panda distribution leaflet distribution services panda distribution is a trading division of the...

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Panda Distribution

Leaflet Distribution Services

Panda Distribution is a trading division of The Bamboo Group Ltd

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Company History

The Bamboo Group Ltd is a fast growing, progressive and local marketing services company. It is relatively new limited company, however it acquired Panda Distribution and incorporated their services as a trading division of the business last year, gaining over 9 years of management & staff experience in the local marketplace

Panda Distribution is currently expanding its distribution & print services throughout Greater Manchester & North Cheshire providing honest, reliable leaflet distribution.

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Customer Information

Panda Distribution offers a quality service for businesses wanting to promote themselves cheaply and effectively. Unlike other methods of marketing, flyers allow far better targeting with less cost than other advertising, with no minimum quantity !!!

Delivery is carried out by reliable, mature & supervised adults, not children and is never subcontracted to other companies.

Flyers are never delivered hidden in newspapers nor are competitive leaflets delivered together, moreover with most shared delivery one of our own flyers is usually distributed.

The following information is part of our commitment to customers, aiming to explain both what we can & can’t do to ensure that we both meet & hopefully exceed your expectations.

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Door 2 Door Marketplace

Leaflet Distribution, unaddressed mail delivery, flyering, door to door, letterbox or circular distribution .. Whatever you prefer as a title is one of the most successful channels to market, either on it’s own or in complementing other activities.

Its popularity is growing across the whole marketplace from micro businesses launching & looking for intial awareness on a budget to major multinationals taking advantage of cost effective mass marketing

The following charts provide an indication of why leaflet distribution works so well, courtesy of their respective surveys & data owners.

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Does it work?

Distribution clearly works on a variety of levels but principally it generates high ‘doormat impact’ … instantly the target opens the door or looks down to collect their post your message is directly in their vision .. Allowing an opportunity to ‘hook them’ into reading further through good copy, relevant & appealing pictures and most of all a strong headline & strong benefit statements.

More leaflets are scanned than direct mail pieces costing 20 times as much and 50% more flyers are retained than letters providing real value for money, incentivising more prospect contacts & better ROI [return on investment]

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Designing Flyers

Bearing in mind that the prospect will scan leaflets in approx. 6-9 seconds, it is very important to capture their interest & encourage them to read futher.

A strong headline & clear benefit statements will go a long way as will a relevant picture if you’re printing in full colour.

Using ‘Hot Word’ & Incentives such as free gifts or discounts will also help.

The purpose of a leaflet is to encourage contact, not to make a sale so ‘less is more’ and don’t forget to include a ‘call to action’

A separate presentation of designing effective leaflets is available, free of charge, on request.

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution


Delivery Schedules are planned a minimum of 2 weeks before distribution, please bear this in mind when considering an order

If the distribution is to be shared then sufficient time before scheduling must be allowed for us to identify a partner leaflet

Distribution is usually carried out over a 2 week period, with upto 5k per postcode per week

Since it is outdoor work, deliveries can be affected by adverse weather, especially icy, snowy conditions but also prolonged heavy rain & very hot weather will slow deliveries

More urgent / rigid timescales & day specific distributions will be subject to extra charge

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Distribution Process

Once flyers have been received, they are checked in, bundled into batches of 250 & prepared for dispatch to deliverers & teams

Each deliverer is provided with map showing each of the roads in the area to be delivered and any specific instructions for the delivery

As the deliverers work, they mark off the streets delivered, providing an accurate record of the distribution as it is carried out

Deliveries are only carried out between 7am & 9pm to avoid disturbing recipients

Once distribution is completed, the maps are returned for backchecking, any surplus flyers returned to stock & the process repeats

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Back Checking

Perhaps the greatest concern that you as customer may have is how we ensure that your material is actually delivered. This is done by;

•Firstly monitoring numbers of leaflets sent out & returned & cross referencing them with each other & the households in each map

•Visual checks on which roads marked off

•Monitored response on leaflets included in shared distributions

•Monitored letterboxes within the target area

•Doorstep Checks

•Telemarketing & Phone Back Checks

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Solus Distribution

Your flyer delivered on its own

Shared Distribution

Delivered with 1 or 2 otherNon Competitive Leaflets

Person to Person

Flyers handed direct toTargeted individuals

Specific Areas

You define the areas & weorganise a share for them

Flexible Areas

We provide list ofdistributions planned & you choose which areas

to share with

Different Types of Distribution

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Solus Distribution


• Most Flexible

• Ultra Specific targeting

• Guaranteed Distribution Schedules

• Shorter Response times

• Most detailed reporting


•Higher Cost than shared distribution•Subject to available staffing

Cost Range

Usually between £55 -£80 /000 households by type of property & complexity of distribution

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Shared DistributionBenefits

• Best Value

• Fastest delivery with existing Distributions

• No Competitive flyers

• Advanced Distribution Schedules


• Potentially longer to schedule than solus

• Subject to an suitable leaflet share

• Scheduling dependant on other clients

• Less detailed reporting

Cost Range

• Usually between £25-£32 dependant on volume,

flexibility & type of property

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Person to PersonDistribution


• Visual Targeting ie Age, Sex, Dress

• Allows for Interaction with prospects

• Can support other PR activities

• Location Specific targeting

• Guaranteed Times of Distribution

• Ideal for conferences & exhibitions

• Access to Bamboo Group’s Promo Staff


•Cost dependant on staffing rather than volume of leaflets distributed

•Legislation in effect across major areas of the city – details on request

•Subject to available staff

Cost Range

Usually between £55-£95 per person dependant time & interactive requirements

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Things to Consider

This presentation cannot cover all eventualities so we would always encourage our clients to discuss either face to face or over the phone to ensure expectations can be realised

•Make sure copy has been carefully proof read, that phone numbers are present & accurate

•Ensure that we are aware of any different businesses advertised on ‘shared distributions’

•The material is within our criteria; between A6 & A4, single sheet & less than 10g weight.

•Material complies with the CAP guidelines

•Meets with all our standard t & c’s

•If you have any queries, just ask!!

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

FAQ’s [1]

Q How do I target the distribution?A Ask one of our experienced account

handlers who will advise you, free!!Q Why use Panda?A We, uniquely, use a bespoke mapping

system, with a copy given to each distributor every time they have a delivery & they mark off where they have completed. This provides an accurate record of distribution every time

Q Will children deliver my leaflets?A No, we only employ adult deliverers & do

not subcontract any work out.Q Why not use the newspapers?A Although great for distributing the whole of

an area in one go; there are “challenges”. Firstly your material is hidden inside with a quantity of other leaflets & has competition with other advertisers, making the prospect more price sensitive, secondly the targeting is restricted to postcode sectors, usually chunks of an area from 4 – 7,000 households and finally all the distribution occurs within 36 hours, concentrating the response & making it more difficult to service each enquiry promptly.

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

FAQ’s [2]

Q Why not use the Post Office?A If you wish to deliver to very rural areas,

do!! In some circumstances they are the best, even the only effective option, however they will again only deliver to postcode sectors, have a significant lead time & minimum order value as well as substantially higher rates for distribution with onerous packaging requirements.

Q Do you deliver my competitor’s flyers?A Possibly, but unlike advertising or the

newspapers, we guarantee never to deliver competitive material together & will advise if we have recently carried out a distribution in the area requested.

Q Is there flexibility on price?A Maybe a little, so long as the client can

work with us eg more notice, flexible timescales, payment up front, introducing an additional customer to share etc. That said, flyer delivery entails substantial labour as the major cost & clearly we can’t reduce peoples’ wages when they do more work!!

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution


You’ve got this far so if you’d like to place an order then the process would be;

•Firstly identify who you are wishing to target, where they might live & how much you would like to have delivered & by which method

•Contact us for any profiling you might require & to put a provisional booking into the distribution schedules. This is particularly important if there are deadlines involved.

•Pre-Payment is usually required for the 1st three distributions. For larger or ‘rolling contracts’, stage payments can be arranged.

•Placing of an order accepts our standard t&cs

•Failure to deliver on time or in conflict with our terms may incur extra costs

Copyright 2009 The Bamboo Group Ltd t/a Panda Distribution

Thank You for your interest !

If there is anything else we can help with, a query, concern or just some advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us, at your convenience

Office 0161 636 7570 Mobile 07811 565576 Unit 11 Windrush Millennium Centre 70 Alexandra Road Manchester M16 7WD

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