paranormal activity 4 trailer

Post on 01-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Paranormal Activity 4

Samantha Ratcliff

Begins with clips from previous movies to help existing audiences know what the trailer is. Also helps to catch new audience members up on previous events which have led up to this point.

This begins to set the scene, informing us on the time period this is set in. This helps us to relate to the trailer as the date is relatively recent. The writing is the same font as previous text in the other movies, creating some continuity. The black background could help connote the genre of the movie (horror) and the white may symbolise the innocent people effected.

This is not only a clip from a previous movie but helps to enforce the genre of the movie for new audience members. The quality of the filming shows the documentary theme which continues throughout. The dark colours could represent the character’s soul. Also the fact that this clip shocks the audience could show the audience the kind of fear which can be expected in the next film.

Ensuring that the new audience members know what has been happening, so they can concentrate on this movie without worrying about audience members getting confused.

A bit like someone is changing a tape, maybe to represent a new chapter? All the colours could symbolise the disruption caused in the movie and the people’s new mind set who have been effected by this.

Now talking in present text, this not only tells the audience when they can expect the movie which helps get the excited about the movie but also helps enforce the idea that the movie is real.

Introducing the audience to the new character which also raises enigma of.. ‘who is she?’, ‘does she have anything to do with previous characters?’. This character also looks extremely innocent with her light her which may be there to connote her vulnerability. The bright lights and colourful bedroom could also help to enforce this.

Setting the scene. Also using the same flicking through effect as other previous movies, again creating continuity within the trailer. Also shows how normal this family are.

Showing the characters in their day to day lives which helps the audience relate to the characters so they become attached, also helps to show this could happen to anyone. The date is still in the bottom corner which helps keep the documentary feel going, to help the audience members follow the story line and the time period.

Leaving it on a cliff, allowing the clips to now speak for themselves. This also helps to hint that this movie does have some relation to the other ones, hooking the audience’s attention.

Helps with the webcam feel again to help with the documentary feel. This also helps to show the different types of technology the movie is now using, helping to show that the world has gone on.

First sight of whatever it is coming to get the family, makes people question the whole story as this looks like a normal person. This can help to scare people even more as it enforces that anyone could be effected by this and they wouldn't know until it was to late.

Disruption within the trailer, this could connote the characters life as it is now all over the place, this could also represent her thoughts as she is confused and has no idea what is about to happen. This also helps to enforce the realism that the producers are trying to create.

Dark figure coming up behind her. The colours in this frame could represent the two characters souls. You have the innocent girl with the blonde her in the foreground and then the evil thing behind her who is responsible for the disruption.

Again for this clip they have used the same font and editing as previous films, again creating a sense on continuity for current audience members. The editing also hints at the documentary feel to the trailer.

Two characters from the other movies who went missing at the end of the previous movie, this helps to raise enigma of what has happened to them and are they going to be in this film? Will we finally get an answer?

This lets the audience know when they can expect the movie to come out. This also helps them to get excited about the movie. Then in the bottom corner you can see the institution which tells the audience that the movie has a big budget and is likely to be a good movie. The relevants of the month in which it is realised could be that it is the same month as Halloween, this hints at the genre.

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