padjadjaran university

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Brief History Universitas Padjadjaran was established

based on the initiative of prominent society members of the West Java who eager to have an higher education institution at which young generation of West Java can be prepared for serving as future leaders.

After a thoroughful processes, on the 11th of September 1957, Universitas Padjadjaran was established through the Government Regulation No. 37 dated on 24 September 1957 and officially opened by the President Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957..

General Profile At the time of its establishment, Universitas

Padjadjaran had only four faculties, but now it has developed to have 15 faculties offering 9 Doctoral Study Programmes, 12 Masteral Study Programmes, 43 Undergraduate Studies Programmes, 4 Profession Studies Programs, 26 Specialist Studies Programs, 29 Diploma Programs.

Total Number of Registered Students for academic year 2007/2008 was 44,893 students.

Number of Full-time lecturer as of 2007/2008 : 1,974 distributed by their formal education level achieved: Undergraduate (691); Specialist (12); Master (924) and Doctor (347).

Number of Administrative Staffs with various education level: 1,240

Faculties and Study Programmes Faculty: Law, Economics, Medicine,

Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Dentistry, Social and Political Sciences, Arts, Psychology, Animal Husbandry, Communication Sciences, Nursing Sciences, Fishery and Marine Science, Agriculture Industrial Technology, and Pharmacy.

Study Programs: Doctoral Programs: Economics and Applied

Economics, Agriculture, and Chemistry. Masteral Programs: Economics and Applied

Economics, Chemisty, Agriculture, Public Health, and Environmental Sciences

Specific Field of Interests Economics and Applied Economics: - Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (Master) - Economics of Development and Planning (Master and Doctoral) Master of Environmental Sciences: - Environmental Policy - Environmental Business Administration - Industrial Ecology - Management of Natural Resources Master Program of Agricultural Economics - Agriculture Development - Resource Management and Water Ecology

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