
Post on 01-Nov-2014






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A utopia created by 7th and 8th graders at

Prospect Sierra School

Pannaganskia Pannaganskia, or Panna, is a bountiful country full of nature, innovation, and warm communities. It is about the size of Egypt, and has a population of 41,585,621. With 10 provinces, Panna is a beautiful, warm, tropical island

There is no official religion, and people are free to practice any faith they choose

The official language is Latin, but English is also widely spoken

The flag

Government of Pannaganskia

Pannaganskia is a democratic nation with an economy that consists of a mix of Communism and Capitalism

Pannaganskia is run by a president, with a cabinet of close advisors which he appoints

There are 11 departments of Panna that govern a specific aspect of the country. These departments are: Food, Fuel, Healthcare, Education, Commerce, Foreign Relations, Environmental Protection, Public Transportation, Infrastructure, Law Enforcement/Public Safety, and Military/National Defense

Elections of Pannaganskia Each province elects two people for each department, the

president also appoints one member to each department

Every four years, the president has to run for re-election, although there is no limit on terms

Every four years, all of the departments come together in a Congress. During this Congress, the members elect the government officials who are not part of the president’s cabinet. Such officials include the treasurer, the judges on the Supreme Court, and the Secretary of State

To be president, a person must have worked in the public sector for at least five years and be at least 30 years of age

To be a representative of one’s province in a department, a person must be at least 26 years of age and have worked in the public sector for at least two years

To vote in any election, a person must be at least 17 years old and be a citizen of Pannaganskia. Children born in Pannaganskia are automatially citizens

Economy of Pannaganskia

Citizens of Pannaganskia get a choice to work in the public sector or in the private sector. If they choose to work in the public sector, the government must accept them and they get paid a fixed salary that everybody who works in the public sector gets

The official currency of Pannaganskia is the zamula, although dollars are usually accepted as payment

If a person chooses to work in the private sector, they can get paid as much money as they earn. The minimum wage is 11 zamula. The minimum working age is 16

The Judiciary System

There is a relatively simple judiciary system in Pannaganskia. It consists of a supreme court, elected by the Congress, and provincial courts elected by the people of each Congress

The Supreme Court decides matters relating to national importance, while the provincial courts decide local matters. A case may be taken to the Supreme Court if it is highly contended in a provincial court and will affect more than one province

National Defense/Military

Pannaganskia’s military is entirely composed of robotic soldiers, drones, and other technological weapons. There are no humans in the military.

The department of the military makes the decisions relating to the national defense. The military gets approximately 15% of the national budget.

Overall, Pannaganskia is a peaceful nation and strives to maintain friendly relations with all countries

Environmental Protection All businesses in the public sector are

required to use environmentally safe products and at least 50% of their energy must be renewable

Businesses in the private sector are encouraged to follow the same environmental guidelines as the public sector, but they are not required to. However, they are required to make sure that at least 25% of their energy is renewable

The Environmental Protection Department gets approximately 10% of the budget and works on developing technology that is environmentally friendly

Both the public and the private sector produce lpanels and the like

Public Transportation

Public transportation is very cheap, but not free as it only gets 10% of the budget

The public transportation is used a lot because it goes all over the island

The private sector also provides some transportation so it is competing with the government’s transportation system

Health Care and Education

Free health care is provided by the government; the healthcare system gets 10% of the budget

Free education is provided K-12, although there are also private schools; education system also gets about 10% of the budget

There are 28 public colleges and several specialized private colleges

Foreign Relations and Trade

The Foreign Relations department gets 5% of the budget. Pannaganskia strives to maintain peaceful relations with the rest of the world

Their main exports are sugar cane, tropical fruits, and grains

The main imports are oil and other fossil fuels

Taxes and Utilities

There is a higher tax rate for people who do not work for the government

There is an income tax but no property tax

The government provides electricity, water, sanitation, and sewage, although it is not free. There are no privately-owned utility companies


The government imports oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels from other countries

The government sells the fuel to the people at a cheap price

The Fuel department gets approximately 15% of the budget, and is in charge of buying fuel, and distributing it to the people

Infrastructure and Communications

The Infrastructure department gets 10% of the budget and builds and maintains the roads, dams, bridges, and sources of alternative energy

There can be both government-owned and privately-owned television channels and networks

The government controls telephone and cellular phone plans and sets a fixed price

Clothing and Natural Resources

There are both government-owned and privately-owned clothing companies and stores, the people are free to choose where they wish to buy their clothes. Higher-end clothing shops are usually privately-owned

Pannaganskia is abundant in natural resources, with plenty of fresh water, tropical fruits, and many kinds of minerals

Housing and Food

There are building companies that are private and also public. People can buy houses built by the government or by a private company

There are government restaurants and private restaurants. People can eat whatever they want

The government tries to make food as cheap as possible by buying food from other countries and then selling it at a cheaper price to the people. The Food department gets 10% of the budget

Recreation and Entertainment People may watch whatever

they like. Sometimes they are organized entertainments by the government, such as festivals, parades, or sporting tournaments. Such events can also be privately organized

Government-owned entertainment is sometimes censored, but privately-owned entertainment is never censored by the government. Government newspapers are also sometimes censored, but never private newspapers or magazines

Tourism is also an important aspect of the economy, and is a coveted vacation spot

Law Enforcement and Public Safety

The Law Enforcement/Public Safety department gets 5% of the budget. This includes police, firefighters, and anybody else that provides for the public safety

The police and firefighters are all human, as opposed to the robotic army

Works Consulted In service with the US Army since the late-1980s, this particular UAV

entered the history books during the 1991 Gulf War when several Iraqi troops became the first to surrender to an unmanned aerial vehicle. Photograph Flickr. Leezpics, 11 Sep. 2011. Web. 1 Jan. 2012. <>.

Newspaper stands. Photograph. Flickr. 30 Dec. 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2012.

Soccer games-152. Photograph. Flickr. V1rotate, 31 may 2009. Web. 1/13/2012. <>.

Solar Panels. Photograph. Flickr. Fishersx4, 9 jul 2008. Web. 12 jan 2012. <> 

Stacking books until… Alexandre Dulaunoy. Photograph. Flickr. 24 Oct 2009. Web. 13 Jan 2012. <>. Hayes, Rachel. Tropical meal. Photo Flickr Creative Commons. 12 May. 2009. Web. 13 January 2012.

Works Consulted

Ambunti on the Sepik. Photograph Flickr Creative Commons. 13 May. 2008. Web. 12 Jan. 2012.>.

Bus. Photograph. Flickr. Jaba. Web. 12 Jan. 2012

Crude Oil. Photograph. Flickr. 9 Oct. 2012. Web. 13 Jan. 2012.

Government. Photograph. Flickr. 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Jan. 2012. <>. Chen, Michael. Overhead electrical cables, Osaka, Japan. Photo Flickr Creative Commons. 13 Feb. 2005. Web. 13 January 2012. <>.

Field, Jon. Old Greek Money 1. Photo Wikimedia Commons. 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 13 January 2012. <>.

Gavel-in-hand. Photo Flickr Creative Commons., 5 Sep. 2009. Web. 13 January 2012.

Talking Policemen. Photo WikiMedia Commons. 13 January, 2008. Web. 13 January 2012. <>.

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