences, a letter will be generated from the school office reminding the parent that the student can miss no more than 20 days total.

If a student exceeds the allowed limit, the student and his or her parents will be asked to meet with the Elementary Principal to explain their circumstances. Correspondence from teachers, doctors, and/or parents may be presented at this time. The principal will determine at that point whether the student has done sufficient and satisfactory work to advance to the next grade level. Parents should send a note to the teacher explaining the circumstances any time a student is absent.


Make-up work. Because assignments are an important part of the learning process, students will be expected to make up all work missed during an absence. One class day of make-up time is given for every day a student is absent.

If a student has an extended absence due to illness, the parent may contact the teacher daily to find out what work is missed.

If the absence is known in advance, for such purposes as family travel, mission trips, doctor or dentist appointments, or legal needs (visas, permits, etc.), it is best if parents and/or students get their assignments from their teachers in advance. After the student returns to school, work should be turned in as soon as possible so that the student does not fall behind the class.

The primary responsibility for finding out what assignments were missed because of an absence lies with the student and parent, not with the teacher.

Early Departures and Withdrawals

Departure before the end of the school year - Students who must leave ICSB before the end of the school year, but who plan to return for the following school year, must have their parents write a letter of notification at least one (1) month prior to their departure from ICSB and/or come in to discuss requirements with the Elementary Principal. The parents should give the reason for the early departure and specify the last day the student will be in class. Specifics with receiving credit should be worked out with the school administration.

Families planning to leave Hungary at the end of the school year are encouraged to make their airline reservations in January or February because seats can be very limited in early summer. The school should not be asked to allow students to miss classes at the end of the year because of poor planning.

The end of the school year is a busy time for staff and students alike. Teachers may not always have time to prepare long-range assignments in advance or to write alternate tests for those who need to leave early. Therefore, grades for students departing early may be based on the work done up until the date of departure and grades will be given at the teacher and Elementary Principal’s discretion. Teachers will give students their required assignments and tests beforehand or via e-mail or fax. Students must complete all required assignments and exams in order to complete each class. Students must return all work to the school by the end of the 4th quarter.

Withdrawal from school - Students who wish to withdraw from ICSB and who do not intend to return to ICSB that year must fill out a “Withdrawal From School” Form and meet all conditions on the form before a student can be considered officially withdrawn. ICSB withholds all report cards, transcripts, and/or other records until all financial accounts have been settled (i.e. tuition, library fees, etc.).

Student Behavior

General Guidelines for Student Behavior

Certain guidelines and rules have been established at ICSB for the purpose of …

Creating an environment conducive to learning;

Protecting the safety of students, staff members, and visitors; and

Providing students with an opportunity to learn and to practice good manners.

In the school building students are expected to follow the rules and guidelines communicated to them. Students are to show respect, self-control, and Christ-like behavior at all times. This includes


the classroom and hallways as well as the playground, library, computer lab and lunchroom which may also have special guidelines.

All new students are on probation for the first semester. This way either the school or parent can withdraw if there are problems either academically or behaviorally.

At school and all school functions, students are expected to …

Be courteous and respectful to adults and other students at all times;

Obey faculty and staff members at all times, recognizing that they are under school authority when school is in session or when they are involved in any school function;

Address faculty and staff members as Mr., Mrs., or Miss.

Other Guidelines for Student Behavior

Closed Campus ICSB operates on a closed-campus basis.

All students must remain at school, on its grounds, or with their school group at all times, unless specifically authorized in writing by a teacher or administrator to leave. School activities may also take place on occasion at athletic fields, city parks, museums, public transportation, and out-of-town field trip sites.

Students must be with a teacher or administrator at all times during school activities.

Students are accountable for their behavior on the way to and from school and school activities and should maintain Christ-like standards of behavior.

Gum Gum is allowed on a limited basis on campus, but individual teachers may still prohibit gum in their classes.

Dress Code

The standards of dress for students at ICSB have been established to reflect biblical standards of modesty and sensitivity to others. In this regard, the aim is for students to present themselves in a way that demonstrates self-respect as one created in God’s image, that shows respect for the dignity and needs of others, and that brings honor to God.

Students are expected to …

Have standards of dress that reflect Christian modesty and good grooming;

Wear clothing and hairstyles that do not distract from the learning environment;

Dress in a manner appropriate to the place and/or event, particularly when specific expectations regarding dress are announced;

Wear clothing that is neat and clean; and

Have hair that is clean and well groomed.

Students in grades Pre-1st through 5th are asked NOT to . . .

Wear clothing that is dirty or torn;

Wear clothing or hairstyles that identify the wearer with specific antisocial or anti-Christian subcultures or philosophies;

Wear clothing displaying questionable or inappropriate slogans, symbols, or pictures; or

Display tattoos or piercings of the face or body (only ear piercings are allowed).


Students in the 4th and 5th grades are asked NOT to …

Wear tightly fitting clothing that reveals the outline of underclothing;

Wear shirts that leave skin uncovered at the waist;

Parents are asked to take responsibility for seeing that students are appropriately dressed. A student who fails to comply with the dress code will be asked to change his or her clothes and may be sent home if necessary to obtain other clothing.

Guidelines Regarding the Use of School Property

Students are asked to take care of the resources available at ICSB by …

Exercising care, neatness, and cleanliness in the use of ICSB facilities and equipment;

Reporting damages or needed repairs to a staff member. Fines may be charged to the person responsible for the damage;

Respecting the property of others by staying out of others’ desks, lockers, and personal belongings; and

Entering storage, mechanical, janitorial rooms, or the reception areas only with the permission of a staff member.

Athletic Equipment - Items are to be used only for their intended purposes. All damages or breakage must be reported to the school office immediately and charges will be assessed to the person responsible.

School Furniture - Desks should be kept clean and orderly. School furniture is not to be marked or defaced in any way. To prevent damage to chairs and/or injury of the students sitting in them, students are asked not to lean back on school chairs.

Textbooks - The school rents textbooks to students as part of their tuition. Students are responsible for keeping their books in good condition and for removing any marks before returning them. Students may be charged for replacement or damage costs in cases of loss, theft, or excessive wear.

TV/VCR/DVD - Audio-Visual equipment is only to be operated by a staff member or under the direct supervision of a staff member. Students are not to move the TV/VCR/DVD machine.

Guidelines Regarding the Use of Personal Property - ICSB does not assume any responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items brought to school by students.

iPods/iPads/Cell Phones/Handheld Devices - iPods/iPads/handheld devices are not to be used during school hours. Cell phones may be used before and after school only. While at school, the cell phone must be turned off. If a student is found using any of these devices during the day, the cell phone will be taken from the student, who may claim it at the end of the day. In order to minimize interruptions to class, parents who need to contact a student during the day should contact the school office and leave a message. Anytime students are viewing, listening too and/or sharing inappropriate content, the device will be confiscated and their parents will be contacted.


Bicycles. Bicycles should be locked up in the bicycle racks provided in the garage.

Cash. Students are asked not to bring large amounts of cash to school. Money and valuables should be kept with the student at all times. The school cannot be held responsible for money and valuable items brought to school.

Weapons. Devices known as weapons, in any culture, are not permitted at ICSB, except in cases where they are necessary for instruction by a teacher.


Our Philosophy

ICSB desires that its philosophy of discipline be based on biblical principles. In particular, the following understandings guide the process of classroom management and discipline at ICSB:

In its essence, discipline is closely related to discipling. Specifically, discipline is a process of loving, strengthening, protecting, training, and correcting a person with the goal of developing an individual who practices a self-disciplined lifestyle of obedience to God and sensitivity to the needs of others.

Discipline is based upon a relationship of love and concern. In the same way God disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:6), parents are to discipline their children and teachers are to discipline their students.

Though each person is born with the tendency toward sin, each individual is of value to God and each individual has the potential of being transformed by the Holy Spirit.

ICSB recognizes that God has given parents the primary responsibility for a child's growth and development. Nevertheless, parents have entrusted school staff members with the responsibility to assist in the process of shaping a young person into someone able to love and respect both God and neighbor.

Together with the parents, the staff of ICSB is committed to the process of developing positive character qualities in the students, including

Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control;

Submission to authority;

Respect for God, neighbor, and self;

Perseverance, diligence, and endurance;

Enthusiasm, discretion, creativity, generosity, and humility.

Likewise, together with parents, the staff of ICSB seeks to correct negative habits and attitudes, including

Dishonesty in its various forms;

Disrespect to authority; and


To accomplish this task it is important that communication between parents, staff, and students be given high priority. Ultimately the success in developing a self-disciplined child depends upon parents and staff who work together and who carefully model and teach submission to authority.


Disciplinary Process

Each classroom teacher will establish his or her own classroom management system based upon the philosophy stated earlier. Specific classroom expectations and the consequences for violating these expectations will be explained at the beginning of the school year. Reminders will be given periodically as needed to encourage appropriate behavior.

If the behavior expectations outlined earlier in this Handbook or a teacher’s classroom expectations are not followed and obeyed, a teacher is expected to follow through and apply the consequences. These consequences may include, but are not limited to, a warning, loss of student privileges (e.g., recess), and a call to parents.

When correction is necessary, students will be confronted with the expectation or value they have violated and encouraged to recognize and repent of their error. In addition, students will be counseled to seek forgiveness and reconciliation where necessary.

The teacher will confer with the parents on discipline matters whenever it seems wise to do so. The teacher and parents are encouraged to work together in resolving the problem. Ideally, all infractions will be dealt with when the offense occurs and with only the people directly involved. When it is necessary to go beyond individual teacher/student interaction, the matter will be referred to the Elementary Principal.

In the case of a flagrant violation or a pattern of continued misbehavior, the Elementary Principal will take immediate action, including possibly suspension or expulsion. The parents will be notified.

Steps to Appeal: If a parent has questions regarding an action taken by a teacher or administrator, that parent should first request a meeting with the teacher involved (Matthew 18 principle). If after meeting with the teacher, the issue is not resolved, the parent should request a meeting with the teacher and the Elementary Principal to further work through the issue.

Cheating and Plagiarism

By dictionary definition, plagiarism is the “unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” When completing written assignments or writing research papers, students should cite all quotes appropriately. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.

Consequences for cheating/plagiarism for elementary students will be as follows:

Student must redo the entire assignment and the grade will not be affected. If they do not redo the assignment, they will receive a “0” on it. Cheating on homework or tests consists of directly copying answers from another person’s assignment or exam. In contrast to cheating, peer tutoring is working together toward a solution where all students involved have major input. Some teachers allow peer tutoring while others do not; please check with teachers to see if it is permissible on specific assignments.

Cheating on tests or exams will result in a zero.

Parents will be notified when incidents of cheating or plagiarism occur.

General Information


Chapel is an important part of our school program, setting the tone of the school and providing an opportunity for the school community to focus on the Lord and worship Him together. Chapels are held weekly for grades Pre-1st – 2 and grades 3-5. Special weeks during the year include Spiritual Emphasis Week, and special holiday chapels. Each classroom teacher is responsible for some chapel


services in the year. Students may or may not be asked to participate. Chapel attendance is required and participation is expected.

Child Protection Policy

ICSB values human life regardless of age, gender, or race. Desiring to reflect Christian philosophy and belief, ICSB expects every individual to be treated with dignity, respect, and care. The emotional and physical vulnerability of children under the care of ICSB should never be violated.

Normal, healthy human relationships between adults and students include expressions of proper care and affection. Adults working with children are encouraged to provide a warm, supportive, and nurturing environment. Supportive nurture is always to be guided by biblical standards of morality, ethics, and prudence. ICSB expects proper moral and ethical conduct toward all children.


If staff is available, students (or parents) are welcome to discuss their (or their child’s) personal/emotional needs with a school counselor/psychologist. Family counseling may also be available upon request.

ICSB considers warning signs of suicide to be extremely serious. At ICSB, we believe that God is the giver and sustainer of life. Therefore, each member of the ICSB community must be vigilant to immediately refer to the administration anyone who expresses any warning signs.

Field Trips

Teachers are encouraged to enrich the classroom experience of their students by taking advantage of the rich resources available in Budapest and in nearby areas. Taking appropriate field trips is one way of exploring Hungarian culture or expanding the learning opportunities of students in other content areas.

At the beginning of the year, parents will be asked to sign a general permission slip. However, prior to any specific field trip, information and another permission slip will be sent home. Parents are asked to sign the permission slip and return it as requested to the teacher before a student is allowed to go on a trip.

Students may be asked to pay all or part of trip expenses. In addition, parental assistance in providing transportation and/or supervising students is often necessary. Volunteers are welcome.

Emergency Drills

Appropriate safety information will be posted in each room. The teacher and/or supervisor will go over emergency procedures with his or her class.

Health Care

Parents need to make sure a student’s health record is updated annually. Immunization records need to be submitted as well.

Physical exams and immunizations

Hungarian law requires that students have an annual physical exam and that students are up-to-date on their immunizations. When a school doctor is available, this service will be provided at school.


Drugs, Medications, and Controlled Substances

Students who are taking medications (including prescription drugs, etc.) should always inform the Health Office, their Grade-Level Principal, and their classroom teacher regarding their medication schedule and dosage. No student should ever take medication apart from the knowledge and cooperation of the Health Office.

On occasion, Tylenol will be administered to students in accordance with written permission given on the student application. A record of all medications administered will be kept in the Health Office.

In some cases, medications prescribed by a doctor may come under the classification of a “controlled substance.” A “Controlled Substance” (C2) is any chemical substance or medication (including Ritalin, Adderall, and other prescription medicines) whose possession and use is regulated, either by the US or Hungarian government.

The following guidelines will govern the use of controlled substances for ICSB students:

The school, school staff (including the nurse, teachers, administrators, etc.) will not store or administer controlled substances.

Parents must make sure that the green “Health Form” is completely filled out (front and back) and/or updated at the beginning of the school year.

Whenever a student is taking a controlled substance (such as Ritalin, Adderall, etc.), the parents must inform the school in writing. This written declaration should be sent to the Health Office. The written declaration should include the student’s name, the name of the medication, the daily dosage amount, and the time of day when it should be taken.

Only 1 pill/tablet (or daily dose) should be brought to school each day. Ideally, the parent should bring the medication to the school each day and give it to the child. If that is not possible, the student should bring the medication himself and keep it in a secure container until it is time to take it.

Each day, the student should take the medication in the presence of a designated school staff member (Nurse, classroom teacher, etc.). This should be the same staff member each day.

A record log must be kept indicating that the staff member witnessed the student taking the medication each day. The assigned staff member (or the administrative office, or nurse’s office) will keep the log, and the staff member should sign it daily when witnessing the medicine being taken.

The above guidelines will help ensure the proper use of these medications, and will aid in protecting all of our students.

Parents should notify the school of any further health concerns for their child/children. In particular, the school needs to know if the student has any allergies, asthma, or history of seizures.

Insurance If you are interested in obtaining insurance for your student, please check with our Hungarian Affairs representative.

Lost and Found

Students should label all personal items. The school is not responsible for students’ belongings. Any valuables found will be kept in the school office; other items will be placed in a lost and found box. Lost and found items not claimed by designated times may be sold or given away to charity at the end of each semester.


Lunch Program

Currently, ICSB does not provide a daily hot lunch program. Students should bring sack lunches. If a student desires a daily hot lunch, arrangements can be made (at an additional cost to parents) to provide one for the student, as required by Hungarian law. This hot lunch may be purchased from a Hungarian food company.

Physical Education & Recess

Students are required to participate in all physical education classes and recess. Often these classes are held outside, even in the winter time, so students should bring appropriate clothing. Students who are recovering from an illness may be excused from PE/recess for a short time, but they must bring a note from their parents. Students must wear tennis shoes for P.E.

Student ID Cards

All ICSB students are issued student ID cards. Students will need their ID cards when traveling on public transportation and/or attending field trips. ID cards may also entitle students to certain discounts throughout Europe.


All visitors to the school must sign in at the reception area.

Prospective students are encouraged to visit ICSB and attend classes,

Visiting friends, relatives, or former students may visit at times when it is convenient with all teachers.

However, in order to minimize the interruption to the daily schedule and academic program, student visitors may come to our campus ONLY with the approval of the administration and the classroom teacher(s). Arrangements should be made with the Elementary Principal at least two (2) days in advance.

Parent Communication and Involvement

Classroom Questions, Concerns, and Issues

Parents are encouraged to contact teachers at any time if they have questions about their student’s behavior, academic progress, or other things happening in the classroom. To do so, please call the school office or contact the teacher directly to arrange a suitable time for a meeting. Please do not try to meet with a teacher in between classes or “catch” them in the hallway. If a parent has a concern with a teacher about what is happening within the classroom, the parent should first meet with the teacher and discuss their concerns. Often, this may take more than one meeting with a teacher. If the issues are not resolved, then the parent should contact the Elementary Principal.

Parent-Student Orientation

A “Back to School” Orientation session is held before the start of school each year. A parent is required to attend this meeting.

The Messenger The Messenger is a weekly bulletin of school and community information, which is sent home via email on Friday. If you do not receive it, call the school office. The Messenger is one of


the main ways that the school communicates with families; parents should read it each week. Notices of upcoming events or ministry-related items may be included as space allows. All announcements need to be submitted in writing to the school office by noon on Thursday. Personal advertisements listing items to sell can be listed in the Trader.

Weekly Parent Letter Teachers will send home a weekly notice communicating important information such as spelling words, Bible verses, tests and projects for that week.

School Calendar Check the ICSB website, for current calendar information.

Parent Volunteers Parents are encouraged to get involved in the school program and may sign up at the Elementary Open House in September. Possible areas of involvement include:

Being available as a substitute teacher;

Serving as a room mother/father;

Helping with special events;

Working as an aide in the library, for a teacher, or in the office;

Sharing your talents, skills, and expertise as a guest presenter or reader in the classroom;

Using your skills and expertise in the area of building maintenance.

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