parasites in pet reptiles

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Parasites in pet reptiles by Heigo Hausenberg

2. Article information Authors: Rataj, A. V.,Lindtner-Knific, R., Vlahovi, K.,Mavri, U.,Dov, A. Published: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2011, 53:33 3. Outline

  • Introduction Aim Materials Methods Results Conclusions

4. Introduction

  • About 90% ofof wild-caught reptiles die in the first year of captivity 5. For many species, the basic requirements for nutrition and housing are unknown 6. Stressful life, concentration of animals and the presence of different species in a small living space actuate development, multiplication and spreading of parasites.

7. Introdution

    • Reptiles can carry: 8. viruses 9. bacteria 10. yeast 11. funguses 12. ticks 13. mites

14. Aim The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of parasites in populations of reptiles, intended to be pet animalsin close contact with people. 15. Materials Reptiles imported into Slovenia from 2000 to 2005, specimens of native species taken from the wild and captive bred species were investigated. A total of 949 reptiles (55 snakes, 331 lizards and 563 turtles), belonging to 68 different species, were examined for the presence of endo and ectoparasites. 16. Methods

  • Anamnestic data 17. External examination 18. Necropsy 19. Examination ofblood, faeces and different swabs 20. Systematic examination of the digestive tract

21. Results

  • The results showed that 47,3% of snakes were infected by endoparasites. 22. Eighteen different species of endoparasites in 252 (76.1%) of 331 examined lizards were determined. 23. 498 (88.5%) of 563 examined turtles were determined postive for endoparasite infection.

24. Conclusions

  • Exotic reptile species originating directly from the wild can be carriers of many different parasites, some of which can infect humans. 25. A large number of reptiles have been in contact with parasites, thus all reptiles have to be examined and tested prior to introducing them to our homes.

26. Thank you for your attention

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